US Hist to 1877 Midterm

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6. Pueblo Indians lived in what is now a. the eastern United States. b. the southwestern United States. c. the Yucatan Peninsula. d. the northeastern United States. e. western Canada.

b. the southwestern United States

5. Why did Native Americans who farmed never plow their fields? a. The soil was too dry. b. They had no livestock. c. There was too much fertilizer. d. They had big shovels to use to dig. e. They did not need to grow many crops.

c. There was too much fertilizer.

17. What would be a good representation of Enlightenment principles? a. a minister who used emotion in his sermons b. a merchant opposing free trade c. a botanist who studied nature to uncover why a certain plant kept dying d. a newspaper publisher who distorted the truth to attack a corrupt politician e. an educated king who believed he knew best how to rule his country

c. a botanist who studied nature to uncover why a certain plant kept dying

13. Which of the following is an example of the eighteenth-century understanding of liberalism? a. a slave legally challenging his or her bondage b. a government founded on a system of checks and balances c. a person choosing what church he or she will attend d. a government creating a fund to help feed the poor e. a woman being given the right to vote in an American colony

c. a person choosing what church he or she will attend

9. To Quakers, liberty was a. limited to white, landowning men. b. only guaranteed through warfare. c. a universal entitlement. d. extended to women but not to blacks. e. limited to only those who attended religious services.

c. a universal entitlement.

22. The Dutch settled New Netherlands a. on the gulf coast of what later became Florida. b. along the St. Lawrence River in Quebec. c. along the Hudson River, which later became New York State. d. on the Pacific coast of what later became California. e. on the island later known as Newfoundland.

c. along the Hudson River, which later became New York State.

3. As a result of the transatlantic slave trade, what European products became especially popular in Africa? a. textiles and guns b. wine and gold c. sugar and tobacco d. lumber and fish e. cotton and books

c. sugar and tobacco

12. The underlying tension that escalated into the Boston Massacre was between a. supporters and opponents of the boycott of British cloth. b. British troops stationed in Boston and the city's laborers competing for jobs. c. two factions of British troops from Liverpool and London, who disagreed over military strategy. d. British troops and local farmers.

b. British troops stationed in Boston and the city's laborers competing for jobs.

10. How did the enslaved tend to pursue freedom in the American colonies in the 1700s? a. running away to places where they could pass as free b. presenting petitions to colonial governments c. telling their stories to the congregations of Protestant churches d. suing for freedom in courts of law e. forming alliances with Native American tribes

a. running away to places where they could pass as free

7. The development of rice plantations in South Carolina a. occurred only after the colony's planters unsuccessfully attempted to cultivate tobacco, sugarcane, and indigo. b. required such large capital investments that Carolina's planters never became as wealthy as those in the Chesapeake region. c. would have proven impossible without the importation of thousands of European indentured servants to serve as a labor force. d. led the colony to become the first mainland colony with a black majority and caused a growing divide to exist between white and black. e. is considered by most historians to be the most important cause of the Yamasee War.

d. led the colony to become the first mainland colony with a black majority and caused a growing divide to exist between white and black.

15. In 1492, the Native American population a. lived mostly in the area of present-day Canada. b. lived primarily in large urban areas. c. was immune to smallpox and measles. d. lived mostly south of the present-day United States. e. comprised at least 200 million people.

d. lived mostly south of the present-day United States.

14. Both republican and liberal systems of thought felt the foundation of freedom was a. public debate. b. monarchical rule. c. education. d. slavery. e. security of property.

e. security of property.

14. Which of the following is true of the English West Indies in the seventeenth century? a. By the end of the century, the African population far outnumbered the European population on most islands. b. Mixed economies with small farms worked by indentured servants dominated islands such as Barbados throughout the century. c. Frequent uprisings by African slaves caused the English to abandon the West Indies by the 1680s and to relocate staple crop production to mainland North America. d. The free labor system of the West Indies stood in stark contrast to the slave labor system of the Chesapeake. e. Indentured servants replaced African slaves in the West Indies once the demand for slaves in Carolina drained the African population from the islands.

a. By the end of the century, the African population far outnumbered the European population on most islands.

8. Which of the following statements was true of Georgia? a. Colonists sought self-government to gain the right to introduce slavery. b. It was the only colony to maintain a ban on liquor until independence. c. The philanthropists who founded it wanted to exclude lower-class Englishmen. d. Its residents invaded Florida and took it from Spain in the War of Jenkins' Ear. e. It was named for the most important British queen of the eighteenth century.

a. Colonists sought self-government to gain the right to introduce slavery.

14. What was the most significant result of Ferdinand Magellan's explorations? a. He was the first European to see the Pacific Ocean. b. He died in the Caribbean islands. c. He led the conquering of the Aztecs. d. His voyages corrected Columbus's erroneous assessment of the earth's size. e. He and his men were the first Europeans to encounter bison.

a. He was the first European to see the Pacific Ocean.

8. What role did the "enclosure" movement play in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century England? a. It created a crisis in which many people had no way to make a living. b. Queen Mary's failure to address the problem helped lead to her overthrow. c. Spain reacted by launching an invasion of England. d Poverty rates were worse in New England than England. e. The problem was such a crisis that Henry VIII authorized judges to order the jobless to work.

a. It created a crisis in which many people had no way to make a living.

9. Who said, "Liberty may be endangered by the abuses of liberty as well as the abuses of power"? a. James Madison b. George Washington c. Thomas Jefferson d. George Mason e. Benjamin Franklin

a. James Madison

22. Which of the following is true of the American fighting forces at the outbreak of the Revolutionary War? a. Many had the benefit of intensive militia training prior to the outbreak of the war. b. Enlisted men increased in number and education level as the war progressed. c. Although fewer in number, they were as well equipped as the British forces. d. The majority of them had defected from the British army. e. Initially, only men who owned land were allowed to enroll in the Continental army.

a. Many had the benefit of intensive militia training prior to the outbreak of the war.

5. Which statement is true about the area stretching from the western boundaries of the existing states to the Mississippi River in the 1780s? a. More than 100,000 Indians inhabited the region. b. The Portuguese controlled the region. c. Land companies pushed for more governmental regulation of the land. d. Congress was careful to protect the land rights of Indians who had fought on the American side during the war. e. Many felt that unregulated settlement was the only way to produce peace with the Indians.

a. More than 100,000 Indians inhabited the region.

19. During the War of 1812, America's greatest success in a land battle against the British took place where? a. New Orleans b. Washington, D.C. c. Pittsburgh d. Yorktown e. Ontario

a. New Orleans

16. What historical evidence demonstrates that blacks were being held as slaves for life by the 1640s? a. Property registers list white servants with the number of years they were to work, but blacks (with higher valuations) had no terms of service associated with their names. b. Transcripts from legislative debates in the House of Burgesses show that Virginia lawmakers were debating whether permanent slave status was a good idea. c. Records of declining tobacco prices show that it had become harder to keep labor, which would have forced planters to turn increasingly to Africans and away from white servants. d. There is none, because slavery did not fully exist in Virginia until after Bacon's Rebellion in 1676. e. Advertisements for slaves began appearing in newspapers regularly by 1642.

a. Property registers list white servants with the number of years they were to work, but blacks (with higher valuations) had no terms of service associated with their names.

