Transtheoretical Model

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Belief in one's own ability to successfully accomplish something

Pre-Contemplation Stage

*Before* a person starts thinking about change, not ready for change yet and may not even know there is a problem. 6 months prior to contemplation stage.

Processes of Change

10 Processes, Cognitive and Behavioral. This helps us understand *how* the change occurs.

Counter Conditioning

A healthier behavior is substituted for the unhealthy behavior

Contemplation Stage

A person begins to realize there is a problem and they are starting to think about changing it. *Cues to action* move people from pre-contemplation to contemplation stage. *Decisional Balance* occurs during this stage. Last 6 months, any longer is procrastination.

Preparation Stage

Begins once the decision has been made to change the behavior, when a person begins plan for making the change is developed. Last about a month.

Transtheoretical Model

Behavior change is a process that occurs in stages, "stages of change"

Self Liberaion

Freeing oneself from a behavior you no longer choose to engage in, believing they could achieve the change, and committing to the change.

Environmental Reevaluation

Looking at the behavior being changed in light of its impact on the physical and social environment.

Termination Stage

No longer has temptations of relapse and overt behavior will never return.

Social Liberation

Options or alternatives are sought that support the new behavior.

Consciousness Rasing

Process whereby people obtain information about themselves and the problem behavior. Process of becoming aware.

Developed by...

Prochaska and DiClemente 1979

Reinforcement Management

Rewards and punishments.

Maintenance Stage

The most difficult of all stages. A person is working to avoid relapsing back into old behavior. Begins 6 months after the action stage and last 6 months.

Decisional Balance

Weighting the pros and the cons of the change.


When a person looks at them self with and without the problem behavior and assess the differences in their self esteem.

Arose from...

Understanding the treatment for addictive behaviors, could be changed from psychotherapy or a person's own will to change. They didn't know how this change occurred.

Dramatic Relief or Emotional Arousal

Being able to express feelings about or react emotionally to the behavior in question.

Helping Relationships

People who act as a support system for changing the unwanted, unhealthy behavior.

Stages of Change

Provides a *framework* for explaining how behavior change occurs. Pre-contemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, Maintenance, and Termination.

Stimulus Control

When people remove the cues or triggers for the problem behavior from their environment.

Action Stage

When the plan is now put into motion. A person is in the active process of modifying their behavior. Even though there is action being taken *Does Not* mean a change will occur.

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