The Book Thief Quiz #1

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What falls from the grave digger apprentice's pocket without his knowledge? What does Liesel do with the object?

-A black book -She picks it up and takes it with her

List the specific critical components of the story according to the narrator

-A girl -some words -an accordionist -some fanatical Germans -a Jewish fist fighter -quite a lot of thievery

Briefly identify Frau Holtzapfel. What is Frau Holtzapfel known for at the Hubermanns' home? Why & how does it affect Liesel?

-A wiry woman who spits on Hubermann's door every time she walks past and calls them pigs because she has a long verbal war with Rosa. She has two sons, but never got married. -Liesel has to clean off the spit each time from the door

Why are the Memingers on the train? Liesel's ultimate destination is...

-Because Liesel and her brother were going to be taken to a foster family in Munich. -Himmel Street

Rudy Steiner

-Blond haired, blue eyed boy who is eight months older than Liesel. -He is one of six Steiner kids and is always hungry. -He is Liesel's best friend and he loves Liesel. The boy next door who was obsessed with Jesse Owens.

Who is Liesel & Werner Meminger? Describe the setting. How old is Liesel?

-Brother and sister who were traveling with their mother to Munich to meet their foster parents. They were on a train that moved quickly and that was packed with people. He died in the third carriage. It is January 1939. -Liesel is nine years old, almost ten.

What elements blend together to create the "Smell of Friendship" for Liesel? Why do you think Liesel finds the smell so appealing yet Rosa so offensive?

-Cigarettes and kerosene -Liesel finds this so appealing because it is associated with good memories, while Rosa finds it offensive because there are not good memories associated with it and all she notices is that it is an unpleasant smell.

What image does Death paint for the reader when he sees the book thief the third time? How does Death "feel" about the image of Liesel? Why does Death not comfort the child? What does this imply about Death's ultimate power?

-Death describes the scene of the bombing and the rubble and blood everywhere. He tells us that the book thief is sitting in a mountain range of rubble and that she was clutching a book. The book thief wanted to go back into the basement, but she could not move. He also said he mainly remembers her in three different colors: red, white, and black. -Death wanted to go up to her and tell her he was sorry. He felt sad for her. -He said he couldn't comfort her because it wasn't allowed. This implies that he doesn't have complete ultimate power and there are still rules he must abide by.

What literary devise does Zusak use to close the chapter? What might the reader infer from the final sentence in the chapter? (Arrival on Himmel Street)

-Foreshadowing -The book thievery will play a huge role in the story and this book was just the first of many to be stolen.

Summarize the unrest between Hans & Hans Junior. What does Death foreshadow for Hans Junior?

-Hans Junior is a member of the Nazi Party and he thinks Hans should be too. He supports the Fuhrer and believes that Hans doesn't care about Germany because he doesn't join the party. He knows that Hans is against Hitler and he calls him a coward for it. -Death foreshadows that Hans Junior will die in Stalingrad fighting. He does this by mentioning that things didn't end well for him because he tragically ended up in Stalingrad, Russia. He also describes how he carried off many souls here and there was blood everywhere in the white snow.

Liesel notices a change in Hans when they are at the river, but doesn't realize what it means. Why do you believe Hans is going to the river?

-Hans is probably going to the river to be near the concentration camp. This affects him and he probably wants to teach Liesel about it, but is simply showing her it instead of explaining. -He is also probably remember times here.

What piece of news arrives at the Hubermann household? How does Papa react?

-Hitler invaded Poland. -Papa slumps in his chair and says Germany above all, but doesn't sound patriotic at all. He also had his accordion face again.

What kind of atmosphere does Death describe on Himmel Street? How does Liesel respond to her new home?

-It was gray and rainy. The buildings were glued together. There were small houses and apartments that looked nervous. There was murky snow. There was concrete, gray air, and empty trees. -She felt alone and lost and like she was in a foreign place

Who is Jesse Owens? Was Liesel present for the Jesse Owens incident? Explain.

-Jesse Owens was an African-American Olympic athlete who won three gold medals at the 1936 Olympics in Germany. - Liesel was not present for the Jesse Owens incident, but she feels like she was because Rudy had told her all about it and she could picture it in her mind like she had been there in the imaginary audience.

Why is Liesel overcome with emotion? How does Rudy respond?

