Teaching Test

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Of the following, which best illustrates a student inquiry-based activity? A. Students conduct an acid-base titration with vinegar and baking soda after developing a hypothesis about neutralization. B. Students write the formulas for some compounds based on the location on the periodic table of the elements in the compound. C. Students write down observations as the teacher conducts a demonstration of a combustion reaction. D. Students use the Internet to research the causes of the outbreak of a disease that has recently been reported in the news.


On average, what percent of energy is lost between two consecutive organisms in a food chain? A. 90% B. 10% C. 0% D. 50%


Which of the following activities would be appropriate for introducing the concept of taxonomic rank (Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species)? A. Identifying the parts of a home address B. Dissecting two different types of fish C.Building a model of the water molecule D.Measuring the height of all the students in the class


Which of the following is a primary producer in a food chain? A. Grass B. Cow C. Sparrow D. Fox


Which of the following is best classified as a Brønsted-Lowry base? A. Ca(OH)2 B. H2SO4 C. NaCl D. CCl4


Which of the following is true about radiometric dating? A. Since the half-life of carbon-14 is 5,730 years, radiocarbon dating methods are limited to about 60,000 years. B. Radiometric dating is a relative dating method that infers the age of a fossil by noting the relative position of the rock layer in which it is found. C. Radiometric dating is based on measuring current solar output and comparing it to the amount of carbon in plant fossils that was produced by photosynthesis in the past. D. Radiometric dating is dangerous, since the researcher is exposed to high doses of radiation.


Which of the following is usually the first form of study in a new area of scientific inquiry? A. descriptive studies B. controlled experiments C. choosing a method and design D. comparative data analysis


Which of the following laboratory safety devices is recommended but not required by state law? A. containers for broken glassware B. fire blankets C. emergency showers D. eye protection for every student


Which THREE of the following are typically done before conducting an experiment in a middle school classroom? A. Making observations B. Developing a hypothesis C. Designing an experiment D. Drawing conclusions


The concept of force is involved in the explanation of which TWO of the following? A. Plate tectonics B. The color of leaves C. Gas pressure D. The mass of an atom


Alysha pours about 70 mL diluted base from the stock container into a beaker, then measures out 50 mL of this into her graduated cylinder. What should she do with the remainder of the diluted base in her beaker? A. pour it into the liquid waste bottle B. give it to her teacher C. pour it into the sink D. give it to another student


At the ice rink, Lucy pushes on her friend Tina who is free to move because she is on ice skates. Tina's mass is 60 kg. How large (in Newtons) was the force of Lucy' push if Tina accelerates at 2 m/s²? A. 120 B. 30


Cattle egrets are birds that live near cattle because as the cattle graze, insects in the ground are stirred up to the surface. When the insects are stirred to the surface, the birds eat the insects. The cattle are unaffected by the birds or the insects. This relationship between the cattle egrets and the cattle can best be described as: A. commensalism. B. parasitism. C. predation. D. mutualism.


In which of the following types of bonds are electrons shared between 2 atoms? A. ionic B. covalent C. metallic D. intermolecular


Which of the following processes is not a method of macroevolution? A. migration B. mutation C. genetic equilibrium D. genetic drift


While Jessica is viewing membrane-stained cells under a compound microscope, she notices that the cells appear to have specialized organelles. These cells are most likely which of the following? A. eukaryotic cells B. archaebacteria cells C. prokaryotic cells D. bacteria cells


When a magnetic compass is brought near a wire carrying electric current, the compass needle is deflected from magnetic north. When the current is switched off, the needle points toward magnetic north. Which of the following best explains why this occurs? A. Good electrical conductors are also permanent magnetics. B. Moving electric charges produce magnetic fields. C. The poles of a permanent magnet are regions of excess electric charge. D. The magnetic field of the compass needle magnetizes the wire while the current is on.


