the canterbury tales

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the pardoners tale: and then death went his way without a word. he's killed a thousand in the present plague, and, sir, it doesn't do to be too vague if you should meet him; you had best be wary.

a lot of people died during the black plague.

"the pardoners tale" how is "death" protrayed?

a price of wickedness and greed and an actual person.

"the pardoner's tale" define "allegory."

a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.

"the wife or bath's tale" how much time does the knight have to learn what women most desire?

a year and a day

"the wife of bath's tale" why does the knight agree to marry the old woman?

because he promised her, is she helped him find the answer to the queen's question.


begged earnestly

the pardoners tale: where does the old man tell the rioters they will find death?

by the old oak tree


criticize strongly

explain: gentle is he that does a gentle deed. and therefore, my dear husband, i conclude that even if my ancestors were rude, yet god on high- and so hope he will- can grant me grace to live in virtue still.

even though others before her might not have been as great as her, she prays that she will stay virtuous.

"the pardoner's tale" describe the pardoner

fine yellow hair, glaring eyes, didn't wear his hood, carried a bag, freshly shaven beard.

"the wife of bath's tale" what is the moral of "the wife of bath's tale"?

for women to be able to make decisions.

explain: As for my poverty which you reprove, Almighty God Himself in whom we move, Believe and have our being, chose a life of poverty, and every man or wife. Nay, every child can see our Heavenly King. Would never stoop to choose a shameful thing. No shame in poverty if the heart is gay, As Seneca and all the learned say.He who accepts his poverty unhurt. I'd say is rich although he lacked a shirt. But truly poor are they who whine and fret And covet what they cannot hope to get. and he that, having nothing, covets not, Is rich, though you may think he is a sot

god chose to live a life of poverty and lived a good honest, faithful, and rich life, without the riches because money isn't everything.

"the pardoner's tale" what is the subject of the pardoners tale

greed is the root of all evils.


hand down as an inheritance

explain: " 'my love?' said he. 'by heaven, my damnation! alas that any of my race and station should ever make so foul a misalliance! yet in the end his pleading and defiance all went for nothing, he was forced to wed."

he basically said he'd be damned if he were to marry her and love her because of her background and the way she looks, but he was forced to anyways, to keep his word.

the pardoners tale: "for my exclusive purpose is to win and not at all to castigate their sin. once dead what matter how their souls may fare? they can go blackberrying for all i care

he doesn't care what he tells people. his soul purpose is money, and who cares what happens after they die. its not his problem and he doesn't even know.

"the wife of bath's tale" how does the knight show that he has learned what women want most?

he gives the woman a choice of what she looks like and what she wants to be.

"the wife of bath's tale" how does the knight show that he has learned what women want most?

he gives the woman a choice of what she looks like and what she wants to be.

"the wife of bath's tale" in the story about keeping secrets, what secret does midas reveal to his wife?

he reveals that he has a pair of ass's ears.

"the pardoners' tale" how does the pardoner earn money?

he sells people fake relics. told them that if they bought them god would forgive them of their sins.

"the pardoners tale" explain: about the earth, which is my mother's gate, knock-knocking with my staff from night to noon and crying, 'mother, open to me soon! look at me, mother, won't you let me in?

he wants to die, but mother earth won't let him yet.


heroism; distinction

"the wife of bath's tale" on what subjects does the old woman speak so eloquently?

herself and about other women, and about being old, poor, and low bred.


highly respected; held in high regard

"the pardoners tale" at the beginning of the story, where are the three rioters sitting?

in a tavern

the pardoners tale: "...if it be your design to find out death, turn up this crooked way towards that grove. i left him there today under a tree, and there you'll find him waiting.

it becomes evident, that the three rioters will literally meet death, due to each other, they are all going to kill each other and meet death themselves.

"the pardoners' tale" why is it ironic that the pardoner preaches against avarice?

it's ironic because he is especially greedy.

what is ironic about the pledge the rioters make ..."they made their bargain, swore with appetite. these three, to live and die for one another as brother born might swear to his born brother."

its ironic because they are meant to die for each other, but instead they betrayed and killed each other over money.

