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[Fill in the Blanks] The ___ Amendment to the United States Constitution mandates that the Electoral College is the official body changed with the selection of the president.


[Fill in the Blanks] Freedom of the press is directly covered under the ___ Amendment to the United States Constitution.


[Fill in the Blanks] A presidential candidate must receive a minimum of ___ electoral votes in order to become president.


[Multiple Choice] The nation's first third party, the ___ promoted abolition of secret organizations such as the Masons.

Anti-Mason Party

[Fill in the Blanks] In ___ ___ ___, the United States Supreme Court ruled that the 1st Amendment protects political speech and money spent in furtherance of promoting and disseminating political speech.

Buckley vs. Valeo

[Multiple Choice] ___ is based on the concept of ending formalized structured government with the development of collective societies.


[Multiple Choice] A ___ system develops when the legislature is dominated by parties that are far apart on issues or highly antagonistic toward each other and the political system.

Conflictual Party

[True or False] In Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission, the United States Supreme Court upheld provisions of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance act prohibiting corporations and unions from making expenditures to influence the outcome of electoral contests.


[True or False] A Canadian comedy duo prank called vice presidential candidate Joe Biden and convinced him that he was talking to French President Nicolas Sarkozy.


[True or False] A libertarian holds that government is an unnecessary evil and should be replaced by voluntary cooperation among individuals and groups.


[True or False] Alexander Hamilton formed the Democratic/Republican Party while Thomas Jefferson formed the Federalist Party.


[True or False] An interest is an organization whose members are sufficiently homogeneous to band together for the overt purpose of winning elections which entitles them to exercise the federal government power.


[True or False] By requiring that only one half of the Senate seats are up for election every two years, the Framers fulfilled their desires that the Senate should not reflect the temporary passion of the moment.


[True or False] Former president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York Lawrence H. Summers was named Secretary of the Treasury by President Obama.


[True or False] Founded in 1948 by Senator Strom Thurmond, the Southern Democratic Party promoted states' rights and anti-civil rights legislations.


[True or False] In 1996, Mario Cuomo created a conservative radio program as a counterpoint to Rush Limbaugh's more liberal program.


[True or False] In 2007, the Hearst Corporation extended its media empire with the acquisition of The Wall Street Journal.


[True or False] In 2010, Fight Back New York was instrumental in overturning same-sex marriage in New York while the National Organization for Marriage favors gay marriage.


[True or False] In its 2012 platform, the Democratic Party pledged that any valued added tax or national sales tax would be tied to the repeal of the 16th Amendment, which established the federal income tax.


[True or False] In practice, American political parties are highly centralized organizations with the national committee overseeing all party functions.


[True or False] In the 1860 presidential election, the Republican ran Abraham Lincoln while the Democrats split into two factions over slavery running both Stephen A. Douglas and John C. Calhoun as presidential candidates.


[True or False] In the 1960s, the media participated in adversarial journalism only to switch ear in the 1970s to advocacy journalism.


[True or False] In the 2008 presidential election, Republican John McCain declined public financing for the first time since the system's creation of the public funding in 1974.


[True or False] In the 2008 presidential primaries, it was the Iowa caucus that jump-started Hillary Clinton's campaign with a win while Barack Obama came in second and John Edwards placed a distant third.


[True or False] In the heat of the 2008 campaign, Barack Obama was forced to sever ties with his pastor John Hagee, for sermons that were deemed racist and anti-American


[True or False] Journalists need a license to practice in the United States.


[True or False] Liberalism is based on support for tradition western Judeo-Christian values not just has a matter of comfort ad faith, but out of a firm belief that the secular, the economic, and the political success of the western world is rooted in this value.


[True or False] The United Farm Workers Union was founded by Tony Sanchez.

False, The United Farm Workers Union was founded by CESAR CHAVEZ.

[Multiple Choice] The American Independence Party was founded by ___ who made an unsuccessful bid for the White House in 1968.

George Wallace

[Multiple Choice] A predominately pro-environmental party, the ___ supports peace and disarmament of all nuclear weapons.

Green Party

[Multiple Choice] The Reform Party was founded by ___

H. Ross Perot

[Multiple Choice] The ___'s primary responsibility is to craft a document the embraces the overall political philosophy of the party.

Platform Committee

[Multiple Choice] The lowest rung of an American political party is the ___


[True or False] Common Cause, the Sierra Club, the Environmental Defense Fund and Greenpeace are examples of single-issue groups.

Pro-life/Pro-choice, Mothers Against Drunk Drivers and Anti-Nuclear Proliferation are examples of single-issue groups.

