Unit 4 assessment

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During the first half of the nineteenth century, the central and western areas of New York were known as the "burned-over district" because

of intense religious zeal created during the Second Great Awakening

President Monroe articulate the Monroe Doctrine in his 1823 address to Congress primarily in order to

warn European nations against further colonial ventures in the Western Hemisphere

Which of the following is true of John Marshall's decision in McCulloch v. Maryland?

It increased federal authority by invoking the doctrine of implied powers.

The United States went to war in 1812 for all of the following reasons EXCEPT to

prevent France from recapturing the Louisiana Territory

One distinguishing feature of the new middle class that emerged in the 1830s and 1840s was

the separation of economic production from the home and family life

Most of the Irish immigrants who came to the United States following the potato famine of the 1840s settled in

urban areas of the North

Which of the following political changes most likely influenced the Second Great Awakening?

A participatory democracy expanded belief in the importance of the individual.

The Missouri Compromise did which of the following?

Allowed Maine to enter the Union as a free state

Which of the following factors best explains the increase in White male suffrage in the early nineteenth century?

Changes to property ownership requirements

Which of the following best explains the cause of the emergence of new political parties in the early nineteenth century?

Continued debates over the proper role of the federal government

All of the following contributed to the growth of the free African American population in the United States in the early nineteenth century EXCEPT

Federal constitutional provisions for emancipation

In the 1850s, which of the following groups would have been most likely to benefit from the changes depicted on the maps?

Immigrants from western Europe

The development of the Second Great Awakening can best be linked to which of the following historical situations?

Increased geographical mobility aided travel to new regions and the sharing of ideas.

"Free should the scholar be,—free and brave. . . . We have listened too long to the courtly muses of Europe. . . . We will walk on our own feet; we will work with our own hands; we will speak our own minds. Then shall man be no longer a name for pity, for doubt, and for sensual indulgence. . . . A nation of men will for the first time exist." Ralph Waldo Emerson, transcendentalist writer, 1837 Emerson's remarks in the excerpt most directly reflected which of the following developments during the early nineteenth century?

The emergence of a national culture

Which of the following best explains a change in migration in United States society during the early 1800s?

The rise in manufacturing in the North coincided with an increase of immigration from abroad to these urban areas.

Politics in the antebellum United States changed dramatically because

expanded White male suffrage broadened participation in elections

In Marbury v. Madison, the United Stated Supreme Court affirmed

its right to determine the constitutionality of congressional enactments

The map above shows the United States immediately following the

passage of the Missouri Compromise

Jacksonian Democracy was distinguished by the belief that

political participation by the common man should be increased

Henry Clay's "American System" called for all of the following EXCEPT

sale of federal lands to finance higher education

Question refers to the excerpt below. "As [political leader Henry] Clay envisioned it [in the 1820s], the American System constituted the... basis for social improvement.... Through sale of its enormous land holdings, the federal government could well afford to subsidize internal improvements. By levying protective tariffs, the government should foster the development of American manufacturing and agricultural enterprises that, in their infancy, might not be able to withstand foreign competition. The promotion of industry would create a home market for agricultural commodities, just as farms provided a market for manufactured products." Daniel Walker Howe, historian, What Hath God Wrought: The Transformation of America, 1815-1848, published in 2007 Based on the excerpt, which of the following groups would have been most likely to oppose Henry Clay's ideas?

Members of the Democratic Party

The graph above refutes which of the following statements?

Most southern families held slaves

"Not far from this time Nat Turner's insurrection [a slave rebellion] broke out; and the news threw our town into great commotion. . . . "It was always the custom to have a muster every year. On that occasion every White man shouldered his musket. The citizens and the so-called country gentlemen wore military uniforms. . . . "I knew the houses were to be searched; and I expected it would be done by country bullies and the poor Whites. . . . "It was a grand opportunity for the low Whites, who had no Negroes of their own to scourge. They exulted in such a chance to exercise a little brief authority, and show their subserviency to the slaveholders; not reflecting that the power which trampled on the colored people also kept themselves in poverty, ignorance, and moral degradation. . . . Colored people and slaves who lived in remote parts of the town suffered in an especial manner. In some cases the searchers scattered [gun]powder and shot among their clothes, and then sent other parties to find them, and bring them forward as proof that they were plotting insurrection." Harriet Ann Jacobs, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, published in 1861, describing events earlier in the nineteenth century Which of the following statements would an abolitionist claim supported the ideas expressed in the excerpt?

