Trivia - Part 4

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Where did Jim Morrison die

Bath - in Paris hotel

In Kiplings How the Leopard got its Spots name the Leopard

Best Beloved

In Computing of what is the term 'bit'' an abbreviation?

Binary Digit

What colour was the maltese falcon


Which (Age) Occured Between The Stone And The Iron Ages?

Bronze Age

The Rise Of Cuban Music In The Late 90's Was Represented By Which Album

Buena Vista Social Club

As what is a giraffe also known


Steven Georgi is now Yussef Islam what other name had he

Cat Stevens

The puma, cougar, lynx & other wildcats are all


Wings of Desire a foreign film remade as what with Nicolas Cage

City of Angels

Nephologists study what

Clouds - Meteorology

What is more effective than caffeine for waking up in the morning


Which Scandinavian alcoholic spirit is made from potatoes


The number unemployed consists of all those people in a country who are willing and able to work but are unable to ___ ?

Find jobs

In which game are there hashmarks on each five-yard line


When a U.S. army bomber crashed into the New York's Empire State Building, how many people did it kill


What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Ursa Major ?

Great Bear

What is the capital of Guatemala?


What was the name of Hannibal's father

Hamilcar barca

Which U.S. state receives the most rainfall


Who is known as the "Father of History" ?


After his death what bit Walter Raleigh did his wife carry around

His Head

What is the name of the telescope that was placed in orbit in the eighties?


Who Had A Surprise Hit With "Atmosphere" In 1984

Russ Abbot

What is the Capital of: Northern Mariana Islands


What religious movement was founded by william booth

Salvation army

What's Princess Aurora's better-known name

Sleeping beauty

Is South America or Australia closer to the Antarctic

South america

I see your schwartz is almost as big as mine.


In Star Trek Generation who was the chief of security killed off

Tasha Yar

Firm Music: What was the first album Roger Waters released after leaving Pink Floyd

The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking

Who Had A Number One Hit In 1962 With The Song Telstar?

The Tornados

Which Song Was A Hit For Both Cliff Richard And Elvis Presley

The Twelth Of Never

Justin Hayward-Young, great grandson of English painter and postcard artist Walter Hayward-Young, is the lead singer of which band?

The Vaccines

What does a heliologist study

The sun

Which novel, when broadcast in America, was believed by many people to be a real news report, and it caused widespread panic

The war of the worlds

The underwater mating song of the __________ is so loud that sometimes it can be heard by humans on the shore.


Goodfellow's Lumholtz's and Bennett's type of what animal

Tree Kangaroo

Which Islands Were The Subject Of A War Between Argentina And Britain in 1982?


Which sitcom helped launch Michael J. Fox's career by portraying him as a money-grubbing teenager?

Family Ties

A lively Spanish dance in triple time performed with castanets or tambourines.


Who was the last reigning King of Egypt


In space talk, FTL is an acronomy for ______ ____ _____.

Faster than light

On December 1, 1917, who opened Boys Town, a farm village for wayward boys, near Omaha, Nebraska

Father Edward Flanagan

What is the condition resulting from prolongued muscular or mental activity


What Is Phobophobia The Fear Of

Fear Of Fears

Elizabeth I of England suffered from anthophobia, what is it

Fear of roses

Shbat is Arabic for what month


Where would you find the thickest layer of skin on the human body


In Japan what is Jigali

Female Suicide

The De Beaumont centre in London specialises in what sport


What is the ancient Chinese art of placement called

Feng shui

Who Designed The VW Beetle

Ferdinand Porsche

Sigmund Freud had a phobia - what was he afraid of


In badminton, how many points win a singles game

Fifteen points

Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia was finally diposed in 1974 after how many years in power

Fifty eight

Mount Victoria is the highest peak of this island country.


Which European country has the largest percentage of forest and woodland


What creature was the early symbol for christ


What sort of food is a 'rollmop'


What is the pope's pontificial ring

Fisherman's ring

More Deaths Occur Each Year Participating In This Sport Than Any Other Sport What Is It?


A narrow crack or split


Slam Dunk (Da Funk) Was The First UK Hit For Which Boy Band


Alex Raymond created which comic strip character in 1934

Flash Gorden

Why Did "Mathias Rust" Hit Global Headlines In 1987 An Event That Very Nearly Cost Him His Life

Flew Plane Into Red Square

What does the energiser bunny wear on his feet

Flip flops

Who owned a cat called Bismarck

Florence Nightingale

In which state are the Everglades ?


Alan Ginsberg is credited with inventing what 60s phrase

Flower Power

Daniel Keys wrote which 1959 Hugo award winning SF novel

Flowers for Algernon

Pooley's Guide is used by amateurs and professionals in which profession and hobby


Which German firm produced the World War Two plane the Condor


Homichloriphobia is the fear of what


The average American consumes 9lbs of what every year

Food Additives

Sitophobia is the fear of

Food eating

We have used the Latin phrase ad hoc - what literally mean

For this special purpose

Which acid gives nettles their sting

Formic acid

In 1900, what was the average lifespan in the u.s

Forty seven

How many organizational levels are there in the human body


How many seams are there on a football (American)


What is the cube root of 64


What is the square root of 16


In golf what is the maximum number of clubs allowed in your bag


What is the maximum number of clubs a golfer may use in a round


Which animal is known as 'zorro' in Spanish and 'volpe' in Italian


What was the first USA TV series screened in the USSR

Fraggle Rock

In which country was the match invented?


What country designed and developed the bayonet


What is the largest country wholly within Europe


Where is alsace-lorraine


Who invented Fingerprint Classification?

Francis Galton

What Famous Gothic Novel Was Written By Mary Shelley


Which classical composer wrote the Hungarian Rhapsody

Franz Liszt

Kelsey Grammer sings and plays the theme song for which TV show?


Flat, round, brown spots on the skin that contain an excess of melanin, the human skin pigment


Who wrote The Deceiver 1991 and The Fist of God 1993

Frederick Forsyth

On the fahrenheit scale, there are 180 degrees between boiling point and ______

Freezing point

Although not all come from France, ______ fries.


What is the most ordered item in American restaurants

French Fries

In which countries would you find the following city 'Cayenne'?

French Guyana

Off what coast was 'prison island'

French guiana

Band of decoration especially at the top of a wall


What Does The Term 'A La Carte' Actually Mean

From The Menu

Musical terms - what does De Capo mean on a score

From the beginning

What kind of cake is a wedding cake normally

Fruit cake

On which of the Canary Island would you find the holiday destination of Corralejo


The pivot point of a lever is called the _________.


The Sam Maguire Trophy is played for in which sport

Gaelic Football

An iron hook with a handle used for landing large fish.


Which Polish-Ukranian region shares its name with a Spanish region?


Who first noticed that the sun had spots


Who invented the thermometer in 1593?


What river is represented by the blue stripe on the Gambian flag


Third letter of the Greek alphabet


What is a male goose called?


What do americans call chick peas

Garbanzo beans

Decoration of food


What is the best selling single artist ever

Garth brooks

What Are The Names Of The 3 Wise Men Who Brought Gifts To The Baby Jesus

Gaspar, Melchior, Balthasar

Small graceful antelope


Japanese profesional hostess and entertainer


Actor: ________ Hackman.


Who starred in the film Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

Gene wilder

Who was king juan carlos' predecessor

General francisco franco

Who burned atlanta in 1864

General sherman

What is the first book of the Bible


In food labelling what does GM mean

Genetically Modified

Which European city is regarded as the clock making capital of the world


Film Title: An Officer and a(n) _________.


What is the middle name of author H.G. Wells


What WW II British medal carries the words For Gallantry

George Cross

Who Released The 70's Album Entitled The Grand Tour

George Jones

Who produced 'Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band'?

George Martin

Who was the first Windsor monarch of the UK?

George V (reigned 1910-1936)

Who advocated the planting peanuts and sweet potatoes to replace cotton and tobacco (i.e. crop rotation)

George Washington Carver

Three of the following U.S. Presidents appeared at one time or another on what's my line which one did not Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George Bush

George bush

Which British King had the-longest reign

George iii

Born Georgios Panayiotou in England in 1963, by what name is this singer better known

George michael

Of which State was Jimmy Carter Governor before he became president


Who did squeaky fromme try to assassinate

Gerald ford

In Which Country Was Fuel Injection For Cars Inroduced In 1954


Spermophobia is the fear of


Mysophobia is the fear of

Germs contamination dirt

What is a group of grasshoppers

Getting bald

Where did abraham lincoln gave his historic speech

Gettysburg, pennsylvania

In which country do the Ashanti people live in the Province of Ashanti


Where were the Pillars of Hercules located


What animal was believed to be a cross camel - leopard


With what did cricketer Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi frequently play with in his hands?

Glass eye

Which British opera festival was started in 1934?


If you ain't done it by age 40 chances are you never will - what

Go to Prison

What animal is on the cover of the Beach Boy's album Pet Sounds?


A Capriphiliac has sex with who or what


What desert lies in Mongolia


Lyssophobia is the fear of what

Going Mad

The Welcome Stranger 173 lb was largest what ever found 1869

Gold Nugget

At Which Sport Did James Bond Play Auric Goldfinger Waging A Gold Bar On The Outcome?


What Is The Most Common Venereal Disease


According to folklore a windy christmas means _____

Good fortune

What sort of tax system does Australia & New Zealand have

Goods & services tax gst

Of Which Animal Is The Gander The Female?


What is Kenny G's real surname?


The Dove awards are presented annually for what

Gospel music

Who Was The First Actress To Be Featured On A Postage Stamp?

Grace Kelly

James Stewart starred in Hitchcock's Rear Window, who was his female co-star

Grace kelly

What is the lead in pencils made from ?


Crème de Menthe Crème de Cacao an light cream what drink


In the 70s The Bahamas gained independence from who

Great Britain

What does "Ursa Major" mean in everyday English?

Great bear

The Pindus is the main mountain range in what country


In "The Karate Kid" what color did Daniel have to paint Miagi's house, as part of his training


What colour top do bottles of unpasteurized milk have?


Kitty, fire, draw and tuck in are terms in what sport

Green Bowls

Chloe the girls name means what

Green shoot

Name the largest island in the world.


The main street in Back to the Future is also the main street in what other 80's movie?


In what sport do you find 'coursing'

Greyhound racing

What is the Capital of: Guatemala


What is the capital of Guatemala


What is made at St James's Gate in Dublin?


Which beer was advertised as good for you


What is the nickname for Mobile, Alabama

Gulf city

The 1961 Mercedes 300sx had two firsts name either

Gull Wing doors - fuel injection

Who Sang The Song "Sweet Child O Mine" In The 90's

Guns N Roses

At Which Sport Might You See A Crucifix

Gynmastics (The Rings)

Who wrote 'The Time Machine'?

H.G. Wells

Harbour who wrote 'the invisible man'

H.g wells

What was jimmy carter operated on for while serving as president


Bald eagles are not bald. The top of their head is covered with slicked_down white feathers; from a distance, they appear __________


Which Yorkshire town has the same name as the capital of Nova Scotia


In which American city can you get doctorate in hambugerology

Hamburger College - Chicago

Sir Walter Raleigh's black greyhound was named __________


What was the name of Hamlets father


Saint Bibiana is the Patron Saint of what


What is the capital of north vietnam


What is measured on the Mohs scale

Hardness of minerals

The Aztecs Ayecotl is a forerunner of what current food

Haricot Beans

Masked pantomime character in diamond patterned costume


Who wrote 'To Kill A Mockingbird'?

Harper Lee

Which US state gets the most rainfall?


A Tiercel is the correct name for a male what

Hawk or Falcon

How Did Darth Vader Know What Luke Skywalker Got For Christmas

He Felt His Presents

What was the name of the Monkeys only film made in 1969


Madame Pauline de Vere first female circus performer - do what

Head in Lions Mouth

Rock Groups: Tom Petty and the _____


Of what do earthworms have five?


Who composed the Symphonies Fantastique

Hector Berlioz

What word describes the dominance of one state over a group of other states?


Heavier-than-air craft that derives its lift not from fixed wings like those of conventional airplanes, but from a power-driven rotor or rotors, revolving on a vertical axis above the fuselage


Which element has the lowest boiling point


What is switzerland's official neutral name

Helvetic confederation

Who wrote Moon River used in Breakfast at Tiffanies

Henry Mancini

What not so hep disease had its virus finally identified in 1984


Who was the greek god of fire


Who prescribed marijuana for queen victoria's menstrual cramps

Her doctor

What is a group of this animal called: Deer


This Spaniard conquered Mexico.

Hernando Cortez

Addictive drug prepared from morphine


Some animals spend the winter in a sleep-like state known as _________.


John Wayne called what film "The most un-American thing ever"

High Noon

In which classic Western film did the character Will Kane appear

High noon

Front which part of a pig do we get ham

Hind leg

What is the offspring of a male horse and a female donkey


What did Paul Benier leave in his locked getaway car while he robbed a bank in Swansea, Massachusetts

His car keys car keys the car keys

If a girl puts the letters of the alphabet face down in water, how will she know who she will marry

His initials will be face up next day

Name captain smollett's ship in treasure island


What was the name of the submarine which sank the General Belgrano during the Falklands conflict

Hms conqueror

Which sport allows substitutions without stoppage in play


What is New Year's Eve called in Scotland?


Which Football Team Managed To Loose The 1974,1978 World Cup Finals


Which Nation Has The Sweetest Tooth


What is recorded with two beams of light


In the monty python parody 'search for the holy grail', what was used to kill the rabbit

Holy hand grenade of antioch

What does the word economy mean in original Greek

Home Management

Indiana is known as ______

Hoosier state

Aaron died on mount _____


What is a brickfielder

Hot SE Aussie wind

By royal decree in Jidda 1979 women banned from using what

Hotel swimming pools

Name the biggest hit for the Animals in 1964

House of the rising sun

Who was the losing Democratic candidate in the 1968 U.S. Presidential Election

Hubert humphrey

What river is spanned by the George Washington Bridge


Which Famous Actor was Charged with Lewd Behavior in 1995

Hugh Grant

Who plays the role of the Prime Minister, in the 2003 Christmas film 'Love Actually''

Hugh Grant

Which Labour politician did Aneurin Bevan call "a dessicated calculating machine"

Hugh gaitskell

Named album of the year in 1981, which pop group's debut album was called "Dare"

Human league

Slang word for huge or enormous


The __________ of a really famished camel may flop over and hang down the side of the body as the fat is used up.


What is a wind with a speed of 74 miles or more


What is the name for the study of liquid flow


Who was the Greek god of sleep


Which Song Was A Hit For Both Westlife And Abba?

I Have A Dream

Whitney Houston Recorded Which Dolly Parton Song

I Will Always Love You

What Were Frosty The Snowmans Final Words

I'll Be Back Again Someday

Which Author Who Is Most Remembered for Writing Another Series Of Books. Also Wrote the Childrens Story Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Ian Flemming

Which Bad Boy Is Arsenals Top Scorer Ever

Ian Wright

Who flew too close to the sun


In Newark its illegal to sell what after 6pm unless Drs note shown

Ice Cream

Which country consumes more Coca Cola per head than anywhere else in the world?


What northern nation's geyser heated soil allows it to grow bananas

Iceland's icelands iceland

The world's fastest reptile (measured on land) is the spiny_tailed __________ of Costa Rica. It has been clocked at 21.7 miles per hour.


