um psych grind

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Ecstasy (MDMA)

Synthetic stimulant and mild hallucinogen. Produces euphoria and social intimacy, but with short-term health risks and longer-term harm to serotonin-producing neurons and to mood and cognition


System for electronically recording, amplifying, and feeding back information regarding a subtle physiological state, such as blood pressure or muscle tension


System of rules that enables us to communicate with and understand others

Afferent Neurons

Take information from the senses to the brain. (Sensory neurons


Take information from the spinal cord and sends them elsewhere in the brain.

Culture, conditioning, exposure, adaptation, region

Taste preferences can be affected by-


Technique to help improve memory; consists of survey, question, read, retrieve, review


Technology that amplifies tracing of the brain's billions of neurons waves of electrical activity; confirms brain's auditory cortex responds to sound while sleeping


Temporal-lobe neural center in limbic system; helps process explicit memories for storage

Serial Position Effect

Tendency to recall best the last and first items in list


Texting and emailing are rewarding but what has designed us for face-to-face communication with family and friends and appears to be a better predictor of life satisfaction?

Western World

The "thin ideal" is expressed mostly in the ___________.

Catastrophes, Significant Life Changes, and Daily Hassles

The 3 Types of Stressors ________, ________, and __________.

Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Neuroticism, Openness, and Extraversion

The Big Five consists of these 5 trait dimensions...

More schooling & better educated parents

The Flynn Effect is caused by _________ and _________.

classical conditioning associating nausea with food or drink

The Garcia effect describes

Two-Factory Theory

The Schachter-Singer theory that to experience emotion one must by physically aroused and cognitively label the arousal

a high level of arousal

The Yerkes-Dodson law predicts that most people would perform an easy task best if they are at

Sympathetic nervous system, Cortisol

The ____________ responds to stress increasing heart rate and respiration, and the pituitary glands secretes _______.

Receptive Language

The ability to understand what's said; up until 4 months old


The accumulated evidence from 57 studies suggests that "__________ substantially increases the risk of death, especially death by unnatural causes and cardiovascular disease"

Relative luminance

The amount of light an object reflects relative to its surroundings

The time spent learning

The amount we remember depends on________.

Industrial-Organizational Psychology

The application of psychological concepts and methods to optimizing human behavior in workplaces

10 Months

The babbling stage begins at around 4 months of age, but at what age do the unrelated phoneme sounds outside an infant's native household tongue begin to disappear?


The balanced physiological state we are driven to attain by satisfying our needs is called


The basic units of the nervous system; cells that receive, integrate, and transmit information in the nervous system. They operate through electrical impulses, communicate with other neurons through chemical signals, and form neural networks.


The belief that everything (thought and matter) are aspects of the same substance.


The belief that humans consist of two materials: thought (nonmaterial aspects) and matter (substance).

reciprocal determinism

The belief that personality is created by the interaction between a person, his or her behavior, and the environment is known as

Past behavior patterns in similar situations

The best means of predicting future behavior is ______________________.

Basal Metabolic Rate

The body's resting rate of energy expenditure.

A large pizza*

The brain's wrinkled cerebral cortex and underlying cerebrum, which together encompass 85% of the brain's weight, would be roughly the size of what if flattened?*

Coronary Heart Disease

The clogging of the vessels that nourish the heart muscle; the leading cause of death in many developed countries

-Forming categories -Remembering vivid cases -Believe that the world is just and our own and our culture's ways of doing things are the right way

The cognitive roots of prejudice grow from our natural ways of processing information such as...

In vivo desensitization

The confrontation of actual items on the anxiety hierarchy.

Extrasensory Perception (ESP)

The controversial claim that perception can occur apart from sensory input; includes telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition

Ewald Hering (1834-1918)

The developer of the opponent process theory of color vision, which accounted for some phenomena not explained by the Young-Helmholtz theory.


The developing human organism from about 2 weeks after fertilization through the second month

Selective attention*

The disorganized thoughts of schizophrenia may result from a breakdown in what term, which describes our ability to give our undivided awareness to one set of sensory stimuli while filtering out others?*

Critical period

The effect of sensory restriction on infant cats, monkeys, and humans suggests there is a ________ for normal sensory and perceptual development

Critical period

The effect of sensory restrictions on infant cats, monkeys, and humans suggests there is a _____ for normal sensory and perceptual development?

Reality principle

The ego's negotiation between the desires of the id and the limitations of the environment.


The emotional shortcut that can bypass the cortex and enable our greased-lightning emotional response and sends more neural projections than it receives, making it easier for feelings to hijack thinking


The explanation of how a researcher will measure a variable.

Deoxyribonucleic acid

The genetic material that makes up chromosomes. (DNA)


The hemispheres that contribute 85% of the brain's weight


The hippocampus is a temporal-lobe neural center located in the limbic system and is the equivalent of the "save" button for what type of memories?

Pleasure principal

The id's desire for immediate gratification.


The idea that any animal can be taught any response.

Sensory Memory

The immediate, initial recording of sensory information in the memory system


The individual identity that is usually primarily for Westerners gives way to a collective identity that is more often primarily for what race?

Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894)

The inventor of the ophthalmoscope, an instrument for examining the eye. He lent further support to Young's theories of color. He also developed a sophisticated theory of harmony.


The key to shaping behavior in athletic performance is first reinforcing what and then gradually increasing the challenge?*


The light-sensitive inner surface of the eye, containing the receptor rods and cones plus layers of neurons that begin the processing of visual information

Explicit Memories

The memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and "declare"

Rarely occurs

The memory researchers said that repression what?


The more closely something matches our _____ of a concept, the more readily we recognize it as an example of a concept.


The most common quick fixes for insomnia are sleeping pills and alcohol. These can lead to ___, a state in which increasing doses are needed to produce an effect.

MRI Scans

The neuron imaging technique used to measure brain volume and calculate the +.44 correlation between brain size and intelligence

Lateral geniculate nucleus

The optic nerve sends impulses to a specific region in the thalamus, then routes them to the visual cortex.

Shape constancy

The perception of objects as having constant form, even while our retinas receive changing images


The process by which certain animals form strong attachments during an early-life critical period


The process of getting information out of a memory stage


The processing of information into the memory system


The proportion of variation among individuals that we can attribute to genes. The ______________ of a trait may vary, depending on the range of populations and environments studied?

Repressed impulses*

The psychoanalytic perspective views anxiety disorders as the discharging of what?*


The psychologist that emphasizes our built-in readiness to learn grammar rules, which helps explain why preschoolers acquire language so readily and use grammar so well


The recommended infant ______ position, which is putting babies to sleep on their backs to reduce the risk of a smothering crib death

Long-term memory

The relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system


The research by Harlow contradicted the idea that attachment derives from an association with what?*


The retention of encoded information over time


The retina is actually a piece of what that migrates to the eye during early fetal development?*

What is today's definition of psychology?*

The science of behavior and mental processes*

Cognitive psychology

The scientific study of all the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating

Social psychology

The scientific study of how we think about, influence, and relate to one another

Behavioral Psychology

The scientific study of observable behavior, and its explanation by principles of learning

unconscious, emotions, valence

The social-cognitive perspective is faulted for slighting the importance of ______, _______, and ______.

Optic chiasm

The spot where the optic nerves cross each other.

Two-word stage, Telegraphic speech

The stage in speech development that begins at about age 2, during which a child speaks mostly in couple-word statements, and what characterizes this type of speech that child speaks like a telegram using nouns and verbs

Gestalt psychology

The study of how people integrate and organize perceptual information into meaningful wholes

Social-Cultural Psychology

The study of how situations and cultures affect our behavior and thinking


The study of paranormal phenomenon, including ESP and psychokinesis

Evolutionary psychology

The study of the evolution of behavior and mind, using principles of natural selection

Behavior Genetics Psychology

The study of the relative power and limits of genetic and environmental influences on behavior

Instinctive drift

The tendency for animals to forgo rewards to pursue their typical patterns of behavior.

Pluralistic Ignorance.

The tendency of people to look toward others for cues about the appropriate way to behave when confronted by an emergency is known as what?


The tendency to be more confident than correct


The tendency, once a response has been conditioned, for stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus to elicit similar responses

Young-Helmholtz trichromatic (three-color) theory

The theory that retina contains three different color receptors- one most sensitive to red, one to green, one to blue-which, when stimulated in combination, can produce perception of any color


The thought of a former anxiety arousing stimulus without any current anxiety.

Safety Needs, Belonging and Love Needs, Esteem Needs

The three middle stage's of Maslow's hierarchy...


The transparent structure behind the pupil that changes shape to help focus images on the retina

Feelings and arousal

The two dimensions of emotion

1. Emotion has two ingredients: physical arousal and cognitive appraisal 2. Arousal from any source can enhance one emotion or another

The two factor theory of emotion are what?

Semantics, Syntax

The two rules that enable us to communicate with and understand others: In the first set of rules, we derive meaning from morphemes, words, and sentences, and in the second set of rules, we combine words into grammatically sensible sentences


The two types of white blood cells that are part of the body's immune system are called B and T _______

Trait Perspective

The usage of this question to people who are consistency with which traits are expressed is called what?

excitation threshold

The voltage difference (-55 millivolts) necessary to destabilize a neuron, causing an action potential to occur

Omission training

The withdraw of a desirable stimulus. (negative punishment)

What do researchers aim to test by intentionally creating controlled, artificial environments in the lab?*

Theoretical principles*

Humanistic Theories

Theories that view personality with focus on potential for healthy personal growth

Signal detection theory

Theory predicting how and when we detect signals based on background noise

Activation-synthesis theory

Theory proposing that dreams are the brain's interpretation of what is happening physiologically during REM sleep.

linguistic relativity hypothesis

Theory stating that the language we use might control, and in some ways limit, our thinking.

Respectively, what term describes a set or principles that organizes and predicts observations and what term describes a testable prediction?*

Theory, hypothesis*


There is no major impact of maternal employment on children's development as long as what is consistent with warm relationships and based on trust?*


There is not one type of stimulus that triggers physical suffering, but what type of sensory receptors do detect hurtful temperatures, pressure, or chemicals?*


These group of people extended the idea of Freud's theories and carry on his legacies

Divergent Thinking

Thinking that searches for multiple possible answers to a question.


This is what matters the most in the rest of your life it is your what?


This researcher gave compounds of creativity such as expertise, Imaginative thinking skills, venturesome personality, intrinsic motivation, and creative environment


Those with high what that feel good about themselves, havefewer sleepless nights, succumb less easily to pressures to conform, less likely to use drugs, are more persistent at difficult tasks, are less shy and lonely, and are happier

Spontaneous, Physiological, Psychological

Three different states of consciousness

Depressants, stimulants, and hallucinogens

Three major categories of psychoactive drugs are ___?

Light exposure therapy*

To counteract wintertime depression, what type of alternative therapy sparks activity in brain regions that influence arousal and the production of melatonin?*

The average performance of others of the same age

Today's intelligence tests produce a score based on the performance relative to...


Trait theorists that assert that it is impossible to use the same set of terms to classify all people's personalities.

Nomothetic approach

Trait theorists that believe that the same basic set of traits can be used to describe all personalities.

Preventative efforts

Treatment of psychological problems proactively (eg - counseling following a traumatic event).

Levels of procession model

Two types of processing: shallow (encode by repetition) deep. (encode context and reasons)

Classical conditioning

Type of learning in which one learns to link two or more stimuli and anticipate events

Anterograde amnesia

Type of memory failure where people cannot encode new memories due to damage to the hippocampus.

Recovered memory

Type of memory that may be constructed or false recollections of events.

Linear perspective

Type of monocular cue; parallel lines appear to meet in the distance

Light and shadow

Type of monocular cue; shading produces a sense of depth consistent with our assumption that light comes from above


Type of somatoform disorder where people seek medical attention for physical ailments with no apparent causes.


Unpredictable large-scale events, such as wars, earthquakes, floods, wildfires, and famines


Used to control agitation/anxiety issues; abused drugs

What affects what we study, how we study it, and how we interpret the results?*

Value judgements*

Insight therapies

Variety of therapies aim to improve psychological functioning by increasing person's awareness of underlying motives and defenses.


We are good at detecting what from people?


We feel events as especially stressful when we appraise them as negative and ________.

Learned associations*

We have a remarkable capacity to recognize long-forgotten odors and our attraction to those smells depends on what?*


We have an enormous capacity for storing and reproducing the incidental details of our daily experience. But we often ________ our memories as we encode them

3.5 years*

We have no conscious memories of events occurring before what age, in past because major brain areas have not yet matured?*


We perceive events to responds and as a


We read fear and anger mostly from the what?

Language, Thought

We sometimes think in images rather than in words and invent new words to describe new ideas, therefore, we might deduce that thinking affects our what which then affects our what?

Psychodynamic theories

Whar term describes the modern-day approaches that view personality with focus on unconscious?


What Freudian term describes the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety arousing thoughts, feelings, and memories and rarely, if ever, occurs according to a memory researchers today?

Intelligence Tests

What are biased tests that measure your developed abilities which reflect your education and experiences?

-Media -Alcohol -Guilt -Ignorance -Communication

What are factors that influence teenagers sexual behaviors?

Spaced study, repeated rehearsal Making material meaningful, activating retrieval cues Using mnemonic devices, testing your own knowledge Minimizing interference, sleeping more

What are some recommended memory strategies?

Hot temperature, physical pain, personal insults, foul odors, smoke, crowding

What are stimuli that can cause aggression?

Sight, smell, hear, taste, feel

What are the 5 senses we are usually born with?

Defense Mechanisms

What are the ego's protective methods of reducing anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality?

Bitter, umami, sweet, sour, salty*

What are the five chemical taste sensations from the 200 or more taste buds that evolutionary psychologists say enabled our ancestors' survival?*

Acetylcholine (ACh), Dopamine, Serotonin, Norephinephrine, Glutamate

What are the five neurotransmitters we learned about?

REM sleep, NREM 1, 2, and 3

What are the four distinct sleep stages?

Frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal lobes

What are the four lobes of the cerebral cortex

Telepathy, Clairvoyance, precognition, and psychokinesis

What are the four main concepts of extrasensory perception (ESP)?

Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational

What are the four major stages of cognitive development?

Excitement phase, plateau phase, orgasm, and resolution phase

What are the four stages of Masters and Johnson's sexual response cycle?

Form perception, depth perception, motion perception, and perceptual constancies

What are the four subdimensions the brain organizes a visual scene into when analyzing?

B Lymphocytes, T Lymphocytes, macrophages, and natural killers cells (NK cells)

What are the four types of cells active in the immune system to help keep us healthy?

Association areas

What are the last cortical areas in the brain to develop?

Equity, self-disclosure, positive support

What are the three keys to a gratifying and enduring relationship?

hypothalamus, hippocampus, and amygdala

What are the three parts of the limbic system

Proximity, Similarity, Physical Attractiveness

What are the three parts to attraction?

Confirmation Bias, Fixation

What are the two cognitive tendencies that often mislead our solution?

Epinephrine and norepinephrine

What are the two hormones secreted by the adrenal glands

Sleepwalking and sleep talking

What are two harmless NREM-3 sleep disorders that usually decrease with age and more deep NREM sleep?

Intelligence Tests

What asses a person's mental abilities and compares them with the abilities of other people?

Need to belong / affiliation need

What basic human need boosted out distant ancestors' chances of survival and opportunities to reproduce?

Age and experience

What can alter our circadian rhythm?


What can be released by high carbohydrate foods and create a mood lift


What can disrupts our 24-hour biological clock and delays sleep?

Actions and behaviors

What can effect attitudes, sometimes turning prisoners into collaborators, doubters into believers, and acquaintances into friends?


What can intensify emotion?


What can reduce fear, hypersensitivity to pain, and inhibit pain-related brain activity?

Malnutrition, sensory development, and social isolation

What can retard normal brain development?


What category of drugs would alcohol, barbiturates, and opiates fall into, all of which reduce neural activity and slow body functions?*


What category of psychedelic drugs would LSD and marijuana fall into, all of which distort perceptions and evoke sensory images in the absence of sensory input?*

Sexually Explicit Material

What causes people to devalue their own partners and relationships?

Brain, spinal cord*

What compromises the central nervous system?*


What contains a reservoir of unconscious psychic energy that strives to satisfy basic sexual and aggressive tendencies? Operates on the pleasure principle, demanding immediate gratification


What controversial researcher said that external influences shape behavior and we should use rewards to evoke more desirable behaviors?*


What defines meaningful scores by comparison with the performance of a pretested group?

Hierarchy of Needs

What did Maslow name his pyramid that began at the base with physiological needs which must be satisfied before higher level safety needs become active?

a combination of physiological reactions and our cognitive interpretation of an event produces emotion

What does Schachter's two-factor theory state about the relationship between emotion and physiological reaction?


What drives people strive to be better than others in terms of test scores?

William James

What early psychologist said a continuous "stream of consciousness"?

Developmental psychologists*

What group of people study physical, mental, and social changes throughout the human life cycle?*


What has a vast storage capacity, but does not store information in precise locations, instead, many parts interact as we encode, store, and retrieve the information that forms our memories?


What hemisphere of the brain is involved in facial recognition, emotional perception, and spatial abilities?*


What hemisphere of the brain is well accepted as the verbal, dominant, and analytical hemisphere?*

Physical Attractiveness

What increases social opportunities and improves the way we are perceived?

Collective unconscious

What is Carl Jung's concept of a shared, inherited reservoir of memory traces from our species' history?

Chameleon effect

What is Chartrand and Bargh's term for our unconsciously mimicking other's expressions, postures, and voice tones?

Intellectual Disability

What is a condition of limited mental ability, by intelligence score of 70 or below and difficulty adapting demands of life?

Down Syndrome

What is a condition of retardation and associated physical disorders caused by an extra chromosome in one's genetic makeup?

Mental Age

What is a measure of intelligence test performance; that is the chronological age typical of a given level of performance devised by Binet?

Hunger, sex, achievement at work, belonging

What is a motive in the reading that revels the interplay between a physiological "push" (nature) and a cognitive or cultural "pull" (nurture)?

High intelligence Religious engagement Father's presence Participation in community projects (All of the Above)*

What is a predictor of teens who delay the initiation of sex?*


What is a process which children incorporate their parents' values into heir developing superegos?

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

What is a projective test in which people express their inner feelings and interests through the stories they make up about ambiguous scenes?

