Unit 8

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Treating a Chest Wound

A bullet striking the chest can cause a sucking chest wound—a deep, open wound of the chest wall that allows air into the chest cavity. All chest injuries are very serious and need immediate medical attention.

Hunting often demands more physical exertion than you're accustomed to doing. Conditions that may hamper your physical ability to perform safely and responsibly while hunting include:

Allergies Asthma A heart condition Excess weight Poor physical conditioning Your mental condition impacts your performance as well.

To stop bleeding:

Apply direct pressure on the wound. Cover with a sterile gauze pad—or the cleanest cloth readily available. Concerns about infection are secondary when it comes to preventing massive blood loss. Press the pad firmly over the wound using the palm of your hand. Don't lift the pad to check the wound—it will only renew bleeding. When a pad becomes soaked, put a fresh one directly over the old pad. If the wound is on a limb and there's no fracture, raise the limb above the level of the heart. Gravity will reduce the blood pressure in the limb. Direct pressure and elevation are usually sufficient to stop bleeding. If profuse bleeding continues, try shutting off circulation in the artery that supplies blood to the injured limb.

Day Pack-Survival Kit and Equipment

Base plate compass with signal mirror Candle Emergency high-energy food Extra boot laces Extra pair of glasses Extra two-day supply of prescription medicine Fire starters—waterproof matches, butane lighter, etc. First-aid kit Fishing line and hooks Flashlight with spare batteries and bulbs Folding saw Knives Map Nylon rope Plastic sheet or large garbage bag Poncho Signal flares Single-edged razor blade Small can of lighter fluid Snare wire or twine Tablets for water purification Thermal foil blanket Tissues Water Waterproof metal carrying case that can double as a cooking pot Whistle (plastic)

Additional Equipment

Binoculars or spotting scope Biodegradable trail markers Duct tape Hatchet or ax Pencil and paper pad Shovel Sleeping bag appropriate for climate

Selecting a Compass

Clear base plate that allows you to see the map underneath Straight sides for aligning two points or for drawing lines Liquid-filled needle housing that keeps the magnetic needle relatively steady when taking readings Two arrows: a direction arrow painted on the base plate (or you may use the edge of the compass) is used to point the compass from your starting point to your destination; an orienting arrow, located in the needle housing, is used to orient your compass to your map

Reading a Topographic Map

Contour lines show the elevation of the ground. Contour intervals reveal how much vertical distance there is between each contour line—closely spaced contour lines indicate very steep slopes. Contour lines that are sharply tapered indicate an uphill direction. Rounded contour lines typically indicate a downhill direction.

Prevention of Heat Exhaustion

Drink plenty of water. Take frequent breaks if you're hiking to or from your hunting spot, especially when carrying a large load. Dress in layers, and shed layers as physical activity increases.

Symptoms of Heat Stroke

Dry, hot, and flushed skin—dark or purple in color Dilated pupils Rapid, weak pulse Shallow breathing High temperature—may be in excess of 106° Fahrenheit

Drinking Enough Water

Even in cool weather, you need two to four quarts of water a day. Under most conditions, humans can only last about three days without water. Pure drinking water is rare, even in the most remote regions. Clear mountain streams often are contaminated by Giardia lamblia, a parasite that causes serious intestinal sickness in humans. The best way to purify water is by boiling. Chemical purifiers such as iodide or chlorine and filter systems can be used, but some may not be satisfactory. Never make survival problems worse by drinking unsafe water.


Every hunter should take a first-aid course and a course in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to be prepared to handle outdoor emergencies. A prepared hunter also will carry a complete first-aid kit.

Treatment of Hypothermia

Find shelter for the victim. Remove wet clothing, and replace with dry clothing and other protective covering. If there is no dry clothing, use a fire to dry one layer at a time. Give warm liquids to rehydrate and rewarm, but never give the victim alcohol to drink. Quick-energy foods also produce inner body heat. For mild cases, use fire, blankets, or another person's body heat to warm the victim. In more advanced stages, rewarm the victim slowly by placing one or more persons in body contact with the victim. Place canteens of hot water insulated with socks or towels on the groin, armpits, and sides of the neck of the victim. A victim at or near unconsciousness must be handled gently, and not immersed in a warm bath or exposed to a large fire, which can lead to traumatic shock or death. Immediately contact emergency medical personnel to evacuate the victim to a hospital for treatment.

