Unit 2 Test

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The expansion of participatory democracy in the Jacksonian era most likely influenced the Second Great Awakening by

giving rise to individualistic beliefs

The Second Great Awakening was most directly related to which of the following other historical developments of the early nineteenth century?

Challenges to Enlightenment views of rationalism

Which of the following most directly contributed to the development described in the excerpt?

A belief by southern businessmen that the southern economy should focus on the export of select agricultural products

Which of the following can be concluded about the United States based on the author's descriptions in the excerpt?

A common national culture was developing.

In the first half of the 1800s, which of the following resulted from the debates about the cotton economy described in the excerpt?

A distinct Southern economic and cultural identity emerged.

Changes in ideas about men's and women's gender roles in the family, resulting from the market revolution, most directly contributed to which of the following shifts in American social practices during the same period?

A new emphasis on the separation between the public and private spheres

Panic of 1837

A severe financial crisis in the U.S. that involved the collapse of state-chartered banks and the economic policies of President Andrew Jackson. It led to a severe economic depression marked by bank failures, business bankruptcies, and widespread unemployment.

Market Revolution

A shift in economy - moving from small towns to bigger industries. In the 1820s and 1830s, a market revolution was transforming American business and global trade. Factories and mass production increasingly displaced independent artisans.

Gettysburg Address

A speech delivered by President Lincoln during the Civil War. He emphasized the importance of preserving the Union and the principles of liberty and equality. He dedicated the battlefield to the cause of freedom and honored those who had sacrificed their lives there, and he inspired the nation.

Union Disadvantages in the Civil War

Geographic spread led to logistical challenges. Had to fight a war of conquest in unfamiliar territory

Democrats View of Tariffs

In favor of lower tariffs. Believed high protective tariffs disproportionately benefited Northern industrial interests at the expense of Southern agricultural interests.

Election of Lincoln 1860

Abraham Lincoln, a republican candidate, was elected as President. It prompted southern states to secede from the Union which led to the American Civil War.

Democrats View of Federally Funded Internal Improvements

Against it. Believe that those projects should be left to the states.

Which of the following can be concluded based on the situation in which Calhoun gave this speech?

Americans debated how to integrate conquered territories into the United States.

Indian Removal Act

An Act that led to the Trail of Tears. Jackson had little sympathy for non-whites & reasoned that a policy of Indian removal would end the conflict between whites & native Americans. He forced the removal of Native Americans from their lands east of the Mississippi River.

The American System

An economic plan proposed by Senator Henry Clay of Kentucky in which tariffs, a national bank & a federal road-building plan would help unify the nation.

Innovations in shipping and the growth of commercial networks were most directly related to which of the following other developments of the first half of the nineteenth century?

An increase in the number of Americans moving west of the Appalachian Mountains

Which of the following claims is supported by the author's main argument in the excerpt?

Andrew Jackson can be blamed for the unintended effects of Indian removal.

Which of the following best describes Jefferson's point of view in the excerpt?

As the newly elected president, Jefferson believes government should limit interference in the lives of its citizens.

Which of the following resulted from the mass production of cotton described in the excerpt?

B Some southerners relocated their plantations to the west of the Appalachian Mountains.

Mexican-American War

Began in 1846. A conflict between the U.S. & Mexico over the dispute over the Texas border. It resulted in the U.S. acquiring significant Mexican territory and heightened tensions over slavery

Confederate Advantages in the Civil War

Better strategic war plan than the North Southerners had a stronger military tradition than Northerners. Most of them needed less training because they already knew military tactics. Their military leadership like Southern General Robert E. Lee was superior to the Northern generals. Their morale was stronger than the North. Southern troops were fighting in defense of their homeland. Highly motivated soldiers Agricultural strength (in cotton) which was in high demand in Europe

Union Advantages in the Civil War

Population (over down the size). The Union's numerous factories & farms were capable of producing the massive amount of war goods & food supplies that were needed for victory. The North's railroad system was far superior to the South's. Great political leadership → Union President = Lincoln Foreign Relations → recognized as a legitimate nation The North had a strong navy. They were able to blockade southern ports & cut off vital supplies Extensive railroad and networking

Which of the following best explains how the purpose of the speech in the excerpt was interpreted by federal officials?

