U.S. 1870-1920 Exam 1

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Pure Food and Drug Act

1906 First law to regulate manufacturing of food and medicines; prohibited dangerous additives and inaccurate labeling

Black Code

1865-1866. Laws passes in southern states to restrict the rights of former slaves; to nullify the codes, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866 and the Fourteenth Amendment. laws passed by new southern gov. that attempted to regulate lives of former slaves. granted blacks certain rights like marriage, ownership of property, and limited access to courts. denied them right to testify against whites, serve on juries or in state militias, or vote. declared that those that failed to sign yearly labor contracts could be arrested and hired out to white landowners in response to planter demands that freed be required to work on plantations. some states limited occupations open to blacks and barred them from acquiring land completely violated free labor principles that they called forth vigorous response from Republican north.

Reconstruction Act

1867 Established temporary military governments in ten Confederate states-excepting Tennessee- and required that states ratify the 14th amendment and permit freedmen to vote. 14th amendment became central issue, states refused to ratify under Johnson's urgings. temporarily divided South into five military districts and called for creation of new state govs, with black men given right to vote. began period of Radical Reconstruction lasting until 1877.

"waving the bloody shirt"

1868 Presidential Campaign Republicans supporting Grant. identified their opponents iwth secession and treason, tactic konwn as waving the bloody shirt

14th Amendment

1868. Guaranteed rights of citizenship to former slaves, in words similar to those of the Civil Rights Act of 1866. Partly occurred because of the Black Codes. empowered federal gov to protect rights of all Americans.

Enforcement Acts

1870-1871 Unable to suppress the KKK, the new southern governments appealed to Washington for help. Adopted three enforcement acts, outlawing terrrorist societies and allowing the president to use the army against htem. These laws continued the expansion of national authority during reocnstruction. They defined crimes that aimed to deprive citizens of their civil and political rights as federal offenses rather than violations of state law. President Grant dispatched federal marshals, backed up by troops in some areas, to arrest hundreds of accused Klansmen. Many Klan leaders fled the South. After series of well-publicized trials, the KKK went out of existance for a while. In 1872 for the first time since Civil War, peace reigned in most of former Confederacy

Sherman Antitrust Act

1890 First Law to restrict monopolistic trusts and business combination; extended by the Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914. Three years after unsuccessful ICC congress established. Banned all combinations and practices that restricted free trade. The measure posed a significant threat to corporate efforts to dominate sectors of the economy. but the courts primarily used it as way to suppress labor unions. nonetheless these laws helped to establish the precedent that the national government could regulate the economy to promote the public good. barred combinations in restraint of trade. used by judges primarily to issue injunctions prohibiting strikes on ground that they illegally interfered with the freedom of trade.

Coxey's Army

1890s federal government deployed soldiers to disperse Coxey's army- a band of several hundred unemployed men led by ohio businessman Coxey, who marched to Washington demanding economic federal unemployment relief. during period of 1890s depression creating increased conflict between capital and labor.

"The Significance of the Frontier in American History"

1893 Frederick Jackson Turner historian lectured, argued that on the western frontier the distinctive qualities of american culture were forged: individual freedom, political democracy, and economic mobility. West was safety valve drawing off those dissatisfied with their situation in east and counteracting threat of social unrest. place of opportunity for those seeking to improve their condition in life.

Plessy vs. Ferguson

1896 U.S. Supreme Court decision supporting the legality of Jim Crow laws that permitted or required "separate but equal" facilities for blacks and whites. segregation constitutional

Niagara Movement

1905 group black leaders created manifesto, Declaration of Principles for rights and freedoms, right to vote, end racical segregation, complete equality in economic and educational opportunity. vowed to never stop protesting until get them. ideas remain cornerstone of black struggle for racial justice for decades. Du Bois one of leaders. movement precursor to formation NAACP

Model T. Ford

1908 first car by Ford Motor Company, lightweight became increasingly affordable with standardizing output and lowering prices. moving assembly line made more cars and reduce time of production. representing mass consumerism, american standard of living

Kansas Exodus

A migration in 1879 and 1880 by some 40,000-60,000 blacks to Kansas to escape the oppressive environment of the New South

Social Darwinism

Application of Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection to society; used the concept of "survival of the fittest" to justify class distinctions and to explain poverty. Scientific racism beginning late 19th century. idea of natural superiority of some groups to others reemerged in vocab of modern science to explain success and failure of individuals and social classes. language borrowed from Darwin "natural selection, struggle for existence, survival of the fittest" entered public discussion of social problems in Gilded Age. Evolution was natural process in human society, and gov. must not interfere. efforts to uplift those at the bottom of the social order, such as laws regulating conditions of work or public assistance to the poor were misguided efforts. giant industrial corporation had emerged because it was better adapted to its environment than earlier forms of enterprise. to restrict its operations by legislature would reduce society to a more primitive level. poor were essentially responsible for their own fate. charity workers and local govs spent time distinguishing the deserving poor from the undeserving. failure to advance in society was widely thought to indicate a lack of character, an absence of self-reliance and determination in the face of adversity. to improve lot in life workers should practice personal economy, keep out of debt, and educate their children in the principles of the marketplaces, not look to gov for aid. Sumner influential Social Darwinist. social darwinism in politics, want America to be envy of the world. america is the most capable country, most fit to extend arms outside US and embrace new places like Cuba, Philippines, Puerto Rico expansionism, expansion makes country stronger, increase power and role in global politics. wars have been good thing. civilizing other nations. cuba- cant allow thriving naiton to devolve backwards because others cant get act together. americans buy into idea their culture needs to be spread, social darwinism is proven to them