Factor Analysis

What is a statistical procedure that identifies clusters of related items on a test?

Spinal cord

What is a two-way information highway connecting the peripheral nervous system and the brain

Actions and behaviors

What is affected by internal attitudes and external influences, and changes factors of how we feel and how we think?


What is an assumed to be center of personality that organizes our thoughts, feelings, and actions?


What is one's feelings of high/low self-worth?


What is one's sense of competence and effectiveness?


What is our most significant sex organ?

Personal Control

What is our sense of controlling our environment rather than feeling helpless?

Environmental Differences

What is responsible for racial gaps in test scores?


What is the ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new situations?

A period*

What is the approximate size of mature egg released by a woman's ovary?*

Withdrawn, frightened, speechless, and anxiety symptoms*

What is the effect on infants who are locked away at home under conditions of abuse or extreme neglect?*

Ma/Ca x 100

What is the formula for IQ?


What is the highest level of the Hierarchy of Needs, and the motivation to fulfill one's potential?

Reciprocal Determinism

What is the interacting influences between personality and environmental factors?

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)

What is the most widely researched and clinically used of all personality tests? Originally developed to identify emotional disorders, but this test is now used for many other screening purposes.

Psychosexual stages

What is the name for the childhood stages of development that gives id's pleasure seeking energies focus on erogenous zones?


What is the part of personality that represents internalized ideals and provides standards for judgment and for future aspirations?

arousal theory describes the optimum level of general arousal an individual seeks, while achievement motivation describes what type of goals the individual is motivated to achieve.

What is the principle between how achievement motivation theory and arousal theory explain human motivation?

Positive Psychology

What is the scientific study of optimal human functioning to discover and promote strength & virtues that enables individuals & communities to thrive?


What is the study of the effect of drugs on the mind and behavior that has revolutionized the treatment of people with severe disorders?*

Attribution theory

What is the theory that we tend to give a casual explanation for someone's behavior, often by crediting either the situation or the person's disposition?


What is the widely used American revision (by Terman at Stanford University) of Binet's original intelligence test?

Drug therapies*

What is today's most widely used biomedical treatment that greatly reduced the need for psychosurgery or hospitalization?*

Intelligence Quotient (IQ)

What is used to defined the ratio mental age, this given age is assigned score of 100 with scores assign to remove performance above or below average? (Francis' is 200)


What kind of psychologist would be most likely to use a projective personality

Social-Cognitive Theorists

What kind of theorists believe we learn many of our behaviors either through conditioning or by observing others and modeling their behavior?

Semicircular canal, cochlea, basilar membrane, auditory nerve, auditory cortex

What makes up the inner ear?

Hammer, anvil, stirrup

What makes up the middle ear?

Auditory canal, eardrum

What makes up the outer ear?


What mediates among the demands of the id, superego, and reality? Operates on the reality principle, satisfying the id's desires in ways that will realistically bring pleasure rather than pain


What mode of thinking that occurs when the desire for harmony in decision making group overrides a realistic appraisal of alternatives?

Computed Tomography (CT)*

What neuroimaging technique can take a series of x-ray photographs that can reveal brain damage?*

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)*

What neuroimaging technique uses magnetic fields and radio waves to produce computer-generated images that show brain anatomy?*

Central Route Persuasion

What occurs when interested people focus on the arguments and respond with favorable thoughts?

Peripheral Route Persuasion

What occurs when people are influenced by incidental cues, such as speaker's attractiveness?

Speed Dating

What offers a unique opportunity for studying influences on our first impressions of potential romantic partners?

Set point

What older body weight theory takes into account only physiological hunger influences and describes that when the body falls below a certain weight an increase in hunger and lowered metabolic rate may act to restore the lost weight?

Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS)*

What painless alternative treatment for depression applies repeated pulses of magnetic energy to the brain with modest positive benefits?*


What part of the brain extends from the rear of the brainstem and enables a type of nonverbal learning, coordinates voluntary movement, and regulates balance?*


What part of the brain extends from the rear of the brainstem and plays a key role in forming and storing implicit memories created by classical conditioning?


What perspective evaluates how the natural selection of traits promotes the perpetuation of one's genes?*


What perspective proposes that dreams may help sift, sort, and fix the day's experiences in our memory?

Facial recognition*

What process requires ten times the brainpower devoted to hearing and uses 30% of the cortex?*

They readapt*

What quickly happens to people after they remove optical headgear that alters their vision?*

Ernest Hilgard

What researcher believed hypnosis involves not only social influence but also dissociation?

Gustav Fechner

What scientist and philosopher studied our awareness of faint stimuli and called them our absolute thresholds?


What shapes every behavior and is excessively used by children from 2-5 years old?

PET scans

What shows that hypnosis reduces brain activity in a region that processes painful stimuli?


What sleep-inducing hormone decreases in the morning and increases in the evening?


What special dual-processing state describes a split between different levels of consciousness and may explain hypnotic pain relief?*

Somatic nervous system Autonomic nervous system*

What system comprises our peripheral nervous system?*


What temr describes our body's adaptive response?

Mere exposure effect

What term describe the phenomenon that repeated exposure to novel stimuli increases liking of them?

Sexual response cycle

What term describes Masters' and Johnson's four stages of sexual responding which are excitement, plateau, orgasm and resolution?


What term describes a $10 billion to $14 billion industry, which is a bigger business than professional football, basketball, and baseball put together? (Steven Kha)

Self-fulfilling prophecies

What term describes a belief that leads to its own fulfillment?

Therapeutic alliance*

What term describes a bond of trust and mutual understanding between a therapist and client, who work together constructively to overcome the client's problem?*


What term describes a cell that identifies, pursues, and ingests harmful invaders or dead cell material and helps prevent inflammation?

Psychological disorder*

What term describes a clinically significant disturbance in an individual's cognition, emotion regulation, or behavior?*

Somatic symptom disorder*

What term describes a common medically unexplained illness where a patient's distressing symptoms take a bodily form without apparent physical causes?*

Savant Syndrome

What term describes a condition in which a person otherwise limited in mental ability has an exceptional specific skill, like the character in Rain Man?


What term describes a condition in which people receive from a relationship in proportion to what they give to it?

Split brain*

What term describes a condition resulting from surgery for patients suffering from seizures that isolates the brain's two hemispheres by cutting the fibers connecting them?*

Biopsychosocial *

What term describes a contemporary perspective that assumes that psychological, biological, and sociocultural factors combine and interact to produce psychological disorders? *

Autism spectrum disorder*

What term describes a disorder that appears in childhood and is marked by significant deficiencies in communication and social interaction?*


What term describes a fertilized egg?*


What term describes a generalized (sometimes accurate but often overgeneralized) belief about a group of people; product of us attempting to simplify the world?


What term describes a group of people from a given time period?


What term describes a hunger-arousing hormone secreted by an empty stomach?


What term describes a machine that attempts to detect lies by measuring several of the physiological responses accompanying emotion and is wrong 1/3 or the time because it cannot distinguish between anxiety, irritation, guilt, or fear?


What term describes a measure of memory retention where a person needs to only identify previously learned cues, such as on a multiple-choice test?


What term describes a measure of memory retention where a person retrieves information not in conscious awareness, such as on a fill-in-the-blank test?


What term describes a mental grouping of similar objects, events, ideas, and people that helps simplify our thinking?

Cognitive map*

What term describes a mental representation of the layout of one's environment and is evidence of cognitive processes in operant conditioning?*


What term describes a natural smile that involves activated muscles under the eyes and raised cheeks?


What term describes a need or desire that energizes behavior and directs it toward a goal?


What term describes a person who provides psychotherapy and can prescribe drugs to treat psychological disorders?*

Gender identity*

What term describes a person's sense of being male or female?*

Antisocial Personality Disorder*

What term describes a personality disorder in which the person exhibits a lack of a conscious for wrongdoing, may be aggressive, ruthless, or even a clever con artist?*

Projective Test

What term describes a personality test that provides ambiguous stimuli designed to trigger projection of one's inner dynamics?

Yerkes-Dadson Law

What term describes a principle explains the performance increases with a arousal only up to a point that performance decreases?

Sexual Dysfunction

What term describes a problem that consistently impairs sexual arousal or functioning?

Anxiety disorders*

What term describes a psychological disorder characterized by distressing, persistent anxiety or maladaptive behaviors that reduce anxiety?*

Dissociative identity disorder (DID) Multiple personality disorder*

What term describes a rare and possibly manufactured disorder in which two or more distinct identities are said to alternatively control a person's behavior?*

Stereotype Threat

What term describes a self-confirming concern that one will be evaluated based on a negative stereotype?


What term describes a set of expectations (norms) about a social position, defining how those in the position ought behave?

Perceptual set*

What term describes a set of mental tendencies and assumptions that greatly affects (top-down) what we perceive and can influence what we hear, taste, feel, and see?*

Social trap

What term describes a situation in which the conflicting parties, by each rationally pursuing their self interest, become caught in mutually destructive behavior?

Sleep apnea*

What term describes a sleep disorder characterized by temporary cessations of breathing during sleep and subsequent momentary reawakenings that are seldom remembered and its characterized by heavy snoring, high blood pressure, irritability, and exhaustion?*


What term describes a social interaction in which one person suggests to another that certain perceptions, feelings, thoughts or behaviors will spontaneously occur?*

Secondary reinforcer/ conditioned reinforcer*

What term describes a stimulus that gains its reinforcing power through its association with the satisfaction of a biological need or primary reinforcer?*

Unconditioned stimulus*

What term describes a stimulus that naturally automatically triggers a response?*

GRIT: Graduated and Reciprocated Initiatives in Tension-Reduction

What term describes a strategy designed to decrease international tensions

Cross-sectional Study

What term describes a study in which people of different ages are compared with one another?

Health Psychology

What term describes a subfield of psychology that provides psychology's contribution to behavioral medicine?

The Foot-In-The-Door Phenomenon

What term describes a tendency for people who have first agreed to a small request to comply later with a larger request?

Mental Set

What term describes a tendency to approach a problem in a particular way that has been successful in the past but may or may not be helpful in solving a new problem?

Other-race effect

What term describes a tendency to recall faces of one's own race more accurately than faces of other races?

Empirically Derived Test

What term describes a test (such as the MMPI) developed by testing a pool of items and then selecting those that discriminate between groups?

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)

What term describes a test designed to predict a person's future performance, capacity to learn which is only for adults?

Terror-Management Theory

What term describes a theory of death-related anxiety; explores people's emotional and behavioral responses to reminders of their impending death?

Frequency, pitch*

What term describes a tone's highness or lowness and is determined by the number of complete wavelengths that pass a point in a given time?*

Crystallized Intelligence

What term describes accumulated knowledge and verbal skills, that increases until old age?


What term describes adjusting one's behavior or thinking to coincide with a group standard?


What term describes all our thoughts and feelings about ourselves, in answer to the questions, "Who am I?"

Terminal decline*

What term describes an accelerating cognitive decline in the final 3 or 4 years of life?*

Electroencephalogram (EEG)*

What term describes an amplified tracing of the brain's billions of neurons waves of electrical activity?*


What term describes an automatic inborn response to a sensory stimulus but is not a spontaneous response?*

Rape Myth

What term describes an idea that women gets invite or enjoy rape and get "swept away" being "taken"?


What term describes an ideal form of stored energy

Long-term Potentiation (LTP)

What term describes an increase in a synapse's firing potential after brief, rapid stimulation and is believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory?


What term describes an individual's characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting?


What term describes an operant conditioning procedure in which reinforcers guide behavior toward closer and closer approximations of a desired goal?*

Token economy*

What term describes an operant conditioning procedure where a patient exchanges a ticket of some sort, earned by exhibiting a desired behavior, for various privileges or treats?*


What term describes an understood rule for accepted and expected behavior, the "proper" behavior?


What term describes any physical or verbal behavior intended to hurt or destroy and usually involves men more than women?*


What term describes any physical or verbal behavior intended to hurt or destroy?

Psychophysiological illnesses

What term describes any stress-related physical illness, such as hypertension and some headaches?


What term describes assuming the superiority of one's ethnic group?

Growth Mindset

What term describes believing intelligence is changeable

Fixed Mindset

What term describes believing that intelligence is biologically set and unchanging?

Evidence-based practice*

What term describes clinical decision making that integrates the best available research with clinical expertise and patient preferences?*

Positive Support

What term describes communication through support, sympathy, and smiles?


What term describes compulsive overthinking and focusing on our problems and their causes?*

Substance use disorder*

What term describes continued substance craving and use despite significant life disruption?*

Monocular cues*

What term describes distance cues, such as linear perspective and overlap, available to either eye alone?*


What term describes enduring behavior, ideas, attitudes, values, and traditions shared by a group of people and transmitted from one generation to the next?

Availability Heuristic

What term describes estimating the likelihood of things based on availability in memory and how common instances come to mind?

Divergent Thinking

What term describes expanding the number of possible problem solutions?

Inattentional blindness*

What term describes failing to see visible objects when our attention is directed elsewhere?*


What term describes false beliefs, often of persecution or conspiracies, and may accompany psychotic disorders?*

Insecure avoidant attachment

What term describes feeling discomfort over getting close to others and using evading strategies to maintain distance?


What term describes feelings, often influenced by our beliefs, that predisposes us to respond in a particular way to objects , people and events?


What term describes friends/couples sharing common attitudes, beliefs, and interests (age, religion, race, education, intelligence, economic status, etc.)?


What term describes generalized belief about a group of people?

Selective Attention*

What term describes how at any moment we focus our awareness on only limited aspect of all that we experience?*

Situational Attribution

What term describes how we can attribute behavior to the person's situation?

Dispositional Attribution

What term describes how we can attribute behavior to the person's stable enduring traits?

Reward theory of attraction

What term describes how we will like those whose behavior is rewarding to us, and we will continue relationships that offer more rewards than costs?

Social facilitation

What term describes improved performance of tasks in the presence of others; only for simple or well learned tasks?

Normative social influence

What term describes influence resulting from a person's desire to gain approval or avoid disapproval?

Informational social influences

What term describes influence resulting from one's willingness to accept others' opinions about reality?

Representativeness Heuristic

What term describes judging the likelihood of things in terms of how well they seem to represent, or match, particular prototypes?*

Diffusion of responsibility

What term describes more people having shared responsibility for helping?

Mirror-image perceptions

What term describes mutual views often held by conflicting people, as when each side sees itself as ethical and peaceful and views the other side as evil and aggressive?


What term describes natural opiates that are released in response to pain and vigorous exercise?*

Fluid Intelligence

What term describes one's ability to reason speedily & abstractly; tends to decrease during late adulthood?

Brightness constancy*

What term describes our ability to perceive an object as having a constant lightness even when the light cast upon it changes?*

Perceptual constancy*

What term describes our ability to perceive objects as stable despite the changing image they cast on our retinas?*


What term describes our ability to survive and reproduce and contributes to our adaptive flexibility in responding to different environments?*


What term describes our awareness of ourselves and our environment *


What term describes our awareness of ourselves and our environment and it nature's way of keeping us from thinking and doing everything at once?*


What term describes our common genetic profile that leads to our behavioral and biological similarity?*

Sensory adaptation*

What term describes our diminished sensitivity to an unchanging stimulus?*

Spotlight Effect

What term describes overestimating others' noticing and evaluating out appearance, performance, and blunders (as if we presume a spotlight shines on us)?


What term describes people who strive to be better than others in terms of test scores?


What term describes people whose gender identity or expression differs from that associated with their birth sex?*

Ingroup "us"

What term describes people with whom one shares a common identity?


What term describes people's characteristic behaviors and conscious motives and disposition to feel and act, as assessed by self report inventories and peer reports?

Theory of mind*

What term describes people's ideas about their own and other's feelings, perceptions and thoughts and the behaviors these might predict?*


What term describes perceived incompatibility of actions, goals, or ideas?


What term describes placing students in separate classes with others who share their level of aptitude score?

Longitudinal Study

What term describes research in which the same people; are restudied & retested over a long period?

Unconditional positive regard*

What term describes researcher Rogers' belief that the therapist's most important contribution is to be nonjudgmental, caring, and have an accepting attitude so that people may accept even their worst traits and feel valued and whole?*


What term describes revealing intimate aspects of oneself to others?

Therapeutic lifestyle change*

What term describes seminars that promote aerobic exercise, adequate sleep, light exposure, social connection, positive thinking, and good nutrition which support a healthy mind in a healthy body? *

Bottom-up processing*

What term describes sensory analysis that begins at the entry level, with information flowing from sensory receptors to the brain?*

Superordinate goals

What term describes shared goals that override differences among people and require their cooperation?

Mood linkage

What term describes sharing up and down moods?

Fundamental Attribution Error

What term describes tendency for others when analyzing another's behavior to underestimate the impact of the situation and to overestimate the impact of personal disposition?

Moral intuition*

What term describes that much of our morality is rooted in quick gut feelings?*

Tend-and-befriend response

What term describes that people (especially women) under stress often provide support to others and bond with and seek support from others?


What term describes that the brain sometimes mends itself by forming new neurons?*

Dual processing*

What term describes that the mind processes information on two separate tracks, one operating at conscious level (explicit) and the other at an unconscious level (implicit)?*

Dual processing*

What term describes that the mind processes information simultaneously on two separate tracks, one operating at conscious level and the other at an unconscious level?*


What term describes that the right and left hemisphere of the brain regulate different functions?*


What term describes that we are a product of the dependence of the effect of one factor (such as our surrounding environment) on another factor (such as heredity or genetic predisposition)?*

Emotional Intelligence

What term describes the ability to perceive, understand, regulate, and express emotions?

Opponent-process theory*

What term describes the after-image effect and how we cannot simultaneously detect opposing colors such as red and green, blue and yellow, or black and white?*


What term describes the amount of energy in light or sound waves which influences brightness or loudness and is determined by a wave's amplitude?*

Unconditional Positive Regard

What term describes the attitude of total acceptance toward another person?


What term describes the biological growth processes that enable orderly changes in behavior, relatively uninfluenced by experience?

Frustration-Aggression principle

What term describes the blocking of an attempt to achieve some goal creates anger, which can generate aggression?


