Unit 4 imperialism

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Identify the main cause of inadequate food supplies in Africa during European colonization.

Because Europeans forced many of their African colonies to cultivate cash crops instead of food crops, the decreased production of food led to many instances of famine.

Explaine why someone U.S business leaders wanted Hawaii to be annexed to the United States.

Because Hawaii was an essential trade port between the US, China, and East India, its location provided an advantage for the US. Its huge sugar-cane plantations fell under American spheres of influence, giving business leaders huge profits and power. Annexing Hawaii would cause an increase both of these factors.

Identify the main differerence between a colony and protectorate.

A colony is an area controlled by a foreign nation which is governed from the inside by foreign officials. A protectorate is an area over which a foreign nation has indirect control, using the existing leadership to execute its governmental needs.

Define the term annexation.

Annexation is the process where one nation (or political entity) claims and incorporates an exterior area into its territories.

Describe the scramble for Africa.

During the scramble for Africa, industrialized, imperialist European nations were involved in a conflict over rights to African resources (land, economy, profitable markets, natural resources, and potential for societal reform). Africa was divvied up arbitrarily, transformed by Western technology, yet divided in culture and government. Non-industrialized African nations could not stand up against the mechanized forces of Europe.

What two nations discussed in this chapter successfully avoided being colonized by euroupian powers? What tactics did these nations use to acoid colonization and why did these tactics work?

Ethiopia avoided European colonization due to the efforts of Menelik II, who turned the Europeans against each other and used modern weapons to defeat the winner of that skirmish. His tactics were successful because he was able to decrease his opposition and fight with equivalent technology. The second nation: Siam? China? Japan?

What modivated European imperialism and why were European imperialists so successful.

European imperialism was motivated by a search for more resources and greater power. Larger nations desired to milk non-industrialized countries for their raw materials and exploit their underdeveloped economies. Each new conquest would further justify European superiority and increase Western influence across the globe. Many industrialized nations needed a constant intake of capital and natural resources to maintain their technological growth. Imperialists were successful because they possessed this technology: advanced weapons for military conquest, machine-made goods for trade, and tools to improve the quality of life in their subject territories.

What are extraterritorial rights and who benefits from them?

Extraterritorial rights guarantee foreigners exemption from the laws of the country they are currently occupying.

What is geopolitics?

Geopolitics is the interest in and control of lands by foreign nations because of their resources or location-based/geographical advantages.

Why was India called the " jewel in the crown".

India was called the "jewel in the crown" because it was rich in natural resources, producing innumerable raw materials for use in British industry. India's large population also gave Britain opportunities to market manufactured goods.

Explained how menelik ll kept colonial interests out is Ethiopia.

Menelik II observed that Britain, Italy, and France were involved in a dispute over Ethiopia. He caused them to fight amongst one another, and then defeated the winner, Italy, using stores of modern weapons. The defeat of Italy gauranteed independence.

Why did western nations desire lands in the pacific rim?

Pacific Rim lands contained a great deal of fertile farmland which could be used by Western nations to produce raw resources. They were also located on coasts with easy trade access to America, Asia, and Europe.

What is paternalism and how did Europeans use it to govern people in colonies?

Paternalism is a type of governmental control in which an area is protected and regulated by a foreign nation but given no tangible rights. Frequently, European nations would develop colonies through economic or militaristic imperialism, then establish a type of control which nurtured the colony's resources without letting it become independent. The protection ensured cooperation, giving European nations direct control.

Describe the Berlin conference of 1884-1885 and its results.

The Berlin Conference was a meeting of all the influential European nations, created by Portugal and Germany, to settle disputes over African land and resources. Africa was arbitrarily divided into 50 individual nations, each under the control of a certain European country. Though European imperialism did nurture African economy, provide new technology, boost education, and improve medical care, its thoughtless divisions created rifts between African subcultures, denied people of their rights, and led to a dissolution of many important traditions.

Describe the boxer rebellion

The Boxer Rebellion was an uprising of Chinese nationalists against foreign influence in the country. Their slogan, "Death to the Foreign Devils," was also aimed at those who supported Christianity, an enemy to Chinese culture. The violent rebellion eventually captured Beijing, forcing China to re-organize its government. The new government was more wary of foreign influence and more supportive of its peoples' well-being.

Where did the British empire contriol an entire continent and what was it used for?

The British Empire controlled the continent of Australia, using it as a penal colony up until the 1850's.

Why did Britain take control of the Suez Canal?

The British, being in control of European finances, took control of the Suez Canal to compensate for the debt the Egyptians owed to the French for its construction. Britain valued the canal because it provided an efficient trade route between Europe, Africa, and Asia. Britain needed this trade to expand its influence.

What war best illusteases geopolitics and explain the most important facts of that event?

The Crimean War best illustrates geopolitics. Russia and the Ottoman Empire, being allied with Britain and France, clashed over coastal lands because Russia wanted a port with a moderate climate. The Ottomans won and prevented Russia from gaining more influence, but showed they were weak when fighting alone.

Summarize the open door policy and who benefited from it.

The Open Door Policy was a decree created by the US to combat Western competition for Chinese resources. The policy gave permission for all foreign nations to have equal opportunities for Chinese trade.

Describe the causes and effects of the opium war.

The Opium War was caused by Britain's decision to create an opium trade in China, initially smuggling the drug in to develop a solid market based on consumer dependence. After China's independent government became aware of Britain's economical manipulation, it strove to end the opium trade. The ensuing Opium War resulted in a British victory, in which the Treaty of Nanjing provided Britain with Hong Kong. Foreigners in China gained extraterritorial rights, and China never regained its peak of influence in the Westernized world.

Describe the sepoy mutiny and its results.

The Sepoy Mutiny was a rebellion of Indian soldiers (sepoys) who were employed by Britain and its East India Company. They felt that their religious rights were being violated, so Hindus and Muslims alike

Compare and contrast the following wars Sino-Japanese war Russo-japanise war

The Sino-Japanese war was a war fought between Japan and China over land in Korea. Japan, the more independent, militaristic, and modernized nation, attained victory and increased military power. It successfully removed Chinese influence from Korea. This led to the Russo-Japanese war, in which Russia and Japan fought over Manchuria. As in the first war, Japan's modern military bested Russia. Japan gained total control of Korea after its victory. Both were fueled by imperialism.

Describe the various causes of European imperialism in Africa.

The causes of imperialism in Africa were industrialization, racism, and Social Darwinism. Industrialization provided a need for natural resources, trading networks, and new markets for machine-made goods, all of which were plentiful within Africa. Racism and Social Darwinism convinced Europeans that they were the superior race, therefore having the duty to spread their advanced, modern culture to "savage parts of the world." These concepts were the justification for imperialism.

What was the main reason for the Crimean war?

The main reason for the Crimean War was that Russia, fueled by imperialism, wanted to take over Ottoman lands to gain a warm-weather trading port. This would enhance Russia's economic progress.

Compare and contrast direct and indirect control.

Under the system of direct control, a foreign nation uses paternalism and assimilation to govern its lands internally, forcing territories to conform to the "parent nation." Direct control involves governmental principles which come directly from the foreign nation. Under indirect control, foreign nations allow their lands to be self-governed by native leaders who have been taught to sympathize with European customs and motivations. Native culture and law still lives on under foreign control, but the territory must obey European orders.

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