TNT 700.4AS

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What is a benefit of allowing students enough time to think after you ask a question?

-They can process the question and don't feel as pressured or anxious when called.

What are the two conditions for using effective models or exemplars?

1) The model is accurate and correct when first introduced. 2) Criteria for the model is clearly stated.

How many intelligences does Gardner identify


Differentiation of the curriculum falls into what three main categories?

content, process, product

What makes a classroom group and collaboration successful?

Flexible norms, trust, and community

What does flexible grouping allow?

For learning that is appropriately challenging and avoids labeling a student's readiness as static.

Which of the following best summarizes when to use an anticipation guide?

When wanting to introduce new material to students and get them engaged in critical thinking and discussion.

A series of questions or statements related to the topic or point of view of a specific text is known as a(n):

Anticipation Guide

What three 21st century skills does the Maker Movement support?

Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making

Mrs. Johansen has devised a strategy for calling on students in class during the question and answer portion of her lessons. Instead of calling only students who have their hands up, each student has been assigned a number and a family in a deck of cards. (i.e. queen of hearts) She asks her question, pausing for a moment, then she pulls a random card from the deck. If that student's card is pulled, he/she can answer the question.

-Including all students and keeping them engaged -Giving students time to think

What criteria would you use to determine if you need to adjust the pace of your lesson?

-Monitoring student's frustration and engagement levels during guided practice activities and exercises. -Using questions to check for understanding and adjusting pace to help students catch up or move on.

How does teacher pacing of a lesson affect students and/or classroom environment?

-If a teacher moves too quickly then the slower students may lack a complete understanding of the content. -If a teacher moves too slowly then the more advanced student can become restless and miss important information later.

Which of these is NOT an example of how to teach/incorporate digital citizenship into the classroom?

A history teacher has decided to use digital textbooks in his classroom. During the first week of class he explains to students how to access and read the digital text in a meaningful way.

Dyslexia is defined as:

A learning disorder characterized by difficulty reading due to problems identifying speech sounds and learning how they relate to letters and words.

What is a blog?

A blog is an online tool that allows teachers and students to write and create content on a subject and share publicly.

What is the difference between a learning objective and a lesson activity

A learning objective is what students are supposed to know and be able to do whereas the lesson activity is the task they complete to help them master the objective

Decide which of the following differentiated activities is at the Tier 2, mastery level:

A student uses the vocabulary words he/she has learned to write a short story

Cooperative learning can best be described as...

A teaching strategy that allows students the opportunity to learn by doing and working both alone and together to complete a task or project.

Mr. Johnson wants to start differentiating his curriculum but he doesn't know where or how to begin. Which of the following steps would you suggest he take?

Administer a learning styles inventory and determine which learning objectives and lessons he could adapt or revise to begin incorporating student's learning styles in his content delivery, classroom activities, and assessments

What is the main purpose for understanding and using the ISTE Standards for Teachers, Students, Coaches and Administrators?

Allows for the successful implementation of digital strategies that impact learning, teaching, and working in a digital world

Brainstorming can best be described as:

An unbiased strategy that is used to activate student's prior knowledge by allowing all students to contribute ideas on a topic.

The following activity is an example of what: Mr. Cole is a ninth-grade English teacher who is about to begin a unit on poetry, he has asked his students to print out and bring to class the lyrics to their favorite song. When students arrive in class he asks them to underline instances of rhyme and repetition in the lyrics they brought. He has students discuss their findings with a partner and then share aloud with the class as a whole. He then explains to students that song lyrics are poetry set to music and that they will see many of the same elements in poetry that they do in their favorite songs.

Anticipatory Set or Focus Activity

Read the scenario below and decide which strategy the teacher should use. Mrs. Castro is a fourth-grade teacher. She has been using cooperative learning groups in her class for the first couple of months during the school year. Lately, she has noticed that usually one or two students in each group is doing the work while the others waste time and are disengaged. Which strategy below could best help Mrs. Castro solve this issue?

Assign project/group roles to each student.

Why is specific feedback important to student learning and growth?

Because it allows students the opportunity to better understand their mistakes, strengths and weaknesses, and apply that feedback to future practice and learning

How does blended learning meet the diverse needs of students in a classroom?

Because it allows students the opportunity to control the time, pace, path, and pace of their learning so they can be engaged both in and out of the classroom.

Why is it important that teachers encourage student questions in the classroom?

Because it can help expand student thinking, increase student investment in the content, cultivate curiosity, and engage students on a deeper and more personal level.