[Fill in the Blanks] Viable third party candidates have included ___ ___ in 1994 and 1996, and Ralph Nader in 2000 and 2004.

Ross Perot

[Fill in the Blanks] The nation's first political party was organized by ___ ___.

Thomas Jefferson

[True or False] A 1995 federal law prohibits members of Congress from accepting any gifts from lobbyists valued at more than $50.


[True or False] A faction is a political group or clique that functions within a larger group, such as a government, party or organization.


[True or False] A third party is usually composed of independents and dissents from the major parties in a two-party system the typically is based on a protest movement.


[True or False] Currently, 527 organizations do not fall under the regulatory eye of the Federal Elections Commission and are not subject to the same restrictions placed on Political Action Committees.


[True or False] In Federal Election Commission vs. Wisconsin Right to Life, Inc., the United States Supreme Court ruled that the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act's provision of limiting the timeframe for airing issue ads during elections was unconstitutional.


[True or False] In fulfilling its role as the party in the electorate, political parties must develop a solid political philosophy that attracts individuals to affiliate themselves to the party for the long-term.


[True or False] In the 2008 election, incumbent power was evident with 95 percent of the House and 93 percent of Senate incumbents winning their elections.


[True or False] Increased cynicism, alienation, and declining efficacy may be associated with negative press coverage.


[True or False] Interest groups provide people with an avenue to participate in politics.


[True or False] Joe Biden is the first Roman Catholic to be elected to the vice presidency.


[True or False] Major positions of the Tea Party Movement include eliminating tax programs, reducing the federal budget deficit, and eliminating all government-sponsored social programs.


[True or False] Most Americans find the televised news credible.


[True or False] On the environment, today's Republican Party support less government regulation while Democrats favor stronger regulatory oversight.


[True or False] Organized in 2010, the LGBT groups have worked for the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act and Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy.


[True or False] The news covers the president more than the Congress.


[True or False] The term "Washington insiders" refers to the established journalist assigned to the cover the president and other top national officals.


[True or False] The term bundling refers to the practice of corporations and interest groups combining their individual contributions and delivering them together to a candidate or a political party.


[Multiple Choice] Interest groups share certain organizational features that include

a leadership, a financial structure, and members

[Fill in the Blanks] A new election system, ___ ___ allows everyone to cast one vote per candidate.

approval voting

[Fill in the Blanks] Another term for the secret ballot is the ___ ___.

australian ballot

[Multiple Choice] The power of labor unions has

declined in recent years

[Fill in the Blanks] The body that chooses the president is called the ___ ___.

electoral college

[Fill in the Blank] A person who benefits from a group's activities but who refuses to join the group is called a ___ ___.

free tider

[Fill in the Blanks] When the media cover the competitive, game aspects of a campaign it is called ___ coverage.

horse race

[Fill in the Blanks] In 2008, both political parties used local ___ ___ at their party conventions to raise money from corporate sponsors to offset the costs of staging the conventions.

host committee

[Fill in the Blank] ___ is the Christian Coalition's automated telephone bank.


[Multiple Choice] A person's vote choice is influenced by

identification with a particular group or political party, issues, and candidate image

[Fill in the Blanks] An ___ is a comprehensive system of political beliefs about the nature or people and society.


[Multiple Choice] Advertisements are

increasingly important in modern campaigns and often negative in content

[Fill in the Blank] In the 1970s, Tong Sun Park was the focal point of a Washington bribery scandal known as ___.


[Multiple Choice] Over the course of history, the press has become

less partisan

[Fill in the Blank] A ___ is any person who shall engage him/herself or pay any consideration for the purpose of attempting to influence the passage or defeat of any legislation.


[Multiple Choice] Since the 1950s, Congress has moved to

loosen media ownership rules

[Fill in the Blank] ___ ___ include anything that might make the group financially attractive to a member.

material incentive

[Multiple Choice] An example of an iron triangle is the

military industrial complex

[Fill in the Blanks] Formed in the 1960s and 70s, the ___ ___ was fueled by the convergence of the unpopularity of the Vietnam War, the Civil Rights movement and woman's liberation movement.

new left

[Fill in the Blanks] Advertisements are becoming increasingly important in campaigns at least partly because they are considered to be ___ ___ activities on which the political parties can spend unlimited amounts of money.

party building

[Fill in the Blank] ___ ___ attempt to speak for the entire business community.

peek associations

[Fill in the Blanks] A ___ is a statement of principles and objectives espoused by a party or a candidate that is used during a campaign to win support from voters.


