The French Revolution and Napoleon

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What did Napoleon do when he was becoming emperor why

He was very confident so he took the crown from the pope (he usual places the crown on peoples heads) and placed it on his own head

Who were enemies of the state/ revolution

People who still supported the king and queen (even by having kings and queens in a deck of cards)

What was a result of the middle class's of Enlightenment ideas

They realized and no longer accepted they were not equal in government = rebellion

How did the bourgeoisie want the government to be changed and what resulted of it

They thought their stay in the Estates- General was unfair and they wanted to vote by population and as a result they formed a group called the National Assembly

Did the people of France know him

Yes because he was the hero of battles of the Revolution against Austria and other countries

What is the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen?

A constitution for France that limited the king's power and gave more rights to people. It was created by the National Assembly

Who wrote the 1812 Overture honoring Napoleon's loss?


What is the National Assembly

A group of only third estate members with the goals of making fairer laws for the people of France

What time period was known as the Great Fear

The summer of 1789

How many votes does each group get in the Estates General

1 per group

When was the Napoleonic code introduced


Who were in each estate

1st- Clergy 2nd- nobility 3rd- everyone else (including bourgeoisie, workers, peasants, etc)

Population breakdown of the third estate

98% of people in third estate including the bourgeoisie, workers, and peasants who made up 80% of the population

What was st Helena like

A barren wood swept rock in the South Atlantic

What resulted of the Constitution made by the National Assembly

A constitutional monarchy where the king exists and has power to veto (cancel) laws Also, there was a set voting age at 25 for only men owning land (no land = no vote)

What was the Battle of Trafalgar and why was it important

A naval (sea) battle against Britain that Napoleon lost Important because it showed Napoleon if he wanted to defeat Britain, he needed new tactics

What did Napoleon do that included the people in him being chosen to rule

A plebiscite was held in which Napoleon was the only candidate but still have the people the belief they chose him

Who was Maximilien Robespierre

A radical member of the bourgeoisie who gains power and gets rid of the National Assembly and constitution. Took power 1792

What did France need instead of the Directory

A strong leader to take charge of the country

What is a coup d'etat?

A sudden change in the government by a small group of people

Where did Napoleon live on st Helena

A tiny hovel with no furniture, curtains, bed/dressing/dining room

When did the empire start falling

After Napoleon lost in Russia, the Third Coalition came after him and he tried to fight back but his army was weak and the generals refused to continue fighting

What are some of the laws in the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen

All men are born equal and distinctions are made on if they're good The main point of politics is to preserve natural rights liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression No one should have authority over the nation

What happened during the Battle of Waterloo

At the beginning there were about equal deaths on each side The British were in the shape of squares and acting defensively by lying on the ground when the French shot at them and standing up to receive cavalry The French charged at the British so the Duke of Wellington told the British to put up their bayonets and charge agains them The Prussians also came and united with and supported the British

What else was he opening during the Reign of Terror

Austria declared war in France for killing Marie Antionette

Why did the king and queens attempted escape to work

Because people recognized him from his face being in the money

Why was voting not fair

Because the third estate made up of 98% of the population and it wasn't fair that their vote was worth the same as the 1%s who always voted together against the third estate

Who wrote symphonie number 3 honoring Napoleon


Who tried to stop Napoleon from expanding French and how

Britain made the Third Coalition where they convinced other European countries to join an alliance of fight Napoleon

What two armies were most opposed to Napoleon's return

British and Prussian

How did the American Revolution influence the French Revolution

Citizens of France saw the success of the American Revolution - many ideas of the Declaration of Independence were Enlightenment ideas - inspiring to see these ideas put into action

Population to land

Clergy- 1% pop 10% land Nobles- 1-2% pop 35% land Middle class- 97-98% pop 55% land

What were the different types of bourgeoisie

Conservative, moderate, and radical

What did Napoleon declare himself relating to the Church

Consul for life

How did Napoleon improve the French people's lives for education

Created lycees- state schools where people trained to be government employees These schools were open to boys of any social class which made Napoleon more popular

What did the Concordat of 1801 do?

