Unit exam #3

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Give four examples of how the skeleton protects internal organs. Essay

1)The skull protects the brain. 2)The vertebral column protects the spinal cord. 3)The thoracic cage protects the lungs and heart. 4)The pelvis protects the urinary bladder and the internal reproductive organs.

What does the endomysium cover? A)A muscle fiber B)A muscle fascicle C)The whole muscle organ D)The tendon of a muscle

A)A muscle fiber

This disease is characterized by the death of motor neurons but does not affect intellect and sensation. A)Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis B)Myasthenia gravis C)Duchenne muscular dystrophy D)Fibromyalgia

A)Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Which of the following is NOT a function of the pelvic girdle? A)Attachment of the upper limbs B)Bear the body's weight C)Protect the urinary bladder D)Protect the internal reproductive organs

A)Attachment of the upper limbs

What does calcium do during muscle contraction? A)Binds to troponin B)Binds to the cross bridges C)Supplies energy D)Hydrolyzes ATP

A)Binds to troponin

Which type of muscle tissue has intercalated disks? A)Cardiac B)Skeletal C)Smooth D)Both cardiac and skeletal are correct.


What process provides the most of a muscle's ATP? A)Cellular respiration B)Lactic acid fermentation C)Creatine phosphate breakdown D)Alcoholic fermentation

A)Cellular respiration

Where is the spiral organ located? A)Cochlear duct B)Vestibular duct C)Tympanic duct D)Semicircular duct

A)Cochlear duct

What forms over the diaphysis in endochondral ossification of a long bone? A)Compact bone collar B)Perichondrium C)Epiphyseal plate D)Fibrocartilage

A)Compact bone collar

Which of the following is part of the appendicular skeleton? A)Coxa B)Sacrum C)Sternum D)Ribs


Which of the following is NOT a rotator cuff muscle? A)Deltoid B)Supraspinatus C)Infraspinatus D)Subscapularis


What substance is found in the cochlear duct? A)Endolymph B)Air C)Perilymph D)Mucus


What is the function of the auditory (eustachian)tube? A)Equalizes air pressure in the middle ear B)Allows fluid to drain out of the inner ear C)Keeps infection out of the middle ear D)Allows us to hear ourselves speak

A)Equalizes air pressure in the middle ear

What bone contains the cribriform plate that has tiny holes for olfactory nerves? A)Ethmoid bone B)Palatine bone C)Sphenoid bone D)Maxilla

A)Ethmoid bone

Which of the following is an example of a long bone? A)Femur B)Patella C)Vertebra D)Frontal bone


This muscle allows you to stand on your tiptoes. A)Gastrocnemius B)Tibialis anterior C)Flexor digitorum longus D)Hamstring group


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of slow-twitch fibers? A)Have few capillaries B)Small motor units C)Have many mitochondria D)Abundant supply of myoglobin

A)Have few capillaries

Which of the following coxal bones is most inferior and allows a person to sit? A)Ischium B)Ilium C)Pubis


Which type of cutaneous receptor would respond to the lightest pressure? A)Krause end bulbs B)Ruffini endings C)Pacinian corpuscles D)Meissner corpuscles

A)Krause end bulbs

Which eye muscle is innervated by the abducens nerve? A)Lateral rectus muscle B)Medial rectus muscle C)Superior oblique muscle D)Inferior rectus muscle

A)Lateral rectus muscle

Which of the following does NOT aid in the protection of a synovial joint? A)Ligaments B)Articular cartilage on bone surfaces C)Menisci in the knee D)Bursae


Which of the following bones form the upper jaw? A)Maxilla B)Mandible C)Palatine D)Lacrimal


Which of the following is NOT a bone marking for articulation? A)Meatus B)Process C)Suture D)Condyle


Which of the following proteins found in myofilaments contain the cross bridges? A)Myosin B)Actin C)Tropomyosin D)Troponin


What bone has a large opening,the foramen magnum,for the spinal cord to enter the cranial cavity? A)Occipital bone B)Temporal bone C)Parietal bone D)Maxilla

A)Occipital bone

What type of joint disease is described by deterioration of articular cartilage? A)Osteoarthritis B)Osteoporosis C)Rheumatoid arthritis D)Gout


What is the role of myoglobin in muscle contraction? A)Oxygen carrier in muscle B)Blood carrier in muscle C)ATP carrier in muscle D)Creatine phosphate generator in muscle

A)Oxygen carrier in muscle

Which of the following bones forms most of the roof of the cranium? A)Parietal B)Frontal C)Mandible D)Temporal


Which forearm bone is on the thumb side when in anatomical position? A)Radius B)Ulna C)Carpal D)Humerus


Which muscle is NOT used to "suck in your gut" to make you look thinner? A)Rectus abdominis B)External oblique C)Transversus abdominis D)Internal oblique

A)Rectus abdominis

Which ear component tells your brain that you are doing a sit-spin on the ice? A)Semicircular canals B)Utricle and saccule C)Spiral organ D)Ossicles

A)Semicircular canals

Which tarsal articulates with the tibia and fibula for ankle movement? A)Talus B)Calcaneus C)Navicular D)Cuneiform


In which bone would the external acoustic meatus be found? A)Temporal bone B)Zygomatic bone C)Parietal bone D)Maxilla

A)Temporal bone

Which part of the spiral organ responds to low pitched sounds? A)The tip B)The middle C)The base D)Along the entire length

A)The tip

The clouding of the lens is called A)a cataract. B)macular degeneration. C)detached retina. D)glaucoma.

A)a cataract

Myosin is A)a protein. B)the thin filament. C)pulled inward during contraction. D)All apply

A)a protein

The anterior compartment of the eye is filled with a fluid called the A)aqueous humor. B)lacrimal secretions. C)vitreous humor. D)fovea centralis.

A)aqueous humor.

The biceps brachii and triceps brachii in the upper arm A)are antagonistic. B)are synergistic. C)depend upon activity to determine antagonism or synergism.

A)are antagonistic.

When muscles are not used,they shrink or A)atrophy. B)hypertrophy. C)antagonize. D)fatigue.


A hip is an example of a __________ joint. A)ball-and-socket B)hinge C)gliding D)pivot


The __________ flexes the forearm. A)biceps brachii B)frontalis C)triceps brachii D)gluteus maximus

A)biceps brachii

During intramembranous ossification A)bone develops between sheets of fibrous connective tissue. B)hyaline cartilage is replaced by bone. C)osteoclasts break down bone. D)new bone is added on top of existing bone.

A)bone develops between sheets of fibrous connective tissue.

The corrective lens for those with myopia is _________ which will diverge the light rays so that they focus on the retina. A)concave B)convex


The knuckles are an example of a __________ joint. A)condyloid B)hinge C)gliding D)saddle


The mucous membrane that lines the inside of the eyelids is called the A)conjunctivA. B)lacrimal apparatus. C)aqueous humor. D)sclera.


Sutures occur mainly in the A)cranium. B)pelvic girdle. C)tarsals. D)wrist.


The response to signals from Golgi tendon organs is to A)decrease the degree of muscle contraction. B)decrease the degree of muscle relaxation. C)increase the degree of muscle contraction. D)None apply.

A)decrease the degree of muscle contraction.

The tibialis anterior will ______ the foot. A)dorsiflex and invert B)plantar flex and invert C)dorsiflex and adduct D)invert and abduct

A)dorsiflex and invert

Shrugging the shoulders is an example of A)elevation. B)flexion. C)circumduction. D)pronation.


A __________ is a rounded opening through a bone. A)foramen B)fossa C)trochanter D)condyle


The sliding filament theory of muscle contraction describes A)how a sarcomere shortens. B)the disappearance of the A band. C)the movement of the myosin in relation to the actin. D)All apply

A)how a sarcomere shortens.

People who can see far objects better than those that are close have A)hyperopiA. B)myopia. C)presbyopia. D)astigmatism.


The olfactory receptors are located A)in the roof of the nasal cavity. B)on nasal mucosa cilia. C)in the back of the throat. D)in the paranasal sinuses.

A)in the roof of the nasal cavity.

The extensor digitorum is named for A)its action and attachment. B)its location and action. C)its size and attachment. D)its number of attachments and shape.

A)its action and attachment.

Osteocytes live in small spaces within the calcified bone called A)lacunae. B)canaliculi. C)lamellae. D)the central canal.


The stage of a muscle twitch that occurs from the point of stimulation to the beginning of contraction is called the _____ period? A)latent B)lag C)contraction D)refractory


Which is (are)involved in refraction? A)lens B)iris C)choroid D)All apply.


An exaggerated lumbar curvature is called A)lordosis. B)kyphosis. C)hunchback. D)scoliosis.


Information from muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs are used for A)maintaining equilibrium and posture. B)processing pain. C)registering pressure. D)registering light touch.

A)maintaining equilibrium and posture.

The most superior part of the sternum is the A)manubrium. B)styloid process. C)xiphoid process. D)None apply.


The ossicles are part of the A)middle ear. B)outer ear. C)inner ear.

A)middle ear

The function of muscle spindles is to detect A)muscle or tendon stretch. B)muscle or tendon contraction. C)muscle or tendon relaxation. D)None apply.

A)muscle or tendon stretch.

Age-related decline in hearing is called A)presbycusis. B)otosclerosis. C)conduction deafness. D)sensorineural deafness.


The muscle that does most of the work for a particular movement is called the A)prime mover. B)synergist. C)insertion. D)antagonist.

A)prime mover.

