Unit 1: Intro to Comparative Politics
Consolidated democracies
1/3 classification regimes; political systems have been stably democratic for long time & consistent adherence to core democratic principles.
Transitional democracies
2/3 classification regimes; countries moved from authoritarian gov't to democratic; newly est. democracies.
Authoritarian regimes
3/3 classification regimes; authoritarian.
A basic principle of traditional democratic theory that describes the relationship between the few leaders and the many followers.
A belief by ppl that a state exercises rightful authority; 1) consent of governed - democratic procedures, 2) good level development & distribution resources.
Cold War
A critical juncture that propelled independence movements & collapse of communism.
A form of government in which the leader has absolute power and authority.
A form of government in which the monarch's power is limited by a basic set of laws
A process of transition as a country attempts to move from an authoritarian form of government to a democratic one. Marketization goes along.
A set of beliefs and preferences. Ex: communism vs. democracy
A state governed by divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as divinely guided. ex: Iran
A state's claim to exercise authority w/in a given territory.
Linkage institutions
A structure w/in society that connects ppl to govt/centralized authority ex: elections, political parties, media, special interest groups
Authoritarian rule
A system of rule in which power depends not on popular legitimacy but on the coercive force of the political authorities.
A system of rule that depends on force of political authorities; little freedom; absolute power of executive branch, little legislative & judicial control.
A theory of government that holds that open, multiple, and competing groups can check the asserted power by any one group. Equal access, civil society. More democracy. vs. Corporatism
Hybrid democracy
AKA illiberal democracy. Governing system in which, although elections take place, citizens are cut off from knowledge about the activities of those who exercise real power because of the lack of civil liberties.
Administration of justice & det. constitutionality of state decisions.
Agency of gov't that executes policy; most important. Ex: president, cabinet
Judicial review
Allows the court to determine the constitutionality of laws. Sees if govt can be controlled.
Comparative approach
An approach to politics that uses case studies to compare domestic politics, political institutions, and conflict of countries.
Critical juncture
An important historical moment that shapes institutions and future outcomes. Ex: 1989 - fall of Berlin Wall
Cold war
An indirect conflict btwn US and the Soviet Union w/ deadly threats.
Freedom in the World rating
Annual eval by NGO Freedom House; ID level freedom in countries
United Nations
Association of 200 countries to maintain international peace & advance rule of international law & prospects for econ and social development.
Political culture
Attitudes, beliefs, symbols that influence political behavior.
World Bank
Bank that provides low-interest loans, no-interest credit, policy advice, and tech assistance to developing countries to reduce poverty.
Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)
Calculate cost of living thru "basket of goods"; compare size econ among countries.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Calculation of total good & services produced by country during a given yr.
Cult of personality
Characteristic of authoritarian govt. Belief that leader is infalliable. ex: Mao
Head of gov't
Chief executive branch & from ruling political party.
Classification of large # case into smaller types; facilitate comparison.
Comparative gov't political scientists.
Most different case analysis
Comparison across clusters & types; analyze what produces the substantial differences we observe.
Procedural democracies
Democracy in which the people or citizens of the state have less influence than in traditional liberal democracies. Voters choosing to elect representatives in free elections.
Dishonest action by those in power. Can lead to less democracy.
Distinct, politically defined territories that encompass political institutions, cultures, econ, ethnic/social identities.
Distinct, politically defined territory in which state & national ID coincide.
Sustainable development
Ecologically sound ways to modernize econ & raise standard living.
Third World
Econ less developed countries in Asia, Africa, Latin American; many recently independent.
Econ policy to reduce gov't regulation & promote competition.
Civil liberties, rights, and freedoms
Freedoms to think and act without government interference or fear of unfair legal treatment.
Gross National Product (GNP)
GDP + income earned abroad by country's residents.
World Trade Organization (WTO)
Global organization to lower/remove barriers to free trade; most countries are members.
Gov't or political systems
Political socialization
Govt aims to transform/teach a set of belief. Each society has a set. ex: flag in room, Bill of Rights
Coup d'états
Govt same but ppl in seats change. Can be violent/peaceful. ex: US elections are coups
Collective identities
Groups people identify w/; "building blocks" for social and political action. Ex: gender, class, race, region, religion
Social movements
Groups that demand reforms of existing social practices and government policies. Social movements are less formally organized than interest groups. Ex: Civil Rights Movement
Coinciding cleavage
Groups that don't work together - fight for resources/power. Lose democracy. ex: Nigeria
Crosscutting cleavage
Groups that otherwise don't work together do work together. ex: US
State formation
Historical development of a state marked by critical junctures.
