Unit 3 Ap Gov

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Which of the following best explains how poll respondents regard the relationship between the right to own guns and personal freedom?

A) The poll shows there's an ongoing debate over whether gun control laws promote or interfere with individual rights

In which of the following situations with the Supreme Court be most likely to utilize the doctrine of selective incorporation?

A) when an individual claims that are right protected by the Bill of Rights is unfringed upon by a state

To which level of government the Bill of Rights originally apply?

B) Federal government only

The United States Supreme Court has used which of the following to incorporate the Bill of Rights in the state law?

B) The 14th amendment

A woman is arrested for opposing illegal substances that were obtained after a warrantless search of her home by local police. Which of the following best explains whether the evidence could be used in a criminal trial?

B) The exclusionary rule, derived from the fourth amendment, prevents the evidence from being used against the suspect

A classified department of defense study on the effectiveness of the United States involvement in the Afghanistan war is obtained by the newspaper. The president seeks to block the publication of the document. The court rules in favor of the newspaper, citing as precedent the Supreme Court decision in the New York Times co-the the United States 1971. Based on the ruling in the Supreme Court's decision, which of the following lines of reasoning does the court most likely use?

B) freedom of the press requires that the government show a significant danger to the national security in order to stop publication

Which of the following best describes the purpose of the establishment clause?

B) it prohibits Congress from establishing a state religion

In Engel v. Vitale 1962, which of the following provides legal reasoning behind the Supreme Court's ruling?

B) it ruled that the state had no justifiable interest to compel students to listen to a non-denominational prayer led by public school teachers, finding a clear establishment clause violation

Which of the following statements best describes the information in the map?

B) most states in the south and west allow capital punishment

Which of the following scenarios related to the first amendment best illustrates the right to petition the government?

C) A citizen calls a member of Congress to persuade her vote yes on a bill

Which of the following scenarios would be considered a violation of the rights of someone accused of a crime according to the Supreme Court?

C) A person who is unable to afford an attorney is tried and convicted of a crime without legal representation

Which of the following best illustrates the protection of an individuals fifth amendment rights?

C) after arrest, a suspect is informed of the right to remain silent during interrogation

Which of the following is most likely to be considered speech that is protected by the first amendment?

C) an individual post something on social media that is highly critical of the president

Which of the following illustrates a situation that would not be protected by the first amendment due to time, place, and manner restrictions?

C) antibusiness protesters are arrested and prosecuted for shutting down major intersection in New York City time square during rush hour

According to the data, both gun owners and non gun owners

C) chose freedom of speech as the most crucial to their own liberty

Which of the following scenarios best explains how the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment has influenced political behavior?

C) civil rights leaders such as Martin Luther King Junior., cited constitutional arguments as a bias for opposing segregation and inequality

Which of the following constitutional clause was most likely relevant in the Supreme court Roe v. Wade 1973?

C) due process clause

At a public high school, several students raise the banner and wore clothing to support candidates running in the upcoming presidential election during the lunch period. The principal asked the students to put away the banner, citing safety concerns. Which of the following Supreme Court cases is most relevant to the scenario?

C) tinker V Des Moines independent community school District 1969

The 14th amendment equal protection clause declares that " no state shall ... deny to any person with its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." In which of the following scenarios is this clause most likely to be used by the Supreme Court in its decision?

D) A local school district mandates racially segregated schools

Which of the following pairs of cases use the 14th amendments due process clause to expand individual liberties?

D) Case one: roe v. Wade (1973) Case two : Gideon V Wainwright (1963)

A public school district implemented a policy that allowed students to vote on whether they wanted a student lead prayer to be read at football games. This policy was later found to be unconstitutional by the United States Supreme Court. Which of the following clauses to the policy most likely violate?

D) The establishment clause

Which of the following explains a constitutional reasoning in McDonald v Chicago 2010?

D) The second amendment right to keep in bear arms for the purpose of self-defense is applicable to the states through the 14th amendment

Which of the following cases decided whether a state could compel children to attend school beyond eighth grade even if it violates the student's sincerely held religious beliefs?

D) Wisconsin V Yoder 1972

A group unhappy with local law enforcement distributes a memo to members encouraging physical confrontations with police officers. The leaders of the group are promptly arrested. Which of the following supreme court case is best justifies the actions taken by law enforcement in this scenario?

D) schenck v. US

In Gideon V Wainwright, the United States Supreme Court ruled that the

D) six amendment right to counsel provision applies to those accused of major crimes under state laws

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