TCM questions and answers #2

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In treating neurodermatitis the most lkely used needle is

cutaneous needle

Acupuncture point RN12, ST 36, PC 6, HT 7, & SP 6 is often used to treat insomnia cuased by

dysfunction of the stomach

ST 25, ST 37, RN 12, & PC 6 are the best prescription for the treatment of

food-resistant dysentery

SJ 17 Yifeng

posterior to the ear lobule, in the depression between the mandible and mastoid process.

BL2 & Yintang should be puncutred

with the fingers pinching the skin

SJ-17 functions

*Benefits the ears* (Meeting point w/ GB channel: deafness, tinnitus, discharge from ears, each ache, redness and swelling of ear) *Eliminates wind* (Int. or ext. wind of face: Bell's palsy, trigeminal neuralgia, lockjaw, facial paralysis) *Clears heat* (mumps, scrofula, toothache) *ACAP*

According to Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion the poitn DU 15 should be punctured

-0.5-0.8 inch perpendicularly

SP 9 actions

. EARTH PIVOT . Xi-cleft of SP channel . regulates menstruation & invigorates blood . harmonizes the SP, & resolves dampness . Moderates acute conditions

RN 9 action

. regulates the water passages, & treat edema . Harmonzies the intestine & dispels accumulation

The prescription composed of RN12, ST 36, PC 6, SP 4 & LR 3 is commonly used to treat vomiting caused by

. the stomach being attacked by liver Qi

Needles should be sterilized in an autoclave at 1.5 atmospheric pressure and 123 degree celcius for

30 minutes

RN 12

4 cun superior to the umbilicus. . Middle Cavity . front -mu point of the ST . Hui-meeting point of the FU . Meeting point of CV with SI, SJ, ST channels. Needling: perpendicular insertion 0.8 to 1.5 cun. Caution: in thin patients deep needlign may penetrate the peritoneal cavity

Which points would you select to treat toothache caused by wind-fire? A. Hand _Shao yang channel B. Hand Yangming channel c. Foot Shaoyang Channel D. foot yang ming channel E. none of the above

A. Hand _Shao yang channel

all of the points are to treat appendiictis. except a. RN 6 B. ST 25 C. LI 11 D. Lanwei (Extra) E. Shangjuxu (ST 37)

A. RN 6 does not treat appendicitis

all of the points ar commonly used to treat tinnitus except A. SI 3 B. SJ 17 C. GB 2 D. GB 34 E. SJ 3

A. SI 3

Which of the following methods is appropriate for the poitn ST 18

A. puncturing obliquely 0.3 -0.5 inch

According to Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion all the following are reinforcing methods except A. Lifting the needle gently and slowly B. Inserting the needle rapidly C. Keeping the hole closed D. Rotating the needle gently and slowly with small amplitude E. Rotating the needle forward with the thumb

B. Inserting the needle rapidly is NOT REINFORCING METHODS

heavienss & pain of the joints which fail to perfom their functions of lifting, extension and flexion?

BL 11, & GB 39

Wei syndroms due to heat in the lung

BL 13, & LU 5

for mental depression points

BL 15, BL 18, BL 20, HT 7, ST 40


BL 17, & SP 10

The best presciption to stop hiccups is

BL 17, RN 12, PC 6, ST 36

Amenorrhea due to blood deficiency points

BL 18, BL 20, BL 23, ST 36, & RN 4

The best prescription for treatment for dizziness caused by the internal retention of phlegm-damp is

BL 20, ST 40, ST 8, RN 12

Nocturnal enuresis points

BL 23, BL 28, RN 3, SP 6

GB 34 actions

Benefits the sinews and joints Activates the channel and alleviates pain Spreads Liver Qi and benefits the lateral costal region Clears Liver and Gall Bladder damp-heat Harmonizes shaoyang Indications: Hemiplegia, weakness, numbness and pain of the lower extremities, swelling and pain of the knee, beriberi, hypochondriac pain, bitter taste in the mouth, vomiting, jaundice, infantile convulsion.

All the following poitns should be punctured horizontally except A. ST 8 B. BL 2 C. RN 12 D. BL 14 D. RN 17

C. RN 12

All the following are reducing methods except A. Pointing the tip of the needle against the channel course B. Lifting the needle forcefully and rapidely C. setting the mountain on fire D. thrusting the needle gently and slowly E. Keeping the hole open

C. Setting the mountain on fire.

LU 11 can be used to treat a cough accompanited by A. FEVER B. Aversion to cold C. pain & swelling of the throat D. headache E. dryness of the nose.