The immorality of slavery had a widespread corrupting effect on Southern culture.

Which of the following explains how the growth of a market-based economy in the United States in the early 1800s most directly influenced changes in gender roles?

As home and the workplace became separated, women were increasingly expected to be responsible for housework and childcare while men took jobs outside the home.

"The great increase of drunkenness, within the last half century, among the people of the United States, led a number of philanthropic individuals . . . to consult together, upon the duty of making more united, systematic, and extended efforts for the prevention of this evil. Its cause was at once seen to be, the use of intoxicating liquor; and its appropriate remedy, abstinence. It was also known, that the use of such liquor, as a beverage, is not only needless, but injurious to the health, the virtue, and the happiness of men. It was believed, that the facts which had been . . . collected would prove this . . . ; and that if the knowledge of them were universally disseminated it would, with the divine blessing, do much toward changing the habits of the nation. . . . [The American Temperance Society's] object is . . . the exertion of kind moral influence . . . to effect such a change of sentiment and practice, that drunkenness and all its evils will cease." Introduction to a book of reports from the American Temperance Society, 1835 Which of the following evidence did the American Temperance Society in the excerpt use to support its argument about the need for the temperance movement?

Alcohol consumption damaged people's physical and emotional well-being.

I do not belong, said Mr. [Calhoun], to the school which holds that aggression is to be met by concession. . . . If we concede an inch, concession would follow concession—compromise would follow compromise, until our ranks would be so broken that effectual resistance would be impossible. . . . ". . . A large portion of the Northern States believed slavery to be a sin, and would believe it to be an obligation of conscience to abolish it if they should feel themselves in any degree responsible for its continuance. . . . ". . . Abolition and the Union cannot coexist. As the friend of the Union, I openly proclaim it—and the sooner it is known the better. The former may now be controlled, but in a short time it will be beyond the power of man to arrest the course of events. We of the South will not, cannot, surrender our institutions. To maintain the existing relations between the two races, inhabiting that section of the Union, is indispensable to the peace and happiness of both. . . . But let me not be understood as admitting, even by implication, that the existing relations between the two races in the slaveholding States is an evil—far otherwise; I hold it to be a good, as it has thus far proved itself to be to both, and will continue to prove so if not disturbed by the fell spirit of abolition." Source: South Carolina senator John C. Calhoun, speech in the United States Senate, 1837. Which of the following resulted from arguments made by Southern politicians, such as the one in the excerpt, in the years prior to the Civil War?

Slaveholders became more insistent that maintaining the slave system was essential to protecting the South and its way of life.

Which of the following most likely contributed to the emergence of the Second Great Awakening?

The cultural responses to the Enlightenment

The rise in manufacturing beginning in the early 1800s eventually resulted in which of the following by 1848?

The emergence of a larger middle class in the North

Many Americans were suspicious of the Second Bank of the United States for which of the following reasons?

They believed that it was controlled by a commercial elite.

Build, therefore, your own world. As fast as you conform your life to the pure idea in your mind, that will unfold its great proportions. A correspondent revolution in things will attend the influx of the spirit." The 1836 passage above exemplifies which of the following intellectual trends?


William Lloyd Garrison established a newspaper that advocated which of the following issues?

William Lloyd Garrison established a newspaper that advocated which of the following issues?

The picture above best expresses which of the following middle-class views about women in the mid-nineteenth century?

Women were the moral and spiritual strength of the family

A key purpose of Henry Clay's American System was to

develop a national economy by improving transportation

In the 1850's, the South differed from the North in that the South had

fewer European immigrants

A major reason why Thomas Jefferson was interested in purchasing Louisiana from France was that he

hoped to preserve an agricultural society by making abundant lands available to future generations

In the first half of the nineteenth century, a major consequence of United States expansionism was

increased sectional discord, accompanied by the growing failure of compromise

Members of the Hudson River School were best known for their paintings of


Support for slavery in the Southern states was based on all of the following reasons EXCEPT:

most white families owned slaves

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