Summation is A)receiving many impulses in rapid succession. B)the period between stimulation and contraction. C)the depletion of ATP. D)a single contraction that lasts only a fraction of a seconD.

A)receiving many impulses in rapid succession.

Degenerative changes in joints can be slowed or stopped by A)regular weight-bearing exercise. B)resting the joints. C)nonweight-bearing exercise. D)None apply.

A)regular weight-bearing exercise.

Photoreceptors are located in the A)retina. B)cornea. C)choroids. D)sclera.


The photopigment rhodopsin is found in A)rods. B)cones.


The inferior rectus muscle A)rolls the eye downward. B)rotates the eye clockwise. C)turns the eye inward,toward the midline. D)rolls the eye upward

A)rolls the eye downward.

The special name for the plasma membrane of a muscle fiber is the A)sarcolemma. B)sarcoplasm. C)T tubules. D)sarcoplasmic reticulum.


The muscle that helps you to sit "Indian style" is the A)sartorius. B)iliopsoas. C)rectus femoris. D)gluteus medius.


Farsightedness is due to a(n) A)shortened eyeball. B)elongated eyeball. C)damaged lens. D)damaged cornea.

A)shortened eyeball.

A bone that is broken but does not pierce the skin is a(n) A)simple fracture. B)complete fracture. C)compound fracture. D)incomplete fracture.

A)simple fracture.

Nerve signals from the general body senses travel up the spinal cord to the thalamus and then to the A)somatosensory area of the parietal lobe. B)prefrontal area of the frontal lobe. C)visual area of the occipital lobe. D)primary motor area of the frontal lobe.

A)somatosensory area of the parietal lobe.

A sudden,involuntary muscular contraction is a A)spasm. B)cramp. C)sprain. D)tendinitis.


The sella turcica is a feature of the A)sphenoid bone. B)ethmoid bone. C)vomer. D)occipital bone.

A)sphenoid bone.

The sensory receptors for taste are located in A)taste buds. B)salivary glands. C)the teeth. D)the cheeks.

A)taste buds.

The auditory cortex is located in the A)temporal lobe. B)parietal lobe. C)insula. D)occipital lobe.

A)temporal lobe

A prime mover for raising the mandible is the A)temporalis. B)depressor labii inferioris. C)zygomaticus. D)levator anguli oris.


Rigor mortis occurs because A)there is no ATP to relax the muscles. B)the body temperature drops. C)there are no brain waves. D)there are no nerve signals.

A)there is no ATP to relax the muscles.

Which lower leg bone is thicker and medial? A)tibia B)humerus C)fibula D)femur


The _______ will adduct the scapulae and help extend the neck. A)trapezius B)temporalis C)sternocleidomastoid D)deltoid


The subscapularis muscle is A)under the scapulA. B)above the scapula. C)inferior to the scapula. D)beside the scapula.

A)under the scapula

The most inferior part of the sternum is called the A)xiphoid process. B)manubrium. C)clavicle. D)costal cartilage.

A)xiphoid process.

The medullary cavity contains A)yellow marrow. B)spongy bone. C)the periosteum. D)red marrow.

A)yellow marrow.

The _______ is used to smile. A)zygomaticus B)buccinator C)frontalis D)orbicularis oris


How many pairs of ribs are found in humans? A)10 B)12 C)14 D)18


Which of the following obeys the all-or-none law? A)The whole muscle B)A muscle fiber C)The whole muscle and a muscle fiber

B)A muscle fiber

What is released from axon terminals to stimulate a muscle fiber to contract? A)Calcium ions B)Acetylcholine C)ATP D)Troponin


What mineral is most important for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis? A)Vitamin A B)Calcium C)Sodium D)Carbon


Which type of joint is correctly matched with the structure of the joint? A)Fibrous - enclosed in a capsule B)Cartilaginous - connected with cartilage C)Synovial - connected with fibrous connective tissue

B)Cartilaginous - connected with cartilage

Which of the following would be classified as an irregular bone? A)Humerus B)Coxal bone C)Carpal D)Parietal bone

B)Coxal bone

Which of the following connective tissue sheaths covers the muscle organ itself? A)Endomysium B)Epimysium C)Fascia D)Perimysium


What structure is the site of bone growth in length? A)Primary ossification center B)Epiphyseal plates C)Periosteum D)None apply.

B)Epiphyseal plates

Which cranial bone has several parts related to nose structure? A)Sphenoid bone B)Ethmoid bone C)Palatine bone D)Maxilla

B)Ethmoid bone

What is found in the medullary cavity of an adult long bone? A)Red bone marrow B)Fat C)Calcium D)Blood vessels


What is the action of the brachialis muscle? A)Extend the forearm B)Flex the forearm C)Pronate the forearm D)Flex the arm

B)Flex the forearm

What type of synovial joint movement will decrease the angle between bones? A)Adduction B)Flexion C)Extension D)Supination


A __________ is a flattened or shallow surface on a bone. A)Foramen B)Fossa C)Trochanter D)Condyle


Which of the following bones forms the forehead? A)Parietal B)Frontal C)Mandible D)Temporal


Which of the following is (are)true of the rods? A)See color B)Function in dim light C)Located in the fovea centralis D)All apply.

B)Function in dim light

Excessive muscle contraction will activate A)muscle spindles. B)Golgi tendon organs. C)Merkel disks. D)Meissner corpuscles.

B)Golgi tendon organs.

Which of the following is NOT involved in the sense of equilibrium? A)Vision B)Hearing C)Proprioceptors in joints and muscles D)Cerebellum


Which of the following is the largest of the coxal bones? A)Ischium B)Ilium C)Pubis


Which type of muscle fibers would be utilized for short periods of walking or jogging? A)Slow-twitch fibers B)Intermediate-twitch fibers C)Fast-twitch fibers D)Medium-twitch fibers

B)Intermediate-twitch fibers

What is the only movable bone of the skull? A)Temporal B)Mandible C)Maxilla D)Zygomatic


Which of the following is NOT a cutaneous receptor sensitive to pressure? A)Ruffini endings B)Meissner corpuscles C)Pacinian corpuscles D)Krause end bulb

B)Meissner corpuscles

Which of the following proteins is NOT a component of the thin filament? A)Tropomyosin B)Myosin C)Troponin D)Actin


What structure forms the "point" of the elbow? A)Head of the ulna B)Olecranon process C)Head of the radius D)Coronoid process

B)Olecranon process

What type of cells secrete the matrix of bone? A)Osteoprogenitor cells B)Osteoblasts C)Osteocytes D)Osteoclasts


What are the cells found within an osteon? A)Osteoblasts B)Osteocytes C)Epiphysealcytes D)Chondrocytes


What structure does the stapes attach to? A)Tympanic membrane B)Oval window C)Malleus D)Round window

B)Oval window

Which of the following muscles is NOT part of the hamstring group? A)Semimembranosus B)Rectus femoris C)Biceps femoris D)Semitendinosus

B)Rectus femoris

Which muscle allows you to punch a punching bag? A)Pectoralis major B)Serratus anterior C)Deltoid D)Latissimus dorsi

B)Serratus anterior

Which of the following is part of the axial skeleton? A)Metacarpals B)Skull C)Femur D)Scapula


What is the butterfly shaped bone on the floor of the cranium? A)Ethmoid B)Sphenoid C)Nasal D)Occipital


What material is found within the joint cavity of a synovial joint? A)Fibrous connective tissue B)Synovial fluid C)Fibrocartilage D)Ligaments

B)Synovial fluid

Which muscle is NOT used for smiling? A)Zygomaticus B)Temporalis C)Levator anguli oris D)Levator labii superioris


Which of the following is NOT a difference between the male and female pelvises? A)The female hips are broader. B)The female pelvic cavity is more funnel-shaped. C)The female bones are lighter. D)The female pubic arch resembles an inverted U.

B)The female pelvic cavity is more funnel-shaped.

Which of the following structures are NOT involved with swallowing? A)The hyoid bone B)The masseter muscle C)The suprahyoid muscles D)The epiglottis

B)The masseter muscle

What type of receptor responds to changes in temperature? A)Mechanoreceptor B)Thermoreceptor C)Photoreceptor D)Chemoreceptor


To which type of vertebrae are the ribs attached? A)Cervical B)Thoracic C)Lumbar D)Sacrum


What part of the humerus articulates with the ulna? A)Capitulum B)Trochlea C)Coronoid fossa D)Deltoid tuberosity


Which ear component tells your brain that you slid forward on ice and ran into a wall? A)Semicircular canals B)Utricle C)Spiral organ D)Saccule


A motor unit is A)a group of muscles working together. B)a motor neuron and the muscle fibers it supplies. C)a group of muscle fiber. D)an artery and the muscle fibers it supplies.

B)a motor neuron and the muscle fibers it supplies.

A sustained muscle contraction with no relaxation is called A)a twitch. B)a tetanic contraction. C)fatigue. D)oxygen debt.

B)a tetanic contraction.

Changing the shape of the lens for near and far vision is called A)refraction. B)accommodation. C)convergence. D)transmutation.


Changing the shape of the lens to correctly focus light on the retina is called A)refraction. B)accommodation. C)astigmatism. D)presbyopia.


The _______ is helpful in keeping a rider on a horse. A)iliopsoas B)adductor group C)quadriceps femoris group D)gluteus maximus

B)adductor group

The place where the optic nerve exits the eye is the A)lens. B)blind spot. C)ciliary body. D)fovea.

B)blind spot.