Which of the following groups of organisms have gills at some point in their life after birth? A. Reptiles B. Amphibians C. Birds D. Earthworms


Which of the following is a scale of mineral hardness used to help identify minerals? A. Fujita B. Mohs C. Saffir-Simpson D. Richter


Which of the following is an igneous rock? A. Slate B. Granite C. Shale D. Limestone


Which of the following is true about objects in our solar system? A. The Sun is one of the largest known stars in the universe. B. Neptune is farther from the Sun than any of the other planets. C. Although Jupiter has the largest diameter of the planets, it has a smaller mass than Earth, since it is composed largely of hydrogen and helium. D. Since Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, all of its surface is always at an extremely high temperature.


Which of the following student statements is an example of a student misconception about science? A. When a net force is continuously applied to an object, it accelerates. B. Objects must have a large amount of air in them in order to float. C. Not all animals have a heart as part of their circulatory system. D. Many chemical compounds are highly insoluble in water.


__ N2(g) + __ O2(g) → __ NO2(g) If the chemical equation above is balanced using the smallest possible whole-number coefficients, the coefficient for NO2(g) would be which of the following? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4


Sea otters eat sea urchins. This keeps the number of sea urchins in check and protects kelp forests, which are vital to their ecosystem. Which of the following best describes the most important role of the sea otter? A. limiting factor B. keystone species C. apex predator D. ecosystem engineer


A year on Earth is approximately 365 days, while a year on Venus takes about 224 Earth days, and a year on Mars takes about 687 Earth days. What causes the number of days in a year on each of these planets to differ from one another? A. different climates B. different shapes C. different distances D. different compositions


Giving a written multiple-choice final examination at the end of the school year is an example of A. a performance assessment. B. a formative assessment. C. a summative assessment. D. an informal assessment.


In which of the following compounds is the bonding covalent? A. KCl B. MgBr2 C. CH4 D. Na2O


Of the following statements, which best describes natural selection? A. Natural selection is the process by which adaptations acquired by individuals during their lives are passed down to the next generation. B. Natural selection is the process by which environmental changes cause mutations to occur. C. Natural selection is the process by which better-adapted individuals in a population leave more descendants than do less well-adapted individuals. D. Natural selection is the process by which one species competes with another species for the same natural resource.


Of the following, which best describes a white dwarf? A. A large asteroid that is almost the size of a planet B. A small comet as it approaches the Sun C. A late stage in the life cycle of a low-mass star D. The precursor to a black hole


Of the following, which represents the largest distance? A. One nanometer B. One micrometer C. One light-year D. One astronomical unit


Of the following gases, which is found in highest abundance in the lowest layer of Earth's atmosphere, the troposphere? A. Hydrogen B. Helium C. Carbon dioxide D. Water vapor


Of the following, which would be most helpful in expanding the students' knowledge after a short introductory lesson about forces? A. A video showing how various batting styles affect the distance a baseball travels B. A teacher demonstration in which forces are applied to several objects C. A homework assignment in which students write examples of forces in everyday life D. A lab activity in which students slide objects made from various materials down an inclined plane


On a class field trip, students encounter some brightly colored shelf-like structures attached to the trunk of a dead tree. Which of the following is the best description of how this organism obtains matter and energy from its environment? A. It obtains energy from the dead wood and absorbs carbon dioxide and water vapor from the air. B. It obtains energy from the sunlight, absorbs carbon from the dead wood and obtains water vapor from the air. C. It obtains energy from sunlight and obtains carbon and water from the dead wood. D. It obtains energy, carbon and water from the dead wood


Ozone in the stratosphere is most closely associated with which of the following? A. Water pollution B. The production of acid rain C. Respiratory health issues D. Protection from ultraviolet radiation


What laboratory practice can increase the accuracy of a measurement? A. following MSDS information B. calibrating the equipment each time you use it C. using metric measuring devices D. repeating the measurement several times


Which of the following is NOT typically done before conducting an experiment? A. Designing an experiment B. Making observations C. Developing a hypothesis D. Collecting data


Which of the following is a true statement about nucleic acids? A. They produce sugar molecules using light energy. B. They transport materials from one cell to another. C. They provide a protective barrier between a cell and the environment. D. They store and transmit genetic information.


