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Inner Cordon

*Dominate avenues of approach with direct fire.

3 Types of Assistance Levels

- Advising -Partnering - Augmentation

Support Goverance

- Focus on restoring public administration and resuming public service - long term efforts

Policing During Stability Operations

- Operations to maintain law and order safely - Provides "Civil Security" to the host nation population

PLT in the Defense Sequence of Action

- Prepare for combat - Move to defensive positions - Establish defensive positions - Locate the enemy - Initiate contact/actions on enemy contact - Fight the defense - Reorganize

All Recon Patrols must include..

- Recon Teams - Security Teams (R&S Teams)

Infrastructure Development

- Transportation such as roads, railways, airports, ports, waterways - Telecommunications - Energy - Municipal and other public services

Steps in making an Overlay

-Orient the overlay material -Plot and symbolize the detail -Add the required marginal information

What are the Governing Rules of DET Ops

-Protect detainees -Treat detainees humanely and show them respect. -Protect adequate hygiene facilities -Provide adequate food -Sufficient clothing for climate -Provide adequate medical care -Allow detainees the freedom to exercise religion -Protect detainee property

Use of Force in Stability Operations

-Violence not precisely applied is counterproductive -Speed, Surprise and shock are vital considerations in lethal actions -Perseverance, legitimacy and restraint are vital considerations in Stability Operations

4 Elements of a Cordon and Search

1. Command Element 2. Security Element 3. Search / Assault Element 4. Support / Reserve Element

5 Forms of maneuver

1. Envelopment 2. Turning Movement 3. Infiltration 4. Penetration 5. Frontal Attack

Primary Stability Tasks (5)

1. Establish Civil Security 2. Establish Civil Control 3. Restore Essential Services 4. Provide Support to Governance 5. Provide Support to Economic and Infrastructure Development

Dismounted Defense Leaders Checklist

1. Establish local security 2. Selected Building(s) to defend 3. Selected fighting positions 4. Prepared fighting positions 5. Reported threat observations 6. Engaged threat 7. Repositioned as required 8. Maintained combat capability 9. Terminated the engagement

Phases of a Cordon and Search Operation

1. Planning 2. Reconnaissance 3. Movement to the OBJ 4. Isolation / Contact with locals 5. Secure a foothold 6. Entry 7. Search 8. Withdrawal 9. Follow up

Characteristics of Defense

1. Preparation 2. Security 3. Disruption 4. Massing Effects 5. Flexibility

Purpose of Stability Operations

1. Provide a Secure Environment 2. Secure Land Area 3. Meet the Critical Needs of the Populace 4. Gain Support for the Host - Nation Government 5. Shape the Environment for interagency and Host - Nation Success

Purpose of the Offense

1. Secure decisive terrain 2. Defeat enemy forces 3. Destroy enemy forces 4. Disrupt/Destroy enemy 5. Deny enemy resources 6. Seize or secure key terrain 7. Gain information on the enemy 8. Deceive, divert, or fix the enemy. 9. Set the conditions for successful future operations.

Patrol Base Activities (Priorities of work)

1. Security 2. Withdrawal Plan 3. Communications 4. Mission Preparation and Planning 5. Weapons and Equipment Maintenance 6. Water Resupply 7. Mess Plan

4 Characteristics and types of Offense

1. Surprise 2. Concentration 3. Audacity 4. Tempo (SCAT)

Types of Searches

1. US-only search 2. Occupant assisted Search 3. Informant-assisted Search 4. Host Nation Search

Consolidation and Reorganization

2 separate actions that take place simultaneously After halting the enemy attack, prepare for next attack / mission.

How long can a detainee be held at the POC and the DCP?

24hrs, 72hrs, or when transportation is available

What is a Cordon

A Cordon is a type of isolation. Cordon is a tactical task given to a unit to prevent withdrawal from or reinforcement of a position. Cordon implies seizing or controlling key terrain and mounted and dismounted avenues of approach.

Defense of a Perimeter

A commander can employ the perimeter defense as an option when conducting an area or mobile defense.

