Unit Two Part Two Test

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Which sentence from the text best supports the correct answer to Question 5?

" A world I thought would both make me into the woman I knew I could become and turn me back into the girl I'd once been."

Which sentence from the text best supports the correct answer to Question 7?

"I turned the book over and gazed at its front cover—a boulder-strewn lake surrounded by rocky crags against a blue sky—then placed it back on the shelf, paid for my shovel, and left."

Choose the best sentence to add descriptive details to the following passage (paragraph 14). I gazed at my bare and battered feet, with their smattering of remaining toenails. They were ghostly pale to the line a few inches above my ankles, where the wool socks I usually wore ended. My calves above them were muscled and golden and hairy, dusted with dirt and a constellation of bruises and scratches. I'd started walking in the Mojave Desert and I didn't plan to stop until I touched my hand to a bridge that crosses the Columbia River at the Oregon-Washington border with the grandiose name the Bridge of the Gods.

"My shins were visibly swollen underneath a crusty eterior of dried mud and scabs."


A person thought to have communication with spirits of the dead

Which of the following selections is best supported by the paragraph below (paragraph 6)? Bridges idly dreamed of escape, drowning himself in the same music other kids his age were listening to. He didn't even know of the soul greats he'd later be compared to. "Nostalgia for me isn't Sam Cooke," he says, "as much as it's listening to a Ginuwine song or hearing Dallas hip-hop and remembering dancing to it in my garage."

Bridges' earliest musical interests were much different thant he music he makes now.

Compare and contrast test structure

Cause and effect is a type of text structure that writers use to describe an event or several events (the cause) and the event or events that follow, or result (the effect).

Which sentence best summarizes the following passage (paragraph 8)? I'd first heard of it only seven months before, when I was living in Minneapolis, sad and desperate and on the brink of divorcing a man I still loved. I'd been standing in line at an outdoor store waiting to purchase a foldable shovel when I picked up a book called The Pacific Crest Trail, Volume 1: California from a nearby shelf and read the back cover. The PCT, it said, was a continuous wilderness trail that went from the Mexican border in California to just beyond the Canadian border along the crest of nine mountain ranges—the Laguna, San Jacinto, San Bernardino, San Gabriel, Liebre, Tehachapi, Sierra Nevada, Klamath, and Cascades. The distance was a thousand miles as the crow flies, but the trail was more than double that. Traversing the entire length of the states of California, Oregon, and Washington, the PCT passes through national parks and wilderness areas as well as federal, tribal, and privately held lands; through deserts and mountains and rain forests; across rivers and highways. I turned the book over and gazed at its front cover—a boulder-strewn lake surrounded by rocky crags against a blue sky—then placed it back on the shelf, paid for my shovel, and left.

During a difficult time in her life, the author learns of the Pacific Crest Trail, but thinks nothing of it.

Which word or phrase best replaces futile in the following passage (paragraph 3)? I clutched its mate to my chest like a baby, though of course it was futile. What is one boot without the other boot? It is nothing. It is useless, an orphan forevermore, and I could take no mercy on it. It was a big lug of a thing, of genuine heft, a brown leather Raichle boot with a red lace and silver metal fasts. I lifted it high and threw it with all my might and watched it fall into the lush trees and out of my life.

Having no result or effect

Author's point of view

How the author feels about the subject he or she is writing about

Which statement about Austin Jenkins is best supported by the passage below (paragraph 9)? "He's singing to you, not at you," says Jenkins, who co-produced Coming Home with fellow White Denim partner Joshua Block, recording live on all-analog gear, including a soundboard once owned by The Grateful Dead. "He listened to Texas blues, gospel and R&B, and filtered it through himself. It's authentic and direct."

Jenkins helped bridges launch his career.