Washington's Atlanta Speech

Atlanta Compromise- Speech to the Cotton States and International Exposition in 1895 by educator Booker T. Washington, the leading black spokesman of the day; black scholar W.E.B. Du Bois gave the speech its derisive name and criticized Washington for encouraging blacks to accommodate segregation and disenfranchisement

U.S.S. Maine

Battleship that exploded in Havana Harbor 1898, resulting in 266 deaths; the American public, assuming that the Spanish had mined the ship, clamored for war, and the Spanish-American war was declared two months later

Progressive Era

Broad-based reform movement 1900-1917, that sought governmental action in solving problems in many areas of American life, including education, public health, the economy, the environment, labor, transportation, and politics

Free-Silver Movement

Bryan called for free coinage of silver- unrestricted minting of silver money. latest expression of view that increasing the amount of currency in circulation would raise the prices farmers received for their crops making it easier to pay off debts.

Civil Rights Bill of 1866

Civil Rights Act of 1866, along with the 14th Amendment, guaranteed the rights of citizenship to former slaves. Partly in response to Black Codes. moderate republicans presented it. defined all persons born in US as citizens and spelled out rights they were to enjoy without regard to race. equality before the law was central to the measure, no longer could states enact laws like hte black codes discriminating between white and black citizens. free labor values central. no state could deprive any citizen of the right to make contracts, bring lawsuits, or enjoy full protection of one's person and property. fundamental rights belonging to every man as free man. no mention of right to vote. first attempt to give concrete meaning to Thirteenth amendment abolished slavery to define in law the esence of freedom. vetoed by Johnson


Companies combined to limit competition. bunch of companies with similar interests get together to form a trust. petition government for land, money etc. say its in best interest of nation. becomes a monopoly of ex. railroad magnates against everyone else. buying power as whole so much more than average farmer so can do whatever they want. radical republicans okay with it, democrats less ceratin, everyone agrees railroad provide gov. service on backs of private entity. federal gov. assumes lot of costs for long term profit. legal devices whereby the affairs of several rival companies were managed by a single director. Efforts to coordinate the economic activities of independent companies generally proved short lived, disintegrating as individual firms continued their intense pursuit of profits. smaller companies were integrated into larger corporations that served national markets and exercised an uprecedented degree of control over the marketplace. giant corporations like U.S. Steel- Morgan, Standard Oil- rockefeller, dominated major parts of the economy

Vertical Integration

Company's avoidance of middlemen by producing its own supplies and providing for distribution of its product. Andrew Carnegie example of using this for his steel company. controlled every phase of the business from raw materials to transportaion, manufacturing and distribution. by 1890s he dominated the steel industry. Andrew believed rich had moral obligation to promote advancement of society, distributed much of his wealth to various philanthropies but ran his companies with dictatorial hand. factories operated nonstop with two twelve hour shifts every day except fourth of july.

Bargain of 1877

Compromise of 1877- end Reconstruction. Deal made by a Republican and Democratic special congressional commission to resolve the disputed presidential election of 1876; Republican Rutherford B. Hayes, who had lost the popular vote, was declared the winner in exchange for the withdrawal of federal troops from involvement in politics in the South, marking the end of Reconstruction. recognize democratic control of entire South and to avoid further intervention in local affairs, place southerner in cabinet position of postmaster general, would work for federal aid to Texas and Pacific railroad a transcontinental line projected to follow a southern route. democrats promised not to dispute Hayes's right to office and to respect civil and political rights of blacks. not all components carried out


Conservative white Democrats, many of them planters or businessmen, who reclaimed control of the South following the end of Reconstruction. yeomen split. see an advantage in industrializing, updatng the south, want to maintain own power in south but want to through industrializing, urbanizing, modernizing, see advantage in adopting northern industrial ideals redeemed the white south from corruption, misgovernment, and northern and black control. redeem the rgion from alleged horrors of misgovernment and black rule, moved to undo as much as possible of Reconstructione

15th Amendment

Constitutional Amendment ratified in 1870 which prohibited states from discriminating in voting privileges on the basis of race

William Jennings Bryan

Democratic party runs for 1896 election against William McKinley in first modern campaign. You shall not crucify mankind up on Cross of Gold speech- against gold standard. doesnt win because of split on how radical populists should be. socialists bring on half of populist party the more radical while less radical go back to democrats. populist support as well. called for free coinage of silver- unrestricted minting of silver money. free silver got farmer votes. strongly influenced by Social Gospel movement and tried to apply the teaching of Christ to uplifting the little people of US. vision of gov helping ordinary Americans that anticipated provisions of the New Deal of 1930s including progressive income tax, banking regulation, and right of workers to form unions.


