TES To Kill a Mockingbird Part 1

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The biggest prize in the knot-hole

pocket watch with knife and chain

Heck Tate

Sheriff of Maycomb

Charles Baker Harris

Dill; visits next door during the summer

Setting of the novel

1930s Maycomb, Alabama

Mrs. Dubose

A racist old lady who lives down the street and who screams at the children as they pass her house.

Jem and Scout's father


Uncle Jack

Atticus and Alexandra's brother who visits at Christmas and is a doctor

Aunt Alexandra

Atticus's sister, a strong-willed woman with a fierce devotion to her family. She is the perfect Southern lady, and her commitment to propriety and tradition often leads her to clash with Scout.

Arthur Radley


Finch family cook and housekeeper


Atticus Finch

Father to Scout and Jem; lawyer who defends Tom Robinson

Miss Maudie

Finch's neighbor, children's best friend among the adults of Maycomb.

Burris Ewell

Had lice, cusses out the teacher, only goes to the first day of school every year

Maycomb County Sheriff

Heck Tate

He invents the Boo Radley game "One Man's Family"


Prejudice and racism

Maycomb's "usual disease"

Her house burns down

Miss Maudie

Jem has to read to her

Mrs. Dubose

Maycomb, Alabama

Name of the town in TKAM

Atticus' nickname, according to Miss Maudie

One-Shot Finch

Boo Radley

Rarely leaves the house, leaves Jem and Scout trinkets

The narrator of the story


Cecil Jacobs

Scout's classmate who insults Atticus

What Atticus thinks Scout should fight with instead of fists

Scout's head

Walter Cunningham

Scout's school mate who cannot afford lunch


The Finch's housekeeper; acts as a more distant mother-figure to Jem and Scout

Miss Stephanie

The neighborhood gossip

Nathan Radley

The stern, distant brother of Boo who seldom speaks even though he is seen every day

The rabid dog

Tim Johnson

The man Atticus is defending

Tom Robinson

Found in knot-hole on last day of Scout's first year

Two pennies

Scout finds these first in the tree knot-hole

Two pieces of gum

Douses his food with syrup at lunch

Walter Cunningham

Miss Caroline

Young teacher, disaproves of Scout's reading ability

Harper Lee

author of To Kill A Mockingbird

Atticus tells Scout this is how to understand another person

climb in his skin and walk around in it

Jeremy Atticus Finch

full name of Jem who is son of Atticus and brother to Scout

Jean Louise Finch

full name of Scout who is daughter of Atticus and sister of Jem

It's a sin to kill this


Great Depression

the economic crisis beginning with the stock market crash in 1929 and continuing through the 1930s

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