Unit 6 Unit Test Review

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Which of the following would complicate generalizations made from this world economy theory?

A. France's absolute monarchy and military conquests B. Strong governments in the slave-exporting regions of West Africa C. The role of Dutch trading companies in Southeast Asia D. The use of slaves and the plantation systems in the Americas

Which of the following contributed the most to the growth of the movement to abolish slavery in the Atlantic world?

A. Increased availability of Asian indentured labor B. The adaptation of Enlightenment ideas challenging established social hierarchies C. The efforts of industrialists to create a more flexible workforce D. A decline in the number of enslaved persons being taken from Africa B is the correct answer

English nobles resisted peasant demands such as those described in the passage because agricultural labor in many parts of fourteenth-century Afro-Eurasia had become scarce as a result of which of the following developments?

A. The migration of peasants to cities in search of industrial employment B. Significant increase in mortality due to the spread of epidemic diseases C. The development of wage-based economies with the emergence of capitalism D. Widespread famine resulting from rising global temperatures B is the correct answer

LEQ : Evaluate the extent to which environmental factors contributed to a global economy in the 1750 to 1900 time period.

From 1750-1900, The need for raw materials for factories and increased food supplies for the growing population in urban centers led to the growth of export economies around the world that specialized in commercial extraction of natural resources and the production of food and industrial crops.

SAQ : (a) Analyze ONE reason for migration in the time period 1750-1900. (b) Analyze how migration affected society in an Asian nation from 1750-1900. (c) Analyze how migration affected an African region from 1750-1900.

(a) Economic opportunities Many people migrated in search of better economic opportunities, such as higher wages or access to land. For example, many people migrated to the United States during this period in search of work or the opportunity to start their own farms. Large numbers of people moved from rural areas to cities in search of better economic opportunities, leading to the growth of urban centers and the development of industrial economies. (b) Migration affected societies in an Asian nation from 1750- 1900 because of British imperialism. Imperialism refers to the policy of a country or group of countries extending its power and influence over other territories, often by establishing colonies or maintaining a system of economic and political control. Along with industrialization that the British brung as more population of people moved regions or to the Americas for more economic opportunity. (c) migration affected an African region from 1750-1900 because of changes in the labor market, as people left farming and other traditional occupations to work in factories and other industries. The transatlantic slave trade and the forced migration of enslaved Africans had a significant impact on the demographic, economic, and social development of Africa. Migrations contributed to the rich diversity of cultures in Africa. Migrations spread skills in farming, ironworking, and domesticating animals.

"It is not too much to hope that, with the building of a branch railway to this region, European piece goods might be imported so as to undersell the native cloth. And the effect would be that not only would a larger supply of the raw material be obtained—for the cotton that is now spun into yarn in Berar would be exported—but also the large local population now employed in spinning and weaving would be made available for agricultural labor, and thus the jungle land might be broken up." Harry Rivett-Carnac, British cotton commissioner for Berar province, India, annual report, 1869 On a global scale, the implementation of the types of policies that Rivett-Carnac advocated for in the passage is most significant in that it directly led to the: dramatic increase of migrants from colonial societies to imperial metropoles dramatic increase of migrants from colonial societies to imperial metropoles growth of nation


PHOTOGRAPH OF A FRENCH SCHOOL IN ALGIERS, INCLUDED IN A FRENCH GOVERNMENT PUBLICATION SHOWING SCENES FROM COLONIAL ALGERIA, 1857 https://assets.learnosity.com/organisations/537/VH927367.g06.png *Photo* The figure presents a photograph of students and teachers inside a French school in Algiers in 1857. In the photograph, there are two white French men who are teaching a group of Algerian children. The children are wearing traditional clothing, and are seated on a rug on the floor with their shoes off. Behind the children, there are two Algerian adults who are seated in chairs with their shoes off. They are also wearing traditional Algerian clothing. The title of the photograph is "French Arab School in Algiers Under the Supervision of the Colonial Arab Bureau, Class Taught by Monsieur Depielle." The writing on the chalkboard reads: "My children, love France, your new homeland." The photograph best illustrates which

A European states attempting to encourage colonial populations to emigrate B European states attempting to spread Christianity among colonial populations C European states imposing democratic systems of government in order to prepare colonial populations for self-rule D European states imposing their culture in an attempt to spread their values among colonial populations D is the correct answer