Derisive term for northern emigrants who participated in the Republican governments of the Reconstruction South. came from north to work. some radical republicans to establish themselves to get elected and force through laws for more equality. some come for economic reasons- see destroyed economy as huge opportunity to set up new industries and find profit. some coming down and working in freedmen's schools, setting up orphanages, setting up factoreis for former slaves as employees to try and help freed men. norther ideal- economic profit is also going to lead to moral uplit, reform is to make poor people look and act more middle class, give former slaves basic education, give wage jobs and will become more like middle class and economy will profti. disliked by southerners. see them as taking advantage of destruction that north's military has taken in south. take away from southern men, put in northern ideals. southern men dont want northern dream but to recreate old south- class determined by land owned and number people have control over, north's version of class has changed to be about cash and capital and white south not ready to embrace this. think they demonstrate the greed and corruption of north economy- wage labor is gross and dirty and its better to own land and have tennents. paternalism- white men have privileged position in society and its their job to tkae care of all little people.

Colfax Massacre

During KKK reign of terror in Reconstruction era. 1873. armed whites assaulted Colfax Louisiana with a small cannon. Hundreds of former slaves were murdered, including fifty members of a black militia unit after they had surrendered.

Booker T. Washington

Educated black leader who urged blacks to adjust to segregation and abandon agitation for civil and political rights.Obtaining farms or skilled jobs was more important to African Americans emerging from slavery than the rights of citizenship. Famous for Atlanta speech, repudiated the abolitionist tradition that stressed ceaseless agitation for full equality. He urged blacks not to try to combat segregation. Advised blacks to seek assistance of white employers who would prefer a docile dependable black labor force to unionized whites. encouraged economic self-help and industrial education. channeled aid from wealthy northern whites to black politicians and newspapers who backed his program. his support in black community arose from widespread sense that in world of late 19th century, frontal assaults on white power were impossible and blacks should concentrate on building up their segregated communities.


Era. Populist party founded 1892, it advocated for a variety of reform issues, including free coinage of silver, income tax, postal savings, regulation of railroads, and direct election of senators.dont want to get involved in foreign affairs like Spanish American war. embarked on effort of community organization and education.evils of banks and large corporations. fed gov operate in business like manner to promote public good. recognition right of workers to form labor unions. public ownership of railroads to guarantee farmers inexpensive access to markets for their crops. endorsed women's suffrage both poor farmers and industrial workers. poor farmers in west in debt, in order to get land taken out mortgages with high interest rates which increasing and their money is deflating and so cant pay loans to gov since dont make enough. crops bringing in less money 1890s. deflation good for bankers because have more ready cash to lend out and can charge more.. farmers try to raise price of crops, want gov to look out for them by creating places for them to store crops so they can get best price, gov should try to protect individuals and help them. create National Farmer's Alliance. lobbyist org for farmers rival of knights of labor who represent urban manufacturing, pressure gov and protect one another, create Granges, farming trusts, groups of farmers who work together, buy things together to keep price down, gov try to encourage tech development and ag development to make more and make it worth more, try to sell their stuff to people in other countries but hard after 1890 Mickinley Tariff put in place, seen by farmers and labor workers as too high, import tax, paying more for abroad items, farmers products to leave country cost more so dont make as much profit, want lower tariff. populists see tariff as way of protecting big business. buddies in gov out to protect them at expense of people buying and selling- western farmers and poor wage earners laborers. poor wage earners- convinced gov no longer looking out for their best interest, tariff means for them that their wages with deflation struggle to move up social ladder, cant afford luxury goods and food is high price, view high tariffs as proof that gov is controlled by big business, big business using violence to break up strikes, keep unions from workplace. main campaign want return to silver standard. if not want gov to print greenbacks, money not backed by silver or gold- automatically cause inflation, for western farmers make easier for them to pay, banks in west wouldnt have to have access to gold and silver hard for banks out west to have much hard money. pay their debts, inflation happen and their mortgage easier to pay because crops will bring in more money. easterners dont have same problem getting access to hard money. gold standard makes sense, keeps lives stable with less fluctuation in prices. want gov possession of rail roads- funciton as public entity like roads are beginning to do, freer transportation of goods and products and crops, people shouldnt have to pay to ship their goods to market

Knights of Labor

Founded in 1869, the first national union lasted, under hte leadership of Terence V. Powderly, only into the 1890s; supplanted by the American Federation of Labor. 1880s witnessed new wave of labor organizing. first group to try to organize unskilled workers as well as skilled, women alongside men, blacks and whites. involved millions of workers in strikes, boycotts, political action, and educaiton and social activities. labor reformers put forward wide array of programs from 8 hour day to public employment in hard times, currency reforem, anarchism, socialism, creation of cooperative commonwealth. conviction that the social conditions of the 1880s needed drastic change

American Federation of Labor

Founded in 1881 as a federation of trade unions composed mostly of skilled, white, native-born workers; its long-term president was Samuel Compers. Assended 1890s reflected similar shift away from broadly reformist past to more limited goals. Labor movement should devote itself to negotiating with employers for higher wages and better working conditions for its members. Policies pioneered known as "business unionism." embraced idea of freedom of contract turning it into an argument against the interference by judges with workers' right to organize unions. Labor movement became less and less inclusive. restricted membership to skilled workers efectively excluding the vast majority of unskilled workers, and therefore, nearly all blacks, women, and new European immigrants. had little presence in basic industries like steel or rubber or in large-scale factories but in small competitive businesses.

Separate But Equal

Idea created by 1890 Supreme Court ruling in Plessy vs. Ferguson supporting the legality of Jim Crow laws that permitted or required separate but equal facilities for blacks and whites, segregation legal and constitutional.