Red Jacket sought to protect Iroquois independence from the United States.

Which of the following most directly led to the expansion of participatory democracy in the first half of the nineteenth century?

Reduction of property ownership requirements for voting

How did different regional interests affect debates about the role of the federal government in the early to mid 19th century?

Regional interests affected the views on the role of federal and state governments. The South believed that states' rights were greater and more important than federal rights. The South was reliant on slavery and agriculture; they advocated for a limited federal government to protect their economic and social structures. On the other hand, Northerners believed that the national government's power was superior to the states'. The North had more diverse economies and a growing industry, so they wanted a stronger federal government to regulate commerce, infrastructure development, and moral issues like slavery.

Which of the following does the author use as evidence to support her argument that slaveholders were "keen to master their slaves' senses of pleasure"?

Slaveholders held parties to encourage the loyalty of the enslaved.

Wilmot Proviso 1846

Slavery & involuntary servitude would be banned in all territories acquired as a result of the Mexican-American War. Proposed to ban slavery in new territories acquired from Mexico.

Which of the following best describes a context in the first half of the 1800s that influenced the development of slavery as described in the excerpt?

Southern planters used enslaved people to produce cotton for international markets.

Democrats View of the National Bank (2nd BUS)

Strongly opposed the Second Bank of the United States. Jackson accused the bank of only serving the interests of wealthy Easterners & believed that it discriminated against ordinary people.

Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854

The Kansas-Nebraska became law when Congress voted in favor of Douglas's proposal. The terms of the Missouri Compromise no longer applied to Kansas & Nebraska. Allowed settlers in these territories to decide on the issue of slavery (popular sovereignty)

Confederate Disadvantages in the Civil War

The South had little industry Its farms produced mostly cotton, not food → Bread Riot The North's railroad system was far superior to the South's. South's efforts to win the support & recognition from Great Britain ended in failure Lack of transportation infrastructure Smaller population (6 million free citizens & 3 million slaves)

Civil War-military strategies for each side

The South's strategy was to outlast the North, while the North focused on economically squeezing the South with the Anaconda Plan. The North had more resources, but the South had superior military leadership. The union focused on targeting Confederate armies and the South's infrastructure, resources and civilian morale. The south focused on defensive strategy and cotton.

The speech given by Calhoun relates to which of the following

The effect of regional attitudes on federal policy making

Public Asylums

Dorothea Dix was an important reformer who advocated for improved treatment for the mentally ill. She was also a former school teacher. She wanted to call public attention to the mentally ill who were chained, beaten & abused. She also wanted to establish state institutions where the mentally ill could receive care. Dix helped significantly improve the treatment for the mentally ill.

Ideas in the excerpt would most likely have influenced which of the following?

Efforts at assisting enslaved people in escaping from the South

Women's Rights Movement

Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, Susan B. Anthony and Mary Lyon were important figures. The movement aimed to secure equal rights & opportunities for women which included suffrage, education & property rights. This movement planted the basis for women's rights.

Which of the following could best be used as evidence to support the argument in the third paragraph of the excerpt that enslaved people engaged in oppositional activities?

Enslaved African Americans routinely caused tools to break or worked more slowly as means of resistance.

Which of the following can be concluded about the relationship between the United States and Europe based on the situation described in the excerpt?

European styles continued to influence American society.

Democrats Role and Power of Federal Government

Favored a limited role for the federal government & supported states' rights

Whigs View of Federally Funded Internal Improvements

Favored the development of roads & canals

First Great Awakening vs the Second Great Awakenings

First Great Awakening was from the 1730s to 1740s. You can only be saved through God's Grace Religious revival movement that emphasized emotional & personal religious experiences. Spiritual & religious devotion revived. Religious reform Mainly focused on people already a part of the church Second Great Awakening was the Early 19th century (1790s to 1840s) Charles Grandison Finney A religious revival movement with a great emphasis on reform and social issues Focused on individual responsibility & personal salvation Moral Reform Focused less on religion

Republican Party Formed 1854

Founded in 1854 & was supported by the North & the West. It was an anti-slavery political party founded by former members of the Whig Party. They were able to challenge the Democratic party in the North The emerging political party opposed to the expansion of slavery.