Treating Burns

First- and second-degree burns with closed blisters are best treated with cold water. Immerse the burned area, or cover it with cloths that have been soaked in cold water—don't use ice water. Avoid using butter or any type of greasy ointment because they can interfere with healing and cause an allergic reaction. Second- and third-degree burns with open blisters should be wrapped with a loose, dry dressing


Frostbite occurs when tissue freezes. The best prevention is to avoid severe weather. If you're caught in extremely cold weather, pay attention to your head and extremities, such as fingers, toes, ears, and nose. Wear a face cover if the temperature is below 0° Fahrenheit. If you experience any symptom of frostbite, treat immediately.

Rules of Survival

Give a responsible person your hunting plan. Don't travel or hunt alone. Take enough food and water to last for several days in an emergency. Bring a map and compass, and always orient yourself before leaving camp. Wear layered clothing and take extra clothing, preferably wool and polyester, with you. Plan your outings so that you can return to camp before dark. Never leave camp without taking fire-starting equipment and a foil blanket. Don't panic if you become lost.

Heat Exhaustion

Heat exhaustion is the opposite of hypothermia—the core body temperature increases, usually as a result of hot and humid conditions, plus a lack of water.

Heat Stroke

Heat stroke should be treated as a medical emergency—it can be fatal

Finding Food

Humans can go for two weeks or more without food. Although the need for food is not that urgent, you'll be more comfortable and clear-headed if you eat. Anywhere there is game, there is food, but probably not what you're accustomed to eating. Before you head into a remote area, it's a good idea to learn what's edible in that particular region. Hopefully, you'll be able to use your hunting equipment to harvest the bulk of your food.

What You Learned

Hunting is a safe sport, but it does involve a certain amount of risk. To plan properly when you prepare for your hunt, remember these four areas. Be Ready - Anticipate potential problems. Know Your Location - Familiarize yourself with the terrain. Prepare for Safety - Assess your physical condition and equipment, and firearm safety rules. Tell Others - Prepare a hunting plan. Hunter education course review and summary Since hunting demands a lot of physical exertion, be aware of any conditions that could interfere with your abilities such as allergies, asthma, a heart condition, excess weight, poor physical conditioning, or poor mental condition.

Prevention of Hypothermia

Hypothermia can be prevented by dressing properly, by avoiding potentially dangerous weather conditions, and by drying out as quickly as possible when you get wet. High-calorie foods, such as chocolate, peanuts, or raisins, provide quick energy that helps your body produce heat.

What You Learned (cont.)

Hypothermia occurs when your body loses heat faster than it can produce it. Hypothermia is often caused by cold, wet conditions. To help prevent hypothermia, dress properly, avoid potentially dangerous weather conditions, and dry out as quickly as possible when you get wet. To treat the victim, find shelter, remove wet clothing, give warm liquids, and rewarm the person. Also contact emergency medical personnel to evacuate the victim to a hospital for treatment. Hunter education course review and summary Frostbite occurs when tissue freezes. To prevent frostbite, avoid severe weather. To treat frostbite, warm the area with body heat and warm, dry clothing; move to a warm shelter, drink hot liquids, and get medical attention. Hunter education course review and summary Heat exhaustion occurs when the core body temperature increases. To prevent heat exhaustion, drink plenty of water, take breaks while hiking, and remove layers of clothing as you get hotter. To treat heat exhaustion, move to a cooler place, drink water, and fan yourself. Heat stroke can be fatal. To treat the victim, wrap in a sheet and soak with cool water, fan, and get to a hospital immediately. Hunter education course review and summary Severe bleeding is a life-threatening medical emergency. To stop bleeding, apply direct pressure on the wound, cover it with a sterile gauze pad, and elevate the wounded area above the level of the heart if possible. Hunter education course review and summary You can assume someone has a broken bone if pain lasts more than a few minutes, moving the injured area is difficult, or there is swelling in the injured area. If you have to transport the victim a long distance, don't try to straighten the limb—splint it the way you found it. Hunter education course review and summary First- and second-degree burns with closed blisters are best treated with cold water. Second- and third-degree burns with open blisters should be wrapped with a loose, dry dressing. Hunter education course review and summary Get victims of carbon monoxide poisoning into fresh air immediately, and keep them lying quietly. Prompt medical care is essential. Hunter education course review and summary Shock can result from any serious injury. To treat shock, keep the victim lying on his or her back, try to keep the victim calm and comfortable, and get medical help as quickly as possible. A bullet striking the chest can cause a sucking chest wound. All chest injuries are very serious and need immediate medical attention. Hunter education course review and summary Most doctors agree that the best response to a snakebite is to rush the victim to a hospital emergency room. Do not try to remove poison from snakebites. Hunter education course review and summary Every hunter should take a first-aid course and a course in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to be prepared to handle outdoor emergencies. A prepared hunter also will carry a complete first-aid kit.