-Liesel is overcome with emotion because she failed to recite The Grave Digger's Handbook, her family was destroyed, her nightmares, and the humiliation of the day. -Rudy stood by her side and when she stopped crying he put his arm around her and walked with her.

What realization does Liesel make as she hears the word "Kommunisten" spoken if as an enemy? What is her reaction?

-Liesel realized that this was a bad thing and that her father was a part of a group who was an enemy to Nazi Germany. She also came to realize that the Nazis punish anyone who isn't like them and that her parents were punished for being communists. She realizes that her family died because of the Nazis. -She was scared and shocked and furious. She thought about her mother, her missing father, and her dead brother.

To whom does Liesel write her letters? Why does she have a foreboding sense with regard to 1 of the letters?

-Liesel writes her letters to her mom. -She has a foreboding sense with regard to one of the letters because Papa seemed concerned about the whole idea and she heard Mama and Papa talking about how they don't know where she is or what they've done to her.

Describe the episode with Ludwig Schmeikl. Why is the scene important to the overall novel?

-Ludwig got injured in the crowd because of all the excitement. He called out to Liesel for help and she helped him away to safety. He then thanks her and apologizes for what happened at school a while back. She apologizes too. The whole time she can't stop thinking about the word "kommunist." -This is important to the overall novel because it shows Liesel maturing and realizing what is truly important. I think at this time she also realizes that the Nazi party might not be good. She sees it as wrong and barbaric.

What is Liesel suppose to call the Hubermanns' after a few months? Why do you think Rosa tells Liesel to do this?

-Mama and Papa -Rosa told Liesel to do this because Liesel was not going to see her real parents again

Why does Mama put Liesel in charge of collecting & delivering the laundry? How does Liesel feel about her new job?

-Mama put Liesel in charge of collecting and delivering the laundry because she feels like if they see a young girl, they will pity her and not fire her. -Liesel enjoys her new job because she gets to walk around without Mama and be outside.

Where does Papa take Liesel for reading lessons? How does he get Mama to agree?

-Papa takes Liesel to the Amper River for reading lessons. -He gets Mama to agree by saying that they would take her ironing for her.

Describe Rosa's feelings & behavior with regard to her laundry clients. Which client does Rosa detest the most? What happens when she sends Liesel to the client's door? Why does Rosa tell Liesel she has to do other people's laundry?

-Rosa is annoyed with her laundry clients and thinks they are lazy. -Her least favorite client is the Mayor's wife. -When she sends Liesel to the Mayor's door, the mayor's wife answers it and hands the laundry to Liesel. When Liesel says thank you, she doesn't say anything and just shuts the door. -Rosa tells Liesel she has to do other people's laundry because Papa doesn't have a good job that will pay enough. He plays his accordion and paints.

How does she describe it? Significance? How does her choice cause her fear?

-She describes it as living material that is huddled among the ashes, shaken. She describes them as survivors. -This is significant because she sees it as something that needs to be rescued and as a victim instead of as something that they need to get rid of. -Her choice causes her fear because the mayor's wife saw her take the book

What act does Liesel refuse to do from the beginning of her stay at the Hubermanns? How does she overcome her unwillingness?

-She refuses to take a bath -She is left alone and Hans comes to her and teaches her how to roll a cigarette. She overcomes her unwillingness with Papa's kindness.

What statement does Liesel make about Hitler as a result of the new found opinion she has made throughout the evening? How does Papa respond and why? How do you think Liesel feels about Papa's reaction?

-She says that she hates the Fuhrer. -In response, Papa slapped her. He wanted to sympathize with her, but instead he told her to never say that. He didn't want to draw attention to them or to have her going about saying those things and getting them into trouble. -Liesel felt extremely hurt by his action.

Who might you infer is the book thief? Has he or she already been named?

-She seems to be the focus of the story so far -Death mentions how this book centers around a girl.

What event in the classroom sets Liesel up for antagonism in the school yard? Why does she attack Ludwig & Tommy?

-She was skipped by the teacher for reading so she went up to prove that she could read, but she panicked and didn't do well. Instead she recited some of The Grave Digger's Handbook. She got a beating and the class laughed. -She attacks Ludwig because he was telling her to help them read and making fun of her and calling her an idiot. She attacked Tommy because he was smiling at her while she was beating up Ludwig.

How many books made up the story of Liesel's life? What similarity do you notice between Death's explanation of Liesel's book collection and the organization of the novel?