"the wife of bath's tale" according to the old woman, what makes a person noble?

living up to their word, and seeing beyond, money and beauty. and doing noble deeds without being selfish.

explain: truly there's not a woman in ten score who has fault, and someone rubs the sore. but she will kick if what he says is true; you try it out and you will find so too."

no one should dare call a woman out on her faults, and if they do they surely will deny and make you regret it, even if its true. try and you'll find out.

what does the word REPROVE mean in these lines from the wife of baths tale? "some say the things we most desire are these: freedom to do exactly as we please, with no one to reprove our faults and lies, rather to have one call us good and wise."

no one to call out that they are false, (reprimand or censure someone)


pharmacist; druggist

"the pardoners tale" describe the three rioters

prating, arrogant, greedy, un-noble, betrayers



"the wife of bath's tale" how does the old woman surprise the knight at the end of the story?

she becomes young and beautiful but stays the same loyal person on the inside.

"the wife of bath's tale" while the knight is returning to the castle, he sees young maidens dancing in the woods. when he looks up, he finds only the old woman. what can you infer about the woman from these events?

she's able to turn herself into anything or make you believe that you see something, that might not be there.

"the wife of bath's tale" why is the knight reluctant to marry the woman who saves his life?

she's ugly, poor, low bred, and extremely old.


skillfully; with ease and quickness



pardoners tale: conclusion to the pardoners tale

the meet "death". they are all dead.

explain: "you are no gentleman, though duke or earl vice and bad manners are what make a churl."

the old woman is telling the knight that he isn't a noble knight like he claims to be.

pardoner tale: how does the pardoner treat the host/

the pardoner mocks the host

"the wife of bath's tale" the old woman addresses the issues of her poverty. list 5 ways she indicates that poverty is honorable.

the poor can dance and sing in relief of having nothing that will tempt a thief." "a great incentive to a livelihood, and a great help to our capacity for wisdom." "brings one to God and teaches what is holy." "gives knowledge of oneself and even lends a glass by which to see one's truest friends."

"the wife of bath's tale" who spares the knights life?

the queen spares the knights life

"the wife of bath's tale" why does the queen give the knight a chance to save his life?

the queen wanted to be merciful and give him another chance, while changing him for the better along the way by giving him a lesson.

pardoner tale: which character or characters does the pardoner most closely resemble?

the three rioters

"the pardoners tale" in "the pardoner's tale," how do the rioters treat the old man when they first meet him?

they are rude and disrespectful and wonder why he's not dead.

pardoners tale: what do the rioters find beneath a tree?

they find gold

pardoners tale: as soon as the youngest rioter leaves for town, what plan do the other two make?

they plan to attack the rioter as if they are playing, and then the other one will come up and stab him from behind, thus killing him.

"the pardoners tale" when the three hear about their friends death, they vow to do what?

they vowed to go after death himself and kill him as he has killed their friend.

"the wife of bath's tale" what does the knight learn that women really want?

they want to be equal with men, but have sovereignty.

"the pardoners tale" why do the rioters go looking for death?

they want to hunt him down and kill him for killing their friend.


to delay or linger


unnatural lack of color


walked at an unhurried pace

pardoners tale: the rioter who goes to town returns with what?

whine, bread, and poison


white or gray with age

"the wife of bath's tale" what is the main idea of the story of midas?

women can't keep secrets

"the wife of bath's tale" the old woman addresses the issue of her poverty. list 5 ways she indicates that poverty is honorable.

"the poor can dance and sing in relief of having nothing that will tempt a thief." "a great incentive to a livelihood, and a great help to our capacity for wisdom." "brings one to God and teaches what is holy." "gives knowledge of oneself and even lends a glass by which to see one's truest friends."

"the wife of bath's tale" after the knight and the old woman are married, the old woman gives him two choices. what are they?

"you have two choices; which one will you try? to have me old and ugly til i die, but still a loyal, true and humble wife that never will displease you all her life, or would you rather i were young and pretty and chance your arm what happens in a city where friends will visit you because of me."

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