uh psychology?

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According to Cloward and Ohlin, what is the underlying cause of deviance and delinquency in unstable slums of a city? A) illegitimate opportunity structures B) the racial composition of the city C) a rival struggle for power D) unethical police behavior


Agatha has worked for ten years in the public relations department of a large firm. She has been promoted to several higher paying managerial positions, but never to an executive position, even though she has directed several successful projects for the firm. Her lack of promotion most likely illustrates ________. A) the "glass ceiling" B) the "mommy track" C) sexual harassment D) all of the above


In Pakistan, Jordan, and Kurdistan, a woman who has brought disgrace to her family is killed by a male relative, usually her brother or husband. This practice is called ________. A) honor killing B) domestic manslaughter C) blood feud D) none of the above


Sociologists use the concept of "norms" to describe ________. A) expectations or rules of behavior that develop from values B) expressions of disapproval for violating socially acceptable behavior C) ideas about what is true or false D) all of the above


The concept of the relativity of deviance is best illustrated by which of the following statements? A) It is not the act itself, but the reaction of others to the act that makes it deviant. B) The nature of one's behavior is the most important aspect in determining deviance. C) Deviance is most related to functionalism because it creates a dysfunction for society. D) Deviance is analogous to mental illness.


The notion that language determines our perceptions of reality is the basic premise of which concept? A) Sapir-Whorf hypothesis B) neo-Darwinism C) pluralism D) symbolic culture


What did Solomon Asch's experiment on group conformity demonstrate? A) Because of group pressure, most people are willing to say things they know are not true. B) Americans are highly individualistic and reluctant to conform to group pressure. C) Women are more susceptible to group pressure than men. D) Younger people are more susceptible to group pressure than older adults.


What did Stanley Milgram's teacher-learner experiment demonstrate? A) A substantial number of people will inflict pain on others if ordered to do so by a person in a position of authority. B) Most people conform to social norms, even when told to deviate from them by persons in authority. C) Group conformity is the most important social relationship people seek to achieve. D) Individualism is among the most cherished personal qualities one can possess.


What is the major problem with using participant observation as a research tool? A) It often leads to findings that lack generalizability. B) It is unacceptable based on standards of the American Sociological Association. C) It lacks both validity and reliability. D) It is highly biased.


What is the term for gender discrimination against women who miss the work experience while they care for children at home? A) the child penalty B) the devaluation of women C) the glass ceiling D) none of the above


What term describes the invisible barrier that keeps women from advancing to the top levels of a corporation? A) the glass ceiling B) the glass escalator C) gender tracking D) the hidden sex role


When sociologists examine large scale patterns in society, this is known as which type of analysis? A. Macro level B. Micro level C. Social interaction D. Nonverbal interaction



A group of people with inherited physical characteristics that distinguish it from another group

The experience of being cut off from the product of one's labor, which results in a feeling of powerlessness, is called ________.


Who's the best daughter ever?


According to control theory, when are inner controls most effective in deterring deviant behavior? A) When we fear punishment from authorities such as parents or the court system. B) In the presence of strong attachments, commitments, and involvement with other members of society. C) When they are applied to members of the middle or upper classes. D) In situations where there is a strong police presence.


Americans glorify academic progress and material success. However, most students do not graduate with honors and most citizens are not wealthy. This condition characterizes the difference between________ and ________. A) material culture; non-material culture B) ideal culture; real culture C) real culture; symbolic culture D) unrealistic culture; realistic culture


If Alice came to class wearing a soiled and torn blouse, she would be violating a ________. But if Alice came to class not wearing a blouse (or any other garment), she would be violating a ________. A) norm; folkway B) folkway; more C) more; law D) folkway; value


In research, to generalize one's findings to a total population, what is the most important quality that the sample must possess? A)It must include at least 25 percent of the total population. B) It must be representative of the total population. C) It must consist of people who are selected and people who volunteer. D) It must be quantitative in order to make comparisons.


Of the following groups, the ________ plays the most significant role in the development of the self. A) in-group B) primary group C) out-group D) secondary group


Professor Zale bases her self-concept as a professor on the interactions she has with students and the reactions she receives from them during class. In view of this, which process is Professor Zale utilizing? A) Freud's psychoanalytic theory B) Cooley's looking-glass self C) Mead's "I" and "me" concept D) Piaget's theory of moral reasoning


What term would Mead use to refer to the norms, values, attitudes, and expectations of the public? A) primary group B) generalized others C) secondary group D) significant others


Which statement is most accurate regarding the meaning of race? A) It is entirely dependent upon fixed biological characteristics. B) the meaning of race varies, depending upon the society in which its meaning is constructed. C) The concept of race tends to be quite similar in all cultures. D) all of the above


When many students graduate from college, they are able to earn an extra $1,540 a month between the ages of 25 and 65. These students manage to earn this bonus by ________.

Being born male

While the notion of gender refers to sociological characteristics, the concept of sex refers to ________ characteristics.


Samantha works for an organization that is hierarchical and has a division of labor, written rules, communications and records, one in which the administration treats workers impersonally. Based on these characteristics, we can conclude that Samantha works for a(n) ________.