C. pain & swelling of the throat

Can cause edema except A. invasion of the wind upon the LU B. invasion of the dampness which affects the function of the SP c. the sinking of SP & ST QI D. weakness of KD QI e. WEAKNESS OF SP qi

C. sinking of SP & ST QI does not cause Edema

An inappropriate auricualr point of rtreating diarrhea is A. the large intestine point B. the small intestine point C. the sympathetic point D. the spleen point E. the heart point

C. sympathetic point

SJ 3

Clears heat Benefits the ears Clears the head and eyes Activates the channel and alleviates pain

SI 3 actions

Confluent point of Du . Benefits the occiput, neck, & back . activates the channel & alleviates pain . Clears wind & heat & treats malaria . calms the spirit & treats epilepsy . Clears heat & benefits the sensory orifieces . Regulates the GV


D, GB 41

For symptoms of palpitations, tinnitus, dizziness, blurred vision, very little tongue coating and a thready rapid pulse? which point would you select? A. ST 40, ST 44 B. BL 19, & GB 34 C. RN 9 & SP 9 D. KD 3, & BL 23 E. ST 36 & BL 20

D. KD 3, BL 23

Apart BL 13, LU 1, & LU 7, which of the points would you choose to treat a cough due to the deficiency of LU yin? a. lu 5, b. LU 9, C. LU 10 D. KI 6 E. KI 3

D. KI 6

All of the following points shoud be punctured obliquely except A. LU7 B. RN 15 C. DU 23 D. ST 8 E. BL 13

D. ST 8

best indicted for mental disorders

DU 14, DU 16, DU 26, PC 6, ST 40

for treatment of prolapse of the rectume

DU 20, BL 25, DU 1, ST 36

A patient has symptoms of dribbling urination, attenuation in the force of the urine discharge, listlessness, a cold feeling below the waist, and weakness of he joints an dknees. Tongue is pale, pulse: deep thready pulse weak at the Chi region. the prescription of choice is

DU4, BL 23, RN 4, DU 20

Heat Bi Points

Du14, LI11

Intermittent Dysentery

Dysentery occurring on and off, difficult to cure, lassitude, aversion to cold, somnolence, anorexia, pale tongue, sticky coating, soft pulse.

points commonly used to treat toothache due to ST fire except A. LI 4 B. ST 6 C. ST 44 D. ST 7 E. GB 20

E. GB 20

To treat retention of urine caused by the accumulation of heat in the bladder except. A. BL 28 B. RN 3 C. SP 9 D. BL 39 E. RN 12

E. RN 12

ST 8

Eliminates wind and alleviates pain Benefits the eyes Meeting point of ST, GB channels with the yang linking vessel . Needling: transverse insertion 0.5 to 1 cun . contraindicated for Moxibustion according to classical texts.

Food Resistant Dysentery

Frequent stools with blood and pus, total loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, yellow, sticky tongue coating, soft, rapid pulse.

Which of the following points is the best selection for treating asthma of the wind-cold type?

GB 12

Apart form the main points SP9, BL 18, BL 19, DU 9, & ST 36, Which points would you add to yang type jaundice?

GB 34, LR 3

points to trat edema of the dorsum pedia?

GB 41 & SP 5

Tendon Bi (Points)


Which of the point can be used as the supplementary points to treat hysteria with sudden aphonia?

HT 5 & RN 23

LI 4 functions

Heavenly star; command (head and face); source points: -regulated wei qi and adjusts sweating -expells wind and releases exterior - [command point] regulates the face, eyes, nose, mouth + ears -activates the channel and alleviates pain -induces labor (contraindicated in pregnancy) -restores the yang

in dealing with disorders of the upper limbs, which prescription is the best selection?

Huatuojiaji points vertebrae C1-3

ST 17

In the center of the nipple. Contraindicated for any touch. needling: contraindicted to both needling and moxibustion, used simply as a reference point

Yaoyan (Lumbar eyes)

In the depression approximately 3.5 cun lateral to the lower border of L4 lumbar pain, frequency of urine, irregular menstruation

Which of the mechod is suitable for puncturing with a short needle?

Inserting the needle aided by the pressure of the finger of the pressing hand.

Which of the following points did use to supplementary one to treat antedated menstruation due to heat in the blood caused by deficient yin?

KD 2

Which point would you choose to treat a toothache caused by deficnecy of KD fire A. KI 1 B. KD 2 C. KD 3 D. KD 4 E. KD 5

KD 3

A patient with fever, headache, yellow phlegm, dry mouth, sore throat, a thin, yellow tongue coating, and a superficial & rapid pulse. the best prescription for this patient is

LI5, LI 11, LI 4, LU10, SJ5

TO treat emnstrution due to heat in the blood transformed from stagnated liver qi

LR 2

Which of the points would you use to treat a cough due to the invasion by exogenous pathogens?