Abolition Movement

Frederick Douglas, Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, and Harriet Beecher Stowe were important figures. The goal was to eliminate slavery & ensure the freedom, rights & fair treatment of enslaved individuals. The 13th Amendment was passed in 1865 which got rid of slavery in the United States.

The excerpt best provides evidence about which of the following historical situations in the late 1840s?

Growing sectional tensions caused by the Mexican-American War

Education Movement

Horace Mann was elected secretary of the newly founded Massachusetts Board of Education in 1837. He was the founder/father of the Common School Movement. The goal was to provide a more centralized & efficient school system. This was successful because the movement advanced public education which led to the establishment of free & accessible schools.

Cotton gin

In 1793, Eli Whitney invited the cotton gin which separated the seeds mechanically. It increased the demand for cotton and slave labor instead of decreasing it.

Missouri Compromise of 1820

In 1820, Congress passed a compromise measure Missouri would enter the Union as a slave state Maine would enter the Union as a free state. Aimed to maintain a balance between free and slave states.

Worcester v. Georgia

In Worcester v. Georgia, the court ruled that Georgia couldn't force the Cherokee to leave. Georgia could not control the Cherokees land.

Did democracy expand in America in the early 19th century? Whose rights increased? Whose did not?

In the early 19th century, democracy in America experienced both expansions and limitations. White men saw considerable increases as property qualifications for voting were slowly eliminated in multiple states. This allowed more white males, not just property-owning white men, to participate in elections. Women, African Americans, and Native Americans did not experience significant increases in rights. Women were excluded from the right to vote and experienced social restrictions. African Americans were still enslaved, experiencing slavery expanding into new territories and states acquired by the United States. Native Americans experienced significant losses of their lands and rights due to westward expansion, often from forced removal of their land. While there were democratic expansions for white men, the early 19th century was marked by significant limitations in the rights and participation of women, African Americans, and Native Americans in American democracy.

Which of the following arguments about the Mexican-American War do the excerpts best support?

It generated debates over citizenship.

Fugitive Slave Law

It required the capture and return of escaped slaves to their owners (even in free states) and denied fugitive states the trite to a trial by jury. This law strengthened tensions between the North & South and led to the outbreak of the civil war.

Compromise of 1850

It was a package of legislation addressing issues related to the expansion of slavery. Admitted California as a free state. Provided for a territorial government for Utah & New Mexico. Established a boundary between Texas & the U.S. Called for the abolition of the slave trade & amended the Fugitive Slave Act.

The Indian Removal Act

It was an Act passed by Congress in 1830 that gave President Jackson power to negotiate with Indian tribes in the South for their removal to Indian Territory west of the Mississippi River.

Which of the following pieces of evidence would help modify an argument in the excerpt about President Jackson's intentions toward American Indians?

Jackson had led United States armies that conquered American Indian peoples in the Southeast and forced land cessions.

Identify and explain John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry

John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry 1859 was a failed slave rebellion attempt. White abolitionist John Brown, believed in using violence to slavery. Brown led an attack on a federal arsenal. The plot failed, and Brown was captured, tried & hanged. This failed rebellion heightened sectional tensions and contributed to the outbreak of the Civil War.

Religious Movement

Joseph Smith was the founder of the Mormon Church. Charles Grandison Finney was an important figure in the 2nd Great Awakening who was known for his revivalist preaching. The Second Great Awakening's goal was to promote religious revival & spiritual awakening. Utopian communities wanted to establish ideal & self-sustaining societies based on communal living & shared resources. Mormons wanted to establish a new religious community (in the U.S.) based on the Book of Mormon.

The growth of manufacturing in the United States from 1800 to 1850 was most directly connected to which of the following broader historical processes?

Large numbers of international migrants moving to northern cities

Which of the following pieces of evidence could best be used to modify the argument in the excerpt that many enslaved people engaged in oppositional activities?

