The girl who loved Tom Gordan (Threw most of the top of the Seventh)
List three phrases on page 166 that have already been previously in this book.
1. I don't know why we have to pay for your wrong 2. Tough for her age 3.The law that needs to be put
In what year is the story set?
What awakens Trisha's mother in the hotel and who is there is comfort her?
A dream about Trisha. Larry
What does Trisha witness for the first time out in the woods that night?
A metro shower
Trisha's normal station on the Walkman does not come in, but where is she able to find a radio station?
AM Band
What new plan to hook up with the family does Trisha devise?
At the Y of the trail
Described Trisha's mental state at the end of Inning Six.
Bad, going crazy
What is the new food Trisha finds? How does she know this is an okay thing to eat?
Beach nuts. She saw the deer eat them. Mom & Science class
Why did Trisha's family moved from Boston to Maine?
Because her mom & dad split
What is an "oh boy waterless cookware voice?"
Being Sarcastic
On page 92 Trisha uses a simile to describe the swelling on her cheek to a volcano erupting. Why would she choose this kind of a comparison?
Big & ready to burst
What is symbolic about that reference?
Both took an adventure
Who is Bilbo Baggins?
Character from the book the Hobbit
What does "Red Sox closer" mean?
Closing Pitcher, Wins games
What happens to Trisha's mental state after her new discovery?
What saying of her mother's did she use to calm herself?
Count your blessings
What does Trisha in the forest after the three figures have visited her?
Deer guts, clawed tree
What saying does Trisha recall her Gramma McFarland using?
Don't break your fool neck
What word does Trisha say that make her feel superior? Why does it make her feel this way?
Duck with an F
When Trisha thinks of a helicopter coming in and saving her like in M.A.S.H. the cold voice comes in and tells her she'll never even be inbarned. What word should she have used instead of "inbarned"
What does Trisha say the poncho reminds her of now?
Everything that has gone wrong
What happens to Trisha as she tries to use the great outdoors as her personal restroom?
Falls in her own mess
The flashback concerning Tom Gordon is fact or fantasy?
What does the second character look like?
Why is Trisha's crying getting shorter and lighter?
Feels a little better
Who does the first white robed figure claim to represent?
God of Tom Gordon
Why does Trisha get angry at the second white figure?
He can't help her
Why did Pete hate the new hometown?
He got bullied a lot
What does running top speed toward the precipice represent?
Describe Trisha's dream.
Her dad is being mean to her. Cellar has wasps coming out of it
What is the Appalachian Trail?
Hiking trail from Georgia to Maine
What does the sudden drop off to a valley represent?
How close she is too danger
Which TV character does Trisha compare herself to when she has mud all over face?
I Love Lucy
"The little clearing was filled with moonlight, cold and lucid, strong enough to cast firm shadow beside her and put ash-bright sparkles on the water of her little stream."
"....but she looked anyway, her swollen, itchy face and up cast eyes solemn."
What is symbolic about the mosquito whining in her ear?
It has teeth
Why ca;; this portion of the book Pre-game? What is it referring to that occurs in other novels?
Leading up to what will happen. Prologue
What is ironic about "She could think like a kid again, once she was out of the woods."
Looking for her
How did Trisha react to the idea of a "fuss" to find her?
Makes her feel guilty
How is the discussion related to Trisha's experiences in the woods?
Mazzerole has been arrested
What is the false lead that the police receive about Trisha?
Mazzerole, a pedophile had abducted her
"The object in the sky overhead was a slightly misshapen silver stone almost too bright to look at...."
Describe the balance between safety and danger? What does Trisha's knowledge and surprise suggest?
More Danger than safety. She is smart, but still 9
Who does the first figure resemble? Why would Stephen King use this character?
Mr. Boak & important figure
Which fictional character does Trisha compare herself to as she dips her hand through her new stockpile of food?
Mr. Scrooge with money
What is Trisha's mind set at the beginning of this chapter?
Neck hurts but she is hopeful
Does Trisha still believe that she will be saved?