How much govt tells its citizens. More transparent, more democratic. How much influence ppl get. ex: vote
Idea state hands-off approach & market system of production develop slowly; free enterprise economy. Ex: Britain
Commanding heights
Important materials like steel, iron, etc.
Institutional design
Institutional arrangements that define the relationships between executive, legislative, and judicial branches & between the national government and sub-national units like states in the United States.
Intensification worldwide connectedness; incr trade, investment, finance, migration, cultural diffusion, communication.
Key political institutions responsible for making, implementing, adjudicating important policies in a country. Aka gov't.
Keynes; econ policy in which gov't uses econ policies to get stable econ growth.
Least radical type of change - amend constitution, change law, judicial review
Make laws & provide for financial resources for state.
Global Gender Gap
Measure of gender equality; 1) econ participation, 2) econ opportunity, 3) political empowerment, 4) edu attainment, 5) health
Environmental Performance Index
Measure of how close countries meet benchmarks for national pollution control & national resource management.
Human Development Index
Measure used by UN to compare levels health, knowledge, standard living; 1) life expectancy, 2) adult literacy rate, 3) school enrollment stats, 4) GDP at PPP
Medium type of change - often violent; radical change in a system in which a system totally reforms to a new system. Not always successful. ex: African independence - not violent
Ministers who direct executive dept.
One chamber legislature
European Union (EU)
Organization Euro countries to promote econ integration & political cooperation among Euro states; reduce tariff barriers, immigration policies, technical standards, monetary regulation.
Organization structured hierarchically; lower-level ppl administer regulations of rules that specify impersonal, objective guidelines for making decisions. Ex: businesses
Political parties
Organization that tries to influence gov. policy by promoting its ideas and backing candidates for office
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Organization to foster global monetary cooperation, financial stability, international trade, high emp, econ growth, reduce poverty; countries must agree to econ liberalization.
Supranational organizations
Organizations of 3/more that est. treaties among members & become subject to rules of organizations. Can cause countries lose legitimacy & lose legitimacy itself when members disobey. ex: EU
Ethnic cleansing, Genocide
Political violence to a minority population to force its expulsion/mass destruction; caused by deep nationalist and ethnic divisions. Ex: Rwanda, Sudan
Ppl hired to work for govt specialized in an area.
Ppl in position of authority ex: Obama
Democratic transitions
Process of a state moving from authoritarian to democratic political system.
Distributional politics
Process of deciding who gets what & how resources distributed.
Social welfare
Programs to help certain groups of people
Head of state
Public figure, can be same as head of govt. ex: Queen Elizabeth
Liberal democracy
Regimes that combine capitalist organization of econ w/ democratic political system. Ex: Western-style
Regimes that seek to control nearly every aspect of public & private life. Ex: Stalin & Mao
Suffrage, political franchise, the franchise
Right to vote
Electoral systems
Rules that decide how votes are cast, counted & translated into seats - plurality, majority, proportional representation.
Middle-level theory
Seeks to explain phenomena in a limited range of cases like parliamentary regimes, political parties, protest
Set of rules of state
Social class
Solidarities based on shared experience of econ position.
Empirical statements
Statements that are based on facts & scientific; "true or false"
Normative statements
Statements that are based on values & perspective; "right or wrong"
Unitary system
Structure of govt in which all decisions made at national level. Most common. ex: France
Structure of govt in which national & local decisions same level; rarely survive bc contradictions. ex: UN
Federal system
Structure of govt in which there are multiple levels of powers - federal, state, local. ex: US
Political economy
Study of how gov't affect econ performance & how econ performance affects a country's political processes.
Supporting democracy
Political efficacy
The belief that one's political participation really matters - that one's vote can actually make a difference.
Social cleavages
The boundaries between citizens of different religions, ethnic groups, race, and social and economic classes. Can be crosscutting/coinciding.
The principle of a two-house legislature.
The process of taking power from the national government and giving it to local government.
Comparative politics
The study and comparison of domestic politics across countries; sub-field w/in political science.
Rational choice theory
Theory that individuals act strategically to achieve goals that max interests. Ex: voting for a candidate
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Treaty among US, Mexico, Canada eliminate trade barriers.
Communist party-state
Type of nation-state in which the communist party has complete political control. Ex: East Central Europe & Soviet Union
When special interest groups form, govt chooses which groups to cater to. Decreases democracy.