LU 7, LI 4, & BL 13

Best to treat yang edema

LU 7, LI 4, LI 6, BL 39

which of the prescription fo rtrating a patient who c/o chills, fever, headache, soreness & pain in the limbs, nasal obstructio, running nose, cough, no sweating, profuse thin sputum, a thin. white tongue coating, and a superficiaL& Tense pulse?

LU7, GB 20, BL 12, LI 4

A male patient with signs of hypochondriac pain accompanied by heavienss of the body, and a sticky white tongue coating. to treat this syndrome

LV 3 & LV 14

which of the point is the best selecting for treating diarrhea caused by the deficiency of KD yang?

Mingmen DU4

Which of the following methods would you use to treat a patient with excessive sweating, cold limbs and undetectable pulse?

Moxibustion with salt

According to Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion the back "Shu" point should located below the spinous process should be punctured


GB 21 - Shoulder Well

On the shoulder, directly above the nipple, at the midpoint of the line connecting DU 14 and the acromion, at the highest point of shoulder Meeting point of GB, SJ, ST with yang linking vessel. . needling: Posterio oblique insertion 0.5-1 cun, Caution: perpendicular insertion carries a risk of inducing a pneumo-thorax. Contraindicated: in Pregnancy

According to Chinese Acupuncutre & Moxibustion besides the RN 22 RN 17, & ST 40, Which points would you select to treat globus hystericus?

PC 6, & LV 3

BL 14

Pericardium Shu - invigorates circulation of blood and qi. Pericardium Shu. 1.5 Cun lateral to Governing Vessel, between the spinous processes of T4 and T5. . Needling: Oblique insetion towards the spine, 0.5 to 1 cun or transverse-oblique insertionot 1 to 1.5 cun Caution: perpendicular needling or oblique needling away form the spine carries a substantial risk of causing a pneumothorax.

treating painful bi (obstruction) syndrome

Proper insertion with needle retention & moxibustion

Insertion of a need by stretching the skin can be applied to

Puncture those points where the skin is loose

With sympotms of impotence, bitter taste in the mouth, thirst, burning & dark red urine, a yellow sticky tongue coating and a soft rapid pulse. which points would choose?

RN 3, SP 6, SP 9, ST 36

Following signs & symptoms; abdominal distention relieved by pressure, borborygmus, loose stoosl, loss of appetite, lassitude, listlessness, a pale tongue with a white coating & a forceless pulse?

RN 4, SP3, RN 12, ST 36

Apart BL 25, & ST 25, for constipation caused by an accumulation of cold, which of the following points would ou use as secondary points?

RN 8, RN 6

Apart from the main points such as HT7, BL 15, & PC 6 , which point would you add to treat palpitation due to the retention of pathogenic fluid?

RN9, RN 4 & SP 9

to treat torticollis which acupuncture point would you use

SI 7

points commonly used to treat stiff neck except A. BL 10 B. SI 14 C. GB 39 D. SI 3 E. SJ 17

SJ 17

which point treat mumps moxibustion with medulla junci can be used on

SJ 20

After acupuncture treatment, pt's hearing improved but Alania remains. which of the following points would you add at this time?

SJ 5 & LI 4

Which supplementary points to treat hysteria with hiccup?

SP 4 & RN 22

For treating Yin jaundice type is

SP 9, BL 20, BL 18, ST 36, BL 19

Grain -like intradermal needle should not be imbedded into the point

ST 17

In treating a cough caused by damp-phlegm,which of the following points should be punctured in addition to BL 13,

ST 40 + LU 5

Intermittent Dysentery

ST25 ST37 ST36 BL20 BL21 REN4

Food Resistant Dysentery

ST25, ST37, REN12, PC6

SI 7 Indications


Yang Jaundice

Treatment Principle: Remove heat and dampness in yang jaundice Script: SP9, ST36, BL18, BL19, DU9 (T7) *DU 14 is good to but not near middle jiao-that is why DU9 Add: LV3, GB34

Yin Jaundice

Treatment Principle: warm the middle jiao and resolve dampness Script: Script: SP9, ST36, BL18, BL19, DU9 (T7) moxa Add: BL20, BL48 (T10) To open the eyes use HT8, PC8 BL43 clears heat

to treat torticollis, which points are added for inability of flexion and extension?

UB 60 & LU 7

Which period during pregnancy is moxibustion most effective to correct the position of the fetus

after seven months of pregnancy

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