Sunspots and Solar Wind
Inverse Square Law
energy decreases with an increase in distance from the source.
Solar maximum
period of greatest solar activity in a 11 year cycle
Solar Minimum
period of very little solar activity in a 11 year cycle
A relatively darker, cooler area on the Sun's surface that emits charged particles.
Solar Wind
A stream of electrically charged particles that flow outward from the Sun's corona.
Solar Flare
A sudden brightness near a sunspot; explosion of gas from the Sun's surface
Auroras often appear several days ____ solar storms erupted on the Sun's surface.
Space Weather
Conditions on the Sun that ultimately affect Earth and its atmosphere
The Sun's gravity creates tremendous pressure that causes Hydrogen atoms to collide and make a new element - Helium. This chemical reaction gives off energy...a lot of energy (heat).
How nuclear fusion is used by the Sun
11 years
How often does sun activity seem to occur?
Solar wind trying to penetrate the Earth's magnetic field. Seen as bright colors in the sky.
The Sun's equator
Which rotates faster: the suns equator or the sun's poles?
Nuclear Fusion
when two nuclei join to form a larger nuclei and give off energy.