Which inference about the author's decision to hike the Pacific Crest Trail is best supported by the passage below (paragraphs 5-7)? In the years before I pitched my boot over the edge of the mountain, I'd been pitching myself over the edge too. I'd ranged and roamed and railed—from Minnesota to New York to Oregon and all across the West—until at last I found myself, bootless, in the summer of 1995, not so much loose in the world as bound to it.It was a world I'd never been to and yet had known was there all along, one I'd staggered to in sorrow and confusion and fear and hope. A world I thought would both make me into the woman I knew I could become and turn me back into the girl I'd once been. A world that measured two feet wide and 2,663 miles long.

She had hoped the hike, as part of her wanderings, would result in self-exploration and discovery.

The following passage (paragraph 4) mainly explains how . I was alone. I was barefoot. I was twenty-six years old and an orphan too. An actual stray, a stranger had observed a couple of weeks before when I'd told him my name and explained how very loose I was in the world. My father left my life when I was six. My mother died when I was twenty-two. In the wake of her death, my stepfather morphed from the person I considered my dad into a man I only occasionally recognized. My two siblings scattered in their grief, in spite of my efforts to hold us together, until I gave up and scattered as well.

The author has been disconnectin herself from teh life she knew since the loss of her parents

Sequential Text structure

The author lists items or steps in logical order

Author's purpose

The reason the author has for writing. ( Inform, persuade, express, & entertain)

Supporting Evidence

These are the facts or details that back up a main idea, theme, or thesis.

Based on this profile, with which of the following statements do you think Leon Bridges would most likely agree?

You can never predict the direction in which life will take you.

Informational Text Elements

a common set of features, such as a central idea, supporting evidence, and pertinent examples, that appear in informational texts

Informational Text

a nonfiction text, written to share factual information

Pertinent Example

a related situation that shows that what is being demonstrated is true


a sign over the entrance to a public building


a steep rugged rock or cliff


an outcast


not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily

Problem and solution text structure

presents a problem or question, and then responds with a solution or answer


shape, form


useless; pointless


various methods for communicating information

Which passage from the text most strongly supports the correct answer to Question 5?

"'Nostalgia for me isn't Sam Cooke,' he says, 'as much as it's listening to a Ginuwine song or hearing Dallas hip-hop..."

Which passage from the text most strongly supports the correct answer to Question 7?

"... Jenkins, who co-produced COMING HOME with fellow White Denim partner Joshua Block..."


blissful; rendering or making blessed

Cause and effect text structure

first presents an action, and then describes the effects that result (or may result) from that action


genuine; true


grand in an impressive or stately way; marked by pompous affectation or grandeur, absurdly exaggerated


something done or given to show thanks or respect; a payment


strange, freakish, weird, foreign-looking; out-of-the-way, geographically remote; exceeding reasonable limits

The final paragraph adds to the development of the text mainly by showing . "I don't like to write flashy soul songs," says Bridges. "I'm writing from the heart, stories about family and truth. I just want people to see a genuine person."

that Bridges is most concerned witht he authenticity and emotions evoked by his songs.

Text Structure

the author's method of organizing text


the sense or act of hearing


travel across or through

The following passage (paragraph 7) adds to the development of the text mainly by showing . At a nearby community college, Bridges studied dance, inspired by seeing his dad moonwalk as a kid, he says. He picked up singing and guitar as a hobby at first, and eventually began playing at open mics and small shows. His sound evolved from neo-soul, to folky R&B to traditional soul with horn — ideal for the last slow dance of the night. "A friend asked if Sam Cooke was an inspiration. I'd never listened, but I wanted to know my roots, so I looked him up on YouTube and Pandora," says Bridges. "Once I heard it, I saw it — that was the music that I wanted to write."

the orgins of Bridges' love of soul music

What is most closely the meaning of the word timbre as it is used in the following passage (paragraph 4)? Bridges has a beatific gospel timbre that suggests church-choir experience — but he was too insecure to actually audition. "I didn't think I could sing," says Bridges. "I knew I could do stuff here and there, but didn't think I was good enough to fit."


With which of the following statements would the author most likely agree?

When faced with challenges, the first step to moving foward is simply moving.

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