On second thought, what does Trisha of the moonlight?
What does Trisha's resistance to the vision of falling represent?
Not giving up
The fact that this inning is divided into a top and bottom implies what?
One nature will win & one Trisha will win
How does Trisha know she's losing weight?
Pants keep falling down
After Trisha reapplies her mud-mask, she experiences another flashback. What was it about?
Pepsi & her putting on makeup
"Tonight's moon was so bright that it had embarrassed all but the brightest stars into invisibility,......"
What is happening with Trisha's family the night she sleeps in the woods?
Pete is having a nightmare. Parents are having sex
What is a Shaker village?
Rebuilt historic town
Before she turned off the Walkman at 3:30, what did she hear announced that gave her something to live for?
Red Socks game
What disappointing news does Trisha receive over the radio?
Red Socks have the day off, search party is smaller
What news revived Trisha?
Red socks win
Trisha couldn't stop her momentum; What does that represent?
She can't save herself
What small victory does Trisha experience as she is crossing the swamp?
She eats a few fiddleheads
How is the comparable to a ball game?
She is making a comeback
Describe Trisha's physical state at the beginning of Inning Six.
She is starring, dehydrated, sick, unhealthy
What does her inner voice say to her about becoming Pete's age?
She might never make it that far
How does Trisha contradict the feelings of self-doubt?
She retraces her steps
Trisha sees a new bunch of checkerberries. What happens when she reaches them? Are they real?
She sees doe & Yes
How did her own voice and tears affect her?
She starts screaming for help
What does the saying mean? "Sneakers are fine for the path?"
She was ready for something else
What is the secret to closing a baseball game? How will that help Trisha?
Showing that you are better
"It's dark as the inside of a cow out here."
Why was this inning split in titles? How is this comparable to a baseball game?
So the other team gets a turn
What was Trisha's lesson today regarding exploring or independence?
Stay on the path
What awakened Trisha from the faint?
Storm. Water dripping from the sky
How does her father explain God?
Why does the second white robed figure claim to be?
Trisha sees two white butterflies and one black or dark brown butterfly. What do these butterflies symbolize?
Subaudible, God of Tom Gordon, Wasps
What is on instead of a Red Sox game?
Talk show
What do you think is coming to watch her each night? Is it friend or enemy?
The Creeper
Why does the being he represents, not come one his own?
The God is too bust to care
How is the book organized?
The innings in a baseball game
What is the significance of Trisha thinking of other family members like her grandmothers?
They are close to death & so is she
What does the cold scary voice inside Trisha's head tell her bout fear and predators (animals that eat other animals)?
They can smell fear so they are coming for you
What is the Trisha's assessment of her mother and brother and the relationship they have with her?
They don't care about her
Trisha doesn't want to leave the river for what reason?
They have bonded
What realization did she make to describe herself as invisible ?
They were ignoring her
Why did she leave the trail without her mother and brother knowing?
They wouldn't listen to her
Give at least one explanation for her dream
Thinking no one cares
What does Trisha thing she might die of now?
What is Trisha's name for the cold voice that comes from within herself?
Tough tootsie voice
Who is wins Inning One?
Who are the two opponents?
Trisha & Nature
Explain the irony of Trisha wanting to tell mom not to treat Pete like a kindergartener.
Trisha is a 9 year old
What made the bluff friendly now?
Using it to find her way
Trisha found water to drink. What affect is the water having on her?
Vomit & Diarrhea
What does having no bug spray represent?
What rediscovery cheers up Trisha after the rationed snack?
Explain the reference "Condition yellow to condition red."
Warning to Angry
What makes up the head of the third figure?
What is Trisha's Mom's advise about bugs in the woods?
Wave them away and don't swat them
How were her mom and brother reacting to her absence when Trisha thought of this?
Went to the van
On page 109 the book says that Trisha's hope began to dissipate. What does dissipate mean what contributes to this feeling?
When she sees the swamp, running out of supplies