Teaching Math Summative Assessment

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Who is the most fabulous person you know?

Danielle Stewart

2. (Ch. 2) What effect do mistakes have on learning? What should math teachers do with this information?

The effect mistakes have on learning is that every time you make a mistake your brain grows a synapse. Math teachers should do with this information is encourage a productive struggle that allows for mistakes to happen in the learning process as well as correcting their mistakes.

13. What is meant by "mathematical privilege"? Who is currently in that group?

~"Mathematical privilege" is those who know more math have better earning power and those with that power are closed up and put themselves in a group. ~White men are mathematically privileged.

8. Name a formative assessment strategy and describe how it could be incorporated into a math lesson. (2 pts)

~3-2-1 exit slip- 3 things you learned, two things you want to learn, and 1 question you have. You can use this at the end of a math lesson to check for comprehension and see what the students still want to know.

5. Using the five steps of a 5 E lesson and/or the parts of the 3Act + Act 4 Sequel Lesson Plan. Also, add a "T" or "S" for who has the primary role in each part of the lesson. (4 pts)

~5E- Engage(T), Explore(S), Explain(S), Elaborate(T), Evaluate(Both?). ~3 ACT- Act 1: get them hooked (T), Act 2: Let them Struggle(S), Act 3: Get them explaining and reveal(S), Act 4: what else can we learn(T).

6. Name a tool that should be used when teaching fractions. Research has determined that having a deep, conceptual understanding of fractions is the best predictor of what? (3 pts)

~A tool that should be used when teaching fractions is use of partitioning shapes in 1st and 2nd grade. Also, the use of the number line. ~Having a deep, conceptual understanding of fractions is the best predictor of high school math grades.

5. (Ch. 7) Why are collaboration and communication effective teaching strategies in mathematics? What should math teachers do with this information?

~Allows for involvements of teaching broad, open, multidimensional mathematics, teaching students to be responsible for one another, and communication between growth mindsets. ~Teachers should assist with the promotion of equity and mathematics is a collection of perspectives of solving problems which all individuals assist in.

6. (Ch. 8) How do mathematics assessment strategies affect mathematics growth mindsets? What should math teachers do with this information?

~Assessing for learning(AFL) ~Mathematic assessment strategies affect mathematics growth mindsets by clearly communicating what they have learned, helping the students become aware of their learning journey, how to bridge the gap with where they are now to where they need to be. This emphasizes the growing learning pathways and contributes to the students development of a growth mathematical mindset.

3. (Ch. 4) What is compression? What does this have to do with learning mathematics? How are math facts best learned?

~Comprehension is the brain process where learned topics have been compressed to a compact space of the brain that can be easily done without thinking about it. ~This has to do with learning mathematics because when we are learning a new topic, it takes up a large space in our brain. However, over time as you learn to to do the work without thinking about it that is due to compression. ~Math facts are best learned through the use of numbers in different ways and situations.

3. What is the difference between conceptual knowledge and procedural strategies? Which do we teach first and why? (3pts)

~Conceptual knowledge is to know why something happens in a particular way. Procedural strategies is to know how something happens in a particular way. ~We teach conceptual knowledge first because students need to understand why they are doing the math and then you may show them how to do it.

2. Discuss the difference between a content standard and a mathematical practice. Give an example of each (max five words for the content standard). (3 pts)

~Mathematical practice- The Standards for Mathematical Practice describe varieties of expertise that mathematics educators at all levels should seek to develop in their students. ~Content standard: provide clarity and specificity rather than broad general statements. ~Example: 6th grade example:Content standard: Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problems.

4. What is procedural fluency? How does a teacher help a student obtain procedural fluency? (3 pts)

~Procedural fluency is the ability to apply procedures accurately, efficiently, and flexibly; to transfer procedures to different problems and contexts; to build or modify procedures from other procedures; and to recognize when one strategy or procedure is more appropriate to apply than another. ~A teacher helps a student obtain it by providing students with opportunities to use their own reasoning strategies and methods for solving problems, asking students to discuss and explain why the procedures that they are using work to solve particular problems, connecting student-generated strategies and methods to more efficient procedures as appropriate, using visual models to support students' understanding of general methods, and providing students with opportunities for distributed practice of procedures.

1. Name two events and/or people that have influenced math curriculum in the last 100 years. Briefly discuss their influence. (2 pts)

~Russia's launch of Sputnik inspired the US to push more of their curriculum to the focus of math and science so we could catch up with their technological advances. 1957 ~No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, President George W. Bush's education-reform bill, was signed into law on Jan. 8, 2002. Supported standards based education reform. To receive federal school funding, states had to give these assessments to all students at select grade levels.

9. Name a book of mathematics literature and discuss what the mathematics concepts are that are addressed in the book. (2 pts)

~Sir Circumference and the Dragon of Pi_ "This time the math adventure is centered around a potion that changes Sir Circumference into a fire-breathing dragon. Can Radius change him back? Join Radius on his quest through the castle to solve a riddle that will reveal the cure. It lies in discovering the magic number that is the same for all circles."

1. (Ch. 1) What is a growth mindset? What does it have to do with learning mathematics? What should math teachers do with this information?

~Students who keep going even when work is hard and are persistent have a growth mindset. ~This relates to learning mathematics because it is important for children to see math as a conceptual, growth subject that they should think about and make sense of. (34) ~Math teachers should take this information and utilize it within their teaching styles for the future mathematical success of their students.

7. Name a cooperative learning strategy/structure and describe how it could be incorporated into a math lesson. (2 pts)

~Think-Pair-Share. Students my individually think of a concept/how to complete it. Tell a peer their ideas of thought. Then whole group share the various ideas of thought. To display multiple ways of doing something.

4. (Ch. 6) What is tracking? What effect does rigid tracking have on student growth mindsets? What should math teachers do with this information?

~Tracking is having multiple routes of classes based on low to high math. ~Rigid tracking affects student growth mindset by sticking them in a track that they cannot get out of. ~Ex: if they are in remedial they cannot move up to a different track. ~Math teachers should take this information and take away tracks so every student is given high level content with the flexibility for differentiation.

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