13. How did the ideas of John Locke influence the question of abolition? a. Protecting property in the form of slaves was invoked as a natural right. b. His belief that all people possessed a divine "inner light" was used to condemn slavery. c. The economic rights of slave holders over others were discussed as sacred and inalienable. d. The conversion of slaves to Christianity was presented as "God's plan for the world." e. His publicized freeing of his own slaves inspired others to do the same.

a. Protecting property in the form of slaves was invoked as a natural right.

12. Which of the following is true of slavery in history? a. The English word "slavery" derives from "Slav," reflecting the slave trade in Slavic peoples until the fifteenth century. b. Christians never were enslaved and were the sole group to enslave others. c. The Roman empire outlawed slavery, but it eventually revived, thanks to Columbus. d. Slavery was nonexistent in Africa until the arrival of European slave traders. e. In every culture in which slavery existed, it was based on the needs of large-scale agriculture.

a. The English word "slavery" derives from "Slav," reflecting the slave trade in Slavic peoples until the fifteenth century.

1. In 1776, what did political philosopher Adam Smith observe about the "discovery" of the Americas? a. The European colonization of the Americas changed the course of history. b. The idea of slavery in the New World originated with the Native Americans. c. In reference to the Americas, the term "discovery" is misleading and should not be used. d. Christopher Columbus's role in settling the New World was insignificant. e. Native Americans had benefited tremendously from European encounters.

a. The European colonization of the Americas changed the course of history.

20. After the War of 1812, Americans were compensated for lost slaves a. by an international arbitration agreement decided by the Russian tsar. b. by the Treaty of Ghent. c. by Canadian towns buying the slaves' freedom. d. by the slaves purchasing their freedom. e. by forcing France to pay Britain's debts.

a. by an international arbitration agreement decided by the Russian tsar.

9. Which of the following was true of the United States in 1797? a. The two political parties were divided on the role of the government. b. The Federalists dominated the South and Republicans controlled New England. c. England respected American neutrality in regard to the war in Europe. d. John Adams was willing to use the ideas of Thomas Jefferson. e. Adams was eager to have Hamilton as his vice president.

a. The two political parties were divided on the role of the government.

14. Which statement is true about the impact of the U.S. acquisition of New Orleans on African-Americans who lived in the city? a. U.S laws restricted the freedom of free and enslaved African-Americans more harshly than French and Spanish laws did. b. Under U.S. rule, slaves and free blacks had easy access to the court system. c. U.S. laws recognized free blacks as equals to whites and, therefore, worthy of enjoying the privileges of citizenship. d. It was much easier for slaves to gain their freedom under U.S. rule. e. The United States quickly abolished the principle of "community property" within marriage that had been prevalent in Spanish and French civil codes.

a. U.S laws restricted the freedom of free and enslaved African-Americans more harshly than French and Spanish laws did.

4. How did the Articles of Confederation compare to the Constitution with regard to the economy? a. Under the Articles, states made more decisions about the economy than the national government. b. Under the Articles, states did not take an interest in their respective economies. c. Under the new Constitution, land distribution would benefit the poor. d. Under the new Constitution, current property holders were losing rights. e. Under both the Articles and the Constitution, the national government played a prominent role in economic decisions.

a. Under the Articles, states made more decisions about the economy than the national government.

5. In his Thoughts on Government (1776), John Adams advocated state constitutions that provided for a. a powerful governor and a two-house legislature that reflected the division of society between wealthy and ordinary men. b. a legislature elected and controlled entirely by the wealthy, with a weak governor elected by the people so that they would feel that they had a role. c. voting rights for all men at least twenty-one years old regardless of property ownership. d. centralizing political power in a one-house legislature and dispensing with the office of governor. e. allowing women who owned a certain amount of property to vote but preventing them from holding political office.

a. a powerful governor and a two-house legislature that reflected the division of society between wealthy and ordinary men.

25. During the colonial era, Philadelphia a. became the financial, cultural, and commercial center of British North America. b. was one of the empire's least successful seaports. c. was large by European standards. d. was populated almost entirely by wealthy citizens. e. came under the almost dictatorial control of Benjamin Franklin.

a. became the financial, cultural, and commercial center of British North America.

6. Why did England consider Spain its enemy by the late 1500s? a. because of religious differences: England had officially broken with the Roman Catholic Church, while Spain was devoutly Catholic. b. because of the Spanish Armada's successful invasion of Great Britain in 1588 c. because Spain had allied with France to invade English colonies in the New World d. because one of Henry VIII's beheaded wives was a Spanish princess, and the Spanish government announced it would be at war with England until Henry apologized e. because both the English and Spanish royal families laid claim to the Irish throne

a. because of religious differences: England had officially broken with the Roman Catholic Church, while Spain was devoutly Catholic.

23. Roger Williams argued that a. church and state must be totally separated. b. Puritans must stay in the Church of England and reform it. c. religious wars were necessary to protect not only religion, but also freedom. d. Puritans were on a divine mission to spread the true faith. e. only John Winthrop was capable of explaining the word of God

a. church and state must be totally separated.

9. The Sons of Liberty a. enjoyed support from New York craftsmen and laborers. b. won widespread support from New York's upper classes. c. opposed any violent response to the Stamp Act. d. never found support among the lower classes of colonists. e. immediately came to dominate colonial legislative bodies.

a. enjoyed support from New York craftsmen and laborers.

18. Tobacco production in Virginia a. enriched an emerging class of planters and certain members of the colonial government. b. benefited from the endorsement of King James I. c. declined after its original success, as Europeans learned the dangers of smoking. d. resulted in more unified settlements, thanks to tobacco's propensity to grow only in certain areas of Virginia. e. was under the control of two planters, Walter Raleigh and the Earl of Kent.

a. enriched an emerging class of planters and certain members of the colonial government.

3. Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress was able to a. establish national control over land to the west of the thirteen states. b. select a president to enforce the laws of the national government. c. create a new tax policy that would better fund the government. d. eliminate a provision giving judges power to reject congressional acts. e. block the passage of numerous constitutional amendments.

a. establish national control over land to the west of the thirteen states.

6. The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 a. established the policy to admit the area's population as equal members of the political system. b. regulated western land sales through a policy that was amicable to the Indians. c. abolished the Articles of Confederation and called for a second Constitutional Convention. d. was the first step in Alexander Hamilton's plan for economic growth. e. declared all Indian land to be the possession of the U.S. government.

a. established the policy to admit the area's population as equal members of the political system.

19. Republican motherhood encouraged a. greater educational opportunities for women. b. a radical change in the patriarchal structure of the family. c. women to become public speakers for various social causes in the 1780s. d. widespread resentment among women. e. a significant increase in women's direct involvement in politics in the 1780s.

a. greater educational opportunities for women.

