TBI, Apraxia, Aphasia

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The temporal lobe is responsible for _______, ______, and ________.

language, emotion, and memory skills.

This client has _______ aphasia, so they have trouble expressing themselves. The client knows what they want to say and can understand the questions but are not able to produce grammatical sentences and speech is limited.

Broca's Aphasia (non-fluent aphasia)

Irene's sister comes to visit her in a SNF. When Irene sees her sister walk into the room she says, "Hi Jimmy, (pause) see it". The OT can tell Irene looks very frustrated. This is an example of ___________ aphasia.

Broca's Aphasia (non-fluent aphasia/expressive)

This client is in a deep state of unconsciousness, does not respond to stimuli and cannot be aroused. Their level of consciousness is considered to be ___________.


During dinner the client uses a knife as a fork when eating steak is an example of ______ apraxia

Conceptual Apraxia

The client uses a fork to comb their hair, is an example of ______ apraxia.

Conceptual Apraxia

When asked to use a screwdriver the client uses it like a hammer. This is observed behavior seen with ______apraxia.

Conceptual Apraxia

When show a piece of wood with a partially hammered nail, the client uses a screwdriver instead of a hammer. This is observed behavior seen with ________ apraxia.

Conceptual Apraxia

This client has problems with swallowing certain foods or liquids. They are most likely diagnosed with _________


A client is known to have spatial neglect because as they walk through the door way they are bumping into the frame of the door. This type of spatial neglect is called ___________ neglect.

Extrapersonal Neglect

What is Conceptual Apraxia

A client has obvious difficulty with tool use, like knowing what a tool is used for (tool action knowledge).

What is Ideomotor Apraxia

A client has trouble performing gestures with limbs upon verbal command and/or by imitation. Movements may be awkward.

What is Ideational Apraxia

A client has trouble with sequencing tasks in the correct order or following multiple steps.

This client is able to easily produce connected speech, but fails to realize that they are using the wrong words or using non-existent words. This is an example of _______ aphasia.

Fluent/Receptive Aphasia (Wernicke's Aphasia)

The ___________ __________ scale used for clients with TBI is used to measure the injured persons level of awareness.

Glasgow Coma Scale

Kristina is changing into her PJ's. She doff her pants before removing her sneakers. This is causing her pants to get stuck and she is having trouble to complete the task. This is an example of ________apraxia

Ideational Apraxia

The client puts a pat of butter in their tea instead of milk. This is an example of _____apraxia?

Ideational Apraxia

When brushing teeth the client holds the toothbrush so the back of the brush touches their teeth and bristle face outward. The client also has difficulty repositioning their hands. This is an example of _________apraxia.

Ideomotor Apraxia

What is ideomotor apraxia?

Is a type of apraxia were the client knows the purpose of an object or concept of a task, but has an inability to imitate gestures or perform motor tasks on command.

The _________ ________ ________ scale is used if clients are in a coma or lower mental state. It measures hearing, vision, movement, communication and arousal.

JFK Coma Recovery Scale

This clients ______ _______ state of consciousness indicates the client has some evidence of self-awareness and awareness of one's environment and severely altered consciousness.

Minimally Conscious

________ neglect refers to impaired imitation or execution of movement in response to a task even when the person is aware of what to do.

Motor Neglect

The client fails to eat food on the left 1/2 of their plate is an example of _______ neglect.

Peripersonal Neglect

When you ask the client to wash their face they fail to wash the left side of their face. This is an example of _______ neglect.

Personal Neglect

_______ neglect is lack of awareness of the side of the body opposite the brain damage.

Personal Neglect

After a TBI the client is not responding to voices, sounds, light or touch and appears to be in a deep sleep. This client is at a ________ _____ of the Rancho Los Amigos Scale.

Rancho Level 1

The client who has a diagnosis of TBI response to generalized responses. The client reacts inconsistently and non-purposefully to stimuli. This client is at a Rancho Level _______.

Rancho Level 2

The client who has a diagnosis of TBI response to localized responses. The clients responses are purposeful, but inconsistent and directly related to the type of stimulus present. This client is at a Rancho Level _______.

Rancho Level 3

The client who has a diagnosis of TBI is severely confused, disoriented, unaware of present evets. The client is also agitated and can be abusive or aggressive. This client is at a Rancho Level _______.

Rancho Level 4

The client who has a diagnosis of TBI is confused, inappropriate, but not agitated. The client does not learn new information, but able to follow tasks for 2-3 minutes. The client is at a Rancho Level _______.

Rancho Level 5

The client who has a diagnosis of TBI is confused and appropriate. The client can follow simple directions consistently and can relearn old skills (ADLs). The client is at a Rancho Level ______

Rancho Level 6

The client who has a diagnosis of TBI is physically able to go through daily routines automatically, but needs structure, has poor judgment, and not able to problem solve and plan skills. This client is at a Rancho Level _______

Rancho Level 7 (Automatic-Appropriate)

The client who has a diagnosis of TBI is alert, oriented, recalls and integrates past and recent events, learns new activities, independent with ADL, and trouble with judgement and reasoning. This client is at a Rancho Level _______.

Rancho Level 8 (Purposeful-Appropriate)

The _______ ________ ________ scale is completed after the brain injury and is an on going behavioral evaluation scale.

Rancho Los Amigos Scale.

The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for __________,__________,___________,___________,___________, and ___________

Reasoning skills, speaking, writing, number skills, science skills, and movement of the right side of the body

This clients _______ _______ level of consciousness indicates the client is not always aware of their surrounding, may open their eyes, may response to reflexes, and make sounds.

Semi-Coma or Vegetative State

You instruct the client to hang his coat up in the closet. He continues to doff his coat and goes to hang it up, but does not realize his left arm is still in the left sleeve. This is an example of _______ neglect.

Sensory Neglect

_________ neglect refers to condition in which the client is not aware of the visual, auditory, or tactile stimuli on the part of the body contralateral to the lesion.

Sensory Neglect

The client is unable to locate their fork and napkin located to the left of their place setting. This is an example of ______ neglect.

Spatial Neglect

OTS ask the client, "Tell me about your house." The client says, "I live in the lizard by the desert. I live with lizard upstairs the desert. This client has _______aphasia.

Wernicke's (Fluent aphasia)

The brainstem is responsible for _________, ________ _______, and __________.

breathing, blood pressure, and arousal.

The cerebellum is responsible for _________ and _______.

coordination and timing

The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for ___________,___________,_________,_______,___________, and ___________.

insight, imagination, music, art skills, awareness of 3D, and movement of the left side of the body

What is ideational apraxia?

is a type of apraxia where the client does not know what the object is used for and has trouble sequencing the task (still uses the object wrong)

The frontal lobe is responsible for ______, __________, ________, and ___________.

memory, judgment, behavior, and movement of extremities, trunk, and eyes.

The parietal lobe is responsible for ________, _________, and ___________.

sensation, movement, and sense of space.

The occipital lobe is responsible for __________.

vision (interpreting what we see)

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