Open Door Policy

In hopes of protecting the Chinese market for U.S. exports, Secretary of State John Hay demanded in 1899 that Chinese Trade be open to all nations

Horizontal Expansion

John Rockefeeler and oil industry. buying out competing oil refinerires. but soon established vertical integrated monopoly like Carnegie controlling drilling, refining, storage, and distribution of oil. by 1880s Standard Oil Company controlled 90% nation oil industry. carnegie and rockefeller gave much money away and fought employee efforts to organize unions. protestant churches don't take it up until 1890s and beginning 20th century. Idea is it's a Christian duty, how get to heaven, by doing charitable acts and helping people less fortunate than you. Christian groups doing charitable things before 1890s do because christianity is best way to spread civilized behavior and want poor people to be civilized, be American. American Bible Society 1819 goal is every American has access to Bible- so that they are learning to read, understanding culture of america, to become good christian americans making good decisions. Sunday schools 19th century idea was to get poor kids on sundays, one day off, into some kind of school to read and write, so could vote and be educated- originally charitable group, got tickets as mastered skills and could turn them in for religious stuff or win trips to cities with goal being that those experiences would fix internal moral corruption at being born poor. Before 1890 most protisttent not doing charity to save souls but to make good citizens. 1891 Catholic Pope puts out statement that addresses plight of modern urban workers- becomes guideline for social gospel. Workers have right to work for wage they can live on. Employers job to offer fair wage, wage earners job to live simply and morally. Revolutionary statement- good catholic employers will offer good wage and good catholic employees will live simple lives, heavenly crime to work 12 hour days. - creates idea that good christians have moral obligations to those less fortunate than them, radicalizes christians of all kinds including protestants- competitive. Many protestants begin got cultivate theology as well. People who are saved demonstrate this by trying to fix social ills. Hard sell in America because evangelicalism- people who feel you need to have emotional conversion experience in assurance that god will save soul and go to heaven- has two main forms: private and public party. Private party thinks evangelical christian responsibility is to save individual souls, not responsible for all of society. There will always be poor, cant be responsible for ills of society. Try to convert individuals. Dominant party in American. Social Gospel in Public Party, conerned with sins of society, emphasized public charity and justice. Small part of americans. Through exposees and works of Riis and others, social gospel becomes more powerful, brings with it new assumptions of what it means to be american

Wounded Knee Massacre

Last incident of the Indian Wars took place in 1890 in Dakota Territory, where the U.S. Cavalry killed over 200 Sioux men, women, and children

Settlement Houses

Late 19th century movement to offer a broad array of social services in urban immigrant neighborhoods; Chicago's Hull House was one of hundreds of settlement houses that operated by the early 20th century

Dawes Act 1887

Law passed meant to encourage adoption of white norms among Indians; broke up tribal holdings into small farms for Indian families, with the remaining sold to white purchasers.crucial step in attacking "tribalism". Act broke up the land of nearly all tribes into small parcels to be distributed to Indian families with remainder auctioned off to white purchasers. indians who accepted the farms and "adopted the habits of civilized life" would become full-fledged American citizens. policy proved to be disaster, leading to loss of much tribal land and erosion of Indian cultural traditions. Whites benefited enormously.

Crop-Lien System

Merchants extended credit to tenants based on their future crops, but high interest rates and the uncertainties of farming often led to inescapable debts.

Hatch Act 1887

Morrill Act worked but students werent signing up for ag tech so the gov is not getting new ideas and tech it wants. the goal of land grant insitutions is to find and create orginal research and scientific studies related to farming, national resources, rural life. responsibility of federal colleges to create experiment stations that will improve on rural life and technology. winter wheat discovered and that it protects the land in a program in kansas, revolutionized agriculture. florida a and am, experimenting subcontinental fruits- revolutionize diets in america. experiment stations are important, another form of bringin people onto campuses.

Morrill Act 1862

Morrill Grant Land Act passed as a carrot for state gov. if set up college system government will give a chunk of land to build it on and more land to do what they want with it. state had public school but not brinign in much money. not bringing in first generation college students. gov. interested in bringin in people who never went to college before. give education, make poor people less poor. gets federal gov. control over something that was assumed to be a state responsibility. one of first times federal gov. decision making over public education which was thought to be a matter of the state. tactic to get control over something they want. way for federal positions to impose world view on people who dont speak english, who live thousands miles away from central gov. say what will be taught, practical education for practical people, every man education which will benefit u.s. in long run. agricultural technology pushed for more prosperity. land grant colleges have hard time getting started, few people sign up and those that do dont sign up for agricultural technology but liberal arts and law, ppor rural students trying to get education see others get, dont want ag tech degrees. want something different.federal gov. reasserting its rights. states have to follow federal gov laws after last three amendments, before civil war didnt have to. federal readical republican politicians trying to make their vision of america through federal law. wan educated citizens. combat south and their culture/life style. have idea natural rights should be owed, education part of it, eductated will be less racist. pro-business, create school and new educated class create opportunity for big business. believe democracy doesnt work unless citizens are educated. and vote in political process. should be practical education, not elite harvard experience. but students want harvard experience and dont sign up for ag tech programs. most ag tech programs dont get started until 1890s. schools become way of training new army officers, expanding military presence in america, possible to equip army quikly. become ceters of communities where very little infrastructure immigrants learning english and take back to their communities and assimilate them


National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Founded 1910, this civil rights organization brought lawsuits against discriminatory practices and published The Crisis, a journal edited by African American scholar W.E. B. Du Bois. launched long struggle for enforcement of 14th and 15th amendments. legal strategy won a few victories.