What term describes the brain's ability to change especially during childhood by reorganizing after damage or by building new pathways based on experience?*

Glial cells*

What term describes the cells that supports the billions of nerve cells by providing nutrients and insulating myelin?*

Medical model*

What term describes the concept that diseases have physical causes that can be diagnosed, treated, and in most cases, cured?*


What term describes the developing human organism from nine weeks after conception to birth?*

Retroactive Interference

What term describes the disruptive effect of new learning on recall of old info?

Proactive Interference

What term describes the disruptive effect of prior learning on recall of new info (forward-acting)?


What term describes the ending of a woman's menstrual cycle at around age 50 which does not create psychological problems?*

Group polarization

What term describes the enhancement of a group's prevailing attitudes through discussion within a group?


What term describes the extent to which a test measures what it is supposed to?

Content Validity

What term describes the extent to which a test samples the behavior designed to predicts?


What term describes the extent to which a test yields consistent results, as assessed by the consistency of scores on two halves of the test, on alternate forms of the test or on retesting?


What term describes the extent to which variation among individuals can be attributed to their differing genes?*


What term describes the form of sugar that circulates in the blood and provides the major source of energy for body tissues?

Learned helplessness*

What term describes the hopelessness and passive resignation an animal or human learns when unable to avoid repeated adverse events?*

Social learning theory*

What term describes the idea that we learn social behavior by observing and imitating and by being rewarded and punished?*

Embodied cognition*

What term describes the influence of bodily sensations, gestures, and other states on cognitive preferences and judgments?*

Infantile Amnesia

What term describes the lack of conscious memory of our first three years due to a nonspeaking child's inability to index explicit memories and the hippocampus being one of the last brain structures to mature?

Infantile amnesia

What term describes the lack of conscious memory of our first three years?

Free Association

What term describes the method of exploring the unconscious in which the person relaxes and says whatever comes to mind, no matter how trivial or embarrassing?

Critical period

What term describes the optimal period shortly after birth when an organism's exposure to experiences produces proper development?

Color constancy*

What term describes the perception of familiar objects as having consistent color, even if changing the light cast upon it alters the wavelengths reflected by the object?*

Size constancy*

What term describes the perception of objects as having a constant size, even while our distance from them varies?*


What term describes the physiological aim of drive reduction, which is the maintenance of a steady internal state?

Blind spot*

What term describes the point at which the optic nerve leaves the eye and there are no receptor cells?*

Minority influence

What term describes the power of one or two individuals to sway majorities?

Sensory interaction*

What term describes the principle that one smell may influence another, as when the smell of food influences is taste?*

Natural selection*

What term describes the principle that the inherited traits that contribute to survival and reproduction will likely be passed on to future generations?*


What term describes the process by which our sensory receptors and nervous system receive stimulus energies from our environment?*


What term describes the process by which our sensory systems convert stimulus into neural impulses our brain can interpret?*


What term describes the process of observing and imitating a specific behavior?*


What term describes the process of organizing and interpreting sensory information, enabling recognition of meaningful events?*

Parallel processing*

What term describes the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously and contrasts with the processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving?*

Refractory Period

What term describes the resting period after orgasm, during which a man cannot achieve another orgasm?

Peripheral nervous system*

What term describes the sensory (afferent) and motor (efferent) neurons that connect the central nervous system to the rest of the body?*


What term describes the socially constructed roles and characteristics by which your culture defines male and female?*


What term describes the study of how psychological, neural, and endocrine processes together affect the immune system and resulting health?


What term describes the study of paranormal phenomena?*


What term describes the study of relationships between the physical characteristics of stimuli and our psychological experience of them?*

Predictive Validity

What term describes the success with which a test predicts the behavior it is designed to predict; it is assessed by computing the correlation between test scores and the criterion behavior?

Normal Curve

What term describes the symmetrical bell-shaped curve that describes the distribution?


What term describes the techniques used in treating psychological disorders by seeking to expose and interpret unconscious tensions?

Bystander effect

What term describes the tendency for any given bystander to be less likely to give aid if other bystanders are present?

Just-world phenomenon

What term describes the tendency of people to believe the world is just and that people therefore get what they deserve and deserve what they get?

Ingroup bias

What term describes the tendency to favor one's own group?

Outgroup homogeneity

What term describes the tendency to overestimate the homogeneity of other groups?

False Consensus Effect

What term describes the tendency to overstimulate the extent to which others share our beliefs and our behaviors?

Mood-congruent Memory

What term describes the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with one's current good or bad mood?

Rorschach Inkblot Test

What term describes the test that seeks to identify people's inner feelings by analyzing their interpretations of inkblots?

Social exchange theory* (cost-benefit analysis/utilitarianism)

What term describes the theory that our social behavior is an exchange process, the aim of which is to maximize benefits and minimize costs?

Cognitive Dissonance Theory

What term describes the theory that we act to reduce the discomfort we feel when two of our thoughts are inconsistent? For example, when we become aware that our attitudes and actions clash, we can reduce the resulting dissonance by changing our attitudes.


What term describes the unconscious activations of certain associations which predispose one's perceptions, memory, or response?*

Corpus callosum*

What term describes the wide band of axon fibers connecting the two hemispheres?*

Outgroup Homogenous "them"

What term describes those perceived as different or apart from one's ingroup, overestimate the homogeneity of other groups?


What term describes to feel what others are feeling?

Social norms

What term describes understood rules for accepted and expected behavior?


What term describes unjustifiable negative behavior toward a group and its members?


What term describes unselfish regard for the welfare of others?

Culture shock

What term describes when we don't understand what's expected or accepted?

Home field Advantage

What term describes where own group of sport teams have this advantage like millions of college students or people cheer on them?

Law of effect*

What term did Thordike use to describe the phrase, "rewarded behavior is likely to recur?"*

Depth perception*

What term enables us to estimate an object's distance from us and also see an object in three dimensions even though the image that strikes the retina is in two dimensions?*

Self-Serving Bias

What term explains why people accept more responsibility for good deeds than bad, and for successes than for failures and readiness to perceive oneself favorably?

Aggression-replacement programs

What term gave new generations of new ways to control anger and thoughtful moral reasoning?


What term has been referred to as the "wakening of associations" and memoryless memory" and describes the activation, often unconsciously, or particular associations in memory?


What term involves stereotyped beliefs, negative feelings and predisposition to discriminatory action?

Cocktail party effect*

What term is an example of selective attention and describes the ability to attend selectively to only one voice among many?*


What term is not just a stimulus or a response but a process by which we appraise and cope with environmental threats and challenges?


What term is not just a stimulus or a response but a process by which we appraise and cope with environmental threats and challenges?*


What term is the measuring unit for sound energy and prolonged exposure at levels of 85 or higher will produce hearing loss?*


What term represents our sense of hearing which is highly adaptive?*

Convergent Thinking

What terms describes narrowing the available problem solutions to determine single best solution?

Drive-reduction theory

What theory describes the idea that a physiological need creates a drive that motivates an organism to satisfy the need?

Scapegoat theory

What theory describes the theory that prejudice offers an outlet for anger by providing someone to blame?

Behavior therapy*

What therapy applies learning principles to the elimination of unwanted behaviors?*

Red, green, and blue

What three colors are the receptors in the retina most sensitive to?


What triggers a pruning process, in which unused pathways weaken and heavily used ones strengthen?*

Electronic assessment*

What type of adaptive assessment uses operant conditioning principles to pace material to each student's rate of learning and to provide immediate feedback on their efforts?*

Systematic Desensitization*

What type of counterconditioning therapy associates a pleasant relaxed state with gradually increasing anxiety-triggering stimuli that is commonly used to treat phobias?*

Significantly stressful or emotionally significant

What type of events are unforgettable?

Alcoholics Anonymous*

What type of group therapy offers support groups, has more than 2 million members, and is said to be the "largest organization on earth that nobody wants to join?" *

Associative learning*

What type of learning are both classical and operant conditioning?*

Mirror neurons

What type of neuron describes how the brain mirrors another's action and may enable imitation, language learning, and empathy?*

Social anxiety disorder*

What type of phobia describes a person who has an intense fear of being scrutinized by others and is shy to the most extreme level?*


What type of prejudice still lingers?

Personality disorders*

What type of psychological disorder is characterized by inflexible and enduring patterns of behavior that impair social functioning?*


What type of psychologist would state that behavioral tendencies and a capacity for thinking and learning prepared our Stone Age ancestors to survive and reproduce and send their genes into the future?*


What type of psychologists emphasize our tendency to organize a given cluster of sensations into an organized "whole"?*

Social Psychologist

What type of psychologists explore connections by scientifically studying how we think about, influence, and are related to one another?


What type of psychologists study the mental activities associated with processing, understanding, remembering, and communicating?


What type of punishment adds an aversive stimulus to decrease the behavior, such as giving a traffic ticket for speeding?


What type of punishment removes a rewarding stimulus to decrease behavior, such as taking away a child's phone?


What type of scans show different brain areas activating when people view varied objects

Electrical, chemical, magnetic, lesion*

What type of stimulation can scientists use to experiment on the brain and note the effects?*

Client-center therapist, person-centered therapist*

What type of therapist would use listening techniques with an accepting, genuine, and empathetic environment to facilitate clients' availability?*

Biomedical therapy*

What type of therapy acts directly on the patient's nervous system?*


What type of therapy employs structured interactions between a trained professional and a client with a problem?*

Bereavement therapy*

What type of therapy offers a similar healing power to that of passing of time, support of friends, and the act of giving support and help to others who are grieving?*

Long wavelength, small amplitude*

What type of wavelength and amplitude would describe dull reddish colors or low-pitched soft sounds?*

Behavior geneticists*

What types of scientists examine our differences and weigh the effects and interplay of heredity and environment?*

General Intelligence (g)

What underlies specific mental abilities and is therefore measured by every task on every intelligence test?

Interpersonal psychotherapy*

What variation of psychodynamic therapy aims to help people gain insight into the roots of their difficulties by focusing on current relationships and assisting people in improving their relationship skill?*

Social-Cognitive Perspective

What views behavior as influenced by the interaction between persons (and their thinking) and their social context?


What we perceive & respond to certain events (stressors) that we find threatening/ challenging


What we see as visible light is just a thin slice of the whole spectrum of what type of energy, ranging from short gamma waves to long radio transmission waves?*

Social Impairment.

When Jacky has his first oboe solo in the orchestra concert, his performance was far worse than it was when he rehearsed at home. A phenomenon that helps explain Jacky's poor performance is known as what?

Babinski reflex

When a baby's foot is stroked, he or she will spread their toes.


When a person performs a _____ task, brain waves, bloodflow, and glucose consumption activity increases in the right hemisphere

Never fully develops

When a young brain does not learn any language, its language learning capacity ____________.

Chromosomal Abnormality

When chromosomes occasionally combine (or fail to) in an unusual way.

Tend and befriend

When coping with their own stress, women more than men turn to others for support, called _________

Retrieval Cues

When encoding into memory, associate with other information, or ___

Auditory nerve*

When hair cells bend, their movement triggers impulses in the adjacent nerve fibers that converge to form what that sends neural messages to the auditory cortex in the temporal lobe?*


When learning novel information, we can boost our memory through repetition or ________.

Hindsight Bias

When people say that rape victims "should have known better,"they are experiencing what effect?


When stress persists, our ability to resist what and other threats to mental physical well-being decreases?

Sympathetic nervous system

When stressed, what increases heart rate and respiration, diverts blood from digestion to the skeletal muscles, dulls feelings of pain, and releases sugar and fat from the body's stores


When surveyed, women are far more likely than men to describe themselves as what?

Social Scripts

When we find ourselves in new situations, uncertain of how to act, we rely on what that provided by our culture, which can be influenced by the media?


Which Greek philosopher foreshadowed later thinkers who believed nurture shapes us more than nature?


Which approach toward personality is the least deterministic?

the desire to eat and the feeling of satiety, or fullness, that makes us stop eating.

Which aspects of hunger are controlled by the lateral and ventromedical hypothalamus


Which disorder is literally translated as "split mind", affects approximately 24 million people, and is characterized by a split from reality that shows itself in disorganized thinking, disturbed perceptions, and inappropriate emotions and actions?*

You are able to remember verbatim a riddle you worked on for a few days before you figured out the answer

Which example would be better explained by the levels of processing model than the information-processing model?

Media violence, TV violence, video games violence

Which factors tends to desensitize people to cruelty and prime them to respond aggressively when provoked?


Which gender are better spellers, more verbally fluent, better locating objects, better at detecting emotions, and more sensitive to touch, taste, and color?


Which gender is more likely to initiate sexual activity and has a lower threshold for perceiving friendliness as sexual interest?*


Which gender that have better spatial ability and related mathematics and outnumber such low and high extremes of mental abilities?


Which is NOT one of the big five personality traits?


Which lobe enables mathematical and spatial reasoning

intrinsic motivation might be more enduring since extrinsic motivations are usually temporary

Which of the following are reasons why intrinsic motivation might be most advantageous than extrinsic motivation?

genetic influences

Which of the following factors does research indicate may influence sexual orientation?

Using other evidence, such as written records, to substantiate the memory

Which of the following is an effective method for testing whether a memory is actually true or whether it is a constructed memory

Using other evidence, such as written records, to substantiate the memory

Which of the following is an effective method for testing whether a memory is actually true or whether it is a constructed memory?

Judging that a young person is more likely to be the instigator of an argument than and older person, because you believe younger people are more likely to start fights.

Which of the following is an example of the use of the representative heuristic

Judging that a young person is more likely to be the instigator of an argument than an older person, because you believe younger people are more likely to start fights

Which of the following is an example of the use of the representativeness heuristic?

Santiago dislikes cheerleaders

Which of the following is the best example of prejudice?

Making a judgement according to past experiences that are most easily recalled

Which of the following is the best example of the use of the availability heuristic?

Making a judgement according to past experiences that are most easily recalled

Which of the following is the best example of the use of the availibility heuristic

Sensory memory, working memory, encoding, long-term memory, and retrieval

Which of the following is the most complete list of elements in the three-box/information-processing model

Sensory memory, working memory, encoding, long-term memory, and retrieval

Which of the following is the most complete list of elements in the three-box/information-processing model?

Give the groups a task that cannot be solved unless they work together.

Which of the following suggestions is most likely to reduce the hostility felt between antagonistic groups?

A child of normal mental ability not being able to learn language due to language deprivation at an early age

Which of the following would be the best piece of evidence for the nativist theory of language acquisition

A child of normal mental ability not being able to learn language due to language deprivation at an early age

Which of the following would be the best piece of evidence for the nativist theory of language acquisition?


Which personality trait seek stimulation because their normal brain arousal is relatively low?

Abraham Maslow

Which psychologist believed that people have free will and are motivated to self-actualize?

Maslow and Rogers

Which researchers illustrated the emphases on human potential and seeing the world through the person's, not the researcher's eyes

Sensory memory stores all sensory input perfectly accurately for a short period of time

Which sentence most accurately describes sensory memory

Sensory memory stores all sensory input perfectly accurately fora short period of time

Which sentence most accurately describes sensory memory?

theory y managers regard employees as intrinsically motivated

Which sentence most closely describes the difference between theory X and theory Y types of management?

The Big Five

Which tells our current best approximation of the basic genetically influenced trait dimensions

Bipolar disorder*

Which term describes a mood disorder in which a person alternates between the hopelessness and lethargy of depression and the overexcited state of mania?*

Support and protect*

While men are attracted to women with youthful appearances, women are attracted to men who seem mature, dominant, bold, and affluent because it connotes a capacity to be a good dad and to do what?*


Who can experience hypnosis?

Ivan Pavlov

Who conducted experiments-now psychology's most famous research- and explored classical conditioning?

Young Adults

Who has the greatest capacity for memory?


Who influences a child in the areas of faith, attitude, manners, values and politics?*

Social networkers

Who is less likely to know neighbors and offline relationships suffer?

Alfred Binet

Who is the French psychologist who assessed intellectual abilities for French school children?

Sigmund Freud*

Who originated and practiced the first interpreted a patient's free associations, resistances, dreams, and transferences and therefore released repressed feelings that allowed a patient to gain self-insight?*

Hubel and Wiesel

Who received a Nobel Prize for their work on feature detectors?


Who suggested "low road", which is a neural shortcut that bypasses the cortex?


Who suggested a wish-fulfillment theory of a dream's manifest and latent content?


Who tries to help patients harness their own healing powers

Linguistic Determinism

Whorf's hypothesis that language determines the way we think

Light rays travel in straight lines

Why does the retina receive upside-down images of the world?

fear our ancestral history, cannot control, most readily avaliable in memory

Why we fear the wrong things?

What pragmatic Harvard professor admitted Mary Calkins in 1890 into his class which caused all the other students to drop?*

William James*

Who created the 1st psychological laboratory and was seeking to measure "atoms of the mind"?

William Wundt

4 Degrees F

With added global warming of _______ would induce more than 50,000 additional assaults and murders


With age, mental similarities between adopted children and their adopted families disappear, and the correlation goes to _____.


With repeated exposure, the emotional response to any erotic stimulus often lessens

Emotional cues

Women generally surpass men at reading what?


You and I can repeat __________ digits


You build your ____ by reinforcing your own desired behaviors and extinguishing the undesired ones


You see with what as much as you see with your eyes?*

The Fundamental Attribution Error.

Your new neighbor seems to know everything about ancient Greece that your social studies teacher says during the first week of school, You conclude that she is brilliant. You do not consider that she might already have learned about Greece in her old school. You are evidencing what?


___ can be prejudicial; good or bad; Creates preconceptions that guide our perceptions and interpretations


____ constraints predispose organisms to learn associations that are naturally adaptive


____ is everything shared by a group and transmitted across generations


____ million people suffer from mental or behavioral disorders


____ perspective includes: natural selection, genes, and the brain


_____ perspective includes: classical and operational conditioning, observational learning, and cognition


_____ symptoms of schizophrenia is the absence of appropriate behavior


_____ symptoms of schizophrenia is the presence of inappropriate behaviors


______ promotes our survival by anticipating how we seem to others and helping us read their minds; helps in long-term interests by considering consequences


________ perspective includes: low self-esteem, magnify bad experiences, self-defeating beliefs, negative explanatory style


_________ raise depression and anxiety 17%


__________ later seem more familiar, and then seem more real.


___________ can influence how we interpret other people's behaviors


__________of both men and women have sexual fantasies


a behavior therapy procedure that used classical conditioning to evoke new responses to stimuli that are triggering unwanted behaviors; includes exposure therapies and aversive conditioning.

