Unit 3: US History H

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This amendment provided for the direct election of U.S. senators.

17th amendment

When did the Interstate Commerce Act become law?


This amendment prohibited the sale and use of alcoholic beverages

18th amendment

Approximately what percentage of African Americans lived in the South at the start of World War I?


This was one of the first groups of labor unions in the United States that later merged with the CIO.

American Federation of Labor

This Scottish-born American industrialist made his fortune in the steel industry, using vertical integration to decrease cost and increase profits by using vertical integration.

Andrew Carnegie

If a Native American lived on their allotted land for 25 years, what would he/she have to do to get their U.S. citizenship?

Become "civilized"

She was a major proponent of the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment and the founder of the League of Women Voters in 1920.

Carrie Chapman Catt

In the building of the Transcontinental Railroad in the 1860s, this railroad company began construction in California and built to the east, using a large labor force of mostly Chinese immigrants

Central Pacific

Which city was in the top five in population in BOTH 1900 and 2000?


He was the Duwamish chief who worked with white settlers in the Pacific northwest during 1860s, urging cooperation as well as environmental responsibility.

Chief Seattle

The Central Pacific Railroad filled much of its need for labor by hiring ___ immigrants.


The __________ of 1882 was one of the first pieces of legislation to limit immigration.

Chinese-exclusion act

Which person would have been LEAST likely to be considered a "Progressive" in the early 20th century?


This 19th Century industrialist is best known for his company's production of the "sleeping car" for railroad travel, and for the 1894 labor strike surrounding it's production.

George Pullman

This was the hypothesis, originally proposed by Andrew Carnegie, that wealth was the great end and aim of man, and that those with it had a responsibility to put it to good use.

Gospel of Wealth

What is the term for buying out all of the competition in a particular industry?

Horizontal Integration

In 1900, the most populous cities were located __________.

In the East

This was a law created in 1887 to regulate railroads to ensure fair rates, eliminate rate discrimination, and regulate other aspects of common carriers.

Interstate Commerce Act

He was a U.S. banker and financier who was a leader in corporate finance and industrial mergers in the late 1800s and early 1900s.

J.P. Morgan

The New York industrialist who made hundreds of millions of dollars in the 19th century with this Standard Oil Company and pioneered the corporate strategy of vertical integration.

John D. Rockefeller

This is the name given to the combat between Lakota and Cheyenne and the US Army's Seventh Cavalry in 1876. It resulted in the deaths of nearly half of the unit, including General George Armstrong Custer.

Little Big Horn

How did corporations during the Gilded Age become stronger?

Many corporations teamed up with other corporations to create monopolies, which often controlled the industry.

This is the name of the Federal agency created in 1916 that manages the country's national monuments, historic sites, and other public spaces of national importance

National Park Service

What was the most populous city in 1900?

New York

"Tammany Hall" and "Boss" Tweed were powerful players in __________.

New York City

Rockefeller is MOST associated with what industry?


The direct election of U.S. Senators, women's suffrage, and greater government regulation of large industries were all issues of importance in the early 1900s to the


This Oglala Lakota (Sioux) chief led his people in resistance to the U.S. Army in the Montana and Wyoming territories from 1866 to 1868.

Red Cloud

This is an area of land managed by Native American tribes, under the Department of the Interior's Bureau of Indian Affairs. Because Native American tribes have limited national sovereignty, laws on tribal lands vary from those of the surrounding area. After the Indian Wars in the 1800s many tribes were forced to live in such areas.


A founder of the Progressive Movement who led political reform efforts in Wisconsin and the United States

Robert LaFollette

Which two U.S. presidents can be considered Progressive?

Roosevelt and Wilson

The "Father of the American Industrial Revolution," he brought British textile technology to America.

Samuel Slater

Andrew Carnegie was a native of what country?


Rockefeller's company was busted up in 1911 because it violated the __________.

Sherman AntiTrust Act

This Lakota Indian Chief helped defeat General Custer in the Battle of Little Big Horn in 1876

Sitting Bull

What was the western-most city with the highest population in 1900?

St. Louis

What event seemed to cause the Great Migration to slow?

The Great Depression

Which Upton Sinclair muckraking masterpiece is credited with spurring the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act?