Defense of linear Obstacles

A commander may conduct an area or mobile defense along or behind linear obstacles.

Reverse Slope Defense

A commander organizes a reverse slope defense on the portion of a terrain feature or slope wiht a topographical crest that masks the main defensive positions from enemy observation and direct fire.

Battle Handover

A designated point (phase line) on the ground where responsibility transitions from the stationary force to the moving force and vice versa. It is within direct fire range and observed indirect fire range of the stationary force.

When and what consists of a DD Form 2713

A detainees actions which do not form the basis for a disciplinary report. May be good or bad, about positive or negative behavior. Complete a DD Form 2713 if: You see something that can't be connected to an individual detainee

Frontal Attack

A form of maneuver where the attacking force seeks to destroy a weaker enemy force or fix a larger enemy force in place over a broad front.

Patrol Base occupation

A platoon will typically enter a patrol through making a 90 degree turn into the patrol base; and leave a two man OP at the turn. Squads will generally occupy a cigar shaped patrol base; platoon will occupy a triangle shaped patrol base PL & another designated leader adjust perimeter PL inspects squads and sectors Each SL sends a R&S team to PL PL issues R&S plan to teams

Primary fighting position

A position from which a soldier or unit crew


A type of operation that involves organized movement away from the enemy, moving friendly forces away from the enemy to gain time, preserve forces, place the enemy in unfavorable positions, or avoid combat under undesirable conditions.

Advantage/Disadvantage to Delay from Alt. Positions

Adv- Allows positioning in depth Dis- Requires continuous coordinating

How to enter the building

After establishing suppression and obstruction, leaders deploy their subordinates to secure the near side and then after gaining access, secure the far side. Gaining access to the inside of a building normally requires reducing protective obstacles. Units gain access by using either a top or bottom entry

Conducting Defense

Alert SLs and PSG report SITREP to Company Commander Withdraw OPs as Enemy Threatens Call for Fire at Maximum Range Initiate Long-range Direct Fires Priorities of Targets Engage APC's to for them to button upcontr ONCE ENEMY IS DETECTED Same procedures as daylight defense except Call for illumination with support fire

Special Purpose Attacks

Ambush Raid Spoiling Attack Feint Counterattack Demonstration

What is a DD Form 2713

An Observation Report

Engagement Area

An area where the commander intents to contain and destroy an enemy force with the massed effects of all weapons and supporting systems. EAs can be designed by either numbers or names.

Withdrawal Operations

An operation in which a force in contact disengages from enemy forces

Dead Space

Any area that cannot be observed or covered by direct-fire systems within the sector of fire. All dead space within the sector must be identified to allow the platoon leaders and squad leaders to plan indirect fires or to cover the area.

3 Types of Defense

Area Defense Mobile Defense Retrograde

Gap Crossing Organization

Assault Force Assured Mobility Force Bridgehead Force Breakout Force

Sectors of Fire

Assigned to cover possible enemy avenues of approach. Leaders should overlap sectors to provide the best use of overlapping fire and to cover areas that cannot be engaged by a single weapon system.

Spoiling Attack

Attempts to strike the enemy where and when he is most vulnerable.

Turning Movement

Avoid enemy principal defenses to seize objectives to enemy rear

Military Symbols Shape Colors

Blue - Friendly Red - Hostile Green - Neutral Yellow - Unknown

Methods to Recon Operations

Box Fan Converging Routes Successive Sector

At what level are command posts considered critical?

Brigade and Above


Catch or cut off a hostile force attempting to escape with the aim of destroying it.

Purpose of Defensive Operations

Cause an enemy attack to fail Gain time and control terrain Concentrate forces elsewhere Control essential terrain Wear down enemy forces as a prelude to offensive operations.

Fundamentals of a Delay

Centralized control Maximize use of terrain Force the enemy to deploy Use of obstacles Maintain contact Avoid decisive engagement coordination

What is the preferred method to mark locations during quartering party operations at night?