Retinal disparity

a binocular cue for perceiving depth; by comparing images from the retinas in the two eyes, the brain computes distance- the greater the disparity (difference) between the two images, the closer the objuect

Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)

a biomedical therapy for severely depressed patients in which a brief electric current is sent through the brain of an anesthetized patient; some memory loss


a coiled, bony, fluid-filled tube in the inner ear; sound waves traveling through the cochlear fluid trigger nerve impulses

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)

a complex molecule containing the genetic information that makes up the chromosomes

Cochlear implant

a device for converting sounds into electrical signals and stimulating the auditory nerve through electrodes threaded into the cochlea

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

a disorder characterized by haunting memories, nightmares, social withdrawal, jumpy anxiety, numbness of feeling, and/or insomnia that lingers for four weeks or more after a traumatic experience.

Conversion Disorder

a disorder in which a person experiences very specific genuine physical symptoms for which no psychological basis can be found.

Illness Anxiety Disorder

a disorder in which a person interprets normal physical sensations as symptoms of the disease.

Myelin sheath

a fatty tissue layer encasing the axons of some neurons

Visual cliff

a laboratory device for testing depth perception in infants and young animals

AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

a life-threatening, sexually transmitted infection caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

Reticular formation

a nerve network that travels through the brainstem and thalamus and plays an important role in controlling arousal

all or none response

a neuron's reaction of either firing (with a full-strength response) or not firing


a neurotransmitter's reabsorption by the sending neuron


a now-rare psychosurgical procedure once used to calm uncontrollably emotional or violent patients. The procedure cut the nerves connecting the frontal lobes to the emotion-controlling centers of the inner brain.

Adrenal glands

a pair of endocrine glands hat sit just above the kidneys and secrete hormones that help arouse the body in times of stress

Reinforcement schedules

a pattern that defines how often a desired response will be reinforced

Refractory period

a period of inactivity after a neuron has fired


a powerful and addictive stimulant, derived from the coca plant, producing temporarily increased alertness and euphoria


a powerful hallucinogenic drug; also known as acid


a procedure for statistically combining the results of many different research studies.

Attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder

a psychological disorder marked by the appearance by age 7 of one or more of three key symptoms; extreme inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity


a random error in gene replication that leads to a change

REM sleep (rapid eye movement sleep)

a recurring sleep stage during which vivid dreams commonly occur. Also known as paradoxical sleep, because muscles are relaxed but other body systems are active

Variable-interval schedule

a reinforcement that reinforces a response after an unpredictable number of responses


a set of expectations (norms) about a social position, defining how those in the position ought to behave

Gender roles

a set of expected behaviors for males or for females

Cross-sectional study

a study in which people of different ages are compared with one another

fMRI (function MRI)

a technique for revealing bloodflow and, therefore, brain activity by comparing successive MRI scans; show brain function as well as its structure; 80% accuracy to predict mental activity

Aversive Conditioning

a type of counterconditioning that associates an unpleasant state (such as nausea) with an unwanted behavior (such as drinking alcohol).

PET (positron emission tomography) scan

a visual display of brain activity that detects where a radioactive form of glucose goes while the brain performs a given task


adapting occur current understandings (schemas) to incorporate new information


alleviating stress using emotional, cognitive, or behavioral methods

near-death experience

an altered state of consciousness reported after a close brush with death (such as cardiac arrest)

Generalized Anxiety Disorders

an anxiety disorder in which a person is continually tense, apprehensive, and in a state of autonomic nervous system arousal.

Eclectic Approach

an approach to psychotherapy that, depending on the client's problems, uses techniques from various forms of therapy

Anorexia Nervosa

an eating disorder in which a person (usually an adolescent female) maintains a starvation diet despite being significantly (15 percent or more) underweight.

Bulimia Nervosa

an eating disorder in which a person alternates binge eating (usually of high-calorie foods) with purging (by vomiting or laxative use), excessive exercise, or fasting.


an emotional tie with another person


an event that tends to decrease the behavior that it follows

Virtual reality exposure therapy

anxiety treatment progressively exposes people to electronic stimulations of greatest fears


any event or situation that evokes a response

Emotion-focused coping

attempting to alleviate stress by avoiding or ignoring a stressor and attending to emotional needs related to one's stress reaction

Problem-focused coping

attempting to alleviate stress directly- changing the stressor or the way we interact with it

information exchange

axon terminals of presynaptic neuron is stimulated. terminals contain synaptic vesicles, which empty neurotransmitters into the synapse between the neurons. neurotransmitters activate the post synaptic neuron, changing its voltage. once the excitation threshold is reached, the action potential begins and neuron fires.

the scientific study of observable behavior, and its explanation by principles of learning

behavioral psychology

the scientific study of the links between biological (genetic, neural, hormonal) and psychological processes

biological psychology

Mood Disorders

bipolar, major depressive

action potential (nerve impulse)

brief change in electrical charge that destabilizes a neuron. action potential stimulates the axon terminals, restarting the process.


bundled axons that form neural "cables" connecting the central nervous system with muscles, glands, and sense organs

a descriptive technique in which one individual or group is studied in depth in the hope of revealing universal principles

case study

glial cells

cells in the nervous system that support, nourish, and protect neurons


central to learning and memory


cerebral cortex and subcortical structures; thalamus, hypothalamus, and basal ganglia


chemical messengers that cross the synaptic gaps between neurons to communicate


chemical messengers that cross the synaptic gaps between neurons. When released by the sending neuron, they travel across the synapse and bind to receptor sites on the receiving neuron

Psychoactive drugs

chemical substance that alters perceptions and moods

a branch of psychology that studies, assesses, and treats people with psychological disorders

clinical psychology

the interdisciplinary study of the brain activity linked with cognition (including perception, thinking, memory, and language)

cognitive neuroscience

the scientific study of all the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating

cognitive psychology

Volley principle

combined frequency above 1000 waves per second

a branch of psychology that studies how people interact with their social environments and how social institutions affect individuals and groups

community psychology

a factor other than the independent variable that might produce an effect in an experiment

confounding variable

Dissociative disorders

conscious awareness becomes separated from previous memories, thoughts, and feelings

autonomic divison

controls involuntary actions and internal organs

somatic division

controls voluntary muscle movements and sense organs


coordinated basic movements with sensory information

a branch of psychology that assists people with problems in living and in achieving greater well-being

counseling psychology

A passion to explore and understand without misleading or being misled


the postexperimental explanation of a study, including its purpose and any deceptions, to its participants



decreasing responsiveness with repeated stimulation. As infants gain familiarity with repeated exposure to a visual stimulus, their interest wanes and they look away sooner

Binocular cues

depth cues, such as retinal disparity, that depend on the use of two eyes

Intrinsic motivation

desire to perform a behavior effectively for its own sake

Extrinsic motivation

desire to perform a behavior to receive promised rewards or avoid threatened punishment

a branch of psychology that studies physical, cognitive, and social change throughout the life span

developmental psychology


drugs that excite neural activity and speed up body functions, such as caffeince, nicotine, amphetamines, cocaine, and ecstasy.


drugs that stimulate neural activity, causing speeded-up body functions and associated energy and mood changes

the study of how psychological processes affect and can enhance teaching and learning

educational psychology

Flat affect

emotionless state

Active Listening

empathic listening in which the listener echoes, restates, and clarifies. A feature of Roger's client-centered therapy.


every external influence, from prenatal nutrition to the people and things around us

the study of the evolution of behavior and mind, using principles of natural selection

evolutionary psychology

a research method in which an investigator manipulates one or more factors (independent variables) to observe the effect on some behavior or mental process (the dependent variable)


in an experiment, the group exposed to the treatment, that is, to one version of the independent variable

experimental group


fear or avoidance of situations, such as crowds or wide open spaces, where one has felt loss of control and panic.


fluid-filled brain areas revealed inMRI scans

corpus callosum

frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital

Early school of thought promoted by James and influenced by Darwin; explored how mental and behavioral processes function- how they enable the organism to adapt, survive, and flourish


Anxiety Disorders

generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobias, OCD, PTSD


geographic nearness, friendship's most powerful predictor?


helps coordinate several other automatic functions

a bar graph depicting a frequency distribution


an I/O psychology subfield that explores how people and machines interact and how machines and physical environments can be made safe and easy to use

human factors psychology

a historically significant perspective that emphasized the growth potential of healthy people

humanistic psychology

limbic system

hypothalamus, pituitary gland, amygdala, hippocampus

the perception of a relationship where none exists

illusory correlation

Neutral stimulus

in classical conditioning, a stimulus that elicits no response before conditioning


in operant conditioning, any event that strengthens the behavior it follows


in psychoanalysis, the analyst's noting supposed dream meanings, resistances, and other significant behaviors and events in order to promote insight.


in psychoanalysis, the blocking from consciousness of anxiety-laden material.


in psychoanalysis, the patient's transfer to the analyst of emotions linked with other relationships (such as love or hatred for a parent)

peripheral nervous system

includes all nerves that spread through the body from the brain and spinal cord. (somatic, autonomic)

Positive reinforcement

increasing behaviors by presenting positive reinforcers; when presented after a response, strengthens the response

Negative reinforcement

increasing behaviors by stopping or reducing negative stimuli; when removed after a response, strengthens the response

the application of psychological concepts and methods to optimizing human behavior in workplaces

industrial-organizational (I/O) psychology

numerical data that allow one to generalize- to infer from sample data the probability of something being true of a population

inferential statistics

Top-down processing

information processing guided by higher-level mental processes, as when we construct perceptions drawing on our experience and expectations

an ethical principle that research participants be told enough to enable them to choose whether they wish to participate

informed consent

myelin sheath

insulating membrane surrounding the axon in some neurons


interpreting our new experiences in terms of our existing schemas


is responsible for non-verbal learning and memory, the perception of time and modulating emotions

Latent learning

learning that occurs but is not apparent until there is an incentive to demonstrate it

the differing complementary views, from biological to psychological to social-cultural, for analyzing any given phenomenon

levels of analysis


mild ______ stimulation to parts of an animal's cortex made parts of its body move

Absolute thresholds

minimum stimulation needed to detect a particular stimulus 50% of the time


mood disorder marked by hyperactive, wildly optimistic

Exposure therapy

most widely used behavioral techniques, such as systematic desensitization and virtual reality exposure therapy, that treat anxieties by exposing people (in imagination or actual situations) to the things they fear and avoid.

the principle that. among the range of inherited trait variations, those contributing to reproduction and survival will most likely be passed on to succeeding generations

natural selection

the longstanding controversy over the relative contributions that genes and experience make to the development of psychological traits and behaviors

nature-nurture issue

reticular formation

network inside the brainstem that's essential for arousal

Limbic system

neural system located below the cerebral hemispheres; associated with emotions and drives


neurons are more likely to fire


neurons less likely to fire

Sensory (afferent) neurons

neurons that carry incoming information from the sensory receptors to the brain and spinal cord

Motor (efferent) neurons

neurons that carry outgoing information from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles and glands


neurons within the brain and spinal cord that communicate internally and intervene between the sensory inputs and motor outputs

cerebral hemispheres

newest and highest regions of the brain; the two halves of the brain

violence-viewing effect

observational learning from "justified" violent behavior in media, which desensitizes viewers


originally "the description and explanation of states of consciousness", then defined as "the science of behavior"

Postural sway

people stand upright, told they're swaying, then most will sway


perception, thinking, memory, and language

the study of an individual's characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting

personality psychology

Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)

physical and cognitive abnormalities in children caused by a pregnant woman's heavy drinking

Occipital lobes

portion of the cerebral cortex lying at the back of the head; includes areas that receive information from the visual fields

Parietal lobes

portion of the cerebral cortex lying at the top of the head and toward the rear; receives sensory input for touch and body position

parietal lobes

portion of the cerebral cortex lying at the top of the head and toward the rear; receives sensory input for touch and body position

temporal lobes

portion of the cerebral cortex lying roughly above the ears; includes the auditory areas, each receiving information primarily from the opposite ear

Posttraumatic Growth

positive psychological changes after struggling with extremely challenging circumstances and life crises.

the scientific study of human functioning with the goals of discovering and promoting strengths and virtues that help individuals and communities to thrive

positive psychology

Prosocial behavior

positive, constructive, helpful behavior; opposite of antisocial behavior


processes conscious memories; damage loses ability to form new memories of facts and events


psych disorder which person loses contact with reality, experiencing irrational ideas and distorted perceptions

a branch of medicine dealing with psychological disorders; practiced by physicians who sometimes provide medical treatments as well as psychological therapy


a branch of psychology that studies how unconscious drives and conflicts influence behavior, and uses that information to treat people with psychological disorders

psychodynamic psychology


receives messages from other neurons and conducts the messages towards the soma

cerebral cortex

receives sensory information and transmits motor information. Corpus callosum: nerve tract beneath cortex that connects the two hemispheres and allows them to communicate.

basal ganglia

regulated muscle contractions and movements


regulates body temperature, circadian rhythms, and hunger, help govern the endocrine system

Partial (intermittent) reinforcement

reinforcing a response only part of the time; results in slower acquisition of a response but much greater resistance to extinction than does continuous reinforcement

Continuous reinforcement

reinforcing the desired response every time it occurs


remain motionless for hours then become agitated

repeating the essence of a research study, usually with different participants in different situations, to see whether the basic finding extends to other participants and circumstances


Longitudinal study

research in which the same people are restudied and retested over a long period

Psychotic Disorders

schizophrenia, antisocial, dissociative identity

pituitary gland

secrets many different hormones, some of which affect other glands

Binge-Eating Disorder

significant binge-eating episodes, followed by distress, disgust, or guilt, but without the compensatory purging, fasting, or excessive exercise that marks bulimia nervosa.

a representation of scores that lack symmetry around their average value

skewed distribution

the scientific study of how we think about, influence, and relate to one another

social psychology

the study of how situations and cultures affect our behavior and thinking

social-cultural psychology


stimulating and highly addictive psychoactive drug found in cigarettes and other tobacco products.


takes in sensory information related to seeing, hearing, touching, and tasting

enhanced memory after retrieving, rather than simply rereading, information

testing effect

"old brain" /hindbrain

thalamus, reticular formation, medulla, pons, brain stem, and cerebellum


the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition; a widely used system for classifying psychological disorders.


the ability to control impulses and delay short-term gratification for greater long-term rewards

Gender typing

the acquisition of a traditional masculine or feminine role

Cognitive learning

the acquisition of mental information, whether by observing events, by watching others, or through language

Object permanence

the awareness that things continue to exist even when not perceived

Endocrine system

the body's "slow" chemical communications system; a set of glands that secrete hormones into the bloodstream

Neural networks

the brain's neurons cluster into work groups called ________


the brain's sensory control center, located on top of the brainstem; it directs messages to the sensory receiving areas in the cortex and transmits replied to the cerebellum and medulla


the cell body of the neuron responsible for maintaining the life of the cell

"High road"

the conscious, deliberate level of dual processing

Social clock

the culturally preferred timing of social events such as marriage, parenthood, and retirement


the dimension of color that is determined by the wavelength of light; what we know as the color names blue, green, and so forth


the discomfort and distress that follow discontinuing addictive drug or behavior

sympathetic nervous system

the division of the autonomic nervous system that arouses the body, mobilizing its energy in stressful situations (intense physical activity aka fight or flight response)

parasympathetic nervous system

the division of the autonomic nervous system that calms the body, conserving its energy

terminal branches

the endpoints in a neuron that help transmit signals across the synapse


the extension of a neuron, ending in branching terminal fibers, through which messages pass to other neurons or to muscles or glands


the first menstrual period

Cognitive neuroscience

the interdisciplinary study of the brain activity linked with cognition (including perception, thinking, memory, and language)

Cerebral cortex

the intricate fabric of interconnected neural cells covering the cerebral hemispheres; the body's ultimate control and information-processing center

Synapse (synaptic gap/synaptic cleft)

the junction between the axon tip of the sending neuron and the dendrite or cell body of the receiving neuron


the junction between the axon tip of the sending neuron and the dendrite or cell body of the receiving neuron


the major active ingredient in marijuana; triggers a variety of effects, including mild hallucinations

Difference threshold (just noticeable difference/jnd)

the minimum difference between two stimuli required for detection 50% of the time


the most ancient and central core of the brain


the oldest part and central core of the brain, beginning where the spinal cord swells as it enter the skull; responsible for automatic survival functions

Secondary sex characteristics

the overall term for nonreproductive sexual traits, such as male voice quality and body hair.

Primary sex characteristics

the overall term for the body structures that make sexual reproduction possible

External locus of control

the perception that chance or outside forces beyond our personal control determine our fate

Internal locus of control

the perception that you control your own fate


the period of sexual maturation, during which a person becomes capable of reproducing


the personal strength that helps most people cope with stress and recover from adversity and even trauma.


the principle (which Piaget believed to be a part of concrete operational reasoning) that properties such as mass, volume, and number remain the same despite changes in the forms of objects

Manifest content

the remembered story line of a dream

Biological psychology

the scientific study of the links between biological (genetic, neural, hormonal) and psychological processes. (biological psychologists)

Vestibular sense

the sense of body movement and position, including the sense of balance

X chromosome

the sex chromosome found in both men and women. Females have two; males have one. One from each parent produces a female child

Y chromosome

the sex chromosome found only in males. When paired with an X chromosome from the mother, it produces a male child


the study of environmental influences on gene expression that occur without a DNA change

Molecular genetics

the subfield of biology that studies the molecular structure and function of genes


the system for sensing the position and movement of individual body parts

REM rebound

the tendency for REM sleep to increase following REM sleep deprivation

Regression Toward the Mean

the tendency for extreme or unusual scores to fall back (regress) toward their average.

Gate-control theory

the theory that the spinal cord contains a neurological "gate" that blocks pain signals or allows them to pass on to the brain

"low road"

the unconscious, automatic level of dual processing


the view that psychology (1) should be an objective science that (2) studies behavior without reference to mental processes. Most research psychologists today agree with (1) but not with (2)

Group Therapy

therapy conducted with groups rather than individuals, permitting therapeutic benefits from group interaction.

Psychodynamic Therapy

therapy deriving from the psychoanalytic tradition that views individuals as responding to unconscious forces and childhood experiences, and that seeks to enhance self-insight.