Which of the following is an example of a descriptive study? A. statistical data analysis B. identifying dependent and independent variables C. correlational studies of populations D. identifying a control


Which of the following is the number of neutrons in an atom of chlorine-37 (mass number 37) ? A. 17 B. 18 C. 19 D. 20


Which of the following phase transitions involves the release of heat? A. Evaporation of liquid water B. Sublimation of ice C. Melting of ice D. Condensation of water vapor


Why is it important for scientists around the world to adhere to the same system of measurement? A. The imperial system of measurement is inaccurate. B. The results of experiments are more likely to support hypotheses. C. The metric system does not relate to real life, so it is easier to use for conceptual purposes. D. It allows for easier and more consistent communication of results.


Wispy, feathery clouds that form at relatively high altitude are called A. cumulus clouds. B. cumulonimbus clouds. C. nimbostratus clouds. D. cirrus clouds.


Students are using a curve-fitting computer simulation program. Which of the following is the best activity for the teacher to ask students to do using the software? A. Find the least common denominator of a set of fractions. B. Find the zeros of a quadratic function. C. Find the area of a figure from a drawing and its dimensions. D. Find the intersection points of three circles in a plane.


What is the effect of the Gulf Stream on the United Kingdom? A. warmer and wetter climate B. colder and drier climate C. colder and wetter climate D. warmer and drier climate


Of the following substances, which is the safest to use in a fourth-grade lab activity? A. Dilute sulfuric acid B. Vinegar C. Laundry chlorine bleach D. Lye


Of the following, which is most appropriate to use to measure atmospheric pressure? A. Geiger counter B. Barometer C. Graduated cylinder D. Ohmmeter


Pitch is a characteristic of sound that is related to which of the following properties of a sound wave? A. Speed B. Frequency C. Intensity D. Amplitude


A small sample out of a population of European silkwing beetles found their way into a shipping container of rice that was exported to Canada. When introduced into the Canadian port ecosystem, the silkwing beetles outcompeted the native species and caused them to become locally extinct. The European silkwing beetles are an example of what? A. invasive species B. detritivore C. ecomorph D. ecological niche


An organism that is homozygous for the dominant allele (SS) of the gene for skin color has green skin color. An individual of the same species that is homozygous for the recessive allele (ss) of the gene for skin color has gray skin color. When a homozygous individual with green skin mates with a heterozygous individual (Ss), which of the following is expected? A. A 100% probability that the offspring will have green skin B. A 75% probability that the offspring will have green skin C. A 50% probability that the offspring will have green skin D. A 100% probability that the offspring will have gray skin


At a fixed atmospheric pressure, the temperature at which water vapor in the air condenses at the same rate that liquid water evaporates is called the A. dew point. B. triple point. C. relative humidity. D. heat index.


Carbon dioxide is produced and emitted into the atmosphere during the operation of which of the following? A. Combustion engine B. Solar panel C. Wind turbine D. Nuclear reactor


Of the following substances, which is safest to use in a fourth-grade lab activity? A. Lemon juice B. Dilute hydrochloric acid C. Laundry chlorine bleach D. Ammonia-based window cleaner


Red flowers is dominant over white flowers in roses. A heterozygous red flowering rose (Rr) is mated with a purebred, white colored rose (rr). What percentage of their offspring will have the genotype rr? A. 25% B. 50% C. 75% D. 100%


The tendency of an object to resist a change in its motion is known as A. gravitational force. B. inertia. C. linear momentum. D. velocity.


In animals, which of the following cell structures is most directly associated with the production of chemical energy? A. Plasma membrane B. Nucleus C. Golgi apparatus D. Mitochondrion


During a sixth-grade unit on suspensions, Mr. Ricky teaches that the color of a suspension depends on how light reflects on the solutes. He uses the examples of glacial lakes, which contain silt from the glacier's movement. When sunlight hits the lake and reflects from this suspended silt, the lake appears a spectacular turquoise blue or green color. Of the following student activities, which would be most useful to include while assessing students' understanding of his unit on suspensions? A. calculate the rate of dissolution based on the lake color B. drawing a diagram of why glacial lakes are blue C. creating a photo collage of the various colors of lakes D. inviting a local scientist in to talk about the effect of climate change on the lakes


In plants, which of the following cell organelles is most directly associated with the production of chemical energy? A. Endoplasmic reticulum B. Chloroplast C. Cell wall D. Large central vacuole


Marine birds use salt glands to remove excess salt from the seawater they drink. The maintenance of a balance between water and salt in marine birds is an example of A. metabolism. B. homeostasis. C. translation. D. conservation of energy.