Declared peace with the Pope after the pope had denounced the revolution. Declared Catholicism the majority religion of France, but NOT the official religion.

Who were the bourgeoisie?

Educated citizens who believe in the ideas of the Enlightenment Also they were artisans and merchants and things like that

How did the Enlightenment influence the French Revolution

Enlightenment ideas were spreading and people began to question whether the current system was the best approach for France Bourgeoisie knew about the Enlightenment ideas and wanted more freedoms and more of a say in government

What were some of the laws in the Napoleonic code

Exercise of civil rights is independently the quality of citizens according to the constitutional law Every Frenchman has civil rights A husband has to protect his wife as she has to be obedient to him A wife has to live with her husband and follow him everywhere when convenient but he has to give her everything he wants according to means The court will take care of the defendant

Why did Napoleon want to escape the island of Elba

He believed he could've been emperor again because king Louis XVIII was not an effective king and the people didn't like that

What did Louis XVI do when he thought he was in danger and why did this backfire

He brought in the Swiss Guard for protection but people saw the soldiers and thought that Louis XVI was going to massacre them so on July 14, 1789, angry citizens storm the Bastille (a prison in France) to get gunpowder ad supplies

How did Napoleon improve the French people's lives for laws

He created the Napoleonic code- a new set of laws that attempted to treat everyone equally

How did Napoleon improve the French people's lives for religion

He made an agreement with the Catholic Church called the Concordat which brought the French back into the Church's good graces

How did Napoleon make the lives of the French better

He made equality with the Napoleonic code and made state schools called lycées

How did Napoleon reform religion in France and how does he feel about religion

He made it return to being part of the government and made Catholicism one of the main religions of France. Napoleon thinks religion is important

What additional reforms did Napoleon make

He made trade more efficient for France and he reconnected with places that France had not traded with for a while

How did Napoleon reform education and how did he feel about that

He opened schools called lycées for all boys ages 10- 16. This allowed boys to learn things they had not previously been able to learn. He thought education was important for making good citizens, workers, and soldiers

What does Napoleon do when he returns from war

He realizes how bad things had gotten under the Directory and he was very popular with French people so he overthrew the Directory and created his own government

How does Napoleon help the Directory

He restores order then fixes other problems France is having in Europe

What did Napoleon do relating to other countries when he took control

He started taking over other European countries

Why did Napoleon think he could defeat the armies allied against him

He thought that if he had enough supporters and could work quick enough, he could stop his enemies from uniting against him

What did Maximilian Robespierre want relating to voting and why wasn't this happening

He wanted to give more men the right to vote but as the National Assembly kept trying to pass new laws, the kin kept vetoing them

What did the king want to do to fix his lack of money problems? Why?

He wanted to tax the second estates more because he knew they had money

What happens to Napoleon after losing the battle of waterloo

He was banished to the island if st Helena and lives there for 6 years until his death in 1821

When Napoleon was defeated what happened to him

He was banished to the island of Elba as a punishment

How did the people feel when Napoleon came back

His troops welcomed him and were ready to fight the British and Prussian troops. He also gained many followers on his way to fighting these armies

How does Robespierre's policy of voting change

His- all men vote Change- only men with land vote

What happened with some women during the Great Fear and when

In October 1789, approximately 60000 Parisian Women rioted over rising bread price

What did Napoleon say about his treatment on st Helena

Infamous treatment Injustice, violence, insult, torment They should've killed him with musketballs to the head or heart- that has more energy Complaints are beneath his dignity. He must command or be silent

How did the Great Fear impact the first and second estates

It caused many members of the first and second estates to leave the country in fear

How did the Directory impact the radical part of the French Revolution

It slowed it down

What was the Napoleonic code

It was a a clear set of laws applicable to all members of French society that fulfilled expectations of the public, all citizens acquainted with it and serves as there guide for transactions and is a benefaction

How were the British ships arranged in the Battle of Trafalgar because the British won

