Tragedy of the Commons

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A job of taking responsibility over something

Sustainable Development Goals

A set of 17 goals made by the UN that details the requirements for a nation to achieve a status of sustainable development

sustainable development

Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

inherent value

Ethical values or rights that exist as an intrinsic or essential characteristic of a particular thing or class of things simply by the fact of their existence.

quality of life indicators

Factors, such as infant mortality, life expectancy, income, sanitation, and education, that indicate quality of life in a country.

Environmental Science

The study of an environment and the living beings within it.

Tragedy of the Commons

situation in which people acting individually and in their own interest use up commonly available but limited resources, creating disaster for the entire community

environmental ethics

the application of ethical standards to relationships between humans and their environment

environmental justice

the fair distribution of environmental benefits and burdens

ecological footprint

the impact of a person or community on the environment, expressed as the amount of land required to sustain their use of natural resources.


the variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem.

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