[Fill in the Blanks] The reshuffling of House seats to the states every ten years is called ___.


[Fill in the Blank] AAEP offers its members a wide range of ___ ___ to include cruise and software discounts.

selective goods

[Multiple Choice] The effects of the campaign finance system include

selling access and influence, distracting of public officials from the job of governing the country, and weakening of political parties

[Fill in the Blanks] The elections for the House of Representative are called ___ ___ ___ ___ elections.

single member plurality elections

[Multiple Choice] The primary issue for voters in the 2008 presidential election was:

the economy

[Multiple Choice] The content of the news is molded by

the journalists themselves, the conglomerate ownership, and politicians

[Fill in the Blanks] A registered political action committee, the ___ ___ ___ sued two Internet advertisements to attack Obama's position on the war in Iraq

vets for freedom

[Multiple Choice] At the end of the 2008 election, voters reported ___ whereby the touch-screen voting machines actually selected another candidate from the one they selected

vote flipping

[Fill in the Blanks] The focusing on sensationalism and scandal is referred to as ___ ___.

yellow journalism

[Fill in the Blank] ___ ___ are goods and services that come from the belonging to a group.

material benefits

[Fill in the Blanks] A ___ or centrist is an individual or political advocating a moderate approach to the political decision making and to the solution of social programs.


[Multiple Choice] According to the Supreme Court case Buckley vs. Valeo

money spent on behalf of a candidate's campaign is a constitutionally protected form of speech

[Multiple Choice] The media are playing a

more investigative role in politics

[Fill in the Blanks] The electronic media's catering to specialized interests is called ___.


[Fill in the Blanks] ___ ___ means that interest servers must maintain a neutral, hands-off policy of all information t flow unmolested.

net neutrality

[Fill in the Blanks] In the ___ ___ format, each voter receives ballots for all participating political parties and chooses which party's election they want to vote in.

open primary

[Fill in the Blanks] A state primary may be ___, ___ or ___

open, closed and blanket

[Multiple Choice] In recent years, many of the early victories of public interest groups have been

overturned or weakened by court decisions and laws

[Multiple Choice] The media's coverage of gaffes tend to

paint the politician in a less favorable light

[Fill in the Blanks] ___ ___ ___ are organized groups that solicit money from their membership in support of political candidates favorable to their group's goals and objectives.

political action committee

[Multiple Choice] Organizations that solicit campaign contributions from members and channel the funds to candidates' campaign are called

political action committees

[Fill in the Blanks] A ___ ___ is an organization whose members are sufficiently homogeneous to band together for the overt purpose of winning election which entitles them to exercise government power.

political party

[Fill in the Blanks] The ___ ___ was a fee states charged for the right to vote.

poll tax

[Fill in the Blanks] According to Montesquieu, ___ ___ is forcing one to be free.

positive liberty

[Fill in the Blank] The spread of affluence and education in the United States has led to a society that is capable of thinking of more than mere subsistence issues, a society that some have called ___-___.


[Fill in the Blanks] In response to reform movements seeking to end party controlled selection processes, states began to develop the ___ system.


[Fill in the Blank] Groups that represent occupations that usually involve extensive training and expertise are called ___ ___.

professional associations

[Fill in the Blank] The major benefit of the New Politics movement were the creation of ___ ___ groups.

public interest

[Fill in the Blank] Citizen groups are often called ___ ___ ___.

public interest groups

[Fill in the Blank] Some groups attract and retain members by using ___ ___ such as stressing passionate feelings about the group's cause.

purposive incentives

[Fill in the Blanks] Farther to the right, the ___ ___ places its emphasis more on religious rather than cultural values.

religious right

[Multiple Choice] An argument against abolishing the electoral college is that the electoral college

represents state interests and thereby reinforces the federal structure

[Multiple Choice] Groups that attract members on the basis of a clear economic self interest tend to be


[Fill in the Blanks] The ___ ___ Theory underscores that once absolutely free individuals living apart from each other come together to form a community that out of necessity for public order, subsequently create a governing body that establishes the rules for the exercise of certain basic fundamental right.

social contract

[Fill in the Blanks] A loophole in campaign finance laws, referred to as ___ ___, allows individuals and groups to give unlimited amounts of money to the political party organizations.

soft money

[Fill in the Blank] To attract members, interest groups can offer three types of incentives: ___, ___, ___.

solidary, material, purposive

[Fill in the Blanks] Politicians may hire ___ ___ to try to influence and shape media coverage.