As described in the text, what are the two myths of race? A) eventually there will only be one race; all races have the same origin B) there is only one race; intelligence is based on race C) one race is superior to another; pure races exist D) none of the above


Jewelry, art, hairstyles, and clothing each represent examples of ________. A) high culture B) nonmaterial culture C) material culture D) low culture


Marketing, sales, and production positions are considered _________ that lead(s) to the top of a company. A) low wage positions B) barriers to jobs C) pipelines D) all of the above


Matthew is completing his master's thesis, which addresses the culture of outlaw motorcycle gangs. For the past six months, he has been riding with a gang, observing and describing behaviors in an attempt to present a view of these groups from a gang member's perspective. Like Mario Brajuha, he is determined to keep the identities of his subjects confidential. Which research method is Matthew employing? A)case study B) survey C)participant observation D) unobtrusive measures


Napoleon Chagnon's visit to the Yanomamö tribe, where he observed tribe members appearing naked in public, using hallucinogenic drugs, and letting mucus hang from their noses, is a good example of ________. A) nonconforming behavior B) the need for social sanctions C) the cultural relativity of deviance D) the need for absolute standards in defining deviance


People and groups that influence our orientation to life, such as our self-concept, emotions, attitudes, and behaviors, are called ________. A) total institutions B) generalized others C) agents of socialization D) out-groups


Prejudice describes ________ while discrimination describes ________. A) values; attitudes B) norms; beliefs C) attitudes; actions D) none of the above


Slavery and apartheid are both examples of the ways in which a country's dominant group exploits minority groups for its economic advantage. What do sociologists call this policy? A) assimilation B) segregation C) internal colonialism D) none of the above


The refusal of Christians to accept Islam as a valid religion is a form of ________, while the sincere effort to understand the practice of having multiple wives in some societies is a form of ________. A) public sociology; culture shock B) value contradiction; value cluster C) ethnocentrism; cultural relativism D) culture shock; cultural diffusion


What are the starting and stopping points of the development of the self during the life course? A) The self-concept begins prior to conception and concludes at birth. B) The self-concept begins at birth and concludes by age 5 or 6. C) The self-concept begins at birth and continues as a life-long process until death. D) The self-concept begins when a child is able to reason and concludes at about age 18.


What is the defining characteristic of a random sample? A)It consists of an equal number of men and women. B) It is created by asking questions of people who randomly happen to walk by. C) It gives each person in the population of interest an equal chance of being chosen. D) It ensures that every person in the sample represents a specific racial, gender, or religious group.


What is the key feature of postindustrial societies as it relates to the work force? A) The production of durable goods such as automobiles, refrigerators, and washing machines is the emphasis. B) High-efficiency production of food and fiber products is most prevalent. C) The transmission and use of information services dominates the work force. D) Leisure time activities are the primary product of the society.


When used by sociologists, the term "wealth" refers to ________. A) the property that a person owns B) the income made from a person's occupation C) the property owned and the income acquired minus debts made by the person D) the income after state and federal taxes have been withheld


Which statement is least accurate regarding sex and gender? A) The world offers unequal access to power, prestige, and property based on one's sex. B) Being born male or female carries images and expectations on how one should act. C) The terms "sex" and "gender" are interchangeable. D) all of the above


Which statement regarding the nation's income is most accurate? A) Income earnings are just about evenly divided among all Americans. B) The top two-thirds of Americans earn about two-thirds of the income. C) The top 20 percent of Americans earn nearly half the income. D) The bottom 20 percent of Americans earn about 15 percent of the income.


________ are the most likely segment of the population in the United States to experience poverty today.


Language, beliefs, values, norms, behavior, material objects, and technology that are passed from one generation to the next by members of society describe ________.


The process by which cultures become similar to one another, particularly where Western culture is diffused throughout the world is known as:

Culture Leveling

The author's experience in Morocco, which included the absence of women from public positions,intense stares directed at him, pushing and shoving at the train station, and total disregard for sanitation by food vendors, left the author with a profound sense of ________.

Culture Shock

John desires the best things in life - a fast car, designer clothes, and membership in exclusive clubs. But rather than work his way through the system, he has discovered he can have all these things by selling crack cocaine in the inner city. How would Merton classify John? A) a ritualist B) a conformist C) a rebel D) an innovator


The purpose of reviewing the scientific literature on your research topic of choice is so that you can: A) Narrow-down the problem B) Identify research areas that are already known C) Learn what areas still need to be researched D) all of the above


The theory of behavior in which people who associate with some groups learn an "excess of definitions" of deviance, increasing the likelihood that they will become deviant is ________. A) conflict theory B) social control theory C) strain theory D) differential association theory


To determine the poverty line, the U.S. government calculates a low-cost food budget for a family of a specific size, then subjects that number to which modification? A) It divides the food budget by five. B) It multiples the food budget by five. C) It divides the food budget by three. D) It multiplies the food budget by three.