Civil Control

Civil police addressing crime and security within local population is clear indicator of success A functioning criminal justice system encompasses the following key institutions necessary for a functioning justice system

Secure a foothold

Clear systemically must have a marking system

What do MP provide critical site security for?

Command Post Convoys Ammo Supply Points Deep water points Railways Pipelines High risk personnel

Cordon and Search Methods

Cordon and Kick Cordon and Knock/Ask

Dismounted defense in an urban environment enables ___ and ___

Cover and Concealment

What are reasons to recommend a different AA?

Cover and concealment Drainage Routes in and out of area Defensibility Fields of fire CBRN


Covert movement of attacking force through enemy lines to occupy a position of advantage in the enemy rear


Create a HOLE in the enemy defenses.

3 forms of defense

Defense of a linear obstacle Defense of a perimeter Reverse Slope defense

Methods to a delay

Delay form alternate positions Delay from successive positions

3 Types of Retrograde Operations

Delayed Withdrawal Retirement


Designed to deceive the enemy as to the location or time of the decisive operation by a display of force and not through direct contact


Designed to divert enemy attention from the main effort Conducted brigade and lower levels


Destroy enemy while bypassing defenses

Types of Facilities

Detainee Holding Area (DHA) Detainee Collection Point (DCP) Theater Detention

Recon Operations defined

Directed effort to obtain detailed information of a specific route and all terrain.

What is a DD Form 2714

Disciplinary Report

What are the 4 different types of reports

Disciplinary reports Observation reports Sworn statements Evidence / property custody documents

Functions of Obstacles

Disrupt Turn Fix Block

Forms of defense

Distinct tactical combinations of unique doctrinal characteristics that differ primarily in the relationship between the maneuvering force, terrain, operational objectives, and the enemy.

Commanders specify the critical parameters of the delay

Duration Retain or deny terrain Nature of subsequent operations

A Delay Ends when

Enemy forces halt their attack Friendly forces transition to defense The delaying force completes its mission and passes through another force or breaks contact. The friendly force counterattacks and transitions to the offense.

What is Top Entry?

Entering at the top and fighting downward is the preferred method of gaining access to a building for a number of reasons.

What does Establishing Civil Control mean

Establishing Civil Control is a preliminary step toward instituting rule of law and stable government

What is the MP Detainee Operations Handbook?

FM 3-63

Mobile Defense

Focus on destruction of the enemy by permitting him to advance into a position that exposes him to counterattack and envelopment by a mobile reserve.

Area Defense

Focus on retention of terrain by absorbing enemies into an interlocked series of positions.

Search / Assault Element

Focused on gaining a foothold on the objective, clearing the objective and conducting a thorough search for the threat personnel, intelligence or contraband.

What is a Zone Recon?

Focused on larger areas in an effort to obtain detailed info concerning.. -All routes -Obstacles (including CBRN) -Terrain -Enemy forces


Follows a successful attack and is designed to disorganize the enemy in depth

Retirement Operations

Force moves out of contact with enemy.


Forward Line of Troops

What is the key to offensive operations in an urban environment?

Gaining a foothold

Air Base Defense

HN and US Army forces are primarily responsible for external defense of US air bases

Principles of DET Ops

Humane Treatment Care, custody, and control Accountability Segregation Minimum Force

Seize Positions of Advantage

If there are known or suspected enemy forces, but no noncombatants inside the building the plt may conduct "high intensity" room clearings

Response Force Operations

In Area Security MPs respond to friendly forces that are under attack;

Movement to Contact

In support of both Area security and Maneuver and Mobility Support MPs conduct patrols to ensure routes remain open

What does Restore Essential Services mean?

In the aftermath of an armed conflict and major disaster military forces support efforts to restore basic civil services such as food, water, shelter, medical services

Host Nation Police Capability & Capacity

Increased number of operations requiring civil security and control as operations primarily transition to stability

Cordon and Search Operations Overview

Isolating the target area and searching suspected buildings to capture or destroy possible insurgents and/or contraband Liberating Hostages Evacuate non-combatants Apprehend criminals/terrorists

Levels of Threat

Level I - Enemy controlled agents, enemy sympathizers, terrorists, demonstrators / rioters Level II - Guerilla Forces, unconventional type forces, small tactical units Level III - Conventional Forces Capable of projecting combat power rapidly into an area of operation

MP Support to River Corssings

MP Support river crossing operations by keeping routes open and directing movement of critical convoys.

