Unit 5 - Poetry

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Explain the importance of line breaks in a poem.

Line breaks are one of the main elements that separate poetry from prose. Poets intentionally break their lines to bring out meaning and movement in a poem.

What is alliteration?

Alliteration is the use of the same sound at the beginning of each word in a line or a sentence.

What does alliteration and assonance do to be effective in your writing?

Alliteration is used to help create a variety of tones while assonance combined with alliteration utilizes sound play.

What is assonance?

Assonance is where vowels repeat within words.

Explain what internal rhyming is

A rhyme that occurs within a line of a poem rather than at the end of the line (as compared to end rhyme).

Explain what couplets, tercets, and quatrains are.

Couplets are two-line stanzas. Tercets are three-line stanzas or can make up a complete poem. Quatrains are four-line stanzas.

How do you count the syllables and beats in a line of poetry?

Identify the main vowel sound and the syllables are decided by how many different vowel sounds are separated by consonants.

Explain how onomatopoeia can change the overall effect of a poem.

Onomatopoeia can suggest a feeling or tone beyond the word's official meaning, due to the effects of vowels or consonants. Vowels serve as emotional center of words and are associated with many of our initial emotional responses.

What performance poetry is?

Performance poetry is a type of poetry that is intended to be read aloud.

Explain why rhyming is used in poetry

Rhyming is used to make a poem more memorable to the reader and creates a sense of harmony and repetition in the reader's mind.

What is the purpose stanzas serve in a poem?

Stanzas are creating separate spaces in a poem. You can organize their stanzas in terms of the number of lines in each.

What is the difference between a stressed and an unstressed syllable, and can you identify them in words?

Stressed is where you have an accented word with unstressed means it has a weak accent.

What's the difference between an enjambed line of poetry and a line that is end-stopped?

The difference between an enjambed line of poetry and a line that is end-stopped is that an enjambed line of poetry is when a line or couplet continues to the next with no punctuation while an end-stopped line is when a line ends at a natural pause marked by a comma, period, or other punctuation mark.

What is the difference between clunky and smooth writing?

The difference between clunky and smooth writing is how well it flows.

What is onomatopoeia is?

The invention or use of a word that mimics the sound of the thing it denotes.

What is end rhyming?

The pattern in which the words or syllables rhyme at the end of a line of poetry.

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