The Thirteen Colonies - Chapter 5

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Also known as the Society of Friends; Quakers believed all people were equal and that titles were meaningless

Lord Baltimore

George Calvert, a Roman Catholic, who founded Maryland so England's Catholics had a place to go worship freely.

Why did people migrate to North America?

Make their fortune (make money) Find adventure Escape famine Escape religious persecution Get their own land

What colony became a safe haven for England's Catholics?


•Study your map of the colonies - which states belonged to which region

New England Colonies - Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut & New Hampshire Middle Colonies - Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey Delaware Southern Colonies - Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia

What English colony used to be New Amsterdam? Who owned it before the English?

New York used to be New Amsterdam and it was owned by the Dutch before the English

How did North and South Carolina differ?

North Carolina had small farms; was poor South Carolina had plantations; was wealthier

Why did the Separatists go to the Netherlands?

to escape religious persecution in England so they could worship God their way; religious freedom

What crop became very profitable and saved Jamestown?


What allowed people in Maryland and Virginia to settle far inland?

wide, deep rivers


People who make a journey for religious purposes.

How did the ways of planters and slaves in the South differ?

Planters had their freedom, lived in great comfort, and dressed in the latest London fashions. Slaves were bought and sold, lived in poor conditions, and had handmade clothing.

Why were the New England Colonies established?

Primarily people came to New England for religious freedom

How did the Puritans and Separatists differ?

Puritans believed the Church of England could be "purified" of Catholic practices; Separatists thought the Church of England could not be redeemed (fixed) and they wanted to completely separate from the Church

Why were the Southern Colonies established?

So people could get land; grow cash crops

joint-stock company

a business that is owned by many people

The Virginia Company of London

a joint-stock company that led to the settlement of Jamestown and North America for the English


a large farm on which crops, usually cash crops, are grown for sale

indentured servant

a person who worked without pay for a certain number of years (usually 4-7) in return for passage to a colony, clothing, food and shelter


an amount that was more than what was needed

How were Africans initially treated in Jamestown?

as indentured servants

What were some problems with the Jamestown colony?

built on a swamp, impure water and mosquitoes led to disease; starvation due to looking for gold and not planting crops; unfriendly natives; gentlemen wouldn't work

Why did the Middle Colonies grow and prosper?

they had rich resources and could trade easily with neighboring colonies


A native Indian of America, daughter of Chief Powahatan, married John Rolfe, Pocahontas actions saved Jamestown and paved the way for many positive English and Native relations.

Why was Carolina split into two colonies?

Because the northern and southern parts developed differently from each other; the north was poor farmers who grew subsistence crops and the south was rich with plantation-style farming of cash crops


Chief of the Powhatan Confederacy and father to Pocahontas.

Why were the Middle Colonies established?

For religious freedom and land, and trade

William Penn

He founded the Pennsylvania colony, where all religions were accepted; he planned his colony carefully and made the very orderly city of Philadelphia

John Rolfe

He was one of the English settlers at Jamestown (and he married Pocahontas). He discovered how to successfully grow tobacco in Virginia which made Virginia an economically successful colony.

Why did the triangular trade develop?

It developed because New England merchants wanted to make a profit (money). To do so, they needed to have something to sell at each stop (the West Indies, New England, and Africa) along the way.

What was the significance of the Mayflower Compact?

It was an agreement signed by the Pilgrims before they left the ship at Plymouth to establish a government; it was an the first attempt at self-rule.


The Indian tribe at the Plymouth site who were led by Massassoit who helped the Pilgrims at Plymouth and celebrated the Pilgrims first harvest with the Pilgrims—the first Thanksgiving.

What was the "great migration"?

The time between 1630—1640 where 20,000 Puritans left England for Massachusetts, due to religious differences and tensions between Puritans and King Charles I.

Why did the Separatists go to North America?

They feared their children would become like the Dutch and lose their English identity and their religious values.


Wampanoag Indian who taught the Pilgrims how to survive at Plymouth, teaching them how to rake clams and grow corn and pumpkins, where to hunt for deer, and which plants were poisonous.

John Smith

a 28-year-old adventurer who forced all the colonists to plant crops and build; tried to make allies with Powhatan through his daughter Pocahontas

Which new groups came to Jamestown in 1619?

indentured servants and apprentices

How did the establishment of joint-stock companies contribute to the colonization of North America?

joint-stock companies spread risk among investors and provide the capital (money) to buy the supplies necessary for colonization

John Winthrop

leader of the Puritans who sought to create a model community based off of Puritan beliefs.


people who believed the Church of England did not represent the true faith, so they decided to break away from it

What two goals did the Georgia Trustees have for establishing their colony?

provide debtors a place where they could build new lives AND keep the Spanish in Florida from settling farther north

House of Burgesses

the colonial legislature of the Virginia colony made up of elected leaders; modeled on English Parliament it became the model for other colonial governements


the first permanent English colony in North America

The Middle Passage

the route in the triangular trade routes which Africans were forcefully brought over as slaves


they argued the Church of England should be "purified" by getting rid of its Catholic practices

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