The unfinished nation ch 4

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Which of the following statements about the sugar act of 1764 are correct?

-It established new courts to try accused smugglers. -It strengthened the duty on sugar while lowering it on molasses.

The ____ Confederacy of five nations represented the most powerful native presence in the Ohio Valley


As a result of the French and Indian War, the Iroquois Confederacy

Lost its military and political bargaining power

True or false British victory in the seven years war confirmed it's commercial supremacy and cemented it's control over portions of North America


True or false: The Iroquois Confederacy maintained its autonomy from control by the French and the British.


The Mutiny Act of 1765 required

colonists to help provision and maintain the British army stationed in America.

The first real proposal for a general government to rule all colonies was the

Albany Plan

Parliament responded to the Boston tea party by passing the ___ Acts, which Americans referred to as the ___ Acts.

Coercive; Intolerable

Which of the following best characterizes the first phase of the French and Indian war?

A local north American conflict between England and France that swept up native groups throughout the west

The French had better relations with native North American peoples than theEnglish because the French

Did not challenge Native social customs

On the night of December 16, 1773, 150 Boston men disguised as Native Americans

Dumped the cargo several ships into the harbor

The French and Indian war began when George Washington attacked a detachment near Fort ___ in what is now ___.

Duquesne; Pittsburgh

In general, which two of the following groups interacted comfortably and peaceably with Native Americans?

French fur traders Jesuit missionaries

In the aftermath of King George's war, the Iroquois Confederacy _____ the British

Granted trading concessions to

The house of burgesses rejected the most extreme proposals introduced by Patrick___, a passionate critic of British policies.


The Paxton boys massacred Indians and protested against

High taxes

The enormous debt incurred in the French and Indian War prompted many British to call for

Imperial reorganization of the colonies

During the second phase of the French and Indian war, the British forced colonist to join the military, a practice known as


What impact did King George's War have on the geopolitical situation in North America?

It disintegrated the balance of power among the Iroquois, French, and English

Lord North assumed that Americans would support the tea act because it

Lowered the price of tea

The ___ Act imposed a tax on all printed documents


The Boston massacre occurred when Captain Thomas Preston

Stationed troops to protect a building

At the end of the French and Indian war, The French

Surrendered all title to the North American mainland

The Spirit of resistance that grew more quickly in Massachusetts than anywhere else can be attributed to its elaborately developed

Tavern culture

After Charles Townshend died Lord North secured the repeal of all Townshend duties except the tax on


Increased British authority over the colonies after the war was directly related to

The British need to pay for the cost of the war

True or false: The British need for revenue resulted in new policies that had disastrous effects on its relationship with the American colonies


True or false: The slogan "no taxation without representation" is more a rejection of British practices of governance than British principles of governance.


True or false: due to a lack of universal suffrage, the colonial assemblies, like the British Parliament, also practiced a form of virtual representation


The British adhered to ___ representation, whereby everyone had a voice in Parliament, even if they had no elected representatives


Suspicions about democracy and the masses in both Britain and the colonies were most reflective in

Voting requirements

The clash at Fort Necessity

Was the beginning of the French and Indian war

By the 1750s and 1760s, the English government viewed taxation as a

Way to relieve the country's debts

The attempt by British to create western boundary lines

Were ignored by the colonists

Both the French and the English knew that this struggle to control North America would be determined in large part by

Winning the allegiance of the native peoples

Who was Ethan Allen?

a land speculator that took up the cause of the Green Mountain farmers

The midnight rides of Paul Revere and William Dawes were significant because they

gave Americans at Lexington and Concord warning of the British forces' approach.

After the Boston massacre, many American leaders and politicians stated that the English soldiers involved

had planned the assault on American citizens

In Massachusetts, ___ Became increasingly important centers of resistance in the 1760s and 1770s


The stamp act unified the colonies because it

taxed everyone

The _____ Propositions contained provisions for colonial self-taxation.


How did George III contribute to conflict between England and the colonies?

-He was determined to reassert the authority of the monarchy. -He suffered from bouts of insanity. -He appointed unstable coalitions of ministers.

Which inflammatory measures did Charles Townshend steer through Parliament in 1767?

-imposing new taxes on imports. -disbanding the New York Assembly.

Before 1763, colonial assemblies had the power to do which of the following?

-make appropriations. -pass laws. -approve political appointments. -levy taxes.

Which of the following were provisions of the coercive acts?

-reducing the powers of the Massachusetts colonial government. -requiring colonists to beard troops. -closing the port of Boston.

