Unfinished Nation Chapter 10, U.S. Chapter 10 Review

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Charles Goodyear

An American inventor discovered in 1839 by mixing sulfur and rubber in a process called vulcanizing, he could "cure" rubber and make it more elastic and usable.


-Construction gangs after 1840 were increasingly composed of workers from -Most were Catholic -Along with Germans, were the main newcomers after 1850 -Most moved to Eastern Cities where they landed and became part of the unskilled labor force. -The largest group was young, single, women who worked in factories or in domestic service.

How did the nature of families change after industrialization.

-Families moved from farms to urban areas. -Sons and daughters were more likely to leave the family on search of jobs than they had in the rural areas. -Due to the income earner leaving the home, distinctions began to develop. The world of the family was now dominated not by production but housekeeping, child rearing, and other primarily domestic concerns. -There was also a significant decrease in the birth rate.

How did farmers in the Northeast respond to agricultural competition from the new, richer soil of the Northwest?

-Farmers moved to towns and became laborers. -Farmers moved west and settled new land. -Farmers changed their focus to supplying food to nearby cities.

Cities (Between 1840-1860) the river ports.

-Growth accelerated dramatically -NY 312,000 to 805,000 making it the nations largest and most commercially important city. -Philadelphia grew from 220,000 to 565,000 -Boston 93,000-177,000 -26% of the population was living in town, or cities up from 14%

Which states were inspired by the Erie Canal to develop water connections between Lake Erie to the Ohio River?

-Indiana. -Ohio.

What three trends characterized the American population between 1820 and 1840?

-Rapid population increase (4Million in 1790 to 10million in 1820 and 17 million by 1840. -Movement westward -The growth of towns and cities where demand for work was expanding.

Why did Immigration grow after 1830?

-Reduced Transportation costs -Increasing economic opportunities -Deteriorating economic conditions in some part of Europe

What factors contributed to limiting overt class conflict?

-Some workers were able to move from poverty to riches. -Life was better for most factory workers than it had been on the farms or in Europe. -The rootlessness of migrant urban laborers made organization and protest difficult.

Compare and contrast turnpike transportation and canal transportation.

-Turnpike transportation was expensive and could not meet demands. This transportation continued to be utilized mainly for compact and valuable goods. -Canals supplied a cheaper alternative for transporting from the west and south such as wheat, corn from the west and cotton and tobacco from the south.


-Usually arrived with at least some money and often came in family groups. -Generally moved on to the Northwest, where they became farmers or small businessmen.

Which of the following had a significant impact on U.S. population growth between 1790 and 1840?

-a high birth rate. -improvements in public health. -a declining number of epidemics.

What new agricultural techniques and technologies improved farm production in the Northwest?

-cultivation of hardier varieties of seed. -automatic thresher. -automatic reaper. -John Deere steel plows which were more durable than those made of iron.

What were the factors contributing to a slower increase in the African American population than the increase seen in the white population in the early 1800s?

-higher death rate. -enforced poverty. -Shorter life expectancy

New York, the Mohawk and Hudson

1831 began running trains sixteen miles between Add to Schenectady and Albany.

Eli Whitney

An American inventor who developed the cotton gin. Also contributed to the concept of interchangeable parts that were exactly alike and easily assembled or exchanged

Public Sphere

An area in social life where individuals can come together to freely discuss and identify societal problems, and through that discussion influence political action

Erie Canal

A canal between the New York cities of Albany and Buffalo, completed in 1825. The canal considered a marvel of the modern world at the time, allowed western farmers to ship surplus crops to sell in the North and allowed northern manufacturers to ship finished goods to sell in the West.

Limited liability

A form of business ownership in which the owners are liable only up to the amount of their individual investments. This along with the formation of Corporations made possible much larger manufacturing and business enterprises.

P.T. Barnum

A genius in publicizing his ventures with garish posters and elaborate newspaper announcements. In 1870's he launched the famous circus for which he is best remembered. There's a sucker born every minute.

Commonwealth vs Hunt

A landmark ruling of the Mass. supreme court establishing the legality of labor unions and the legality of union workers striking if an employer hired non-union workers. case heard by the Massachusetts supreme court. the case was the first judgment that recognized that the conspiracy law is inapplicable to unions and that strikes for a closed shop are legal. also decided that unions are not responsible for the illegal acts of their members.

Factory system

A method of production that brought many workers and machines together into one building.

Lowell System

A paternalistic textile factory system of the early 19th century that employed mainly young women [age 15-35] from New England farms to increase efficiency, productivity and profits in ways different from other methods


A person who, especially in the United States in the 19th century, favors the interests of established inhabitants over those of immigrants. Arose in the 1840's and 1850's in response to the influx of Irish and German Catholics.


