The Rise of Imperialism and Colonialism: Global Imperialism Unit

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How did Japan become the most powerful nation in Asia?

Japan adopted Western military technologies and training methods.

Africa is separated from Europe by the

Mediterranean Sea.

The weakening of the Tokugawa Shogunate allowed nationalist groups to

demand a change in government.

According to the chart, the percent of labor force in the mining and manufacturing sectors ___________ between 1887 and 1930. The ____________ sector increased the most. This increase is most likely because of ______________

increased manufacturing, modernization

During the Taiping Rebellion, who rebelled?

the peasants

Take up the White Man's burden- Have done with childish days- The lightly proffered laurel, The easy, ungrudged praise. Comes now, to search your manhood Through all the thankless years Cold, edged with dear-bought wisdom, The judgment of your peers! —Rudyard Kipling, "The White Man's Burden" Focus on the last line of this stanza. According to this stanza, why should nations attempt to become imperialist powers?

to win the respect of other industrialized countries

How was a colony different from a protectorate?

A colony was controlled by an imperial power, but a protectorate was not.

Which area was colonized under new imperialism?


What was Commodore Perry's significant contribution to the beginning of Japan's transformation?

He opened Japan to the West.

Which is a true statement about the Treaty of Kanagawa?

It was an unequal treaty that favored the US.

The name of Africa's longest river is the


The belief that one's culture is superior to other cultures is known as ___________.


You've sealed the Red Man's problem, And will take up the Brown, In vain ye seek to end it, With bullets, blood or death Better by far defend it With honor's holy breath. —H. T. Johnson, "The Black Man's Burden," 1899 What is the main idea of the poem "The Black Man's Burden"?

Africans are being mistreated but will fight for their rights.

Using the information from the lesson, the readings in the assignment, and the woodblock image you just saw, respond to this question: How did Japan transform itself after the arrival of US Commodore Perry in 1853?

After the arrival of the United States, the Japanese realized they had fallen far behind the West as a result of their isolationist policies. The Tokugawa Shogunate fell, and the Meiji restoration returned power to the emperor. The new government pursued rapid industrialization and the modernization of Japanese society. By 1900, Japan was the most powerful nation in East Asia, having defeated China and Russia in war. This allowed Japan to expand its territory, and create an imperialist empire, similar to the nations of the West.

How would a government legally take control of another territory to add it to its own?

Annex it.

Explain how the authors of "The White Man's Burden" and "The Black Man's Burden" have different perspectives on European imperialism.

Both Kipling and Johnson describe imperialism, but from different perspectives. Kipling writes as an imperialist and uses his belief in European superiority to defend imperialist practices. Johnson, however, takes the position of native peoples and shows imperialism as an abuse of power.

I had just emerged from the water when a man with a gun on his shoulder called out to me in a loud voice "Where are you going?" "I am going to Tientsin," I answered. "What for?" "To find the head of a flower establishment in which I was employed before this trouble broke out." —The Boxer Rebellion, Yao Chen-Yuan To which group did the man with the gun likely belong?


The group of Chinese peasants who resented foreign influence were called the


Cecil Rhodes wrote that he wanted to "paint as much of the map of Africa British red as possible." Which of the following best paraphrases what he meant?

Britain should establish as many African colonies as possible.

Who did John Hay negotiate with to establish the Open Door policy?

China and the countries with spheres of influence

China was easily defeated by the British in the first Opium War because

China's navy was no match for Britain's advanced weaponry.

Which is not an abundant natural resource found in Africa?


How were old imperialism and new imperialism similar?

Colonies existed for the benefit of a mother country.

The one nation in Africa that successfully resisted European rule was __________.


Which of the following were effects of European rule in Africa? Check all that apply.

European languages became official languages. Some educational systems were established. African colonies were created along arbitrary lines.

Why did European nations send missionaries to convert people in Africa and Asia to Christianity? Check all that apply.

Europeans believed Christianity would make people more civilized. Europeans wanted to expand their power around the world.

The two European countries with the most colonies in Africa were

France and Great Britain.

Look at this map of European colonies in Africa. Which of the following statements accurately describes information that is presented on the map?

France's colonies were mainly in north and west Africa.

Many of the large ships of war destined to visit Japan have not yet arrived in these seas . . . and [I], as evidence of friendly intentions, have brought but four of the smaller ones, designing, should it become necessary, to return to Edo [next] spring with a much larger force. But it is expected that your imperial majesty will render such return unnecessary, by acceding at once to the very reasonable overtures contained in [President Fillmore's] letter. -US Navy Commodore Matthew C. Perry, 1853 What implicit threat is contained in Commodore Perry's letter?

He could return with a larger force and attack Japan.

In the reading, Yao Chen-Yuan describes traveling to deliver a message. Why was he willing to risk danger to travel to Tientsin?

He wanted to help the people suffering in China.

Using the information from the lesson and the readings about the Boxer Rebellion, answer the question: How did imperialism in China motivate wars and rebellions that weakened dynastic rule?