Starting a Fire

If there is snow on the ground, build the fire on a platform of green logs or rocks. If the terrain is dry, clear a patch of bare dirt to avoid starting a grass or forest fire A tepee of larger sticks enclosing the kindling is a good way to start a fire Gather everything you need before starting the fire. Pile fuel ranging from small twigs to fuel logs next to the fire site. Collect more fuel than you think you can use; you may need more than you estimate. Pile fine twigs, grass, or bark shavings loosely as a base. If you can't find dry kindling, remove bark from trees. Use your knife to shave dry wood from the inside of the bark. Place slightly larger sticks on the starter material until you have a pile about 10 inches high. If there's no breeze, light the kindling in the middle of the base. If there is a breeze, light one end of the kindling so that the flame will be blown toward the rest of the fuel. As the kindling lights and the flames spread to the larger twigs, slowly add more wood to the blaze. Add larger pieces as the fire grows. A large fire will throw more heat and be easier to maintain.

Treating Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Improperly working camp stoves and lanterns, as well as wood and charcoal fires, can produce lethal carbon monoxide. Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include headache, dizziness, weakness, and difficulty in breathing. The victim's skin can turn red, and he or she can lose consciousness. Get victims into fresh air immediately, and keep them lying quietly. Prompt medical care is essential.

To treat shock:

Keep the victim lying on his or her back. In some cases, shock victims improve by raising their feet 8-10 inches. If the victim is having trouble breathing, raise the victim's head and shoulders about 10 inches rather than raising the feet. Maintain normal body temperature, and loosen any restrictive clothing. Try to keep the victim calm and comfortable, and get medical help as quickly as possible.


Metal objects, such as knives, gun barrels, belt buckles, etc., will affect a magnetic needle.

First Aid—Snakebite

Most doctors agree that the best response is to rush the victim to a hospital emergency room. Do not try to remove poison from snakebites. Cutting and suctioning the bite can do more harm than good. Venomous snakes Fear and panic aggravate snakebite reactions. Calm the victim as much as possible. Keep the victim in a reclining position to slow the spread of venom. If the bite is on a limb, keep the wound at or below the level of the heart.

Treatment of Heat Exhaustion

Move to a cooler place and drink water. Fan to lower body temperature, but don't over-chill.

Moving an Injured Person

Moving a victim with a back or neck injury should be left to paramedics or other professionals since permanent damage could result from improper handling. If a victim must be pulled to safety, move him or her lengthwise and headfirst, supporting the head and neck. Keep the spine in alignment.

Plotting Your Progress

Note key points, such as stream crossings, to help you find your way back. Pay particular attention when you reach a high point at the top of a ridge; use the elevation to locate landmarks visible from there.

Symptoms of Heat Exhaustion

Pale and clammy skin Weakness Nausea Headache Muscle cramps

Personal Locator Beacons

Personal locator beacons (PLBs) provide a distress and alerting system for use in a life-and-death situation. A PLB is a small transmitter that sends out a personalized emergency distress signal to a monitored satellite system. When you buy a PLB, you must register it with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). PLBs are a highly effective and internationally recognized way to summon help.

To splint a broken leg:

Place a blanket or some other type of thick padding between the legs. Bind the injured leg to the uninjured one with strips of cloth. Bind the legs together snugly at several places above and below the painful area.

Switching Into Survival Mode

Planning and preparation should keep you from having an outdoor misadventure. If something does go wrong, switch into survival mode.Most everyone who treks into the wilderness gets turned around occasionally. How you respond in the early stages often determines whether your disorientation becomes a temporary inconvenience or a traumatic ordeal. If you keep a cool head, you'll usually get your bearings fairly quickly. Think through recent events to see if you can retrace your path. If you decide you can't return to your camp or car, commit yourself to spending the night where you are. If you remain in one spot, it's very likely that you will be found in a few days. You now have three priorities: shelter, fire, and signal.


Read terrain. Determine direction. Follow rivers, valleys, and ridges. Find your location in relationship to your camp. Identify areas preferred by game animals.