-Ten books -Each book she gets, hold an important meaning and signify a new chapter in her life. The novel is organized into parts and each part is the title of one of the books Liesel collects.

What do the Hubermanns search frantically for to display? Why couldn't they find it & what can you infer about that?

-The Hubermanns cannot find their flag. -They couldn't find it because it was buried behind the accordion in the cupboard. This shows me that the Hubermanns probably don't really support Hitler and only do it so that they don't get in trouble.

What event led to Liesel's bed wetting? How is it a defining moment in her life?

-The event that led to Liesel's bed wetting was her nightmare. It was about the brownshirts marching. They led her to a train and she discovered her dead brother staring. -This is a momentous moment in her life because it led to her and Papa finding the book and reading it to Liesel and helping her learn how to read. It also led to them growing close and started a new tradition for Papa and Liesel.

From what point of view is the novel told? Who is the narrator of the story? How do you know?

-The point of view of this novel is omniscient third person. -The narrator of this story is Death. -Death explains on page four that there will come a day where he will be standing over us and he will hold our soul and carry us away gently. -He mentions how certain people avoided him or how he has the task of taking the souls of the dead. -He mentions that he rarely finds people standing up, which suggests that they died.

Identify the three colors associated with the book thief. What clue to the novel's historical context does the reader first get from "the colors?"

-The three colors that Death associated with the Book Thief are red, black, and white. -These are the colors of the Nazi flag and he even puts these colors into shapes that form the Nazi flag.

What observation does Death make for the reader?

-There were a pair of train guards and a pair of grave diggers. One of them told the other what to do and the other did what they were told. "What if the other is a lot more than one?"(23). -The significance of this statement is referring to how a lot of the Germans just followed and did what they were told to do. The author is saying that this led to the problems in Germany and Hitler gaining so much power.

What is special about the 2nd book Liesel steals? What does it signify?

-This stolen book signifies Liesel going against the regime. -It is special because she waited so long to do it, but she felt proud of it, not guilty. She was motivated by anger and she stole it on the Fuhrer's birthday.

What gifts does Liesel receive for Christmas from the Hubermanns'? What question does the receipt of these gifts inspire Liesel to ask? Infer about Liesel's relationship with the Hubermanns based on her question

-Two book -how they paid for the gifts because they didn't have a lot of money. -I think Liesel is close to the Hubermanns and she doesn't expect them to buy her a lot of stuff. I think the Hubermanns are very honest with her, but she also knows that they care about her so much. She also cares about the Hubermanns very much

According to Death, what 2 important events occur in September -November 1939? What do you think is the significance of the fact that Death lists these 2 events under the same heading?

-WWII begins and Liesel Meminger becomes the heavyweight champion of the school-yard. -This is significant because it is showing that her life is also extremely important and because it was another step towards her rebellion against Hitler. It also shows that small events can lead to big, momentous events.

Tommy Mueller

-a child who had ear infections that led to many surgeries. -This left him with scars, a tendency to twitch, and he had a hard time hearing. -He goes to school with Liesel and plays soccer with her (he isn't good at soccer)

What theory does the narrator suggest about colors? Purpose? Why does the narrator need distractions?

-colors play a large role in telling a story and that colors can be a good distraction and help people find beauty in otherwise tough times. He also believes that we should pay more attention and take notice of the colors around us. He also uses the colors red, white, and black to help tell the story and then he puts them together to make the Nazi flag. -The narrator needs a distraction from his job of collecting souls of the dead. The part he needs a distraction from is the survivors because he has a hard time looking at them in all their despair.

What makes Liesel's adjustment to life with the Hubermanns' particularly difficult? How does Papa help her?

-every night she would have a nightmare about seeing her dead brother on the train. -Papa comes into her room and comforts her and stays with her

Despite her hardship, several things have brought Liesel happiness; what are they?

-finishing the Grave Digger's Handbook -escaping the ire of Sister Maria -receiving two books for Christmas.

Liesel notices... as the workmen are cleaning up the fire remnants.

-half a red flag -two posters advertising a Jewish poet -three books -a wooden sign with Hebrew on it

How does Death's admitted preoccupation with colors show itself in the chapter?

-he describes events and people he focuses on color. -when he talks about Liesel receiving a book he says it was delivered by a "soft, yellow-dressed afternoon"(30). -He focuses on how Liesel's hair is close to German blond and she has dark brown eyes.

