Unit One Quiz + Exam

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SourceWatch Block Quote (AVEs)

- AVEs would commonly measure the size of the coverage gained, its placement and calculate what the equivalent amount of space, if paid for as advertising, would cost. Often a multiplier would also be used commonly in the range of 3 to 10 to allow for the credibility factor of news coverage over advertising

AUDIT Framework (Align, Understand, Document, Identify, Tell)

- Align: goals, key metrics, user flow - Understand: implementation - Document: data gaps, improvement opportunities - Identify: priorities to fix/enhance - Tell: the story/share findings

Impact Measurement

- Analysis of impact including nonprofit value of news stories


- Collection of data gives everyone in a population an equal opportunity of being selected such as for participation in a survey. Many Internet surveys are not random and data may not be representative of the population


- Computer analysis and human coding for positive, neutral, and negative comments - a brand sentiment (positive, neutral, negative) may influence behavior, but affective or emotional responses are extremely difficult to measure with reliability or consistency

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

- Computer based chat bots and other machine learning


- Data describing individual attributes such as age education income and gender


- Data focused on lifestyle variables and health perception


- Data follow customers online journeys from click to click

Population data

- Data include all members of a group understudy. In survey research we randomly sample to estimate population data - while traditional survey research addresses sampling and other measurement error, social media numbers may be considered population data if a complete set of data can be collected

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

- Google algorithms produce a system for pushing some Internet content to the top of any specific search - content marketer Andy Crestodina observes that outbound traditional marketing began to shift online in 1994 and web centric marketing offered new data including paper click, advertising, email, and search engine optimization; social media was added to the mix in 2010


- Google analytics uses paint clicks as a raw exposure measure


- Google page rank data measures a Pages search result presents high or low compared to other pages

Cloud Computing

- Internet storage and management of data in remote computer servers such as at Amazon

Help a Reporter Out (HARO)

- Owned by Cision - daily emails pitching story ideas to potential media news sources


- Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely

Blog Block Quote

- The average blog is 810 words - Average of 2 hours, 32 minutes optimizing - Average of two keywords, or 95 percent target keywords - Average of 97 percent of keyword recommendations - At least one targeted keyword was found in 76 percent of headlines


- Words used within SEO to move page placement higher in a search by relating to common user language

European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

- a European Union legal privacy framework applied to personal data that US sites adopted in 2018 - seeks to offer consumer protection, and US businesses with a global reach are moving forward compliance with data protection rules

Research, planning, implementation, evaluation (RPIE)

- a PRSA process of systematically measuring goal outcomes - the public relations Society of America offers a PR accreditation to members based upon this process

Advertising Value Equivalency (AVE)

- a largely discredited model of placing a dollar figure on the value of earned media, such as a news story, and relating it to advertising rates. It was used as a way for PR people to claim ROI for their media relations work

Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

- a location as reflected through https: or http: web address - everything after the "?" in the web address URL at the top of the browser is the tracking code

Click-through rate (CTR)

- a measure of user clicks on sponsored results

Share of Voice (SOV)

- a percentage of conversation mentioning a brand compared to competitors - the field of marketing has developed research exploring the increase of reach and this for a product or service

Corporate social responsibility

- a progressive business movement designed to include social concerns and decision making that go beyond public relations value to environmental impact and sustainability - an important foundation for innovative businesses that earn profits at the same time as moving society forward through a progressive vision

Social Network Analysis (SNA)

- a set of methods for studying social network structure - visualizers top influencers as at or near the center of a social media conversation

Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC)

- a social and research construct that begins to explain the nature of social networks and social media behavior and culture

Cost-Per-Click (CPC)

- a social media alternative advertising measure to the traditional cost per thousand mainstream method for pricing commercial messages. CPC charges advertisers for every audience user click

Marketing funnel

- a traditional marketing model of awareness consideration and purchase


- a traditional mass media measure of distribution; social media are also interested in measuring the broad distribution of contents - the field of marketing has developed research exploring the increase of this and share of voice for a product or service


- a way to describe naturally evolving social media content. Facebook contrasts content that organically circulates on the social networks with page content that is then boosted to the top of feeds or given more prominent placement - organic (naturally developing) and paid (promoted or boosted) social media campaigns seek to influence our decisions about products and services


- accredited source of an online click

Dependent variables

- affects variables that may be impacted by variation of independent variables

Measurement error

- all measurement has error and researchers estimate amounts - all social data have error and all measurement tools are at the mercy of platform API computer code

Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

- an advertising model that monetizes website clicks - content marketer Andy Crestodina observes that outbound traditional marketing began to shift online in 1994 and web centric marketing offered new data including paper click, advertising, email, and search engine optimization; social media was added to the mix in 2010

Electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM)

- an extension of face-to-face communication applied to social media marketing

Social Network Sites (SNS)

- any online platform that enables communication between site accounts


- artificial intelligence that generates an automatic response to a social media user each time she or he responds

Return on Investment (ROI)

- calculation of any financial gain minus the cost of an investment. ROI is expressed as a percentage or ratio and is sometimes considered a measure of efficiency