spin doctors

[Fill in the Blanks] Imposed by the British government, the ___ ___ placed a tax on the distribution of newspapers.

stamp act

[Fill in the Blanks] The term ___ ___ means that an individual who enjoys some benefit from living in a certain nation consents to obey the law of that country, therefore, giving his/her consent for the existence of that government.

tacit consent

[Fill in the Blanks] Currently, the ___ ___ Movement is a faction operating within the Republican Party.

tea party

[Multiple Choice] The organization and control of elections is left to

that states

[Multiple Choice] The most important factors affecting news decisions are

the economic imperatives of the media companies

[Multiple Choice] The political unrest at the 1968 Democratic national convention led to

the reform of the delegate selection process

A ___ ___ is usually composed of independents and dissents from the major parties in a two-party system the typically based on a protest movement.

third party

[Fill in the Blanks] The ___ ___ to the United States Constitution gives the District of Columbia or Washington, D.C., three electoral college votes.

23rd Amendment

[Fill in the Blanks] The ___ Amendment to the United States Constitution lowered the voting age to eighteen.


[Fill in the Blanks] ___ are political action committees that can except anonymous donations for their political activities and promotion of political candidates.


[Fill in the Blanks] Known as ___, these independent tax-exempt groups can raise and disburse funds as a means of influencing the nominations, elections, or even appointments of candidates for public office.


[Fill in the Blank] The ___ is the most powerful important voice of organized labor.


[Fill in the Blanks] Former Vice President ___ ___ recently won an Academy Award for his pro-environmental movie "An Inconvenient Truth"

Al Gore

[Fill in the Blanks] The Federalist Party was founded by ___ ___.

Alexander Hamilton

[Fill in the Blank] The ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ is the preeminent group representing the "gray lobby".

American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)

[Fill in the Blank] The ___ ___ ___ and the ___ ___ ___ are two prominent examples of professional associations.

American Medical Association (AMA) and American Bar Association (ABA)

[Multiple Choice] In his Spirit of the Laws, ___ defines liberty as having the power to do what one should want to do and in no way being constrained to do what one should not want to do.

Charles de Montesquieu

[Multiple Choice] ___ is the political outlook which springs from a desire to conserve existing things, held to be either good in themselves, are at least safe, familiar and the object of trust and affection.


[Multiple Choice] In 1891, the United States Supreme Court ruled in ___ that a state's party leadership could not force the DNC's credentials committee to accept a delegation that was selected in violation of DNC rules.

Democratic Party vs. Lafollette

[Fill in the Blanks] British lawmaker ___ ___ defined a political party as a body of men united, for promoting by their joint endeavors the national interest upon some particular principle in which they all agreed.

Edmund Burke

[True or False] Organized labor's influence has declined in states in the north and northeast where people have been historically hostile to unions.


[True or False] Overall voter turnout in the 2008 general election was significantly higher than the tallies for the 2004 election.


[True or False] Political parties usually have narrower issue concerns than interest group do.


[True or False] Positive liberty is that tranquility of spirit which comes from the opinion each one has of his security, and in order for him to have this liberty, the government must be such that one citizen cannot fear another citizen.


[True or False] Postindustrial changes have generated a large number of interest groups focusing in the area of the fine arts and music.


[True or False] Recent congressional reform efforts have empowered the Federal Elections Commission to use court injunctions to half illegal campaign activities and to conduct random audits of a candidate's financial books.


[True or False] Signed into law by President Obama, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act has been successful in reforming the financial and investment businesses.


[True or False] Since the election of Abraham Lincoln, the Republican Party follows more liberal viewpoints while the Democrats favor the conservative side of the political spectrum.


[True or False] The 2012 Republican platform calls for raising the minimum wage and indexing it to inflation.


[True or False] The 24th Amendment to the United States Constitution granted women the right to vote while the 19th Amendment outlawed the use of the poll tax.


[True or False] The Christian Coalition actively backed Jerry Farwell for the 1988 Republican Party presidential nomination.


[True or False] The Credentials Committee's primary responsibility is to write the party's platform.


[True or False] The Democratic Party receives large campaign contributions and candidate endorsements from a woman's organization known as the Susan B's.


[True or False] The New Left believes in freeing people not merely from the constraints of traditional political institutions, but also from inner constraints imposed by their mistakes attribution of power to ineffectual things.


[True or False] The New Politics Movement began in the 1950s as students organized in protest of the Korean War.


[True or False] The Tea Party Movement is a faction operating within the Democratic Party.