The largest of the ankle bones that forms the heel is the A)talus. B)calcaneus. C)navicular. D)cuboid


Doing arm circles is an example of A)plantar flexion. B)circumduction. C)inversion. D)depression.


Another name for the collarbone is the A)scapulA. B)clavicle. C)sternum. D)xiphoiD.


The corrective lens for those with hyperopia is _______ which will bend the light rays more so that they focus on the retina. A)concave B)convex


The _______ will abduct the arm. A)serratus anterior B)deltoid C)latissimus dorsi D)pectoralis major


The shaft of a long bone is the A)periosteum. B)diaphysis. C)articular cartilage. D)endosteum.


Nearsightedness is due to a(n) A)shortened eyeball. B)elongated eyeball. C)damaged lens. D)damaged cornea.

B)elongated eyeball.

The three pair of muscles attached to the outside of the eyeball that are used for eye movement are called ____ muscles. A)intrinsic B)extrinsic


A chronic condition of achy pain,tenderness,and stiff muscles is called A)a strain. B)fibromyalgia. C)tendinitis. D)a cramp.


The phalanges are the bones of the A)hand. B)fingers. C)wrist. D)foot.


The lens of the eye rounds up or bulges A)for distant vision. B)for close vision. C)when a person is frightened. D)when sleeping.

B)for close vision.

The __________ raises your eyebrow. A)biceps brachii B)frontalis C)hamstring group D)gluteus maximus


The buildup of pressure due to an increased amount of aqueous humor is known as A)cataracts. B)glaucoma. C)a sty. D)astigmatism.


The elbow is an example of a __________ joint. A)ball-and-socket B)hinge C)gliding D)pivot


Myoglobin A)breaks down glycogen. B)holds a reserve supply of oxygen in muscle cells. C)is a protein involved in the addition of a phosphate to ADP. D)produces the axon terminal signal.

B)holds a reserve supply of oxygen in muscle cells.

Conduction deafness may be due to damage to the A)organ of Corti. B)incus,malleus,and stapes. C)cochlear nerve. D)All apply.

B)incus,malleus,and stapes

The gluteus maximus muscle is named for A)its size and shape. B)its size and location. C)its shape and action. D)its attachment and fiber direction.

B)its size and location.

The structure that produces tears is called the A)conjunctivA. B)lacrimal apparatus. C)aqueous humor. D)sclera.

B)lacrimal apparatus.

Q 35An emotional response to an odor means that the _______ is involved. A)reticular activating system B)limbic system C)somatosensory area D)cerebrospinal fluid

B)limbic system

Blindness caused by abnormal blood vessel growth in the retina is A)cataracts. B)macular degeneration. C)glaucoma. D)conjunctivitis.

B)macular degeneration.

The _______ is used for actual chewing. A)buccinator B)masseter C)zygomaticus D)Both the buccinator and masseter.


Another name for the bones of the hand is A)tarsals. B)metacarpals. C)carpals. D)phalanges.


The bones that form the instep of the foot are the A)carpals. B)metatarsals. C)metacarpals. D)tarsals.


A single muscle contraction lasting a fraction of a second is a A)myogram. B)muscle twitch. C)motor unit. D)tetanic contraction.

B)muscle twitch.

An autoimmune disease caused by a reduction of acetylcholine needed to stimulate skeletal muscles to contract is A)fibromyalgiA. B)myasthenia gravis. C)muscular dystrophy. D)osteoarthritis.

B)myasthenia gravis.

People who can see close objects better than those far away have A)hyperopiA. B)myopia. C)presbyopia. D)astigmatism.


The external auditory canal is part of the A)middle ear. B)outer ear. C)inner ear.

B)outer ear.

The ______ will straighten your leg (extend)at the knee. A)adductor group B)quadriceps femoris C)hamstring group D)gluteus maximus

B)quadriceps femoris

A ________ is a sharp,slender process on a bone for muscle attachment. A)crest B)spine C)tubercle D)head


The mandibular fossa and zygomatic process are features of the A)mandible. B)temporal bone. C)zygomatic bone. D)maxilla.

B)temporal bone.

A sarcomere is A)formed from myosin only. B)the distance between Z lines. C)the length of the H zone. D)between the I bands.

B)the distance between Z lines.

Latent period is A)the time of receiving many impulses in rapid succession. B)the period between stimulation and contraction. C)the time when ATP is depleted. D)the time of muscle relaxation.

B)the period between stimulation and contraction.

The canal by which the spinal cord passes through the vertebrae is the A)foramen magnum. B)vertebral foramen. C)external acoustic meatus. D)nutrient foramen.

B)vertebral foramen.

The thickened part of the choroid layer located behind the iris that holds the lens in place is the_____ .

Blank 1: ciliary Blank 2: body or muscle

The window of the eye is the transparent_______ , which is located anterior to the aqueous humor and the lens and helps to focus entering light rays.

Blank 1: cornea

The two______ bones and the________ form the pelvic girdle (pelvis).

Blank 1: coxal or hip Blank 2: sacrum

The skull bones are subdivided into categories called the______ and the________ bones.

Blank 1: cranium or cranial Blank 2: facial or face

Smooth muscle fibers contain protein molecules called--------- -----scattered throughout the sarcoplasm that help the thin filaments produce a shortening of the cell.

Blank 1: dense Blank 2: bodies

The ear is the organ that functions in the sense of hearing. It also functions in the sense of______ .

Blank 1: equilibrium or balance

The vertebral column consists of 24 vertebrae plus the_______ and the_____ .

Blank 1: sacrum Blank 2: coccyx

Which of the following muscles move the forearm? Brachialis Biceps brachii Pectoralis major Triceps brachii Deltoid

Brachialis Biceps brachii Triceps brachii

The extensions of the sarcolemma that carry the nerve impulses deep into the sarcoplasm are the A)sarcolemmas. B)myoglobins. C)tubules. D)sarcoplasmic reticulums.

C) tubules.

What is the correct order of events in the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction? 1)Myosin head binds to actin 2)Calcium ions bind to troponin 3)Myosin cross-bridges bend pulling actin toward center of sarcomere 4)ATP is split into ADP and P 5)Tropomyosin moves to expose active sites of actin 6)Sarcoplasmic reticulum releases calcium ions 7)ADP and P released from myosin A)2,4,6,1,3,5,7 B)1,2,3,4,5,6,7 C)6,2,5,4,1,7,3 D)4,2,7,1,6,5,3


On which vertebra is the odontoid process found? A)Coccyx B)Atlas C)Axis D)Thoracic


Which of the following is NOT part of the quadriceps femoris? A)Vastus lateralis B)Rectus femoris C)Biceps femoris D)Vastus intermedius

C)Biceps femoris

Which of the following does NOT aid in the stabilization of a synovial joint? A)Ligaments B)Tendons C)Bursa D)Joint capsule


Which vertebra is called the "vertebra prominens"? A)C1 B)T1 C)C7 D)C2


What are the small passageways through compact bone that connect osteocytes to each other and the central canal? A)Lamellae B)Lacunae C)Canaliculi D)Osteons


What structures allow osteocytes to access nutrients and oxygen? A)Trabeculae B)Lamella C)Canaliculi D)Articular cartilage


What is another name for the wrist? A)Tarsals B)Metacarpals C)Carpals D)Phalanges


Which of the following is NOT an ossicle? A)Stapes B)Malleus C)Cochlea D)Incus


Which type of joint is correctly matched with the amount of movement they allow? A)Synarthrosis - slight movement B)Amphiarthrosis - immovable C)Diarthrosis - freely movable

C)Diarthrosis - freely movable

Which of the following bones is NOT part of the pelvic girdle? A)Two coxal bones B)Coccyx C)Femur D)Sacrum


What are the intervertebral disks that are shock-absorbers composed of ? A)Elastic cartilage B)Hyaline cartilage C)Fibrocartilage D)Reticular cartilage


Which ribs do NOT attach anteriorly to the sternum? A)True ribs B)False ribs C)Floating ribs

C)Floating ribs

What is the function of a tubercle on a bone? A)Articulation with another bone B)An opening for blood vessels C)For muscle attachment D)None apply.

C)For muscle attachment

What is the area that contains only cones for the most acute vision? A)Vitreous body B)Bipolar cell layer C)Fovea centralis D)Blind spot

C)Fovea centralis

Temperature receptors of the skin are A)Ruffini endings. B)Krause end bulbs. C)Free nerve endings. D)Merkel disks.

C)Free nerve endings.