Cognitive Therapy

therapy that teaches people new, more adaptive ways of thinking and acting; based on the assumption that thoughts intervene between events and our emotional reactions.

Family Therapy

therapy that treats the family as a system. Views an individual's unwanted behaviors as influenced by, or directed at, other family members.


tissue destruction; a naturally or experimentally caused destruction of brain tissue

Identical (monozygotic) twins

twins who develop from a single fertilized egg that splits in two, creating two genetically identical organisms

Fraternal (dizygotic) twins

twins who develop from separate fertilized eggs. they are genetically no closer than brothers and sisters but they share a fetal environment


two lima-bean-sized clusters of neurons, involved in memory consolidation and emotion


unconsciously controls: the beating of hearts, and breathing of lungs, etc.

the extent to which a test or experiment measures or predicts what it is supposed to


Prefrontal cortex

what enables judgement, planning, and processing of new memories; damage to can alter personality

Selectively permeable

what is the term for the axon's surface being very selective about what it allows through its gates

Flashbulb memories

Clear memory of emotionally significant moment or event


False sensory experiences (see, feel, taste, smell, hear)

False Memory

"Recovered" memory after amnesia had a high percentage of being a ___________.


"mind over matter", such as levitating a table or influencing the roll of a die

(Charles) Spearman

(1863-1945) He theorized the existence of a general type of intelligence, the "g" factor, that underlies all types of intelligence.

(Edward) Thorndike

(1874-1949) He formulated the law of effect, among other theories of learning. He primarily focused on animal behavior.

(Lewis) Terman

(1877-1956) He developed the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale in 1916. He believed in the existence of innate differences in intelligence and supported the eugenics movement of his time. He advocated widespread use of intelligence tests.

(B.F.) Skinner

(1904-1990) He built on Pavlov's work to develop theories of operant behavior. He wrote The Behavior of Organisms in 1938, in which he described his work on operant behavior.

(Hans) Selye

(1907-1982) While doing laboratory research on rat subjects, he found that many different types of stressors, such as heat, cold, electric shock, and restraint, produced the same physiological response. He concluded that the physiological response to stress is nonspecific.

(Roger) Sperry

(1913-1994) A pioneer in the study of lateralization, the fact that the right and left hemispheres of the brain regulate different functions. He examined people who had gone through split-brain surgery, an operation that separates the two brain hemispheres.

(Robert) Sternberg

(1949- ) He developed the triarchic theory of intelligence. He proposed that there are three aspects to intelligence: componential, experiential, and contextual.

Weber's Law*

*What term states that for an average person to perceive a difference, two stimuli must differ by a constant minimum percentage, not a constant minimum amount?

Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Genital

Freud's psychosexual stages:

Three elements shared by all psychotherapies

-Hope for demoralized people -New perspective -Empathic, trusting, caring relationship


1 pound of fat = _______ calories

Animals are killed in shelters ___ times more than in experiements


What are the three big ideas?

1. Everything psychological is simultaneously biological 2. Psychology is the study of behavior and mental processes 3. Nurture works on what nature endows


10% to 15% pf adults complain of what, which is a persistent problem in falling or staying asleep?*

85 and 115

2/3 of people score between _________on intelligence tests

Recall, recognition, relearning

3 types of retention in which memory is measured


5 senses take in about _____ bits of information per second

Identical, fraternal*

7/10 chance that ____ twins both have bipolar disorder; 2/10 chance _____ twins both have bipolar disorder.*


A Roman who believed psychological illnesses were influenced by biological factors and could be treated.


A brain system monitors the body's state and reports to the ________ which processes info and sends it to the frontal lobe.

Psychodynamic psychology

A branch of psychology that studies how unconscious drives and conflicts influence behavior, and uses that information to treat people with psychological disorders

Developmental psychology

A branch of psychology that studies physical, cognitive, and social change throughout the life span

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors

A classic antidepressant that prevents the breakdown of monoamines.


A commercial name for an antianxiety barbiturate.

Tricyclic antidepressants

A common type of drug used to treat unipolar depression that was largely replaced by SSRIs.


A complex, unlearned behavior that is rigidly patterned throughout a species.

Working Memory

A concept similar to short-term memory that focuses more on the processing of briefly stored info

Binet, Alfred - (1857-1911)

A developer an intelligence scale. He intended the test to predict school performance and did not believe that it measured innate intelligenc

Beck, Aaron - (1921- )

A developer of cognitive therapy, which is now used for disorders ranging from depression to panic attacks, addictions, and eating disorders. His cognitive approach to therapy emphasizes using rational thoughts to overcome fears rather than trying to uncover the unconscious meaning of those fears.


A familiar _______ activates memories even in 3-month-olds

selective attention

A friend mentions to you that she heard humans never forget anything; we remember everything that ever happens to us. What concept from memory research most directly contradicts this belief?

incidence of stress-related illness

A high score on Holmes and Rahe's social readjustment rating scale correlates with


A just noticeable difference in the direction of two sound sources corresponds to a time difference of ______ second

Erikson, Erik - (1902-1994)

A key contributor to the study of development across the life span. He proposed a theory that people go through eight distinct stages of development. In 1950, he published his most influential book, Childhood and Society.

Kinsey, Alfred - (1894-1956)

A leading sex researcher. As a biologist, he shocked the American public by publishing Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948), a best-selling summary of his research into sexual behavior. He next published Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953).


A legal term, not a medical term, describing people with psychological disorders.


A light metal (salt) used to treat the manic phase of bipolar disorder.


A main type of antianxiety drug that includes Xanax and Valium.

Concurrent validity

A measure of how much of a characteristic a person has now.


A measure of intelligence given to children as young as 4.

Z scores

A measure of the distance of a score from the mean in units of standard deviation.

Power tests

A measure used to gauge the difficulty level of problems an individual can solve.


A naturally occurring hallucinogen found in over one hundred species of mushrooms.


A nerve cell; the basic building block of the nervous system

Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN)

A pair of cell clusters in the hypothalamus that controls circadian rhythm. In response to light, the SCN causes the pineal gland to adjust melatonin production, thus modifying our feelings of sleepiness.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)*

A person who believes the philosophy of the following quote to an extreme level may have what disorder: "I want to live longer than my parents, so I avoid germs because everybody carries germs around with them."*


A person's average behavior across different situations tends to be fairly what?


A person's averages traits persist over time and are ___________ over many different situations


A person's characteristic emotional reactivity and intensity

Door-in-the-face strategy

A phenomenon where person refuses a large request then will agree to a follow-up request that seems more reasonable.


A philosopher who theorized about the relationship between thought and behavior.

Seligman, Martin - (1942- )

A pioneer in the field of "positive psychology," the study of what makes people happy and good, in contrast to traditional clinical psychology, which focuses on what makes people distressed.


A powerfully addictive drug that stimulates the central nervous system, with speeded-up body functions and associated energy and mood changes

Higher-order conditioning

A procedure in which the conditioned stimulus in one conditioning experience is paired with a new neutral stimulus, creating a second (often weaker) conditioned stimulus.

using an inborn ability to learn language at a certain developmental stage

According to the nativist theory, language is acquired

Personality Inventory

A questionnaire (often true-false or agree-disagree items) on which people respond to items designed to gauge a wide range of feelings and behaviors; used to assess selected personality traits.

frontal lobe

A region of the cerebral cortex that has specialized areas for movement, abstract thinking, planning, memory, and judgement. (Speaking, planning, judging, abstract thinking, and personality aspects)

occipital lobe

A region of the cerebral cortex that processes visual information

Fixed-ratio schedule

A reinforcement schedule that reinforces a response only after a specified number of responses

Fixed-interval schedule

A reinforcement schedule that reinforces a response only after a specified time has elapsed

Implicit Memories

A retention independent of conscious recollection


A ring of muscle tissue that forms the colored portion of the eye around the pupil and controls the size of the pupil opening

Source Amnesia

Attributing to the wrong source an event that we have experienced, heard about, read about, or imagined.


A sequence of images, emotions, and thoughts passing through a sleeping person's mind

Tardive dyskinesia

A side effect of antipsychotic drugs characterized by muscle tremors and stiffness.

Night terrors

A sleep disorder characterized by high arousal and an appearance of being terrified; occur during NREM-3 sleep, within two or three hours of falling asleep, and are remembered (Mostly children)


A sleep disorder characterized by uncontrollable sleep attacks.


A small cactus that causes hallucinations when ingested.

Moro reflex

A startled baby flings arms, retracts them and makes themselves as small as possible.

Health psychology

A subfield of psychology that provides psychology's contribution to behavioral medicine


A sudden realization of a problem's solution

Posthypnotic suggestions

A suggestion, made during a hypnosis session, to be carried out after the subject is no longer hypnotized; used by some clinicians to help control undesired symptoms and behaviors.

Facial Feedback Effect

A tendency of muscles starts to trigger corresponding feeling


A treatment where holes are drilled in a living person's skull to let harmful spirits escape.

Equivalent form reliability

A variety of tests that have been tested to ensure equivalent reliability

Cognitive Dissonance.

Abigaile always has hated the color orange. However, once she became a student at Princeton, she began to wear a lot of orange Princeton Tiger clothing. The discomfort caused by her long-standing dislike of the color orange and her current ownership of so much orange-and-black striped clothing is know as what?

Blind sight

Ability of blind people to describe the path of a moving object or grasp objects they say they cannot see.


Ability to produce novel and valuable ideas


About every __ minutes, we cycle through the four distinct sleep stages

Hypnotic induction

About to be hypnotized; hypnotist says to sit back, relax, suggest "you are becoming tired, relaxed, etc..."

Basic Needs

Abraham Maslow believed that if _____________ are fulfilled, people will strive to actualize their highest potential of self-actualization

Basic trust

According to Erik Erikson, a sense that the world is predictable and trustworthy; said to be formed during infancy by appropriate experiences with responsive caregivers

Intimacy, generativity*

According to Erikson, what two basic aspects of our lives dominate adulthood?*

Latent content*

According to Freud's outdated argument, a dream's manifest content is a censored symbolic version of what, which consists of unconscious erotic drives and wishes that would be threatening if expressed directly?*


According to Freud, which part of the mind acts as the person's conscience?


According to researchers Robins and Regier, over 75% of their sample had experienced the first symptoms of a disorder by what age?*

2 weeks*

According to sleep researcher Dement, the brain keeps an accurate count of sleep debt for at least how long?*


According to the Flynn Effect, the average person's intelligence test score 80 years ago was by today's standards was ____.

Nature, nurture*

According to the Myers text, what is crucially important in shaping who we are?*

90 million

According to the World Health Organization, how many people worldwide suffer from problems related to alcohol and other drugs?

sensory memory

According to the three-box/information-processing model, stimuli from our outside environment is first stored in

Oversupply: depression, anxiety, inattention Undersupply: Alzheimer's, paralysis


Over learning

Additional rehearsal increases retention; rehearse after knowing already


Adjustable opening in the center of the eye through which light enters

No ability discovered*

After thousands of experiments, what is the result of the efforts to reproduce an ESP phenomenon under controlled conditions that convincingly demonstrates psychic ability?*

Frontal lobe*

Adolescents' brains are a work in progress, what part of the brain associated with judgment and impulse control lags behind that of the emotional limbic system?*

I, II, and III.

Advertisements are made more effective when the communicators are: I. Attractive II. Famous III. Perceived as experts

Self-serving Bias.

After your school's football team has a big win, students in the halls can be heard saying "We are awesome." The next week, after the team loses to the last-place team in the league, the same students lament tat "They were terrible." The difference in these comments illustrates what?

Biopsychosocial perspective

Aggression is understood/explained through what perspective?

Alcohol Use Disorder

Alcohol use marked by tolerance, withdrawal, and a drive to continue problematic use

lack of willpower

All of the following are identified by researchers as important factors in the causes of eating disorders EXCEPT

Receive, transform, deliver

All our senses ___?


All our thoughts and feelings about ourselves, in answer to the question, "Who am I?" ; developed by the end of childhood at about age 12


All six of Freud's defense mechanisms function indirectly and unconsciously to reduce what?


All the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering and communicating


All the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating

Unconscious and automatic

Although much of our information processing is conscious, much is ___-outside our awareness?

Beauty Supplies

Americans now spend more on what than on education and social services combined?

Organizational psychology

An I/O psychology subfield that examines organizational influences on worker satisfaction and productivity and facilitates organizational change

Human factors psychology

An I/O psychology subfield that explores how people and machines and physical environments can be made safe and easy to us

Personnel Psychology

An I/O psychology subfield that focuses on employee recruitment, selection, placement, training, appraisal, and development

Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT)

An X-ray scan that can show only the structure of the brain, not the functions or activity.


An ______ person in a legitimate context can induce people- hypnotized or not- to perform some unlikely acts


An example of grouping; fill in gaps to create a complete, whole object


An example of grouping; group nearby figures together, such as seeing six separate lines as three set of two lines


An example of grouping; perceive smooth, continuous patterns rather than discontinuous ones, such as perceiving alternating semicircles as one wavy and one straight line


An excess of receptors for _____ help explain schizophrenia

Construct validity

An existing independent measure containing perfect validity that is compared against current performance.

Ekman, Paul - (1934- )

An expert in emotional research and nonverbal communication. He is particularly well-known for his studies of emotional expression and the physiology of the face.

AIDS (Acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

An immune disorder caused by HIV (human immunodeficiency virus); world's 4th leading cause of death


An imperfect human ability of effortless, immediate, automatic feeling or thought that can lead us astray; contrasted with explicit, conscious reasoning


An indication that learning has persisted over time

Primary reinforcer

An innately reinforcing stimulus, such as one that satisfies a biological need

Neuroscience psychology

An interdisciplinary field of study that encompasses the various scientific disciplines dealing with the structure, development, function, chemistry, pharmacology, and pathology of the nervous system


An organism's decreasing response to a stimulus with repeated exposure to it


An undersupply of Acetylcholine (ACh) leads to _____?

Depressed mood

An undersupply of norephinephrine can _____


An undersupply of serotonin is linked to _____

Unconditioned response

An unlearned, naturally occurring response (such as salivation) to an unconditioned stimulus (such as food)

Negatively skewed distribution

An unsymmetrical distribution caused by the mean being lower than the median.

Skewed distribution

An unsymmetrical distribution possibly caused by outliers.

Information-processing models

Analogies that compare human memory to a computer's operations

Procedural Memory

Another name for implicit memory, which is retention independent of conscious recall


Another name for the cell body that contains the nucleus and other parts of the cell.

Terminal Buttons

Another name for the synaptic knobs that are the branched ends of the axon that contain neurotransmitters.


Another name for the wrinkles of the cerebral cortex.

100 minutes*

As the night wears on NREM (3) sleep gets shorter and disappears, REM and NREM (2) sleep periods get longer, and we end up sending approximately how many minutes in REM sleep per night?*



Occipital lobe*

Any given area of the retina relays its information through the thalamus to a corresponding location in the visual cortex in what lobe?*

Broca's area, Wernicke's area

Aphasia is impairment of language, usually caused by left hemisphere damage to what respective area that controls language expression (speaking) and/or what respective are that controls language reception (understanding)?

Broca's area, Wernicke's area*

Aphasia is impairment of language, usually caused by left hemisphere damage to what respective area that controls language expression (speaking) and/or what respective are that controls language reception (understanding)?*

The scientific study that aims to solve practical problems

Applied research

Broca's Area

Area of the brain located in the frontal lobe and motor cortex that controls the muscles involved in producing speech.

Wernicke's Area

Area of the brain located in the temporal lobe and sensory cortex that interprets written and spoken speech.

Which Greek philosopher foreshadowed later thinkers who believed nurture shapes us more than nature?*


Neural connections*

As a child's brain develops, what grows more numerous and complex?*

Rescorla, Robert - (1935- )

As a modern theorist of classical conditioning, he has made numerous refinements to classical conditioning theories.

Directive, autocratic

As leaders, men tend to be more ______


As leaders, women tend to be more _____

Guesses and Assumptions

As we recount an experience, we fill in memory gaps with plausible ______________.

Classical conditioning, operant conditioning, observational learning*

Associative learning, learning that certain events occur together, causes humans to learn and adapt to their environment according to what three types of learning- (1) how we expect and prepare for an event (2) how we learn to repeat acts that bring good results (3) how by watching others we learn new behaviors.*


At conception, how many total chromosomes did we receive from our mother and father?


At conception, how many total chromosomes did we receive from our mother and father?*

Role Playing

At first your behaviors may feel phony, since you are following the social prescriptions. This can adopt a position or a job by assessing people's attitudes before and after.


At what age do we begin to shift from being "night owls" to being "larks or early birds"?


At work, managers wanting to reinforce a job well done should reward what type of behaviors?*

Person attribution

Attribution to a person the things observed (dispositional).

Person-unstable attribution

Attribution to a person the things observed on a rare occasion.

Person-stable attribution

Attribution to a person the things observed over an extended period of time.

Outer Ear

Auditory Canal, Eardrum (tympanic membrane)


Average therapy client ends up better than ___ of untreated individuals

Sensory equipment*

Babies are born with what which facilitates their survival and their social interactions with adults?*

Klinefelter's Syndrome

Babies born with an extra X chromosome, resulting in an XXY pattern. (extreme introversion).

Turner's Syndrome

Babies born with only a single X chromosome in the spot usually occupied by the 23rd pair. (webbed neck)

Triadic reciprocity model

Bandura's term describing personality through traits, environment, and behavior (reciprocal determinism).

Coordinated and specialized brain areas*

Basic functions like moving your hand depend on specific neural networks, yet complex functions such as language involve what?*

What term describes science that aims to increase scientific knowledge base?*

Basic research*

1 million

Because of our low difference threshold, about how many colors are we able to discriminate?

Cognitive triad

Beck's theory that depression results from negative ideas about ourselves, our world and our future.

Babbling Stage

Beginning at 4 months, the infant utters various sounds at first unrelated to household language

In what area can psychology deepen our appreciation?*

Behavior, thought, emotion, perception*

the view that psychology (1) should be an objective science that (2) studies behavior without reference to mental processes. Most research psychologists today agree with (1) but not with (2)


Eclecticism .

Belief that most psychologists draw from multiple perspectives

Protected sleep

Belief that our ego protects us from material in the unconscious mind by presenting repressed desires in the form of symbols.


Below one's absolute threshold for conscious awareness

A central principle in psychology states that everything psychological is simultaneously what?*


Genetic, neural, and biochemical

Biology influences our threshold for aggressive behaviors at what three levels?