[True or False] The bundling voting system allows each voter to cast as many votes as candidates running and distribute those votes among the candidates or give all of the votes to one candidate.


[True or False] The members of the Federal Communications Commission can be removed by the president.


[True or False] The nation's first clientele department was the Department of Defense.


[True or False] Today, the ties to the political parties seem to be getting stronger.


[True or False] Trends indicate that membership in private-sector organizations has grown while public sector unions are losing membership.


[True or False] Generally, PACs contribute more money to challenges than to incumbent candidates.

False, House incumbents collect nearly 13 times more money from PACs than challenges receive.

[True or False] Material incentives involve the pleasure that members get from joining a group.

False, SOLIDARY incentives involve the pleasure that members get from joining a group.

[True or False] Although a close race, George W. Bush won the 2000 presidential election with both the electoral and popular vote over his opponent Al Gore.

False, although a close race, George W. Bush won the 2000 presidential election with the electoral vote but had less of the popular vote than his opponent Al Gore.

[True or False] The political parties raise most of the money needed in modern campaigns.

False, candidates are entrepreneurs or rich. They have interest groups, cooperations, or donors.

[True or False] The process for nominating candidates is largely controlled by the U.S. Constitution.

False, candidates are now nominated by voters casting ballots.

[True or False] In 1876, Rutherford B. Hayes became president even though his opponent Grover Cleveland won the popular vote.

False, in 1876, Rutherford B. Hayes became president even though his opponent SAMUEL TILDON won the popular vote.

[True or False] In 1943, direct political contributions from labor unions were approved by the United States Congress.

False, in 1943, direct political contributions from labor unions were OUTLAWED by the United States Congress.

[True or False] In a 2007 decision, the United States Supreme Court ruled that issue ads immediately before federal elections are banned under the provisions of the campaign finance law.

False, in a 2007 decision, the United States Supreme Court ruled that issue ads immediately before federal elections are NOT banned under the provisions of the campaign finance law.

[True or False] In plurality systems, the winning candidate must receive a majority of the votes.

False, in plurality systems, the winning candidate must receive a PLURALITY of the votes.

[True or False] Media ownership is becoming less concentrated.

False, ownership of social media is similarly concentrated in a few corporate hands.

[True or False] Political scientist Theodore Lowi sees corporate ownership of the mass media as leading journalists to take pro-capitalists and pro-corporate positions.

False, political scientist MICHAEL PARENTI sees corporate ownership of the mass media as leading journalists to take pro-capitalists and pro-corporate positions.

[True or False] The Bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates will allow a third party candidate to participate in the debate only if the candidate scores at least 25 percent in nationwide polls.

False, the Bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates will allow a third party candidate to participate in the debate only if the candidate scores at least 15 percent in nationwide polls.

[True or False] The candidate who wins the presidency must receive a majority of the popular vote.

False, the candidate doesn't need the popular vote to win.

[True or False] The consolidation of media ownership has worked to the advantage of women and minorities.

False, the consolidation of media ownership has worked to the DISADVANTAGE of women and minorities.

[True or False] The first state primary law was passed by the Tennessee state legislature in 1903.

False, the first state primary law was passed by the WISCONSIN state legislature in 1903.

[True or False] The interests of the nation's small farmers are advocated by the American Farm Bureau while the interests of large farming businesses are pursued by the National Farmers Organization and the National Farmers Union.

False, the interests of the nation's LARGE farmers are advocated by the American Farm Bureau while the interests of SMALL farming businesses are pursued by the National Farmers Organization and the National Farmers Union.

[True or False] Turnout in recent elections has been increasing.

False, turnout in recent elections has been decreasing.

[Fill in the Blanks] The ___ ___ ___ enforces compliance with the requirements of the Federal Election Campaign Act.

Federal Election Commission

[Fill in the Blanks] The United States Congress declared public ownership of the airwaves with the passage of the ___ ___ ___.

Federal Radio Act

[Multiple Choice] The ___ favored Alexander Hamilton's pro-business positions particularly on low taxes, a strong central government and opposition to the French Revolution.

Federalist Party

[Fill in the Blank] ___ ___ believed that the only tendency of factions was to impose their will on the greater society in a large republic that encourages a greater diversity of opinion thereby making depotism at the hands of any one group difficult if not impossible.

James Madison

[Multiple Choice] In Federalist #14, ___ warned about the danger factions pose to national unity.

James Madison

[Fill in the Blanks] In 1824, ___ ___ ___ received fewer popular votes but still became president as the United States Congress selected him over Andrew Jackson.

