Unit 9A

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Which of the following is an example of behavioral contrast used by a teacher?

A denser schedule of reinforcement in one classroom increases hand raising for Gillian in that setting. In another classroom, the schedule of reinforcement remains unchanged, but Gillian's hand raising decreases in that classroom

"Kyle throws things in order to feel less frustrated". This statement most closely represents:

A mentalistic explanation

Considering Jean Piaget's stated goal of education "to create individuals capable of doing new things", teachers must be trained to promote Generalization and maintenance

According to Jean Piaget, the main goal of education is, "to create individuals who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done - individuals who are creative, inventive, and discoverers." When we talk about the development of new skills that can occur in a variety of new settings, we are referring first to the maintenance of skills, but also to the generalization of those skills in new combinations, and in new contexts. This is inventiveness and creativity.

In general, when should a behavioral consultant complete documentation on interactions with consumers of their services?

After every interaction

Which of the following is considered an emergency, and therefore documentation is mandatory if it occurs?

All options are considered emergencies

A behavior analyst should terminate services for a consumer under all of the following conditions except when the services:

Are considered unnecessary by staff persons/caregivers (non-guardians)

Which of the following is best practice for graphing collected data?

At least weekly

A behavior has been maintained in two or more contexts. When a procedure is introduced in one of these contexts, the behavior decreases. This same behavior may increase in other contexts, even though no changes have been made in the contingencies in place in these other contexts. What does this scenario describe?

Behavioral contrast

It is important, whenever possible, to have a third-party sign as a witness that services are provided, and this is especially important when a consumer is funded by a third-party. Which of the following is an example of a third-party?

Consumer's mother

After generating a report detailing the findings of risk and benefit assessments, which step comes next in a risk-benefit analysis?

Discuss the findings of the report with involved parties

Based on Stokes & Baer's definition (1977), generalization may be claimed when: X = No extra-training manipulations are needed for extra-training changes Y = Similar training events are necessary for similar effects across conditions Z = Some extra manipulations are necessary, but their cost or extent is clearly less than that of the direct intervention

Either X or Z

The term generalization applies...

Either when new behavior occurs under similar conditions, or similar behavior occurs under new conditions, with little or no additional training

Identify the true statement(s), below. For a specific stimulus class generalization target...

General case analysis should precede general case programming

Generalization across participants occurs when :

Improvements occur in the behavior of individuals other than the person(s) targeted for the direct training.

Diabetes, Epilepsy, and Dementia are medical conditions likely to have important behavioral symptoms associated with them

Increased thirst, fatigue, urination and appetite are all behavioral side effects of diabetes. Seizure disorders may result in some side effects such as staring, lip smacking, loss of bladder/bowel control, and eye rolling. Irritability, pacing, verbal/physical aggression, and sleep disturbance are all side effects of Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

Richard is studying to take the BACB certification exam. To help him prepare, he makes some flashcards that he uses every day to memorize definitions. After six months since the last time he studied for the exam, he takes out his flashcards and he is still able to answer the definitions correctly. His performance demonstrates:


Generalization is an important area of focus for practitioners because it

must be promoted through the use of specific instructional strategies

Which of the following is true of parents/caregivers when securing support? Parents and caregivers.... X = usually have very little useful behavioral information Y = often need to be handled firmly and harshly when trying to gain their support

Neither. Parents and caregivers often have the best information and we should be sensitive and empathetic to those who are caring for other individuals.

We should use _______ when talking with parents of our clients.

Non-technical language

Which of the following is the most potentially effective long term strategy for dealing with "difficult" individuals?

Pair yourself with reinforcement

In developing a plan for a child who is in a small-group class for part of the day, and attends a few inclusion classes, the BCBA decides to have the teacher use praise rather than edibles or access to activities, as edibles and tangibles are not typically used in the inclusion setting, and the BCBA hopes that the student will eventually mainstream all day. This represents which strategy to promote generalization?

Plan for natural contingencies.

Which is a strategy to promote generality of behavior change?

Plan for natural contingencies.

In training, the use of antecedent stimuli that are found in the natural setting is referred to as:

Programming Common Stimuli

Corey is teaching Jose verbal skills. Jose is learning to tact various objects at mealtime. Corey uses many different styles and sizes of utensils (both metal and plastic), plates, and cups as training target stimuli. Corey makes sure that in his training area, he includes some items borrowed from Jose's home kitchen/dining area (spoons, plates, etc), as well as some other non-training items from Jose's home environment (placemat, lamp, throw rug). Which of the following tactics is Corey using to promote generalization?

Programming common stimuli

"The extent to which the learner performs a variety of other functional responses in addition to the trained response" defines which of the following?

Response generality

Mark is learning how to multiply single digits in his 3rd grade class. His parents help him practice at home ("What is 2 times 2?"). His father observes that Mark begins to do simple division on his own ("Hey Dad, there are four of us and we have 8 pieces of pizza—so we each get two pieces, right?"), without any training to do division. What behavioral principle would explain this phenomenon?

Response generality

We implement a behavioral procedure in one classroom and Missy's behavior improves in that classroom. However, in another classroom, her behavior does not improve at all. Thus, we implement the same set of program procedures in the second classroom, and Missy's behavior improves in this second classroom as well. This is an example of:

Sequential modification

The primary strategy for establishing direct consumer support is to target

Socially significant behavior

Greg is a little boy whose family has a Chihuahua at home. He learns to say "Doggie" when he sees his pet Chihuahua. Without training, he sees a neighbor, Ms. Briggs, walking her Pit-bull, and Greg says, "Doggie"! In this scenario, Greg saying "Doggie" when he sees Ms. Briggs's Pit-bull is an example of:

Stimulus generality

Harold, a BCaBA, works with Sam, a 7-year old who has trouble making friends. Harold writes a task analysis for Sam on how to initiate play with peers. He role plays with Sam, provides prompts, and praises and plays with Sam whenever he says such phrases as, "Hey what are you playing" and "Can I join in". Harold works 1:1 with Sam at home, three afternoons a week. When Sam demonstrates these skills with 100% independence on 3 consecutive trials, Harold documents the skill as "mastered" and moves on to another skill. This represents:

Train and hope.

First, identify the salient features of a particular stimulus class. Then, identify a variety of different items/events that all share these key features (but vary in other non-salient ways), and use these various items/events in training a learner to generalize. In this way, novel items to which the learner is exposed in the future will be appropriately identified as members of this stimulus class, without training. Stokes and Baer (1977) would refer to this strategy to promote generalization as...

Train sufficient exemplars

Varying noncritical antecedent stimuli, and the particular responses we reinforce, is referred to as:

Training loosely

We are teaching Sara to ignore adult strangers attempting to initiate conversation with her when she is walking home from school. First we role play with her, but then employ the help of adults that Sara doesn't know. We have our set-up "strangers" call out to Sara as she walks home, and invite her to come over to them. Our helpers then inform us whether she appropriately ignored their calls or not. Based on their feedback, we provide praise to Sara, or provide instructional feedback. This is an example of which strategy to promote generalization?

Use indiscriminable contingencies

In which of the following situations should you consider obtaining a medical evaluation before initiating (or doing a major revision of) a behavioral intervention?

X = During intake, you notice that the consumer repeatedly strikes his left ear with his left hand Y = Five months after initiating treatment, the individual suddenly starts hitting people during and immediately following meals. Z = A adult with intellectual disabilities who has used the toilet consistently for 10 years becomes suddenly incontinent.

Maintenance involves the occurrence of:

a target behavior once a treatment is removed or faded

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