Why is it important for teachers to use and teach students how to use strategies like the Get REAL strategy or the CRAP test to determine if information found online is reliable and trustworthy

Because of the wealth of information that is available to students now and in the future, it is important they begin to discern what is reliable and true. It I also important for students to be able to make sense of the information they find so they do not learn, misinterpret, and/or share incorrect information

Why is differentiation of process necessary for English Language Learners

Because they need sheltered instruction and language supports to understand and make sense of content.

A student is exhibiting the following reading and writing behaviors: difficulty recognizing and remembering prefixes, suffixes and word roots, avoids reading aloud and writing activities, has slow or poor recall of facts. If you were this student's teacher what might be your next action step to help this student?

Begin and/or continue to take field notes while observing the child during reading and writing time. Collect the student's work in a portfolio and after gathering enough learning artifacts, speak with the learning specialist at your school to determine next steps.

Mr. Matthews, a World History teacher is studying WWI with his students. He hands out a series of articles on the historical events and tells students to highlight, underline and take notes on sections of the text that have words like: "Therefore," "As a result," and "Consequently." He is teaching them to identify words and phrases that signal what concept?

Cause and Effect

_____________________ information is breaking the information into smaller, digestible bits of information, then later ______________________that information over a series of lessons.

Chunking, scaffolding

Categorize the following context clue for the word diaphanous: The curtains in the house were diaphanous like a piece of clean glass.


After reading the play Romeo and Juliet in their tenth-grade English class, what should Mr. Stevens ask his students to do?

Create a visual representation or presentation comparing two characters or create a graphic organizer retelling the major events of the play.

When using technology in the classroom, what should teachers consider first before using it?

Curricular learning objectives.

A biology teacher introduces the following words to students: OmnivoreHerbivoreCarnivore She then helps students understand each of these words by identifying their root word and suffixes. Next, she shows students images of animals that fall into each of these categories and read a chapter that uses these words in context. What strategy is the teacher using to help students learn make meaning?

Extending vocabulary

What are the five guiding principles of cooperative learning?

Face to face promotive interaction, positive interdependence, individual accountability and personal responsibility, interpersonal and collaborative skills, and reflection or group processing

Identify which of the following tools can help you build your Professional Learning Network:

Facebook, Twitter, & Blogs

What are the some of the qualities of a good reader?

Good readers set a goal for why they are reading text, make connections to the real world and can summarize, infer, reflect on and evaluate a text to determine what it's about and how the information may be used later

what is a rubric?

Grading criteria that the student is given prior to completing an assignment.

Mr. Jones has decided to read the book The Diary of Anne Frank with his freshman high school students. Before they begin reading he wants students to share their opinions about prejudice, discrimination and injustice and to feel connected to Anne and her journey by sharing their own thoughts and experiences. Which of the following activities would you recommend for this?


Students in Mrs. Jameson tenth grade class are looking at a text. While they are looking at it, she is encouraging them to read all the labels, look for the use of colors or symbols to emphasize important information, and identify the relationship among the visuals and the information presented. What type of text are they probably reading?

Graphical text

Joseph, in Mrs. Roebeck's fifth grade math class cannot seem to grasp the concept of long division. He consistently answers problems wrong in class, on homework assignments, and on the most recent quiz. Joseph is beginning to dislike math class. Mrs. Roebeck overheard him tell the other students that he is "not good at math" and so that must mean he is "dumb." What strategies could Mrs. Roebeck employ to promote a growth mindset in Joseph?

Guide Joseph through each step of the division process and provide positive feedback on the steps he completes correctly. Mrs. Roebeck needs to provide opportunities throughout the process for him to feel successful as they work together towards achieving the larger goal.

In her third-grade English and Language Arts class, Mrs. Ferdinand is teaching her students how to write an acrostic poem for springtime. After showing the class of an acrostic poem for the word spring, she asks the class to list a few other spring related words. Once they do, she chooses one and they work through each letter together as a class to write the acrostic poem for that word. Then, she assigns groups of four another springtime word to create an acrostic poem together. This is an example of:

Guided Practice

Students in a high school science class are watching their classmates give a presentation on a collaborative scientific experiment they researched and tested. Their teacher, Mr. Davidson would like for the class to provide feedback, ask questions, and engage in a discussion during each presentation without interrupting the presenters. Which of the following activities would help him achieve this goal?

He creates a backchannel discussion using the web based tool Today's Meet and asks students to use their devices to post questions and feedback comments throughout the presentations.

Mr. Gonzalez wants his students to read and better understand the Bill of Rights and certain amendments to the U.S. Constitution. He has created a list of 6 true and false statements for students to agree and disagree with both before and after the reading. They discuss the statements in groups, share aloud and then read the text and write down general statements What strategy is Mr. Gonzalez implementing and why?

