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• 1865 - 1946 • First affective manager of national forests with the aim to conserve resources for later use, rather than to simple preserve them and prevent their use • "Conservation is the foresighted utilization, preservation and/or renewal of forests, waters, lands and minerals for the greatest good of the greatest number for the longest time."Gifford Pinchot

"Gifford Pinchot

1886 what National Audubon Society forms to save?

"plume" birds from the hat industry

September 20 - 27, 2019 - how many people participate in the Global Climate Strike?

- 4 million people

1864 Who polishes Man and Nature; or, Physical Geography as Modified by Human Action. the first systematic analysis of human impact on the environment and the destructive nature of industrialization • This work spearheads the conservation movement

- George Perkins Marsh

January 9, 1908 the Muir Wood ...is established?

... National Monument

Post-1950s a majority of environmental movements gained traction through what?

... media coverage or through celebrity visibility

Pre-1950s a majority of the environmental movements gained traction through....

...writing or by political means such as Presidential proclamation and law making


1)the circumstances or conditions that surround an organism or group or organisms. 2) the complex of social or cultural condition that affect an individual or community. Because humans inhabit the natural world, as well as the "built "of technological, social, and cultural world, all constitute important parts of our environment.

When the US environmentalist movement takes off and then united state and why?

1800s due to public visibility and "celebrity" writing



Which year the Kyoto protocol takes effect?

2005, the US has backed out of it.

Post - 2010 large- scale protest, strikes and Marches became common in order to protest and rise awareness for environmental issues. what are the protest of 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2017?

2010 protest against BP and deep water horizon spill 2011 Keystone XL pipeline protest. 2013 Sierra club organizes large Global climate action rally 2014 pink water crisis and clean water protest 2017 standing rock protest of Dakota access pipeline.

April 14, 2018 the second March for science takes place on how many locations world-wide, including ...

230 , Nigeria, India

over the last 20 years the number of average number of children born per woman has decreased from :

6.1 to 2.5



1948 - current has been a long time environmental activist, but became more prominent after 2001 • Long-time environmental writer Essentially started the climate- change documentary movement with An Inconvenient Truth Received the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize "Climate change affects us all, across every continent in the world. Everyone must act in order to protect each other and the home we all share."

Al Gore

1887 - 1948 Worked as a game-manager for most of his life and published writings on the ethical use of natural resources Became the figurehead for resource stewardship and land ethics • Those who use resources are responsible for their persistence "But after seeing the green fire die, I sensed that neither the wolf nor the mountain agreed with such a view."

Aldo Leopold

1906 Theodore Roosevelt passes the Antiquate Act. What is this act authorizing?

Authorizing the president to set aside land, resources, and historic locations as National monuments and federal lands by presidential proclamation

what are the UN population devision prediction by 2050

By 2050 all developed countries and 75% of developing world will experience a below-replacement fertility rate of 2.1 children per woman.

1971 where was the Greenpeace founded? but later developed into an international Organization


1909 Theodore Roosevelt convenes the North American Conservation Conference. Aside from the US which other countries sent representatives?

Canada,US, and Mexico

• 1944-1988 • Brazilian environmentalist who sought to preserve the Amazon rainforest and prevent its destruction by the logging and farming industries • Brought visibility to the clear-cutting • Fought for indigenous rights • "At first I thought I was fighting to save rubber trees, then I thought I was fighting to save the Amazon rainforest. Now I realize I am fighting for humanity.

Chico Mendes

Movement that began in the 1970s in India• Non-violent women-led protests of deforestation that threated villages and farms• Increased incidence of landslide• Reduction of trees to be used in "trivial" things like cricket bats and toys • The true beginning of the "tree-hugger" movement because women would literally hug the trees to protect them

Chipko Movement

1973 which Act the US Congress passes unanimously?

Endangered Species Act

1975 the Conservation on International Trade in Endangered Flora and Fauna Species Act (CITES) takes effect in the US but soon spread globally to protect....?