The young science of psychology developed from what two fields?*

Biology, Philosophy*

What type of integrated approach incorporates biological, psychological, and social-cultural analysis?*

Biopsychosocial approach*

develop your expertise, allow time for incubation, set aside time for the mind for roam freely, and experience other cultures and ways of thinking

Boost a creative process by...


Broad concepts divided into narrow concepts (chapters, sections, units...)


Bumps on one's tongue where the taste buds are located.

Sleep spindles

Bursts of rapid, rhythmic brain-wave activity during NREM-2 sleep.


By far, what is the most widely used stimulant that over 80% of Americans consume on a daily basis?*

Hubel, David - (1926- )

By recording impulses from individual brain cells of cats and monkeys, he demonstrated that specialized cells in the mammalian brain respond to complex visual features of the environment. He received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discoveries about information processing in the visual system.

We don't encode everything, so we can't recall forgotten memories

Can hypnosis enhance recall of forgotten events?

Can't against will, but might perform unlikely acts

Can hypnosis force people to act against their will?

Genuineness, Acceptance, Empathy

Carl Rogers believed that a growth-promoting climate requires


Casual observation and intelligence tests before age ________ predicts children's performance only minimally

Waxy flexibility

Catatonic schizophrenics that allow their body to be moved then hold the new pose.


Certain level of aptitude that shows creativity on a standard creativity test (Francis' is 200)


Cettina fills out a personality inventory several times over the course of one year. The results of each administration of the test are extremely different. Cettina's situation suggests that this personality inventory may not be


Children tend to adopt the cultural styles, accents, slang, and attitudes from whom?

Withdrawn, frightened, speechless

Children who grow up without a sense of belonging to anyone, or who are locked away at home and severely neglected often become what?


Chronic _____________ will not be fit from psychotherapy


Claim of perceiving remote events, such as a house on fire in another state


Classical conditioning involves what type of behavior, or actions that are automatic responses to a stimulus?

Belief Perserverance

Clinging to one's initial conceptions after the basis on which they are formed has been discredited

Inner Ear

Cochlea, Semicircular Canals, Basilar Membrane, Auditory Nerve, Auditory Cortex; Vestibular Sacs(?)

Test-retest reliability

Comparison of the correlation of a person's score on one test to the score on a subsequent test.

With-in group differences

Comparison of the differences within a testing group to the differences between testing groups.

Type A

Competitive, hard-driving, impatient, verbally aggressive, and anger-prone people


Compulsive craving of drugs or certain behaviors (such as gambling) despite known adverse consequences


Connects the hindbrain to the forebrain and is involved in the control of facial expressions.

Insecure Anxious Attachment

Constant craving acceptance but remaining cautious to possible rejection

The labels we apply affect our thoughts

Contrary to what Whorf's linguistic relativity hypothesis originally predicted, what effect does recent research indicate language has on the way we think?

What term describes the group that contrasts with the experimental group and is psychology's most powerful tool for sorting reality from wishful thinking and for evaluating cause and effect?*

Control group*

Respectively, what term describes a statistical measure of how much two factors vary together and therefore predict each other and what term describes a graphed cluster of dots that represent the values of two variables?*

Correlation coefficient, scatterplot*

What helps restrain the illusions of our flawed intuition, attempts to uncover naturally occurring relationships, and indicates the possibility of a cause-effect relationship, but does not prove causation?*


Forgetting Curve

Course of forgetting is initially rapid, then levels off with time

What term describes a cognitive process that does not blindly accept arguments and conclusions?*

Critical thinking*


Critics of ___'s principles believed the approach dehumanized people by neglecting their personal freedom and seeking to control their actions

Schooling, Era, Families

Cross-sectional studies compare different ________, ______, and ________

Deja vu, I've just been in this place before Higher on the street, and I know it's my time to go Calling you, and the search is a mystery Standing on my feet, it's so hard when I try to be me, woah

Cues from the current situation may subconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

The quote, "Knowledge has modified attitudes, and through them, behavior," illustrates that psychology can transform modern what?*


Electroconvulsive therapy

Current that wipes out recent, not past, memories


Damage to the ___ side of the hippocampus results in loss of verbal memory


Damage to the ___ side of the hippocampus results in loss of visual memory (designs and locations)


Depressant also known as a tranquilizer.

French philosopher who believed mind separate from body


What is the starting point of any science?*


What term describes what researchers use to organize data meaningfully?*

Descriptive statistics*

Schachter, Stanley - (1922-1997)

Developed the two-factor theory of emotion. He believed that emotions come both from physiological stimuli and the cognitive interpretation of that stimuli.

Confounding variables

Differences between the experimental and control condition affecting the dependent variable.


Different ____ have different empathy, individualism, and expectations that affect psychotherapy

Somatoform disorders

Disorder occurring when a person manifests a psychological problem through a physiological symptom.


Disorganized schizophrenics that make up their own words.

Clang associations

Disorganized schizophrenics that string together a series of nonsense words that rhyme.

Flat affect

Disorganized schizophrenics who consistently have no emotional response at all.


Distinct powerful stimuli that draw attention (angry face in crowd)

Oversupply: Schizophrenia Undersupply: Parkinson's, depression


Respectively, what term describes a procedure where the participant as well as the research assistant collecting data does not know who is receiving treatment and what term describes the effect a participant might have on a study if they have symptom relief because they think they are receiving treatment?*

Double-blind, place effect*

the TAT

Dr. Li asks her clients to interpret ambiguous pictures of people in various settings. The method she is using is called


Dramatic, attention-seeking

-Satisfy own wishes -File away memories -Develop/preserve neural pathways -Make sense of neural static -Reflect cognitive development

Dream theorists have proposed several explanations of why we dream, such as___?


Drug treatment for schizophrenics that blocks dopamine receptor sites.


Drugs that mimic neurotransmitters.

Late adulthood*

During what stage of adulthood does the immune system weaken which increases susceptibility to life-threatening illnesses?*


During what stage of sleep do alpha waves occur?


During what stage of sleep do delta waves occur?


During what stage of sleep does someone experience hallucinations?

Tympanic membrane


Somatotype theory

Early biological theory of personality involving three body types found to be not reliable or valid.

Type B

Easygoing, relaxed people


Education before the age of ____ has little effect on intellectual development

physiological arousal, expressive behavior, conscious experience/cognition

Emotions consist of what?

What term describes John Locke and Frances Bacon's view that knowledge originates from experience?*


Shallow Processing

Encoding on a basic level based on the structure appearance of words

Deep Processing

Encoding semantically based on the meaning of the words; the best retention

NREM sleep (non-rapid-eye movement sleep)

Encompasses all sleep stages except for REM sleep

Psychology does have the potential power to deceive, but its purpose is to what?*


Industry versus inferiority

Erikson's stage regarding the beginning of our formal education where work is evaluated.

Trust versus mistrust

Erikson's stage where new babies learn to trust their caregivers.

Autonomy versus shame and doubt

Erikson's stage where toddlers attempt to control themselves and others.

Intimacy versus isolation

Erikson's stage where we discover the difference between a platonic and romantic relationship.

Generativity versus stagnation

Erikson's stage where we try to ensure our lives are going the way we want them to go.

Daily Hassles

Events that don't remake our lives but still cause stress, such as rush-hour teaffic, aggravating siblings, long lunch lines, and family frustrations

REM sleep*

Except during scary dreams, what stage of sleep do your genitals become aroused whether or not the dream's content is sexual?*


Excessive self-love and self-absorption

stress-related diseases like ulcers or heart conditions

Excessive time spent in the resistance phase of Seyle's general adaptation syndrome can contribute to

Ex post facto study

Experimental research is impossible and there are independent variables that cannot be manipulated.


Express odd/emotionless behavior


Expressive behavior implies emotion and what type of nonverbal cues are we especially good at detecting?


Extreme scores that cause distributions to be unsymmetrical or skewed

Introversion/Extroversion, Emotional Stability/Instability

Eysenck and Eysenck reduced our normal variations to these two genetically influenced dimensions.


Faces are most attractive when ___?


Facing what with dignity and openness helps people complete the life cycle with a sense of life's meaningfulness and unity?*


False sensory experiences, such as seeing something in the absence of an external visual stimulus

Avoidant personality disorder

Fear rejection


Females are more _____ than males, being more concerned with "making connections" and less oncerned with viewing themselves as separate individuals

Women's superegos are just as strong as men's

Feminist psychoanalytic critics of Freud most commonly argue that


Fetal damage may occur because alcohol has a ______ effect, meaning it leaves chemical marks on DNA that switch genes abnormally on or off

Expertise, imaginative thinking skills, venturesome personality, intrinsic motivation, creative environment

Five components of creativity


For women, what reinforces intercourse which is essential to natural reproduction, and increases retention of deposited sperm?


Forgetting is often not memories discarded but memories are ___________.

Unconscious, the struggle to cope with anxiety and sexuality, the conflict between biological impulses and social restraints (all the above)

Freud drew psychology's attention to:


Freud, the determinist, believed that he could glimpse the ___________ through free associations, beliefs, habits, symptoms, slips of the tongue

Castration anxiety

Freudian term describing a boy's fear that if they misbehave they will be castrated.

Penis envy

Freudian term describing a girl's desire for a penis.

Anal expulsive personality

Freudian term describing a messy and disorganized person.


Freudian term for death instincts seen in aggression.


Freudian term for energy that directs life instincts relating to sexuality.


Freudian term most often evidenced as a desire for sex (life instincts).

Concepts, schemas*

From experience, we determine our perceptual set by forming what that organizes and allows us to interpret unfamiliar information?*

Energy senses

Gathering energy in the form of light, sound waves, and pressure (Not chemical or movement).

Facial Expressions

Gestures that are universal


Glucose causes hunger when there is an _______.

Oversupply: Migraines Undersupply: Seizures, tremors, insomnia



Graphing findings into a bar graph.



Middle Ear

Hammer, Anvil, Stirrup


Having half of the subjects do something while the others do something else, then switch.

Sir Francis Galton (1822-1911)

He advocated eugenics, the study of human improvement through selective breeding. He was interested in the idea that intelligence is inherited. He believed that intelligence is related to sensory ability and attempted to assess intelligence by measuring sensory abilities such as sensitivity to sound, color perception, and reaction time.

Piaget, Jean - (1896-1980)

He argued that children develop their thinking capacity in stages and that the progression through these stages depends on a genetically determined timetable. His research changed the way people viewed education, showing that children actively explore the world and develop their own hypotheses about what they observe.

Jung, Carl - (1875-1961)

He began his own school of thought, which he called analytical psychology. He believed that Freud placed too much emphasis on the sexual drive of humans. He thought the will to live was a stronger motivation than sexual drive.

Pavlov, Ivan - (1849-1936)

He made his conditioned reflex discovery while studying how dog saliva related to the function of the stomach. He found that when he repeatedly gave a dog food after ringing a bell, the dog began to salivate for false alarms too. The bell rang, and the dog salivated, even with no food in sight.

James, William - (1842-1910)

He believed that the experience of emotion arises from bodily expression. His landmark book, The Principles of Psychology, was published in 1890. He also wrote other important books, The Varieties of Religious Experience and Pragmatism.


He designed the first intelligence test specifically for adults (WAIS). He also devised a test for children (WISC).

Ellis, Albert - (1913-2007)

He developed a form of cognitive-behavioral therapy known as rational-emotive therapy. His rational-emotive therapy is based on the idea that self-defeating thoughts cause psychological problems.

Atkinson, Richard - (1938- )

He developed a three-stage model of memory storage.

Cannon, Walter - (1871-1945)

He developed the a theory of emotion, which holds that physical and emotional stimuli happen simultaneously, with no causal relationship.


He developed the color theory. He studied the structure of the eye, the effects of light on the eye, and the nature of light itself.


He developed the procedure known as systematic densensitization, which is highly effective in treating phobias. He believed that most behavior was learned and therefore could be unlearned. He also developed the behavior therapy known as assertiveness training.

Leon Festinger (1919-1989)

He developed the theory of cognitive dissonance. His research examined the efforts people made in order to view their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors as consistent.

Bandura, Albert - (1925- )

He focused on observational learning, or modeling. He showed that children learn behavior by watching others. He did a famous study involving Bobo dolls that demonstrated that children don't need punishment or reward to learn.

Adler, Alfred - (1870-1937)

He formed his own school of thought, which he called individual psychology. In his view, strivings for superiority drive people's behavior. He thought mental disorders were characterized by extreme feelings of inferiority and a desire for superiority over others.

Kohlberg, Lawrence - (1927-1987)

He had a passionate commitment to building a just society, and this commitment fueled his research. He drew on philosophy and sociology as well as psychology to argue that people go through sequential stages of moral judgment.


He hypothesized that language has a marked impact on thought. He conducted famous studies of Native American languages.

Asch, Solomon - (1907-1996)

He investigated social conformity by studying how people reacted when their perceptions of events were challenged by others. He found that most individuals changed their own opinions in order to agree with the group, even when the majority was clearly wrong.

Darwin, Charles - (1809-1882)

He outlined his theory of natural selection in his influential book On the Origin of Species. His ideas shaped the course of evolutionary studies, including evolutionary psychology.

Chomsky, Noam - (1928- )

He performed research that led to the decline of behaviorist theories about language acquisition. He proposed that humans are born with an innate language acquisition device that allows them to acquire language skills easily.

Rogers, Carl - (1902-1987)

He proposed the person-centered or client-centered theory of psychology. He asserted that people's self-concepts determine their behavior and relationships with others. He thought that a therapist's unconditional positive regard could help clients to undergo psychotherapeutic personality change.


He studied sexual and social behavior with respect to evolutionary history. He forwarded the theory that gender differences in sexual behavior have a genetic root.


He studied the behavioral effects of conditioning on children. One of his most famous experiments involved conditioning a child named Little Albert to fear white, furry objects.


He studied the development of thought. He took a sociocultural approach to explaining cognitive development. He believed that social interactions with adults play a critical role in the development of children's cognitive skills.

Ernest Hilgard (1904-2011)

He studied the use of hypnosis in the treatment of children suffering from cancer. He was president of the International Society of Hypnosis in the 1970s.

Hodgkin, Sir Alan - (1914-1998)

He worked on information transmission in neurons. He studied giant squid, whose neurons have giant axons.

Sensorineural hearing loss (nerve deafness)

Hearing loss caused by damage to the cochlea's receptor cells or to the auditory nerve

Conduction hearing loss

Hearing loss caused by damage to the mechanical system that conducts sound waves to the cochlea


Heart disease and depression may both result when chronic stress triggers persistent __________.

Basal ganglia

Helps with motor movement and procedural memories


High rates of violence in those with high what levels that give delinquency, hard drug use, aggressive, bullying?

High levels of education and income

High-scoring people (and groups) are more likely to attain what?

What term is also known as the "I knew it all along phenomenon"?*

Hindsight bias*

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)

His comprehensive theory of psychoanalysis sought to explain the structure of the human mind, human attitudes and behavior, mental disorders, and the origins of civilization. His ideas, particularly his emphasis on sexuality, were highly controversial in the repressive Victorian era in which he lived.

Mischel, Walter - (1930- )

His research focused on personality formation and called into question the idea of stable personality traits.

Eysenck, Hans - (1916-1997)

His research focused on the genetic foundations of personality. He believed that conditioning was important in personality formation but that personality grew largely out of genetic differences.

Howard Gardener (1943-)

His research focuses on creativity in adults and children. He proposed a theory of multiple intelligences, which has been highly influential among educators.

Lazarus, Richard - (1922-2002)

His theory of emotion centered on the concept of appraisal, or how a person evaluates the personal impact of an event. He conducted several studies on the link between emotion and cognition.

Ebbinghaus, Hermann - (1850-1909)

His work challenged the view that higher mental processes such as memory couldn't be studied scientifically. He was a philosopher, psychologist, and author of On Memory.

Womb envy

Horney's term describing men's jealousy of women's reproductive capabilities.


How long before you sleep should you stop to protect memories?

15 to 30 minutes

How long does the rush from cocaine last?


How many minutes are suggested to add to sleep each night to help with sleep deprivation?

State your goal in measurable terms and announce it Monitor how often you engage in your desired behavior Reinforce your desired behavior Reduce the rewards gradually (All of the Above)*

How might we build up our self-control and reinforce our own desired behaviors and extinguish the undesired ones?*


How one feels about who they are

Not reliable, can be influenced

How reliable are young children's eyewitness descriptions?

the person takes the job to satisfy the secondary drive of increased salary

How would drive reduction theory explain a person accepting a new job with a higher salary but that requires more work and responsibility?

Multiple intelligences theory

Howard Gardner believes we have 8 independent intelligences known as what theory?

Vague and subjective, self-centered and individualist, self-indulgent

Humanistic psychology's critics complain that its concepts are what?

Third force

Humanistic psychology's focus on free will and an individual's ability to choose their own destiny.

Newborn senses

Humans are born with their sensory apparatus, but some senses differ from adults.

An awareness of our own vulnerability to error and an openness to surprises and new perspectives


Role theory

Idea that hypnosis is not an alternate state of consciousness because some people are more easily hypnotized than others.


If you learn a language, you also learn _________.


Impediment to problem solving where one has the tendency to fall into established thought patterns. (mental set)


In Asch's conformity study, approximately what percentage of participants gave at least one incorrect response?


In Piaget's theory, the preoperational child's difficulty taking another's point of view

Preoperational stage

In Piaget's theory, the stage (from about 2 to about 6 or 7 years of age) during which a child learns to use language but does not yet comprehend the mental operations of concrete logic

Sensorimotor stage

In Piaget's theory, the stage (from birth to about 2 years of age) during which infants know the world mostly in terms of their sensory impressions and motor activities

Concrete operational stage

In Piaget's theory, the stage of cognitive development (from almost 6 or 7 to 11 years of age) during which children gain the mental operations that enable them to think logically about concrete events

Formal operational stage

In Piaget's theory, the stage of cognitive development (normally beginning about age 12) during which people begin to think logically about abstract concepts

Boys play in larger groups Girls are less competitive Boys are more active Girls engage in more intimate discussions*

In childhood, how does the way boys generally play differ from the way girls generally play?*


In classical conditioning, the initial stage when one links a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus so that the neutral stimulus begins triggering the conditioned response. In operant conditioning, the strengthening of a reinforced response.