The Jungle

John D. Rockefeller was MOST affected by what?

The Sherman Antitrust Act

Melting Pot Theory

The belief that different immigrant groups in the U.S. lose their old identities in America and that a new American identity emerges from the blending of cultures.

Which of these was an effect of the rapid industrialization of the United States in the last half of the 19th century?

The economy was increasingly controlled by big corporations.

Which of these had the BIGGEST impact on westward migration in the United States?

Transcontinental Railroad

This fire in New York City on March 25, 1911, was the largest industrial disaster in the history of the city of New York, causing the deaths of 146 garment workers, and led to legislation requiring improved factory safety standards in the workplace.

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory

In the building of the Transcontinental Railroad in the 1860s, this railroad company began construction in Nebraska and built to the west, using a large labor force of Irish immigrants and Civil War veterans.

Union Pacific

Which railroad company was responsible for building from the middle of the United States westward?

Union Pacific

What is the term for controlling/owning each step of a production process?

Vertical Integration

This is the combining of businesses that produce wildly dissimilar products into or under one organization

Vertical Merger

Who won the election of 1896 on a platform of increased industrialization, higher wages, and the "gold standard"?

William McKinley

Which president is most closely associated with the Nineteenth Amendment and women's suffrage?


What event seemed to start the Great Migration?

World War I

The Populist Party sought to increase the power of

agricultural workers.

Where did most political machines arise and receive the most support at the turn of the century?

areas with large immigrant populations

In the early 1900s women's suffrage was __________.

controversial among feminists

People moving out of East Berlin is an example of what kind of population movement?


True or False: The Populists liked the railroad industry.


What occupation is MOST associated with the Populist movement?


The Progressive Movement sought to cure the political and social abuses that had arisen during __________.

gilded age

This was a group of American farmers who united in the late 19th century to lobby Congress to pass laws protecting them from unfair business practices of large industry.


The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution could be considered a "Progressive" amendment because it

granted suffrage to all American citizens, regardless of sex.

In 1889, Jane Addams founded the first settlement home in the U.S., known as __________.

hull house

___ is movement into a new country.


Movement into the "Sun Belt" is an example of what kind of population movement?


Prejudice against immigrants was known as ___.


The purpose of Hull House was to help __________ acclimate to life in the U.S.

new immigrants

Who did the the government sell much of the best, most farmable land to?


Which group of people would have been MOST LIKELY to support Watson and the Populist Party?

poor farmers

This was the movement that advocated state control of railroads and currency expansion.


Which era is credited with getting the 17th Amendment added to the U.S. Constitution?


The Populist Party was established in the 1890's to

protect the political and economic interests of farmers and laborers.

Political machines began to hold less power as governments began to __________.

provide more aid to people

The Interstate Commerce Act was created to regulate the ___ industry.


Which party was split because of a feud within the party?


What nickname is sometimes given to men like Carnegie, Rockefeller, and Morgan?

robber barons

__________ was almost assassinated while preparing to give a speech in 1912.


Between 1850 and 1930, the largest number of immigrants were coming from

southern and eastern Europe

Before the Constitution was changed to allow for the "direct election" of US Senators, Senators were chosen by __________.

state legislature

Carnegie made his fortune primary in what industry?


This is financial assistance from the government to encourage the production of or the purchase of a good.


Women who protested and campaigned for the right to vote were known as ___.


The Pullman Strike of 1894 was ended when

the Federal government issued an injunction to end it.

Which financial policy would a wealthy, northern industrialist have been MOST LIKELY to support in the late 1800s?

the Gold Standard

According to the "Gospel of Wealth" supported by Andrew Carnegie and Horatio Alger

the accumulation of wealth is beneficial to society and the government should take no action to hinder this accumulation.

In 1870, population density in the United States was greatest in ___.

the northeast

Late-19th Century immigration to the United States would not have been possible without

transatlantic steamships.

This term is used to refer to a type of business organization created in the 19th century that was meant to eventually produce a monopoly.


The Interstate Commerce Act was __ because it __________.

unsuccessful; was too vague

"Political Machines" were MOST common in __________.

urban areas

__________ won the election of 1912?


Addams became the first American woman to __________.

win the noble peace prize

The Nineteenth Amendment addressed the issue of __________.

women's suffrage

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