"The Australian nation is another case of a great civilization supplanting a lower race unable to make full use of the land and its resources. The struggle means suffering, intense suffering, while it is in progress; but that struggle and that suffering have been the stages by which the White man has reached his present stage of development, and they account for the fact that he no longer lives in caves and feeds on roots and nuts. This dependence of progress on the survival of the fitter race, terribly harsh as it may seem to some of you, gives the struggle for existence its redeeming features; it is the fiery crucible out of which comes the finer metal." Karl Pearson, British mathematics professor, National Life from the Standpoint of Science, 1900 In the late 1800s, attitudes such as the one expressed in the passage had contributed most directly to which of the following?

A European states' competition to acquire overseas colonies B The abolitionist movement to end slavery C The creation of industrialized economies in Europe D Efforts by European missionaries to convert non-Europeans to Christianity for their spiritual salvation A is the correct answer

https://assets.learnosity.com/organisations/537/media.academicmerit.com/725d71a20bd4d8644274fd9679bf2d99/original.png *Photo* The photo above, showing skin-tone evaluation performed on an Indonesian inmate in a Dutch colonial prison in 1933, most clearly exemplifies which of the following?

A Improvements in medical care B Restrictions of educational opportunities for colonial subjects C Local resistance to colonial rule D Influence of scientific theories on race D is the correct answer

Which of the following was a major unintended effect of the publication of Charles Darwin's 1859 work On the Origin of Species?

A It became the basis for scientific research of human development. B It provided a scientific explanation of the evolution of animals and plants. C It became the basis for all subsequent scientific research on species extinction. D It became the basis of various theories asserting that Europeans were naturally superior to other peoples. D is the correct answer

"I read with interest the recent article in your newspaper entitled 'Should a Woman Demand All the Rights of a Man?' In my view, to answer that question correctly, we first need to examine the roles of men and women in civilization—especially modern civilization—because what may have been true in ancient times no longer applies in our present situation. Modern civilization has moved beyond the condition of the past because society is no longer characterized by roughness and reliance on physical power. Victory no longer goes to him who was the strongest, the best able to endure hardship, or committed the most atrocities. By contrast, the basis of our modern civilization is good upbringing and the refinement of morals through the development of literary knowledge, courtesy, and compassion for the oppressed, all of which women are better at. So all our doctors and scientists who exalt man's strong muscles, his wid

A The abolition of the veil following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire B The expansion of mass public education for both boys and girls C The growing popular support for parliamentary forms of governance D The spread of intellectual and political ideals that advocated for natural rights D is the correct answer

A SKETCH BY JAN BRANDES, DUTCH LUTHERAN MINISTER LIVING IN JAKARTA, INDONESIA, 1784 https://assets.learnosity.com/organisations/537/media.academicmerit.com/3b4e1c99523ad489a24d52582c48e31d/original.jpg *Photo* Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands / Bridgeman Images The sketch shows the artist's son Johnny and Flora, an enslaved Indonesian household servant. Which of the following developments facilitated the family situation portrayed in Brandes' sketch?

A The recruitment of new bureaucratic elites by Muslim states in Southeast Asia B The expansion of European colonial empires in Southeast Asia C The changes in family demographic structure resulting from the trans-Atlantic slave trade D The creation of new gender hierarchies in emerging maritime empires B is the correct answer

AGOSTINO BRUNIAS, ITALIAN PAINTER, PAINTING SHOWING FREE WOMEN OF MIXED RACIAL ANCESTRY WITH THEIR CHILDREN AND SERVANTS IN DOMINICA, A BRITISH COLONY IN THE WEST INDIES, LATE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY The figure presents a painting by Agostino Brunias. In the foreground of the painting three well-dressed women of mixed racial ancestry are shown walking with their children and dogs. Behind the women are shown three Black male servants and three Black female servants, one of whom is shown holding a child. Free Women of Color with Their Children and Servants in a Landscape, 1770-1796 (oil on canvas) , Brunias, Agostino (1728-96) / Brooklyn Museum of Art, New York, USA / Gift of Mrs. Carll H. de Silver in memory of her husband, by exchange and gift of George S. Hellman, by exchange / Bridgeman Images Which of the following best describes the artist's likely purpose in painting this particular subject?