Large-scale rebellions by enslaved African Americans in the first half of the 1800s were largely unsuccessful.

Identify Temperance Movement

Lyman Beecher was an important leader as he was an important Presbyterian Minister. He also founded the American Temperance Society & wrote popular sermons on temperance. It was an anti-drinking campaign. It wanted to limit or prohibit the production & sale & consumption of alcohol. It was successful; Maine passed the first laws in 1851 & it also promoted awareness about the harmful effects of alcohol abuse.

Which of the following describes a context that most influenced the implementation of the government policy discussed in the excerpt?

Many Americans desired the United States to expand its western land claims.

Which of the following is a piece of evidence used by Howe to support his claim in the third paragraph of the excerpt about religious organizations in the early nineteenth century?

Members of the Evangelical United Front employed more people than the Post Office did.

Identify and explain the Nat Turner Rebellion

Nat Turner's Rebellion occurred in Virginia in 1831. 59 whites were killed, halted, and then the rebellion was suppressed. Nat Turner was not captured for two months, after which he was tried and executed. Nat Turner was an enslaved preacher who believed he was chosen by God to lead enslaved people to freedom. He led a group of followers to a violent rebellion, which was eventually suppressed. After the rebellion, Virginia & Southern States enacted even stricter slave codes.

Economic systems (North/South)

North = Industrialized geography and technology. The Second Bank of the United States (1816) provided loans to Northern businesses. Tariffs taxed foreign imports to help Northern industries. By 1804 all Northern states had abolished slavery. More urbanized, more immigrants. South = Agricultural. Rural. Dominated by plantations, especially as smaller farmers were forced west by the high cost of land. A large percentage of the labor was done by enslaved people

Corrupt Bargain

Occurred in the election of 1824 between John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay. It was a political deal that helped Adams secure the presidency over Andrew Jackson even though Jackson had won the popular vote and had more electoral votes, but not a majority.


On month after Lincoln's election, South Carolina seceded from the Union. Southerners believed that secession could be peacefully achieved. Secession is the formal withdrawal from a group, in this case the union.

Which of the following developments resulted most directly from the gold rush described in the excerpt?

People from America, Europe, and Asia migrated to the region.

Which of the following best describes the context from which the ideas expressed in the excerpt emerged?

Political leaders sought to encourage domestic economic development.

Which of the following pieces of evidence would best refute Jackson's claim about his predecessors' policies toward American Indians, as described in the first paragraph of the excerpt?

President George Washington enforced treaties guaranteeing American Indians in New York rights to their land.

The claims in the excerpt were most likely interpreted as opposing which of the following existing federal government policies at the time?

Promoting economic development through foreign trade

Lincoln-Douglas Debates 1858

Series of debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas. The debates consisted of Douglas accusing Lincoln of being an abolitionist while Lincoln accused Douglas of wanting to nationalize slavery.

Which of the following best describes a historian's likely interpretation of the situation in which the excerpt was produced in the early 1800s?

Some Americans promoted international strength through a unified national economy.

Whigs View of Tariffs

Supported high tariffs to protect businesses.

Burned-over district

The Burned-Over District was a place of religious revivalism as the Second Great Awakening had a significant impact on the area. Upstate New York became known as the "Burned-Over District" because of the Second Great Awakening. Charles Grandison Finney referred to the term-"Burned over District"-in his 1876 book, Autobiography of Charles G. Finney. The term came from the belief that revivalism left no other person to be Christianized; the area was so evangelized that there was no "fuel" (unconverted population) left over to "burn" (convert).

How did the Civil War affect the U.S. and its people?

The Civil War had a major impact on civil liberties, as 15,000 individuals were arrested and imprisoned without formal trials, and women's roles in the war. Because of the war, the government issued a standard national currency. The most vital effect of the Civil War was the abolition of slavery.

Which of the following best describes the political situation in which Jefferson gave the address in the excerpt?

The Democratic-Republican Party had won the presidency for the first time.

