The Rise and Fall of the Populist Party (1892-1909)

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who was incredibley uunified in the 1896 election?


William Jennings Bryan

senator from nebraska. nickname was the lion of the west

what is one of the campaign methods?


what did bryan predict?

the backbone of this country are not the cities they are not the corporations it is the farmer and that the farmers have been neglected too long

what does graduate income tax mean?

the more you made the more you would pay in the income tax

what did a lot of people think was stifling the economy?

the nation's reliance on the gold standard meaning all forms of currency had to be backed by gold

who was the recession blamed upon?

the policie of grover cleveland

what is another reason the election if 1896 is significant?

the populist party supporting brian's

When did the Populist party form?


when did the economic face recession?


when did the populist party disintergrate?

1896 was abondonded for democrats

what was the most expensive campaign?


who did the populist want the government to take ownership of?

railroad telegraph and telephone industries

what is another campaign method?

raising a lot of money

what is considered the top five speeches in american politics?

Cross of gold

Grover Cleveland

Democrat president who was affecting the country and republicans were assured victory

James B. Weaver

He was the Populist candidate for president in the election of 1892; received only 8.2% of the vote. He was from the West.

what are one of the ideas in cross of gold speech?

If you legislate to help the masses and make them prosperous then it is their prosperity thats finds its way

did the populist president win?


where they using secret ballots in the 1890s?


what is the populist party also known as?

People's Party

What is monetary policy?

Policies that control the supply of money, the price of money, and the availability of credit.

Omaha Platform

Political agenda adopted by the populist party in 1892 at their Omaha, Nebraska convention.

William McKinley

Republican president. has a lont career in politics.

who did democrats nominate for president in 1896?

William Jennings Brian

in 1892 who did the populist nominate?

a slate of canidates for the house of representatives for the U.S senate but also nominated a candidate for president

who did the populists also appeal to?

african americans living in the south

what did bryan first do?

be an approachable president

why are populist significant?

because of that omaha platform. Some of their ideas were taken by the democratic and republican party

what turned off a lot of conservatives from the populist party?

black people were supporting it

how did money from republicans affect brians?

brian would go state to state saying his speeches and republicans hired people to say their speeches

what was considered the finest campaign in american history?


why was the election of 1896 significant?

created modern day campaigns, raising radical amounts of money

which party was divided?


what did people think the populist party was going to replace?

democrats and republicans

what happens if we continue on gold standard?

farms will be destroyed

why was his nickname the lion of the west?

great orator from west nebraska

what did bryan finish his speech with?

he would fight republicans and democrats who said the gold standard is a good thing

why did bryans win his nomination?

his speech

where did the populist party have a lot of success winning?

in the great plains and some support in the south

why did the populist want paper money and free coinage of silver>

it would cause inflation

why didn't mckinley campaign?

let the republican money do the talking

last reason the election of 1896 is significant?

mckinleys victory

what did the election of 1896 give birth to?

modern day campaigns

what is dividing the deomcrats?

monetary policy

why couldn't brian compete with republicans?


what has changed now since the 19th century?

nantional banks are not abolished, we dont have government ownership or tail road and telegraph lines

was this the first third political party?

no but it was important

what did the populist do in 1896?

nominate bryan because he was the best shot at influencing the executive branch

why were the populist radical?

not normal standpoints back then

What did the populist party want?

paper money, a flecible national currency, free coinage of silver

what does platform refer to?

partys will say what they believe and stand with issues voters can vote for them

what did the populist also want?

the united states to switch over to use a secret ballot for all national and state elections

what do parties do in the summer of election years such as 1892?

they get together they nominate candidates for office

how would they vote in the 1880s?

they would write your name in front of everyone and infront of a ballot where everyone could see. 9 out of times, you would yell who you are voting for

why did the populist want direct election os us senators?

they're basically calling for a constitutional amendment that would make the u.s senators elected directly by the people and thus were answerable to the people rather than the state legislatures that a lot of the populists believed had become corrupted

how did bryans feel about being nominated by two political parties?

was happy

why was mckinley popular in northeast states?

was very pro corporations and pro business and pro gold and pro imperialism

how were you eligible to vote in the 1880s?

would tell the judge you've paid yout taxes

did the populist want to abolish national banks


was the populist party loud?

yes. They were going run on all three levels of governement

why is open elections bad?

you could be easily swayed by friends and family

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