Dark Social

- click data that cannot be attributed to a source - when people copy and paste links from social posts without tracking code, these may be incorrectly measured as direct website traffic, aka Dark Social, diminishing the perceived value

Tracking calls

- code that identifies the source of clicks - used by site developers to observe accuracy and bug website journeys


- collective influence within a social network - social media campaigns and ongoing work may leverage the power of social crowds through branding and this


- computer code that filters and organizes social media content based upon a set of goals and objectives - some businesses raped huge profits by understanding and then gaming google Facebook and other social media algorithms to drive traffic to their owned media websites


- content and page performance measurements lead to improvement that corrects errors and grows audience over time


- content primarily designed to drive clicks and traffic that may have little storytelling value - it appears that Clickbait sites that Sheriff sensational eyes to content remain popular and profitable

Key performance indicators (KPIs)

- continuous monitoring of important business variables - when developing a social media campaign the planning process is impacted by identification of key performance indicators which are those data points that are most central in achieving specific goals

Real time social media listening engagement

- current PR best practices include nearly immediate response to conversation monitoring of social media. Within a relatively short time, sometimes a matter of minutes, a brand engages on a social network about a trending topic, issue, or person - Southwest airlines, target, and McDonald's were early adopters and leaders in development of this. They recognized that reputation management now requires brands to listen and quickly respond as well as engage

The International Association of Measurement of Communication (AMEC)

- developed and updated the Barcelona declaration of measurement principles; overarching framework for measurement and evaluation programs

Social media policy

- explicit organizational rules covering appropriate and inappropriate social media use - managers develop a policy or set of governance documents that outline what an employee may do and this framework becomes the basis for developing campaigns in continent


- formal prediction based upon theory concepts in previous research


- generating revenue from views such as through YouTube pre-roll advertising - it is common to talk about monetization of social media content or realizing a flow of money in exchange for the time and effort

Last click attribution

- gives credit for a conversation

Big Data

- huge and complex data collection overtime that typically requires cloud computing and sophisticated algorithms designed to interpret it - billions of accounts operated by humans and automated chat bots generate this; massive amounts of observations every minute. The size of data does not mean quality

Operational definitions

- in academic research specify procedures

Open rates

- in an email campaign these are percentages of those sent a newsletter who opened the message


- in the diffusion model refers to people who use a new product, service, process, or idea

Internet of Things (IoT)

- increasing use of online commands to control home and business devices

Diffusion model

- innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, laggards - the percentage of adopters (Y) is graphed using an S shaped curve over time (X)


- marketers convert social media activity to sales or other outcomes

Social Media Dashboard

- measurement tools that organize data for efficient analysis (ie. Hootsuite)


- measures of verification, such as age from 18 to 85, data may fall within a range

Brand storytellers

- narrative influencers promoting a specific brand - may be activated in participation marketing through online advocacy

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

- organizers engagement around customer satisfaction loyalty and retention - businesses utilize customer relationship management software tools within customer service and support functions

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

- paid strategies of benefiting from SEO - search engine marketing is defined as using paid strategies whereas SEO is based upon organic promotion - SEM & SEO are utilized to improve page rankings by increasing views and clicks

Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)

- people with expert knowledge in a specific area

Bounce Rate

- percentage of sessions with a single user interaction on a website

Word-of-mouth (WOM)

- personal influence is spread through word of mouth communication. In the past this was mostly done face-to-face. Now CMC allows for mediated WOM through social media communication - social business place in social media within the more traditional context of word of mouth branding. Social media conversation offers paths toward cultivating brand loyalty by consistently delivering convenience

Rich media

- photographs, video, infographics, or other visual elements


- research based upon the human behavior that we may observe

Literature review

- review previous research or results to develop a project


- sites may offer a free trial to advance the diffusion process in the marketing funnel toward purchase


- social media content that features cultural imitation. Production typically uses easily identifiable characters iterations and humor.


- social media includes advertising, boosting, and promoting news feed content as opposed to naturally occurring organic content spread - organic (naturally developing) and paid (promoted or boosted) social media campaigns seek to influence our decisions about products and services

Network Visualization

- social networks generate large amounts of data that may be viewed as a series of network maps of communication hubs and spokes. Visualization depicts through graphs the social space between SNS accounts

Brand ambassador

- supports brands by sharing their stories and broadening reach


- targeting specific demographic or other marketing groups

Brand evangelist

- tend to be fans of products or services with the desire to spread enthusiasm


- the #used on Twitter and more recently Facebook as a filtering device. By searching for and using hashtags subjects of the larger feed can be seen and used

Application Programming Interface (API)

- the computer code granting access to data such as the Twitter search window code - for example the Twitter API has allowed free collection to some tools of about 18,000 tweets on any search over the most recent ten-day period


- the marketing technique of emphasizing a brand for a product service organization or individual; a logo face or even a song may reinforce the brand for consumers - social media campaigns and ongoing work may leverage the power of social crowds through this and crowdsourcing