The tea act of 1773 angered many colonists because it

-seemed like taxation without representation. -gave special treatment to the East India Company. -threatened to put American merchants out of business.

What did the Virginia resolves declare?

-that Americans had the same rights as the English. -that only the Virginia assembly could tax Virginians.

In 1763, England found itself desperately in need of revenues because of which of the following?

-the need to administer new territory in North America. -the cost of many years of fighting. (or war)

By what means did the French try to control their empire in North America

-trading posts. -Mississippi plantations. -fortresses. -fuedal estates.

In 1773, the British East India Company

-was on the verge of bankruptcy. -was sitting on large stocks of tea that it could not sell in England.

Under the proclamation of 1763, White settlement west of the ___ was forbidden

Appalachain Mountains

What key issue mode just drove the new British policies in the colonies after the French and Indian War?

British war debt

William Pitt's policies of impressment enforced quartering of troops

Cause tension between the colonists and British authorities

What was the most important effect of the mutiny act, the sugar act, and the currency act on the colonists?

Colonists viewed them as an attack on colonial political power.

To many Americans, the return of Authority to the colonial assemblies after the French and Indian war

Confirmed the illegitimacy of British interference in local affairs

People of European ancestry born in the Americas are known as


Women participated in the colonial resistance in part through the

Daughters of liberty

The day-to-day administration of colonial affairs by England's government in the 1700s tended to be


Which of the following US cities was established by French explorers and colonizers and the 17th and 18th centuries

Detroit, Michigan

Which of the following statements about colonial assemblies is accurate?

Each viewed itself like a little Parliament within its colony

The first continental Congress did which of the following

Endorsed a list of grievances Recommended preparations be made for defense against British attack

In 1774 and 1775 who debated different proposals in its efforts to please the American colonies

English Parliament

The stamp act crisis subsided largely because the

English backed down

In response to the coercive acts women's groups mobilized to

Extend boycott of British goods

True or false: The coercive acts successfully isolated Massachusetts in the revolutionary fervor that had grown there


True or false: provincial governor's were the most powerful figures in the colonies


Which of the following describes the general nature of the internal rebellion occurred the colonies in the 1760s

Farmers against landowners

Which of the following statements about the Boston massacre is accurate

It was used by resistance leaders to foment public outrage

British actions both during and after the French and Indian war

Led to colonial discontent and eventually revolution

The citizen-soldiers of Massachusetts were known as


In 1754, a group of delegates from Pennsylvania, Maryland, New York, and New England met in Albany. Their original intent was to

Negotiate a treaty with the Iroquois.

How did the colonial assemblies of the late 17th and early 18th century compare to the house of commons in British Parliament?

Neither were particularly democratic

In the celebration over the repeal of the stamp act, most Americans paid little attention to what significant action of British Parliament?

Passage of the declaratory act

Americans who wanted colonial assemblies to legislate for colonial affairs were arguing for a form of

Political sovereignty

The aim of the protests in the last week of 1773 was to

Prevent the East India Company for landing its cargo

By the mid 18th century which of the following executives wielded the most power in England?

Prime Minister

George Greenville took what office in 1763?

Prime minister

The events at Lexington and Concord

Rallied thousands of colonists to the rebel cause

The period between the Boston massacre and the Boston tea party is best characterized as a time of

Relative calm

The leading figure in a stirring outrage over the Boston massacre was

Samuel Adams

Which of the following statements about native alliances during the French and Indian War are accurate?

The Iroquois remained largely passive throughout the conflict. Most tribes sided with the French. Most native saw their alliances as a means for expelling one power or another from their lands.

Internal rebellions in New York and New England in the 1760s had their roots in

The class system

Which of the following statements about the distribution of power in 18th century England is accurate

The unwritten constitution called for the distribution of power among the monarchy, the aristocracy, and the people.

The events at Lexington and concord are most significant because

They marked the beginning of the American Revolution

Which of the following statements regarding the Iroquois in the aftermath of the French and Indian war is not correct?

They retreated and the British quickly assumed control of the Ohio Valley

After the Iroquois granted trading alliances to the British, the French responded by:

constructing new fortresses in the Ohio Valley.

The British wanted to avoid warfare on the frontier for fear it would

disrupt trade

Which of the following was not One of the concessions William Pitt made in the third phase of the war?

reparations for loss of life or property as a result of the fighting

Which of the following was not one of the major decisions made by the first continental Congress in September 1774

resolution that the king recognize the colonies as a single political entity

The Greenville program succeeded in

uniting colonists in opposition to the British government

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