15. In the years immediately before the American Revolution, the concept of natural rights a. greatly influenced Thomas Jefferson's early writings. b. prompted Thomas Jefferson to support independence before the war even began. c. caused many American colonists to call for the abolition of the monarchy. d. contradicted the argument for colonial resistance. e. led to Parliament's passage of the Declaratory Act of 1766.

a. greatly influenced Thomas Jefferson's early writings.

8. What brought an end to Washington's presidency in 1796? a. his wish that the office not become a lifelong position b. his death c. ill health d. a constitutional amendment establishing term limits e. a plunge in popularity following Jay's Treaty

a. his wish that the office not become a lifelong position

11. In seventeenth-century England, the main lines of division focused on a. race b. ethnicity. c. political ideals. d. religion. e. literature.

a. race

11. What was the aim of the Townshend Acts? a. raising revenue by taxing imported goods b. preventing the colonies from establishing their own courts c. declaring a formal boycott on Britain by colonial legislatures d. reducing the smuggling of sugar and rum e. securing lodging for British soldiers in the colonies

a. raising revenue by taxing imported goods

19. The Glorious Revolution of 1688 a. resulted mainly from the fears of English aristocrats that the birth of James II's son would lead to a Catholic succession. b. ended parliamentary rule in Great Britain and solidified the institution of the monarchy until Queen Anne's War in 1702. c. was the work of an ambitious Danish prince out to avenge his father's murder by a British nobleman. d. had no impact on the British colonies in America because politics in Britain and the colonies remained vastly different. e. prompted Scotland's secession from Great Britain and thus a reduction in Scots-Irish immigration to the colonies.

a. resulted mainly from the fears of English aristocrats that the birth of James II's son would lead to a Catholic succession.

22. Which one of the following was a consequence of the Seven Years' War? a. strengthened pride among American colonists about being part of the British empire b. the founding of the new colony of Ohio in territory acquired from France c. a weakening of liberties as France made gains in North America d. the creation of a central colonial government under the Albany Plan of Union e. increased popularity of the Anglican Church among ordinary colonists

a. strengthened pride among American colonists about being part of the British empire

24. In his 1762 and 1763 speeches, what does Pontiac portray as the wishes of the Great Spirit and the Master of Life, as told to the prophet Neolin? a. the military defeat of the white man b. peaceful coexistence of the Indians and white men c. the adoption of white customs as a means of encouraging Indian prosperity d. the reliance of the Indians on bread, pork, and beef e. an epidemic that will decimate white populations

a. the military defeat of the white man

10. Which of the following contributed to the success of free trade advocates during the Revolutionary War? a. the publication of Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations b. Isaac Newton's explanation of the law of gravity as applied to economics c. the failure of wartime tariffs to solve the problem of the national debt d. riots over inflation in the streets of Boston e. memories of the despised Intolerable Acts

a. the publication of Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations

17. What was the purpose of Tecumseh's 1810 "Speech to the Osage"? a. to win the military support of the Osage in a war against the white people b. to pledge loyalty to the Americans in the conflict that would become the War of 1812 c. to urge the Osage to accept Christianity and adopt agricultural lifestyles d. to threaten the Osage with military retribution for stealing horses from the Shawnee e. to praise the Osage's progress in establishing effective self-government

a. to win the military support of the Osage in a war against the white people

7. When Europeans arrived, many Native Americans a. tried to use them to enhance their standing with other Native Americans. b. immediately opened treaty negotiations regarding land and resources. c. promptly united against them in open warfare. d. immediately surrendered due to the Europeans' superiority. e. simply moved away to avoid any interactions with them.

a. tried to use them to enhance their standing with other Native Americans

19. The original Constitution a. was written in four months and is around 4,000 words long. b. was written in nine months and is around 7,000 words long. c. was written in two years and is 3,000 words long. d. was written in five years and is around 20,000 words long. e. was written in ten years and is around 100,000 words long.

a. was written in four months and is around 4,000 words long.

2. The 104 settlers who remained in Virginia after the ships that brought them from England returned home a. were all men, reflecting the Virginia Company's interest in searching for gold as opposed to building a functioning society. b. included women and children, because the Virginia Company realized that a stable society would improve the settlers' chances of success, economic and otherwise. c. included representatives of several other countries, part of England's effort to build a strong network of supporters in case of Spanish attack. d. built the second permanent English settlement in North America after Roanoke. e. were only half of those who originally set sail; the rest turned around and went back.

a. were all men, reflecting the Virginia Company's interest in searching for gold as opposed to building a functioning society.

24. When was the principle of "birthright citizenship" established? a. with the passage of the Naturalization Act of 1790 b. with the signing of the Treaty of Greenville in 1795 c. during the debate surrounding ratification of the Constitution d. during the Reconstruction era following the Civil War e. with the ratification of the Constitution

a. with the passage of the Naturalization Act of 1790

2. Which of the following statements accurately describes the Americas before the arrival of Europeans? a. Across Native American groups, only a few languages were spoken, which aided communication. b. A diverse array of Native American groups had their own languages, cultures, and conflicts. c. Trade among Native American groups had yet to be established because there were few riches there. d. Groups relied only on hunting and gathering, not any form of farming the earth. e. Very little diversity existed in North America, which contributed to the lack of fighting.

b. A diverse array of Native American groups had their own languages, cultures, and conflicts.

21. Which of the following was true of French and Indian relations? a. Indians were dependent on the French to trap animals for the fur trade. b. French settlers were more likely to be attracted to the Indians' way of life than vice versa. c. Indians often asked traders to send them to Paris and other French cities. d. French traders often enslaved Indian women and children, sparking wars with the Indians. e. French settlers taught Indians how to grow corn and squash.

b. French settlers were more likely to be attracted to the Indians' way of life than vice versa.

17. What was one factor that contributed to the unrest that led to Bacon's Rebellion? a. Taxes on tobacco were drastically reduced, which led to the shutdown of the colonial government. b. Governor Berkeley refused to allow white settlement in areas reserved for Indians. c. Farmers refused to free any servants, preferring to keep land for themselves. d. The right to vote was extended to all adult men, angering landowners. e. Governor Berkeley's brutal suppression of Indians' property rights angered colonists.

b. Governor Berkeley refused to allow white settlement in areas reserved for Indians.

13. Why did Jefferson purchase Louisiana from the French in 1803? a. He wanted to prevent slavery from expanding west of the Mississippi. b. He hoped it would ensure the nation's agrarian character. c. He wanted to return the land to the Indian tribes who lived there. d. He knew the Constitution explicitly and fully authorized this land deal. e. He wanted to sell it back to Spain for a profit.

b. He hoped it would ensure the nation's agrarian character.

10. What was one of Pennsylvania's only restrictions on religious liberty? a. Settlers could belong to any denomination but had to sign an oath affirming that they would not oppress Quakers. b. Holding office required an oath affirming a belief in the divinity of Jesus Christ, which eliminated Jews from serving. c. Atheists were welcome as long as they promised not to publicly attack religion and still always attended church. d. Church attendance was mandatory, but the state did not specify which type of church or what was considered virtuous. e. Quakers were punished if they refused to engage in community events such as bull-baiting, revels, and other forms of entertainment.

b. Holding office required an oath affirming a belief in the divinity of Jesus Christ, which eliminated Jews from serving.