Jimmy Connors won the men's doubles at Wimbledon in the 1970s with which partner

Ilie nastase

Space indiana jones: what did drinking from the grail "grant"


What is the title of John Lennon's first published book

In his own write

Where did the dormouse finish up at the Mad Hatter's tea party

In the teapot

In religion, the assumption of an earthly form by a god


In which country would you find the Asiatic lion living in the wild


What city provided the setting for One day at a time?


Who was assassinated by her own bodyguard in 1984

Indira Ghandi

As the speed of a body approaches the speed of light, its mass approaches ________


What did 'Enigma' return to in January 1994


Which city is the capital of the Austrian province of Tyrol


The Swiss spend the worlds most money per capita on what


Manufacturer of the Pentium microprocessor


Which people used to settle legal disputes by head butting

Inuit - Eskimo

When Aretha Franklin Got Married In 1978, Which Stevie Wonder Song Did The 4 Tops Sing As She Walked Down The Aisle

Isn't She Lovely

What Turkish city has spread to both sides of the Bosporus Strait


What was Buddy Hollies current single when he died

It doesn't matter any more

Why Was The Edmontosaurus So Named

It's Remains Were First Discovered In Edmonton

Bad before a German town name means what

It's a Spa Town

American physicist & government adviser, who directed the development of the first atomic bombs

J robert oppenheimer

Who composed the Goldberg Variations

J. s. bach

Who directed 'drive he said', 'goin' south' and 'the two jakes'


Who was radio's "all american boy"

Jack armstrong

What type of whisky is called "old no 7"

Jack daniels

Which biblical character had 12 sons


Whose ghost haunted Scrooge with clanking chains & wierd sounds

Jacob marley

Who invented the electric razor in 1928

Jacob schick

Who said sex is a bad thing it rumples the clothes

Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

Meaning person who overcomes name the ancient Indian religion


Who Invented The Spinning Jenny In 1764

James Hargreaves

Who wrote 'shogun'

James clavell

Who wrote the novel The Last of the Mohicans, first published in 1820

James fenimore cooper

Which Celebrity Chef Owns A Chain Of Restaurants Called 'Fifteen''

Jamie Oliver

Who was born sarah jane fulks

Jane wyman reagan

What is the connection between Jeffersons and Good Times?

Janet Dubois

Which White Blues Singer Attended The University Of Texas In The Early 60's & Was Voted Ugliest Man On Campus

Janis Joplin

Roman god of doorways and passages. Two headed deity from which we get the name of one of our months?


In what country do people speak the Language they call Nihongo?


What country invented the fiber tip marker in 1962


Jakarta is located on which Indonesian island?


In which 1975 smash hit film did the male star own a fishing boat called Orca


What is Homer Simpson's middle name


What fictional Englishman belongs to the Ganymede club


Who played the mutating fly in the film 'the fly'

Jeff goldblum

What candy did president reagan keep on his desk in the white house


What Is Aspic

Jelly Made From Stock

In 'dawson's creek', who does michelle williams play

Jennifer lindley

Whom did David Steel succeed as leader of the Liberal Party

Jeremy thorpe

In the Bible, which city was destroyed on God's command to Joshua and the people of Israel, by walking around it seven times whilst blowing loudly on horns


The only actor to receive France's Commander of Arts and Letters Award


In which city is the Wailing Wall?


The "Old City" of this holy location is divided into four quarters — a Christian quarter, a Muslim Quarter, a Jewish Quarter, and an Armenian Quarter.


What Was The Very First Andrew Lloyd Webber Musical To Be Filmed

Jesus Christ Superstar

What are kreplach

Jewish ravioli

Who played the lead in the movie "The Mask"?

Jim Carrey

Who led 900 followers in a mass suicide in 1979?

Jim Jones

Which character sang, "When you wish upon a star.." in Disney's "Pinocchio"?

Jiminy Cricket

Which Tennis Player Won Wimbledon Twice With An 8 Year Gap Between Victories

Jimmy Connors

Which Player Lost Successive World Snooker Finals From 1990 To 1994?

Jimmy White

Which British director founded the Theatre Workshop in Manchester in 1945

Joan littlewood

Who was La Purcelle of Voltair's poem

Joan of Arc

Which opera singer was known as "La Stupenda"

Joan sutherland

Who Was On Paul Evans Telephone Answering Machine In 1978


Who, posthumously, was the Formula 1 Drivers' World Champion in 1970

Jochen rindt

Name The Legendary British Producer Who First Shot His Landlady Before Shooting Himself

Joe Meek

What african city is built on gold


In the movie what is Shafts first name


Who Was The First US President To Take Up Residence In The White House

John Adams

Who directed the Halloween series of films

John Carpenter

Which artist is supposed to have used 1000 greens in painting

John Constable

What boxer was nicknamed The Boston Strong Boy

John L Sullivan

Which Beatles Son Had A Hit With "Too Late For Goodbyes"

John Lennon (Julian)

Which Former Chancellor Of The Exchequer Introduced The "TESSA Savings Scheme

John Major

What actor was once fruit picker iceman truck driver propman

John Wayne

Who shot Abraham Lincoln?

John Wilkes Booth

Which Science Fiction author created The Triffids

John Wyndom

Who got the world's worst circumcision

John bobbit

Who led the raid on harper's ferry in 1859

John brown

Who signed the declaration of independence

John hancock and charles thomson

Who 'imagined' a better world

John lennon

Who wrote "Paradise Lost"

John milton

Which comedian created the character of maude frickert

Jonathan winters

What is the stage name of roberta anderson

Joni mitchell

Which country is known as the Hashemite Kingdom


Author of Good as Gold and Closing Time but famed for another

Joseph Heller Catch 22

Amazing Grace Entered The Charts Eight Times In This Decade Sung By Whom

Judy Collins

In the film 'Pretty Woman', for who was Goldie Hawn the body double?

Julia Roberts

What Is The Name Of Postman Pats Son?


Who Was The Joan Collins Fan Club?

Julian Clarey

What is the state capital of Alaska


Who was the Roman equivalent of the Greek God Zeus


In which form of Japanese theatre are all roles played by men


What is the name of the evil spirit in Polterguise?


Who was the NBA MVP in 1976, 1977 and 1980?

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Who was the NBA's most valuable player in 1976, 1977 and 1980?

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Who was European correspondent New York Tribune 1851/62

Karl Marx

In Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew , what is the name of the shrew


Who sings and plays the theme song for the TV show 'Frasier'?

Kelsey Grammer

What nhl star was known as the thinking man's goalie

Ken dryden

Who dies in every episode of the cartoon series South Park


Who is the best-selling saxophonist

Kenny g

Which African country has the letters EAK as its international vehicle registration


Which country was the setting for The Flame Trees of Thika


What is the more common name for the bird also known as the windhover


Who did Pat Sajak play on the soapie 'Days Of Our Lives'?

Kevin Hathaway

What is the nickname for Pennsylvania

Keystone state

Where do the White and Blue Niles join

Khartoum - in Sudan

What is the young of this animal called: Goat


A haemodializar is a mechanical what


Which is the only king in a deck of cards without a moustache

King of hearts

Who would wear a diadem

Kings headband

Which Prince Song Did Age Of Chance Later Decide To Cover


In 1926 Japan deleted 800000 feet from US films showing what

Kissing - it was unclean

In what Elvis film did he play a double role

Kissing Cousins

What is the UKs best selling chocolate snack bar

Kit Kat

Hillary What bird lays an egg that is roughly a quarter of its body weight


What is a person with a strong desire to steal


What is the largest lizard on earth at ten feet long & up to 250 pounds

Komodo dragon

At the 1991 World championships in Tokyo, which British hurdler ran the last leg of the 4x400 relay to win gold for Britain

Kris akabusi

What liqueur is prepared from cumin and caraway seeds


Confide In Me Was A Hit In 1994, Who Was The Singer

Kylie Minogue

Tears On My Pillow Was A Hit In 1990 But Who Was The Singer

Kylie Minogue

In which verdi opera does violetta sing 'sempre libera'

La traviata

Pat & Greg Made A Bit Of A Hue & Cry With Which 1993 Remix Of Their 1987 Hit

Labour Of Love

What chemical compound causes pain in muscles after exercise?

Lactic acid

Who said in 1951 - "I married beneath me - All women do"

Lady Nancy Astor

What is the largest body of fresh water in the world

Lake superior

Basketball: the los angeles ______


What fraternity do the Lewis and Gilbert join in Revenge of the Nerds?

Lambda Lambda Lambda

What is the capital of Michigan?


Where could you have a kip - then spend it

Laos its currency

In Gulliver's Travels, what is the name of the flying island inhabited by scientific theorists


What Is The Significance Of The 1976 Film 'To The Devil _____ A Daughter'

Last Horror Film Made By Hammer

Edward de Bono - Maltese Doctor - developed what concept

Lateral Thinking

Gaye on which show were we introduced to ernestine the operator

Laugh in

Who created the fictional character 'Tristram Shandy'?

Laurence Stern

1955 saw the worst ever disaster in motor racing history when a Mercedes Benz hurtled into the crowd at which French race track, killing 86 people in total

Le Mans

Fill in the blank: take me to your ___


In which UK city is the 'City Palace of Varieties'?


Are most cats right pawed or left pawed


Which Side Of The Brain Contributes To Rational Thought

Left Side

What is the basic unit of currency for Honduras ?


Who invented scissors

Leonardo Da Vinci

Who painted the Mona Lisa

Leonardo da vinci

What Soviet leader seized control from Khrushchev in 1964

Leonid Brezhnev 1984 till died 92

Which disease is also known as "Hansen's Disease"?


What is the flower that stands for: coldheartedness


Edgar Cuthwellis was option but the author chose another what

Lewis Carrol

Which Pianist Joined The Chicago Symphony Orchestra When He Was Just Nine Years Old


What is the only sign in the zodiac which doesn't represent a living thing


Where does the abbreviation for pound lb come from

Libra the scales

What is the correct name for brown coal


Crabs and other crustaceans can escape danger by simply discarding an injured or trapped __________


U.S. captials Nebraska


The Indian name Singh translates as what


What is the fourth state of matter?

Liquid crystals

What is the basic unit of currency for Vatican City ?


What Is The Capital Of Portugal


The art of tracing designs and taking impressions of them is ___________.


What does the Italian word "Paparazzi" mean

Little fleas

In Michigan married couples can be imprisoned unless they what

Live Together

Little Jimmy Osmond topped the charts with 'Long Haired Lover from___


Which city's music was featured in "I Feel Fine"


What's another name for tetanus


A roofed gallery with an open arcade or colonnade on at least one side.


The streets of _________ were lit by gaslights for the first time in 1807. Before that, torches were used.


What Is The Most Popular English City?


Where is crystal palace


What are the two cities in charles dickens' 1859 novel a tale of two cities?

London & paris

Which Jump Event Did Carl Lewis Specialize In As Well As The Sprint?

Long Jump

Who is Harry Potters main enemy

Lord Voldemort

In which novel would you find reference to "The Cracks of Doom"

Lord of the Rings

In 1965 who became country music's first millionairess

Loretta Lynn

To Which City Move It's Headquarters In 1971

Los Angeles

What do deciduous trees do

Lose their leaves in winter

Whose wife was turned into a pillar of salt


What New York Yankee's 1927 jersey fetched a record $360,000

Lou gehrig

Which U.S. states way of life and culture is described as Cajun


What was the Beatles' first single in 1962?

Love Me Do

This term for those who oppose technological progress stems from 19th century working men who thought machinery would cause unemployment and societal degradation.


For which film did Anthony Quinn win an Oscar for Best Suporting Actor, in 1956

Lust for life

Born In 1962 Who In The World Of Music Has The Real Name "Stanley Kirk Burrell"

MC Hammer

What is 2000 in Roman Numerals


The Queensland nut or bush nut is more commonly known as this.


From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: Double, double


What is bovine spongiform encephalopathy more commonly known as

Mad cow disease

Second city: Milwaukee (state)


Who Had A Hit In 1985 With the Gambler


Who said "Too much of a good thing is wonderful"

Mae West

Which Presenter Of Tomorrows World Married Keith Chegwin

Maggie Philpin

Which element makes up 2.6% of the Earth's crust ?


The state of __________ was once known as the "Earmuff Capital of The World". Earmuffs were invented there by Chester Greenwood in 1873.


What is the capital of Equatorial Guinea ?


The name of which disease comes from the Italian meaning 'bad air'


What eventually killed Oliver Cromwell


When a tumour is cancerous, what is it said to be?


The stone what dietary problem were 65 percent of brazilians suffering in 1985


Which was David Platt's first professional club

Manchester united

What was the last chinese dynasty


What is a resident of Manchester called?


In Medievil England What Name Was Given To The Area Presided Over By A Lord


Milk snakes lay about 13 eggs _ in piles of animal __________


What is the longest running race at the olympic games


This Roman killed himself after his defeat at Actium.

Marc Antony

What was the name of Ross' pet monkey on 'Friends'


What is the third month of the year


Which Italian won the 1998 Tour de France cycle race

Marco pantani

In 1948 A Personnel Officer At ICI Noted That An Applicant Was "Headstrong, Obstinate & Dangerously Self Opinionated" Which Potential Recruit Was Turned Down

Margaret Thatcher

In 1996 who did The Spice Girls say was their Girl Power role model?

Margaret Thatcher

Who was the female Prime Minister of England throughout the eighties?

Marget Thatcher

Who played the girl on the motorcycle in a film of same name

Marianne Faithful

Who said: "Let them eat cake."

Marie antoinette

In siberia in 1994, a container full of what was discovered in the 2,000 year old grave of a scythian princess and priestess


Who was the first woman to swim from port angeles to victoria

Marilyn bell

Who starred in the 1952 film 'niagara'

Marilyn monroe

Who Won 7 gold Medals In Swimming At The 1972 Olympics

Mark Spitz

Who wrote "When angry, count a hundred. When very angry, swear"

Mark twain

What is the basic unit of currency for Finland ?


Baseball: The Florida ______?


Which Oscar-winning actor's only film as a director was the 1961 Western One-Eyed Jacks

Marlon brando

What are the pouched animals called


What was the name of the police character played by Roy Scheider in the film Jaws

Martin brody

Which Female Tennis Star Was Handed A Two Year Ban After Testing Positive For Cocaine At Wimbledon In 2007?

Martina Hingis

Who did 'tennis world' name rookie of the year in 1974

Martina navratilova

What comedy act started as "the six musical mascots"

Marx brothers

Which Woman Lived With Natives In West Africa & Became The First European To Visit Parts Of Gabon In 1894

Mary Kingsley

What was the first recorded message?

Mary had a little lamb

What is Gerber's most popular flavour of baby food

Mashed Bananas

What line of latitude separates the Slave States form the Free States of the USA?

Mason-Dixon Line

What does "mit"stand for

Massachusetts institute of technology

What is defined as "The fruit of the oak, beech, chestnut, and other forest trees, on which swine feed"


Which Long Running Tv Show Was the Brain Child Of Former RAF Gunner Bill Wright


Name the Apostle who replaced Judas Iscariot


Who is mia farrow's mother

Maureen o'sullivan

Who did the singer Lulu marry in 1969?

Maurice Gibb

Which French actor and crooner sings the theme tune to Disney's The Aristocats

Maurice chevalier

Port Louis is the capital of which island state in the Indian Ocean


What was lucy's maiden name on 'i love lucy'


Which Billy Rose song, written with Al Jolson and Dave Dreyer, was a hit as a duet for Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jnr. in 1962

Me and my shadow

Who was known as the clown prince of basketball

Meadowlark lemon

In which Shakespeare play would you find Constable Elbow

Measure for measure

Where do pilgrims go to march around the Kaaba and kiss The Black Stone


Joan O Neill Who Sings With The Tina Turna Tribute Band Is Actually The Mother Of Which Very Successful Pop Star


What pigment affects the colour of the hair & skin


What is activated for freckles to appear


Where were the 1956 Olympics held ?

