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The beginning of modern taxonomy occurred during the:


Theophrastos was considered the "Father of Botany" in the approximate year:

300 bc

Problems in using common names to universally identify living things include:

Names mean different things to different people. Foreign names may not be understood. Many names may exist for the same organism. There may be no common name for an organism.

Creation science is often criticized for not recognizing observations of variations amongst organisms. Explain how variations in living organisms do not contradict the biblical account of creation found in Genesis 1:21-25.

Genesis 1:21-25 says God created every living thing and saw that is was good. He told the creatures to be fruitful and increase in number. Genetic variation comes from mutations, gene flow, and reproduction. Therefore, God created the creatures with the ability to have genetic variation. This event allowed living things to be fruitful and increase with more success. Genesis also says let each creature produce each according to its kind. This scripture shows that God intended to create the rules we observe in the studies of genetics and taxonomy.

The correct form for writing binomial nomenclature is:

Genus species

A taxon ending in ophyta:


An elaborate set of rules for naming organisms, one set for plants, another for animals, decided upon by botanists or zoologists from different countries.

International Code of Nomenclature

The language of taxonomy is usually:


Which division of the plant kingdom includes club mosses?


What is the genus of the popular fossils which are similar to "Lucy"?


The two-name system of naming living things used in classification.

binomial nomenclature

All life on earth.


Features which identify and distinguish one living thing from another


A taxonomic category containing a group of similar orders. Between order and division in plant classification, between order and phylum in animal classification.


A system of distinguishing groups for purposes of identification. A means or device for sorting into groups with similar characteristics.


One of the first scientists of the Renaissance to advance taxonomy through first hand observations was


The word which means to cut into two parts is


A two-choice sorting device used in taxonomy to identify taxa, genus species, or common names of plant or animal specimens.

dichotomous key

The concept of reproductive isolation relates more toward genetic _______ to distinguish between species.


In plant classification, a grouping of similar classes. Between kingdom and class in taxa, as a taxonomic category.


A key is a taxon.


A kingdom may be subdivided into only one Phylum.


All organisms classified in the Plantae Kingdom obtain their food by photosynthesis.


All taxonomic systems of classification use five kingdoms.


Taxonomy is a rigorous, objective science.


The exact boundaries, limitations, and meaning of species is now known and agreed upon universally.


The science of taxonomy is a recent development.


An "Order" may be subdivided into (consist of) several:


A taxonomic category containing a group of similar genera. Between the taxa of order and genus.


An interpretation of scientists and Bible scholars from medieval times to the 1800's that there is no change of any kind, no variation within populations. Each kind of living thing has some ideal model to which all other living things of the same kind more or less correspond.

fixity of species

Linnaeus classified plants according to their


In binomial nomenclature, the genus functions as the ______ , and the species functions as the ____.

generic name species name

When Moses recorded the Book of _____ , workable principles of taxonomy and genetics had not been developed.


Genesis speaks of parents producing offspring "after its own kind." This refers to the science of


The science of heredity; how different characteristics are transmitted from parents to their offspring.


A taxonomic category containing a group of similar species, occurring between the taxa of family and species. The genus is the first name of the scientific name.


Common names given to organisms may be useful locally, but may become meaningless on a

global basis

Computerized analysis of the "Lucy" type fossil has:

helped to add objectivity to the classification of fossil taxa

If an Animalia taxon ends in "ata":

it must be a phylum

Why does binomial nomenclature use Latin?

it was a language of study for all educated people

A sorting device made up of a system of choices, as used in taxonomy.


A group of living things with certain similar characteristics. Dogs and horses are kinds of living things.


The largest taxonomic category.


Which of the following is the largest taxonomic category?


The Swedish botanist who made the greatest contributions to taxonomy was


The currently used binomial nomenclature was developed by


The form or appearance of an organism. The collection of physical characteristics and the structure which make up an organism. A basis for species definition.


Which of the two methods for determining the species taxon would involve greater subjectivity?


The taxon "species" may be defined by which of the following concepts?

morphology reproductive isolation

Are horses and donkeys of the same species?

no, according to reproductive isolation yes, according to morphology

A taxonomic category containing a group of similar families. Between the taxa of class and family.


A grouping of similar classes. A taxonomic category between kingdom and class.


All the individual organisms of a kind or taxon, or a group of organisms living in an area.


The current understanding of created "kinds" is:

relates to higher taxonomic orders

The separation of populations of organisms by some type of barrier to produce variations of species. No reproduction or exchange of genes occurs between the separated groups. A basis for species definition.

reproductive isolation

Select the animal characteristics.

segmented or nonsegmented teeth patterns exo- or endo-skeleton digestive system locomotion

When grouping and identifying living things, the classification is based on _____.

similarities differences

Taxonomy is the science that deals with _____.

similarities organization classification

The complexity of life, combined with our limited knowledge:

sometimes prevents conclusive classification

Humans differ from all other life forms by possessing a:

soul and spirit

The lowest rank of taxa is the


The smallest taxonomic category, containing only similar varieties of an organism. The second word of the scientific name. A species is designated by its scientific name, giving the genus and species.


The classification of species by morphology involves:

structure shape colors physical traits

Interpretations based upon emotions or opinion are considered:


With bias. Thoughts or interpretations based on the feelings and personal evaluations of the scientist.


The rankings of Class, Order, and Family are referred to as:


(plural, taxa). The categories used in classifying organisms, e.g., class, order.


A plan or arrangement of grouping categories for the purpose of classifying.

taxonomic system

A scientist who classifies organisms.


The science of the classification of organisms.


Rules for naming plants and animals are found in _____ .

the International Code of Nomenclature

The concept of "fixity of species" was a common belief based on a very limited understanding of:

the biblical principle "after its kind"

If you were to classify the many breeds of dogs by morphology, what would be inferred regarding species?

the numerous varieties might be classified as distinct species

The accelerated growth and advances in taxonomy as a science occurred during:

the renaissance

An ideal taxonomic system is not easy to develop because:

there exists a multitude of possible schemes

Which statement is most correct regarding the difference between plants and animals?

they are greatly different

Regarding the relationship of horses to donkeys:

they are identical species according to the concept of morphology they are separate species according to the concept of reproduction

Which phrase best describes plants?

they are living

A dichotomous key may be used to classify butterflies.


A key is used to identify a plant or animal.


A precise scientific description of life is not easy to find.


A species designation should always include the genus.


According to reproductive isolation, all the varieties of dogs would be considered as one species.


Both animals and plants depend upon a genetic code for reproduction.


Color, shape, size, and organization are all characteristics that help to identify organisms through a plant key.


Discerning between common characteristics is one advantage of a dichotomous key.


In ancient times people classified plants and animals by use.


John Ray introduced a new method of grouping by similarities in appearance.


Plants are living organisms.


Scientists resumed observing and studying real plants and animals during the Renaissance.


The created "kinds" like "species" is not easy to define.


An organism which produces its food by photosynthesis

usually will be placed in the Plantae Kingdom

Differences that occur among the offspring of a particular species.


Linnaeus' concept of kinds differed from ours today in holding that:

variation does not exist within a kind

The first use of using two words as a scientific name:

was introduced during the renaissance

Characteristics common to plants and animals regarding growth and reproduction are ______

DNA cells waste production food intake respiration response to stimuli genes

Which phylum of the animal kingdom includes sea urchins?


Horses and donkeys are not of the same species when defined by reproductive isolation because:

Offspring of a horse and donkey are unable to reproduce.

A subjective piece of information depends more on _____; an objective piece of information depends more on ________ .

a scientist's feelings actual observations

An organism which is capable of moving around its environment is considered to be

an animal

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