Gold Standard

Policy at various points in American history by which the value of a dollar is set at a fixed price in terms of gold. Issue for election. first time since war, US returned to gold standard 1879. silver was currency backing for long time but silver had more fluxuation and price gold more consistant. poor farmers say gold lobby got to fed gov. gold rush people and rich business men who want there to be less currency in america who like deflation. poor farmers want inflation, more money. Gold Standard Act 1900

Ku Klux Klan

Organized in Pulaski Tennessee, in 1866 to terrorize former slaves who voted and held political offices during Reconstruction; a revived organization in the 1910s and 1920s stressed white, Anglo-Saxon, fundamentalist Protestant supremacy; the Klan revived a third time to fight the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s in the South. demonstrate that southern white men aren't going to to what they're told outside the realm of politics. drives fear into black communities and make them do what they want and drive fear into white sympathizers the scalawag. many were yeomen- small farmers ones doing fighting in civil war and had livelihoods destroyed while elite plantation owners didnt help them. split and those that believed in Old South ideal join kkk to restore order.


Practice, particularly widespread in the South between 1890 and 1940, in which persons (usually black) accused of a crime were murdered by mobs before standing trial. Lynchings often took place before large crowds, with law enforcement authorities not intervening

Social Gospel

Preached by liberal Protestant clergymen in late 19th and early 20th centuries; advocated the application of Christian principles to social problems generated by industrialization. protestant churches don't take it up until 1890s and beginning 20th century. Idea is it's a Christian duty, how get to heaven, by doing charitable acts and helping people less fortunate than you. Christian groups doing charitable things before 1890s do because christianity is best way to spread civilized behavior and want poor people to be civilized, be American. American Bible Society 1819 goal is every American has access to Bible- so that they are learning to read, understanding culture of america, to become good christian americans making good decisions. Sunday schools 19th century idea was to get poor kids on sundays, one day off, into some kind of school to read and write, so could vote and be educated- originally charitable group, got tickets as mastered skills and could turn them in for religious stuff or win trips to cities with goal being that those experiences would fix internal moral corruption at being born poor. Before 1890 most protisttent not doing charity to save souls but to make good citizens. 1891 Catholic Pope puts out statement that addresses plight of modern urban workers- becomes guideline for social gospel. Workers have right to work for wage they can live on. Employers job to offer fair wage, wage earners job to live simply and morally. Revolutionary statement- good catholic employers will offer good wage and good catholic employees will live simple lives, heavenly crime to work 12 hour days. - creates idea that good christians have moral obligations to those less fortunate than them, radicalizes christians of all kinds including protestants- competitive. Many protestants begin got cultivate theology as well. People who are saved demonstrate this by trying to fix social ills. Hard sell in America because evangelicalism- people who feel you need to have emotional conversion experience in assurance that god will save soul and go to heaven- has two main forms: private and public party. Private party thinks evangelical christian responsibility is to save individual souls, not responsible for all of society. There will always be poor, cant be responsible for ills of society. Try to convert individuals. Dominant party in American. Social Gospel in Public Party, conerned with sins of society, emphasized public charity and justice. Small part of americans. Through exposees and works of Riis and others, social gospel becomes more powerful, brings with it new assumptions of what it means to be american. Outlines of Social Gospel took shape in writings of Walter Rauschenbusch, Baptist minister and others insisting that freedom and spiritual self-development required an equalization of wealth and power and that unbridled competition mocked the Christian ideal of brother hood. movement orginated as an effort to reform Protestant churches by expandin their appeal in poor urban neighborhoods and making them more attentive to era's social ills. movement's adherents established missions and relief programs in urban areas that attempted to alleviate poverty, combat child labor, and encourage the construction of better working-class housing. worked with Knights of Labor and other groups demanding health and safety laws.


Put back together the union and put back together the south, bring America back together. not everyone agrees that this is the goal of reconstruction. attempts to reshape america and what it means to be american citizen. two phases, military and economic. northern troops in the south to make sure white southerns are playing by the rules. economic to restart south destroyed economy. urban south grows as benefit. kkk created in reaction to black political representation and show arent going to do what told outside the realm of politics bias towards northern republican views who supported the war and abolition.era rebuilding of a shattered nation 1865-1877 figure out what freedom for blacks meant and the new rights that go along with it.Ended with Compromise 1877 with Rutherford B. Hayes compromise to become president taking out federal troops from involving in politics in south. different views of reconstruction based on region, skin color, and urban vs. rural. different views on whether it was effective or not. attempt by north to both punish and reintegrate south.

Interstate Commerce Commission

Reacting to the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Wabash Railroad vs. Illinois (1886) Congress established the ICC to curb abuses in the railroad industry by regulating rates. 1887 congress in response to public outcries against railroad practices established ICC to ensure that the rates railroads charged farmers and merchants to transport their goods were reasonable and didnt offer more favorable treatment to some shippers over other. ICC was first federal agency intended to regulate economic activity, but since it lacked the power to establish rates on its own it could only sue companies in court and had little impact on railroad practices. Three years later passed Sherman Anti Trust ac.