Imperialism led to Western influence in China. The Opium Wars resulted in Western control of Chinese trade and diplomacy. The Chinese people were very unhappy with the outcome of the Opium War and revolted in the Taiping Rebellion, a civil war against the government. As Western influence increased, a nationalist group known as the Boxers emerged. The Boxer Rebellion led to a weakened state of the Chinese government. Eventually, nationalism overthrew the government and dynastic rule in China.

How did advanced weaponry help Europe during new imperialism?

It gave imperialists even more power over non-Europeans.

Read this passage written by British imperialist Cecil Rhodes. "I contend that we are the first race in the world, and the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race... If there be a God, I think that what he would like me to do is to paint as much of the map of Africa British red as possible." According to this passage, which of the following best describes Rhodes's view of British imperialism?

It is Britain's duty to spread European ways and customs around the world.

In what way did imperialism hurt rather than help European nations?

It kept nations from cooperating to achieve shared goals.

Until the mid-1800s, Japan was ruled by the Tokugawa Shogunate. What were the characteristics of Japan under its rule? Select all that apply.

It was stable, with a rigid class structure. It had an agriculturally based economy. It was isolationist. It was behind the West in technology.

It is our purpose to select from the various institutions prevailing among enlightened nations such as are best suited to our present conditions, and adapt them in gradual reforms and improvements of our policy and customs so as to be upon an equality with them. -Emperor Meiji, 1871 What does Emperor Meiji say Japan will do with knowledge gained from other nations?

Japan will choose the institutions that work best for it and adapt them.

How was Japan easily able to defeat China in the Sino-Japanese War?

Japan's military was better trained and equipped.

Despite his impressive mansion [in Boma], guarded by African sentries with blue uniforms and red fezzes, the Congo's governor general had far less power than did a British, French, or German colonial governor. The real headquarters of the Etat independant du Congo [Congo Free State] were not in Boma but in the suites of offices in Brussels [home city of Leopold II], one on the grounds of the Royal Palace, the others next door or across the street. What is the main idea of this passage?

King Leopold, not the governor general, really ruled the Congo Free State.

Write a paragraph that summarizes the excerpt you read from King Leopold's Ghost. Be sure to tell why the Belgian king colonized the Congo.

Leopold II established a colony in the Congo to gain natural resources for Belgium and wealth for himself. Under his reign, the Congolese people were terrorized with forced labor and harsh treatment. He wrongly justified his actions by saying that the people of the Congo were inferior, and deserved the treatment they received.

______ increased competition for power among European states and led to imperialism.


What was one effect of nation industrialization?

Nations needed more raw materials.

What would happen to industrialized nations' economies if they did not expand their reach abroad?

Nations would have a smaller market in which to sell their goods.

US Secretary of State John Hay established the ___________ policy, which opened China's ports to European trade.

Open Door

Which is the correct order of events that eventually led to the collapse of the Chinese imperial government?

Opium Wars, Taiping Rebellion, Boxer Rebellion, rise of nationalism

The tsar was quick to agree to negotiate a peace treaty to end the Russo-Japanese War mainly because

Russia was fighting a strong military from afar.

When I saw the American Consul, I burst into tears and told him of all that the people in Peking were suffering; how the Boxers were firing on them from all sides and trying to burn them out; how each man was limited to a small cup of grain a day, while at the same time they were compelled to labor . . . under a burning sun, in employments to which they were not accustomed. —The Boxer Rebellion, Yao Chen-Yuan What problems faced the people in Peking? Check all that apply.

The Boxers limited the food supply. The Boxers forced people to work very hard.

What does the author mean when he says the Congo Free State had a "command economy"?

The Congolese people had to do and produce whatever Leopold II commanded.

Talk of the lazy native accompanied the entire European land grab in Africa, just as it had been used to justify the conquest of the Americas. To an American reporter Leopold once declared, "In dealing with a race composed of cannibals for thousands of years it is necessary to use methods which will best shake their idleness and make them realize the sanctity of work." According to this passage, how did Leopold justify his treatment of the Congolese people?

The Congolese were an inferior race who needed harsh treatment to learn how to work.

I have directed Commodore Perry to mention another thing to your imperial majesty. Many of our ships pass every year from California to China; and great numbers of our people pursue the whale fishery near the shores of Japan. It sometimes happens, in stormy weather, that one of our ships is wrecked on your imperial majesty's shores. In all such cases we ask, and expect, that our unfortunate people should be treated with kindness, and that their property should be protected, till we can send a vessel and bring them away. We are very much in earnest in this. Commodore Perry is also directed by me to represent to your imperial majesty that we understand there is a great abundance of coal and provisions in the Empire of Japan . . . We wish that our steamships and other vessels should be allowed to stop in Japan and supply themselves with coal, provisions, and water. They will pay for them in money, or anything else your imperial majesty's subjects may prefer. -President Millard Fillmore, 1853 According to the passage, what else does President Fillmore expect from Japan?

The Japanese will treat the American people with respect and kindness.

Which is a true statement about the effect of the Taiping Rebellion?

The number of lives lost was over twenty million.

What part did the slave trade play in helping Europeans take control of much of Africa in the 1800s?