Which would form by way of intramembranous ossification? A)Humerus B)Metacarpal C)Frontal bone D)Clavicle

C)Frontal bone

Which of the following is the correct pathway from the retina to the visual cortex? A)Optic nerve,optic radiations,optic chiasma,ganglion cells,thalamus,optic tract,occipital lobe B)Optic tract,ganglion cells,optic radiations,thalamus,optic chiasma,optic nerve,temporal lobe C)Ganglion cells,optic nerve,optic chiasma,optic tract,thalamus,optic radiations,occipital lobe D)Optic nerve,optic tract,optic chiasma,optic radiations,thalamus,ganglion cells,parietal lobe

C)Ganglion cells,optic nerve,optic chiasma,optic tract,thalamus,optic radiations,occipital lobe

Which of the following is NOT a feature of the scapula? A)Glenoid cavity B)Acromion process C)Greater tubercle D)Coracoid process

C)Greater tubercle

What is the sign that a person has accrued an oxygen debt? A)Inability of muscle to contract B)Rigor mortis C)Heavy breathing D)Fainting

C)Heavy breathing

Which of the following is the correct order of events in bone repair of a fracture? A)Hematoma,bony callus,remodeling,fibrocartilage callus B)Bony callus,hematoma,fibrocartilage callus,remodeling C)Hematoma,fibrocartilage callus,bony callus,remodeling D)Remodeling,bony callus,fibrocartilage callus,hematoma

C)Hematoma,fibrocartilage callus,bony callus,remodeling

Which bone has no articulation with any other bone? A)Vomer B)Axis C)Hyoid D)Scapula


Which of the following is NOT a body function that aids the skeletal system? A)Endocrine system regulates calcium storage and bone growth B)Cardiovascular system delivers oxygen and nutrients to bones C)Integumentary system helps provide vitamin A for calcium absorption D)Sex hormones affect bone density

C)Integumentary system helps provide vitamin A for calcium absorption

Which of the following bones is NOT part of the nose? A)Inferior nasal conchae B)Nasal C)Lacrimal D)Vomer


Which of the following pairings of vertebra and their number is correct? A)Cervical - five B)Thoracic - seven C)Lumbar - five D)Sacrum - three

C)Lumbar - five

Which of the following is NOT a bone of the cranium? A)Ethmoid B)Sphenoid C)Maxilla D)Parietal


Which of the following is connected to the nasopharynx by the auditory (eustachian)tube? A)Inner ear B)Cochlea C)Middle ear D)Outer ear

C)Middle ear

Which of the following is NOT a function of skeletal muscles? A)Generate heat B)Maintain posture C)Move food through the GI tract D)Keep blood moving in veins and lymphatics

C)Move food through the GI tract

What is the large opening in the coxal bone that allows blood vessels and nerves to pass anteriorly into the leg? A)Pelvic aperture B)Greater sciatic notch C)Obturator foramen D)Acetabulum

C)Obturator foramen

Where does the visual pathway cross so that each optic tract carries impulses from the opposite visual field? A)Thalamus B)Optic radiations C)Optic chiasma D)Optic nerve

C)Optic chiasma

Which part of a muscle is on the stationary bone? A)Insertion B)Prime mover C)Origin


What structures in the utricle and saccule interact with the stereocilia to produce action potentials? A)Ampullae B)Cupulae C)Otoliths D)Cochlea


Which of the following is NOT a component of the semicircular canals? A)Ampulla B)Cupula C)Otoliths D)Endolymph


Which of the following is NOT a stimulus that will activate a chemoreceptor? A)Taste of pizza B)Carbon dioxide level of the blood C)Oxygen deprivation in a visceral organ D)Smell of roses

C)Oxygen deprivation in a visceral organ

Which of the following is NOT a cutaneous receptor sensitive to fine touch? A)Meissner corpuscles B)Root hair plexus C)Pacinian corpuscles D)Merkel disks

C)Pacinian corpuscles

Which of the following cutaneous receptors is NOT correctly matched with its stimulus? A)Krause end bulbs - pressure B)Free nerve endings - heat or cold C)Pacinian corpuscles - fine touch D)Ruffini endings - pressure

C)Pacinian corpuscles - fine touch

What are the structures that are air-filled spaces of the skull bones? A)Sutures B)Fontanels C)Paranasal sinuses D)Lacrimal ducts

C)Paranasal sinuses

Which of the following is NOT a general shape to classify bones? A)Long B)Short C)Rectangular D)Irregular


What is the function of the iris? A)Changes the shape of the lens B)Absorbs stray light rays C)Regulates the size of the pupil D)Refracts light rays

C)Regulates the size of the pupil

What type of joint disease is described by the autoimmune inflammation of the synovial membrane? A)Osteoarthritis B)Osteoporosis C)Rheumatoid arthritis D)Gout

C)Rheumatoid arthritis

Which of the following sutures connects the two parietal bones? A)Coronal B)Lambdoidal C)Sagittal D)Squamous


Which of the following functions in rotational equilibrium? A)Saccule B)Utricle C)Semicircular canals D)Both saccule and utricle are correct.

C)Semicircular canals

Which of the following structures is NOT involved in hearing? A)Ossicles B)Cochlea C)Semicircular canals D)Pinna

C)Semicircular canals

Which type of muscle tissue is found in the walls of hollow internal organs? A)Cardiac B)Skeletal C)Smooth D)Both smooth and skeletal are correct.


Which of the following is INCORRECT about olfaction (smell)? A)Olfactory cells are modified neurons. B)Olfactory cilia have receptors for odor molecules. C)There are 23 primary odors. D)What we taste is related to what we smell.

C)There are 23 primary odors.

Which of the following is NOT a feature of compact bone? A)Lacunae B)Lamellae C)Trabeculae D)Osteon


Which muscle is named for its shape? A)Frontalis B)Masseter C)Trapezius D)Biceps brachii


Which of the following is NOT a cranial nerve that innervates the extrinsic eye muscles? A)Oculomotor B)Abducens C)Trigeminal D)Trochlear


Which of the following is NOT a color pigment found in cones? A)Red B)Green C)Yellow D)Blue


The membrane soft spots of a newborn's skull A)are synovial in nature. B)occur only as a result of illness. C)are called fontanels. D)become foramina.

C)are called fontanels.

The first cervical vertebra that "holds up the head" is the A)axis. B)coccyx. C)atlas. D)mastoid


Absorption of stray light rays occurs in the A)retinA. B)cornea. C)choroid. D)sclera.


In smooth muscle,the thin filaments are attached to ______ that will draw the cell inward during contraction. A)thick filaments B)Z lines C)dense bodies D)myosin

C)dense bodies

The _______ aid in inspiration during respiration. A)external intercostals and infrahyoids B)internal intercostals and diaphragm C)diaphragm and external intercostals D)internal and external intercostals

C)diaphragm and external intercostals

The first tissue formed in the repair of a broken bone is A)compact bone. B)spongy bone. C)fibrocartilage. D)hyaline cartilage.


The _________ will evert the foot. A)gastrocnemius B)tibialis anterior C)fibularis muscles D)extensor digitorum longus

C)fibularis muscles

Bursae are A)tendons. B)types of joints. C)fluid-filled sacs. D)cartilage pads.

C)fluid-filled sacs.

The cones are most densely packed in the A)blind spot. B)vitreous humor. C)fovea centralis. D)choroids.

C)fovea centralis

A wrist is an example of a __________ joint. A)ball-and-socket B)hinge C)gliding D)pivot


The __________ flexes your knee. A)biceps brachii B)quadriceps femoris C)hamstring group D)gluteus maximus

C)hamstring group

During endochondral ossification A)hyaline cartilage changes to adipose tissue. B)osteoblasts break down bone. C)hyaline cartilage is replaced by bone. D)simple fractures are more common.

C)hyaline cartilage is replaced by bone.

When you rest your hands on your hips,your hands are on the A)ischial tuberosities. B)pubic symphysis. C)iliac crests. D)pelvic brims.

C)iliac crests.

The major flexor of the thigh that also keeps the trunk from falling backwards when erect is the A)gluteus maximus. B)sartorius. C)iliopsoas. D)adductor group.


The response to signals from muscle spindles is to A)decrease the degree of muscle contraction. B)increase the degree of muscle relaxation. C)increase the degree of muscle contraction. D)decrease the frequency of impulses to muscles.

C)increase the degree of muscle contraction.

The cochlea is part of the A)middle ear. B)outer ear. C)inner ear.

C)inner ear.

The receptors for hearing and balance are in the A)outer ear. B)middle ear. C)inner ear.

C)inner ear.

Turning the foot so that the sole faces inward is an example of A)supination. B)adduction. C)inversion. D)eversion.


The large bump on the lateral part of the ankle is the A)lateral malleolus of the tibiA. B)lateral condyle of the tibia. C)lateral malleolus of the fibula. D)lateral condyle of the talus.

C)lateral malleolus of the fibula.

Destruction of the macula lutea that contains the fovea centralis results in A)glaucomA. B)presbyopia. C)macular degeneration. D)cataracts.

C)macular degeneration.

Which of the following is NOT a paranasal sinus? A)sphenoidal B)frontal C)mastoidal D)maxillary


Astigmatism is due to a(n) A)shortened eyeball. B)elongated eyeball. C)misshaped cornea or lens. D)increased pressure inside the eye.


A genetic disease of progressive muscle weakening and degeneration due to the lack of a protein is A)fibromyalgiA. B)myasthenia gravis. C)muscular dystrophy. D)osteoarthritis.

C)muscular dystrophy.

The ______ is used in forming a kiss. A)zygomaticus B)buccinator C)orbicularis oris D)orbicularis oculi

C)orbicularis oris

A condition in which bones lose bone mass and therefore become weak is A)osteomyelitis. B)osteogenesis. C)osteoporosis. D)osteomalacia.


Pointing the toes (or standing on tip-toes)is an example of A)hyperextension. B)adduction. C)plantar flexion. D)eversion.

C)plantar flexion

The signaling system begun by a stimulus is called a(n) A)action potential. B)all-or-none response. C)receptor potential. D)local potential.

C)receptor potential.

The more stimulation a muscle receives,the more motor units are activated.This is called A)fatigue. B)oxygen debt. C)recruitment. D)hypertrophy.


The _______ will flex the trunk. A)transverse abdominis B)external intercostals C)rectus abdominis D)internal obliques

C)rectus abdominis

The feeling of pain on the body surface that has its origin in an internal organ is called A)nociception. B)proprioception. C)referred pain. D)visceral pain.

C)referred pain.