2. How did the Revolutionary War change the meaning of freedom? a. It meant that all men now had a legal claim to an equal distribution of property. b. It challenged the inequality that had been fundamental to the colonial social order. c. It ended colonial society's legally established hereditary aristocracy. d. It ended coverture, under which husbands exercised full legal authority over their wives. e. It meant that, for the first time, men were free to pursue whatever occupations they wished.

b. It challenged the inequality that had been fundamental to the colonial social order.

6. How did the French Revolution affect America? a. It resulted in a rush of French immigrants and a strong French influence on American culture. b. It deepened existing political differences in America. c. It was the first time America sent troops to fight on foreign soil. d. It inspired a series of slave revolts throughout the South. e. It inspired the passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts.

b. It deepened existing political differences in America.

16. What happened to the population of the Americas as a result of contact with Europeans? a. The population stayed relatively stable. b. It is estimated that 80 million native people of the Americas died in the first 150 years after contact with Europeans, due to disease, war, and enslavement. c. Many native inhabitants of South America moved to West Indian islands. d. The native population increased from 2 million to 20 million. e. Many Native Americans moved to Europe.

b. It is estimated that 80 million native people of the Americas died in the first 150 years after contact with Europeans, due to disease, war, and enslavement.

24. What was the significance of the Battle of Yorktown? a. It was an American victory that inspired the French to ally with the Americans. b. It resulted in British surrender and evaporated British public support for the war. c. It is considered a turning point for the Americans following a dismal period. d. It is considered the first battle in what would become the Revolutionary War. e. It was the first major defeat for British troops and revealed the war would be longer than they thought.

b. It resulted in British surrender and evaporated British public support for the war.

20. What best describes the Pueblo Revolt of 1680? a. It was a rebellion by Spanish Franciscan friars against the Catholic Church's use of violence to convert native people to Catholicism. b. It was a victory of the Pueblo Indians over the Spanish settlers in New Mexico, which reestablished Indian control of the region. c. It was a revolt of Protestant Spaniard farmworkers against Catholic Spaniard landowners in Santa Fe. d. It was a conflict between the Navajo and the Apache tribes. e. It was a short-lived Indian rebellion that resulted in harsher Spanish suppression of native religious practices and more brutal demands on native people's labor when the Spanish regained control of the region in the 1690s.

b. It was a victory of the Pueblo Indians over the Spanish settlers in New Mexico, which reestablished Indian control of the region.

12. Virtually every founding father owned at least one slave at some point in his life. Who was a notable exception? a. George Washington b. John Adams c. Thomas Jefferson d. Benjamin Franklin e. James Madison

b. John Adams

10. How would one describe the men who attended the Constitutional Convention? a. They all were slave owners. b. Most had more wealth than the average American. c. Most came from nobility in Europe. d. Very few had served in the military during the Revolutionary War. e. Most had no formal education.

b. Most had more wealth than the average American.

6. Which statement is true about slavery in the Chesapeake region? a. As slavery expanded, wealth among the white population became more equally distributed. b. Race became an increasingly important social division. c. Most enslaved men worked in skilled crafts. d. Most enslaved women worked in households doing domestic work. e. Enslaved people in the Chesapeake mainly did field work on rice plantations.

b. Race became an increasingly important social division.

23. The immigrant group that was primarily Presbyterian was a. Irish. b. Scots-Irish. c. Swedish. d. English. e. German.

b. Scots-Irish.

18. According to Bartolomé de Las Casas, a. Spain needed to outlaw African slavery and prevent it from entering the New World. b. Spain had caused the deaths of millions of innocent Native Americans in the New World. c. Native Americans were barbarians and had limited rights to their lands and liberty. d. Spain had no right whatsoever to rule in America and had gone against God's wishes. e. enslaving Native Americans was questionable but must continue in order to benefit the Spanish economy.

b. Spain had caused the deaths of millions of innocent Native Americans in the New World.

23. What was one factor that contributed to the downfall of the Federalists? a. Their call for secession from the union angered Republicans, who ousted them from the government. b. Their elitism and distrust of popular self-government was at odds with the nation's increasingly democratic ethos. c. Their advocacy for equal rights for Native Americans was unpopular with a large majority of farmers. d. The southern plantation owners whose interests they championed were a too-small part of the electorate. e. The delegates at the Republican Party's Hartford Convention voted to ban the Federalist Party.

b. Their elitism and distrust of popular self-government was at odds with the nation's increasingly democratic ethos.

8. How did Native Americans view the concept of land ownership? a. They treated land as a space for only hunting, not farming. b. They viewed land as a common resource to use. c. They viewed land as a possession owned only by individuals, not families. d. They considered land as a trading opportunity. e. They treated land as an economic commodity.

b. They viewed land as a common resource to use.

6. How did the Stamp Act differ from the Sugar Act? a. Whereas the Stamp Act was still in place at the time of the outbreak of the Revolutionary War, the Sugar Act was quickly repealed. b. Whereas the Stamp Act affected, and therefore offended, a large portion of the colonial population, the Sugar Act mainly affected residents of colonial ports. c. Whereas the Stamp Act was predominantly opposed by northern merchants, the Sugar Act was mainly opposed by southern planters. d. Whereas the Stamp Act was passed in close collaboration with colonial leaders, the Sugar Act was a total surprise to the colonists. e. Whereas the Stamp Act focused on the regulation of trade, the Sugar Act was a direct tax on the colonists.

b. Whereas the Stamp Act affected, and therefore offended, a large portion of the colonial population, the Sugar Act mainly affected residents of colonial ports.

15. Who would be most likely to hold the position of legislator in South Carolina in 1750? a. a tailor b. a planter c. a carpenter d. a minister e. a yeoman farmer

b. a planter

6. Which of the following did the majority of the new postwar state constitutions tend to establish? a. a two-house legislature and a relatively weak governor b. a two-house legislature subordinate to a strong governor c. a one-house legislature and a relatively weak governor d. a one-house legislature subordinate to a strong governor e. a two-house legislature with no governor

b. a two-house legislature subordinate to a strong governor

24. Which of the following women best represented the feminine ideal in late eighteenth-century America? a. an unmarried schoolteacher b. an educated mother c. a farmer's widow d. a seamstress e. an accomplished painter

b. an educated mother

7. In late-sixteenth-century England, a. Catholicism was the dominant religion. b. anti-Catholicism was deeply ingrained in popular culture. c. Catholics and Protestants lived in harmony. d. Queen Elizabeth I executed more than 100 Protestant priests. e. Queen Elizabeth I converted to Catholicism.

b. anti-Catholicism was deeply ingrained in popular culture.