John Quincy Adams

[Fill in the Blanks] Both William Randolph Hearst and ___ ___ openly practiced yellow journalism during their infamous circulation wars.

Joseph Pulitzer

[Multiple Choice] ___ believe in freeing people not merely from the constraints imposed by their mistaken attribution of power to ineffectual things.


[Fill in the Blank] In 2007, Congress passed the ___ ___ ___ ___ Act that requires registered lobbying activities quarterly, as opposed to semiannually.

Lobbying Transparency and Accountability

[Fill in the Blanks] The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act is also known as the ___-___.


[Fill in the Blanks] Following a Democrat defeat in the 1952 presidential election, the ___ -___ ___ was organized to reform the delegate selection process.

McGovern-Frazer commission

[Fill in the Blank] The nation's largest women's interest group is the ___ ___ ___ ___ with over 250,000 members.

Nation Organization for Women (NOW)

[Fill in the Blank] The ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ is an example of a single issue group.

National Right to Life Committee

[Fill in the Blank] The Group of Ten to include National Wildlife Federation and the Sierra Club are known as ___ ___.

Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)

[Multiple Choice] Political parties consist of three inter-related components:

Party in the electorate, party in government, and party organization.

[Fill in the Blank] A liberal interest group, the ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ focuses on a wide range of issues from abortion to censorship of the arts.

People for the American War

[Fill in the Blanks] In ___ ___ ___, the Third Circuit court chastised the FCC for ignoring the issue of female and minority ownership of mass media outlets.

Prometheus vs. FCC

[Multiple Choice] Before his announcement that he would not seek a second term, Lyndon Johnson's primary challengers included

Robert Kennedy and Eugene McCarthy

[Multiple Choice] ___ is a doctrine advocating economic collectivism through governmental or industrial group ownership of the means of production and distribution of goods.


[True or False] John Adams once wrote that "our liberty depends on freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost".

THOMAS JEFFERSON once wrote that "our liberty depends on freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost".

[Fill in the Blank] In ___ ___ ___, the United States Supreme Court held that the Endangered Species Act made it an unqualified duty for agencies to refrain from taking action would harm the threatened or endangered species.

TV vs. Hill

[True or False] According to a new report, most Americans now get their news from the Internet rather than from newspapers or the radio.


[True or False] According to federal law, lobbyists are required to register and to report twice a year the names of their clients, their income, expenditures, and the issues they have discussed with lawmakers.


[True or False] According to the 1971 Federal Elections Campaign Act, primary, general, run-off and special elections are all separate elections meaning that PAC can give $5,000 per election, per candidate.


[True or False] According to the Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act of 1946, all lobbyists are required to register with the secretary of the United States Senate and the clerk of the House of Representatives.


[True or False] After the 2008 general election, the Republican Party sued the Federal Elections Commission, seeking to overturn prohibitions unregulated corporate and local contributions.


[True or False] Alexander Hamilton hired John Feen, an ardent Federalist, to establish a newspaper favorable to George Washington.


[True or False] Although they were "political enemies", George Washington appointed Alexander Hamilton as his Secretary of the Treasury and Thomas Jefferson as Secretary of State.


[True or False] American political parties are more pragmatic and less ideological.


[True or False] As a result of the 2008 president election, a 19-point gap now separates Democratic Party affiliation and Republican Party affiliation among voters ages 18-29


[True or False] By 1800, both the Federalists under Alexander Hamilton and the Republicans under Thomas Jefferson had established congressional caucuses that would nominate their party's candidates for general election.


[True or False] Colonial authorities could prosecute a newspaper's owner for seditious libel if the paper printed articles seen as offensive to the government.


[True or False] During the 2010 mid-term elections, the American Future Fund collected millions from anonymous donors to buy attack ads against incumbent Democratic members of the House of Representatives.


[True or False] During the first Persian Gulf War, the Pentagon required that reporters could only interview military personnel with an official escort present.


[True or False] Even before the general election campaign had even started, all candidates running for the White House in 2008 had raised and spent more money than in all seven of the last eight presidential elections.


[True or False] Farther to the right, the New Right or the Religious Right places its emphasis more on religious rather than cultural values.


[True or False] In 1986, the United State Supreme Court ruled that any redistricting plan designed for the political benefit of one group over another group could be challenged on constitutional ground.


[True or False] In 1990, the United States Supreme Court ruled in Austin vs. Michigan State Chamber of Commerce that both the states and the federal government can limit independent, direct corporate expenditures on behalf of candidates.