Melbourne, Australia

What Kind Of Fruit Is A Canteloupe?


What two words make the word 'meld'

Melt and weld

On the show Cheers,What was the name of the restaurant above the bar.


In which US City was Martin Luther King assassinated in 1968?


What was the name of Australia's first girlie magazine in 1936


Which very select organisation has a table as its logo


Cinnabar is an ore of which metal


What is the chemical name for quicksilver?


Iris Somerville - killed London 1982 - Lightning struck what

Metal Support on her Bra

France and which country contested first ever world cup match


From Which Country Does The Drink Tequila Originate?


In football where was the World Cup played in 1970


In which countries would you find the following city 'Tabasco'?


In which country are 'fajitas' a traditional dish


In which country are Mariachi bands traditional


Mexico city is the capital of ______


Where is Tabasco?


What entertainer is allowing one of his songs to be used in a government campaign to beat drunk driving?

Michael Jackson

Who was known as The King of Pop

Michael Jackson

Which Politician Is Known As Tarzan

Micheal Hestletine

Who plays jennifer lindley on 'dawson's creek'

Michelle williams

Which Iconic Rock Music Frontman Sang Backing Vocals On Carly Simons 1973 Hit "You're So Vain"

Mick Jagger

Who Blew Toni Basil's Mind In 1982


Who in 1958 was the first British Formula one champion

Mike Hawthorne

The Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie is a World Heritage Site, in which Italian city would you find it


Who sang 'Good Morning To You?

Mildred and Patty Hill

Who was 'uncle milty'

Milton berle

What type of drink is Perrier?

Mineral water

Frank Oz was the voice of who

Miss Piggy in the Muppets

What links Jerry Garcia Buster Keaton Boris Yeltsin

Missing a bit of finger

What's the longest river in the U.S.

Mississippi river mississippi

What U.S. state includes the telephone area code 816


What is the flower that stands for: counterfeit

Mock orange

In Computing What Does The Word Modem Stand For

Modulate Demodulate

The Vatican is the worlds smallest country what's second


On Beverly Hills 90210 What was the name of Brandon's first car?


What have woodpecker scalps, porpoise teeth and giraffe tails all been used as?


This coutry holds the distinction of being the least densely populated in the world.


What is the name of the whale that swallowed Pinocchio.


What tunnel connects France and Italy ?

Mont Blanc Tunnel

What's the capital of Uruguay


U.S. Captials - Vermont


The 1976 Summer Olympics were held in this city.


What was the Oscar-winning theme song from "Breakfast at Tiffany's"?

Moon River

What is the capital of Comoros ?


Who was the greek god of dreams


What make of car was driven by Nurse Gladys Emmanuel in the TV sitcom 'Open All Hours'?

Morris Minor

What is the name of the lead singer for the Smiths?


In which city is Red Square


He led the Israelites out of Egypt.


What is the flower that stands for: confession of love

Moss rosebud

What does a bryologist study


What was the hightest mountain in the world before the discovery of everest?

Mount Everest

What is the name of the second highest mountain in Africa

Mount Kenya

Name Australia's highest mountain

Mount Kosciusko

What Is The Highest Peak In England And Wales

Mount Snowdon

Which sacred volcano last erupted in 1707

Mount fuji or fujiyama

What's pennsylvania's state tree

Mountain laurel

What Type Of Cheese Was Traditionally Made From Buffaloes Milk?


What is the second highest peak in Africa?

Mt. Kenya

What boxer played the lead in the broadway musical buck white

Muhammad ali

What city do the italians call the monaco of bavaria


There are about 40 different __________ in a birds wing.


What do the tendons attach to the bones or cartilage


The Song Evergreen Was A Big Hit For Barbara Streisand Did She Write The Words Or The Music


What is the fear of germs or contamination or dirt known as


Lewis on what japanese city was the second atomic bomb dropped during world war ii


Gymnophobia is the fear of __________.

Naked bodies

Australian Clement Wragge instituted what

Naming Hurricanes

Who rode a horse called Morengo

Napoleon at Waterloo

Who ruled France during the Franco-Prussian War

Napoleon iii

In the field of psychiatry this term means self-love.


What is the capital of Tennessee?


Where did the judds spend years shopping demos recorded on a cassette recorder

Nashville, tennessee

Which singing King died in 1965

Nat king cole

What does N.A.S.A stand for?

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

What do the initials NASA stand for

National aeronautics & space administration

What sort of meat is used in the dish Guard of Honour

Neck of Lamb

Who would you expect to see in the Leftorium

Ned Flanders shop The Simpson's

Name The Legendary Australian Outlaw Portrayed On Film By Mick

Ned Kelly

A Year Later It Was A Huge Top Ten Hit But Which INXS Single Only Got To No 58 In 1987

Need You Tonight

Who recorded "after the gold rush" in 1970

Neil young

What was Keanu Reeves' computer world alias in 'The Matrix'?


Kathmandu is the capital of ______?


Which planet in the solar system was discovered in 1846


What emperor ordered St Peter crucified


What is a group of pheasant


What country does Queen Beatrix rule


What country has the lowest teen pregnancy rate Western world


What us state has sagebrush as its state flower


Excluding the what word appears most in Bond film titles


What first appeared on Page 1 of the Times 3 May 1966

News stories

What is the brewery featured in Coronation Street?

Newton and Ridley

In the Tom and Jerry cartoons name the other mouse

Nibbles or Tuffy

Which Member Of Duran Duran Produced "Kajagoogoo's" First Album

Nick Rhodes

What is the connection between Alex Higgins, Barry McGuigan & Jimmy White?

Nicknames Connected With Wind

Which former dictator was executed by firing squad on Christmas Day 1999

Nicolae Ceausescu, (Romania)

What was rod serling's last television series

Night gallery

A stitch in time saves ____


How Many Crusades Were There?


How many olypmic medals has mark spitz won


Azote is the old name for what element


Cosmetic brand gets it's name from Latin for as white as snow


What is the name of the gold-mining town in the musical Paint Your Wagon

No name city

Who was the father of Ham, Shem and Japheth in the bible?


Santa Claus reportedly lives at the _____ Pole.


Bismarck is the capital of ______?

North Dakota

" Fornebu " International Airport Is In Which European Country


In what country was the paperclip invented


London's Trafalgar Square Christmas tree is traditionally given by which country?


Which Country Has The Longest Coastline In Europe


From Which Football Club Did Manchester United Sign Roy Keane In 1993?

Nottingham Forest

What Team Were Liverpool Playing When The Hillsborough Disaster Occurred In 1989 ?

Nottingham Forest?

What is the Capital of: Mauritania


Acadia was the original name of which Canadian province

Nova scotia

What's the international radio code word for the letter "N"


What is a person with numerophobia afraid of


Who were Paul Humphries & Andy Mc-Cluskey Better Known As


On what island is Pearl Harbor?


What is the flower that stands for: bravery

Oak leaves

Who Had A Hit In 1994 With "Shaker Maker"


Which Group Would You Associate With Steve Craddock

Ocean Colour Scene

What was invented 1970 US Dr Buddy Lapidus marketed 1975

Odour Eaters

In Greek mythology, who did Jocasta marry?


What is an s curve

Ogee curve

Columbus is the capital of ______?


Which is the most widely used expression in any language


As what is Merle Haggard also known as?

Okie from Muskogee

U.S. Captials - Oklahoma

Oklahoma City

Cocktails: whiskey, angostura bitters, and sugar make an

Old fashion

Which female gymnast won 3 golds and a silver at the 1972 Olympics?

Olga Korbut

A government in which power is restricted to a few is a(n) __________.


19-19-19 who's vital statistics

Olive Oyl

"Who banned Christmas Carol's in England between the years of 1649 and 1660? ""Oliver Cromwell"", ""King Charles II"", ""Queen Victoria"", ""Queen Elizabeth I"" "

Oliver Cromwell

According to the Acts of the Apostles, from where did Christ's Ascension into Heaven take place

Olivet mount of olives

US school buses are Chrome Yellow but they used to be what

Omaha Orange

Which Actor Is An International Bridge Player

Omar Sharif

Where could you see a likeness of Pharaoh Khafres head

On the Sphinx

What links stags tails, pickled worms, gallstones, tomatoes

Once thought to be Aphrodisiacs

How Many Violin Concertos Did Beethoven Write


How many 'southpark' episodes have there been that kenny didn't get killed


How many hours does an antelope sleep at night


What Was The First Record To Chart For US Supergroup "The Eagles"

One Of These Nights

How much were betty grable's legs insured for

One million dollars

Which vegetable got its name from a precious stone

Onion - Latin unio large pearl

In the rules of golf what type of bad weather can stop play

Only Lightning

What is Blondie's maiden name?


What was the codename of the Allied invasion of North Africa in 1942

Operation torch

What is a Tam Tam

Orchestral Gong

Whose Breakthrough Single Came With Messages?

Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark

Calypso, catteleya and pogonia are types of which flowering plant


Natural vanilla flavoring comes from this plant.


Which kind of flower has the most species


The phillips head screwdriver was invented where


What U.S. state includes the telephone area code 503


In brewing what do the initials OG stand for

Original Gravity

Who produced and directed the film 'Citizen Kane'

Orson welles

An __________ may weigh as much as 300 pounds. Its intestinal tract is 45 feet long.


What was Walt Disney's first cartoon character

Oswald the Rabbit

A Mai Tai is a cocktail literally meaning what in Tahitian

Out of the World

Where does Gonzo from the Muppet Show come from?

Outer space

Who was the last native-born Prince of Wales

Owen glendower

Where is Selfridges?

Oxford Street, London

Two English versions of the 'Bridge of Sighs' are located in which two English cities?

Oxford and Cambridge

The U.S. coastline, comprised of the Atlantic, __________, and Gulf waters, involves 25 of the 48 mainland states.


What is the largest ocean

Pacific ocean

Where would you find Argine Esther Judith and Pallas

Pack of cards - Queens names

For what is tea from willow bark good for relieving


The song I Talk to the Trees comes from what musical

Paint Your Wagon

In which country is K2, the second-highest mountain in the world, located?


What name is given to the hypothetical super-continent which consisted of all the present continents before they split up


Ancient Rome / Greece what Temple was dedicated to all Gods


What is the phonetic alphabet word for letter P


In what field is Romuald Rat a well-known name

Paparazzi photographer

What is the only counties national flag different both sides


A mountain is the symbol of which film company


There are 328 species of __________


Petroselinum crispum is the Latin name of which herb


The process of making cows milk safe for consumption is


Who played kevin hathaway on the soapie 'days of our lives'

Pat sajak

Who has written many books about Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin

Patrick o'brian

Which Beatle wife did Eric Clapton fall in love with, and write the song "Layla" for?

Patti Boyd Harrison

According to the song "Glass Onion", who was the Walrus?


Who wrote most of the new testament books


Who Was The Midnight Rider

Paul Davidson

Which French composer wrote 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice'?

Paul Dukas

Name Tthe Australian Actor Who Advertised Fosters Lager On Tv

Paul Hogan

Which Artists Wore A Peacock Suit

Paul Weller

3 Singers Have Sung The Opening Line The Christmas Favourite Do They Know Its Christmas (PFE)

Paul Young, Kylie Minogue, Chris Martin

What is the chemical symbol for lead?


In 1918 what were Jelly Babies renamed

Peace Babies

President richard m nixon called what songstress an "ambassador of love"

Pearl baily

Phallophobia is a fear of ______


In which American state is George A. Romero's 1968 film 'Night Of The Living Dead' set


What is the fear of mother-in-law known as


Which magazine is subtitled 'The International Magazine for Men'


Who Did Shirlie Drink To Success With In 1987 With The Single Heartache


What was the first creature put on the endangered species list

Peregrine Falcon

From what language is the word 'mummy' derived


In which country is the Machu Picchu?


In which country is the machu picchu


What is the basic unit of currency for Philippines ?


According to the title of the film, what is the profession of Ace Ventura?

Pet Detective

Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe make up what pop band?

Pet Shop Boys

Who Had A Hit With "Sledgehammer" & "Big Time"

Peter Gabriel

Who Recorded A Version Of "It's A Hard Days Night" In The Style Of Laurence Olivier's Richard iii

Peter Sellers

Who said "all you need to fly are lovely things and fairy dust"

Peter pan

Which Former Member Of Genesis Had A Hit With "One More Night"

Phil Collins

Which Cricketing Bad Boy Is Known As 'The Cat'

Phil Tuffnel

The Tramps came from which US city?


In literature who lived at 7 Savile Row

Phileas Fogg

Which private eye hero did the author Raymond Chandler create

Philip marlowe

What male name comes from Greek meaning lover of horses


Marie Curie won Nobel prizes in which two categories

Physics and chemistry

Chopin played what instrument as a child


Which musical featured the song 'If I ruled the world'


A Ten pound note depicts a scene from which Dickens novel

Pickwick papers

What Dickens work features Mr Wardle

Pickwick papers

What is tramp's nickname for lady in "Lady and the Tramp"


An upright masonry support.


Name The Artist Who Had A Hit With The Song "Papa's Got A Braned New Pigbag"


The __________ _ a relative of the mole _ is the smallest mammal in North America. It weighs 1/14 ounce _ less than a dime.

Pigmy shrew

What colour are the Amazon river dolphins


Syd Barett, Roger Waters, Richard Wright, Nick Mason - Group

Pink Floyd

What was the first man made object to leave the solar system

Pioneer 10

A turn on one leg, with the toe of the other leg touching the knee of the turning leg.


Which European city is served by Galileo Galilei Airport


What Was Duran Duran First Ever Top 40 Single

Planet Earth

What would you do with a hecklephone

Play it - type of woodwind

Which planet is orbited by the moon Charon


A villanelle is a type of what


To what position was John Masefield appointed in May 1930?

Poet Laureate

What is a strong aversion to beards known as


What was keanu reeves' first big film

Point break

Rhus Radicans shrub green flowers white berries common name

Poison Ivy

Warsaw is the capital of what country


Frank Vos Bob Seagren Wolfgang Nordwig all held what

Pole vault record

What nationality was Fredrick Chopin


What is the fear of politicians known as


What sport is played on the largest field


In Shakespeare's Hamlet, who is the father of Ophelia


Film Title: The Last Days of _________. (a city)


What is the oldest bridge over the Seine in Paris

Pont Neuf

In Athens they can remove your driving licence if found what

Poorly dressed or unbathed

What was the first food designed for the microwave


The archbishop of krakow, in 1978, came to be known as whom

Pope john paul

What is the flower that stands for: evanescent pleasure


Which cartoon character has a girlfriend named Petunia

Porky Pig

Who says, "Th-th-th-that's all folks!"

Porky Pig

What is the capital of Mauritius?

Port Louis

In 1962 - cost 20,000 - size of a small suitcase - what

Portable computer

A structure usually attached to a building, such as a porch, consisting of a roof supported by piers or columns.


Where does the wine Mateus come from


Neptune Was The Roman God Of The Oceans, What Name Did The Greeks Use?


Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Neptune


What Became The Tallest Building In England In October 1965

Post Office Tower

Business on what was the world's first adhesive used

Postage stamp

What is the flower that stands for: benevolence

Potato flower

Poteen is a distilled spirit made in the West of Ireland. What is it made from?