Autologous chondrocyte implantation allows A)replacement of articular cartilage with polyethylene. B)joint replacement with metal. C)regrowth of damaged hyaline cartilage. D)fusion of bones in a joint.

C)regrowth of damaged hyaline cartilage

The superior oblique muscle A)rolls the eye upward. B)turns the eye outward,away from the midline. C)rotates the eye counterclockwise. D)rotates the eye clockwise.

C)rotates the eye counterclockwise.

The sense organ for hearing is the A)crista ampullaris. B)macula. C)spiral organ. D)saccule.

C)spiral organ.

The ____________ is used to flex the neck and turn the head laterally. A)trapezius B)temporalis C)sternocleidomastoid D)suprahyoid


A _____ is caused by stretching or tearing of a muscle. A)spasm B)cramp C)strain D)tendinitis


Q 34The olfactory area of the cerebrum is located in the A)insulA. B)parietal lobe. C)temporal lobe. D)frontal lobe.

C)temporal lobe.

The ______ extends the forearm. A)biceps brachii B)frontalis C)triceps brachii D)gluteus maximus

C)triceps brachii

A __________ is a massive process found only on the femur. A)foramen B)fossa C)trochanter D)condyle


The medial rectus muscle A)rolls the eye upward. B)turns the eye outward,away from the midline. C)turns the eye inward,toward the midline. D)rotates the eye clockwise.

C)turns the eye inward,toward the midline.

The posterior compartment of the eye is filled with a clear gel called the A)aqueous humor. B)lacrimal secretions. C)vitreous humor. D)fovea centralis.

C)vitreous humor.

The latissimus dorsi muscle is a _______ muscle. A)round B)triangular C)wide D)huge


______ are found within the aorta to help detect oxygen, carbon dioxide and hydrogen ion concentration in the blood. Chemoreceptors Proprioceptors Nociceptors Mechanoreceptors


______ are found within the aorta to help detect oxygen, carbon dioxide and hydrogen ion concentration in the blood. Proprioceptors Chemoreceptors Mechanoreceptors Nociceptors


Rounded knob of the bone


What type of synovial joint movement will move a body part laterally,away from the body? A)Adduction B)Extension C)Dorsiflexion D)Abduction


Myofibrils A)are located in muscle fibers. B)are contractile units. C)have striations. D)All apply

D)All apply

The A band A)is in the center of the sarcomere. B)is the dark region of the sarcomere. C)contains the overlapping of the thick and thin filaments. D)All apply

D)All apply

An aging change in cartilage would include A)a color change from blue to yellow. B)death of chondrocytes. C)calcification. D)All apply.

D)All apply.

Exercise programs can improve A)muscular strength. B)muscular endurance. C)flexibility. D)All apply.

D)All apply.

Fatigue is caused by A)gradual muscle weakening after repetitive use. B)depletion of ATP. C)depletion of acetylcholine from motor neurons. D)All apply.

D)All apply.

How does the muscular system aid the skeletal system? A)Provides attachment for muscles B)Provides calcium for muscle contraction C)Protects and moves bones D)All apply.

D)All apply.

How does the skeletal system help maintain homeostasis? A)Allows chewing to assist digestion B)Allows locomotion C)Maintains calcium balance D)All apply.

D)All apply.

Lactic acid buildup A)occurs after strenuous activity. B)occurs due to lack of oxygen and ATP. C)causes cramps. D)All apply.

D)All apply.

Nociceptors A)are stimulated by chemicals released from damaged tissues. B)detect pain. C)are found in internal organs. D)All apply.

D)All apply.

The pectoral girdle A)is the shoulder girdle. B)contains the clavicle. C)contains the scapula. D)All apply.

D)All apply.

What is ATP used for in the process of muscle contraction? A)Pump calcium ions back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum B)Power stroke of myosin cross-bridge C)Release of myosin from actin D)All apply.

D)All apply.

Which aspect of a noise may affect hearing loss? A)Loudness B)Duration C)Proximity D)All apply.

D)All apply.

Which is a function of the thoracic cage? A)To protect the heart B)To aid in breathing C)To support the bones of the shoulder D)All apply.

D)All apply.

Which of the following is a function of the skeleton? A)Produces blood cells B)Provides sites for muscle attachment C)Protects internal organs D)All apply.

D)All apply.

Which of the following structures have hair cells as receptors? A)Cochlea B)Semicircular canals C)Vestibule D)All apply.

D)All apply.

Which of the following is NOT true of smooth muscle? A)Causes peristalsis in the digestive tract B)Assists voiding of urine C)Direct flow of blood D)Assists in respiration

D)Assists in respiration

Which of the following is NOT a cartilaginous joint? A)Between the ribs and the sternum B)Between the bodies of the vertebra C)Between the two pelvic bones D)Between each tooth and its socket

D)Between each tooth and its socket

Which type of muscle tissue is striated? A)Cardiac B)Skeletal C)Smooth D)Both cardiac and skeletal are correct.

D)Both cardiac and skeletal are correct.

Which type of muscle tissue is involuntary? A)Cardiac B)Skeletal C)Smooth D)Both cardiac and smooth are correct.

D)Both cardiac and smooth are correct.

What is the role of ATP in the sliding filament theory? A)Energizes the myosin cross-bridge B)Releases calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum C)Breaks the link between actin and myosin D)Both energizes the myosin cross-bridge and breaks the link between actin and myosin.

D)Both energizes the myosin cross-bridge and breaks the link between actin and myosin.

The function(s)of the ossicles in hearing is (are) A)equalize pressure in the middle ear. B)magnifying the sound waves about 20 times. C)transferring the sound waves to the fluid of the inner ear. D)Both magnifying the sound waves about 20 times and transferring the sound waves to the fluid of the inner ear.

D)Both magnifying the sound waves about 20 times and transferring the sound waves to the fluid of the inner ear.

Which of the following functions in gravitational equilibrium? A)Saccule B)Utricle C)Semicircular canals D)Both saccule and utricle are correct.

D)Both saccule and utricle are correct.

Which muscle is called the "trumpeters muscle",and aids in chewing and sucking? A)Zygomaticus B)Masseter C)Levator anguli oris D)Buccinator


What ion is necessary for cross-bridging? A)Iron B)Sodium C)Potassium D)Calcium


What are the bones storage depots for? A)Calcium and vitamin D B)Fat and vitamin C C)Calcium and white blood cells D)Calcium,fat,and phosphate

D)Calcium,fat,and phosphate

What bone is important for swallowing? A)Palatine bone B)Maxilla C)Mandible D)Hyoid bone

D)Hyoid bone

Which muscle will extend and adduct the arm for swimming or climbing a rope? A)Biceps brachii B)Serratus anterior C)Deltoid D)Latissimus dorsi

D)Latissimus dorsi

What is the purpose of blinking of the eyes? A)Lubricate the eye surface B)Protect the eye from infection C)Remove debris from the eye surface D)Lubricate and remove debris from eye surface

D)Lubricate and remove debris from eye surface

Which of the following is NOT a primary taste? A)Umami B)Sweet C)Bitter D)Minty E)Salty


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of fast-twitch fibers? A)Useful for bursts of energy B)Fatigues quickly C)Light in color D)Mostly aerobic

D)Mostly aerobic

Three discrete types of muscle fibers are identified on the basis of their fuel supply,oxygen supply,and tension.Which of the following athletic endeavors best represents the use of slow-twitch fibers? A)A sprint by an Olympic runner B)Swinging a baseball bat C)Lifting weights D)Mountain climbing

D)Mountain climbing

Which of the following bones forms the back and base of the cranium? A)Mandible B)Ethmoid C)Temporal D)Occipital


Which of the following are the bone-eating (resorbing)cells? A)Osteoprogenitor cells B)Osteocytes C)Osteoblasts D)Osteoclasts


Which of the following surrounds a fascicle? A)Endomysium B)Epimysium C)Fascia D)Perimysium


Which of the following is NOT involved in refraction? A)Cornea B)Aqueous humor C)Lens D)Pupil


What type of cutaneous receptor would be the first to respond to a touch that barely contacts the skin of the forearm? A)Merkel disk B)Pacinian corpusle C)Meissner corpuscle D)Root hair plexus

D)Root hair plexus

What type of synovial joint movement is the movement of a body part around its own axis? A)Flexion B)Supination C)Pronation D)Rotation


Which ear component tells your brain that you are standing on your head? A)Semicircular canals B)Utricle C)Spiral organ D)Saccule


What type of synovial joint is found between the carpal and metacarpal of the thumb? A)Pivot B)Hinge C)Condyloid D)Saddle


Which anatomical feature of a vertebra is felt down the middle of the neck and back? A)Lamina B)Pedicle C)Transverse process D)Spinous process

D)Spinous process

Which suture is between the parietal and temporal bones? A)Sagittal suture B)Coronal suture C)Lambdoidal suture D)Squamosal suture

D)Squamosal suture

Which of the following are examples of chemoreceptors? A)Taste B)Olfaction C)Proprioception D)Taste and olfaction

D)Taste and olfaction

Which of the following bones is NOT part of the orbit of the eye? A)Ethmoid B)Palatine C)Zygomatic D)Temporal


What structure separates the outer ear from the middle ear? A)Auditory tube B)Round window C)Oval window D)Tympanic membrane

D)Tympanic membrane

Which of the following bones forms the cheek-bone? A)Maxilla and mandible B)Nasal and lacrimal C)Vomer and ethmoid D)Zygomatic and temporal

D)Zygomatic and temporal

The socket on the coxal bone that articulates with the head of the femur is the A)pelvic aperature. B)greater sciatic notch. C)obturator foramen. D)acetabulum.