A very poor person


Although conditions got worse in American factories, few workers tried to do anything about it.

John Deere

American blacksmith that was responsible for inventing the steel plow. This new plow was much stronger than the old iron version; therefore, it made plowing farmland in the west easier, making expansion faster.

Machine Tools

American craftsmen pioneered this development of machines that made parts for other machines. A key innovator was Eli Whitney (1765-1825), the son of a middling New England farm family.

Minstrel Shows

American entertainment consisting of comic skits, variety acts, dancing, and music, performed by white people in blackface or, especially after the Civil War, black people in blackface. Minstrel shows lampooned black people as dim-witted, lazy, buffoonish, superstitious, happy-go-lucky, and musical.

Cyrus H. McCormick

American inventor and businessperson, the founder of the Harvesting Machine Company, which later became part of the International Harvester Company in 1902.

Simeon North

American manufacturer. Made scythes before guns. Supplied pistols and rifles to US gov. from 1799 and developed the use of interchangeable parts in manufacturing and the first-known milling machine.

How did American workers respond to rapid changes in the workplace? Why were their efforts at union organization relatively ineffective?

Americans workers attempted to unionize and fight for fair wages, good work conditions and fair treatment. The efforts to unionize were thwarted as factories began to move towards a cheaper source of workers, immigrants. Immigrants after 1840 were growing in numbers and their unfamiliarity with their new country had even less leverage than the women they had displaced and therefore they often experienced far worse work conditions.

Western Union

An American financial services and communications company founded in 1851; as an industrialized monopoly, it dominated the telegraph industry in the late 19th century.; it was the first communications empire and set a pattern for American-style communications businesses as they are known today.

Why did the Canal Age come about?

Barges didn't provide a way to ship goods directly to the urban markets and ports on the Atlantic Coast. Technology advanced to make them possible.

Baltimore and Ohio

Became the first company to begin actual operations, opening a thirteen mile stretch of track in 1830. American entrepreneurs quickly grew interested in the English experiment.

What was the response of Cities along the Atlantic Seaboard who could not easily connect to the canals that were benefiting other cities like NY?

Cities such as Boston began to set their sights on alternative modes of transportation and began to work towards a railroad system which was already in progress when canals reached its height.


Days when there are no work or school, usually for a celebration of some kind.

Central Park

Construction started in the 1850's, partly at the request of New York's wealthy, as a place to ride their elegant carriages.

Middle-class homes were categorized by these traits.

Crowded, even cluttered rooms, dark colors, lush fabrics, and heavy furniture and draperies.


During the first half of the nineteenth century, the African-American population increased as fast or faster than the white population.


During the first half of the nineteenth century, the United States grew more rapidly in population than Britain or Europe.


Emerged from a combination of technological and entrepreneurial innovations: the invention of tracks, the creation of steam-powered locomotives, and the development of trains as public carriers of passengers and freight.


Experienced both the smallest amount of urban growth and the least settlement by immigrants between 1840 and 1860.

Associated Press

Founded in 1848,Allows media outlets to buy stories, do not have to send reporters to every major city, able to offer readers more recent news, stories are pretty unbiased because trying to appeal to many media outlets and sell as many stories as possible,

Interchangeable Parts

Identical pieces that could be assembled quickly by unskilled workers.

John Stevens

In 1820 ran a locomotive and cars around a circular track on his New Jersey estate.

Mary Lyon

In 1837 founded the first college for women, Mount Holyoke Female Seminary

Richard Hoe

In 1846, he invented the steam cylinder rotary press, making it possible to print newspapers much more rapidly and cheaply than had been possible in the past. Also, the rotary press spurred the dramatic growth of mass- circulation newspapers.

Stockton & Darlington

In England became the first line to carry general traffic in 1825.


Spoke of advances in science, described visits to exotic places, provided vivid historical narratives, or railed against the evils of alcohol or slavery. Was one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the 19th century.

Lowell and Waltham System

Systems of enlistment that existed to fill labor needs

The Telegraph

Technology to transmit codes along electric cables in the forms of pulses, mores code was created to form a way to read and translate these pulses into a written language.


Industrialization made no change in the nature and function of the American family.

Automatic Reaper

Invented by Cyrus McCormick a reaping machine that harvests crops.