The slave trade had weakened many African kingdoms.

How did the Boxer Rebellion lead to the decline of dynastic rule in China?

The uprising led to increased nationalism and conflict, which weakened the government.

Which similar challenge did China and Japan face following the Sino-Japanese War?

Their isolation left them far behind Europe.

Read the following passage from a book that David Livingstone wrote about his travels in central Africa. "The country is becoming very beautiful, and furrowed [lined] by deep valleys; the underlying rocks, being igneous, have yielded [given] fertile soil. There is great abundance of large game [animals to hunt]. . . . We crossed the Mbai [River] and found in its bed rocks of pink marble. Some little hills near it are capped by marble of beautiful whiteness." Which best summarizes Livingstone's description of Africa?

There are abundant natural resources in Africa.

What evidence of industrialization and modernization can you see in this image?

This woodblock print, from the Sino-Japanese War, shows that Japan was becoming more industrialized, modern, and imperialistic. The crew is wearing Western-style uniforms, and the ship is a modern, armored vessel with advanced weapons. There also is evidence of explosions as enemy ships are destroyed.

Westerners who ruled territories directly denied the influence of natives because

Westerners saw territories as an extension of a home country, so they demanded that natives conform.

Take up the White Man's burden- Send forth the best ye breed- Go bind your sons to exile To serve your captives' need; To wait in heavy harness, On fluttered folk and wild- Your new-caught, sullen peoples, Half-devil and half-child. —Rudyard Kipling, "The White Man's Burden" Which lines in this excerpt show ethnocentrism?

Your new-caught, sullen peoples, / Half-devil and half-child.

Resistance to British rule in southern Africa was led by the


When Europeans first began to explore Africa, what did they find?

a great diversity of cultures

Pile on the Black Man's Burden. 'Tis nearest at your door; Why heed long bleeding Cuba, or dark Hawaii's shore? Hail ye your fearless armies, Which menace feeble folks Who fight with clubs and arrows and brook your rifle's smoke. —H. T. Johnson, "The Black Man's Burden," 1899 Background information: An African American wrote this poem, "The Black Man's Burden," as a response to Kipling's poem. How does Johnson describe imperialism?

as stronger countries abusing their power

In their competition for power, nations raced to

build new colonies.

Which of the following words best describes Africa?


What did China agree to do once the Treaty of Nanjing was signed? Check all that apply.

create a "fair and reasonable" tariff allow Britain to trade at five ports surrender the territory of Hong Kong

Which words best describe King Leopold II's actions in central Africa?

cruel, heartless

The end of dynastic rule in China was ultimately due to


Under new imperialism, Europe did not need large numbers of people to control territories because of

improved transportation, communication, and other advantages.

Because Japan felt disrespected by the provisions of the Treaty of Portsmouth, it would most likely lead Japan to

lack of trust in the US and future negotiations with it.

By building military bases around the world, imperialist nations mainly aimed to

resupply naval vessels.

Many Chinese were not happy about the increasing Western influence so they

rose up in the Boxer Rebellion.

The Berlin Conference of 1885 is said to have set off a "scramble for Africa." That means that Europeans

rushed to set up colonies in Africa.

China was divided into areas of foreign economic control which were known as

spheres of influence.

Europeans' belief in their cultural superiority helped them justify imperialistic actions because they thought

spreading European culture to other nations helped the less advanced.

In China, food shortages, corruption in government, and high rates of opium addiction led to

the Taiping Rebellion.

Which of these events occurred first?

the Tokugawa Shogunate rule

China was insulated from the Scientific and Industrial Revolutions occurring in Europe because of its self-imposed isolation. As a result,

the West surged ahead of China while China began its slow decline.

What was social Darwinism?

the process of natural superiority in the struggle for survival

A rising sense of nationalism in China was a reaction to

the strong foreign influence in China.

Something China and Japan have in common is

they have a history of strong cultural traditions.

So though several times messengers were started out to carry our letters to the coast, they were turned back by the Boxers before they had gone far. It was not long before the Boxers, like a pestilence [contagious disease], had spread all over Shansi. School had not closed yet in Fen Chou Fu, but as the feeling of alarm deepened, fathers came to take their boys home, and school was dismissed before the end of June. —The Boxer Rebellion, Fei Ch'i-hao, 1900 Why did fathers take their boys out of Christian school early?

to protect the boys from the Boxers

I have directed Commodore Perry to assure your imperial majesty that I entertain the kindest feelings towards your majesty's person and government, and that I have no other object in sending him to Japan but to propose to your imperial majesty that the United States and Japan should live in friendship and have commercial intercourse with each other . . . We know that the ancient laws of your imperial majesty's government do not allow of foreign trade, except with the Chinese and the Dutch; but as the state of the world changes and new governments are formed, it seems to be wise, from time to time, to make new laws. -President Millard Fillmore, 1853 According to President Fillmore, why did he send Commodore Perry to Japan?

to reestablish foreign relations and to improve trade

Why did King Leopold II want to set up children's colonies at Boma and Leo?

to supply more soldiers for his army

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