Twentieth Century World Power: History

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When did World War I begin?


When did World War I end?


When did the Great Depression begin?


When did the Great Depression end?


relief to farmers and rise in farm prices


germany and france disagreed over control of what territory


what sparked WWI?

Assassination of Ferdinand

Declared war on Serbia


Central Powers

Austria-Hungary, Germany, Turkey

legislation provided work, food, housing clothes, and a small salary for thousands of young men

Civilian Conservation Corps

government evaluation of banks

Emergency Banking Act

awarded money to states for work relief


what act made five hundred million dollars available for unemployment relief

Federal Emergency Relied Act

the assassinated Austrian Archduke


the assassinated archduke


American sacrifice on the home front

Gasless days

Author of Open Door Policy

John Hay

the fifteen nation agreement for settling disputes peacefully

Kellogg-Briand Peace

british trading ship that was sunk by german u boat


united states president who was slandered during Cuban situation


legislation for raise in farm prices

McNary-Haugen Bills

set united states foreign policy for the western hemisphere


curbed competition practices in business


act designed to restart American industry but it only succeeded in influencing wages, child labor, and collective bargaining

National Industrial Recovery Act

Roosevelt's recovery program

New Deal

when did the stock market crash?

October 29, 1929

commander of the United States forces in WWI


negotiated the Alaskan purchase


the sinking of the Maine was a factor that led to America's declaration of what war?

Spanish-American War

the president backing the big stick policy

T. Roosevelt

illegal releasing of federal oil reserves

Teapot Dome Scandal

factors leading to unsettled relations among European nations included everything except what?

U.S. interference

German Emperor of WWI


America's involvement in which war came after the Germans sunk an English ship called Lustinia

World War I

financial relief for germany

Young Plan

the increasing spirit of nationalism in europe and quarrels over colonies resulted in what

a renewed emphasis on imperialism

Ku Klux Klan

a white supremacy organization

an agreement between nations in their common interests


entente also known as


why was america disinterested in Wilson's programs after the war?

americans were tired of causes and reforms americans wanted to forget the war and enjoy life

nationalism brought everything except

an atmosphere of good will

Emergency Quota Act

an immigration restriction

what was one thing that was not true about Wilson's 14 points?

became a major part of the peace treaty

alliance nation also known as

central powers

something bought and sold


against change


programs Coolidge instituted during his term in office

continued immigration restriction, tax reduction, bonuses for WWI veterans

capable of being believed



devotion to one's own nation

the limiting of military equipment


how were Harding's internal problems caused?

dishonest associates

American Isolationism

early part of WW I before Spanish-American war

the state of finances and resources of a nation


an agreement between nations


bismarck accomplished his goal of isolating the french by what?

forming the triple alliance

what is included in the treaty of versailles

giving Alsace-Lorraine to France dividing german colonies reducing the german army and navy

How did Hoover respond to the Great Depression?

he wouldn't provide as many government programs as people demanded, he relied on private business sector to pull the nation out

what attracted many people to the cities?

higher wages and entertainment

unions provided what?

higher wages and shorter work weeks


holland, scandinavia, spain, switzerland,

European nations sought possessions beyond their borders for all of the following except

in good neighbor policies

an economy based on large scale industries and production of goods


interference in the affairs of one country by another


loyalty and devotion to one's country


aggressive moves by germany included all but what?

the defeat of England

possible invasion of germany Wilson's 14 points the improving military strength of the Entente (Allies) the split of Austria-Hungary

the factors that led germany to sue for peace

american world activism

the open door policy war on central powers

american western hemisphere involvement

the panama canal the platt amendment the monroe doctrine

advantages the U.S. brought to the allied cause included everything except...

the russian surrender

the "Iron Chancellor of Germany"


programs giving jobs in conservation


Roosevelt's initial program to pass much legislation

First Hundred Days

builder of the Panama Canal


flood control and conservation in the Tennessee valley


who was unemployed during the Great Depression?

lower workers

to bargain with another party to reach an agreement


not taking part on either part of a dispute


Harding's presidential program


site of germany's huge offensive against the allies

northwestern france

the position of active attack


what was between the years 1923-1929?

one of the most affluent periods in history

commander of the united states forces in world war 1


the forbidding of the sale of liquor


League of Nation

proposed to settle disputes between nation in a peaceful manner

successful; wealthy


a relation of protection and partial control by a strong nation over a weaker power


the european pattern of military preparedness was led by who


what changes did the united states experience after WWI?

return to noninvolvement during world affairs, disarmament, prohibition, urbanization, restrictive immigration

Allies (Entente)

russia, japan, italy, france, england, america

germany brought european tensions to a head in all the ways except

sending propaganda to america

any tie or deadlock


bismarck hopes to isolate france in every way except

starting colonies in the new world

american involvement in the western hemisphere included all but what?

the Boxer Rebellion

what caused immigration limits to be enforced?

threat of cheap labor to american workers, increase in crime and disease, and harm to american unity in war times

a statement that expresses or implies serious penalties if the terms are not accepted


the mass movement of people to the nation's cities


rejection of the league of nations by the United states did what?

weaken the league's power take away confidence other nations had in it result from American fears of military involvement

president of the united states


after WWI how did the americans want world involvement?

without military entanglements

did the emperor of germany undo Bismark's foreign policy?


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