The correct name for Lou Gehrig's disease is A)fibromyalgiA. B)myasthenia gravis. C)muscular dystrophy. D)amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

D)amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

The addition of new bone on top of existing bone to increase bone thickness is called A)endochondral ossification. B)intramembranous ossification. C)osteoprogenesis. D)appositional growth.

D)appositional growth.

The clouding of the lens is an aging condition of the eyes called A)glaucomA. B)presbyopia. C)macular degeneration. D)cataracts.


The lens is held in place by the A)retinA. B)cornea. C)choroids. D)ciliary body.

D)ciliary body.

The orbicularis oculi muscle will A)open the eyes. B)raise the eyebrows. C)lower the eyebrows. D)close the eyes.

D)close the eyes.

The tailbone is called the A)sacrum. B)atlas. C)ilium. D)coccyx.


A __________ is a large,rounded articulating knob on a bone. A)foramen B)fossa C)trochanter D)condyle


The end of a long bone is the A)diaphysis. B)periosteum. C)shaft. D)epiphysis.


The _______ will extend the wrist and fingers. A)flexor digitorum B)extensor carpi C)brachialis D)extensor digitorum

D)extensor digitorum

The longest and strongest bone in the body is the A)tibiA. B)humerus. C)fibula. D)femur.


The __________ extends your thigh. A)iliopsoas B)sartorius C)quadriceps femoris group D)gluteus maximus

D)gluteus maximus

The bone of the upper arm is the A)ulnA. B)radius. C)scapula. D)humerus.


The muscle that controls the amount of light that enters the eye through the pupil is the A)choroids. B)suspensory ligament. C)ciliary muscle. D)iris.


After nervous stimulation of the muscle cell has ceased,the calcium A)is destroyed by cholinesterase. B)is chemically bound to the filaments. C)level in the sarcoplasm increases. D)is actively pumped into the sarcoplasmic reticulum for storage.

D)is actively pumped into the sarcoplasmic reticulum for storage.

The biceps femoris is named for A)its shape and location. B)its fiber direction and action. C)its shape and number of attachments. D)its number of attachments and location.

D)its number of attachments and location.

Athletes sometimes complain of oxygen debt,a condition that results when insufficient oxygen is available to completely break down pyruvic acid.As a result,the pyruvic acid is converted to A)a strong base. B)stearic acid. C)hydrochloric acid. D)lactic aciD.

D)lactic acid

Fibularis muscles are on the _________ area of the leg. A)posterior B)medial C)anterior D)lateral


Proprioceptors are involved in the sense of A)pain. B)temperature. C)pressure. D)limb position.

D)limb position.

The gustatory (taste)area of the cerebrum is located in the A)parietal lobe. B)insula. C)frontal lobe. D)parietal lobe and insula.

D)parietal lobe and insula.

The _____ flexes and adducts the arm. A)serratus anterior B)deltoid C)latissimus dorsi D)pectoralis major

D)pectoralis major

The atlas and axis are examples of a __________ joint. A)ball-and-socket B)hinge C)gliding D)pivot


Red marrow A)produces blood cells. B)is located in spongy bone. C)is located in the epiphyseal plate. D)produces blood cells and is located in spongy bone.

D)produces blood cells and is located in spongy bone.

Repair of a bone fracture is called A)remodeling. B)splinting. C)ossification. D)reduction.


The smooth ER that stores calcium ions is the A)sarcolemmA. B)sarcoplasm. C)T tubules. D)sarcoplasmic reticulum.

D)sarcoplasmic reticulum

Protection and support is the function of the ____ of the eye. A)retina B)cornea C)choroid D)sclera


An abnormal lateral curvature of the spine is called A)lordosis. B)kyphosis. C)hunchback. D)scoliosis.


Creatine phosphate functions in the muscle cell by A)forming a temporary chemical compound with myosin. B)forming a chemical compound with actin. C)inducing a conformational change in the myofilaments. D)storing energy that will be transferred to ADP to resynthesize ATP as needeD.

D)storing energy that will be transferred to ADP to resynthesize ATP as needed

Rotating the arms so that the palms are forward is an example of A)elevation. B)abduction. C)inversion. D)supination.


The seven ankle bones are called the A)carpals. B)metatarsals. C)metacarpals. D)tarsals.


The hair cells of the organ of Corti have stereocilia embedded in the A)basilar membrane. B)tympanic membrane. C)oval window. D)tectorial membrane.

D)tectorial membrane.

The flexor carpi muscles will flex the A)wrist. B)hands. C)fingers. D)wrist and hanD. E)wrist and fingers.

D)wrist and hand

What are the functions of proprioceptors? (Select all that apply) Detect skeletal muscle stretch and contraction Maintain posture and muscle tone Detect pressure and touch Detect temperature changes

Detect skeletal muscle stretch and contraction Maintain posture and muscle tone

What are the functions of the ear? Taste Equilibrium Hearing Vision Olfaction

Equilibrium Hearing

Receptors all over the body are very specific in the type of stimulus they respond to. Receptors all over the body are somewhat,but not completely specialized. True False


A bundle of muscles fibers is a myofilament. True False

False: A bundle of muscle fibers is a fascicle.

Compact bone is the main bone tissue found in the epiphyses of long bones. Tor F

False: Cancellous (spongy)bone is the main bone tissue found in the epiphyses of long bones.Compact bone makes up the diaphysis.

Cardiac muscle fibers need outside nervous stimulation in order to contract. True False

False: Cardiac muscle fibers do not need outside nervous stimulation to contract;skeletal muscle does.

Olfactory receptors are located on microvilli projecting from olfactory cells. True False

False: Olfactory receptors are located on cilia projecting from olfactory cells.

Pain receptors are stimulated by normal changes in chemicals. True False

False: Pain receptors are stimulated by abnormal changes in chemicals.

Photoreceptors are the same as other types of receptors in that the stimulus of light causes the release of neurotransmitters,which then creates an action potential. True False

False: Photoreceptors are different from other types of receptors in that the stimulus of light stops the release of neurotransmitters,which then creates an action potential.

Receptors can generate action potentials. True False

False: Receptors can not generate action potentials.

Both rods and cones are found with the same density in the entire retina. T/F

False: Rods and cones are not evenly distributed in the retina.

Smooth muscle has thick and thin filaments arranged the same way as in skeletal muscle. True False

False: Smooth muscle has thick and thin filaments that are arranged in a different pattern compared to skeletal muscle.

The I band is dark and split by a Z line. True False

False: The I band is light and split by a Z line.

The base of the spiral organ responds to low frequencies of sound. True False

False: The base of the spiral organ responds to high frequencies of sound. True False

The female pelvis is lighter,wider,and more funnel-shaped compared to the male pelvis. True False

False: The female pelvis is lighter,wider,and more shallow compared to the male pelvis.

The immunity of the body can function without help from the skeletal system. True False

False: The immunity of the body needs the skeletal system since white blood cells are produced in the red bone marrow.

The levator palpebrae superioris muscle will raise the eyebrows. True False

False: The levator palpebrae superioris muscle will raise the eyelid.

The scapula is part of the axial skeleton. True False

False: The scapula is part of the appendicular skeleton.

Somatic nociceptors are stimulated by excessive stretching of internal organs. True False

False: Visceral nociceptors are stimulated by excessive stretching of internal organs.

When viewed from the side,the adult vertebral column is straight. True False

False: When viewed from the side,the adult vertebral column has concave curves in the cervical and lumbar regions and convex curves in the thoracic and sacral regions.

The endosteum is the tough connective tissue covering the bone. True False

False: periosteum is the tough connective tissue covering the bone.

Spongy bone is not as strong as compact bone. True False

False: spongy bone is just as strong as compact bone.

Aging muscles have less fat present in them than in a young person. True False

False:Aging muscles have more fat present in them than in a young person.

Eyebrows have no function connected with the eyes.They are only cosmetic. True False

False:Eyes shade the eyes from light and block perspiration.

Once a person reaches adulthood,they no longer form new bone. True False

False:People form new bone during their entire lifetime.

Taste buds are found on structures called lamellae. True False

False:Taste buds are found on structures called papillae.

The conjunctiva covers the cornea. True False

False:The conjunctiva covers the anterior eye,but not the cornea.

An impacted fracture means that the bone was not broken the whole way through. True False

False:an impacted fracture means that bones are wedged into each other

Depression in bone


Select all of the visual disorders that are associated with aging. Glaucoma Hyperopia Myopia Cataracts Macular degeneration Presbyopia

Glaucoma Cataracts Macular degeneration Presbyopia

______ equilibrium helps to detect head position as well as linear acceleration. Rotational Gravitational


Large knob of bone that creates a joint proximally


Which of these bones is U-shaped and is located inferiorly to the mandible? Maxilla Sternum Hyoid Zygomatic Clavicle


__________describes someone with a hunchback.


________is an excessive thoracic curvature of the vertebral column.


Match the basic bone shapes with the proper example:

Long= Thigh bone (femur) Short= Wrist bone (carpals) Flat= Most skull bones Irregular=Bones of the spine (vertebrae)

_______describes a swayback condition.


is an excessive lumbar curvature of the vertebral column.