Ellis Island and Angel Island

Reception center in New York Harbor through which most European immigrants to America were processed from 1892 to 1954.

The Freedmen's Bureau

Reconstruction Agency established in 1865 to protect the legal rights of former slaves and to assist with their education, jobs, health care, and landowning. an agency to attempt to establish a working free labor system. Experiment in government social policy. bureau agents supposed to establish schools, provide aid to poor and aged, settle disputes between whites and blacks, and secure for former slaves and white unionists equal treatment before the courts. lasted til 1870. small number people but achievements in education and health care coordinated and helped finance the activities of northern societies committed to black education. assumed control of hospitals established by army during war, expanded system into new communities. provided medical care and drugs to both black and white southerners. in economic relations, activities more problematic, failure of land reform. had authority to divide abandoned and confiscated land into 40 acre plots for rental and eventual sale to former slaves. but 1865 President Johnson ordered nearly all land in federal hands to be returned to former owners. petitioned by former slaves who were promised homesteads. no land distribution took place, so vast majority of rural freed people remained poor and without property during Reconstruction. had no alternative but to work on white-owned plantations often for former owners. failure of land reform produced a deep sense of betrayal among former slaves and descendants long after end reconstruction.

Insular Cases

Series of cases between 1901-1904 in which the Supreme Court rules that constitutional protection of individual rights did not fully apply to residents of "insular" territories acquired by the United States in the Spanish-American war, such as Puerto Rico and the Phillipines. a significant limitation of the scope of American freedom.


Southern white Republicans- some former Unionists- who supported Reconstruction governments. white sympathizers. small percentage of south actively support radical reocnstruction. southerners think they are traitors to south and southern ideals. they help former slaves rebuild lives, get access to land, and rights.

Slaughterhouse Cases

Supreme Court whittled away at guaranteess of black rights Congress had adopted. 1873, butchers excluded from a state-sponsered monopoly went to court, claiming that their right to equality before the law guaranteed by 14th amendment had been violated. rejected claim, ruling amendment had not altered traditional federalism. most of the righs of citizens, remained under state control.

Radical Feminism (feminist)

Term that entered the lexicon in the early 20th century to describe the movement for full equality for women, in political, social, and personal life

Gospel of Wealth

The idea proposed by Andrew Carnegie in 1889 that those who are wealthy have an obligation to use their resources to improve society.


To deprive of the right to vote; in the U.S. exclusionary policies were used to deny groups, especially African Americans and women, their voting rights. often use of violence. elimination black voting 1890s laws enacted to eliminate black vote appearing color blind but actually designed to end black vote like poll tax and grandfather clause, literacy tests, required to demonstrate understanding of state constitution. means of purifying politics, good government, raised threat of Negro domination. except for granfather clause, Supreme Court allowed all disenfranchisement laws.


Type of farm tenancy that developed after the Civil War in which land-less workers- often former slaves- farmed land in exchange for farm supplies and a share of the crop. contracted farm labor to work the land for long amounts of time for little money. way for the south to reconstruct their own world. debt is big consequence. seen as solution as what to do with newly freed men. becomes like a second type of slavery. way for southern men to re-assert their dominance over african american men. initially arose as compromise between blacks' desire for land and planters' demand for labor discipline. system allowed each black family to rent part of a plantation, with crop divided between worker and owner at end of year. guaranteed the planters a stable resident labor force. became more oppressive. economic opportunities were severely limited by a world market in which the price of farm products suffered a long decline.

Haymarket Affair/Riot/Massacre

Violence during an anarchist protest at Haymarket Square in Chicago 1886; the deaths of eight, including seven policemen, led to the trial of 8 anarchist leaders for conspiracy to commit murder. 1886 upsurge in labor activity. inspired by a successful strike by western railroad unions against lines workers flooded into the Knights of Labor. In Chicago city with large and vibrant labor movement that brought together native-born and immigrant workers whose outlooks ranged from immigrant socialism and anarchism to American traditions of equality and anti-monopoly. McCormick plant that produced agricultural machinery brought in new machinery that reduced dependence on the iron moulders' traditional skills, it announced the factory would operate on a nonunion basis. Result in a bitter prolonged strike. Chicago's gov sided with company. Four strikers killed by police when attemped to prevent strikebreakers from entering factory. Next day rally held in Haymarket Square to protest killings. near end of speeches someone threw bomb into the crowd killing a policeman. panicked police opened fire, shooting several bystanders and number of own. after police raided offices of labor and radical groups and arrested leaders. employers took opportunity to paint labor movement as dangerous and un-American force, prone to violence and controlled by foreign born radicals. 8 anarchists charged with plotting and carrying out bombing. evidence weak but convicted, four hanged, one committed suicide, remaining three imprisoned until pro-labor governor commuted senteces 1893. Seven of 8 accused were foreign born. Haymarket affair took place amid outburst of independent labor political activity.

Panic of 1893

Worst Depression of the 19th century, set off by a railroad failure, too much speculation on Wall street, and low agriculture prices.