How does Death's explanation of Mr. Steiner's politics explain his anger with his son emulation of Jesse Owens?

-he would do anything to keep his family safe even if it meant joining the Nazi party. He didn't agree with it and he knew it was wrong, but he chose not to think about it because he was worried what might "come leaking out" if he did. -Rudy was doing something that was against what he Nazi party stood for and he didn't want anyone to see Rudy doing it. He didn't want them to get in trouble

The last line in The Gravedigger's Handbook reads "We wish you every success with your career in the funerary arts and hope this book has helped in some way." How does this relate to Liesel & Papa?

-it has helped them become closer -it has helped Liesel learn to read -it has brought Liesel comfort.

What makes school particularly difficult for Liesel?

-she was Lutheran and the school had a heavy Catholic influence -She could not read or write so she was put into a class with the younger kids.

Infer what has happened just prior to his arrival based on the description of the setting. (The Flag)

-the town was bombed and many people died because they didn't make it to the bomb shelter in time. -Liesel's best friend, Rudy, and her mama and papa died as well.

Why are Liesel's classmates quiet when Sister Maria beats her for fighting?

-this beating was so bad and the kids were scared to listen -they didn't want Liesel to get mad at them. -They didn't want to be the next victim

What purpose does this section of the novel serve? (Beside the Railway Line)

-to introduce what happened to Liesel and her family. -It gives background information to how Liesel became the book thief -helps us understand why and how Liesel became who she is and what her motivation in certain situations might be.

What important number does Death provide in regard to the Germans support of Hitler? How does it relate to Hans?

90 percent of Germans supported Hitler. Hans belonged to the 10 percent that did not support Hitler.

What is the significance of the event Death foreshadows at the end of the chapter?

A Jew would have his shop destroyed in just two and half years because he wasn't of the "superior race." It shows what Hitler would do to those who were not of this race and did not fit this description.


A man who swears all the time. He walks around and whistles. He is old and has white hair and is lean.

How are the Nazi Party members preparing to celebrate Hitler's birthday?

A parade, marching, singing, fire (burning materials that went against Hitler).

Hans Hubermann

A very tall man He walked straight and had a cigarette.

In addition to describing the pilot's death, what does Death describe for the reader?

Death describes the book thief and Rudy running up to the pilot and Rudy giving the pilot a stuffed bear. He also describes the crowd that came to watch.

What impression does Death give himself? Do you feel you can trust Death as the narrator? Why or why not?

Death gives the impression that you can trust him. He mentions that he is not violent and that we shouldn't be scared of him. He also gives the impression that he is caring and that he doesn't like to see people suffer. I feel that I can trust Death as a narrator because he seems to state the facts of what happens and because he can see everything that goes on so he won't leave out any important details.

Why does Death include Tommy Mueller's inability to hear in this chapter?

Death includes the mention of Tommy Mueller's inability to hear as a foreshadowing of trouble to come to Rudy and Tommy Mueller.

Frau Hermann and the Mayor

Fluffy haired and shivering in a large cold doorway. She is always alone and silent.

Helena Schmidt

Gentle, old and arthritic

Which parent does Liesel seem to bond with more easily?


The Weingartners

Have a cat that always answers the door with them. They named him after Hitler's right hand man. They must be supporters of Hitler.

What is Rudy's father trying to make Rudy understand when he tells Rudy that he should be happy he was born with blonde hair & blue eyes?

He is trying to make Rudy understand that he is lucky to be a German who meets the qualifications for what Hitler says makes someone of the superior race. He is saying that hopefully his life will be easier because he fits into this description.

In a work of literature, there are various methods of arranging the details of the story such as cause & effect. How does Zusak use this method to reveal future events in the story?

He mentions something that one character did and then he reveals what other actions this will lead to other characters doing, even if they are in the far future. He also uses it to draw the reader in and keep the reader interested in what is going to happen. -He uses foreshadowing and flashbacks to give us suspense and to help use make guesses of what is going to happen in the future.

What literary device does Zusak use in the final line of this chapter to describe Liesel's future in school?

He uses a simile. "She would hold them in her hands like the clouds, and she would wring them out like the rain" (80). He also uses a metaphor when he says she will hold them in her hands

To what does Himmel translate?


How does Liesel feel about the book burning? Why do you believe Liesel is compelled to see the fire lit?

Liesel feels that the book burning is a crime. She wanted to see the fire lit because, like Death said, humans like a little destruction. I think a part of her also knew this was a big deal so she wanted to experience it and be able to make her own judgement.