8. Which statement best represents how the founders viewed the United States' role in the world? a. as a model of peaceful relations between indigenous people and settlers b. as a refuge for persecuted and oppressed people of every nation c. as a model of gender equality d. as a model of a post-slavery society e. as a model of a socialist economy

b. as a refuge for persecuted and oppressed people of every nation

1. In 1607, the colonists who sailed to Jamestown on three small ships a. were funded entirely by the queen's government. b. chose an inland site partly to avoid the possibility of attack by Spanish warships. c. were officers and sailors in the British Royal Navy. d. built a colony at Cape Henry in the mouth of Chesapeake Bay. e. were members of Puritan congregations in search of religious freedom.

b. chose an inland site partly to avoid the possibility of attack by Spanish warships.

14. The Virginia Company's establishment of the headright system in 1618 a. gave every former indentured servant fifty acres of land, which created the basis for a more socially equal society than that of Massachusetts. b. gave fifty acres of land to any colonist who paid for his own or another's passage, which in effect awarded large estates to anyone who brought in a sizable number of servants. c. gave widows the entirety of their husbands' properties in perpetuity, which undermined the patriarchal social order. d. forbade the development of large plantations, which hindered the spread of tobacco farming. e. abolished indentured servitude and slavery and dispersed all plantation owners' lands to former servants and slaves.

b. gave fifty acres of land to any colonist who paid for his own or another's passage, which in effect awarded large estates to anyone who brought in a sizable number of servants.

16. The three-fifths clause in the U.S. Constitution a. required that all revenue bills receive a three-fifths affirmative vote in the U.S. House. b. gave the white South greater power in national affairs than the size of its free population warranted. c. explicitly declared that slaves were not fully human and were therefore undeserving of legal rights. d. made it easier to amend the Constitution than it had been to amend the Articles of Confederation. e. expired in the year 1808 because of a key sectional compromise at the Constitutional Convention.

b. gave the white South greater power in national affairs than the size of its free population warranted.

12. The set of political ideas that scholars refer to as "republicanism" a. celebrated active participation in public life by all people regardless of economic status. b. held that only property-owning, economically independent citizens should participate in public life. c. had little influence on the political culture of the American colonies. d. called for the abolition of slavery. e. called for the abolition of colonialism.

b. held that only property-owning, economically independent citizens should participate in public life.

1. When George Washington took office as the first president of the United States, American leaders believed that the new nation's success depended on a. creating political parties as a means of channeling the people's passions. b. maintaining political harmony. c. protecting all forms of freedom. d. Washington's willingness to serve until he died. e. coining money.

b. maintaining political harmony.

16. The Native American leader Powhatan a. tried to avoid trade with the colonists at all costs, as he had strongly distrusted them from the beginning. b. managed to consolidate control over some thirty nearby tribes and initially promoted trade with the English. c. was the brother of Pocahontas and believed Native Americans should be subservient to the English. d. invited the colonists to feasts with his tribe and then slaughtered the entire colony of Jamestown. e. recognized that the English settlers controlled most of the region's food and, thus, sought their graces.

b. managed to consolidate control over some thirty nearby tribes and initially promoted trade with the English.

5. What proportion of white Virginia families owned at least one slave in 1770? a. nearly 10 percent b. nearly 50 percent c. nearly 75 percent d. nearly 1 percent e. nearly 90 percent

b. nearly 50 percent

16. The free black population after the Revolution in most states a. declined in number as newly freed slaves left the country whenever possible. b. often enjoyed the right to vote if its male members met taxpaying or property qualifications. c. all took the last names of their former masters. d. refused to provide havens for fugitive slaves and jeopardize their own emancipation. e. never joined in supporting the abolitionist cause.

b. often enjoyed the right to vote if its male members met taxpaying or property qualifications.

2. Which of the following was an advantage possessed by the United States in the decades following the Revolution? a. an extensive system of roads and canals that almost entirely blurred regional differences in the new nation b. physical isolation from Europe that helped prevent American involvement in European wars during the period c. a relatively homogenous population that quickly created a strong, united sense of American identity d. a strong economy that dominated those of existing empires and almost immediately made the United States an imperial power e. a predominantly older population that had a mature perspective about the gradual changes that would make the new nation prosperous

b. physical isolation from Europe that helped prevent American involvement in European wars during the period

9. To encourage virtue in future citizens, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams a. asked for the Declaration of Independence to be read every month at the town square. b. proposed free public education. c. wanted church attendance to be mandatory. d. proposed that ministers become teachers in public schools. e. wanted a second revolution.

b. proposed free public education.

6. The Charter of Liberties and Privileges in New York a. was the work of the Dutch, who did not trust the English to protect their religious freedom. b. resulted especially from displeasure among residents of Manhattan. c. reflected in part an effort by the British to exert their influence and control over the Dutch. d. affirmed religious toleration for all denominations. e. eliminated the property requirement for voting.

b. resulted especially from displeasure among residents of Manhattan.

8. What staple was the key to making Carolina an extremely hierarchical society, ruled by the wealthiest elite in English North America? a. wheat b. rice c. potatoes d. tobacco e. sugarcane

b. rice

2. According to the economic theory known as mercantilism, a. merchants should control the government because they contribute more than others to national wealth. b. the government should regulate economic activity so as to promote national power. c. the government should encourage manufacturing and commerce by keeping its hands off the economy. d. colonies existed as a place for the mother country to send raw materials to be turned into manufactured goods. e. England wanted the right to sell goods in France, but only to non-Catholic buyers.

b. the government should regulate economic activity so as to promote national power.

5. What was impressment? a. the legal doctrine stating that a slave who traveled to free territory was still in bondage b. the practice of kidnapping sailors and forcing them to serve in the British navy c. the legal and economic rights held by an apprentice during his apprenticeship d. the process through which an immigrant applied for citizenship prior to 1845 e. the legal doctrine that prevented widows from inheriting property upon their husbands' deaths

b. the practice of kidnapping sailors and forcing them to serve in the British navy

1. As a result of the American Revolution, Americans rejected a. the idea that males should be the unchallenged heads of household. b. the principle of hereditary aristocracy. c. the establishment of a republic. d. the definition of liberty as a universal entitlement. e. all kinds of organized religion.

b. the principle of hereditary aristocracy.

4. Which of the following was a goal for the English in gaining New Amsterdam and New Netherland from the Dutch? a. to stop the slave trade in North America b. to act as a launching pad for attacks on the French colonies c. to unify royal families d. to obtain land for tobacco farming. e. to stop Catholicism from spreading

b. to act as a launching pad for attacks on the French colonies

19. Maryland was similar to Virginia in that a. both started out as proprietary colonies. b. tobacco proved crucial to its economy and society. c. John Smith had to take over the colony and organize its settlers to work. d. both offered settlers total religious freedom. e. the king approved the creation of each colony only because of pressure from Parliament.

b. tobacco proved crucial to its economy and society.