Response Force Operations

MPs may be required to respond to downed aircraft or convoys under attack, setting up hasty defensive perimeters

Cordon and Search

MPs supplement and support infantry forces in searching towns or houses for enemy forces or equiptment.

Name 1 or more reorganization actions

Marking rooms

Principles of FIRE CONTROL

Mass effects of fire. Destroy the greatest threat first. Avoid target overkill. Employ the best weapon for the target. Minimize friendly exposure. Plan and implement fratricide avoidance measures. Plan for extreme limited visibility conditions. Plan for diminished capabilities.

Planning Considerations

Mission- Based on higher HQ concept of operation Enemy- Based on IPB. Strengths, weaknesses, intent, and potential courses of action. Terrain & Weather - Geography should hinder operational mobility for large enemy units and provide adv. For the operational defense. Troops & Support Available - Primarily capabilities of the force, teamwork, state of training, and leader experience. Time Available - Crucial in the defense. Set priorities to focus units on the most important task. Civil Considerations- International law and moral imperatives require army forces to consider the effects of operations on civilian populations.

Support / Reserve Element

Monitoring communications is KEY

What is Isolation in Urban Operations?

Most critical component of sharping operations

3 Phases of Deliberate Attack

Movement to OBJ Assaulting OBJ Consolidation and Reorganization

Types of Offensive Operations

Movement to contact Attacks (Deliberate) Exploitation (Raid) Pursuit

Deliberate Attack (3 phases)

Moving to OBJ Assaulting OBJ Consolidation and Reorganization

Command Element

Must remain mobile

Do conventional forces conduct special recons?


Planning Considerations

Observation posts and communication with observation posts Defense of the patrol base withdrawl plan continous security enforcement of light/noise/camo discipline conduct of required activities (light/noise)

Delayed Operations

Operation where a force under pressure trades space for time by slowing enemy momentum without becoming decisively engaged

Phases of Deliberate Gap Crossing

Phase I - Advance to the Gap Phase II - Assault across the Gap Phase III - Advance from the far side Phase IV - Secure the bridgehead line Phase V - Continue the attack

What is a Route Recon?

Platoon only conducts route recon over 1 route at a time. (Conducted at a Squad level)

Where does Detainee Operations begin?

Point of Capture (POC)

What does POC, DCP, DHA, and TDF stand for?

Point of Capture, Detainee Collection Point, Detainee Holding Area, Theatre Detention Facility

Civil Control key institutions necessary for a functioning justice system

Police personnel Investigations services Prosecutorial arms Public defense prisons

Tips for cordon and search ops

Position key leaders so that they can see and control all subordinate elements. keep bulk of force within the perimeter ensure all personnel understand the direct fire plan as well as any contingency plans

Soldiers serving in a Title 10 status serve under the command of who? What act limits their support to indirect support?

President of the United States

What is gap crossing?

Projecting combat power across a linear object.

Objectives of DET Ops

Provide Humane Treatment Evacuate promptly to a safe area. Provide opportunities for intelligence collection.

Observation Post

Provide early warning of enemy troops Mininum of 1 OP per PLT SL embplaces the soldiers at OP Min. of 2 Soldiers per OP Switch responsibilities every 20/30 min. Only withdraw on order or to avoid capture

What does Establishing Civil Security mean

Provide for the safety of the host nation and its population

What is the usual task organization for a quartering party?

Quartering Officer Designated Communication Representative CBRN Representative Necessary Security Personnel Medical Element


Ranger special Attack on enemy territory with narrowly defined purpose.