Distinguish among lordosis,kyphosis,and scoliosis. Essay

Lordosis = exaggerated lumbar curvature (swayback) Kyphosis = increased roundness of thoracic curvature (hunchback) Scoliosis = lateral (side-to-side)curvature of the spinal column (twisted disease)

What are the functions of proprioceptors? (Select all that apply) Detect pressure and touch Maintain posture and muscle tone Detect temperature changes Detect skeletal muscle stretch and contraction

Maintain posture and muscle tone Detect skeletal muscle stretch and contraction

What homeostatic effect does the muscular system have on the skeleton? Muscle contraction keeps blood moving Muscle contraction provides heat and moves the skin of the face Muscle contraction causes bones to move Muscle contraction moves eyes and permits speech

Muscle contraction causes bones to move

What homeostatic effect does the muscular system have on the cardiovascular system? Muscle contraction causes bones to move Muscle contraction keeps blood moving Muscle contraction provides heat and moves the skin of the face Muscle contraction moves eyes and permits speech

Muscle contraction keeps blood moving

What homeostatic effect does the muscular system have on the integument? Muscle contraction moves eyes and permits speech Muscle contraction keeps blood moving Muscle contraction causes bones to move Muscle contraction provides heat and moves the skin of the face

Muscle contraction provides heat and moves the skin of the face

If muscle fibers obey the all-or-none law,then how can muscles exhibit various strengths of contraction?

Muscles can exhibit various strengths of contraction because different numbers of fibers can be contracting during muscle contraction.When more muscle fibers are contracting the whole-muscle contraction is of greater strength.When few muscle fibers are contracting the whole-muscle contraction is of lesser strength.

Which of the following bones are included in the appendicular skeleton? Pelvic girdle Humerus, ulna, and radius Sternum and vertebral column Femur, tibia and fibula Sacrum and coccyx Pectoral girdle

Pelvic girdle Humerus, ulna, and radius Femur, tibia and fibula Pectoral girdle

Which of the following bones are included in the appendicular skeleton? Sternum and vertebral column Pelvic girdle Pectoral girdle Humerus, ulna, and radius Sacrum and coccyx Femur, tibia and fibula

Pelvic girdle Pectoral girdle Humerus, ulna, and radius Femur, tibia and fibula Need help? Review these concept resources.Read About the Concept Feedback Next Question Reading

Explain why someone with a vitamin A deficiency might have dim vision at night.

Rods contain rhodopsin,a molecule that contains the protein opsin and the pigment retinal.The more rhodopsin present in the rods,the better the dim vision.Because retinal is a derivative of vitamin A,the person could have poor night vision if he/she has a deficiency of this vitamin.

____ aids in maintaining balance with sudden movement or rotation of the head and body. Rotational equilibrium Gravitational equilibrium

Rotational equilibrium

___________is usually first seen in late childhood.


_________is an abnormal lateral curvature of the vertebral column.


Describe the process in which sound waves are conducted to the spiral organ. Essay

Sound waves enter the auditory canal and vibrate the tympanic membrane,which vibrates the ossicles in the middle ear,the malleus,incus,then stapes.The sound waves or vibrations are then sent through the oval window,making vibrations or waves in the fluid in the canals of the inner ear.This stimulates the hearing receptors,located on the spiral organ in the cochlea,which send the information to the temporal lobe of the cerebrum.

How would you determine if skeletal remains are female or male? Essay

The female's bones are generally smaller and weigh less than the male.The pelvic bones provide the most information since the female's pelvis is broader,the inlet larger,the cavity more shallow,and the pubic arch shaped like an inverted U.

Describe the focusing process of the eye.

The focusing of the eye,or accommodation,is the result of the contraction and relaxation of the ciliary muscle.When an object is near,the ciliary muscle contracts and the lens becomes round so the object is in focus on the retina.When an object is far away,the ciliary muscle relaxes and the lens flattens.

How could you differentiate between the skeletons of a tall adolescent and a short adult? Assume the skeletons are the same size. Essay

The limb bones of the adolescent skeleton would still have epiphyseal plates,whereas the limb bones of the adult skeleton would not.

Which of the following is NOT a way in which the skeletal system interacts with other body systems to maintain homeostasis? The red bone marrow produces white blood cells used by the immune system. Bones are used in chewing to help break food into smaller pieces for digestion. The skeletal system stores and releases magnesium which is needed by the muscular and nervous systems. The skeletal system protects the internal organs.

The skeletal system stores and releases magnesium which is needed by the muscular and nervous systems.

When a person suffers a heart attack they often experience pain in their left shoulder and arm.What is this called and why does it occur? Essay

This is an example of referred pain.Referred pain occurs when nerve impulses originating at internal organs travel in the same spinal cord pathway as messages from the skin.Both sets of neurons converge on the same neural pathway to the brain.The brain interprets the pain from the organ as coming from the skin

Which muscle is responsible for extending the forearm at the elbow? Triceps brachii Brachialis Biceps brachii Deltoid

Triceps brachii

Another name for the breastbone is the sternum. True False True


Arthritis and osteoporosis are common diseases of the skeletal system due to aging. True False


Children and adults require about the same amount of daily calcium. True False


Disuse of muscles causes weakness. True False


Gustation and olfaction rely on each other to give complete perceptions of taste and smell. True False


Movement of fluid in the semicircular canals will cause the cupula to displace and bend the stereocilia to create an action potential. True False


Movement of the bones would be impossible without the muscular system. True False


Osteoblasts are the cells that secrete the organic matrix of bone. True False


Ribs 2 - 9 articulate with thoracic vertebra at three places. True False


Skeletal muscle contraction is necessary for upright posture. True False


The bonding of chemicals to receptors on microvilli of the taste buds will initiate nerve impulses. True False


The coxal bones are part of the appendicular skeleton. True False


The deadly botulism toxin can be used to release muscle contractures of patients with brain and spinal cord injuries,as well as,paralyze facial muscle for a "face-lift" effect. True False


The image,╓ is projected onto the retina as ╜. True False


The mastoid sinus drains into the middle ear. True False


The muscles of people who train will have more mitochondria than those who do not train. True False


The pitch of a sound depends on which part of the basilar membrane vibrates. True False


The power stroke of muscle contraction is when the myosin cross-bridges pull the actin toward the middle of the sarcomere. True False


The pressure of skeletal muscle contraction is important in maintaining blood circulation. True False


The skeletal system is very important in the process of respiration. True False


The skeleton can protect soft organs by forming bony boxes. True False


The speed of the action potentials generated by a muscle spindle is proportional to the amount of muscle stretch. True False


True or false: Blood cells are formed in the red bone marrow.


We hear and control equilibrium with microscopic hair cells. True False


When muscles contract,they shorten.So,muscles can only pull the insertion toward the origin. True False


Small round knob


Where are olfactory receptor cells located? The inferior portion of the cerebrum Back of the pharynx Upper portion of the oral cavity Lower portion of the nasal cavity Upper portion of the nasal cavity

Upper portion of the nasal cavity

Muscle fatigue is usually due to lactic acid accumulation in the muscles.How and why does this happen?

When muscle fibers fatigue,they have lack of oxygen and cease aerobic respiration.Lactic acid builds up as a result of anaerobic respiration and produces muscle aching and fatigue.

What is meant by oxygen debt?

When there is insufficient oxygen available to generate ATP aerobically,anaerobic respiration will commence.Lactic acid is a product of anaerobic respiration that causes muscle fatigue and pain.Following strenuous exercise we must continue to breathe deeply in order to supply the oxygen required to metabolize the lactic acid that has built up in our cells.This oxygen represents an oxygen debt that must be repaid following anaerobic respiration.

The term orbicularis means a diagonal muscle a large muscle a circular muscle a straight muscle

a circular muscle

A motor unit is made up of: multiple nerve fibers and the muscle fiber they innervate multiple nerve fibers and all of the muscle fibers they innervate a nerve fiber and all of the muscle fibers it innervates

a nerve fiber and all of the muscle fibers it innervates

Cartilaginous joints such as the pubic symphysis and intervertebral discs are examples of a(n): amphiarthrosis synarthrosis diarthrosis


Cartilaginous joints such as the pubic symphysis and intervertebral discs are examples of a(n): diarthrosis amphiarthrosis synarthrosis


A slightly enlarged area of the semicircular ducts that responds to head rotations is the ______. saccule ampulla utricle


A joint disease that is characterized by inflammation, swelling and pain is called .


The junction between two or more bones is called a(n) _________

articulation, joint, or joints

Movement of the body is accomplished by muscles pulling on the _______

bones, periosteum, bone, or skeleton

Osteocytes maintain contact with neighboring osteocytes in adjacent lamellae via dendrite-like extensions called ____________ .


The heart wall is made up of: cardiac muscle smooth muscle skeletal muscle


The type of muscle tissue that is found in the wall of the heart is------ muscle.