What is the basic unit of currency for Cyprus ?


Who sang about cars and girls in 1988

Prefab sprout

For what is 'gravidity' the medical condition


What was gangster charles floyd's nickname

Pretty boy

Julius Sturgis in 1861 built the first US factory making what


What's a family group of lions called


Who Wrote Chaka Khans 1984 Hit "I Feel For You"


Who was the first member of the Royal Family to graduate from University?

Prince Charles

Who Was Responsible For Setting Up The Production Company "Ardent" In 1993

Prince Edward

Several different ways in what printing may be accomplished, such as lithography, letterpress, flexography, gravure, & screen printing

Printing techniques

The study of human behaviour is __________.


What is the fear of flying known as


Who Was The Childhood Playmate Of Little Jackie Papers

Puff The Magic Dragon

John Travolta, Samuel Jackson, Uma Thurman starred in which 1994 Quentin Tarantino film?

Pulp Fiction

What popular party drink gets its name from Sanskrit meaning 5

Punch - originally 5 ingredients

In what traditional entertainment does the dog Toby appear

Punch and Judy

Poinephobia is the fear of


What is the name of the infection of the gums that causes them to bleed


In music who decided that an octave should have eight notes


What product was originally called Baby Gays

Q Tips

In science it can be up down strange top or bottom what can


The Heights of Abraham is in which Canadian province


Which is the largest known butterfly?

Queen Alexandra's Birdwing

Who was time magazine's 'person of the year' for 1952

Queen elizabeth 2

In the English legal system there are three Divisions in the High Court of Justice. One is the Family division. Name the other two

Queen's bench & chancery

By What Name Is "Calcium Oxide" More Commonly Known


The word 'marmalade' comes from the Portuguese word for what

Quince jam

What drug is obtained from the cinchona tree


Which drug can be extracted from the bark of the cinchona tree


What common word comes from the Latin for who are you


In Which Game Are Projectiles Thrown At Stakes Called Hobs


What was the original name of Duran Duran?


For which illness did Lois Pasteur develop a cure


What Process Is Used For Dating Ancient Organic Objects?

Radio Carbon Dating

Whose 1993 Debut Single Was Bombtrack

Rage Against The Machine

What film marked James Cagney's return to the screen after 20 years?


The Musee de Orsay in Paris was originally what

Railway Station

What meteorological significance is traditionally attached to cows lying down


What is the name of the Turkish aniseed liqueur trans lions milk


What does the acronym "ram" stand for

Random access memory

In France what is Framboise


What is measured in Darwin's

Rate of evolutionary change

In Denver Colorado it is illegal to mistreat who / what


The "canebrake", "timber" & "pygmy" are types of what


What was the. first bird that Noah sent from the Ark


Who founded the McDonalds Chain?

Ray Kroc

Apart From David Beckham Who Is The Only English Footballer To Be Sent Off During The World Cup Finals

Ray Wilkins

What colour was Rudolph the Reindeer's nose?


Escaping convicts used to drop what to throw dogs off the scent

Red Herrings

Which sporting hero from the 70's died in October 1995 at the age of 30?

Red Rum

What are the two kinds of blood corpuscles in vertebrates

Red and white

What is the flower that stands for: declaration of love

Red tulip

What color is the car that Starsky & Hutch drive?

Red with a white swoop

A Snooker Player Makes A Break Of Eight Points. Which Three Colours Are Potted? (PFE)

Red, Yellow & Brown

What is a giant sequoia

Redwood tree was the worlds first what

Registered domain name

Americans Call It A Caribou What Is It Called In Europe


What Dutch master painted 64 self-portraits?


What event marked the 1954 french grand prix

Return of mercedes

Nostophobia is the fear of

Returning home

To make a car go backwards you have to put it in what gear?


In which region of France is the red wine Chateauneuf du Pape produced

Rhone valley

What is the flower that stands for: advice


Which of the following brands of drink sold the most in the UK in the year 2000 - Ribena, Lucozade or Tango?* *


Who played Dr. Kildare?

Richard Chamberlain

Which English King rode a horse called White Surrey

Richard III

Which Victorian explorer and translator was best known for his translations of the "Kama Sutra" and "Arabian Nights"

Richard burton

Wedding rings are normally worn on what finger of your hand?

Ring finger

Who Is Or Was The Oldest Member Of The Beatles

Ringo Starr

Who said "I like Beethoven especially the poems"

Ringo Starr

Who was Poet Laureate during World War One

Robert bridges

As whom was Jan Ludvik Hoch better known

Robert maxwell

Who is known as the 'father of the atomic bomb'

Robert oppenheimer

In what mountain range is Kicking Horse Pass


Which actor took the male lead in the Hitchcock thriller The Birds

Rod taylor

Whose autobiography was "Can you tell what it is yet"

Rolf Harris

What religion was Adolf Hitler

Roman Catholic

Where did gladiators fight professionally

Roman arenas

Who directed the 1974 film Chinatown starring Jack Nicholson

Roman polanski

What nationality was Johnny Weismuller


What language do gypsies speak


From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: What in a name That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet.

Romeo and juliet

Who sang lead vocals for Lynyrd Skynyrd?

Ronnie Van Zandt

Pooh loves honey but which creature loves watercress


What hotel hosted the first Oscar ceremony

Roosevelt Hotel

Name the French blue-veined cheese that is ripened in limestone caves


Andrew John Woodhouse in fiction was who - Ira Levin novel

Rosemary's Baby

What causes the tangy smell at the seaside

Rotting Seaweed

The De Beers group of companies controls more than 80% of the world's supply of ______?

Rough diamonds

This is the strongest poker hand you can get.

Royal flush

Euphrates Who did Adolf Hitler dictate Mein Kampf to while in prison

Rudolf Hess

Who was the first Briton to win the Nobel Prize for Literature

Rudyard kipling

What alcoholic drink is distilled from molasses


What is the word for 'chewing the cud'


Who Hosted The 2007 Brit Awards?

Russell Brand

In which country were Lada cars manufactured?


What country lost the Crimean War


Whisky and Drambuie mix to form what sickly cocktail

Rusty Nail

In what film did Mary Poppins - Julie Andrews bare her nipples


Which Supermarket Chain Uses Jamie Oliver To Advertise It's Products


What is the capital of Antigua and Barbuda ?

Saint John's

December 26th is traditionally known as Boxing Day but it is also which Saints Holy Day

Saint Stephen

A cathedral built between 1554 and 1560 for Ivan the Terrible, to which saint is this Russian Orthodox church in Moscow dedicated

Saint basil

Liza Minelli played what character in Cabaret

Sally Bowles

What is the most widely used seasoning?


Who was the democratically elected President of Chile killed during a military coup in 1973

Salvador allende

Who painted "The Persistence of Memory"

Salvador dali

Name the director of the film 'American Beauty'

Sam mendes

Which film producer said 'Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist should have his head examined

Samuel goldwyn

What is the oldest country in Europe

San Marino 301 ad

What city is the queen of the pacific

San francisco

What is the Capital of: San Marino

San marino

What is the Capital of: Sao Tome and Principe

Sao tome

Intense aerial bombing is called what


What show did the catch phrase, "Yeah, That's The Ticket" originate on?

Saturday Night Live

Which planet has Prometheus as a satellite


German dish with roast beef marinated in vinegar, sugar, and seasonings.


In Australian slang what kind if food is a mystery bag


What word contains the combination of letters: "xop"


What is the most popular decoration on top of a toilet tank

Scented seashells

In Which Country Does The Annual T In The Park Concert Take Place


What is the name given to a rower who competes in an individual event?


What is the flower that stands for: dauntlessness

Sea lavendar

Who plays the character of the only escapee from Alcatraz in the movie "The Rock"?

Sean Connery

What does sctv stand for

Second city television

In common: henry ford, adolf hitler, frank sinatra, orville and wilbur wright

Secondary school dropouts dropped out of school school drop out

Which bird is famous for its ability to walk long distances and for killing snakes by stamping on them with its huge feet?

Secretary Bird

What is the fear of light flashes known as


What is Greece's second city after Athens


Crossword Clues: Shriveled-up and dry. (4)


What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Ophiuchus ?

Serpent Bearer

Chambre means what when referring to wine

Serve at room temperature

Not as soups what have gazpacho - vichyssoise in common

Served Cold

68% of Americans do what (Trying to be punctual)

Set their watches ahead

How many sayings did jesus say from the cross


The cardinal is the state bird of 5, 7 or 9 u.s states


What number does VII mean in roman numerals


What is the gift on the seventh day of christmas in the "twelve days of christmas"

Seven swans a swimming

In order for a deck of cards to be mixed up enough to play with properly, at least how many times should it be shuffled

Seven times

In 1985, as what did 'people magazine' name Mel Gibson

Sexiest man of the year

Which Song From "The White Album" Was Originally Entitled "Maharishi" ?

Sexy Sadie

Which detective was played by Jack Webb in Dragnet

Sgt joe friday

Famous Phrases: Who knows The ______.


What was the name of the home that Sofia Patrillo lived in before moving in with her daughter on the Golden Girls.

Shady Pines

Brave New World - Aldus Huxley - where name from

Shakespeare's The Tempest

In Which Film Did Madonna Play A Character Called "Gloria Tatlock"

Shanghai Surprise

Who married Mutt Lange?

Shania Twain

What actress played Laura and Almonzo's niece on Little House on the Prairie?

Shannen Doherty

What's the principal river of ireland


The fins of which fish are made into a soup?


What fish can blink its eyes


In the Little Mermaid fairy tale what happens to her

She Dies

Which book is subtitled "the Mistakes of a Night"

She stoops to conquer

Name The Female Vocalist That Performed With Kenny Rogers On The Song " We've Got Tonight "

Sheena Eastern

Which Uk Football Team Are Known As The Owls

Sheffield Wednesday

Who tells the story in The Arabian Nights


Who sang the theme song in the Bond film For Your Eyes Only

Shena Easton

Which independent family company is Britain's oldest brewer, having been brewing on the site in Faversham since 1698

Shepherd neame

What profession had Lemual Gulliver when he was shipwrecked

Ships surgeon

"Big Spender" Was A Hit In 1967 For Which Female Singing Star

Shirley Bassey

Who Wrote The Collection Of Short Stories On Which Fiddler On The Roof Was Based

Sholom Aleichem

Mark David Chapman was famous for what in 1980?

Shooting John Lennon

Royal Society Prevention Accidents 1991 7500 injured by what

Shopping Trolleys

Which Musical Was The First To Feature A Mixed Black And White Cast On Stage

Show Boat

What is a group of apes


Name the toy that consisted of color pencils and plastic which you would put in the oven to create.

Shrinky Dinks

What is a 'yesterday, today and tomorrow'


What was Thailand formerly known as?


Where did the Mafia originate ?


John Richie became famous under what name

Sid Vicious

The flounder swims __________


In a famous opera, who understood the speech of birds after tasting dragon's blood


Button Gwinnett Born In Gloucester England On Aril 10th 1735 Was The First Person In History To Do What

Sign The Declaration Of Independence

What is the emblem on the All Black rugby shirt?

Silver Fern

Who sang the theme song to the "Breakfast Club"?

Simple Minds

What is the fear of chinese, chinese culture known as


Which Englishman Was Famously Beheaded On The 29 th October 1618 ?

Sir Walter Raleigh

Who was the first to climb Mt Everest

Sir edmund hillary

Who was the English born Surveyor-General of India who completed the first trigonometrical survey of the Sub-Continent

Sir george everest

The statue of which famous Englishman stands in the"Piazza of the British Library

Sir isaac newton

This cut of beef lies between tenderloin & rump.


How many feet in a fathom


What war lasted from june 5 to june 11 1967

Six day war

How deep is a fathom

Six feet

If you were performing Christies or edging what are you doing


In what sport might you see a stem-christie


Nordic And Alpine Are Two Main Categories Of Which Sport?


With which part of the body is dermatology concerned


Which bony structure includes the zygomatic, ethmoid, and vomer bones'


A phrenologist reads _________.


What does a phrenologist read


What Disney character was voiced by Pinto Colvig


Name the slowest moving land mammal.


In the body where would you find your villus

Small Intestine

Popularised in the USA, Australia and New Zealand, which thick drink is made with fresh fruit pur?ed with milk, yoghurt, or ice cream?


In the dice game 'craps', what is a throw of double one called


In The Simpsons name the cat


In Coronation Street, which room in the Rover's Return was regularly used by Ena Sharples and friends


What is Homer Simpsons greatest fear

Sock Puppets

Whose shrewish wife was named Xantippe


Water containing carbon dioxide under pressure is called ________

Soda water

Paedology is the study of ______ ?


US civil war Confederate Kingston hospital Georgia specialised

Soldiers with Venereal Disease

What Is Dry Ice

Solid Carbon Dioxide

During The 1980's Patrick Bossert, Was The First Person On The Planet To Do What

Solve The Rubiks Cube

Which 1950s films took place in Chicago and Miami 1929

Some Like it Hot

Oasis Decided To Split In August 2009 But What Song Was The Bands Very First UK Number One Single

Some Might Say

What is the fear of learning known as


What is a group of mallards in flight


In an authentic Chinese meal what is served last


In which country would you find the motor racing circuit called Kyalami

South africa

What nation has had its own scandels dubbed muldergate & inkathagate

South africa

In what Australian state would you find Woomera

South australia

Where would you find your purlicue

Space between thumb and finger

Where would you find your Glabella

Space between your eyes

Fundador is a potent brandy made in what country


In Which Country Were The 1992 Olympics Held?


Who led the revolt of roman slaves in A.D.73


Who is the only British Prime Minister to be assassinated?

Spencer Percival

Why Is The Mole Cricket So Called

Spends Most Of Its Time Underground

Which Band Sang About Their Mothers In 1997

Spice Girls

What does the black and white BMW logo represent

Spinning Propeller - BMW made planes

Flattened, oblong organ that removes disease-producing organisms & worn-out red blood cells from the bloodstream


According to 36% of Americans they have done what

Spoken with God

The Rufous is the only species of hummingbird to nest in Alaska. They migrate 2,000 miles to Mexico each winter, and then back to Alaska in the __________


The vernal euinox is the beginning of ________


U.S. Captials - Illinois


Which British soccer club was managed by Christian Gross?


Popular in the south of the United States, which peculiar meat was the original basis of a 'Brunswick Stew'?


What saint's day is march 17

St. patrick's

Arthur Jefferson better known as who

Stan Laurel

What can keep for up to 4 years if stored in a cool dark place

Standard Condoms

What sci-fi tv show of the 60's became a Filmation cartoon in the 70's?

Star Trek

At the end of "Planet of the Apes" what protruded from the rocks?

Statue of Liberty

Live Aid Took Place On The 13th July 1985 But Who Were The Very First Act To Take To The Stage

Staus Quo

What Do You Call The Lines Upon Which Musical Notes Are Written


Which dish consists of Steak, sprinkled with ground peppercorns, soaked in Brandy and set alight?

Steak Au Poivre

Who wrote the book 'The Shining' on which the 1980 Stanley Kubrick film was based

Stephen King

Who on TV played Jeeves to Hugh Lawrie's Bertie Wooster

Stephen fry

Who was both the 22nd & the 24th president of the US

Stephen grover cleveland

Doctors often have this instrument around their neck


Which actor and muscle man, a former 'Mr. Universe', gained fame and fortune in Italy, playing mythical heroes such as Hercules

Steve reeves

Formerly with spencer davis, he went on the form traffic with dave mason

Steve winwood

Which Contemporary Scientist Is Suffering From From Motorneurone Disease

Steven Hawkins

In 1981, who's gold lp was called "bella donna"

Stevie nicks

Name The Former Beatles Bass Player Who Died In 1962

Stewart Sutcliffe

A snake's __________ is located in the front one_fifth portion of its body.