He has created an anticipation guide for students to make connections with text, engage in critical thinking and integrate new knowledge.

A history teacher wants to spend class time on having students discuss the pros and cons of the Civil War but he doesn't want to spend class time lecturing on the dates of battles won and lost for each side. What is a strategy he could use?

He/she can assign a reading assignment that covers these basic facts and concepts for homework and review them briefly in class before spending time on the critical thinking concepts.

Which of the following might be text features of a U.S. History textbook?

Headings and subheadings

What is the relationship between independent practice and homework?

Homework can be given as a form of independent practice to help reinforce skills learned in the classroom.

How would you categorize the following activity: You enter a third-grade classroom and see students working at various stations on multiplication, division, and fractions using worksheets, manipulatives and interactive web based games.

Independent Practice

What is the difference between independent practice and guided practice?

Independent practice occurs only when the teacher has ensured that students have achieved a basic level of skill to practice alone whereas guided practice occurs with the teacher modeling and working through exemplars with the students.

The ability to connect what is in the text with what is in the mind to create an educated guess is known as a(n):


What is the difference between formal groups and informal groups in a classroom setting?

Informal groups are usually randomly selected and require students to work on short term goals and activities whereas formal groups require teachers to carefully select groups based on skills, ability and group dynamics. Formal groups are usually long term for students to work on a project or larger task

The __________________________________ of lesson delivery is the identification and teaching of the main concepts and skills that students need to achieve mastery of the objective. It emphasizes clear explanations, provides models which are accurate and effective, and invites active student participation

Input phase

What is the purpose or benefit of using a student-centered approach when incorporating Gardner's Multiple Intelligences into the classroom?

It allows students the opportunity to actively use their preferred intelligence to practice, and demonstrate an understanding of the concept to be more engaged and connected to the content.

Administering a learning styles inventory and/or a student interest survey at the beginning of each school year is valuable because

It can help you gather information about your students that will allow you to better understand how your students learn and what their interests are to create lessons and activities that engage them and meet varying learning needs

Which of the following collaborative learning instructional strategies would you recommend for the following scenario? Mr. Davis wants his high school history students to understand the contents in chapter 12 of the history textbook. Chapter twelve is very long and very dense and he has found, that students seem bored and disengaged during his lectures. He has decided that he wants students to work together to learn the information. He knows all sections of the chapter are important and he wants to be sure all students get the content they need in an engaging and collaborative way. What strategy would you recommend?

Jigsaw so that he can assign each group a section of the chapter, they learn it, discuss it, become experts and then share the most important information with the class as they listen and take notes.

Mrs. Jacobs wants her students to collaborate, communicate, and submit work online for a group project they need to work on both in and outside of class. Which of the following tools could best help her achieve these goals

Learning management systems like Edmodo and Schoology.

What can you infer is happening in the following scenario: The students in Ms. Gonzalez's fifth grade class walk into her room one day to find the desks toppled over, papers everywhere and the room a complete disaster. Ms. Gonzalez tells them to find a seat on the floor and watch the short video clip. She shows them a historical video of the 1900 hurricane storm that devastated Galveston, Island. After the film, she engages students in a discussion about the state of the room and the video clip.

Ms. Gonzalez is trying to engage her students with a focus activity and sensory experience anticipatory set about the effects of hurricane

In which of the following scenarios is the teacher differentiating the learning environment:

Ms. Gonzalez, a fifth-grade reading teacher has a variety of reading "nooks" in the room. During silent reading time, some students sit in bean bag chairs, others on the floor with blankets and pillows, some in desks and a few outside in the hallway right outside her room

In which of the following classroom scenarios is the teacher using a Flipped Learning model

Mr. Jones has created a short six-minute video lecture on Chapter 9 in his History textbook. He asks students to watch his video at home for homework and answer ten questions via an online quiz. When students return to class the next day, they review their quiz answers and clarify misconceptions. Afterwards they engage in group discussions debating chapter 9 topics assigned by Mr. Jones

Which of the following teachers is NOT cultivating student curiosity in the classroom

Mrs. Sanders, a math teacher likes to begin each class with an online quiz about the homework from the night before and review student answers. She ends each class with an oral or written exit ticket with a series of at least five questions or math problems for the students to solve

A middle school science teacher wants to ensure that her students will be able to monitor their comprehension and identify and summarize important information from their textbook this year. Which of the following strategies should she teach them?

Note taking

As a teacher, you can best use Gardner's theory on Multiple Intelligences to...

Plan engaging lessons to help your diverse classroom of students connect with and better understand the content.

An elementary school science teacher is interested in engaging her kinesthetic learners during a unit on weather. Which of the following activities should she consider?