What are the four variables Gilbert and Kahl used to develop a six-class model to reflect the class structure of the United States and other capitalist countries? A) family heritage, occupation, wealth, sex B) race, ethnicity, occupation, sex C) geographic residence, occupation, wealth, race D) education, power, property, prestige


Which of the following represents a correct sequence of steps in the research process? A) Collect the data, select a topic, review the literature, share the results. B) Share the results, select a topic, collect the data, choose a research method. C) Choose a research method, select a topic, collect the data, formulate a hypothesis. D) Select a topic, review the literature, collect the data, share the results.


The term white collar crime was coined by sociologist ________ to refer to crimes that people of respectable social status commit in the course of their occupation.

Edwin Sutherland

This theorist studied social integration and showed that something as personal and individual-level as suicide can be analyzed at the societal level.

Emile Durkheim

The case study of Jack and Oskar provides support for which of the following explanations of behavior?

Environment has a significant influence on behavior, regardless of gene complement.

In addition to choosing the appropriate research method, sociologists must follow research _______ to achieve truth, honesty, and openness.


When the Native Americans were pacified by the military in the late 1800s, they were forced to learn the English language, dress like the white man, renounce their religion, and give up their customs. This was a classic example of ________.

Forced assimilation

Madison College, the March of Dimes, Bank of America, and the Boy Scouts of America all have specific objectives that guide their operations. Even though their respective activities and membership rosters indicate significant differences, all four would share the classification of being ________.

Formal Organizations

The term for the unequal access to power, prestige, and property based on a person's sex is ________.

Gender Stratification

The fact that nearly 80 percent of engineering degrees are awarded to men while 90 percent of library science degrees are awarded to women illustrates the phenomenon of ________.

Gender Tracking

The systematic annihilation or attempted annihilation of a people based on their presumed race or ethnicity is called ________.


The symbolic interactionist who taught at the University of Chicago and stressed that play was crucial to the development of the concept of self.

George Herbert Mead

In group decision making, a form of tunnel vision that develops in which there is only one "right" viewpoint and suggested alternatives are perceived as signs of disloyalty is called ________.


A statement that describes how variables are expected to be related to one another, often according to predictions from a theory, is known as a ________.


What is the largest minority group in the United States today?

Latino American

What are the two most significant "anchoring devices" that insulate a person from a life of crime and imprisonment?

Marriage and education

This theorist argued that when people study society, their research should be free from the influence of the researcher's personal values. He also said that sociologists should study social behavior from the point of view of the people being studied.

Max Weber

This theorist's prediction that bureaucracies would come to dominate social life has withstood the test of time more than any other prediction in sociology:

Max Weber

The 1896 Supreme Court ruling that approved "separate but equal" accommodations for blacks and whites as a reasonable use of state power was ________.

Plessy vs Ferguson

A group characterized by intimate, long-term, face-to-face association and cooperation is referred to as a ________.

Primary group

Tiffany has a keen interest in the original theories of William Sheldon regarding the relationship between body type and juvenile delinquency. She has duplicated the study using Sheldon's original methodology to see if her results are compatible to Sheldon's. Such a study illustrates the concept of ________.


What concept do sociologists refer to when they say that "society makes us human"?


Erving Goffman used the term ________ to refer to characteristics that discredit people.


Changes in society that cause large numbers of people to move up or down the class ladder, which causes one class to increase while others decrease, is called ________ mobility.


When a group has a distinctive way of looking at life, but at the same time its values and norms reflect the dominant culture of its society, the group would be considered a ________.


Charles Horton Cooley and George Herbert Mead developed this theoretical perspective in sociology

Symbolic Interactionism

In an effort to resist the label of "deviant," most people will develop rationales to justify their deviant acts. Sykes and Matza refer to these rationales as ________.

Techniques of neutralization

What was the term C. Wright Mills used to refer to those who make the big decisions in American society?

The power elite

The use of objective, systematic observations to test theories is known as?

The scientific method

Auguste Comte

The sociologist who coined the term sociology and first proposed that the scientific method should be applied to the study of society.

Which of the following is the best theory to use in sociology?

There is no "best" theory, each theory focuses on different aspects of social life.

Karl Marx

This theorist developed conflict theory, and demonstrated how society can be studied by analyzing opposing groups. He analyzed the system of capitalism using this theory, and found that there are a few bourgeoisie who exploit the masses for profit.

Wright Mills

This theorist wrote about the sociological perspective, which he calls the "sociological imagination".

Which industrialized nation has the highest rate of child poverty?

United States

In the statement, "Poverty causes crime," the words "poverty" and "crime" are best described as ________ because they are subject to change.


Numerically, what is the race of the majority of the poor in the United States?


The sociologist who argued that social class has become the most significant factor in the lives of African Americans in today's U.S. society was ________.

William Julius Wilson

Another term used for the stage of development called transitional adulthood, which is between the ages of 18 and 29, is ________.


When young people enter college as resident students, they must learn new norms, values, attitudes, and behaviors. This is an example of ________.


The trend in the United States in which most poor families are headed by women is called ________.

the feminization of poverty

social location

the group memberships that people have because of their location in history and society.

What term applies to the stages that people pass through from birth to death, beginning with "childhood" and concluding with "the older years"?

the life course

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