What mountain has the figures of three mounted confederate heroes of the civil war

Stone mountain

What famous stone structure is located near Salisbury ?


Mythophobia is a fear of ______


What links Bass, Messina, Hormuz and Torres

Straits of water

Xenophobia is the fear of ______


What is the longest English word that only has one vowel


Name The Four Sections Of An Orchestra

Strings, Wood Wind, Brass & Percussion

What is the technical name for the twisting of a stalk as it grows in response to a stimulus from a particular direction


What is meant by the cooking term farci


Where is the base city for Porsche cars

Stuttgart Germany

Which magazine declared bankruptcy in the early 1990s


In Which Country Was John Constable Born


What mountain overlooks Rio de Janeiro harbour

Sugar Loaf

What Japanese dish consists of Tofu Beef and vegetables


In law, a formal document stating that a person (defendant) is notified to appear in court and answer a complaint or charge brought against him or her by another party (plaintiff).


What was the largest town in Britain before it became a city in 1992


When does a full moon rise?


Almost Unreal By Roxette Was The Original Soundtrack To Which Film

Super Mario Bros

Whose Debut Album "I Should Coco" Reached No.1 In The UK Album Charts


Two angles that total 180 degrees are called _______.


In One Of Her First Major Acting Roles Who Was Madonna Desperately Seeking


What does Sweden call itself on its stamps


Mans formal dress coat called tails is named after what bird


Hydrosis is the medical term for what


What is the flower that stands for: departure

Sweet pea

What is Switzerland's official name

Swiss Confederation

In which European country is Romansch one of the official languages


What 2 countries have square flags?

Switzerland and the Vatican

Oedipus was named after what - literal translation

Swollen feet

What is the largest city in Australia, in terms of population


Which Was The Main Instrument Used By Vangelis On His Film Score Chariots Of Fire


What was the make and model of the villian in "The Terminator" 1984?

T-800 Cyberdyne Systems Model 101

What is the abbreviation for trinitrotoluene?


Ball is 38 millimetres in diameter weighs 2.5 grams what sport

Table Tennis

Of what are quemoy and matsu part


What is the capital of Florida


The Song Mr ________ Man Was A Hit For The Birds


Tanzania is the country that resulted from the union of zanzibar and ______


What is a native of tangiers called


Where do tangerines live

Tangier, morocco

In what Australian state would you find Launceston


Which famous building is housed at the former site of the Bankside Power Station?

Tate Modern Art Gallery

Mr Doberman developed the breed protection at work - what job

Tax Collector

Gangster Al Capone, boss of the Chicago underworld, was finally gaoled for 11 years for what crime?

Tax evasion

Assam, darjeeling and oolong are all types of what


In the 18th century Siberia used solid blocks of what as money


What is a group of ducks paddling


The Ideal toy company was the first to mass produce what item

Teddy Bears

The average adult human has 32 of these


Telephonophobia is a fear of ______


What term is used for the speed at which a piece of music is played ?


How man legs does a crab have


How many hurdles are there in a 400 metres hurdle race


In Which Sport Would You Encounter a Bed Post, A Six Pack, A Blow And A Cherry

Ten Pin Bowling

These attach muscles to bones or cartilage.


Rita Kuti Kis represented Hungary in what sport


Orange juice and what make an ambassador


Which breed of dog gets its name from the French for earth


Who Won His Only World Snooker World Championship In 1979?

Terry Griffiths

Who was the eighties group that was named after the inventor of the radio?


What is removed with an orchidectomy


A Polyorchid has at least three what


Who created the cartoon character Droopy

Tex Avery

The only us state that celebrates its own independence day


What is the second largest of the United States


What state is only part of the United States by treaty?


_______________ has 254 counties. Alaska, which is more than twice as large, hasn't any.


With With Horror Film Would You Associate The Character Leatherface

Texas Chansaw Massacre

Which drug, later found to have devastating side effects, was launched in 1958 to help pregnant women overcome morning sickness


When is turkey traditionally eaten in america


What is a virgule

The / slash

Chinese call it little mouse, Danes Swedes elephants trunk?

The @ sign

For what movie did Humphrey Bogart win his only Oscar?

The African Queen

How Are Clyde , Ding-A-Ling, Zippy, Pockets, Snoozy, Softy & Yak Yak Collectively Known?

The Ant Hill Mob

Which fruit has the scientific name of malus pumulia?

The Apple

Which corporation opened it's new headquarters in Portland Place, London in May 1932?


Which great battle took place from July 1st to November 18th 1916?

The Battle of the Somme

What trio were originally called The Rattlesnakes

The Bee Gees

Astronomer Fred Hoyle coined which phrase

The Big Bang

Which 60's Movie features The Line back in your gilded cage Melanie Daniels

The Birds

In Which Comedy Film Does Aretha Franklin, Star As A Proprietress Of A Soul Food Joint Sing Her 1968 Hit Think

The Blues Brothers

In the game of Bridge what are the first six tricks won called

The Book

What Is The Nickname Of Bruce Springsteen

The Boss

Strawberries are the undoing of an unhinged man in which 50s film ?

The Caine Mutiny

What Does 'CAMRA' Stand For

The Campaign for Real Ales

A common sight in most high streets, what was invented in 1967 by Englishman John Shepherd- Barron?

The Cash Dispenser

What Was The Name Of Bill Haley's Best Known Band

The Comets

Sir Charles Babbage Was The Creator Of Which Modern Day Device?

The Computer

What Is The Male Bee whose Sole Function Is To Mate With The Queen?

The Drone

Beethoven's third symphony is nicknamed what

The Eroica

Which Band Was Rod Stewart A Member Of Before Going Solo

The Faces

Barry Allen was the alter ego of which DC comic superhero

The Flash

What cartoon show's record prime time run of 6 years was beaten in 1996 by The Simpsons

The Flintstones

What Is Chopin's Piano Sonata In B Flat Minor Also Known As

The Funeral March

Name The Production Credit That Jagger & Richards Adopted From 1974 Onwards

The Glimmer Twins

Which False Idol Was Worshipped By The Hebrews At The Foot Off Mount Sinai

The Golden Calf

And What Did Thomas Edison Later Invent In The Lab Set Up With The Prize Money Awarded To The Above Invention

The Gramophone

In what movie did Charlie Chaplin first speak on film?

The Great Dictator

Which Is The Second Heaviest Land Animal?

The Hippopotamus

Across Which River Is The Longest Single Span Suspension Bridge

The Humber

Which 1960's group sang a song inspired by 'Alice In Wonderland'?

The Jefferson Airplane

What was the name of Speed Racer's car?

The Mach Five

What Reason Did Peter Criss Give For Leaving Kiss In 1980

The Makeup Was Ruining His Complexion

By What Name Do Argentina Refer To The Falkland Islands

The Malvinas

Craig Evans Hit The Headlines In Sensational Style In May 2001 But Can You Tell Me Why

The Man Who Threw Egg At John Prescott

Who Owns The Cray Super Computer?

The Met Office

Who Released The Original Recording Of "Lets All Chant"

The Michael Zager Band

On Which River Does New Orleans Stand

The Mississippi

What was the most valuable thing ever stolen

The Mona Lisa

Which Part Of The Body Is Affected By Rhinitis

The Nose

For what does O.P.E.C. stand?

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

This book, Oscar Wilde's only novel, was used as evidence in his sodomy trial?

The Picture of Dorian Gray

Which 3 Family Members Released The Album "Priority"

The Pointer Sisters

What was the first album Roger Waters released after leaving Pink Floyd?

The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking

Who Had An 80's Hit With The Song 'Rock 'n' Roll High School,'

The Ramones

Which River Forms A Border Between France & Germany

The Rhine

Who Were Bobby Hatfield & Bill Medley?

The Righteous Bros

Who Were Bobby Hatfield & Bill Medley

The Righteous Brothers

According to the bible, who were the baby Jesus's first visitors

The Shepherds

Which Stephen King Novel Is Set At The Overlook Hotel?

The Shining

Which Bridge In Scotland Replaced The Much Loved(Ferry At The Kyle Of Lochalsh)

The Skye Bridge

"My Ever Changing Moods" Was A Hit For Which UK Band

The Style Council

The Pittsburgh Steelers Won Which Major Sporting Event In 2006

The Superbowl

What Was Shakespear's Last Completed Play

The Tempest

What is never shown in a Las Vegas Casino

The Time - No Clocks

The KLF Had Their First No.1 Under A Different Name What Was It

The Timlords / Doctorin The Tardis

Which Insect Transmits African Sleeping Sickness

The Tsetse Fly

In 1962 Chubby Checker had a hit with a pop song and novelty dance that remains famous today. What was that dance?

The Twist

The Associated Powers - the original proposed name of what

The United Nations

Which Musical Act Went By The Fomer Name Of "Two Tons Of Fun"

The Weathergirls

Who Spent Four Weeks In The Charts As The High Numbers

The Who

Who recorded 'I Can't Explain' in 1965?

The Who

What are the English and German names for Easter or Ostern derived from

The ancient name for the month of April

In the 1980 Summer Olympics, Nadia Comaneci was judged to have given a perfect performance on the asymmetrical bars and which other exercise

The beam

Collectively, what name is given to the first ten of the twenty six amendments to the United States' Constitution

The bill of rights

Name the number system which uses only the symbols 1 and 0.

The binary system

"The Diary of Anne Frank" was first published in English under what title

The diary of a young girl

What in Paris was erected to celebrate the anniversary of the French revolution

The eiffel tower

Who sang 'all right now'

The free

What part of a wine bottle is the punt?

The indentation in the base

What famed ranch can you see from ranch road no. 1 near stonewall, texas

The lbj ranch

Which major horserace is held in Australia on the first Tuesday in November

The melbourne cup

Which of Shakespeares plays involves a pound of flesh

The merchant of venice

A famous RAH novel, as well as a number believed to be cursed

The number of the beast

It came into football in 1923 men say women don't understand?

The offside rule

What revelation did alexander butterfield make to the senate watergate committee

The oval office bugging

This cluster of stars is also known as the seven sisters

The pleiades

What's the United Kingdom's largest ethnic minority

The scots scots

What major league baseball team has a moose for a mascot

The seattle mariners seattle mariners

Which TV cartoon series based in Springfield started life on the Tracey Ullman show

The simpsons

Name the apartments the Jetson's live in.

The skypad apartments

What new invention was shown to Queen Victoria 14 Jan 1878

The telephone

In which film did orson welles play 'harry lime'

The third man

Which London landmark is now the depository of the royal coronation regalia

The tower of london

18% of Americans mention who in their will

Their pet

Name Alvin & Simon's brother was ________


Who was the youngest ever American President?

Theodore Roosevelt

A catalogue of words and synonyms?


What Is The Connection Between Johnny Logan & Sean Sherrard

They Are The Samer Person

Which Former Hit Single Did Status Quo Alter The Title Of And Re Release In 1988

They Changed Rockin To Running

The Echidna, Or Spiny Anteater , & The Duck Billed Platypus Shares A Characteristic Which Does Not Apply To Any Other Mammal What Is It?

They Lay Eggs

How Do Procumbent Plants Grow

They Spread Overground

Why Do We Have Eggs At Easter

They are a symbol of rebirth

Solar time what's the usual age for a jewish boy to celebrate his "bar mitzvah"


Which wedding anniversary is coral

Thirty fifth

Which eighties musician got sued by a music related company for using their name as part of his pseudonym?*

Thomas Dolby

What was the full name of Mangum P.I.?

Thomas Magnum

Who designed the WW 1 plane Camel and co designed Hurricane

Thomas Octave Murdoch Sopwith

Who was appointed Headmaster of Rugby School in 1828

Thomas arnold

Who invented the first flush toilet

Thomas crapper

What was the full name of the cat

Thomas hewitt edward cat

Who was the 3rd president of the U.S.

Thomas jefferson

How Many Christian Brothers Were Originally In The Group "The Christians"


Hashimoto's disease is the malfunctioning of which gland


What is the name of the bone in the lower leg


What's the most popular name for a male pet cat


What is a funambulist

Tightrope walker

What is the name of Princess Anne's second husband

Tim laurence

Who Did Princess Anne marry In 1992 ?

Tim lawrence

What does the 'x' mean when referring to the speed of a cd-rom (ie.. 32x)

Times faster than a single speed

Which Infamous Figure Was Executed Whilst In Prison In Indiana On The 11 th June 2001?

Timothy McVee (The Oklahoma Bomber)

What is bell metal an alloy of

Tin & copper

In Cornwall where would you find two legged knockers

Tin Mines goblins

Italian painter Jacopo Robusti is better known as who


You dot your i - what is the dot called


Israel Tongue and who else devised the "Popish Plot"

Titus oates

The Old English word 'fneosan' means what nowadays

To sneeze

What is a male cat


What kind of drum is beat beat in the first line of night and day

Tom-tom tom tom

What was invented in the 1800s and sold as a diarrhoea cure

Tomato Ketchup

What is the most popular crop in U.S. home vegetable gardens


What is the oldest town in belgium


What did William Addis invent in prison


In the game 'banjo-kazooie', who is banjo's little sister


The Allman Bros Song Entitled "Jessica" Is The Theme Tune To Which Long Running Tv Show

Top Gear

Mickey Mouse is known as what in Italy?


In which city is the C.N. Tower


In what Puccini opera does Scarpia appear


Film based PK Dick story We can remember it for you wholesale

Total Recall

What Does TT Stand For In Connection With The Isle Of Man Motorcycle Race?

Tourist Trophy

The little lump of flesh just forward of your ear canal, right next to your temple, is called a(n) ______


Turn, Side and Why does it always rain on me are all songs from what UK band?


What treaty ended the American revolution

Treaty of paris

The geometric shape found on the Bass Pale Ale bottle


The sea gods had a three_pronged spear called a(n) ________.


Why two car thieves caught trying to sell stolen car in 1976

Tried to sell to owner

Which African capital city is named from the Greek meaning 'three towns'


Which is the largest of Neptune's moons


Heinrich Schliemann archaeologist famous for excavating where


A great wave resulting from an earthquakes is called a (an) ________.


Which disease was once known as white plague


An Arizona prostitutes organisation is called TWATS meaning

Tucson Whores and Tricks

French revolution what did the prisoners travel to the guillotine in


What is the Capital of: Tunisia


What are the Aki - Dai-shimizy - Seikan in Japan


What fish was the subject of dispute Spain Canada in 1995


Benjamin Franklin suggested that __________ should be the U.S. national bird


Germany's WW I allies were Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and ________


To what country would a hiker go to assail mt ararat


In 1361 bc, who became the king of egypt at the age of nine


How big a can of soda pop contains the equivalent of 9 teaspoons of sugar

Twelve ounce

Because birds carrying messages were often killed in flight by hawks, medieval Arabs made a habit of sending important messages __________


What was the name of the robot on Buck Rogers?


What links Iguanas, Koalas and Kimono Dragons

Two Penises

What is a moab

Type of hat

The first international cricket match ever, was held between canada and _____


Whose Concerts Formed The Basis Of The Film Rattle & Hum


Founded In 1992 From Which Country Does The Airline Kiwi International Airlines Originate


It takes an average of 345 squirts to yield a gallon of milk from a cow's __________


Countries of the world: east-central Europe, the capital is Kiev


What is the capital of Mongolia?