[True or False] In 1996, the United States Supreme Court ruled in Colorado Republican Federal Campaign Committee vs. Federal Election Commission that political parties, interest groups, and individuals can make independent expenditures to candidates.


[True or False] Pluralism is the view that the public policy arena is shaped through the competition, negotiation, and bargaining among multiple centers of power with no one group controlling the entire process.


[True or False] Plurality election systems can bring victory to the candidate with the most votes even if the candidate falls short of the majority and even if the candidate is the person the majority likes bet.


[True or False] Socialism is a doctrine advocating economic collectivism through governmental or industrial group ownership of the means of production and distribution of goods.


[True or False] The American Socialist Party unsuccessfully ran Eugene Debs as its presidential candidate in 1912.


[True or False] The Anti-Federalists published their opposition to the new constitution through the Letter of a Federal Farmer.


[True or False] The FCC repealed the fairness doctrine because the growth of cable made it necessary.


[True or False] The Hatch Act forbids political contributions from government employees and individuals, and companies receiving government funds.


[True or False] The Human Rights Campaign Fund works to advance the cause of gay and lesbian rights.


[True or False] The Jefferson/Republicans were founded by Thomas Jefferson in opposition to Federalist's positions developed by Alexander Hamilton.


[True or False] The early press was partisan.


[True or False] The election of 2008 saw the highest percentage of youth turnout since the 1972 president election.


[True or False] The election of the president entails a two-step process.


[True or False] The majority of the American electorate share political viewpoints that places them in the mainstream of the political spectrum.


[True or False] The media's access to classified information is limited by law.


[True or False] The media's criticism of Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott's racist statement at the birthday party for the now late Senate Strom Thurmond caused such a political problem for the Lott that he had to resign his leadership position.


[True or False] The most important role performed by interest groups is basically representing the interests of their membership.


[True or False] The number of a state's electoral votes is determined by the total number of United States representatives rests with each state's legislative house.


[True or False] The role of political parties in election campaigns began to diminish as a result of the anti-party reforms enacted during the Progressive Era.


[True or False] To date, the modern Republican Party is the only third party movement to evolve into a major political party.


[True or False] Voting turnout in primary elections tends to be low.


[Fill in the Blank] The ___ ___ ___ ___ is the nation's largest business lobbying organization representing over 3 million businesses.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce

[Fill in the Blank] In ___ ___ ___ ___, the United States Supreme Court ruled that the federal Regulation of Lobbying Act of 1954 applied to direct contacts with members of Congress.

United States vs. Harris

[Fill in the Blanks] Democrat ___ ___ is credited with changing the philosophical positions of both the Democrat and Republican Parties.

Woodrow Wilson

[Multiple Choice] President ___ defined conservatism as "the policy of to make no change and consult you grandmother when in doubt".

Woodrow Wilson

[Multiple Choice] A business group can be

a peak business association, a trade association, and an individual company

[Multiple Choice] The First Amendment allows congress to regulate

all broadcasting

[Fill in the Blank] The term ___ ___ means friend of the court.

amicus curiae

[Fill in the Blanks] An ___ holds that government is an unnecessary evil and should be replaced by voluntary cooperation among individuals and groups.


[Fill in the Blanks] The total amount of money spent in campaigns in an election year is in the ___ of dollars.


[Fill in the Blanks] The nation's first continuous newspaper was the ___ ___, which began publication in 1704.

boston newsletter

[Multiple Choice] The electoral college is a compromise that pleases

both large and small states

[Multiple Choice] The incumbents have an electoral advantage in

both the House and Senate elections

[Fill in the Blank] The most common type of interest group is the ___ group.


[Multiple Choice] Noncollective goods, benefits that group member get only if they join the group, are

called selective benefits

[Fill in the Blanks] Iowa uses the ___ method to select their parties' candidates.


[Fill in the Blank] Groups whose interests are directly affected or promoted by a government agency are called ___ groups.


[Fill in the Blanks] In a ___ primary format, voters must declare a party affiliation before casting their ballots.


[Fill in the Blank] One of the main reasons that people fail to join interest groups is that groups provide what economists call ___ ___.

collective goods

[Fill in the Blanks] Norway and Sweden follow a ___ ___ ___ whereby the parties commanding most of the legislative seats are not too far apart of policies and have a reasonable amount of trust in each other and in the political system.

consensual party system

[Fill in the Blanks] ___ ___ is based on support for traditional western Judeo-Christian values not just as a matter of comfort and faith, but out of a firm belief that the secular, the economic, and the political success of the western world is rooted in this value.

cultural conservation

[Fill in the Blanks] Repealed in 1987, the ___ required that stations provide opportunities for the expression of conflicting views on issues.