11. In the eighteenth century, British freedom a. centered on the belief that all people of the world have equal rights. b. was closely identified with Protestantism and identified nearly every other nation as a slave to Catholicism, tyranny, or barbarism. c. was a secular view of liberty that required that religion and politics be completely separate. d. was based on the idea that all men should vote regardless of class status. e. fueled a successful abolitionist movement in England.

b. was closely identified with Protestantism and identified nearly every other nation as a slave to Catholicism, tyranny, or barbarism.

11. European society on the eve of colonization a. had no rigid class lines. b. was extremely hierarchical, with inequality built into virtually every social relationship. c. allowed the majority of men a great degree of personal independence. d. valued freedom of expression and a free press above all else. e. valued gender equality above all else.

b. was extremely hierarchical, with inequality built into virtually every social relationship.

4. Writs of assistance alarmed colonists because they a. required colonists to assist British officials in administering the Stamp Act. b. were general search warrants that allowed customs officials to search anywhere they chose for smuggled goods. c. required stamps for all kinds of printed material. d. required colonists to retrieve the tea thrown into Boston Harbor. e. imposed new taxes on goods imported from the Caribbean.

b. were general search warrants that allowed customs officials to search anywhere they chose for smuggled goods.

20. "Republican motherhood" was an ideology that held that a. women should be granted suffrage rights. b. women played an indispensable role in the new nation by training future citizens. c. Thomas Jefferson's Republican Party represented maternal interests better than its opponents did. d. education was wasted on women, who should worry only about having many children to populate the republic. e. political equality of the sexes fit a republican society.

b. women played an indispensable role in the new nation by training future citizens.

16. Which of the following battles was among the very first of the American War of Independence? a. Yorktown b. Monmouth c. Bunker Hill d. Saratoga e. Cowpens

c. Bunker Hill

13. The relationship between the national government and the states is called a. the separation of powers. b. the New Jersey Plan. c. Federalism. d. the Virginia Plan. e. the Constitution.

c. Federalism.

25. How does Eric Foner justify characterizing America in the early colonial period as made up of "borderlands"? a. Boundaries between empires were fixed. b. Europeans established authority quickly and easily. c. Hybrid cultures developed. d. Native people did not resist conquest. e. Native people were unwilling to trade with settlers.

c. Hybrid cultures developed.

21. What was one important legacy of the Declaration of Independence? a. It immediately resulted in Great Britain granting independence to its colonies. b. Spain welcomed the document, printing multiple copies for its citizens. c. It inspired future revolutions against despotic governments. d. It led to an immediate alliance with France. e. It weakened the resolve of British military commanders fighting against the Patriots.

c. It inspired future revolutions against despotic governments.

20. Why was the Proclamation of 1763 difficult to enforce? a. Most Native American tribes did not agree with the policy. b. The colonial assemblies wanted to avoid wars with Native Americans. c. It involved such a large geographical area. d. The French refused to leave forts in the Ohio Valley. e. It involved taxes the colonists refused to pay.

c. It involved such a large geographical area.

25. What was the significance of the Hartford Convention? a. It was a sign of growing tensions between America and Canada. b. It resulted in the elimination of the three-fifths clause. c. It irrevocably turned public opinion against the Federalist Party. d. It featured the first call for secession in American history. e. It was the grounds for a treason trial against DeWitt Clinton.

c. It irrevocably turned public opinion against the Federalist Party.

25. How did the definition of the "household" change in the North following the Revolution? a. It shifted from denoting both home and farmland to referring to the home only, reflecting a rapid surge in the urban population. b. It expanded from referring to just a couple and their children to including extended family even if they lived independently. c. It shifted from encompassing hired and indentured workers to consisting of just the parents and their children. d. It evolved from being a synonym for a slave's quarters to a legal term denoting the entirety of a man's property. e. It expanded from strictly including just males in a family of legal age to include all persons—male, female, free, or enslaved—living in a home.

c. It shifted from encompassing hired and indentured workers to consisting of just the parents and their children.

21. What was the significance of the Ladies Association founded by Esther Reed and Sarah Franklin Bache? a. It demonstrated how women in the colonies had tended to support the British and failed to aid the Patriots in any notable way. b. It was the first women's organization led entirely by former slaves and had the joint causes of abolition and women's rights. c. It was an example of women taking an active role in the public sphere in response to the Revolution. d. It was a women's group that focused on providing a support network for disadvantaged mothers. e. It was a small regiment of the Patriot army that was composed entirely of women who trained and fought as soldiers on the battlefield.

c. It was an example of women taking an active role in the public sphere in response to the Revolution.

4. Which of the following was a result of Europeans selling weapons to West African leaders? a. Wars between West African societies depleted the availability of slaves. b. West African societies fell under the total control of powerful European traders. c. Militarized states arose that used European weapons to capture slaves. d. West African militias began violently resisting attempts by Europeans to purchase slaves. e. Most West African tribes became impoverished due to the high cost of weapons.

c. Militarized states arose that used European weapons to capture slaves.

13. In terms of slave systems, how did Native American societies differ from European colonies in America? a. Native American societies never used slaves. b. Native Americans only had African slaves. c. Native American societies used slavery on a small scale. d. Native Americans only enslaved women. e. Native Americans used large-scale plantation slavery.

c. Native American societies used slavery on a small scale.

13. Which country first explored the Atlantic coast of Africa in the 1400s, and soon thereafter established plantation slavery on the Atlantic islands off the African coast? a. China b. Spain c. Portugal d. England e. France

c. Portugal

17. Why did the number of slaves in America increase from 1776 to 1790? a. America successfully repatriated nearly all slaves freed by the British during the war. b. Christian sects such as the Quakers promoted a "God-given duty" to own and Christianize slaves. c. Slavery survived the War of Independence, and the slave population naturally increased. d. Increased wealth in the North enabled more people to buy slaves there than in the South. e. There was not yet a sizeable free black population in the United States.

c. Slavery survived the War of Independence, and the slave population naturally increased.

22. What happened along the U.S.-Canada border during the Embargo Act of 1807? a. The United States attacked British forts. b. All trade halted between Americans and Canadians. c. The smuggling of goods increased. d. France regained part of Quebec. e. Indians attacked a town in Vermont.

c. The smuggling of goods increased.

25. Next to national independence, what was the second most significant concession the United States gained in the Treaty of Paris in 1783? a. rights to the entire Canadian territory b. rights to annex Spanish Florida c. a large piece of territory with the Mississippi River as its western border d. any and all property from Loyalists e. exclusive trading rights with Germany

c. a large piece of territory with the Mississippi River as its western border

21. Who benefited the most from the English Toleration Act? a. Puritan women b. the remaining Indians c. churchgoing families in Plymouth d. non-Puritan merchants e. small landowning farmers

c. churchgoing families in Plymouth

18. The Virginia slave code of 1705 a. simply brought together aspects of the old laws governing slaves and slavery. b. completely rewrote the earlier slave laws. c. embedded the principle of white supremacy into law. d. made clear that slaves were subject to the will of their masters but not to anyone who could not claim ownership of them. e. was the work of Nathaniel Bacon.

c. embedded the principle of white supremacy into law.