What You Learned- More

Select clothing based on the weather you expect, while being prepared for the worst. In all types of weather, always wear a daylight fluorescent orange hat and daylight fluorescent orange outerwear. Daylight fluorescent orange clothing makes it easier for one hunter to spot and recognize another hunter because nothing in nature matches this color. Hunter education course review and summary In addition to your hunting gear, which includes your firearm—or bow—and field-dressing equipment, you also should prepare a day pack that includes emergency supplies. Hunter education course review and summary Whenever you're hunting in a remote or unfamiliar area, use a topographic map and compass. As you hike into unfamiliar terrain, you can keep your bearings by taking frequent compass readings and plotting your progress on a map. Hunter education course review and summary If you become disoriented or if something else goes wrong, you have five primary requirements for survival. Shelter - Start preparing your camp well before dark. Fire - Gather more fuel than you think you can use. Signal - Use the international emergency sign for distress which is three of any signal. Water - Drink two to four quarts of water per day, purifying it if necessary. Food - Eat to keep yourself more comfortable and clear-headed. Hunter education course review and summary The eight rules of survival are: 1) Give a responsible person your hunting plan. 2) Don't travel or hunt alone. 3) Take enough food and water to last for several days in an emergency. 4) Bring a map and compass, and always orient yourself before leaving camp. 5) Wear layered clothing and take extra clothing, preferably wool and polyester, with you. 6) Plan your outings so that you can return to camp before dark. 7) Never leave camp without taking fire-starting equipment and a foil blanket. 8) Don't panic if you become lost.

First Aid—Bleeding

Severe bleeding is a life-threatening medical emergency. The rapid loss of just two pints of blood can result in shock and loss of consciousness. A victim can bleed to death in a short time.

Treating Shock

Shock can result from any serious injury. Symptoms include pale, cold, clammy skin; rapid pulse; shallow breathing; and fear in the victim.

Symptoms of Frostbite

Skin turns off-white. Prickly or tingling feeling occurs as ice crystals form. Pain may be present initially, then disappears as frostbite progresses. In severe cases, victim experiences a loss of feeling in the affected area.

Solar Still

Solar stills can provide emergency drinking water. Ground water condenses on a plastic cone set in the ground and drips into a collecting pan. To make a solar still: Dig a pit 3 feet wide by 18 inches deep. Place a shallow container in the center. Run a tube from the container to the edge of the pit. Lay clear plastic over the pit and place a rock or a little soil in the center to form a cone. Draw water through the tube to avoid disturbing the still. Make several stills if you have no other source of water.


Some of the most common and dangerous risks to hunters result from exposure to extreme weather. Hypothermia occurs when your body loses heat faster than it can produce it, causing your core body temperature to fall. Hypothermia is often induced by cold, wet conditions, such as rain, snow, sleet, or immersion in water. However, hypothermia can occur at temperatures as high as 50° Fahrenheit. Hypothermia is often induced by cold, wet conditions, such as rain, snow, sleet, or immersion in water. Moisture from perspiration, humidity, and dew or rain on bushes and trees also can soak your clothing over time, putting you at risk in cold weather. Wet or damp clothes will draw heat out of your body more rapidly than cold air. Wind lowers your body temperature as it evaporates moisture from your body. Resting against cold surfaces also will draw heat from your body.

Preparing a Shelter

Start preparing your camp well before dark. Look for a natural shelter, such as a rock overhang or a thick stand of evergreens. The site should be dry and well drained, and protect you from the wind. Ideally, it also should be near water and plenty of firewood. If no natural shelter is available, pick an area with materials nearby to build a lean-to or debris hut. A lean-to is constructed by leaning branches against a horizontal support to form a frame for a roof. Be sure to orient the opening away from the wind. Cover the frame with evergreen branches to block wind or precipitation. Leaves and twigs are another option. If you need additional protection, you can add side walls. Build your fire where its heat will radiate into the shelter. Your sleeping area should be located between the shelter wall and the fire.

S.T.O.P.—Stop, Think, Observe, Plan

Stop when you realize you've got a problem. The first thing to do is admit to yourself that you are in trouble. Think about what you need to do to survive. Observe the area; and look for shelter, fuel, etc. Plan how you are going to use your survival kit and your other available resources. Don't wait until dark to plan! Remain calm. Think clearly. Use the tools you have available to you.