Writers who exposed corruption and abuses in politics, business, meatpacking, child labor, and more, primarily in the first decade of the 20th century; their popular books and magazine articles spurred public interest in reform Example are Upton Sinclair The Jungle, Jacon Riis How the Other Half Lives. new generation of journalists writing for mass-circulation national magazines exposed the ills of industrial and urban life. expose underside of American life. stirred public outrage and led to reforms like Pure Food and Drug Act and Meat Inspection Act of 1906

"yellow press"

Yellow Journalism- sensationalism in newspaper publishing that reached a peak in the circulation war between Joseph Pulitzer's New York World and William Randolph Hearst's New York Journal in the 1890s; the papers' accounts of events in Havana Harbor in 1898 led directly to the Spanish American War

Civil Rights Act of 1875

before Republicans replaced by Democrats in Congress. outlawed racial discrimination in places of public accommodation like hotels and theaters. by this time clear Reupublicans retreating from Reconstruciton. outlawed racial discrimination by public facilities. Court insisted 14th amendment prohibited unequal treatment by state authorities, not private businesses allowing segregation.

Bonanza Farming

cooperative communial farming over thousands of acres with large number of agricultural wage workers in west. Powell showed model of family farming couldnt work since type of land in west required large scale irrigation projects. but not popular. family farms still dominated. but even family farms became more oriented to national and international markets, specializing in single crops for sale in faraway places. farm families became more and more dependent on loans to purchase land, machinery, and industrial products, and more vulnerable to ups and downs of prices for agricultural goods in world market. agriculture reflected how international economy was becoming more integrated.farm product prices pushed steadily down since international economy becoming more integrated and expanding agricultural production. many joined migration to cities or increasing international migration of labor around the world.


early 20th century term describing the economic system pioneered by Ford Motor Company based on high wages and mass consumption. Ford exemplified new consumer society. raised wages to five dollars per day enabling him to attract steady stream of skilled laborers. labor conditions bad, prevent unions. said workers must be able to afford the goods being turned out by American factories. output cars able to be afforded by middle class and many workers.

W.E.B Du Bois

educated african american. promoted militant activism. helped found NAACP. revival of black protest. effort to reconcile the contradictio nbetween what he called American freedom for whites and the continuing subjection of Negroes. Call for blacks dissatisfied with the accommodationist policies of Booker T. Washington to press for equal rights. believed that educated af am the talented tenth of black community must use their education and training to challenge inequality. investigation, exposure, and education would lead to solutions for social problems. understood necessity of political action. 1905 gathered group black leaders at Niagara falls movement sought to reinvigorate the abolitionist tradition. created manifesto similar to Declaration, a Declaration of Principles of rights to free americans. never cease to protest and assail Americans until get them. restoring right to vote, end segregation, complete equality in economic and educational opportunity.

Wade Hampton

example of redeemer. before the war evil plantation owner, plantation elite, fought in war, lieutenant general, ambivalent to cession- fearful of outcome, south can no longer have slavery and now lost what family worked on for generations, after the war world is destroyed, home burned down expected because of his status to repay debts to north. continues to wear uniform until death, supports lost cause. confederacy is moral and just and good. refuses governorship because doesnt want to work with northerners. remains out of politics until reconstruction is done. funneled money in kkk. opposed radical reconstruction. at same time worked to rebuild south carolina. Funds railroads, supports industrialization, believes best way to rebuild society. not opposed to allowing free blacks to vote, appeals to them and get them to vote for him for governor 1891. willing to compromise black things because thinks by enlisting them to vote for him he can subjugate them. create a new political class, former slaves vote in former masters for small profit. small

Patrons of Husbandry

farmers and local merchants of west complained of high freight rates, discrimination in favor of large producers and shippers, and high fees charged by rairoad-controlled grain warehouses. critics of railroads, moved to establish cooperatives for storing and marketing farm output in the hope of forcing the carriers to take our produce at a fair price. also called the Grange 1867. called on state govs to establish fair freight rates and warehouse charges. succeeded in several states in having commissions established to investigate and sometimes regulate railroad practices.

Liberty of Contract

growing influence of Social Darwinism helped popularize idea embraced by business and professional classess in last quarter 19th century. a negative definiton of freedom as limited gov and an unrestrained free market. laws of contract are the foundation of civilization. labor contracts reconciled freedom and authority in workplace. so long as labor relations were governed by contracts freely arrived at by independent individuals, neither the gov nor unions had a right to interfere with working conditions and Americans had no grounds to complain of loss of freedom. pinciple of free labor, transformed into a defense of unrestrained operations of capitalist marketplace. in 1880s 14th amendments new meaning not equality before law for former slaves. state and federal courts regularly struck down state laws regulatin economic enterprise as an interference with right of free labor to choose his employment and working conditions, and of entrepreneur to utilize his property as he saw fit.

"Captains of Industry" vs. "Robber Barrons"

idea of americans looking at industrial leaders like Carnegie and Rockefeller either captains of industry whose energy and vision pushed the economy forward, or robber barons who wielded power without any accountability in an unregulated marketplace. exercise of power without any democratic control led to fears that they were undermining political and economic freedom. manipulate markeet and bribe legislators. make mockery of economic competition and political democracy

National Farmer's Alliance

largest citizen's movement of 19th century 1870s founded, famers sought to remedy their condition of falling prices and debt. Proposed federal gov establish warehouses where farmers could store thier crops until they were sold. using crops as collateral, the gov would then issue loans to farmers at low interest rates thereby ending their dependence on merchants and bankers. Alliance evolved in 1890s into the Peoples Party Populists, era's greatest political insurgency. Party sought to speak for all the "producing classes." urban industrial wage workers but mostly small farmers.