25. During the early years of the republic, African-Americans a. were far fewer in number than Native Americans. b. enjoyed none of the rights whites enjoyed. c. far exceeded the Indian population within the United States. d. were all held as slaves except for a few free blacks in Massachusetts. e. found a champion for the cause of emancipation in George Washington.

c. far exceeded the Indian population within the United States.

24. The colonists that proved most harmful to Native Americans were a. merchants. b. slave traders. c. farmers. d. fur trappers. e. silversmiths.

c. farmers.

17. John Adams recommended George Washington as commander of the Continental army because a. he knew that Washington was weighing an offer from Britain to lead its North American forces. b. he shared Washington's view of the importance of natural rights. c. he believed that Washington's being a southerner could help unify the colonists. d. he knew Washington had opposed General Howe's forces cutting down the Liberty Tree. e. they had an agreement that Adams would then be put in charge of administering the army in the New England colonies.

c. he believed that Washington's being a southerner could help unify the colonists.

4. Around 9,000 years ago, where did farming first start in the Americas? a. the Mississippi Valley b. the Ohio Valley c. around the Amazon River d. Mexico and the mountains of South America e. the Near East

d. Mexico and the mountains of South America

12. With regard to Indians, the English were chiefly interested a. in intermarrying with Indians. b. in converting to Indian religions. c. in displacing Indians and settling on their land. d. in ruling over Indians as subjects of the English crown. e. in joining Indian tribes.

c. in displacing Indians and settling on their land.

5. The Stamp Act created such a stir in the colonies because a. it was established by the King without Parliament's approval. b. lawyers were offended that they could be jailed for not using the correct stamp on legal documents. c. it was the first direct tax Parliament imposed on the colonies. d. none of the revenue raised would be spent within the colonies themselves. e. Benjamin Franklin went public with his opposition to it.

c. it was the first direct tax Parliament imposed on the colonies.

21. In The History of the American Revolution, David Ramsay a. argued that the Constitution represented a repudiation of the Revolution. b. urged southern states to demand greater protection for slavery before ratifying the Constitution. c. praised American state constitutions for allowing future amendments. d. took issue with James Madison's vision of "extending the sphere." e. took the British side when explaining why the Revolution occurred.

c. praised American state constitutions for allowing future amendments.

19. In the eighteenth century, Texas and California were a. peripheral to the Spanish empire when compared to possessions in Central and South America and the Caribbean. b. ceded by the Spanish to the British in the 1763 Peace of Paris Agreement. c. the economic centers of the Spanish empire in North America. d. not part of any European empire. e. the only remaining French colonies in North America after 1763.

c. the economic centers of the Spanish empire in North America.

4. "Strict constructionists" believed that a. Jay's Treaty should be construed or interpreted to put more restrictions on Indians. b. freedom of speech and of the press should be restricted if the president believed that to be necessary. c. the federal government could only exercise powers specifically listed in the Constitution. d. the "general welfare" clause of the Constitution gave the federal government power to create a national bank. e. the creation of new western settlements should be strictly limited to avoid Indian wars.

c. the federal government could only exercise powers specifically listed in the Constitution.

10. An example of a freedom that most Native Americans would hold in high esteem would be a. the opportunity for the chief to profit from selling land to a European. b. the right to become the wealthiest member of the tribe. c. the opportunity to work for the benefit of the group as opposed to individual gain. d. the right to sever kinship ties to pursue individual prosperity. e. the opportunity for some families to dominate others in the tribe.

c. the opportunity to work for the benefit of the group as opposed to individual gain.

2. What did the British acquire from the Netherlands in the Treaty of Utrecht of 1713? a. sufficient gold to pay off the British national debt b. the right to trade at Dutch outposts in what is now South Africa c. the right to transport slaves from Africa to Spain's New World colonies d. New Netherland, which was then renamed New York e. New Holland, which later became known as Australia

c. the right to transport slaves from Africa to Spain's New World colonies

1. In the aftermath of the Revolution, a common national identity and consciousness a. cemented immediately. b. never really developed. roots c. took time to sink deep. d. was required by law. e. existed only among poor people.

c. took time to sink deep.

13. As leader of the Jamestown Colony, John Smith a. was a failure and had to return to England. b. improved relations with Native Americans by marrying Pocahontas. c. used rigorous military discipline to hold the colony together. d. used an elaborate reward system to persuade colonists to work. e. set up the first representative assembly in the New World.

c. used rigorous military discipline to hold the colony together.

10. The Sedition Act of 1798 a. targeted recent arrivals to the United States. b. led to the jailing of Federalist editors. c. was more stringent and oppressive than similar laws in Europe. d. led Jefferson to argue that states, not the federal government, could punish seditious speech. e. was declared unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court two years later.

c. was more stringent and oppressive than similar laws in Europe.

11. Intermarriage between English colonists and Native Americans in Virginia a. was quite common following the wedding of John Smith and Pocahontas. b. was only permitted for colonists who were part of the upper class. c. was very rare before being outlawed by the Virginia legislature in 1691. d. created a prevalent mixed race of Native Americans who often wound up enslaved. e. produced a member of a British royal family who became an Indian chief.

c. was very rare before being outlawed by the Virginia legislature in 1691.

15. Which of the following was true of the Embargo Act of 1807? a. It banned trade with Indians due to attacks on American settlers in the West. b. The act passed despite opposition from President Thomas Jefferson. c. This policy hurt Great Britain more than it did American merchants. d. Americans were prohibited from sending ships to foreign ports. e. It led to the British and French governments reaching out to negotiate with Jefferson about free trade.

d. Americans were prohibited from sending ships to foreign ports.

17. Which of the following occurred at the final meeting of the Constitutional Convention in 1787? a. James Madison argued that the Constitution should be entirely rewritten. b. Ben Franklin proposed that a representative from the Iroquois Confederacy be invited to sign the document. c. The delegates drafted and accepted the Bill of Rights. d. Ben Franklin urged the delegates to put their differences aside. e. Every delegate signed the Constitution in order for it to go to the states for ratification.

d. Ben Franklin urged the delegates to put their differences aside.

20. Puritans were a. English settlers who advocated for the right of all religious dissenters in New England to freely practice their own religion. b. English Catholics who wanted England to become Catholic again. c. English Protestants who rejected the teachings of John Calvin. d. English Protestants who believed that the Church of England was still too similar to the Catholic Church. e. Catholic settlers in Maryland who sought to keep all Protestants out of the colony.

d. English Protestants who believed that the Church of England was still too similar to the Catholic Church.

9. Which statement is true about slavery in eighteenth-century New York? a. Hudson Valley farmers, landlords, and craftsmen never used enslaved people's labor in the eighteenth century. b. Slavery was abolished after the English took the colony from the Dutch. c. New York City passed a law banning merchants from participating in the slave trade after 1730. d. In 1746, enslaved people made up one-fifth of the population of New York City. e. Slaves worked exclusively as domestic workers.

d. In 1746, enslaved people made up one-fifth of the population of New York City.

