SYG 1000 Midterm

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The analysis of documents such as medical records, diaries, etc, uses which of the following types of data?

Existing sources

Groups we use standards to evaluate ourselves are called? Pg. 133

reference group

Why is it hard to recognize the values and beliefs of your culture are learned rather than innate? Pg. 78 bottom & 79

Because you learn them slowly over time

How does an individual come to possess and achieve status? Pg. 117


Aparthied is a specific example of what system of social stratification? Pg. 185-186

Caste system

What do socoloigoists claim is the most significant component of culture?


Which of the following is not a subculture? Pg. 86

THE KKK, they are a counter culture

What is the sociological imagination? Pg. 13

A quality of the mind that allows us to understand the relationship between our individual circumstances and larger social forces.

According to Durkheim, this interdependence gives rise to what? Pg. 22

Organic solidarity

Appearance, manner, style of dress, race, gender, and age are all elements of what? Pg. 108

An individuals personal front

Traditionally, most of the sociological literature on deviance focuses on? Pg. 153


The social sciences are all those disciplines that study

The human and social world

How do sociologists observe society?

The way they interact and influence each other

What is a position in the social heiarchy called that comes with a set of expectations? Pg. 116


What do we call norm violations that are codefined by the law? Pg. 153 and 170


Although branding is no longer used as a form of punishment in the US some subcultures have adopted it as a form of body art. This demonstrates that... Pg. 155

Deviance changes over time

The idea that individuals can learn to be deviant by interacting with others that are already deviant is called? Pg. 158 & 159

Differential Association Theory

What concept is the tendency of using your own groups way of doing things as the yardstick for judging others? Pg. 78


Which methodology most closely resembles the scientific method? Pg. 58


Erving goffman... con game... impressions others have of them... what does goffman call this process?

Impression management

Symbolic interactionism argues that people act toward things on the basis of their meaning...according to this perspective how does meaning arise?

Interactions with others

Which of the following approaches best describe the approach taken by the macro sociologists Pg. 16-18

Large-scale social structures in order to determine how they affect the lives of groups and individuals- Assumes that society's larger structures shape those individual interactions.

In America, a married man who has several mistresses is violating a __________ but if he's married to more than one woman he is violating a ___________. Pg. 84 & 85

More, law

Several cases of children growing up in extreme isolation documented by kings lee davis suggests that... Pg. 103 & 104

Most mental capacity are learned through social interaction

A monetary fine, harsh words, and a raised fist are examples of what? Pg. 85

Negative sanction

A paradigm shift that is a break in the major assumptions...for social scientist what causes a paradigm shift? Pg. 45

Occur when new data force new ways of looking at the world-methods are what generate data.

Which of the following is not an example of something that would be apart of someones symbolic culture? Pg. 81-83

Political party

Which of the following is not a true a statement about primary groups? Pg. 127

Primary groups are groups which we are intimately associated with the other members, such as families and close friends. primary groups are typically involved in more face to face interaction, greater cooperation, and deeper feelings of belonging. members associate themselves with each other to solely spend time with them.

What did murten call a prediction that came true because the prediction was made Pg. 160 and 161

Self-fullfilling prophecy

What system of stratification is used in capitalist societies? Pg. 186

Social class

Sociologisits refer to the webs of direct and indirect ties connecting individuals to others who influence them as.. Pg. 128 & 129

Social network

How is the study of culture different for sociologists than anthropologists? Pg.77

Sociologsists study the culture they belong to, anthrologoists study other cultures.

The nature vs nurture debate helps us understand...? Pg. 101

That there is a complex relationship between nature and nurture, it is our social environment that determines whether we fall short of that potential, and we are subject to social influences from the moment we are born and only get stronger. *(How biology and environment both impact us)*

What criteria does a social class use to stratify its members? Pg. 186

Wealth, property, power, prestige

Which of the following would sociologists consider the best definition of deviance? Pg. 153

a behavior, trait, or belief that departs from a norm or generates a negative reaction in a particular group.

What is the scientific method or approach? Pg. 43

a procedure for acquiring knowledge that emphasizes collecting concrete data through observation and experiment and verifying empirical knowledge.

How is the term master status defined? Pg. 117

a status that is always relevant and affects all other statuses we possess.

What are the tastes, habits, and expectations called that children inheret or learn from their parents that help them achieve material success in life? Pg. 193-194

cultural capital

What do sociologists call awareness of our own and others class statuses? Pg. 194-195

everyday class consciousness

Why does the family have such a powerful impact as a agent of socialization? Pg. 111

family is the original group to where we belong. early social and emotional bonds are created, where language is learned, and where we first begin to internalize the norms and values of society.

What do sociologists call patterns of interaction between groups and individuals? Pg. 132

group dynamics

When writing questions for a survey, researchers must avoid all of the following except. Pg. 54

open ended questions

When individuals are members of groups they are influenced by other members of their group. What do sociologisirs call this? Pg. 138

peer pressure

Socialization refers to the...? Pg. 101-103

process of learning and internalizing the values, beliefs, and norms of our social group, by which we become functioning members of society.

What factors can lead to increase group cohesion? Pg. 137

rely heavily on interpersonal factors such as shares values and shared demographic traits like race, ethnicity, age, gender, or class. Also relies on an attraction to the group as a whole or members ability to achieve goals.

When a parent has to decide to be on time for what or help their children with their homework they are experiencing what? Pg. 117

role conflict

How does sociologists distinguish a group from a crowd? Pg. 127

sociologists refer a group to a collection of people who not only share some attribute but also identify with one another and have ongoing social relations-like a family, soccer team, sorority. a crowd such as the throngs of sightseers at a tourist attraction or people who gather to watch a fire would not be considered a group in sociological sense.

Which of the following is not one of the four predominant agents of socialization in contemporary society? Pg. 111

the four predominant agents of socialization are - the family -schools -peers -the mass media

The looking glass self explains...? Pg. 105 & 106

the self develops through our perception of others' evaluations and appraisals of us

The term "total institution" applies to which of the following? Pg. 116

total institutions are things such as : - cults -prisions -mental hospitals some cases, boarding schools, nursing homes, monasteries, and the military.

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