First Aid Kit

Suggested contents for a first-aid kit include: 2-inch-square sterile gauze pads 2-inch-wide gauze bandage roll 4-inch-square sterile gauze pads 42-inch-square cloth for triangular bandage or sling Antacid Antibiotic salve Aspirin Assorted adhesive dressings Assorted butterfly dressings Cell phone Cotton swabs Decongestant Eye dropper Hand sanitizer Instant chemical cold packs Instant chemical hot packs Latex gloves Moleskin Needles One-half percent hydrocortisone cream Petroleum jelly Roll of 1-inch adhesive tape Roll of 2-inch adhesive tape Safety pins Scissors Single-edged razor blades Sterile eyewash Thermometer Tweezers

Global Positioning System (GPS)

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a navigation system based on a network of satellites. Users with a GPS unit can determine their exact location (latitude and longitude) in any weather condition, all over the world, 24 hours a day. GPS satellites circle the earth twice a day and transmit information to the earth. GPS receivers use this information to calculate the user's location by comparing the time a signal was transmitted by a satellite with the time it was received. The time difference tells the GPS receiver the distance from the satellite. By calculating the distances from several satellites, the receiver can determine and display the user's location on the GPS unit. Once the user's position is determined, a GPS unit can calculate other information—bearing, trip distance, distance to destination, sunrise and sunset times, and more. GPS receivers are accurate to within 15 meters (49 feet) on average. Certain atmospheric factors and other sources of error can affect the accuracy. Accuracy can be improved with a Differential GPS (DGPS) or WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation System).

Understanding Declination

To compensate for declination: Center the north arrow (the "N") of the compass dial along a north/south line of the map. Check the diagram at the bottom of the map that shows whether magnetic north is to the left or right of true north. Turn the compass dial the correct number of degrees left or right as indicated on the map. The "N" is now pointing at magnetic north. Hold the compass level in front of you and rotate your body until the tip of the compass needle aligns with the "N" on the compass dial. The direction arrow on the base plate now points in the direction you want to go.

Symptoms of Hypothermia

Uncontrolled shivering—usually the first obvious symptom, but ceases as hypothermia progresses Slow, slurred speech Memory loss Irrational behavior, such as removing clothing Lack of body movement Sleepiness Unconsciousness, which could lead to death

To respond immediately to a chest wound:

Use the palm of your hand to cover the wound until a bandage is located. Cover the wound with sterile gauze, a clean cloth, plastic, or foil. Make sure the wound cover forms an air-tight seal. Hold the gauze in place with a bandage or tape. If the victim has trouble breathing, remove the bandage and replace it quickly. Transport the victim to the hospital with the injured side down.

Treatment of Frostbite

Warm the affected area with body heat, but avoid rubbing the area—it can damage tissue. Don't use hot water or other external heat sources, which could cause burns. Wrap with warm, dry clothing. Move to a warm shelter. Drink hot liquids. Get medical attention.

Basics of Cold Survival Without Fire

Wear proper type of clothing (no cotton). Stay dry. Use water-repellent outer garments. Build a shelter. The best is a nylon tarp shelter as it will protect you from wind, rain, and snow. Insulate the floor of the shelter with pine boughs, if available. Avoid contact with cold surfaces (the ground, rocks, or snow). Wrap your body in a thermal foil blanket. This will maintain a temperature of 60° F inside the wrap even when the outside temperature is -10° F. Limit your physical activity to conserve energy.

Signaling for Help

When you decide to stay put and wait for rescue, prepare help signals as soon as possible The international emergency sign for distress is three of any signal: three shots, three blasts on a whistle, three flashes with a mirror, or three fires evenly spaced. If you're near an open space, walk an "X" in the snow, grass, or sand. Make it as large as possible so that it can be seen easily from the air. Placing branches, logs, or rocks along the "X" will make it more visible. Do not light signal fires until you hear an aircraft. Adding green boughs, preferably pine if available, to the fire will help create smoke. Once you have a shelter, fire, and your signal prepared, you can focus on water and food.


Wool is the best all-around choice for insulation because it still provides warmth when wet. The best clothing combination in bad weather is polyester or polypropylene underwear and shirt, wool pants, heavy jacket, and water repellent rain pants and parka. Soaking wet clothing can lose heat several hundred times faster than dry clothing. Cotton clothing (underwear, T-shirts, jeans, flannel shirts) is a poor choice for cold, wet weather. When wet, cotton loses its already limited insulating ability and can cause rapid transfer of heat away from the body, increasing the risk of hypothermia.

Treatment of Heat Stroke

Wrap in a sheet and soak with cool—not cold—water. Fan, but don't over-chill. Get to a hospital immediately.

First Aid—Broken Bones

You can assume someone has a broken bone if pain lasts more than a few minutes, moving the injured area is difficult, or there is swelling in the injured area. If you have to transport the victim a long distance, it's best to immobilize the joint above and below the break to prevent further injury and relieve pain. Don't try to straighten the limb—splint it the way you found it. For a broken foot, do not remove the shoe. Tie a pillow or thick padding around the foot over the shoe

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