Samuel F. B. Morse

Invented the telegraph and Morse code

Samuel F.B. Morse

Invented the telegraph and invented morse code, pioneer in the telegraph, first way people could mass communicate quickly, use the code to communicate

Factory Girls Association

Women factory workers of the Lowell mills that rejected wage cuts in both 1834 and 1836 by going on strike, or "turn outs" as they were called. The strikes didn't prevent wage reduction, in the end, however, it did hinder production which demonstrated the power of a united workforce.


Movement of individuals into an area occupied by an existing population from another.

Before 1830, _____ had come to serve as the major link between Midwestern farmers and the cities of the Northeast.

New Orleans

With growing distinctions between the role of men and women only one school offered education to both men and women.

Oberlin School

The American Museum in New York

Opened by P.T. Barnum in 1842. Was a "freak show".


Process of industrial development in which countries evolve economically, from producing basic, primary goods to using modern factories for mass-producing goods. At the highest levels of development, national economies are geared mainly toward the delivery of services and exchange of information.

Railroads effects on the segregation of the South

Railroads diverted traffic away from the main water routes lessening the Wests dependence on the Mississippi and helped further weaken the connection between the Northwest and the South.

American Industrial Revolution

Reached America by 1800s and boomed after the Civil War (1861-1865). Economy became more based around factory system, improved transportation (Erie Canal) helped reduce movement prices. Increased immigration from Ireland (potato famine) and Germany brought workers and an increased population. Women's rights, higher education, public education, and other ideas of individual rights became more prominent. Groundwork for social commerce came from two important court cases. People felt safer to invest.

Private Sphere

Refers to areas of life, such as the family, that are thought, in classical liberalism, to be separate from political influence and interference.

National Trades Union

Represented workers in a variety of industries

How were railroads funded?

Some came from private sources but most funds were from federal funding; federal, state and local. Federal land grants gave 30 million acres to 11 states to assist in railroad construction.

News Papers

The New York Sun, the most widely circulated paper in the nation, had 8,000 readers in 1834. The New York Herald had a circulation of 77,000.

What region other than the North East experienced substantial population growth and why?

The Northwest due to a booming agricultural economy produced significant urban growth. Communities that were once small villages became major cities. St Louis, Pittsburg, Cincinnati, and Louisville became centers for trade. Trade later moved from the Mississippi River to the Great lakes, creating important port cities such as Buffalo, Detroit, Milwaukie, and Chicago which gradually overtook the river ports.


The South was an important part of the national railroad network.

Who paid for construction of canals?

The States. NY was repaid its costs of the Erie Canal within 7 years due to tolls and frequent use.


The city which gained the most from the new transportation routes built in this era was New York.

cult of domesticity

The cult of domesticity, also known as the cult of true womanhood (by people who like it), is a view about women in the 1800s. They believed that women should stay at home and should not do any work outside of the home. There were four things they believed that women should be: More religious than men.

Precision Grinder

Used to produce a smooth finish on flat surfaces. It is a widely used abrasive machining process in which a spinning wheel covered in rough particles (grinding wheel) cuts chips of metallic or nonmetallic substance from a workpiece, making a face of it flat or smooth.

Railroads effects on Settlements and business

Where Railroads went, towns, ranches, and farms grew up rapidly along their routes. Areas once cut off from markets during winter found that the railroad could transport goods to and from them year round. Railroads also decreased the time to travel. A trip that once took three weeks by canal, now only tool 2-3 days by train.

Decline in Trade in The 1840's

While merchant capitalist remained figures of importance in the 1840's in such cities as New York, Philadelphia and Boston, merchant capitalism was declining in part because British competitors were stealing much of America's export trade, but mostly because there were greater opportunities for profit in manufacturing than in trade.


a mid-1800s secret anti-immigration fraternal organization; this group later became a political party called the American Party


businesses that are owned by many investors who buy shares of stock.

Rural Life

greatly different from urban life, focused on church, religious gatherings and social events, most people were fairly isolated

Elias Howe & Isaac Singer

invented & perfected the sewing machine that made sewing easier

Sarah bagley

organized the Lowell Female Labor Reform Association in the 1849s. The group petitioned for the state legislature that there was a 10 hours workday

The American Party

political organization formed by the Know-Nothings after the 1852 election which had much success in the 1854 elections in the Northeast but not much outside that areas. There strength declined after 1854.

Leisure Activities

recreation, nonobligatory discretionary and intrinsically rewarding activities


replaced wood as a leading energy source in the mid-nineteenth century.

Native American Party

secret societies of nativists that agitated against immigration; endorsed a list of demands that included banning Catholics or foreign-born citizens from holding office, more restrictive naturalization laws, and literacy tests for voting (Not Native American)

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