theology chapter 6

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what does the Lord help the disciples understand about the Scriptures? what does he want them to do

the lord opened the disciples minds to understand what the scriptures had foretold, He tells them that they are to be witnesses to all that he has done and said and that their tasks have olnly begun

T/F: Both the Ascension of Jesus and th eAssumption of Mary are a reminder that our rightful home is heaven and that we live in the hope that we may one day follow them there


T/F: On easter sunday Jesus gives his disciples the gift of the Holy Spirit and the authority to forgive sins in his name


T/F: The events of the Paschal Mystery are inseparable


T/F: the gospel writers consistently emphasize that the risen Jesus was transformed


what story or account do many scholars believe is the original ending of the Gospel of John in chapter 20?

(Jn 20:30-3) and (Jn 20:31)

what are five essential elements of the kerygma according to the New Testament?

1. God promises foretold by the prophets have now been fufilled through Jesus Christ 2. God has exalted his son, Jesus Christ 3. The Holy Spirit is present in the Church and the and right hand sign of Christ present power and glory 4. Christ will come again at which time the messianic age will reach its fulfilment 5. Because all of this is true you should repent of your sins, be baptized and receive the Holy Spirit

summarize three things all four gospel accounts agreed on

1. resurrection took place early in the morning on 1st day of week 2. women were present at tomb 3. tomb was important to ressurection

How do we know that Jesus' disciples were not expecting jesus' Resurrection

Because they were heart broken, saddened and afraid at his crucifixion

T/F: Luke's Gospel was written for a Gentile Christian audience by an author who was a Jewish Christian

False; Gentile Christian

What are the two important points from the Gospel of John ?

Johns testimony was reliable and true and that the Gospel was written to tell the Good News of Salvation

What is brilliant about Mark's shorter ending?

Mark challenges you, the leader to do what the women failed to do. you are called to share without fear or confusion the Good News that Jesus is risen. Mark asks you to carry on work of discipleship.

Why is the empty tomb one of the signs that Jesus really rose from the dead

Neither Jesus friends nor his enemies ever claimed to found Jesus body. No one ever proved that his corpse was stolen

How was Jesus body transformed by the Holy Spirit at his Resurrection?

The Holy Spirit gave Jesus body "glorious state of Lordship". Jesus human body was gloriously transfigured filled with the Holy Spirit into an incorrupt immortal body

what message does the Lord instruct Mary to deliver to jesus brothers'?

The Lord instructs Mary to tell them that she has seen Jesus and to deliver the message "i am going to my father and your father, to my God and your God" and she does as he asks

why do the inconsistencies among the Gospel writers ironically support the position that they were true experiences behind the various accounts?

The early witnesses knew exactly what happened- what they say what jesus said, how their hearts burned with love for him-and they refused to change any thing in their testimony

explain the separate parts of the Paschal Mystery and jesus glorification

The saving action of Christ that comprises Jesus Death (good friday), his descent to dead (holy saturday), resurrection (easter), ascension (40 days after) and pentecost

Explain Jesus expectations for his Apostles which he gave with his Great Commission

They were to preach the Gospel, teach the 10 commandments and Baptize in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit

T/F: The disciples were transformed into zealous preachers of the Gospel after the Resurrection of Jesus


what victories did Jesus win for us in his Resurrection?

Victory over Satan, victory over sin, victory over death

the ____ and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Pascal _____ means redemption is accomplished and the ____ of salvation is fulfilled, ____ has been defeated. Our participation in Christ's Pascal Mystery begins at ______:we die to sin's power over us and to the influence of _____. Our souls will survive physical ____ and our bodies will rise at the _____.

death;mystery;promise; sin;Baptism;satan;death;last jusgement

Although Jesus ____ like all people do, his ____ and soul were still the Divine Person of the Son so his body was preserved from ______. His soul went to _____-in Hebrew- and there he proclaimed the Good News of _____ to the just who awaited their _____;he spread his Word to people ______ times and places

died,body,corruption, Sheol, salvation, Redeemer, previous

T/F; Althought people appropriately venerate Jesus becuse of his holiness he alwyas points to mary

false ; mary;jesus

t/f: all of jesus disciples were skeptical when told the tomb was empty

false' some

T/F: The Resurrection is a transcendent event because very few people actually saw Jesus earthly body transformed into a glorified body

false; no one

T/F; the differences between the four accounts of the Resurrections can be best understood by remembering how people typically tell about the same powerful events in different ways

false; same ways

T/F: None of the early christians believed that Jesus would return before the Apostles died

false; some

T/F: During Jesus appearance to the disciples on Friday evening, he shows them his wounds and commissions them to continue his work

false; sunday

T/F: Jesus glorified body was immortal and supernatural and was unlike a normal human body

false; unlike

what does the opening passage of John 21 mean for Christians today?

it talks about a large catch of fish, symbolizing that the Apostles with Peter as their leader, will be fishers of people, bringing the whole world to Christ, Father the Apostles recognized jesus in the course of a meal as the host who provides them with the fish and bread

which rich themes from the Gospel of Luke are included in the Emmaus account?

journey, faith, vision, hospitality to strangers

T/F: evidence that Jesus disciple did not make up the Resurrection was the growth of their faith which resulted from a direct experience of the Risen Christ


T/F: the longer ending in Mark's gospel were probably taken from the other gospels


T?F: The Resurrection accounts in the four Gospels all draw from the eyewitness accounts of the apostles


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