Planning Considerations for a DCP

Reduce Risk Escort Food Non lethal shotgun rounds Weapons inside the facility Abuse

Keys to success


What are the different types of Recon Operations (5)

Route Recon Zone Recon Area Recon Recon in Force (RIF) Special Recon

3 Core principles of DSCA

Save Lives Alleviate Suffering Protect Property

5 S's of Detainee Processing

Search Silence Segregate Safeguard Speed & Tag

What are the 4 types of DET Ops inspections?

Searches, head counts, roll calls, bed checks

Range Card Components

Sectors of fire. Target reference points. Dead Space. Maximum engagement line. Weapons or gunners reference point. Weapons symbol, left and right limits, and North seeking arrow.

Cordon and Knock / Ask

Seeks permission from occupant or local authorities

Principles of Cordon and Search

Speed Surprise Isolation Target Identification Timeliness Accountability Minimization and Mitigation of Collateral Damage Detailed Search-Sensitive Site Exploitation Legitimacy

Fundamentals of Gap Crossing

Surprise Extensive Preparation Flexible Planning Traffic Management Organization Speed

What is a DA Form 2823

Sworn Statement

What are the references for Recon Operations

TC 3-39.30 ATP 3-39.30

What is the Advisory Role?

Tactically and technically proficient trainers

What is a unit observing during an area recon?

Terrain Enemy activity

Hasty or deliberate attack

The basic difference between a hasty attack and a deliberate attack is the time available for planning and preparation.

Maximum Engagement Line

The depth of the sector and normally is limited to the maximum effective engagement range of the weapons systems.

Fundamentals of the Offense

The offensive is the decisive form of war - The commander's ultimate means of imposing his will upon the enemy.

Fighting Positions (should have)

The primary sector of fire to the oblique. The second sector of fire to the front Oblique fire insurances: Mutual support Interlocking fire between fighting positions.

What title status is the National Guard under?

Title 32

Conduct Reorganization Actions

To continue the mission The support element pushes replacement, ammo, and supplies forward to the assault element

Methods to Cordon and Search

Traffic control point blocking position

T/F Isolation applies across the full spectrum operations


Security Element

Two separate groups: the outer cordon and the inner cordon.

Conduct Consolidation Actions

Units must guard all avenues of approach leading into their area

Keys to Success

Use of host nation elements

Cordon and Kick

Used to maintain speed, surprise, and timeliness in entry to the target within the objective.

Types of Deliberate Gap Crossings

Wet, dry

Rearward Passage of Lines

When a unit passes through another unit's positions while moving away from the enemy.

Forward Passage of Lines

When a unit passes through another unit's positions while moving toward the enemy. Then they OWN the fight.

When can Federal Agencies respond to a State Emergency?

When requested by the Governor and then directed by the President

Counter Attack

Where commanders prepare to seize the opportunity to exploit success.

Where do MPs integrate in Railway Security?

With the crew

When and what consists of a DD Form 2714

Written about a violation of facility rules, regulations, or laws by a detainee.

Retrograde Operations

an organized movement to the rear or away from the enemy

Purpose of Patrol Base

avoid detection by eliminating movement hide a unit during a long detailed reconnaissance perform maintenance on weapons and equipment eat and rest reorganize after infiltrating an enemy area established to execute several consecutive or concurrent ops

Delay from Alternate positions

can be used when a force has a narrow sector or has been reinforced to allow positioning in depth. This is the preferred method of delay.

Range Card

is a sketch of the assigned sector that a direct fire weapon system is intended to cover. A range card aids in planning and controlling fires and aids the crews and squad gunners in acquiring targets during limited visibility. Update if NECESSARY

How many routes does a platoon recon conduct at once?


Define Stability Operations

pursue objectives that resolve the causes of instability

Base Defense

required to nullify or reduce the effectiveness of enemy attacks on, or sabotage of, a base to ensure the maximum capacity of its facilities are available to friendly forces

Critical Site / Asset Security

special security activities that prevent unauthorized access to installations/ facilities, equipment, material, and documents; in a tactical environment includes: protection of Command Posts, convoys, ASPs, deep-water ports, rail, pipelines, and high-risk personnel

Dismounted Defense in Urban Environment you need at a minimum..

to control KEY terrain

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