The Lost Cause

movement in south. glorification of confederacy and Old South. South was once great, a great place to be where men could be me. confederate soldiers still wore uniform after war and use military status despite not supposed to as part of military reconstruction. cant stop southern white man from doing what he wants. 1890s southern govs erected monument to the Lost Cause, a romanticized version of slavery, Old South, and Confederate experience. Religion was central to development of Lost Cause mythology- offered a way for white southerners to come to terms with defeat in Civil War without abandoning white supremacy. Confederate leaders were sterling reps of Christian virtue, while Yankees represented forces of evil. death of Confederacy was equated with death of Christ, who gave his life for sins of mankind.

Platt Amendment

no- 1901 Amendment to Cuban constitution that reserved the United States' rights to intervene in Cuban affairs and forced newly independent Cuba to host American naval bases on the island

Edward Bellamy's "Looking Backward"

popular book 1888 on unequal distribution of wealth. extraordinary success testifies to what was called a "widespread consciousness that there is something radically wrong in the present social organization" sought to reclaim an imagined golden age of social harmony and American freedom. part of wave of utopian or cataclysmic novels. socialism became significant presence in American public life in early twentieth century. book promoted socialist ideas while ignoring nationalism. main character falls asleep and wakes up in 2000 in world where cooperation has replaced class strife, excessive individualism, cutthroat competition. inequality has been banished and with it the idea of liberty as a condition to be achieved through individual striving free of governmental restraint. freedom was a social condition, resting on independence, not autonomy. book inspired hundreds of nationalist clubs devoted to bringing into existence world of 2000 and left profound mark on generation of reformers and intellectuals. hope of retaining material abundance made possible by industrial capitalism while eliminating inequality

Jacob Riis "How the Other Half Lives"

social reform journalist. 1890. offered shocking account of living conditions among urban poor, complete with photos of overcrowded tenement houses.

Andrew Johnson

southern small farmer man. President after Lincoln. Took back land reform Sherman policies gave land back to former white owners. Republicans nominated for vice president as symbol of party's hope of extending its organization into the south. big beleiver in states rights, insisted that since secession was illega, southern states had never actually left Union or surrendered the right to govern their own affairs. supporrted emancipatio but deeply racist. believed african americans had no role to play in Reconstruction. Issued series proclamations 1865 that began period of Presidential Reconstruction- offered pardon to nearly all white southerners who took oat of allegiance which restored political and property rights except for slaves, exlcuded Confederate leaders and wealthy planters, most of exempted soon received individual pardons from president, appointed provisional governors and ordered them to call state conventions elected by whites alone that would establish loyal govs in south, granted new govs a free hand in managing local affairs apart from abolish slavery, repudiate aecession, and refuse to pay Confederate debt. southern govs elected turned most Republican North against president, put old elite in power in south, reports of violence against former slaves and northern visitors alarmed Republicans. most opposition to Johnson's Reconstruction policy were from Black Codes- laws passed attempted to regulate lives of former slaves. didnt make south political leaders accept reality of emancipation. radical republicans against him and called for dissolution of new southern govs and establishment of new ones. vetoed extending Freedmen's Bureau and Civil Rights Bill 1866 saying too much federal power and deprive sates authority to regulate own affairs. argued blacks didnt deserve right of citizenship. breach between president and republican party. congress failed to override freedman's bureau until later in 1866 but Civil Rights bill was first major law to be passed over veto. urged states to refuse to ratify 14th amendment

National League Baseball

start in reconstruction era. capitalism becomes more at forefront and important, attempt to make money at what had been a pastime. make distinctions between real and people who just do it for a hobby, helps create structure in society, identifying people, what you do is important, groups making professional organizations. shows shift of society from agriculture moving to cities because more job choices in cities. baseball was shared experience between people, a shift in opinion. more time to go and enjoy and have leisure time which used to be just for upper elite. after civil war working week solidified assumption there are days for leisure basically true for all classes. factory workers paid wages enough to be able spend for leisure. baseball rivalries good way to ease tension. comes to be what defines American, teams meant to unite America, but doesnt include most of south professionally for a while. an example of large resistance in north and south in encouraging south to reconnect to norht. eastern dominated league. most southern city with team is Richmond. people going to games are elite in Virginia and worried about war in first place, industrial even beofre war. teams in highly industrialized towns with large and dense populations and class structure. leagues connecting people in new ways. legues grwo larger and larger over more states and railroads make this possible. national league created 1876. first attempts to create league on large scale and almost universally professional. gentleman's agreement that non-white players could play in NLB, true in other leagues as well, used to be classless and now divided by class and race. baseball begins to reflect regional tensions. 1880 west wants own league and forms it. start to have deuling leagues and players switching teams to make more money and owners jumping leagues to make more money. game supposed to becoming classier moving up in status, at same time is encouraging poor people to participate. clash between game special provision of upper class and wanting to make money off of it by including lower class.

"women's era"

three decades starting 1890s during which women although still denied the vote, enjoyed larger opportunities than in the past for economic independence and played a greater increasing role in public life.

Upton Sinclair

wrote The Jungle about the meat packing industry and slaughterhouses. In reaction to his book the Meat Inspection Act 1906 passed, the law set strict standards of cleanliness in the meat packing industry

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