The Reproductive System - Chapter 28

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How long does it take for the entire process of spermatogenesis to occur?

9 weeks

Contraction of the dartos muscle a. causes wrinkling of the scrotal sac b. produces an erection c. propels sperm through the urethra d. moves sperm through the ductus deferens e. moves the testes closer to the body cavity

A. Causes wrinkling of the scrotal sac

What structure(s) connects the rete testis to the epididymis? a. efferent ductules b. inguinal canal c. seminiferous tubules d. spermatic cord e. straight tubules f. tunica albuginea

A. Efferent ductules

Which cells are tetrad? a. primary spermatocytes b. secondary spermatocytes c. spermatids d. spermatogonia

A. Primary spermatocytes

The sustenacular cells of the seminiferous tubules do all of the following except: a. maintain the blood-testis barrier b. produce testosterone c. secrete inhibin d. support spermiogenesis e. they do all of the above

B. Produce testosterone

The structure which anchors the testicle at its distal end is called the a. dartos muscle b. diaphragmatic ligament c. gubernaculum testis d. mesonephric duct e. perineal raphe f. none of the above

C. Gubernaculum testis

Which best describes the initial position of the testicles in the fetus? a. within the superficial inguinal ring b. lateral to the prostate gland c. next to the kidneys d. just above the bladder

C. Next to the kidneys

Men have only one ___ but two of all of the rest of these. a. bulbourethral gland b. ejaculatory duct c. prostate gland d. seminal vesicle e. corpus cavernosum f. corpus spongiosum If more than one is correct, select both


T or F? Engorgement of the corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum with interstitial fluid causes erection.


T or F? The maturation of spermatids into sperm cells is called spermatogenesis.

False. It is called spermiogenesis.

Approximately how many sperm are released during ejaculation in normal men?


Which gland(s)/ structure secretes a thick, alkaline mucus to lubricate the glans penis? a. bulbourethral glands b. epididymis c. prostate gland d. seminiferous tubules e. seminal vesicles f. sustenacular cells

A.. bulbourethral glands

Which of the following structures is NOT a part of the spermatic cord? a. cremaster muscle b. ejaculatory duct c. pampiniform plexus d. testicular artery e. vas deferens f. all of the above are parts of the spermatic cord

B. Ejaculatory duct

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