Transports oxygen and nutrients to the bones and removes wastes from the bones.

cardiovascular System

The bones of the wrist are known as the_____


Bone is made up of the following active living tissues: cartilage lymphatic tissue dense connective tissue endocrine tissue bone tissue

cartilage dense connective tissue bone tissue

Most of the ATP needed for muscle contraction is produced during creatine phosphate synthesis cellular respiration fermentation anaerobic respiration

cellular respiration

____________ ____________ completed in a mitochondrion provides most of a muscle's ATP.

cellular respiration

Located in the middle of osteons, the ____________ contain the arterial, venous, and nervous supply of the compact bones.

central canals

The vascular middle layer of the eye is called the: ciliary body sclera choroid retina


The three layers of the eye are: vestibule choroid sclera lacrimal retina

choroid sclera retina

The middle layer of the eye is composed of the: ciliary body sclera choroid iris retina

ciliary body choroid iris

Cardiac muscle contraction is similar to contraction in skeletal muscle except that in cardiac muscle, calcium ___. binds to actin instead of to troponin binds to calmodulin initiating muscle contraction comes from outside the cell as well as the sarcoplasmic reticulum

comes from outside the cell as well as the sarcoplasmic reticulum

A rounded knob found at a point of articulation on a bone is a: process fossa condyle crest


What feature listed below is common to all muscle types? Secretion Contraction Movement of bones Regulation of blood pressure


Which of the following are components of the thoracic cage? clavicle scapula costal cartilages ribs thoracic vertebra sternum

costal cartilages ribs thoracic vertebra sternum

Which of the following describe the endomysium? (Select all that apply.) covers each individual muscle fiber made up of adipose connective tissue made up of areolar (loose) connective tissue covers a bundle of muscle fibers contains blood vessels and nerves for muscle fibers

covers each individual muscle fiber made up of areolar (loose) connective tissue contains blood vessels and nerves for muscle fibers

A slender ridge


The effects of aging on muscles are decrease in strength fusion of muscle to bone increase in neural inputs decrease in mitochondria decrease in size

decrease in strength decrease in mitochondria decrease in size

In smooth muscle fibers, the thick filaments do not attach to the thin filaments to produce shortening of the fiber. Instead, the thin filaments are anchored directly to the sarcolemma or to protein molecules called: anchors dense bodies actin troponin myosin

dense bodies

The layers of the skin include:. dermis skeletal muscle epidermis tendons

dermis epidermis

As we age, bone and cartilage ____ causing our bones to become hard and brittle. recuperate deteriorate repair develop improve


Absorbs calcium from food to be used in bone growth and repair.

digestive System

The auditory canal is lined with specialized sweat glands that produce cerumen, more commonly known as: pinna earwax eardrum hair cells


Regulates the storage of calcium in bones and the growth of bones.

endocrine system

Each individual muscle fiber is covered by a layer of connective tissue called the __________. perimysium endomysium epimysium


What homeostatic effect does the muscular system have on our respiratory system? enhances respiratory capacity moves lymph provides glucose for metabolism physical exercise enhances immunity assists in breathing

enhances respiratory capacity assists in breathing

Smaller knob above condyle


The layers of the skin include: epidermis dermis tendons skeletal muscle

epidermis dermis

The outermost, or most superficial, layer of the skin is the______ and the deeper layer is the _____

epidermis dermis

Even though muscle mass and strength decrease with age, elderly people can reverse these effects with more sleep drinking more calcium exercise


Name the action of the extensor digitorum. flex the fingers extend and abduct the wrist extend the fingers

extend the fingers

The accessory organs of the eye include eyelashes gustatory glands extrinsic eye muscles eyebrows lacrimal apparatus olfactory duct

eyelashes extrinsic eye muscles eyebrows lacrimal apparatus

True or false: Weight-bearing exercises will increase the degeneration of bone and cartilage. True false question.

false: Weight bearing exercises will slow the process of degeneration of bone and cartilage.

A gradual weakening in a muscle that occurs after repeated use is ______


When a muscle relaxes even though stimulation continues, this is known as oxygen debt soreness fatigue cramps


The five basic shapes of bones are: flat irregular square round short long

flat irregular round short long

A movement that decreases a joint angle is called_______


Bending your fingers toward your palm to make a fist is known as: flexion dorsiflexion extension abduction


Hole in the bone


The term given to an opening in bones that allows other structures, condyle fossa tubercle line foramen


The term given to an opening in bones that allows other structures, e.g. nerves and blood vessels, to enter and exit is: tubercle foramen line fossa condyle


The center of the macula lutea where vision is the sharpest is the: cornea suspensory ligaments fovea centralis pupil choroid

fovea centralis

Identify the bones of the upper limb: scapula clavicle humerus ulna radius

humerus ulna radius

The bone located in the neck that does not articulate with other bones and attaches to the muscles of the tongue is the_____ bone.


The bone located in the neck that does not articulate with other bones and attaches to the muscles of the tongue is the______ bone.


The attachment of a muscle onto the bone that is being moved is called the_____________


Anteriorly, the choroid develops into the__________


Tears are produced by the lacrimal apparatus olfactory receptors extrinsic eye muscles retina

lacrimal apparatus

Oxygen debt refers to a high level of ______, and low levels of ______. lactic acid; creatine phosphate creatine phosphate; lactic acid oxygen; carbon dioxide

lactic acid; creatine phosphate

Filled with osteocytes, which are osteoblasts encased in matrix, ____________ are found between layers of concentric lamellae.


The ____________ are found deep in the diaphyses of long bones and are filled with yellow marrow in the adult.

medullary cavities

Effectors such as skeletal muscles are stimulated to contract by what type of neuron? Motor neurons Myofiber neurons Sensory neurons

motor neuron

Neurons that stimulate skeletal muscle effectors to contract are called ------- -----------

motor neuron

A nerve fiber and all of the muscle fibers it innervates is called a _____ ________

motor unit

What is the meaning of the prefix "myo-"? Flesh Between Stiff Muscle


Allows for movement of the skeleton.

muscular system

Which of the following prefixes refer to muscle? osteo- sarco- neuro- cyt- myo-

myo- sarco-

Neurons in the nasal cavity supported by columnar epithelial cells are called: bipolar cells olfactory cells taste cells

olfactory cells

The------ of a muscle is on the stationary bone, or its immovable end.


Tiny granules called _______ are embedded within a gelatinous material inside the utricle and saccule. ampulla otoliths cupula


When a muscle fiber depletes its stores of creatine phosphate and has a high level of lactic acid, it incurs a(an) threshold stimulus period of relaxation oxygen debt

oxygen debt

Nociceptors are somatic receptors that are also known as________ receptors.


The general signs and symptoms of arthritis are: pain inflammation swelling bone demineralization

pain inflammation swelling

The bones of the______ girdle support the arms.


Receptors that are only found in the eye are: mechanoreceptors photoreceptors chemoreceptors thermoreceptors


The receptors that can be damaged by staring directly at the sun are the


The following are components of the outer ear: semicircular canals pinna external auditory canal vestibule auditory ossicles

pinna external auditory canal

The condition in which the lens of an older individual does not accommodate well is known as: hyperopia presbyopia amblyopia myopia


A fibrocartilage disk joins the two pubic bones together at the: pubic symphysis obturator foramen ischial tuberosity acetabulum

pubic symphysis

A circular opening in the center of the iris is called the: pupil lens retina choroid cornea


The only layer of the eye that can detect light is the: choroid sclera retina


The three semicircular canals are the organs of________ equilibrium.


The bones of the pectoral girdle include the: ribs ulna scapula sternum clavicle

scapula clavicle

The protective, fibrous, outer posterior layer of the eye is the: retina sclera choroid cornea


The outer layer of the eye consists of the tough white colored_____ and the anterior transparent _________.

sclera cornea

When a muscle contracts, it will _____ and produce movement of a body part or the body. lengthen stretch shorten expand


Hollow cavity in bone


The type of muscle tissue that is under voluntary control and is attached to the skeleton is muscle.


The cranium and facial bones comprise the_______


Chemical senses in our body can be found in which senses? Hearing Balance Vision Smell Taste

smell taste

-------muscle is found in the walls of blood vessels.


Muscle tissue that is found in the walls of hollow internal organs and blood vessels is: smooth muscle skeletal muscle cardiac muscle


The vertebral column protects the ______, which passes through the vertebral canal. cerebrospinal fluid spinal cord brain spinal nerves

spinal cord

The vertebral column protects the ______, which passes through the vertebral canal. cerebrospinal fluid spinal cord spinal nerves brain

spinal cord

The _____ suture is formed between the parietal and temporal bones. coronal lambdoidal sagittal squamousal


Identify characteristics of skeletal muscle fibers. found in the heart striated multinucleated cylindrical involuntary

striated multinucleated cylindrical

The joints between cranial bones of the skull are called:


The hyaline cartilage joint found at the epiphyseal plate is an example of a(n): amphiarthrosis synarthrosis diarthrosis


The hyaline cartilage joint found at the epiphyseal plate is an example of a(n): synarthrosis diarthrosis amphiarthrosis


Scattered throughout the tongue, hard palate, and pharynx are _____ that contain the sensory receptors for the sense of taste. fauces uvula papillae taste buds

taste buds

Tongue papillae, which are visible to the naked eye, have _____ along their walls. microvilli taste buds Merkel cells mechanoreceptors

taste buds

Select all that apply Where are proprioceptors located? tendons skin skeletal muscles hair follicles visceral organs

tendons skeletal muscles

Where are proprioceptors located? hair follicles tendons skeletal muscles visceral organs skin

tendons skeletal muscles

Which of the following are characteristics of pain receptors? (Select all that apply) they are also called Pacinian corpuscles they are also called nociceptors they are sensitive to tissue damage

they are also called nociceptors they are sensitive to tissue damage

Which of the following bones are located in the lower extremity? humerus tibia carpals fibula metatarsals femur

tibia fibula metatarsals femur

A large oval knob that is found only on the femur is a


True or false: Each bone is made up of a variety of different tissue types.


True or false: In cardiac muscle, once calcium has bound to troponin, interactions between myosin and actin occur just like in skeletal muscle. True False

true: Reason: Cardiac and skeletal muscle are similar this way. They differ in the origin of the calcium.

Which of the following terms are used to describe the size of a muscle? vastus brevis medial maximus rectus

vastus brevis maximus

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