- the presence of links and back links builds SCO authority and tends to improve page rank - on the organic side of SEO, keywords and content drive on-page SEO, coders improve technical SEO, and links and backlinks create authority needed to optimize off-page SEO

Google Analytics

- the use of digital analytics is important for businesses seeking continuous improvement within social media customer conversation. Awareness interest and engagement may trigger new business or assist with retention of existing customers - googles JavaScript code on websites enables user tracking. The code activates Google analytics collection of browser and device type, user location, and other useful data - when someone visit the site that Google analytics default is to define a session as lasting 30 minutes

Kim Kosaka Lifecycle Marketing Tactics

- transform one-time customers into loyal advocates - Step 1: Raising social AWARENESS and ENGAGEMENT in breaking through message clutter - Step 2: EVALUATION and PURCHASING as a social process of discernment and individual action - Step 3: POST-PURCHASE and ADVOCACY as social psychological reinforcement, as well as influence upon others

Owned Media

- typically company owned media such as a website


- use of foundational data within a social media campaign. By benchmarking, a social media entity may set and track longer-term goals and objectives as well as effectiveness of tactics - in order to know what is happening overtime a brand must benchmark data track data overtime and develop strategies and tactics for moving the needle through an increase of numbers defined as important for a business or organization

Multimedia storytelling

- use of photos video or other rich media

Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs)

- using SEO techniques to drive high placement during keyword searches

Independent variables

- variables may be seen as statistically contributing causes to measured affects or outcomes

Intervening variables

- variables may contribute between change measured for independent and dependent variables

Facebook Insights

- when your ad leads to a conversion Facebook will attribute or credit the ad in ads manager - there is an attribution window of 1 to 30 days between an ad clutch and desired outcome - similar to Google the Facebook process requires that a chunk of computer tracking code called Facebook pixel is placed within the website - the idea is to link advertisement clicks to conversion for a purchase action - Page summary data include page views, likes, post reach, and engagements. Top posts data show organic and paid reach and reaction - from a fan page, for example show continuous brand site data. By exporting these data to a Microsoft excel spreadsheet a social media manager may track weekly monthly quarterly or annual data across large amounts of content

Barcelona Principles 2.0

1. Goal Setting and Measurement are Fundamental to Communication and Public Relations 2. Measuring Communication Outcomes is Recommended Versus Only Measuring Outputs 3. The Effect on Organizational Performance Can and Should be Measured Where Possible 4. Measurement and Evaluation Require Both Qualitative and Quantitative Methods 5. AVE's are not the Value of Communication 6. Social Media Can and Should be Measured Consistently with Other Media Channels 7. Measurement and Evaluation Should be Transparent, Consistent, and Valid

Barcelona Principles 1.0

1. Importance of Goal Setting and Measurement 2. Measuring the Effect on Outcomes is Preferred to Measuring Outputs 3. The Effect on Business Results Can and Should be Measured Where Possible 4. Media Measurement Requires Quantity and Quality 5. AVE's are not the Value of Public Relations 6. Social Media Can and Should be Measured 7. Transparency and Replicability are Paramount to Sound Measurement

Patel Block Quote

And here's the kicker: it's also harder to sell a company when it is named after a person. And if you are one of the lucky people who were able to sell a business based off of a personal brand the multiple won't be as great because the buyer knows that when the personal brand leaves so will some of the revenue

Table 1.5 A/B Testing

Benchmark awareness -> Post strategic content -> measure awareness -> Post content iteration -> Measure

Cashmore Block Quote

Ideas like restraint prudence and modesty have either been discredited or just forgotten. Celebrity culture has replaced them with impetuosity, frivolity, and prodigality. Human impulses like these were once seen as vices now they are almost virtuous. Celebrities have energized our material expectations helping shape a culture in which demand is now a basic human experience - additional shift create some more fluid relationship between celebrities and their fans involving a collaboration and exchange of ideas between celeb and audience

Nicholls & Murdouch Block Quote

Just as markets draw on the energies and creativity of entrepreneurs willing to risk money and prestige so does social change drawl on the often invisible fecundity of tens of thousands of individuals and small groups whose spot needs an innovative solutions

Jugenheimer Block Quote

Most advertising and public relations research is applied research, intended for a specific purpose or application, often in a particular, proprietary situation. You may still avail yourself of all the research methods and approaches that are available, just applied to a specific situation or problem - an important challenge within social media measurement and management is to recognize the basic limitation of social research data analysis

Table 1.3: Planning Social Media Research

Problem ID -> Research Methods -> Data Collection -> Data Analysis -> Outcome

Table 1.4 Social Media Governance of Content

SMC Policies (rules + boundaries) -> Campaign (strategies, goals, tactics) -> Brand Media Storytelling (content/platforms) -> Social Media Sharing (reach + outcomes)

Ezrachi and Stucke Block Quote

To perfectly price discriminate with incomplete data, any prediction would likely be based on assumptions, such as consumers having stable premises and a pre-existing reservation price. The problem is that multiple dispositional and situational factors can affect purchasing decisions and consumers may not even know their reservation price

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