A To advocate for violent rebellion against British colonial authorities B To demonstrate the racial oppression suffered by free people of color in the West Indies C To argue for the respectability of free people of color D To call for greater emigration by Europeans to the West Indies B is the correct answer

CHARLES GUSTAVE SPITZ, FRENCH PHOTOGRAPHER, CELEBRATING BASTILLE DAY* IN TAHITI,** PHOTOGRAPH TAKEN FOR PUBLICATION IN THE FRENCH PRESS, 1889 The figure shows a photograph labeled "Charles Gustave Spitz, French Photographer, Celebrating Bastille Day in Tahiti, Photograph taken for Publication in the French Press, 1889." The photograph shows rows of Tahitian men and women dressed in Western clothing, while some in the front of the photograph wear traditional Tahitian ceremonial headdresses. Mark and Carolyn Blackburn Collection of Polynesian Art/Bridgeman Images *French national holiday celebrating the 1789 French Revolution **French colonial territory in Polynesia, the South Pacific Which of the following best describes the likely purpose of the photograph? https://assets.learnosity.com/organisations/537/media.academicmerit.com/b3f4890425b6a58f6862a9b796e399c6/original.jpg *Photo*

A To document the changes in Polynesian political hierarchies and gender roles brought about by imperialism B To illustrate the photographer's belief that Tahitians were racially inferior to Europeans C To record the rapidly vanishing customs and institutions of native Polynesians D To reassure the French public of the civilizing effects of colonial rule and the loyalty of colonial populations D is the correct answer

"The misfortunes and decline of this country [Bengal, a region in eastern India] began on the day of the Muslim conquest. Just as a storm wreaks destruction and disorder upon a garden, so did the unscrupulous and tyrannical Muslims destroy the happiness and good fortune of Bengal. Ravaged by endless waves of oppression, the people of Bengal became withdrawn and timid. Hinduism, our native religion, also took distorted forms. But there are limits to everything. When the oppressions of the Muslims became intolerable, Brahma, the Lord of the Universe, provided a means of escape. The resumption of Bengal's good fortune began on the day the British flag was first planted on this land. Tell me, if Muslim rule had continued, what would the condition of this country have been today? It must be loudly declared that it is to bless us that the Lord Brahma has brought the English to this country. British rule has ended the atro

A neglects to mention that South Asian migrants were a key source of labor for Western transnational corporations B disparages the development of contemporary Hinduism C omits any mention of the economic exploitation and resource extraction practiced by the British in India D attributes historical events to divine intervention C is the correct answer

"Imagine that Chinese ships were to start importing arsenic* into England, advertising it as a harmless, foreign and fashionable luxury. Next, imagine that after a few years of arsenic being all the rage, with hundreds of thousands using it, the British government were to ban its use because of its bad effects. Finally, imagine again that, in opposition to this ban on arsenic, Chinese ships were to be positioned off the coast of England, making occasional raids on London. Advocates of the opium-smuggling profession argue that it is immensely profitable and that supplying opium in bulk as they are doing is not immoral and it only becomes vulgar when the opium is sold in small portions, to individual users. What admirable logic with which one may shield oneself from reality, satisfied that the opium trade is nothing more than 'supplying an important source of revenue to British companies operating in India.' The trad

A shifted the pattern of historic European trade imbalances with China B marked the transition from mercantilist trade toward capitalist free trade C was the first time that Europeans used migrant labor to grow crops for global distribution D relied upon industrial techniques of production and modern consumer marketing A is the Correct answer

"Every denial of justice, every beating by the police, every demand of [colonial] workers that is drowned in blood, every scandal that is hushed up, every punitive expedition . . . brings home to us the value of our old societies. They were communal societies, never societies of the many for the few. They were societies that were not only pre-capitalist, but also anti-capitalist. They were democratic societies, always. They were cooperative societies, fraternal societies. I make a systematic defense of the societies destroyed by imperialism." Aimé Césaire, Afro-Caribbean intellectual, Discourse on Colonialism, 1953 Césaire's statement above was most likely made in response to

A the growing superpower influence in Africa and Asia during the Cold War B the success of the Indian independence movement C European colonizers' claim that their rule had improved life in the colonies D leaders of the decolonization movement arguing for the adoption of parliamentary democracy after achieving independence C is the correct answer

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