Endangered species and reduce their trade.

july 9,1970 what Environmental Agency was Founded in the US

Environmental Protection Agency

1856 - who publishes a scientific paper predicting the affect of CO2 on global climate?

Eunice Newton Footie

1891 which Act Congress passes what is the name of the national forest establish as the Featherly manage forest reserve?

Forest Reserve Act and establishes Shoshone National Forest

1905 the division of forestry is rename to what name and due to what?

Forest Service and move to Department of Agriculture due to corruption

1898 Who was the first chief of division of forestry.? The first professional forest in North America that manage national resources to scientific studies?

Gifford Pinchot

September 23, 2019- Who speaks at UN Climate Action Summit • "Most powerful 4-minute speech" when?

Greta Thunberg

• 2003 - Current • Started the School Strike for Climate and galvanized the youth movement • Has delivered numerous speeches holding those in power responsible for failed policies and "empty words" • "Right here, right now is where we draw the line. The world is waking up. And change is comingwhether you like it or not."

Greta Thunberg •

December 2018 who speaks at COP24 UN conference and becomes a household name and figurehead for the climate activism movement, particularly in youth and young adults

Greta Thunberg-

Henry David Thoreau 1817 - 1862 One of the most preeminent nature-writers of all time Self-styled scientist and naturalist who sought to increase public visibility of natural spaces through writing • Influenced numerous conservationists including John Muir Practiced early sustainable living "All good things are wild and free.

Henry David Thoreau


How do we foster healthy, rewarding livelihoods under conditions of population growth, shifting food systems, precarious water resources and water quality, or pollution and growing demands for energy? Why is it important to protect resources on biodiversity, and how can we they be protected as human needs expand?

In which decade environmentalism conservation movements became widespread, with most countries having some form of movement and protection policies in place either on the local or national scale.

In the 1990s and later


Is the single most urgent issue of our time. It will affect human health, economies, poverty, and conflicts, as well as dramatically changing environmental systems including water resources, weather, food production, and biodiversity, on which we depend.


Is this systematic study over environment and the ways in which we both depend on it and influence it. It is interdisciplinary, integrating natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities in a broad, holistic study of the world around us. It focuses on understanding and resolving problems in our natural environment such as pollution for lost biodiversity. How do we consume resources and dispose of waste? Therefore environmental science also includes discussions of police, pollution, economics and organization.

what is ENVIRONMENTALISM?What does it seeks to?

It is a social movement concerned with the protection and conservation of global environment (biosphere) a) it's seeks to increase public awareness and drive political and social change in order to reduce human impact and preserved the environment

What is an utilitarian conservation?

It's a conservation that argues that resources should be conserved and protected due to their significance to human survival.


It's seeks to reduce the human impact on natural resources either to preserve resources or to prevent a total loss of resources. A) utilitarian conservation . B) biocentric conservation C) there's a lot of overlap between all three, especially in recent decades

1910 - 1997 • Not the first underwater explorer or marine researcher but the first to give true visibility to marine life outside of harvest • Public TV show and documentaries showcased marine life as well as the effects of marine pollution • "The sea, the great unifier, is man's only hope. Now, as never before, the old phrase has a literal meaning: we are all in the same boat.

Jacques-Yves Cousteau

February 19th 2021 - who signed the executive order to rejoin the Paris Agreement?

Joe Biden

1838 - 1914 One of the most eminent nature writers and strongest advocator of National Parks and preservation spaces Founded Sierra Club, first conservation club, to build political force for the conservation movement and protect wild spaces Believed to be the "father of the Forest Service" due to a camping trip with Theodore Roosevelt "When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world." "The world, we are told, was made especially for man — a presumption not supported by all the facts."

John Muir



April 22, 2017, what is the name of the March that takes place in the US as a protest to trump administration and spread globally.?

March for Science

What is the name of the act passed in 1918 by Congress making it illegal to hunt, capture, kill and sell migratory birds?

Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 a) establishes an international responsibility for preservation of migratory birds.

1916 Congress creates and national Park service. What does service supposed to manage?

National Parks, National Monuments, Conservation Sites, and Historic Properties.

2009 US president Bush establishes what?

National monuments and protect 200,000 mi.² of the Pacific Ocean.

what 1836 Ralph Waldo Emerson publishes , and what it is about?

Nature. Value of Nature and wildlife for profit

February 2019 -which US Representative introduces her version of the Green New Deal?


What do we learn over the past 200 years in relationship to atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations? what happens in the current trends continues by 2100r global temperature increase by? natural consequences:?

Over the past 200 years, atmospheric CO2 concentrations have increased about 35%. Climatologist warn that if current trends continue, by 2100 means global temperatures will probably increase by 2 degrees to 6 degrees centigrade ( 3.6 to 12.8 F) compared to temperatures in 1900. This warming explains the increasing severity and frequency of droughts, storms, and wildfires observed in recent years.

What is the name of the first national wildlife refuge that Theodore Roosevelt creates in 1903?

Pelican Island National Bird reserve

1913 which State became the first to issue hunting and fishing licenses?

Pennsylvania . start to global trend for target species

why in 1974 the Chipko "tree- Huggins" movement forms in India?

Prevent deforestation

1865 who questions they sustainability of coal-based energy?

Publication of work

1907 - 1964 acted as chief of publications at the US Fish and Wildlife Service in the 1930s - 40s Published a number of books on the harmful effects of chemical overuse in both aquatic and terrestrial environments Her work led some of the early "grassroots" environmentalist movements in the US "But man is a part of nature, and his war against nature is inevitably a war against himself"

Rachel Carson

1887what is the name of the club that Theodore Roosevelt and another Hunter conservationist form? and what was the club for?

The Day Bonne and Crockett Club to preserve the big game of North America

August 1971 What is the name of the first kid oriented environmental publication published by Dr. Seuss ?

The Lorax

what is the 1935 Wilderness Society founded by Aldo Leopold advocate for?

The designation and protection national of wilderness area..

1962 Rachel Carson publishes Silent Spring. what is it about?

The harmful effects of wide-scale pesticides used in harmful practices perpetuated by the chemical industry

1858 - 1919 The "Conservation President" Used most of his political power to establish conservation spaces and governing bodies Brought visibility to the hunter- conservationist movement "We have fallen heirs to the most glorious heritage a people ever received, and each one must do his part if we wish to show that the nation is worthy of its good fortune."

Theodore Roosevelt

1948 international union for the Conservation of Nature is found it. What is this international organization dedicated to?

To researching conservation of wildlife and natural resources.



1854 what Henry David Thorough publishes ? What it is about?

Walden a reflection of simple living in nature with minimal impact are some of the best examples of popular pro- environment writings to this day

1940-2011 Founded the Green Belt Movement in Africa • Helped to plant over 30 million trees • Provided jobs and secured local and sustainable firewood Awarded the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts in environmental conservation and fight for the rights of the politically oppressed • "The generation that destroys the environment is not the generation that pays the price. That is theproblem.

Wangari Maathai

1982 International Whaling Commission is founded as a global organization to conserve ...??

Whale species through a whaling moratorium . Japan continues to circumvent this by whaling for "science"

2000 US Congress passes a state wildlife grant program, What is it for?

Which diverts at least 50, million per year to state in order Connect conservation efforts and requires each state to have a comprehensive wildlife conservation plan.

In 1861 Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) register as trust to fund what?

Wilderness Preservation and reduce human impact. Founded by British and Dutch donors.

Save the redwood League is founded in 1918. What is supposed to protect?

all growth redwood trees in California a) nonprofit organizations begins buying living Redwood trees to protect them from harvest. b) to date has preserved nearly 60% of California's old-growth Redwood forest, many of which have been converted to state and national parks.

