Unit 8 Test

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Feces should pass without effort and be free of blood, mucus, or pus.


Foot-and-mouth disease is recognized by mouth and feet blisters along with a high fever.


Backleg is an infectious disease which affects only young goats.


Founder provides constant slight pain, fever, reluctance to move and later followed by dropping of hoof soles and turn up of toe walls.


Mastitis is the thinning of milk in livestock this resulting in watery milk.


Scours can be identified by the hardening of feces, rough hair coat, sunken eyes, and potentially resulting in death.


Which is not a common infectious disease?

Cancer eye.

Which of the following is a common non-infectious disease which causes small tumors on mucous membranes and irritation around the eye?

Cancer eye.

Kendall is checking on horses and notices that one mare is reluctant to move, has a fever, and appears to be in extreme pain. What non-infectious disease does the mare likely have?


LaDawn is a herd manager for a cattle operation and is using Pyrethrins to help control an external parasite that is causing the cattle to become irritated and restless. What external parasite is likely the cause?


Source of food for parasites.


Which of the following parasites causes mange?


What is an organism that lives on or in another organism from which it gains nutrients?


Which of the following is a common infectious disease that causes high fever, shallow respiration, crackling noises when breathing, and standing with legs wide apart?


Which is not a common non-infectious disease?


Blowflies infect wounds and cause soiled hair or fleece, weakness, and fever.


Healthy animals should have sleek hair and smooth, pliable skin.


Liver flukes induce anemia, digestive disturbance, loss of weight, and liver damage.


Lungworm symptoms include coughing, labored breathing, and loss of appetite producing stunted and unthrifty young animals.


Pseudorabies is treated by vaccination for swine, clean bedding frequently, and isolation of infected animals.


Rabies can affect all warm-blooded animals and is best treated by vaccinations in dogs and cats.


Stomach worms create unthriftiness and loss of appetite in goats and sheep while no specific symptoms occur in other animals.


Tapeworms can be prevented by pasture rotation and using a parasiticide.


Ticks can be managed by spraying or dusting frequently with parasiticides such as malathion.


The veterinarian has just informed Chris that her horse has anaplasmosis. What external parasite is the likely cause?


Remain alive in the winter.


Zach has been riding his gelding for most of the day in the heat and when he gets off he realizes the horse is probably dehydrated. What sign indicated to Zach the horse was dehydrated?

Appearance of sunken eyes.

Jason raises swine and is concerned about internal parasites. He works hard at prevention and cleans the farrowing quarters, washes the sows before farrowing and places his sows on clean pasture after farrowing. What internal parasite that affects swine is Jason preventing?


Leslie is checking on cattle and notices that one cow has an enlarged paunch on the left side in front of the hipbone followed by distention on the right side and is having difficulty breathing? What non-infectious disease does the cow likely have?


Parasite life cycle consisting of egg, larva, pupa, and adult.

Complete metamorphosis.

Parasites that live outside the animal.

External parasite.

Orlando is checking on several geldings and notices that two of the geldings have lost weight and have diarrhea. What internal parasite is most likely affecting the geldings?

Gastro-intestinal worms.

Shonna is checking on her mare and notices that the mare has not eaten and has been lying in the pasture for an extended period of time, which is unusual. What should Shonna do?

Have a veterinarian look at the mare.

Parasites that spend part of their life cycle inside the animal's body using it as a host.

Internal parasite.

Colby is checking on one of his sheep and determines the sheep may have a health problem. Which sign indicated to Colby that one of his sheep is unhealthy?

Lack of appetite.

Which of the following creates intense irritation, restlessness, severe itching and may cause animals to become anemic?


An organism that lives on or in another organism.


The veterinarian tells Jeff to isolate his ewe and treats her with sulfa drugs and antibiotics. What infectious disease does Jeff's ewe have?


Brandon is checking on one of his cows, and after looking at her, he is confident she is healthy. Which sign helped indicate to Brandon that his cow is healthy?

Pink and moist mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth.

The veterinarian tells Dominique that one of her goats has an infectious disease that causes watering and squinting of the eye and swelling of the lining membrane of the eyelid. What infectious disease does Dominique's goat have?

Pink eye.

Richard is a herd manager for a large cattle operation and tells one of his workers not to let cattle graze on one area because of drought-damaged Johnson grass. What non-infectious disease is Richard attempting to avoid?

Prussic acid poisoning.

During what stage of the life cycle of a house fly does a hard protective case form?


Which parasite lays eggs in the digestive tract of animals?


Adam is the herd manager for an exotic breed of cattle and wants to ensure that the cattle remain free of parasites. What action would be the best option for Adam to control parasites?

Take fecal samples to a veterinarian routinely.

Which of the following is not a means of preventing/treating internal parasites?


Who should producers always consult to determine the best management practices to prevent infectious diseases?


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