Cracks in the Earth's surface caused by built up stress are called what? A. aftershocks B. faults C. crevasses D. fissures


Students are asked to build model windmills using materials found in the home or classroom. Small generators and electrical connectors are provided by the teacher, as well as fans to simulate wind. Once the models have been built and tested, which of the following questions asked by the teacher would best encourage students to develop hypotheses about ways to improve the energy efficiency of their models? A. Is your model energy efficient? B. How can you determine the energy efficiency of your model? C. How would changing the shape or position of the windmill blades affect the energy efficiency of your model? D. How would reducing the number of components used to build your model increase the energy efficiency of your model?


What is the purpose of conducting an experiment? A. to collect data B. to identify a control state C. to test a hypothesis D. to choose variables


Which of the following energy transformations occurs during photosynthesis? A. Chemical energy to heat B. Heat to chemical energy C. Radiation to chemical energy D. Electrical energy to heat


Which of the following energy transformations occurs in an alkaline battery while a flashlight is operating? A. Mechanical energy to chemical energy B. Electrical energy to mechanical energy C. Chemical energy to electrical energy D. Chemical energy to mechanical energy


Which of the following is an example of homologous structures? A. A human hand and a human foot B. A wing flap of a sugar glider and a wing flap of a flying squirrel C. A bat wing and a human arm D. A butterfly wing and a bird wing


Which of the following measurements is equal to 25.4 centimeters? A. 2.54 meters B. 2.1 feet C. 10 inches D. 2540 millimeters


Which of the following represents the smallest distance? A. One millimeter B. One micrometer C. One nanometer D. One picometer


Which of the following statements about the historical development of science is true? A. The major concepts of molecular biology were developed by the ancient Greeks. B. Prior to the development of x-ray technology, little was known about the human skeleton and muscles. C. Although the first lightbulb was developed in the late nineteenth century, many concepts about electricity were known for centuries prior to 1800. D. The concept of atoms was first developed in the twentieth century.


Which of the following were formed primarily by glacial activity? A. Mountain ranges B. Barrier islands C. Fjords D. Atolls


Which unit represents 1/1000 of the basic metric unit of volume? A. deciquart B. centigram C. milliliter D. kilogallon


A doctor prescribed a 250 mg capsule of a common antibiotic for strep throat. The pharmacist had only 1 gram of the antibiotic in stock. How many capsules of medicine can the patient get from the pharmacist? A. 25 B. 10 C. 4 D. 40


Which of the following is NOT a lab safety rule? A.Don't eat or drink in the lab B.Wash your hand C. Wear loose clothing D.Report all spills E.All are correct


Which of the following is NOT an example of acceleration? A. Jamal rides his bicycle around a corner. B. Maria speeds up while riding her bicycle. C. Lionel rides the last mile of a race at a fast but steady speed. D. Crystal brakes to slow down before reaching some pedestrians.


Which of the following is a stage in the life cycles of both low-mass and high-mass stars? A. white dwarf B. red giant C. supernova D. black hole


Which of the following is an example of a positive feedback system? A. using a thermostat to regulate house temperature B. blood glucose regulation C. contractions during labor and childbirth D. body temperature regulation


Certain birds that forage for insects on the ground around grazing animals exhibit much greater success in capturing prey than when they forage alone. The observation described is an illustration of which of the following? A. Parasitism B. Mutualism C. Competition D. Commensalism


How can a computer aided design (CAD) program be used in the laboratory setting? A. to write up a lab report B. to collect and analyze digital data C. to design a set of lab instructions D. to generate graphical models


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