Nullification Crisis

The Nullification Crisis was a result of southern states resistance to imposed, protective tariffs on foreign goods to guard emerging industries. Southern states viewed these tariffs as "unconstitutional". The tariff was so unpopular in the South that it generated threats of secession. John C. Calhoun, Andrew Jackson's vice president and a native of South Carolina, proposed the theory of nullification, which declared the tariff unconstitutional and therefore unenforceable.

Seneca Falls Convention

The Seneca Falls Convention (July 1848) was the first women's rights gathering. Elizabeth Cady Stanton called the convention at 33 years old. Lucretia Mott helped and worked with Elizabeth at the convention. They drafted The Declaration of Sentiments, which called for women's equality and suffrage.

Which of the following developments most directly led to the activities described in the excerpt?

The acquisition of significant territory following the Mexican-American War

Both authors would most likely suggest that the historical situation described in the excerpts contributed to which of the following?

The continued alteration of Native American culture and society

The excerpt best serves as evidence of which of the following developments?

The creation of a unique American culture

Dred Scott Decision

The expansion of slavery & growing opposition increased sectional tensions. He argued because he lived in a free territory he should be declared a free citizen. Supreme Court Decision of 1857 → ruled that Scott's petition was not valid. African Americans are not citizens. It kept slavery in U.S. territories, denied the legal rights to black citizens in America & declared the Missouri Compromise to be unconstitutional.

Trail of Tears

The forced removal in 1838 of around 15,000 Cherokees from GA to Indian Territory. Jackson had ignored the ruling of Worcester vs GA where Marshall ruled that GA couldn't control the Cherokee's land & couldn't force them to leave.

The expansion of suffrage to most adult White men in the early nineteenth century most directly resulted in which of the following?

The growth of new political parties

The excerpt could best be used by historians studying which of the following?

The growth of the abolition movement in the United States

The petition could best be used as evidence by historians studying which of the following?

The ideas that led some Americans to advocate for improved transportation

Rhetoric in the excerpt would most likely have been interpreted as promoting which of the following?

The immediate end to the practice of slavery through legal reform

Which of the following best explains a major reason for the emergence of the Second Great Awakening in the United States?

The rise of individualistic and evangelical spiritual beliefs inspired religious conversion.

The excerpt best reflects the development of which of the following?

The widely held belief that the United States had a right to expand westward

Which of the following describes a piece of evidence used by Howe to support his overall argument about the motivations of religious reformers?

They desired to teach people personal autonomy.

Which of the following was most likely a main purpose of Jefferson's inaugural address?

To summarize his beliefs about the ideal political system

Whigs Role and Power of Federal Government

Wanted a stronger federal government.

What drove Westward expansion and what were its effects?

Westward expansion in the United States during the 19th century was driven by several factors: the search for economic opportunities, the belief in manifest destiny, and the pursuit of new lands. The appeal to abundant land, access to valuable resources, and the promise of a better life motivated settlers to move westward. The expansion had many effects on the nation. It led to the displacement and mistreatment of Native Americans through the Trail of Tears and the Indian Removal Act. It fueled the growth of the American economy, the spread of democracy, and the development of a unique American culture/identity.

Whigs View of the National Bank (2nd BUS)

Whigs supported the recharter and the existence of the Bank. Favored the national bank to control the currency.

The excerpt best serves as evidence that, in 1861

citizens in the Southern states were deeply divided over secession

The expansion of suffrage to most adult White men by the 1820s and 1830s most directly contributed to the

emergence of political rallies and events to encourage people to vote for particular parties

A piece of evidence used by Howe in the second paragraph of the excerpt to support his argument about the goals of prison reform was that prison reformers

intended to use prisons to rehabilitate criminals

Greenberg's argument most differs from Hietala's in that Greenberg claims that

most Americans believed that Mexicans in the new territories could not assimilate According to Greenberg's excerpt, many Americans opposed Mexican integration because they were fearful of the influence of foreign cultures and believed that assimilation would be difficult or impossible.

At the time the petition was produced, Congress most likely interpreted the petition's purpose as

requesting federal funding for transportation construction projects

The excerpt could best be used by historians studying the

resistance against the expansion of United States influence

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