Ulan Bator

Which form of light is used to treat skin diseases


"Baker Street" Was A Hit In 1992 Who Sang It


Where Is The World's Largest Atomic Establishment

Underground At CERN Between France & Switzerland

In 1890 the first electric what opened in London

Underground railway

Where do hippopotamuses do 80%of their vocalizations


What family is a horse


What democratic country gives military aid to both iran and iraq


The oldest written plan of government in effect is in what country

United States of America

This popular card game's name is spanish for "one."


What is the most commonly used isotope of Uranium in nuclear fission chain reactions?

Uranium 235

Montevideo Is The Capital Of Which South American Country?


What product sold 330 in the US in its first year

VW Beetle

The clusec is the unit measuring the power of what

Vacuum pumps

Who is married to Eddie Van Halen?

Valerie Bertanelli

What actress played Rhoda

Valerie harper

What bites campers on the big toe

Vampire bat

Who is Joley Richardson's famous mother?

Vanessa Redgrave

Who is robert van winkle

Vanilla ice

Which country has the smallest birth rate

Vatican City

What country's currency is the Bolivar?


In music what does the term 'ff' mean

Very loud

What is British Columbias capital


What is the capital of Seychelles


In what country is the Mekong River Delta?


What is the base twenty numbering system


What are affected by phylloxera


Those big black CD's that you see at garage sales that people call "albums" are made of _____.


The visible spectrum of light ranges from red to ________.


Name The Company Originally Started By (And Later Sold) By Richard Branson


Which U.S. State is known as the Mother of Presidents


Who wasn't afraid to call James Joyce 'A greasy undergraduate'

Virginia wolfe

What 2 Word Term Is Given To A Simulated 3D Environment Used in Computer Graphics

Virtual Reality

Which classical composer was nicknamed 'The Red Priest'


Analogy bull-cow as fox- __________


French for 'flight in the wind'


Tsaritsyn in Russia used to be known as what

Volgagrad Stalingrad

Organisation in the US was co-founded by Ballington Booth

Volunteers of America

Who was William Claude Dukenfield better known as

W C Fields

The American comedian and actor William Claude Dukenfield, died on Christmas Day in 1946. How was he better known?

WC Fields

Whose Operas Include Tanhauser & Tristan Und Isolde


What country celebrated its National Day on 1st March?


What happens to Wanda in "A Fish Called Wanda"?

Wanda is eaten

Mentu Egyptian Tyr Norse Gods of what


Does a cat groom itself more in cold weather or in warm weather


In Happy Days what was Potsies full name

Warren Webber

In what city is the smithsonian institute


In what US city do they watch the most TV evangelists per cap

Washington DC

Hydrophobia is the fear of


Which compound forms about 70% of the human body


What was the name of the sad faced clown portrayed by Emmett Kelly


Which Band Was Formed In The 1970's By Fomer Miles Davis Band Members Joe Zawinul & Wayne Shorter

Weather Report

Which canal links Lakes Ontario and Erie


A Holland Park Brothers Track, Name The 1981 UK Single From The Album "Forever Michael"

Were Almost There

What is the only USA state without a natural lake

West Virginia

Which is the deepest mine

Western deep levels mine

Which UK Band Had A Hit With "Sonic Boom Boy"


Balneology Is The Study Of Which Creatures?


What is alfred e neumans motto

What me worry

What does a cat use to determine if a space is too small to squeeze through


Dalmatian dogs are born which colour or colours

White - spots come later

Who was the author of The Moonstone

Wilkie collins

What was the first name of Captain Bligh, of 'Mutiny on the Bounty' fame


Who's only person have Dewey Decimal class named after him

William Shakespeare

What U.S. senator gives out the golden fleece awards

William proxmire

Which character did Mel Gibson play in the film "Braveheart"

William wallace

Who was Poet Laureate from 1843 to 1850, during which period he wrote no poetry at all

William wordsworth

What lasted 5 hours and twelve minutes in 1969 longest ever

Wimbledon TV match no tie break

What began in 1877 but banned women until 1884

Wimbledon Tennis

What english city was known to the romans as venta bulgarum


In 1902 What did Mary Anderson invent

Windscreen Wipers

What is the only silent film to win best picture Oscar


Who sang 'Mull of Kintyre'?


In Winnipeg there is a statue to which bear

Winnie the Pooh

Who did anthony eden succeed as british prime minister in 1955


Who Described Russia As (A Riddle Wrapped In A Mystery, Inside An Enigma)?

Winston Churchill

What season is it in Australia when it is summer in England


What did Pennsylvania legalise before any other colony?


Who live longer, on average men or women


Why do some English Football Clubs have triangular corner flags rather than square?

Won the F.A Cup

Which Beautiful Capital By The Sea Is Wonderful

Wonderful Wonderful Copenhagen

How was the greek city of troy penetrated

Wooden horse

What Happened At Max Yasgur's Dairy Farm In New York State During 15-17th August 1969

Woodstock Festival

By what name is Allan Stewart Konisburg better known as?

Woody Allan

An Andy Panda cartoon gave birth to a famous, cantankerous bird. Name him.

Woody woodpecker

Logophobia is the fear of


During which war did the Battle of Jutland take place

World war 1

What does the painting The Battle of Gettysburg claim to be

Worlds largest

Scoleciphobia is the fear of


The drink Absinthe is also known as?


Devil's tower, the first us national monument, is located in what state


Which is the least populated state in the USA?


Which album is "Only A Nothern Song" on?

Yellow Submarine

In which film do the blue meanies attack pepperland and are defeated by the beatles

Yellow submarine

In which musical did Barbra Streisand disguise herself as a man


What is the capital of Armenia ?


What is the basis of the Indian dish 'Riata'


What is the correct term of address to the Pope

Your Holiness

In Illinois you can get three years for eavesdropping on who

Your conversation

What did jack the ripper sign on his first note

Yours truly

Which Popular Tv Programmes Theme Tune Reached No.8 In 1962

Z Cars

Between which countries was the shortest war in history?

Zanzibar and England

How Was The Misubishi A6M Fighter Aircraft Known


What digit does not exist in Roman Numerals


Americans spent roughly how much dining out in 1993

$267 billion

How Long Does A May Fly Live?

1 Day/ 24 Hours

The male gypsy moth can "smell" the virgin female gypsy moth from how far away (its a decimal)

1.8 miles

Coco de Mer fruits take how long to ripen?

10 Years

In Monopoly, What is the cost to buy Vermont Avenue


Tourists who are eager to visit recently erupted volcanoes while on vacation should take heed. Volcanic ash has been known to remain hot for a period of nearly ______________

100 years

The normal temperature of a cat is _____ degrees (it's a decimal)


How many pairs of ribs are there in a male skeleton


What is the minimum IQ score for the genius category


How Much Did NewCastle Pay For Alan Shearer

15 Million

The electric eel's shocking power is so great that it can overtake its victims while __________

15 feet away

What is the length of a bombardon

16 feet

In Which Year Was The Battle Of Trafalgar Fought?


The great gothic cathedral of Milan was started in 1386, & wasn't completed until what year


The Salvation Army was founded in what year


Traffic lights were first used in London in which year


What is the actual vat in Romania


The hamburger was invented in what year


When was the maiden voyage of the 'Titanic'


The Balfour Declaration by Great Britain was in what year


What Year Saw The Imposition Of Martial Law In Poland


In What Year Was The General Strike


In What Year Did Blackburn Rovers Last Win The FA Cup Final


What year was the bacall-bogart movie "the guys from milwaukee" released


The first International floodlight football match took place in what year


What year was a U2 pilot shot down for spying


"Dead End Street" By The Kinks Was Originally Released 1962, 1966, 1968


English charts: Clive Dunn had a hit called Grandad in which year


In which Olympics did Mark Spitz achieve a new Olympic record by winning seven gold medals


In what year was Prince Harry born?


In which novel would Big Brother be watching you


Betty Boo was doing 'the doo' in what year


Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves was released in what year


In which year did the UK hand over Hong Kong sovereignty to China?

1997 (June 30th)

How many hours a day does a ferret sleep?


How many bottles of `champagne' are there in a Nebuchadnezzar?

20 Bottles

Film title ' ______ leagues under the sea'


Within the hawk, or birds of prey, family, there are __________ species _ eagles, hawks, kites, and Old World vultures, which are found nearly worldwide.


How many johns have been pope


What Is One Inch In Millimeteres

25.4 mm

How many years did Nelson Mandela spend in prison?

27 Years

How far is Neptune from the sun

2793 million miles

How long was jesus' temptation in the desert

40 days

How many miles can a Pershing missile travel


Each body cell contains how many chromosomes


Nick Nolte and Eddie Murphy star in this 1982 film.

48 Hours

How Many Successive Wimbledon Titles Did Bjorn Borg Win


Number of years that Beatlemania toured the United States


In approximately what year was steel first made

500 BC

You could milk about __________ cows per hour by hand, but with modern machinery, you can milk up to 100 cows per hour.


How long was the six day war

6 days

What number is used to represent satan


On which date is Epiphany celebrated in the traditional Western calendar?

6th January

How Many Times Did Michael Schumaker Win The World Formula One Drivers Championships?


Antipater of Sidon first listed what 2nd Century AD

7 Wonders World

What percentage of canadians dine out regularly


How tall was the tallest man

8' 11"

Approximately how many genes are there on one human DNA molecule


Over Which Distance Did Steve Ovett Win Olympic Gold?

800 Meters

What is the minimum number of integer degrees in an obtuse angle?


According to the Bible, how many years did Methuselah live?


Carrots Are Rich In which Vitamin Is It A,B,C,D


What Do Invertebrates Lack?

A Backbone

What Did Bob Marley Have Surgically Removed In 1977

A Cancerous Toe

On a carving in Coventry Cathedral what did Lady Godiva ride

A Goat

What is or was a Portuguese moidore

A Gold Coin

Which 60's Movie features The Line he's very clean

A Hard Days Night

In Raton New Mexico its illegal for a woman to ride wearing what

A Kimono

Collective nouns - What are a group of greyhounds called

A Leash

What Type Of Bowler Might Use A Chinaman

A Legspin Bowler

What Animal Is A Chester White?

A Pig

What did Brian Epstein manage before the Beatles

A Record Shop

What is 11-12 Inches Long and Can't Weigh Less Than 50 Grams?

A Relay Batton

Where was Hawkeye Pierce's hometown in the show M

A S H ? Crab Apple Cove

Popular in the Netherlands, what type of food is a frikandel?

A Sausage

A Treskilling Yellow sold for over $2 million in 1996 what is it

A Stamp

What Is Pumpernickel

A Type Of Bread

In Which song did Procal Harem Sing About 16 vestal virgins

A Whiter shade of pale

What did Sally Rogers always wear in her hair?

A bow

Whats a community of ants called

A colony

How much drinking water did a scuttlebutt hold

A day's supply

What was the name of the monster that attacked Luke in the trash compactor in Star Wars?

A dianogaIn

What is a `rosti'?

A pancake of fried grated potatoes

In music what is a chromatic scale

A scale made up of semi-tones

What is a Winter Banana

A variety of Apple

What did President J. Buchanan not have

A wife

Which European club has won the most european cups in the 90s?

AC Milan

Which Acronym Is Used For The Long Range Radar Surveillance & Control Centre For Air Defence Developed Originally In The USA


What does the word Desert (from Latin desertus) translate as


Guess The Band From These Initials AFL / AF / BA / BU


In which London recording studios did The Beatles record the majority of their work?

Abbey Road

What future yippie leader was the first male cheerleader at brandeis


Singer paula ______


Which Scottish Football Club Boasted The First All Seater Football Stadium In Britain ?


Which british club became the first to have an all seater stadium?


In The TV Show Different Strokes What Was The Name Of Arnolds Goldfish


What is the name for the deepest part of the ocean ?


What is the capital of Ghana


What Do The Initals A.I.D.S. Stand For

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

What computer language was named after ada lovelace


Terrance Nelhams became better knows as who

Adam Faith

What is the capital city of Ethiopia?

Addis Ababa

What city stands on the river Torens

Adelaide - Australia

This software company produced hits such as 'Pagemaker' & 'Illustrator'


Who was voted "Time Magazine's" man of the year in 1938?

Adolf Hitler

Who invented the saxophone

Adolphe sax

In which continent would you find the Niger river ?


In which continent would you find the congo river


Johnny rivers sang 'secret ______ man'


In the language of flowers what does straw mean


Morten Harket Is The Lead Singer Of Which Band


Numbers Where's the famed Arch of Hadrian


Which racehorse houses the burial site of Red Rum?


Who was the first American to make $100 million a year

Al Capone

Who Was The First Player To Score 100 Goals In The Football Premiership League?

Alan Shearer

Which film director's films include "Midnight Express" and "Bugsy Malone"

Alan parker

What did William Seward buy from Russia in 1867


Who is the current Secretary of State for Social Security

Alastair darling

The locals call it Shqiperia what do we call this country


What country declared itself first atheist state in 1967

Albania - banned religion

What three European countries begin with the letter 'A' (alphabetically)?

Albania, Andorra and Austria

U.S. Captials - New York


Ancient art practiced especially in the middle ages, devoted chiefly to discovering a substance that would transmute the more common metals into gold or silver & to finding a means of indefinitely prolonging human life


What is the oldest most widely used drug on earth


Who Penned The 1999 Autobiography (Managing My Life)?

Alex Ferguson

Literature Scramble: lxrnaadee lzynsshietno (Author of Gulag Archipelago)

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

As what is a moose also known?


On Tv How Is Alistair Graham Better Known?

Ali G

Vincent Fernier Is More Commonly Known As Which Rock Star

Alice Cooper

Who is better know as Vincent Damon Furnier?

Alice Cooper

In WW2 what was unique about the US 222 Infantry battalion

All Japanese or Hawaiian immigrants

Give The Title Of The 1973 Mott The Hoople Single Featuring A Tennessee City

All The Way From Memphis

Which cricketer has played more tests than any other

Allan border

What is a french 'german shepherd'


What is the venue for the coursing Waterloo Cup


What does the electrical term 'ac' stand for

Alternating current

Diplomat living abroad as representative of their country


What nationality is Yehudi Menuhin


What is the 'bishop's stone'


What is an object worn as a charm


What Name Is Given To A Plant That Grows From Seed & flowers And Dies Within A Year

An Annual

What Don't The Children Need In Pink Floyd's Another Brick In The Wall

An Education

What are the fundamental constituents of tissue building drugs

Anabolic steroids

From where is the music for the 'star spangled banner'

Anacreon in heaven

In what form are the signals that a normal TV aerial receives


What are Grapnel, Bruce, Danforth, Plough types of?


Who was the 16th century physician who revolutionized anatomy by performing post-mortems

Andreas vesalius

What did AJ stand for in Simon & Simon's AJ Simon?

Andrew Jackson

The spiral galaxy nearest ours is the ________.


Which retail entrepreneur founded The Body Shop in 1976

Anita roddick

Which Queen Had An Extra Finger?

Anne Boleyn

What was Nancy Davis Reagan's birth name?

Anne Frances Robbins

Who did Chief Sitting Bull call "Little sure shot"

Annie oakley

Which Boyband That Split Up In 2000 Released All Of Their Songs In The USA Under The Name "Silk"

Another Level

What celebrated photographer snapped shots of Yosemite for 67 straight years

Ansel adams

What Was Barbara Disksons Only Top 10 Hit, Reaching No 9 In 1976

Answer Me

Where would you find the Queen Alexandra, Queen Elizabeth and Queen Maud mountain ranges?