In classical conditioning, the learned ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and stimuli that do not signal an unconditioned stimulus

Humanistic Psychologists

In contrast with Freud's study of the base motives of "sick" people, which psychologist focused on the ways "healthy" people strive for self-determination and self-realization?

Optic nerve*

In human eyes, the information from the retina's nearly 130 million receptor rods and cones are receive and transmitted by the million or so ganglion cells, whose axon fibers comprise what?*

Sexual Stimulation

In men, normal fluctuations in testosterone levels, from man to man and hour to hour, has a little effect on sexual drive and is partly a response to what?

Operant chamber (skinner box)

In operant conditioning, a chamber containing a bar or key that an animal can manipulate to obtain a food or water reinforcer

Discriminative stimulus

In operant conditioning, a stimulus that elicits a response after association with reinforcement

Sensorimotor, formal operational

In what two respective stages of Piaget's stages of cognitive development do children experience the world through the senses and experience stranger anxiety while in the other stage they can be abstract?*

Standardized, Reliable, Valid

In order to be widely accepted, psychological tests must be ________, _______, and ________.

Behavioral Approach

In personality theory, this perspective focuses on the effects of learning on our personality development.


In psychology, ____ is passion and perseverance in the pursuit of long-term goals

Variable-interval schedule*

In real life, continuous reinforcement does not occur every time a desired response is given, therefore which partial reinforcement schedule describes reinforcers that are provided after an unpredictable amount of time?*

Superstitious behavior

In sports, accidental timing of rewards can produce what?


In the 1st half of the last century psychology defined itself as the science of behavior, but by the 1960s, what advances made it possible to relate brain activity to various mental states, such as waking, sleeping, and dreaming?*

The highest level of shock supposedly administered.

In the Milgram studies, the dependent measure was what?

Perceptual adaptation

In vision, the ability to adjust to an artificially displaced or even inverted visual field

Choice blindness

Inattention to switch

8 days*

Including the adjustment period and the time when he was comfortable in his surroundings, how long did psychologist Stratton wear optical headgear that made him the first to experience right side up retinal images?*

Misinformation Effect

Incorporating misleading information into one's memory of an event


Increased heart rate, blood pressure, and blood sugar provide us with a surge of energy, known as the ________ response

Respectively, what term describes the experimental factor that is being manipulated and what term describes the experimental factor whose outcome is being measured?*

Independent variable, dependent variable*

Ambivalent attachments

Infants that resist being comforted by their parents.

Three-box model

Information-processing example that includes: sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory.


Information-processing model; views memories as products of interconnected neural networks


Ingroup's "us" whom we share a common identity with and outgroup "them" who are those perceived as different comes from our ancestor's need to _____ , to live and love in groups?


Injections that paralyze the facial muscles that create wrinkles, allowing the overlaying skin to relax and smooth


Insight therapies assume psychological problems diminish as ______________ increases.


Intelligence is ___________ - involves many genes

Adults and Non Anglo-Saxons

Intelligence tests do not work well for ________ & _______

slower neural processing

Intelligence tests that assess the speed of thinking place older adults at a disadvantage because of _________.

Masking stimulus

Interrupts brain's processing before conscious perception

Huge, usually adaptive, and recognition born of experience

Intuition can be...

What imperfect human ability can lead us astray and has been incorrect over and over regarding aging, sleep, and dreams?


an oral fixation

Jamal sucked his thumb until age eight. As an adult, he smokes, chews gum, and thinks constantly of food. Psychoanalysts would describe Jamal as having


Jean Piaget, who revolutionized our understanding of children's minds and believed our minds develop through a series of stages, assigned what term to the idea that our mind develops by the building of concepts that organize and interpret information?*

Who rejected the belief on inborn ideas, helped spread the idea that the mind was a blank slate and therefore "all men are created equal" which later was the rationale for American democracy?*

John Locke*


Juan has a huge crush on Sally, but he never admits it. Instead, he tells all who will listen that Sally is really "into him." Psychoanalysts would see Juan's bragging as an example of


Jung's collective unconscious archetype that represents people's creation of a public image.


Jung's collective unconscious archetype that represents the evil side of personality.

Collective unconscious

Jung's term describing certain similarities between all cultures.

Consensus, Consistency, and Distinctiveness.

Kelley's attribution theory says that people use which of the following kinds of information in explaining events?


Learn quickly a second or later time

Significant Life Changes

Life transitions, such as getting married, graduating from high school, losing a job, or a loved one dying

Remains stable, Sometimes increases

Longitudinal studies showed that as we age, intelligence _________ and _________.

Change blindness*

Magicians exploit what form of inattentional blindness that involves us failing to notice changes in the environment?*

Age regression

Make someone think younger


Male sex hormones that stimulates growth of male sex organs and the development of male sex in puberty

Family self

Many cultures encourage a strong sense of _____- the feeling that what shames the child shames the family, and what brings the honor to the family brings honor to the self

Who was the 1st woman to receive a Ph.D. in psychology?*

Margaret Floy Washburn*


Maslow and Rogers stressed ______ motives more than sexual or aggression motives


Maslow based his description of ______________ on the study of those who seemed notable for their rich and productive lives. They were secure in their sense of who they were, and their interests were problem-centered rather than self-centered

Counseling, education, child raising, and management

Maslow's and Roger's ideas have influenced

What term represents the arithmetic average?*


synaptic vesicles

Membrane-bounded compartments in which synthesized neurotransmitters are stored until release.

Fade away

Memories can _________


Memory aids, especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices

Short-term Memory

Memory that activate memory holds a few items briefly before info is stored or forgotten


Mental processes

The knowledge of physiological and psychological processes of what gives researchers a better understanding of the similar biological processes of humans?*

Mice, dogs*

The Foot-In-The-Door Phenomenon

Milgram's famous experiments with electric shocks were a perfect example of _______________.

Phantom limb sensation

Misinterpret the spontaneous central nervous system activity that occurs in the absence of normal sensory input

Respectively, what term describes a score that most frequently occurs and what term represents the middle score also known as the 50th percentile?*

Mode, median*


Motor control develops as neurons in our brain connect with one another.

Major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder*

Mood disorders, which are psychological disorders characterized by emotional extremes, come in what two principle forms?*

Below poverty line

More vulnerable to/greatest number of major psychological disorders if people are ___?


Most children growing up under adversity (as did the surviving children of the Holocaust) are _____; they withstand the trauma and become normal adults

Sexual orientation*

Most of today's psychologists view what is neither willfully chosen nor willfully changed, is not environmentally influenced, and is our enduring sexual attraction toward members of our own sex, the other sex, or both sexes?*

Color-deficient Monochromatic Dichromatic One-color vision or two-color vision*

Most people with what type of vision lack functioning red or green sensitive cones, or sometimes both?*


Most signals are ____, somewhat like pushing a neuron's accelerator

functional fixedness

Mr. Krohn, a carpenter, is frustrated because he misplaced his hammer and needs to pound in the last nail in the bookcase he is building. He overlooks the fact that he could use the tennis trophy sitting above the workbench to pound in the nail. Which concept best explains why Mr. Krohn overlooked the trophy?

Nature, nurture Continuity, stages Stability, change*

Much of the research of psychology's developmental perspectives center around what major issues?*

Prozac, Zoloft*

Name a dual-action drug that increases the availability or norepinephrine or serotonin (agonist), partially blocks the normal reuptake of serotonin (SSRI), and is used to treat depression and anxiety disorders?*

Chlorpromazine, thorazine*

Name an antipsychotic antagonist drug that occupies dopamine receptor sites and blocks its activity and reduces the positive symptoms of schizophrenia?*

Motor cortex, somatosensory cortex, association areas*

Name in the following order the three functions of the cerebral cortex that controls voluntary movements, registers body sensations, and is involved in higher mental functions?*

Barnum effect

Natural curiosity of people that contributes to their willingness to see themselves in vague, stock descriptions of personality.

What term describes observing and recording behavior in naturally occurring situations?*

Naturalistic observation*

Animal protection organizations advocate what type of observation of animals rather than laboratory manipulation?*


What is the biggest issue in psychology?


Respectively, what term describes an inverse relation of scores on a graphed cluster of dots and what term describes a directly proportional relation of scores on a graphed cluster of dots?*

Negative correlation, positive correlation*

Feature detectors

Nerve cells in the brain that respond to specific features of the stimulus, such as shape, angle, or movement

Organ of corti

Neurons activated by movement of the hair cells on the lower membrane of the cochlea.

Nervous system*

Neurons communicating with other neurons form our body's primary information system called what?*

Rooting reflex

Newborns are born with automatic reflex responses ideally suited for our survival called ______


Nicol and Gottesman noted that what type of cause has not been discovered that will invariably, or even with moderate probability, produce schizophrenia in people who are not related to a person with schizophrenia?*

Oversupply: Increased heart rate, ADHD Undersupply: Depression


What term describes a symmetrical bell-shaped curve that describes the distribution of many types of data?*

Normal curve*


Not only are we pushed by our need to reduce drives, we also are environmentally motivated (Pulled) by what?

What phrase describes how the nature-nurture tension dissolves in modern psychology?

Nurture works on what nature endows

*Person giving orders was nearby and was perceived as a legitimate authority figure *Research was supported by a prestigious institution *Victim was depersonalized or at a distance *No role models for defiance

Obedience was highest when...


Observational learning may have ___ effects, such as why abusive parents might have aggressive children

Order effect

Occurs when subjects perform better on a second test because they already took a similar one.

Relative size, interposition*

Of these two monocular descriptions, what term describes objects as farther away if they area similar size and cast a smaller retinal image and what term describes if one object partially blocks our view of another we perceive it as closer?*

Relative height, relative motion*

Of these two monocular descriptions, what term describes that we perceive objects higher in our field of vision as farther away and what term describes that as we move, objects that are actually stationary may appear to move?*

Positive Transfer

Old and new learning


On Monday, Sidney asked Mr. Biggs to postpone Tuesday's test until Friday. After his teacher flatly refused, Sidney asked Mr. Biggs to push the test back one day, to Wednesday. Sidney is using the compliance strategy know as what?

Darwin's book about evolutionary process of natural selection

On The Origin of Species

28 weeks*

On the day we are born we have most of the brain cells we will ever have, however at approximately what week do the number of neurons peak in a fetus and then stabilize at 23 billion?*

Out-group bias.

On the first day of class, MR. ELECTRIC divides his class into four competing groups. On the fifth day of school, LINUS is sent to the principal for kicking members of the other groups (and also ruining Max's meme journal). MR. ELECTRIC can be faulted for encouraging the creation of what?


On their second date, Tatiana confides in Steven that she still loves to watch Rugrats. He, in turn, tells her that he still cries when he watches Bambi. These two young lovers will be brought closer together through this process of what?

Second order conditioning

Once a CS elicits a CR, it is possible to use that CS as a UCS in order to condition a response to a new stimulus.

Reality, truth*

Once we have formed a wrong perception about reality, we then have more difficulty seeing what?*


One explanation of why we forget is our initial failure to__________.

Observational learning

One form of cognitive learning that lets us learn from observing others' experiences

Protects, Recuperate, Restore/rebuild day's memories, creative thinking, or growth

One of the five functions why sleep is needed

Long-term potentiation, which strengthens connections between neurons

One of the ways memories are physically stored in the brain is by what process?

Mary frequently pursues immediate gratification

One of your classmates remarks that "Mary is all id." What does she likely mean?


One personality trait that is thought to be highly heritable is

Operant behavior*

Operant conditioning involves what type of behavior that operates on the environment to produce rewarding or punishing stimuli?*

What term describes a statement of exact procedures used in a research study?*

Operational definitions*


Organizing items into familiar, manageable units, and it often occurs automatically

During what time period was psychology described as "the science of mental life"? (Consciousness)*

Origins to 1920s*


Other infants avoid attachment or show ____ attachment, marked either by anxiety or avoidance of trusting relationships

Recency effect

Our ability to recall the items at the end of a list.

-person appears to need/deserve help -person is similar to us -person is a woman -just observed someone else helping -not in a hurry -in a small town or rural area -feeling guilty -focused on helping others (not preoccupied) -in a good mood--> one of most consistent psychology findings

Our best odds of helping someone are when:

Circadian rhythm*

Our bodies roughly synchronize with the 24 hour cycle of day and night through a biological clock called what?*

Parallel Processing

Our brain can process more than one thing at once, unlike the serial processing of a computer

outside our awareness

Our brain processes most information ________

Lateral hypothalamus (Orexin) Stomach (Ghrelin) Low blood sugar (Glucose)

Our eagerness to eat is pushed by what parts of our physiological state?

Stereophonic hearing*

Our ears are six inches apart and they can detect extremely minute differences in time lag and because of this we have what type of hearing?*


Our judgments and decisions may not be well reasoned, therefore those who understand the power of what can use it to influence important decisions?


Our minds naturally connect events that occur in sequence


Our muscle strength, reaction time, sensory abilities, and cardiac output all begin to decline during what time period?*

Conditioning, culture, familiarity (exposure), adaptation*

Our preferences for sweet and salty tastes are genetic and universal, but what are other factors that affect taste preferences?*

Pressure, warmth, cold and pain*

Our sense of touch is actually a mix of at least what four distinct skin senses?*


Over time, such students may detach their __________ from academics and look for recognition elsewhere.

Our flawed intuition and after-the-fact common sense makes things seem so obvious that we become very what?



Overuse of bribes leads people to see their actions as externally controlled rather than internally appealing


Parenting style when parents are both demanding and responsive


Parenting style when parents aren't there or aren't involved


Parenting style when parents impose rules and expect obedience


Parenting style when parents submit to their children's desires


Parents of delinquent youngsters typically discipline with beatings, thus modeling what as a method of dealing with problems?

High intelligence

People do more to make them successful once there; have more brain synapses, take in information more quickly, have faster brain wave responses


People nurture growth by being _____________ by sharing and mirroring our feelings and reflecting our meanings

There's an audience

People perform well-learned tasks when ________?

Income inequality

People tend to die earlier in areas with __________.

Psychogenic amnesia

People who cannot remember things and have no physiological basis for the disruption of their memories.


People who experience sexual arousal, but direct it in unusual ways, such as exhibutionism, fetishism, and pedophilia

Short-term benefit with relapse*

People who suffer from phobias or panic can hope for improvement from psychotherapy, but people who suffer with less-focused problems like depression and anxiety will usually experience what as an outcome of psychotherapy? *

less reported stress

Perceived control over a stressful event tends to result in

P value

Percentage possibility that results occurred by chance.

Emotions, motivations

Perceptions are influenced, top-down, not only by our expectations and by the context, but also by what?

Emotions, motivations*

Perceptions are influenced, top-down, not only by our expectations and by the context, but also by what?*


Periodic, natural loss of consciousness- as distinct from unconsciousness resulting from a coma, general anesthesia, or hibernation.


Person who has a sexual attraction to an object, person or activity.


Person who is aroused by having pain inflicted on someone else.


Person who is aroused by having pain inflicted on themselves.


Person who is sexually aroused by watching others engage in sexual behavior.

elements of language

Phonemes and morphemes refer to

Symbolic thinking

Representing things with words and images

PYY, insulin, leptin, orexin, ghrelin

Physiological factors of hunger...


Pieces of DNA at the ends of chromosomes, in women who suffered enduring stress as caregivers for children with serious disorders this shortening cause an aging process

all those in a group being studied, from which samples may be drawn


Placebo effect

Power of belief in a treatment


Power resides in subject's openness to ____, their ability to focus on certain images or behaviors.


Powerful painkiller similar in chemical structure to opium used for the treatment of narcotic withdrawl.


Powerful painkiller similar in chemical structure to opium usually prescribed for pain relief.

Beliefs, emotions, predisposition actions

Prejudice is a mixture of what?

Delayed conditioning

Presenting a CS first and then introducing the UCS while the CS is still evident. (order and timing)


Process of acquiring new and relatively enduring information or behaviors


Prolonged exposure above __ decibels produces hearing loss

Mood disorders

Psych disorders characterized by emotional extremes

Tolerance Neuroadaptation*

Psychoactive drugs are chemical substances that alter perceptions and moods and what term describes the diminishing effect with regular use of psychoactive drugs that requires the user to take larger doses to produce the desired high?*

Stress, Personality

Psychological factors that influence the clogging of vessels that nourish the heart muscle are _________ and _______.

Aptitude Test

Psychologists believe that which test are not significantly biased, and only to predict a perform in a given situation?


Psychologists usually measure absolute threshold by recording the stimulation needed for us to pinpoint its appearance what percent of the time?*

Needs, Wants

Psychologists view human behavior as directed by physiological _______ and physiological ________.


Psychologists who accept ideas from many different perspectives on psychological disorders.

Best discipline with wide-range of interests


What is less a set of findings than a way of asking and answering questions?*


What branch of psychology is devoted to studying the measurement of our abilities, attitudes, and traits?*


Adult genital stage

Psychosexual stage after puberty where Freud theorized people stay for the rest of their lives.

Natural killer cells

Pursued diseased cells infected by viruses/cancer

assigning participants to experimental and control groups by chance, thus minimizing preexisting differences between the different groups

Random assignment

Which types of circumstances deceive people into thinking that they are related when they are actually not?*

Random coincidences*

a sample that fairly represents a population because each member has an equal change of inclusion

Random sample

Split-half reliability

Randomly dividing a test into two different sections and then correlating people's performances on the two halves.

The difference between the highest and lowest scores in a distribution


Primacy Effect

Recall best the first item in a list

Recency Effect

Recall best the last item in a list

the process of recognition involves matching a person, event, or object with something already in memory

Recall is a more difficult process than recognition because


Redirecting one's unacceptable urges into more socially acceptable pursuits best defines which of the following defense mechanisms?


Refers to the study of the parts and function of neurons.

Social theory of hypnosis

Reflect normal consciousness and social influence power

We are both the creatures and creators of our world We are the products of our genes and environments Our decisions today design our environments tomorrow Our hopes, goals, and expectations influence our future*

Reflecting on nature and nurture leads us to what "great truth"?*


Relaxation techniques, herbal medicine, massage, and spiritual healing are all examples of what type of therapy?*

Contact, Cooperation, Communication, and Conciliation

Research said that what four processes would promote peace?

Antisocial behavior

Researcher Bandura showed that observational learning may have what type of an effect on behavior such as learning that "bullying" is an effective way to control others?