What questions/concerns does Liesel now have regarding her mother?

Liesel now worries about where she is, what have they done to her, and who are "they?"

Explain why Liesel receives a severe beating from Mama. What does she come to understand that is more painful than Mama's beatings? Why does Mama apologize to Liesel? Why does Liesel write she has no animosity towards Rosa for the beating, or toward her mother?

Liesel receives a severe beating from Mama because she spent some of the money from the washings. She comes to understand that she will never receive a reply from her Mama and this is more painful than her beatings. Mama apologizes because Liesel will never get any letters from her Mama and she knows that Liesel has realized this. Liesel does not have any hard feelings towards Rosa or her mother because she recognizes that they were victims of circumstance.

Why does Mama reprimand Papa on Liesel's birthday?

Mama reprimands Papa on Liesel's birthday because they didn't have enough money to buy Liesel a birthday present due to the fact that Papa sold his cigarettes to get Liesel a Christmas present and he was now out of cigarettes.

Frau Diller

Owner of the candy store. One of the most patriotic figures in the book, she is a rule-follower and a mean, ungenerous character. She embodies the Hitler ideal of the "good" German who blindly follows orders.

Where do Papa & Liesel work on reading most often at home? Why?

Papa and Liesel usually work on reading at home in the basement because Mama wouldn't be quiet. They also used the basement walls to paint words on.

What does Death explain to the reader regarding Rosa's actions toward Liesel?

Rosa's actions and unkind words were her way of expressing her love for Liesel.

What challenge does Rudy offer Liesel following their taunting of Pfiffikus? What is the outcome?

Rudy challenges Liesel to a 100 meter race. If he wins he gets to kiss her and if Liesel wins she gets to get out of being the goalie. They both end up slipping in the mud before the finish line and no one wins. Rudy says that one day Liesel will be dying to kiss him.

Briefly describe the "Jesse Owens" incident

Rudy painted himself black with charcoal and ran 100 meters at the local playing field one night.

Who introduces Liesel to the "secrets" of the neighbors? Explain.

Rudy. His mom told him to walk with Liesel to school because she heard about how Rudy threw a snowball at Liesel's face. On the walk, he told her all about the people who lived nearby.

What happens when Liesel wakes form her dream about the Fuher?

She finds that her brother is dead and she tries to shake him.

What change does Liesel experience in school?

She moved up to the grade she was supposed to be in

After Liesel's 10th birthday, what is she enrolled in?

The BDM (Band of German Girls). It was a part of the HItler Youth program

What does an eclipse frequently symbolize for Death?

The eclipse symbolizes death

Whose death does Death describe first in the novel?

The first death that Death describes in the novel is the death of Liesel's six year old brother, Werner.

Briefly explain why the title of this section is appropriate. (Dead Letters)

The title of this section is appropriate because Liesel continues to write letters to her Mama to send to her, but she won't get a reply because her mom is likely dead.


They always say yes, yes, very well, very well. Liesel imagines them saying everything twice.

Why is Death's statistical record of Liesel's book stealing significant?

This information is significant because it clarifies how long she went until she stole another book. It also shows that she didn't just do it for fun, but she did it in significant moments. It shows her resisting the Nazi regime and that she has motivation behind each act of thievery.

Why is the sandpaper useful?

hans uses the smooth side to sketch out the letters of the alphabet to teach Liesel how to read

Why does Death like Papa?

he notices the colors and speaks about them.

Why does Death take the item from the garbage truck?

he wants to view it and tell it to prove to himself that everyone and human existence is worth it. He also looked at it and saw how their paths had crossed throughout Liesel's life.

What single fact does Liesel know about her father?

he was a communist

Why is The Gravedigger's Handbook so important to Liesel?

it represented the last time she saw her brother and mother.

How are the friendships between children made on Himmel Street?


What fact does Death clarify for the reader at the end of Beside the Railway Line?

that Liesel is the book thief when he mentions that there were tears frozen on the book thief's face.

Death opens Part 1 with a flashback, what is it?

the death of Liesel's younger brother.

Schiller Strasse is...

the road of yellow stars. It is where the Jewis lived before they were taken to concentration camps.


was a housemaid and a child minder

Rosa Hubermann

was short and squat and looked annoyed waddled when she walked

Hans Junior

worked in the center of Munich

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