It was a pell mell "divide and conquer" where one fleet of ships divided the enemies down the middle so the two sides of ship could not help one another out while the two other lines of ship went on the outsides. This was effective because it also allowed the British to use both sides of canons, not just one

Why did voting never work out for the third estate

It's vote was equal to the other groups and the other two groups always voted together against the third

What did Napoleon along with others do to gain control

Launched a coup d'etat

What was the Estates- General, who called it, how did the voting work, and how long had it been since it had met

Louis needed to raise money so he tried to tax the second estate but people protested and insisted he called a meeting of the Estates-General Estates- General - an assembly of representatives from all three estates to decide what to do on the issue It hadn't met in 175 years It voted by estate so each estate got one vote

Who did Robespierre kill in the reign of terror

Marie Antoinette, king Louis XVI and anyone else he expected of being an enemy which little or no evidence

Who kills Marie Antionette and King Louis XVI and how

Maximilian Robespierre by guillotine

What was one o the only successful part of the French government


Who was ready to lead France

Napoleon Bonaparte

Who won battles and what resulted of it

Napoleon did and got more land as a result for France

What happened after Napoleon was sent to Elba

Napoleon escaped and returned to France so the Third Coalition prépares to fight him

Whose idea was it to arrange the British ships differently


Was the Directory making people happy


Did the slowing of the Radicals by the Directory last

No because many members of the Directory were corrupt and self serving

Did women's rights change either he Napoleonic code

Not really

Was Napoleon influenced by the Enlightenment

Partially because he believed in Civil Rights which are similar to Natural Rights

Mistake deux

Portugal refuses to participate in continental system Napoleon sent troops through Spain to attack Portugal Peninsular war: 1808-1813- Spanish attacked French stationed there Napoleon had to send extra men to help and 300,000 mes died

Committee of Public Safety

Powerful group, led by Robespierre, set up to defeat all enemies of the revolution. They tried to fix bread prices and stuff like that also but as a result of them there were many wars

Marie Antoinette: who was she and how did the people feel about her and why

Princess from Austria forced to marry Lois at the age of 14 for political reasons She was out of touch with the French people and they hated her She spent lots of money on clothes and her fake peasant village

What was the National Assembly doing while the Great Fear was happening

Putting finishing touches on the Declaration of the Rights if Man and Citizen

Mistake trois

Russia also didn't participate in the Continental system When the Napoleon's army arrived in Russia Russians had done the scorched earth policy- abandoned their towns and burned everything owned Napoleon's troops continued advancing in Russia but people kept using the scorched earth policy which left his troop with no supplies or shelter for the army No choice but to turns around and return to France

Napoleon Bonaparte description and where he's from

Short and stubborn. From island of Corsica

What did Robespierre not do like he said he would

Solve food shortages and make lower prices

What were different beliefs of how Frances government should be

Some supported monarchy and wanted Louis XVI's oldest son to be king of France under a constitutional monarchy Others wanted France to be like Great Britain where wealthy businessmen and bourgeoisie have real power because prices are rising and people have fewer and fewer jobs

What battle happened and who won

The Battle of Waterloo was only 2 days because Napoleon's troops were weak and unprepared

What was the agreement Napoleon made with the Catholic Church? When?

The Concordat of 1801

What was done with the land Napoleon won

The Directory sent unemployed people to live there

What problem is the Directory having because of the Committee of Public Safety

They have to keep fighting wars the Committee of Public Safety started under control of Maximilian Robespierre

What happened 3 days after the National Assembly was formed and what happened as a result of this.

The National Assembly was locked out of the meeting hall and as a result, they formed the tennis court oath

France and the Old Regime

The Old Regime is the system that France has before the revolution. It consisted of an absolute monarch with complete control over the government, 3 estates (social classes) and a system called Estates- General that gave people a say in government at the monarch's request

Louis XVI: who was he, what was his relation to the government and money

The absolute monarch from 1774-1793 He didn't want people to have a say in government Didn't make major changes to the system of government put in place by his great great grandfather Inherited lots of debt but kept spending

Third Coalition

The alliance between the countries of Austria, Russia, and Great Britain against the forces of Napoleon.