Taste aversion*

Researcher Garcia described what effect that occurs when an animal associates the taste of a certain food with symptoms caused by a toxic, spoiled, or poisonous substance?*


Researcher Key's semi starved subjects felt their hunger in response to what system designed to maintain normal body weight and adequate nutrient supply?


Researcher who conducted a study that demonstrated that the relationship between our attitudes and behaviors are imperfect.


Researchers Rubonis and Bickman discovered a 17% rise in psychological disorders after what type of event? *

Sublimation, Denial

Respectively, transferring of unacceptable impulses into socially valued motives, and refusing to believe painful realities

Physiological Needs , Self-transcendence needs

Respectively, what are the lowest and highest stages in Maslow's hierarchy?

Self- actualization needs, self-transcendence needs

Respectively from the most basic, name that two highest levels on Maslow's pyramid of human needs in ascending order?

Fear, anger; Bored

Respectively what emotions are harder to discern physiological differences, and what emotion is easier?

Oedipus Complex, Fixation

Respectively, a boy's sexual desires toward his mother and feelings of jealousy and hatred for the rival father, and a lingering focus of pleasure-seeking energies at an earlier psychosexual stage, where conflicts were unresolved

Achievement Test, Aptitude Test

Respectively, a test designed to predict current performance, and test designed to predict future performance

Biological parents and siblings, environment*

Respectively, adoptees' traits bear more similarities to whom and for personality development, what has virtually no impact on adoptees' personalities?*

Schizophrenia; Parkinson's disease

Respectively, an oversupply of dopamine is linked to ____, and an undersupply is linked to _______?

Companionate love, Passionate Love

Respectively, deep affectionate attachment we feel for those with whom our lives are intertwined and what aroused state of intense positive absorption in another, usually present at the beginning of a love relationship?

Reciprocity norm, social responsibility norm

Respectively, expectation that we should return help, not harm those who helped us and we should help those who need our help, even if the costs outweigh the benefits?

Collectivism, Individualism

Respectively, giving priority to the goals of one's group (often one's extended family or work group) and defining one's identity accordingly, and giving priority to one's own goals over group goals, and defining one's identity in terms of personal attributes rather than group identifications

40, Morpheme

Respectively, how many phonemes, the smallest distinctive sound unit, does the English language contain and the English language contains more than 100,000 what, which are the smallest units that carry meaning in language and includes prefixes and suffixes?

25 years, 6 years*

Respectively, how much time in an average person's lifespan do they spend sleeping and how much time in an average person's lifespan do they spend in REM dreams, which are vivid, emotional, and sometimes bizarre?*

23rd, testosterone (testis)

Respectively, our sex is determined by what pair of chromosomes and what is the principle male hormone that stimulates the growth of male sex organs in the fetus?

High; low

Respectively, place theory best explains how we sense _____ pitches, frequency theory best explains how we sense _____ pithces

Repression, Regression

Respectively, the basic defense mechanism that banishes anxiety arousing thoughts, feelings, and memories from consciousness, and defense mechanism in which an individual faced with anxiety retreats to a more infantile psychosexual stage, where some psychic energy remains fixated

Rationalization, Displacement

Respectively, the defense mechanism that offers self-justifying explanations in place of the real, more threatening, unconscious reasons for ones action, and the psychoanalytic defense mechanism that shifts sexual or aggressive impulses toward a more acceptable or less threatening object or person

Deindividuation, Social loafing

Respectively, the loss of self awareness and self restraint occurring in group situations that foster arousal and anonymity, and the tendency for people in a group to exert less effort when pooling their effects toward attaining a common goal than when individually accountable

Social Control, Personal Control

Respectively, the power of the situation, and the power of the individual?

Reaction formation, Projection

Respectively, the psychoanalytic defense mechanism by which the ego unconsciously switches unacceptable impulses into their opposites, and the psychoanalytic defense mechanism by which people disguise their own threatening impulses by attributing them to others

Spacing Effect, Testing Effect

Respectively, the tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than is achieved through mass study or practice, and enhanced memory after retrieving rather than simply rereading information

Confirmation Bias, Fixation

Respectively, the tendency to search for information that confirms one's preconceptions, and the inability to see a problem from a new perspective

Humanistic, Psychoanalytic

Respectively, the two historically significant perspectives of personality psychology, one which focuses on our inner capacities for growth and self-fulfillment, and the other which proposed that childhood sexuality and unconscious motivations influence personality

6, 120

Respectively, there are about __ million cones and __ million rods in the human eye?

Chromosomes, genes*

Respectively, what are the threadlike structures made of DNA molecules that contain genes and what term describes DNA segments that form templates for the production of proteins?*

Medulla, pons*

Respectively, what brainstem structure begins where the spinal cord enters the skull and swells slightly and controls heartbeat and breathing and what brainstem structure helps coordinate movements and connects the hindbrain to the midbrain?*

Conditioned response, conditioned stimulus*

Respectively, what classical conditioning term describes the learned response to a previously neutral conditioned stimulus and what term describes an originally irrelevant stimulus that comes to trigger a conditioned response?*

Rational-emotive behavior therapy (REBT) Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) *

Respectively, what confrontational therapy vigorously challenges people's illogical, self-defeating attitudes and assumptions and what popular integrated therapy combines therapies that change self-defeating thinking with therapies that are designed to change behavior? *

Sympathetic nervous system, parasympathetic nervous system

Respectively, what division of the autonomic nervous system arouses us for action and is also measured by a lie detector and what division of the autonomic nervous system calms the body and conserves its energy?

Sympathetic nervous system, parasympathetic nervous system*

Respectively, what division of the autonomic nervous system arouses us for action and is also measured by a lie detector and what division of the autonomic nervous system calms the body and conserves its energy?*

Cannon-Bard, James-Lange

Respectively, what emotion theory implies that an emotion-arousing stimulus triggers our bodily response and subjective experience of emotion at the same time and what emotion theory implies that our experience of emotion is our awareness of our bodily responses to emotion-arousing stimuli?

Zajonc, Lazarus

Respectively, what emotion theory implies that some bodily responses happen instantly and without conscious appraisal and what emotion theory implies that cognitive appraisal defines emotion whether we are conscious of it or not?

Hormones, pituitary*

Respectively, what is the name of the chemical messenger the endocrine system's glands secrete and which gland of the endocrine system is the master gland?*

Stanford Binet Test, 100

Respectively, what is the widely used American revision of Binet's original intelligence test, and what is the average score?

Pain, distraction*

Respectively, what is your body's way of telling you that something has gone wrong and what is an especially effective way to activate pain-inhibiting circuits and increase your tolerance of physical suffering?*

Place theory, frequency theory*

Respectively, what links the pitch we hear with the place where the cochlea's membrane in stimulated and what links the rate of nerve impulses traveling up the auditory nerve with the frequency of a tone, thus enabling us to sense its pitch?*

Acetylcholine, glutamate*

Respectively, what neurotransmitter triggers muscle contraction and could lead to Alzheimer's disease with undersupply and what is the most abundant excitatory neurotransmitter that can lead to migraines or seizures with oversupply?*

Pancreas, Hypothalamus

Respectively, what organ's response to hunger is to secrete insulin which opens cell doors and lets glucose (blood sugar) in where the cells then convert it into energy to use right then or store it to use later and what part of the brain performs various body maintenance functions due to blood vessels allowing it to respond to our current blood chemistry?

Middle ear, inner ear*

Respectively, what part of the ear transmits the tympanic membrane's vibrations through a piston made of three tiny bones and what part of the ear contains the cochlea, semicircular canals, and vestibular sacs?*

Automatic processing, effortful processing

Respectively, what produces implicit memories (nondeclarative or procedural memories) and unconsciously encodes well-learned information and what term produces explicit memories (declarative memories) that involve encoding and require attention and conscious effort?

Phobia, panic disorder*

Respectively, what psychological disorder causes people to feel irrationally afraid of a specific situation or object and what disorder causes people to experience sudden episodes of intense dread?*

Rods, cones*

Respectively, what receptor describes our ability to detect black, white, and gray and is essential for peripheral vision while the other receptor is clustered around the retina's area of central focus and can detect find detail and color in good light?*

Amygdala, hypothalalamus*

Respectively, what structure within the doughnut shaped limbic system is a cluster of neurons that play a rold in agression and fear and what structure within the doughnut shaped limbic system monitors blood chemistry and directs several maintenance activities (drinking, eating, breathing, body temperature)?*

Extinction, spontaneous recovery*

Respectively, what term describes a diminishing conditioned response that occurs when the unconditioned stimulus does not follow a conditioned stimulus and what term describes the reappearance, after a rest period, of an extinguished conditioned response to a conditioned stimulus?*

Algorithm, Heuristic

Respectively, what term describes a methodical rule or procedure that guarantees the solution to a problem and what term describes a simple thinking strategy that often allows us to make judgments and solve problems efficiently, but may also be more error prone?

Agonist, antagonist*

Respectively, what term describes a molecule that stimulates a response by binding to a receptor site and what term describes a molecule that blocks a response by binding to a receptor site?*

Stranger anxiety, attachment*

Respectively, what term describes an 8 month-old child's emerging ability to evaluate people as unfamiliar and possibly threatening and what term describes a 12 month-old child's powerful survival impulse that keeps them close to their caregivers?*

Retrograde amnesia, anterograde amnesia

Respectively, what term describes an inability to retrieve information from one's past and what term describes an inability to form new memories?

Identity, social identity*

Respectively, what term describes that an adolescent's task is to solidify a sense of self by testing and integrating various roles and what term describes the "we" aspect of our self-concept?*

Stroboscopic movement, phi phenomenon*

Respectively, what term describes that the brain perceives continuous movement in a rapid series of slightly varying images and what term describes an illusion of movement created when two or more adjacent lights blink on and off in succession?*

Maturation, association areas*

Respectively, what term describes the biological growth processes that enable orderly changes in behavior and what term describes the areas associated with thinking, memory, and language and are the last cortical areas to develop?*

Dendrite, axon*

Respectively, what term describes the bushy, branching extensions of a neuron that receive messages and conduct impulses toward the cell body and what term describes an extension of a neuron, ending in branching terminal fibers, through which messages pass to other neurons or to muscles?*

Accommodation, fovea*

Respectively, what term describes the changing of the lens' curvature that focuses incoming rays into an image in the eye's retina and what term describes the central focal point in the retina around which they eye's cones cluster?*

Telepathy, precognition*

Respectively, what term describes the claim of a mind-to-mind communication ability and what term describes the ability to perceive future events?*

Wavelength, frequency*

Respectively, what term describes the distance from one wave peak to the next wave peak and determines the hue (color) we experience and what term describes the number of complete wavelengths that can pass a point in a given time?*

Threshold, action potential*

Respectively, what term describes the level of stimulation required to trigger a neural impulse and what term describes a brief electrochemical impulse traveling down the axon causing sodium channels to open, potassium channels to close, and the neuron becoming positively charged?*

Figure-ground, grouping*

Respectively, what term describes the organization of our visual field into objects that stand out from their surroundings and what term illustrates how Gestalt psychologists describe our perceptual tendency to bring order and form to stimuli by following the rules of proximity, continuity, and closure?*

Placenta, teratogens*

Respectively, what transfers nutrients, oxygen, and harmful agents from the mother to the fetus and what term describes chemical and viruses that can reach the fetus during prenatal development and cause harm?*

Barbiturate, opiate*

Respectively, what type of drug is a tranquilizer that mimics the effects of alcohol and what type of depressant-narcotic includes morphine and heroin and depresses neural functioning?*

Chronic/acute; Process/reactive*

Respectively, what type of schizophrenia develops gradually and recovery is doubtful and what type of schizophrenia appears suddenly (likely a reaction to stress) and recovery is more likely?*

Alpha waves, delta waves*

Respectively, what type of slow brain waves occur during the relaxed state before you fall asleep and what type of large, slow brain waves are associated with deep sleep?*

Adolescence, compulsory schooling*

Respectively, when does parental intimacy, which is the ability to form a close loving relationship, begin to diminish as peer influences become more important and what influenced adult independence to begin later in a person's teens rather than shortly after sexual maturity?*

Iconic memory, echoic memory

Respectively, which momentary sensory memory is a visual stimulus that has been described as a fleeting photographic memory and which momentary sensory memory is an auditory stimulus that seems to linger for 3 or 4 seconds if attention is elsewhere?

Frontal, temporal*

Respectively, which of the four lobes of the cerebral cortex is located behind your forehead and is involved in speaking and judgement and which of the four lobes of the cerebral cortex is located just above your ears and is involved in hearing and recognition?*

90, 10

Respectively, white paper reflects __% of the light falling on it; black paper only reflects __%

Creative, analytical, practical

Robert Sternberg's triarchic theory proposes 3 intelligence areas that predict real world skills


Rogers sometimes used ______________ in which people described their ideal and actual selves, which he later used to judge process during therapy

Labels, influence of,

Rosenhan study where healthy people posed as schizophrenics in a hospital and were never discovered.

People's expectations of others can influence the behavior of those others.

Rosenthal and Jacobson's "Pygmalion in the Classroom" study showed that:

a study method incorporating five steps:survey, question, read, retrieve, review


What term describes a flawed sampling process that produces an unrepresentative sample?*

Sampling bias*

What term prepares us to think smarter and involves curiosity, skepticism, and humility and helps make modern science possible?*

Scientific attitude*

What term describes the scientific procedures that include making observations, forming theories, and reforming theories in light of new observations?*

Scientific method*


Self-esteem gone awry; people who are self-important, self-focused, and self-promoting



Peer Reports

Self-report personality tests are the most widely used method of assessing traits, but which report is more accurate?

Alarm, resistance, exhaustion

Selye's General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) is the body's adaptive response to stress and is comprised of what three stages?

Oversupply: Anorexia (eating disorders), OCD Undersupply: Depression, sleep disorders


Secure attachment*

Several studies have confirmed that sensitive mothers and fathers tend to have children who display what type of attachment?*


Sex hormones (estradiol) secreted in greater amounts by female than by males that contributes female sex characteristics

enormously varied, very different, changing

Sexual behavior is...

our reactions to stress

Seyle's general adaptation syndrome describes


Short of abstinence, what is the surest strategy for preventing pregnancy and greatly decreasing bacterial STIs and HIV?


Sigmund Freud's therapeutic technique. Freud believed the patient's free associations, resistances, dreams, and transferences - and the therapist's interpretations of them - released previously repressed feelings, allowing the patient to gain self-insight; foundation for treatment

Social Influence

Social Psychology's greatest lesson is the enormous power of what on our attitudes, beliefs, actions and decisions, resulting make ordinary people conform to falsehoods/give in to cruelty?


Since memory is not precise and to some degree is entirely false, what term describes that we often construct our memories as we encode them, and every time we "replay" a memory, we replace the original with a slightly modified version?


Since the 1950s, demand has outgrown the psychiatric profession and now clinical and counseling psychologists and social workers perform what type of therapy?*

Conventional, preconventional, postconventional*

Since the crucial task of childhood and adolescence is discerning right from wrong and developing character, what are Kohlberg's three basic levels of moral thinking?*

Authoritarian, permissive, authoritative, uninvolved*

Since the most heavily researched aspects of parenting has been how, and to what extent parents eek to control their children, what are the four identified parenting styles?*

What term best describes the phrase "to believe with certainty we must begin by doubting?"*


External consequences

Skinner believed that people's actions are already controlled by what?

Operant conditioning*

Skinner described what type of associative learning that teaches subjects to associate behaviors with their consequences?*


Sleep deprivation increases what stress hormone that stimulates the body to make fat

Viral infections and cancer

Sleep deprivation makes us more vulnerable to obesity and what?


Sleep deprivations increases what hunger-arousing hormone, while decreasing its hunger-surpressing partner leptin




Smallest distinctive unit of sound


Social exclusion; often used to punish and control social behavior, such as exile or solitary confinement


Social psychologist Janis concluded that when making decisions or judgments, we often follow our __________.

What two Greek philosophers believed that the mind was separable from the body and continuing after death (Dualism)?*


*Feel incompetent/insecure *Group has at least three people *Everyone else agrees *Admire the group's status and attractiveness *We have not already committed to another response *We know we are being observed *Our culture encourages respect for social standards

Solomon Asch found we are most likely to adjust our behavior or thinking to coincide with a group standard when...


Some combination of place and frequency (volley principle) handles pitches in the _______ range


Some signals are ____, more like pushing its brake

Frontal lobe

Some studies have found a positive correlation between intelligence score and brain size and activity especially in what part of the brain?

a belief in luck

Someone who has an external locus of control is likely to have

Ecologically relevant

Something similar to stimuli associated with sexual activity in the natural environment


Spoken, written, or signed words and the ways we combine them to communicate meaning (Pinker stated language is "the jewel in the crown of cognition")

Paradoxical sleep

Stage of sleep characterized by REM sleep where our brain waves appear as active as when we are awake.

One-Word Stage

Stage when infants speak mostly single words; begins at age 1 to 2

What is the computed measure of how much scores vary around the mean score?*

Standard deviation*

What term does not indicate the importance of an obtained result but does describe how likely the obtained result occurred by chance?*

Statistical significance*

Reward deficiency syndrome

Stemming from malfunctions in natural brain systems for pleasure and well-being, people genetically predisposed to ____________ may crave whatever provides that missing pleasure or relieves negative feelings


Stimuli that are easily noticeable.




Stone Age humans carving holes through the skull to release evil spirits.


Stone Age people drilled skulls to attempt release of evil spirits

Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke, Chronic Lung Disease

Stress and unhealthy behavior increase our risk for one of today's 4 leading causes of death ________,_______,______, and_________.


Stress hormones provoke what emotion-processing clusters in the limbic system to initiate a memory trace in the frontal lobes and basal ganglia and to boost activity in the brain's memory-forming areas?

What term describes an unreliable school of psychology that required people to use introspection to explore the structure of the human mind?*


Subtle/no effect

Subliminal stimuli that you can't detect 50% of the time have what effect?

Pessimism, Realism

Success requires enough optimism to provide hope, and enough ________ and ________ to prevent complacency


Sudden realization of a problem's solution

What is the purpose of using the three measures of "central tendency"?*



Supposed hidden messages musicians recorded backward in their music.

What term describes the technique of gathering self-reported attitudes and behaviors of people?*

Survey *

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