August 2018 -what Greta Thunberg begins a self-imposed ?

climate strike in front of Swedish Parliament which grows into a larger movement

September, 2015-21 Againts whom teenagers filed a lawsuit against?I was later dismissed; despite this the fight continues.?

federal government


from about ive childrefn per family 60 years ago to about 2 today, but still demographers project a population between 8 and 10 billion by 2050.

May 2018 - Extinction Rebellion is founded as a global environmental movement to advocate for??

government change regarding policies surrounding climate, biodiversity, and ecological collapse through nonviolent civil disobedience

why in 2010 US President Obama places here moratorium on deep water drilling operations?

in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon Spill

What is a biocentric conservation?

is a a.k.a. the preservation argues that resources particularly leaving conserved and protected do there fundamental right for existence

Post 2010 celebrity visibility races on what?

on environmental issues

In 1936 the National Wildlife Federation expanded to protect and promote what?

protect and promote the conservation of wildlife resources. a) brings together the preservationist, utilitarian and Hunter conservationist movement.

November 4, 2019 - November 4, 2020 what does US President Trump pulls US out of Paris Agreement effective. When?

pulls US out of Paris Agreement effective.November 4 2020

April 2017, the Sunrise Movement of young adults forms to use civil-rights era techniques to

push for the green new deal.

1901 Theodore Roosevelt, the conservationist president, What does his presidency is set to do?

sets up protection for more than 230 mill acres during his presidency. A) 16 national monuments,55 wildlife preserve, 5 national parks.

1844 - 1859 - • Start of the "hunter-as-conservationist" movement

several hunting clubs publishes law to regulate and fishing of priority size species in effort to conserve wild stocks.

December 11, 1997 Kyoto Protocol is signed, what is it for?

signatory nations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions do human- made sources

2020 -Climate Strikes continue but what is in place?

social distancing

1955 US Congress passes and act which is the first policy to control air pollution. What is the name of this act?

the Air Pollution Control Act,

1900 Which ACT s Congress passes to make a criminal offense to transport came across state borders without permit.

the Legacy Game and Wild Birds preservation and disposition Act .

1892 What John Moore founded ?

the Sierra Club, the first large-scale environmentalist organization to engage in preservation political lobbying in defense of the Sierras another large mountain chain in California and Nevada.

what in 2014 the intergovernmental panel on climate change publishes?

the fifth assessment report AR5 reviewing the latest climate science and projections

2006 and Inconvenient Truth is released . What is it about?

the first documentary about Global climate change and environmental action

Effective environmental movements often rely on....

the power of persuasion and change through social force • The more society "hears" you the stronger the movement

2010-2011 the nations and states begin to set National standards for ?

the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020

1949 Aldo Leopold posthumously A Sand County Almanac. what it describes??

the relationship and ethical responsibility of people to protect lands they use A) use of the phrase "a fierce green fire"

March 3, 1849 -what the US department of interior DOIS informed to ?

the responsibly manage fertile lands.

2013 what North Carolina outlaws and banned ?

the use of sea- level-rise in reports and bands the reporting of climate - change based oceanic change

1890 Yosemite National Park and Sequoia national Park establish in California and why was made for ?

to protect old- growth Redwood forests.

December 12, 2015. what was the Paris agreement for?

to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce temperature increased is signed and ratified by 195 countries (189 parties that includes protectorates)

March 3, 1879 US Geological Survey is form under the jurisdiction DOI to do what?

to study and catalogue natural resources, especially those under pressure

Part of the power of the environmentalist movement comes from what???

visibility to the public

What are the major topics in environmental science, with both challenges and encouraging progress?

· Population and resource consumption. · Hunger · Biodiversity loss and conservation efforts. · Energy. · Pollution an environmental health. · Water resources. · Information and education.

1872 Who establishes Yellowstone National Park ? and protects 3.4 mi.². And what other countries and continents the national park movement experts to?

• By Ulysses S. Grant. movement spreads to Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India, and Europe

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