Mistake une

The continental system- a blockade Napoleon used to try to weaken Britain Countries in Europe weren't supposed to trade with Britain

Where did Napoleon go to school

The finest military schools in France

What influenced the French Revolution among other things

The ideas of the Enlightenment and the American Revolution

What were three demands the third estate made about the French government

The monarch could not be and abusive tyrant Tailles needed to be equal Votes by third estate should be counted by heads

What is the Directory

The new government in place after the Reign of Terror and Robespierre's death. It consisted of an executive branch of 5 men that enforced the new constitution and rule the government together but they were very corrupt and unpopular with the people. They appointed a young military general named Napoleon Bonaparte to restore order in Paris.

Who was most frightened during the Great Fear?

The nobles that had land were the most scared because the peasants weren't scared and wanted food and money, which the nobles and clergy had. They could take the food and money from them

How was texting unfair

The taille (tax on land) was different. Nobles land had little taxes while commoners land had heavy taxes This along with feudal dues (rent given to lords) made commoners very poor Bread price rose leaving people unable to have that

What was the reign of terror

The time period (1793) that Robespierre controlled the committee of public safety. It was known as the Reign of Terror because so many people were killed based on the suspicion that they were enemies of him or loyal to the king and others were afraid they were going to be caught or accused of being a spy or enemy and executed by guillotine

What did the conservative bourgeoisie believe

They did not want to make major changes to the government. They wanted the king to stay in power and even in some cases for things to go back to the way they were before

What do the men who can vote do and how does this impact everyone

They eliminate price controls that keep costs down and then they print money for themselves. The new money makes prices rise and riots resulted of it because the men who could vote got money so they could pay the higher prices but those who couldn't vote were still poor and couldn't pay high prices

What did the radical bourgeoisie believe

They wanted major changes to the government. They wanted to get rid of the king and monarchy completely. They thought the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen did not go far enough and many more changes needed to be made to France

What did the moderate bourgeoisie believe

They wanted some changes to the government. The National Assembly was made up of moderates. They wanted the king to stay in power, but they wanted him to have limited power. Moderates liked the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

Why did the British soldiers have the courage to make a final charge

They were honoring the lives of their friends and fellow soldiers that had just been killed by the French

Who were the workers

They weren't paid as much as the bourgeoisie and were less educated Servants, cooks, etc

Who were the peasants

They worked directly for a noble doing farming or other manual labor Not educated

What was the goal of the Revolution

To fix problems: - an absolute monarchy and people want a say in government because the Estates General is not enough - tax system unfair - food shortages and cost of living = too high - most dont have meant rights and freedoms

What did the Napoleonic code do negatively

Took away some rights the French people had been given by the National Assembly

France's Economy: what were it's major causes of struggle

Used to be economically stable and prosperous but struggled Several causes of struggle: 1. Heavy taxes made it nearly impossible for other countries to do business with France because it wasn't worth it 2. Cost of living rose for everyone 3. Bad weather in 1780s = food shortages 4. Price of bread doubled in 1789 and lots of people starved 5. King Louis XVI and wife Marie Antoinette were very extravagant and spent lots of money. Also spent money to help Americans during the Revolution but bankers refused to loan him more money = trouble

What was the Great Fear

What spread throughout Europe during the summer of 1789 when the peasants went wild - the peasants rebelled and the bourgeoisie can't control them because they think now that they're free, they can do whatever they want. They don't know the difference between good and bad Rights and don't understand the social contract. It's looking more like the state of nature (Hobbes)

What was the Great Fear

When peasants throughout the country rebelled and began killing members of the second estate= France in complet chaos

What is the tennis court oath

When the National Assembly broke into a local tennis court, they stay in there until a new constitution was created National Assembly members of the bourgeoisie of the third estate vowed to creat a new constitution for France that would create liberty, equality, and fraternity for ALL of France

What does Napoleon eat on st Helena

Wretched meals the servers do t even want to touch that are way below his usual standards

Consul for Life

title taken by Napoleon in 1802

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