[Fill in the Blanks] In Iraq, approximately 500 reporters are ___ into military units, enabling them to have greater access to operational combat missions.


[Fill in the Blanks] According to the ___ ___ ___, the FCC requires that any station selling time to a political candidate, must make an equal offer of air tie availability to all candidates running for that office.

equal time provision

[Fill in the Blanks] Nations such as North Korea, Cuba and Vietnam use the one-party or ___ ___ ___ system.

exclusive governing party

[Fill in the Blank] Some interest groups offer their members ___ benefits derived from working for a group whose cause they see as just and right.


[Fill in the Blanks] ___ is based on the concept of ending formalized structured government with the development of collective societies.


[Fill in the Blanks] The term ___ ___ applies to an elector who casts his/her vote for their personal choice, even if the candidate was not on the original ballot.

faithless elector

[Fill in the Blanks] In 1934, Congress passed the Federal Communication Act, which created the ___ ___ ___.

federal communications commission

[Fill in the Blanks] Some call the press the ___ ___ because it has become so independent.

fourth estate

[Fill in the Blanks] The ___ ___ Party opposed the extension of slavery into the territories and the enactment of homestead laws.

free soil

[Fill in the Blanks] In Washington, an off-the-cuff remark is known as a ___.


[Multiple Choice] The drawing of district lines to benefit one group at the expense of another is called


[Fill in the Blanks] The ___ ___ required that potential voters take a literacy test if their grandfathers could not vote before 1867.

grandfather clause

[Fill in the Blanks] The ___ Party promoted the interests of farmer and ranchers to include regulatory laws overseeing railroads, banks, and insurance companies.


[Multiple Choice] Interests shared by a large number of people are

harder to get organized

[Multiple Choice] The ideological bias of the media

has never been clearly documented

[Multiple Choice] To avoid future scandals like that of the Savings and Loan, people are calling for the

increased regulation of soft money

[Fill in the Blanks] ___ is a doctrine holding the change in a political system occurs only by small steps, each of which should be carefully evaluated before proceeding to the next step.


[Fill in the Blanks] The most important feature of a general election is whether a/an ___ is running.


[Fill in the Blanks] An ___ ___ is a campaign expenditure made by business corporations, labor unions, and other interest groups for campaign items such as advertisements, that are not coordinated directly with those of the candidate or his/her political party.

independent expenditure

[Fill in the Blanks] ___ is the political, economic and social concept that places primary emphasis on the worth, freedom, and well-being of the individual rather than on the group, society or nation.


[Fill in the Blanks] When the media deals with political matters as stories it is called ___.


[Multiple Choice] The media tend to focus on

infotainment, negativity, and the incumbent

[Fill in the Blank] An organization of people and/or companies with specific policy goals, entering the policy process at several points, is called an ___ ___.

interest group

[Fill in the Blank] The tight relationship that develops between an interest group, members of congressional committee, and a bureaucratic department or agency is called an ___ ___.

iron triangle

[Fill in the Blank] The ___ ___ included Alan Cranstron, Dennis deConcini, John Glenn, Donald Reigle and John McCain.

keating five

[Fill in the Blanks] In the 1970s, a report issued by the ___ ___ was very critical of how the media reported racially-sensitive news items.

kerner commission

[Fill in the Blanks] A major event for both national conventions is the highly anticipated ___ ___ delivered` by each party's presidential nominee

keynote address

[Fill in the Blanks] The ___ ___ Party advocated anti-immigration policies and the prohibition of Catholics and foreign-born persons from holding elective office.

know nothing

[Fill in the Blanks] ___ laws preclude the media's printing or airing of a story that unjustly and falsely damages a person's reputation.


[Fill in the Blanks] ___ is a political doctrine that espouses freedom of the individual from interference by the state, toleration by the state in matters of morality and religion, laissez-faire economic policies, and a belief in natural rights that exist independent of government.


[Fill in the Blanks] The ___ theory argued that the press must be allowed to print the truth.


[Fill in the Blanks] In his Spirit of the Laws, Charles de Montesquieu defines ___ as having the power to do what one should want to do and in no way being constrained to do what one should not want to do.


[Fill in the Blank] Pressuring government officials through the provision of information is called ___.


[Fill in the Blank] The ___ ___ is the number of members actually in the group compared to its potential membership.

market share

[Fill in the Blanks] The term ___ ___ refers to the major channels of communication that carry messages to a mass audience.

mass media

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