______________ is the only continent without reptiles or snakes


What American feminist went bust as a silver dollar


What is the attribution of human attributes to a deity


The Albert Canal links Liege with which city


What was superhero Green Lantern vulnerable to

Anything Yellow

Name the largest artery in the human body.


Monte Corno, at 9554 feet, is the highest point in which Italian mountain range


In mythology, who was the mother of Eros and Aeneas


Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Venus ?


Who was the greek god of prophecy and archery


An etching tecnique in which a solution of asphalt or resin is used on the plate. It produces prints with rich, gray tones.


"What Native Language Would Jesus Christ Have Spoken ? (""Hebrew, Sanskrit, Arabic, Aramaic"" ) "


Who described TV as "Chewing gum for the masses"

Architect Frank Lloyd Wright

Who sang 'think' in the original 'blues brothers' film

Aretha franklin

What ship did jason sail on


In Greek mythology, who were jason's companions


Which is the only US state to have a Z in it's name?


Buffalo River National Park is in which state


What shape is a saggitated leaf

Arrow shaped What is the Oscar statuette holding Sword

Agent Blue is a herbicide that was used agaainst the Vietnamese, what type of poisonous compound does it contain


Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Diana


A well in which water rises through natural pressure


Whose first hit was Rewind The Crowd Say Bo Selecta in 1999?

Artful Dodger/Craig David

Who wrote the novel The Money Changers

Arthur Hailey

What was the name of the Duke of Wellington, who defeated Napoleon at the battle of Waterloo

Arthur Wellesley

A plant allied to the thistle with a partly edible flower


Which Of The Worlds Continents Has The Highest Population


Which is the Earth's largest continent ?


Where is the old quarter 'plaka'

Athens, greece

In what sport would you use spikes and blocks


What is a coral island consisting of a ring of rock enclosing a central lagoon


Which group's first top 10 hit was Right Now in 1999?

Atomic Kitten

Which Famous Sculptor Was Refused Entry ToThe French Academy 3 Times

August Rodin

A 'bunya-bunya' tree is native to which country


Where in the world are most diamonds found


What is the federal district in southeastern Australia, bordered by the state of New South Wales

Australian capital territory

What sport does "FISA" govern

Auto racing

J H Robertson invented what

Automatic Gearbox

Which Now Standard Fittings Were First Featured On A Car In 1916

Automatic Windscreen Wipers

Which fruit has the most calories per gram?


The word negligee is French and suggests wearer does what

Avoids refrains from housework

What was the name of Eddie Murphy's character in Beverly Hills Cop?

Axel Foley

Which is the world's second largest monolith

Ayers rock

Name beginning with "A" meaning " moon shine


Whose motto is " Nation shall speak peace unto Nation "


In the movie "The Goonies" what brand of candybar did Chunk try to give to Sloth?

Baby Ruth

Where were the hanging gardens


Which alcoholic beverage is advertised on TV by Tom the Dancing Cat?

Bacardi Breezer

Where is your Popliteal Fossa

Back of Knee

In heraldry animals addorsed are in what position

Back to Back

If you were going to a chiropractor for treatment, what would be affected


If someone gets out of a difficult situation, he is said to have saved his what


What two items make up the dish devils on horseback

Bacon Prunes

In Australian slang what is a Coughie

Bad Umpiring

What is the Capital of: Iraq


What is the unit of currency in Thailand


What is produced by putting a whole "maris piper" in an oven until it goes soft inside

Baked potato

In 1785, Blanchard and Jeffries became the first to cross the English channel using which method of transport?


In September of 1994, 852 people died when the ferry Estonia sank in what sea

Baltic Sea

In which sea would you find the island of Bornholm

Baltic sea

Thumper was a rabbit from which film


Freda Payne Enjoyed Her Only Major Chart Hit In 1970. Name It?

Band Of Gold

The name of which Indian city means Village of Boiled Beans


Where will children as young as 15 be jailed for cheating on their finals?


What is the capital of Central African Republic ?


In the game 'banjo-kazooie, who is tooty's big brother


In which game is gruntilda the witch


Joseph Hobson Jagger broke it in 1886 broke what

Bank at Monte Carlo

Rank of a knight between bachelor and baron


A sumptuous formal dinner


A part of a church or a separate building, often octagonal or round, in which baptisms take place.


Which Famous Character Did "Jean De Brunhoff" Create In 1931?

BarBar The Elephant

What does the dalmatian have on each individual hair follicle


What is Barbie`s full name?

Barbara Millicent Roberts

Who composed the title music to TV's "Inspector Morse"

Barrington pheloung

In which game would you have a pitchers mound and an outfield?


A short legged hunting dog


In 1845 Boston it was illegal to do what without a doctors note


What is an instrument for indicating the depth of the sea beneath a moving vessel called


Which major land offensive began on the 1st July, 1916

Battle of the somme

Railings on a balcony are called a..


There are only two three letter herbs Rue is one what's the other


What weapon is named from musical instrument inv Bob Burns


I get around was a hit for which group

Beach Boys

We've heard phrase I don't give a toss - but Tos Greek for what


What was the Grammy album of the year in 1967 (Full name)

Beatles Sergeant Peppers

The Lead Singer Of Ultravox Was Called Midge Because That's His Real Name Or Because He Was Short

Because He Was Short

Who Is Beck Hansen


In darts, what is a score of 26

Bed and breakfast

Name the town that Fred, Wilma, Barney, and Betty lived in.


Which Meat Dish Was Named After A 19th Century Russian Count

Beef Stroganoff

Hawaiian Pia Polish Piwo Hungarian Sor - what is it


What Does An Apiarist Keep?


Whose music featured in The Clockwork Orange


What Is Ronald Biggs Famous For

Being A Great Train Robber

French fries come from this country.


In which European country would you find the town of Eupen


Who released the following 'edible' album 'Tigermilk'

Belle and Sebastian

Which sailor dreamed of Toasted Cheese in Treasure Island

Ben Gunn

Whose final opera was called Death in Venice

Benjamin Britain

Who wrote the opera' The Turn of the Screw'

Benjamin britten

Who was given temporary custody of the "emerald orb" (ds9)

Benjamin sisko

Name The Composer Who Supplied The Music To The Hitchcock Movies Psycho, North By Northwest & Vertigo

Bernard Hermann

She Was The Greatest Of All Blues Singers But Nobody Placed A Headstone On Her Grave Until Janis Joplin Helped Fund A Memorial Many Years After Her Death Who Was She

Bessie Smith

Pat Benatar Asked You To "Hit Her With Your" What

Best Shot

Town in the west bank, near Jerusalem, controlled since 1967 by Israel though administered since 1995 by the Palestinian authority


This magazine used to boast a circulation of 7,777,777.

Better homes and gardens

The legendary creature "sasquatch" was also known as_________


Which American Actor Once Had A Trial For "The Green Bay Packers" American Football Team

Bill Cosby

In The World Of Music How Is "Leslie Charles" More Commonly Known

Billie Ocean

In the A Team name Murdoch's invisible dog


Ronald Wycherley became more famous than

Billy Fury

Who Asked Do You Want To Know A Secret

Billy J Kramer & The Dakotas

__________ don't fly by flapping their wings up and down. The motion is more forward and backward, like a figure eight on its side.


Iron statue of Vulcan looks down Red Mountain what US city

Birmingham Alabama

A Suffragan has what job

Bishop - no parish - helps other

U.S. Captials - North Dakota


What is the capital of Guinea_Bissau


Which Famous Composer Wrote The Famous Opera "Carmen"


What colour does a chameleon turn when its angry


What name is given to the unripe, ground or whole berries of Piper nigrum?

Black Pepper

The ears of the Asiatic __________ are larger than those of other bear species.

Black bears

All American umpires wear what

Black underwear

By what name is the skin complaint of 'comedo' better known


What was the name of the rich boy that Andie was asked to go to the senior prom with in the movie 'Pretty in Pink'?


What is Little Red Riding Hoods name


Karl Landsteiner Won The Nobel Prize For Medicine In 1930 For His Discovery Of What

Blood Groups

What colour is Octopus blood


What colour is cerulean


What type of pottery is the Collingwood Ontario area noted for

Blue mountain

What is the flower that stands for: early friendship

Blue periwinkle

Wild flowers: what's blue, comes out in spring, and smells like hyacinth


In the Chinese horoscope what animal comes first alphabetically


Who Wrote The Manfred Man Single "The Mighty Quinn"

Bob Dylan

Which musician of non-U.K. citizenship was awarded an honorary knighthood (KBE) in 1986

Bob geldof

What types can be saddle, plane or pivotal

Body Joints

From Where Does Spaghetti Bolognese


Which Band Recorded The Album Entitled "Slippery When Wet"

Bon Jovi

Which French District Does Claret Come From


Who refused the Nobel Literature prize in 1958

Boris Pasternak

Which eighties sitcom featured Tom Hanks in drag on a regular basis?

Bosom Buddies

What city does beacon hill light


Encounter on March 5, 1770, five years before the American Revolution, between British troops and a group of citizens of Boston

Boston Massacre

What links Herbert Hoover and Richard Nixon - not the obvious

Both Quakers

What was the Queen Mother's maiden name?

Bowes Lyon

Which singer wrote the autobiography 'Take It Like A Man'?

Boy George

Irish-born English scientist, who was an early proponent of the scientific method and a founder of modern chemistry


What film starred drew barrymore, mary-louise parker, and matthew mcconaughney

Boys on the side

Which German federal state surrounds the city of Berlin?


Name the author of Dracula

Bram Stoker

Who are the three annoying neighbors in "Small Wonder"?

Brandon,Bonnie,and Harriet Brendel

To what instrument family do french horns belong


Daimants Sur Canape French translation of what film

Breakfast at Tiffanys

What Do You Call A Birth Where A Baby's Feet Are Delivered First

Breech Birth

In 1992 Who Famously Described Himself As A "Bisexual Who's Never Had A Homosexual Experience"

Brett Anderson

Who wrote the classic science fiction novel ' Hellicona Spring"

Brian aldiss

In Which Card Game Might You Be Dealt A Yardborough

Bridge (No Card Over 9)

What in muslim countries is a' taj

Brimless hat

What is the society for the advancement of science also known as


What did Colonel Blood try to steal in 1671

British crown jewels

Vegetable with greenish flower heads


Which vegetable did President George Bush senior declare publicly that he did not like?


Fear of thunder or thunderstorms is ______


The Single "Respect Yourself" Was Released By Which Die Hard Music Lover

Bruce Willis

In norse mythology, who is the chief of the valkyries


In European city can you be jailed for not killing furry caterpillars


What is the capital of Belgium ?


Kevin Keegan & Henry Cooper Both Have A Connection , What Is It

Brut 33

Where are the guards who wear bearskins

Buckingham palace

What South American cities inhabitants are called portenos

Buenos Aires

Humble Pie Sang About A Natural Born What In The Late 60's


Patricia McCormick became USA first what January 20th 1957

Bullfighter Ciudad Juarez Mexico

What is the literal meaning of the Dutch word brandewijn" which we call brandy

Burnt wine

What firm markets the B25 microcomputer


Saying: A bird in the hand is worth two in the


What is a group of this animal called: Ferret

Business fesnyng

What Did Frosty The Snow man Have For A nose (Carrot, Button,Cherry,Coal)


What was astronaut edwin aldrin's nickname


Savoy And Late Flat Dutch Are Both Varieties Of Which Vegetable?


A kind of tortoise in the galapagos islands has an upturned shell at its neck so it can reach its head up to eat what

Cactus Branches Cactus

What do you call the person who carries a golfer's clubs


What Is The Stimulant Present In Tea & Coffee


What food links Dundee, Chorley and Eccles


Name The Rugby Union Trophy For Which England & Scotland Compete

Calcutta Cup

What is the young of this animal called: Hippo


Shakespeare character in The Tempest is the son of Sycorax


What is football called in Italy


What state is the Golden State?


In Greek mythology, who did zeus place in the heavens as the constellation ursa major


What is the name of the field where Christ was crucified?


What president's hobbies included pitching hay, fishing, and golf


__________ have three eyelids to protect themselves from blowing sand.


Not obvious colours - what links orange silver purple

Can't rhyme in English

What Nationality Would You Be If You Spoke Inukitut


FDA regard 5 Fruit fly maggots 3oz per can acceptable - what

Canned Mushrooms

Which Italian dish consists of filled tubes of pasta baked in a sauce


What was the name of the train on the tv series petticoat junction


When a a positive & negative plate are placed together in an electrical circuit which stores a charge in the form of an electric field it is called a _________


The northernmost point in mainland Australia is on this geographic feature

Cape york

Which British bird is the largest of the European grouse


The tenth sign of the Zodiac


Who is Don Van Vliet better known as?

Captain Beefheart

Who discovered Christmas Island on Christmas Eve 1777

Captain Cook

The Late Edward Smith "That Means He's Dead" Edward Smith Has What Historical Claim To Fame

Captain Of The Titanic

What is the capitol of Venezuela


Cookie what gas that animals exhale do plants utilize

Carbon dioxide

The Panama canal connects the pacific Ocean and which other body of water

Caribbean sea

An America reindeer


What beer was promoted with the line: 'Probably the best lager in the world'?


What was Joseph's job?


The following is a line from which 1970's film 'There're all gonna laugh at you' ?


In common: nova, comet, galaxy, meteor

Cars named after stellar bodies car

Who starred in the Alfred Hitchcock film 'To Catch a Thief

Cary grant

Comic strip character 1920s name means meek person in USA

Casper Milquetoast

What lake is approximately 394,000 sq km

Caspian sea

What did Americans call the first Cuban in space


Two villains first appear in Batman Comics 1 - Joker and who

Cat - Later called Catwoman

In Which Play Tennesee William Do You Encounter The Character "Big Daddy"

Cat On A Hot Tin Roof

Lee Marvin won his only Best Actor Oscar for the dual role of Kid Sheleen and Tim Strawn in which film

Cat ballou

Which authors books are most borrowed from libraries

Catherine Cookson

Napoleon had a fear of what - Aelurophobia


In Dallas what was the name of the bar

Cattleman's Club

On Airwolf, what instrument does Hawke play


What does c.i.a stand for

Central intelligence agency

Which territory of North Africa, situated on the southern side of the Strait of Gibraltar, belongs to Spain


In which drink will a raisin in a glass keep floating to the top and sinking to the bottom


What were the names of the first so-called 'Siamese Twins'

Chang and eng

By what name is the reed pipe of the bagpipes known


Who WasThe First Male To Be Given The The Title Of "Man Of The Year" On Time Magazine

Charles Liindberg

Who coined the term security blanket

Charles Schulz

Who captained the hms beagle

Charles darwin

Which famous actor is honored in a statue in Leicester Square?

Charlie Chaplin

Which film star's statue stands in Leicester Square, London?

Charlie Chaplin

Which member of Busted has left the group to join another band?

Charlie Simpson

Who sacked Jonathon Shallit as her manager in 2000?

Charlotte Church

A green or yellow liqueur brandy


How Is The Double Act Of David Peacock & Charles Hodges Better Known?

Chas & Dave

Where is the largest aquarium in the u.s


What is an Ishihara Test used for?

