Upper Extremity Questions

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How many muscles attach to the Extensor Expansions?

13: PADs (3), DABs (4), Lumbricals (4), Extensor Indices, Ext. Digiti Minimi

How many ligaments check the movement of the GHJ?

4 (Superior GHL, Mid. GHL, Inferior GHL, Coracohumeral Ligament)

How many nerves innervate muscles of the axillary wall?

6 (Posterior Border = Upper Subscapular, Thoracodorsal, Lower Subscapular. Anterior Border = Lateral Pectoral, Medial Pectoral. Median Border = Long Thoracic)

Latissimus Dorsi would be innervated by what type of rami/nerve?

Anterior Rami, Thoracodorsal (C6,C7,C8)

A 10yr old fractures her humerus @ surgical neck. What damage should you check for & how?

Axillary Nerve Damage. Profound atrophy in Deltoid, check stars/stripes of skin

All of the SCJ ligaments limit depression except which one?

Costoclavicular Ligament

What may a "winged Scapula" indicate?

Damage to the Long Thoracic Nerve (or weakness to Serratus Ant.)

How many Rami are in the cervical region?

Eight (C1 -> C8, C8 lies between vertebrae C7 & T1)

Both the Brachialis and Biceps automatically fire during normal elbow flexion?

False (Biceps requires a forceful challenge!)

T/F: All superficial back muscles assist in retraction?

False, the Levator Scapula does not

What are the only structures in the body that are both mobilizing and stabilizing?

Fibrocartilaginous Structures

How many synovial planar joints are there in the UE?

Four: Intercarpals, Intermetacarpals, ACJ, Carpometacarpals, *humeroradial

What are the muscles that perform internal rotation at the GHJ?

Latissimus Dorsi, Teres Major, Pec Major, Subscapularis

What attaches to the supraglenoid tubercle?

Long head Biceps, Superior GH Ligament, Glenoid Labrum, Joint Capsule

Annie, a 5 year old, was playing with her bros when one pulled her arm hard. She cried but stopped when a bro attempted to find the injury by pronating and supinating her hand. What condition did she have?

Nursemaid's elbow

Once the radial nerve passes through the radial groove, where does it go?

Passes through the intermuscular septum between the lateral head of the triceps and the brachialis

What muscles in the UE are innervated by 2 nerves?

Pectoralis Major, Pec. Minor, Subscapularis, FDP, FPB, Opponens Pollicis

What muscles/tendons can be palpated through the deltopectoral triangle?

Pectoralis Minor and Subscapularis

What separates the Lateral and Medial heads of the triceps?

Radial groove, Radial Nerve, Profunda Brachial Artery

Damage to what peripheral nerve(s) would impair external rotation at the GHJ?

Suprascapular and Axillary nerves

Headache from the back of the neck, up over the back of the head, is due to "strangulation" of the greater occipital nerve by what muscle?

The Trapezius (Via origin from greater occipital protuberance)

What are the borders of the deltopectoral triangle?

The deltopectoral triangle is a triangular space bounded by the lateral border of the pectoralis major muscle, medial border of the deltoid muscle, and clavicle.

Which is more lateral? The Conoid Tubercle or Trapezoid Line? (Think Clavicle!)

Trapezoid Line

T/F: If Sober Sally is diagnosed with a median neuropathy, she would experience the same location of cutaneous sensory alteration (radiating pain), regardless of the specific location of nerve damage?

True (carpal tunnel & pronator syndromes have same cutaneous alterations)

The articular disk of the wrist is between the ulna and the proximal row of carpal bones. Why can't the ulna directly attach to the carpal bones?

Ulna does not move during pronation & supination (wouldn't affect the carpals)

If median nerve is cut after it passes through Pronator teres, would you experience weakness in Pronation?

Yes, the Pronator Quadratus (innervated by the Ant. Interosseous Nerve) is damaged.

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