She can introduce and reinforce different weather patterns and storms by having students play charades or act out with their bodies the various types of weather patterns.

Read the scenario below and determine which strategy the teacher is using. Mr. Pierre, a high school French teacher is teaching students how to order food in French. He begins class by showing pictures of various food and drink items and asks students to say them aloud together. He then asks students what are some of the ways they learned last class to order food. He lets a few students respond. He then asks students to role play various scenarios as if they were in a restaurant and they each must order different items off the menu using complete sentences. He circulates around the room providing assistance where needed and pauses to provide direct instruction when he identifies the need for clarification. He then allows a few pairs of students the chance to share their skits. At the end of class, he places a few sentences in English on the board and asks student to write down their French translations on a note card before leaving class.


Read the scenario below and determine which strategy is the teacher using. Mrs. Davidson, begins her fourth-grade writing class each day with a five minute free write on a topic chosen by the class. She then calls on two or three students to share what they wrote. Afterwards, students know to turn to the vocabulary section of their journals for the daily vocabulary lesson and game.

Predictability and Stability

What are the benefits of developing a Professional Learning Network

Provides a platform and an opportunity for educators to collaborate, communicate, share ideas and resources, and build community to improve and expanding their learning.

Which of the following is an example of differentiating the product for students in a fifth-grade reading class who are supposed to read and describe the parts of a story in a book they've read?

Providing some students with a story map after they read the book to outline the events of the story, allowing kinesthetic or tactile learners the opportunity to rewrite the book as a skit and perform it for the class, and letting visual learners draw out the events of the book and deliver a presentation on the visuals.

Mr. Johnson is a second-grade teacher. He is teaching students about including adjectives in their writing to make it more interesting. Which of the following questions could he ask that would be MOST effective during a check for understanding? Question A: Is the word beautiful an adjective?Question B: An adjective is a word that describes a what?Question C: Who can give me an example of an interesting adjective to describe a horse?

Question C because it is an open-ended question with multiple correct answers that would allow many students the opportunity to respond.

What are the four categories of questioning

Representing, Reasoning, Interpreting and Evaluating, and Communicating and Reflecting.

Mr. Stevenson is an elementary school science teacher. He wants his students to participate in the district science fair this school year. On the first day of his lesson on creating a science fair project, Mrs. Stevenson brings to class a former student's science fair display board and report. He introduces the concept of the science fair to the class and they discuss what they see on the display board and in the report.

Showing an exemplar

It is important to teach students to notice and be aware of signal words because:

Signal words help readers focus on important information such as vocabulary words, upcoming details and conclusions or summaries that aid in comprehension

Ms. Jackson, middle school science teacher has placed students in groups of three. She has provided each group with a tablet. For their assignment, students are taken outside and asked to take photographs of plant life and insects. As a group, they will then have to try and use what they've learned about environmental science to research and label the plants and insects. Ms. Jackson would like students to be able to collaborate on the final product and share their images for all to have access to the information for future reference. Which of the following tools would BEST help her achieve these goals?

Students can use Padlet or create a Wiki to post their labeled pictures and create a pinboard or permanent webpage with their findings

Identify which of the following activities is NOT an example of independent practice.

Students in an Algebra class are watching and listening to the teacher complete a problem on the board and taking notes.

The following scenario is an example of which ISTE Standard for Students?Students in Mrs. Miller's Spanish class are learning conversational Spanish vocabulary and grammar. Mrs. Miller wants students to practice their verbal and written Spanish. She has a colleague in Mexico who has agreed to collaborate with her to pair students in their classrooms to exchange online letters and engage in group discussions once a week via a moderated online chat room. Once a quarter, as a whole class they use a video conferencing program to have relevant discussions on sports, the weather and news events.

Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others

What is the relationship between context clues and comprehension?

Students who use context clues can create pictures in their minds to visualize a concept and better create meaning and understanding.

Which of the following teachers has provided students with specific and timely feedback? Teacher A gave a math test two weeks ago. She returns the tests with percentage grades and tells students to ask her at the end of class if they have any questions on their grade. Teacher B has listened to student speeches in her class. She grades the speeches in class using a rubric and the day after all speeches have been delivered she returns the graded rubrics with notes to students. Teacher C has asked his history students to write a research paper during the first six weeks of the school year. He returns the graded research papers back to students at the end of the semester with check marks on the sections that he found interesting or meaningful and question marks on the sections he found confusing. Teacher D has created a student response quiz online. At the end of class, he projects the questions on the board and asks students to answer them using their devices. Immediately after all students have responded to the questions he projects the correct answers on the board. Students can view and compare their answers with the correct answers.