Check Colour Blindness

Which Wild Animal Has The Proper Name Of Acinonyx Jubatus


Itamae have what job in Japan

Chef - In Front of cutting board

Cherilyn Sarkisian Lapiere Is The Real Name Of Which Singer


From which musical did 'One Night in Bangkok' & 'I Know Him So Well' come?


In Which City Is The Encyclopediaa Britanica Published


In which city is the Encyclopaedia Britannica based and published today


What city ranks second after New York as America's advertising hub


Which Charcter Did " Neil Hamilton " Play In The Original Tv Series Batman?

Chief Commisioner Gordon

If You Suffered From Lockiophobia What Would You Be Afraid Of

Child Birth

Which Country Owns Easter Island


On The Drew Carey Show what foreign country did Mimi send Drew to?


What country has the largest armed force?


Where was printing by movable type invented


Which country has the longest land border


Which Country Won The Most Gold Medals At This Years Olympics (Bonus Pt For How many)

China (51)

What expression is used to describe a child who closely resembles a parent

Chip off the old block

In 1973 Roland Ohisson was buried in a coffin made of what


What type of food is a sacatorta

Chocolate cake or gateau

In music what term is used to describe 3 or more notes played simultaneously?


What is the term for a person who designs dance routines


What pastry is uded to make eclairs


What fashion designer was responsible for "The New Look"

Christian Dior

Billy Joels "Uptown Girl" Video Featured Which Super Model

Christie Brinkley

What did dr seuss' grinch steal


What Christmas Item Was Invented By Liondon Bakery And wedding Cake Specialist 'Tom Smith' In 1847

Christmas Crackers

Ernest Evans became famous under what name

Chubby Checker

Whose Scary Movie Character Has The real name is Charles Lee Ray


An adventurous penguin named Tennessee Tuxedo had a sidekick named _______?


In Welsh place names Llan- is a common feature, what does it mean


In the opera, what kind of factory did Carmen work in


Average woman's 1.5 times bigger than average mans - what

Circumference of Thighs

Liver disease caused by alcoholism


What name was given to the light, clear wine developed in medieval times along the coastal valleys of the Gironde river in the Bordeaux region?


Aesthetic principles derived from the literature and art of ancient Greece & Rome, but found as ideals in all ages is called?


In the Saint series of books what is Inspector Teal's full name

Claude Eustace Teal

In Olympic Weight Lifting What Are The 2 Methods Of Lifting

Clean & Jerk , The Snatch

"High Class Baby" & "Travellin Ligh" Were Hits For Which Singer

Cliff Richard

The Young Ones Was A Hit On Both Screen & Vinyl For Which British Legend

Cliff Richard

What town has the highest post office in the US

Climax Colorado

Who created the children's land of Narnia and Lion Witch Wardrobe

Clive Staples Lewis

Which chemical element takes its name from a German word for goblin


Surviving all dangers, a wild __________ may live up to 20 years.


Which Movie Tough Guy Drove A Car That Had The Licence Plate "Awsome 50"


What type of milk is a basic ingredient of Thai cookery?

Coconut milk

What two fruits grow on palm trees?

Coconuts and dates

Which drink did Bach enjoy so much he wrote a cantata for it


Who did Gazza flick the ball over for the Euro 96 goal against Scotland?

Colin Hendry

What is a young Irish girl called


Bogota is the capital of ______


What country - largest earthquake of 20th cent 8.6 Richter 1906


What is the currancy unit of El Salvador


What is the name given to part of the large intestine


Who ordered the Code Red in "A Few Good Men"?

Colonel Nathan P. Jessup

What Was The Name Of Elvis Presley's Manager?

Colonel Tom Parker

What is a community of ants called


What river does the Grand Coulee Dam dam


What does cbs stand for

Columbia broadcasting system

What is the most dangerous job in the u.s

Commercial fishing

Javelinas are very noisy animals among each other and squeal, snort, woof, and click their teeth to __________


Rouget de Lisle did what to make him famous

Composed Marseillaise

Garfunkel What is the smallest dinosaur so far discovered


Whe Beat "Martina Navratilova" In The Wimbledon Woman's Singles Final In 1994

Conchita Martinez

Name the heaviest flying bird of prey


Bridgeport is the largest city in which state


What was Lady Chatterley's first name


In what is food surrounded with dry, hot, circulated air

Convection oven

Ships known as The First Fleet transported what in 1788

Convicts to Australia

What is a group of eagles


Who is harold lloyd jenkins

Conway twitty

Name the Duke of Wellingtons horse at Waterloo


What are the roads of guam paved with


Name Greek Goat Amaltheas horns that good things flowed from


A small crown


In Morrisville Pennsylvania women need permit to wear what


Of what was the first lightbulb filament made


Which Belgian noble woman was sentenced to death for bathing in the blood of servant girls she had murdered in order to keep her young

Countess Elizabeth Bathory

In The Wizard Of Oz, What Was The Lion Looking For


N. African dish of cracked wheat steamed over broth


A statue of Lady Godiva stands in the centre which English city


What is the literal meaning of the Spanish word tapas (snacks)

Cover or covers

Which Dessert Has A Custard Base And A Burnt Caramelised Top?

Cr?me Brulee

White Room' was a hit off which Eric Clapton album?


The song Proud Mary was writted by ___.?

Creedence Clearwater Revival

Which Country Had Their World Cup Debut In France 1998 And Ended Up Finishing 3rd


In ballet, a position with the body at an oblique angle and the working leg crossing the line of the body.


The first book of __________ was introduced on april 10, 1924


Device which automatically maintains a motor vehicle at a chosen speed is called

Cruise control

This Is Bon Jovi's latest album?


What is the symbol for copper?


What is the young of this animal called: Fox

Cub pup

What is the young of this animal called: Tiger

Cub whelp

Havana is the capital of which country?


Where is guantanamo


Baseball: The Chicago ______?


The largest rough diamond is a?


In which county are all ten of England's highest peaks?


Percent in which county are all ten of england's highest peaks


What type of food is Taramasalata

Cured /smoked cod roe

What Are Monsters With Only One Eye Called


In 1984, who sang 'girls just want to have fun'

Cyndi lauper

In which country is the Commandaria wine region?


Who Is The Heaviest Member Ever To Have Sat In Parliment

Cyril Smith

What were the nicknames of the dean brothers who pitched for the st louis cardinals

Daffy and dizzy

How often does a quotidian thing occur


Who is donald duck's girlfriend

Daisy duck

On "Three's Company" what was Larry's (the upstairs neighbor) last name?


Which British Driver Was Formula One World Champion In 1996

Damon Hill

What was the title of polanski's horror spoof

Dance of the vampires

Name The 2 Members Of Hall & Oats

Daryl Hall & John Oates

Who wrote "the maltese falcon"

Dashiell hammett

Who was the first person to wear a baseball glove


Which Sportsman's Autobiography Is Called 'My Side''?

David Beckham

Which Artist One Had A Musical Alto Ego Called "The Thin White Duke"

David Bowie

Who did Sue Barker replace as host of the BBC quiz show (A Question Of Sport)?

David Coleman

Who was the original voice of Darth Vader (hint: NOT James Earl Jones)

David Prowse

In Englands 2002 World Cup Squad Who Was The Heaviest Player?

David Seaman

What famous film maker was first to use the close up

David Wark Griffith Birth of a Nation

Which company operates the Central Selling Organisation

DeBeers - diamonds

Wild Bill Hickok was shot in the back by a stranger during a poker game. The hand he was holding aces & eights is known to poker players as what

Dead man's hand

The _____________ is the lowest body of water on Earth at 1,315 feet below sea level at its lowest point.

Dead sea

Who took "everybody loves somebody" to #1

Dean martin

Which movie is synonymous with the Adagietto from Mahler's fifth symphony?

Death In Venice

Which Californian desert drops below sea level?

Death Valley

What is a group of lapwings


What is the twelfth month of the year


What does the electrical abbreviation db stand for


What system is based on the number 10


What is the name of the Chinese leader who died in 1997

Deng xiao-ping

What is a skin specialist called


From Which Us City Did Techno Originate


Loincloth worn by male Hindus


What goes with ruby, emerald and sapphire to make up the world's most valuable gems


What's the name of the extinct volcano near hawaii's waikiki beach


Which actress has the real name Diane Hall

Diane keaton

Who won a Best Actress Academy award for her performance in Annie Hall

Diane keaton

Little Larry Puny Pete Small Sam considered names of who

Dickens Tiny Tim

In Dukes of Hazard boys drove General Lee name Daisies jeep


Which Female Trio Released The Multi Platinum "Wide Open Spaces" In 1998

Dixie Chicks

Name Culture Clubs Debut No.1

Do You Really Want To Hurt Me

Who in books and films was the man of bronze

Doc Savage

What degree is 'dds'

Doctor of dental surgery

Which bird became extinct in 1861 ?


What's the official state sport of alaska

Dog sledding

Who was the Prime Minister of Malta between 1971 and 1984

Dom mintoff

Who surpassed George Halas for most career NFL coaching victories in 1993

Don shula

Who was the first tennis player to achieve the grand slam

Donald Budge

Who played 'Hawkeye' in Robert Altman's classic M.A.S.H

Donald sutherland

Though the touch of gold was removed, Midas was forever cursed by Athena to have the ears of which animal?


Collective nouns - a pace of what creatures


Who played Annie Walker in Coronation Street

Doris speed

If you have a buccula what have you got

Double Chin

Which beer was promoted with the slogan 'The Beer that men drink'?

Double Diamond

What Score In Darts Is Known As The Madhouse

Double One

What is dittology

Double meaning

If you suffer from diplopia what have you got

Double vision

What ONE word fits ____stream; ____hill; _____pour.


What is a group of this animal called: Hare

Down husk

Who owned a chimp called Chee-Chee

Dr Dolittle

What drink began in Morison's drug store Waco Texas in 1885

Dr Peppers

Who is Mega Man's creator?

Dr. Light

Which year of the Chinese calander began in the year 2000


What is a group of this animal called: Hog

Drift parcel

Pharmacophobia is a fear of ______


What is the common name for solid carbon dioxide

Dry ice

From what Irish words is 'Dublin' derived?

Dubh linn

What is the Capital of: Ireland


What is the capital of Ireland


What term applies to the property of metals that allows them to be drawn out in to a thin wire


What king was murdered by macbeth


Hills and ridges composed of drifting sand are known as _____.


This is said to be history's greatest military evacuation


Product name from the words Durability Reliability Excellence

Durex condoms

What does the word khaki mean ?


Line of hereditary rulers


In the UK at least which products selling feature is a magic inch

E A Careys Pipes

Hammer, anvil, and stirrup are parts of the ________.


With what body part is otology involved


A Comte France Landgraf Germany Conde Italy what England


What is jimmy carter's middle name


What beverage named after the UK Prime Minister of the 1830s

Earl Grey Tea

What are Arran Pilot Homeguard and Ulster Chieftain

Early types of Potato

This Pacific island's puzzling monoliths attract ethnologists.

Easter island

Name for an oblong cream puff filled and topped with icing.


Not harmful to the environment


What is the name of the capital of Alberta (Canada)


What composer wrote the Pomp and Circumstance marches

Edward Elgar

In the film 'The Day Of The Jackal', who played the Jackal?

Edward Fox

Which English composer was born near Worcester in 1857 and died in 1934

Edward elgar

Which actor's real name is Emmanuel Goldenberg

Edward g robinson

Which British physician, 1749 to 1823, developed the first effective vaccine against smallpox

Edward jenner

What are the two main ingredients of a Hollandaise sauce?

Egg yolks and butter

How many engines are on a b52 bomber


How many keys are there on a grand piano?

Eighty eight

What Does ELO Actually Stand For

Electric Light Orchestra

What is the strongest land animal


How many herbs and spices are used in Kentucky Fried Chicken


In the film 'hackers', how old was 'zero_kool' when he was first arrested


Which British Queen was excommunicated by the Pope

Elizabeth i

Who Wrote The Music To The 1994 Movie "The Lion King"

Elton John

The Parents Of Which Rock N Roll Superstar Were Called "Vernon & Gladys"


Legal Terms: To steal property entrusted to one's care.


When is the only time a flag should be flown upside down


In Football Who Was Liverpool's Captain When They First Won The European Cup Final In 1977

Emlyn Hughes

Who wrote "The Corn is Green"

Emlyn williams

Which Singer Has Released Their 3rd Album In 2007, Entitled " Life In Mono " ?

Emma Bunton

Who Is Kenneth Brannagh Married To

Emma Thompson

Who played the role of Margaret Schlegel in the film Howard's End

Emma thompson

In the USA what are the TV equivalent of the Oscars


The French say Bis - what word do the English use


What term originally menat instruction in all branches of knowledge, or a comprehensive education in a specific subject


What is in the Red Data Book

Endangered Species

In The 1998 World Cup Which 3 Teams Were Knocked Out On Penalties (Point For Each)

England , Italy , Holland

Old Irish law what boys name give to fine murderer paid compo


Who began his career with 'the yardbirds' and is established as one of the best rock guitarists of his generation

Eric clapton

Who wrote 'across the river and into the trees'

Ernest hemmingway

Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Cupid ?


What is Harry Houdini famous for being ?


In theology, the study of final things such as death, judgement and the end of the world is called:


Give either of poet E.E.Cummin s' christian names. edward


Dr C W Long was the first to use what (anaesthetic) in 1842


Christian sacrement in which bread and wine are consecrated and consummed


The transcendental number 'e' was named after what mathematician


In which continent would you find the volga river


The process of water changing to water vapor is known as _______.


What is the flower that stands for: poverty

Evergreen clematis

Back in the 1890's which football club used to wear pink shirts? (Still In Premiership)


How Are The Pop Duo Ben Watt And Tracy Thorn Collectively Known

Everything But The Girl

Greek Feta cheese is made from the milk of which animal?


What was the White House formerly known as

Executive Mansion

In 1999 470 Chinese were injured by what

Exploding beer bottles

The owl is the only bird to drop its upper eyelid to wink. All other birds raise their lower __________


What 2 Parts Of The Body Are The First To Be Mentioned In The Song You've Lost That Loving Feeling

Eyes & Lips

What is the biggest disqualifying factor for prospective astronauts?


Whom did Joe Walcott defeat at age 37 to win the heavyweight title

Ezzard charles

Who was the first president to be televised

F D Roosevelt Worlds Fair 1939

Fidelity Bravery Integrity is which organisations motto


Who Beat Arsenal In This Year To Become The UEFA Champions League Winner?

FC Barcelona

What Was The Name Of Phil Collins First ever Solo Album

Face Value

What ray bradbury novel is named for temperature at which paper catches fire

Fahrenheit 451

Who Re-Released Lionel Richies Classic "Easy" In 1993

Faith No More

After The Fire made 'Der Kommissar' popular, but which eighties musician performed it originally?


With which creature was the Egyptian God Horus identified


Which tree do Druids regard sacred ?


In which decade was cricket's first World Cup Final played?


What year did Chernobyl explode


How tall was the world's shortest man

670 mm

Who signed the 'thanksgiving proclamation'?

Abraham Lincoln

2% of Americans admit to doing what

Affair with Postman

An old sweet scented rose


Who Wrote The 1972 Mott The Hoople Hit All The Young Dudes?

David Bowie

Who played Matt Helm in the movies?

Dean Martin

Fourth letter of the Greek alphabet


In what sort of landscape would you find an erg


Name the legless fighter pilot of ww2

Douglas Bader

Who was john merrick

Elephant man

Ncaa: what team won the men's basketball championship game in 1976


The world's rarest coffee, Kopi Luwak, comes from which country


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