Teacher B is providing timely and specific feedback because she returns graded rubrics to students within one day of completing their speeches and provides notes that align with the objectives on the rubric.

What is the difference between the input phase of the lesson and the anticipatory phase of the lesson?

The input phase is a time to inspire students to learn and model what they will be able to do whereas the anticipatory phase engages students and introduces the content.

Mrs. Jackson, a math teacher is modeling step by step how her third-grade students can answer double digit multiplication problems. She thinks aloud as she answers each problem and asks students for help along the way, saying "What should I do next?" She is modeling:

The process.

Which of the following is the BEST summary description of the Write-Share-Learn strategy?

The teacher begins class with a question. Students jot down their answers and then share their responses with a partner in a short time frame allotted by the teacher. Pairs share out with the class what they discussed. Teacher leads class through direct instruction portion of the class and ends the lesson by asking students the initial question again. Students are then asked to write down a few things they learned from the day's lesson.

What is the difference between the written objective and the stated objective?

The written objective is the specific TEKS that the teacher writes in his/her lesson plan whereas the stated objective is a student friendly version of the TEKS objective that the teacher shares aloud with the students throughout the lesson.

According to Wiggins, what are the qualities of effective feedback

Timely, specific, formed to allow for student adjustment, clearly communicated

What is the purpose of closure during a lesson?

To allow students the opportunity to mentally categorize and save what they've learned as well as clarify any final misunderstanding.

Why is it necessary for students to preview a text?

To better understand the book's text features and can use them more effectively and efficiently to locate and understand information.

During guided practice, why should a teacher begin with simple examples first?

To build student confidence so that as they move to more complex examples they feel prepared to complete the task.

What is the purpose of the anticipatory set or focus activity at the beginning of a lesson?

To engage the student's attention toward the learning objective.

Determine which of the following collaborative learning expectations would be MOST useful for effective group work?

Treat others with respect and dignity

True/False: The action-flow lesson plan provides ample opportunities for student engagement and variety within the lesson.

True because the action flow lesson plan moves quickly building momentum throughout the lesson.

True/False: A teacher wants to incorporate technology into his/her own classroom but is afraid and isn't sure where to begin. A recommendation you could make is to have him/her review their course objectives and decide where technology could be substituted to achieve the same goals

True because the teacher should always consider the learning objectives first and then start small with a lesson he/she is comfortable with.

True/False: It is necessary for teachers to plan lessons that return to prior material taught and learned in class?

True because when students are confronted with the same material day after day they will eventually internalize it and master it gradually.

True/False: Differentiating content requires that students be pretested.

True- because it can help you identify which students do and don't require direct instruction.

Mr. Rodriguez has been working with ESL students on writing complete sentences with a subject and verb. After reading students first three sentences, Mr. Rodriguez realizes that about sixty percent of the students have mastered this objective but about 8 students are still struggling. He asks students to work in pairs to come up with a short story using complete sentences. He then pulls the 8 struggling students into a small group, and works with them using specific feedback. He says things like "I see that you have a noun which is your subject, but what action is your subject doing?" He then works individually with them until they are ready to move forward. This is an example of:

Using student feedback to adjust instruction.

An English teacher has students read the following short description from John Steinbeck's book Of Mice and Men then students are asked to create a think-aloud script after they read. What strategy is the teaching employing?


What effective feedback might you provide for a student whose science project did NOT meet your objectives?

Your hypothesis statement does not use the correct formatting of "if" and "then" and your lab report is missing important data on your experiments.

A teacher is having trouble with class participation. When she asks questions only a few students raise their hands to respond and she always resorts to calling on these few bright students who know all the answers. Which of the following strategies would you recommend to help her increase student engagement and participation during discussions

all 4

The following scenario is an example of what? Mrs. Robinson a middle school social studies teacher has just taught a lesson on listing, identifying and locating the seven continents on a map. Students have researched the continents online and labeled and colored a world map with the seven continents. At the end of class Mrs. Robinson asks students "what did we learn about today?" She calls on students to respond and takes the time to clarify any misunderstandings.


When a teacher asks a question like: "Can you elaborate?" or "Tell me more about that..." They are:

encouraging critical thinking

What are the most important benefits of using technology in the classroom with your students?

it can help create opportunities for personalized learning experiences, collaboration, communication, creation, and critical thinking.

Why is it important for students to access prior knowledge to be successful in acquiring new knowledge?

so a student can create schemas in his/her mind that create neural pathways for new learning and understanding.

Identify the four factors you should consider when planning differentiated lessons?

student readiness to learn, student background, student learning style, student interest.

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