1. What was a result of King Philip's War in the 1670s? a. White New Englanders became increasingly less free because the number of taxes increased. b. Great Britain formed the Dominion of New England to protect Native American land. c. The Native American population now significantly outnumbered the white population. d. In the long run, white New Englanders' freedom broadened as their access to land expanded. e. Although most Native American leaders lost power, Metacom grew increasingly powerful.

d. In the long run, white New Englanders' freedom broadened as their access to land expanded.

7. What was the significance of the Empress of China? a. Its sinking by pirates escalated tensions with the British in the 1790s. b. It was the last ship to bring slaves from Africa to America. c. It was the fastest wind-powered ship in the world in 1800. d. Its successful journey demonstrated that America could trade directly with Asia. e. It was financed by West Indies plantation owners, reopening trade between America and that region.

d. Its successful journey demonstrated that America could trade directly with Asia.

25. Which of the following statements accurately describes the Pequot War of 1637? a. The Pequots were forced to pay reparations for the damage they caused New England settlers. b. The Narragansetts joined the Pequots to fight the Puritans. c. The Pequots won and relocated to what would became New York State. d. The colonists' victory resulted in the effective destruction of the Pequot tribe. e. The Pequots temporarily drove the Massachusetts Bay settlers into Plymouth Colony.

d. The colonists' victory resulted in the effective destruction of the Pequot tribe.

23. Why did George Washington eventually allow African-Americans to serve in the Continental army? a. Southern colonies stopped their opposition. b. Many northern colonies immediately abolished slavery. c. He had freed all of his slaves during the second year of the war. d. The British started offering freedom to slaves who signed up to fight for their army. e. He became convinced that African-Americans could fire a musket.

d. The British started offering freedom to slaves who signed up to fight for their army.

9. After exploring the Atlantic coast in the late sixteenth century, an Englishman writes in his journal about untouched wilderness. What could this description mean to a European? a. The land was beautiful and made him think badly of and ultimately reject the European countryside. b. It would take the expedition too much effort to build a settlement, and such a settlement was almost sure to fail. c. The Native Americans had developed bustling metropolises in many areas along the Atlantic coast. d. The English believed the land was theirs for the taking, despite the possible presence of Native Americans. e. The area lacked any resources that the English could successfully exploit because it was so underdeveloped.

d. The English believed the land was theirs for the taking, despite the possible presence of Native Americans.

7. How did the War for Independence affect anti-Catholicism in America? a. Anti-Catholicism increased when Quebec Catholics volunteered in large numbers for the British army. b. Because Americans resented Catholic France negotiating a separate peace with Great Britain, anti-Catholicism became more prevalent. c. Independence led the states to impose anti-Catholic laws that they had been unable to adopt when they were under British control. d. The alliance with France, a predominantly Catholic country, helped diminish American anti-Catholicism. e. Spain's wartime aid to Britain led Georgia colonists to attack Catholic missions in Florida.

d. The alliance with France, a predominantly Catholic country, helped diminish American anti-Catholicism.

3. What was an important political origin of the American Revolution? a. The Sugar Act financially hurt merchants living outside colonial ports. b. The Stamp Act was a tax that very few colonists had to pay. c. The colonists wanted a physical westward barrier to settlements. d. The colonists criticized their lack of representation in Parliament. e. The colonists wanted the writs of assistance to be actively enforced.

d. The colonists criticized their lack of representation in Parliament.

18. What was one result of the Great Awakening? a. The revivals encouraged colonists to trust the views of established elites. b. The revivals reduced the range of religious alternatives in the colonies. c. The revivals inspired a renewed sense of national unity. d. The revivals helped to expand the circulation of newspapers and pamphlets in the colonies. e. The revivals inspired slaves to cling more closely to their African religions.

d. The revivals helped to expand the circulation of newspapers and pamphlets in the colonies.

8. What role did the Committees of Correspondence play in the years preceding the revolution? a. They opened up effective channels of communication between the colonists and their Indian allies. b. They allowed the British to enforce taxes and regulations more efficiently. c. They exacerbated tensions between Protestants and Catholics in the colonies. d. They helped colonial leaders to share ideas on resisting taxation. e. They created an irreparable rift between northern and southern states.

d. They helped colonial leaders to share ideas on resisting taxation.

15. Which colony created the first elected assembly in colonial America? a. Rhode Island b. Maryland c. Roanoke d. Virginia e. Massachusetts

d. Virginia

18. What was a challenge for the United States during the War of 1812? a. Before the war began, it did not have an army. b. It had to fight both the British and the Spanish. c. Most Americans in the South and West strongly opposed the war. d. Without a national bank, the war was difficult to finance. e. It had no allies among the Native American tribes.

d. Without a national bank, the war was difficult to finance.

12. President Thomas Jefferson tried to minimize federal power by a. buying Louisiana from France. b. participating in the Barbary Wars. c. urging Congress to pass the Embargo Act. d. abolishing all taxes except the tariff. e. establishing judicial review.

d. abolishing all taxes except the tariff.

17. Who in the sixteenth-century Spanish empire would have the most authority? a. a Native American chief b. a Catholic priest c. a locally born wealthy landowner d. an administrative official from Spain e. an administrative official born in the New World

d. an administrative official from Spain

18. Thomas Paine's Common Sense a. argued that the British governmental system was perfectly good but that current officials had corrupted it. b. made highly original arguments in favor of independence. c. sold well among the elite, who in turn were able to convey its ideas to the lower classes. d. argued that America would become the home of freedom and "an asylum for mankind." e. led to his arrest on charges of treason, but he saved himself by writing another pamphlet taking the opposite position.

d. argued that America would become the home of freedom and "an asylum for mankind."

15. Abolition laws in the North a. ended slavery north of Maryland altogether by 1830. b. immediately freed enslaved children under the age of eighteen. c. freed all enslaved people in New England as of 1804. d. ended slavery in the northern states in a drawn-out process that took decades. e. freed only enslaved women.

d. ended slavery in the northern states in a drawn-out process that took decades.

12. African enslavement of other Africans a. resulted from the arrival of Europeans. b. included no form of rights for the slaves. c. was the only kind of labor on that continent. d. involved the enslavement of criminals, debtors, and war captives. e. accelerated with the arrival of the French in the 1520s.

d. involved the enslavement of criminals, debtors, and war captives.

2. Alexander Hamilton's long-term goal was to a. increase the Republican Party's political power. b. ensure that the United States would be a primarily agrarian nation. c. promote the power of state governments. d. make the United States a major commercial and military power. e. succeed George Washington as president.

d. make the United States a major commercial and military power.

9. Poor and working-class English people generally hoped that emigrating to America would provide a. the opportunity to rely entirely on their employer. b. ways to escape their lives as masterless men. c. a place where they could once again be peasants on a feudal manor. d. opportunities to become independent landowners. e. a place to practice their Catholic faith without harassment.

d. opportunities to become independent landowners.

22. The Salem Witch Trials of 1692 a. mostly prosecuted men. b. only executed people who admitted they were guilty. c. enhanced colonists' confidence in the Massachusetts justice system. d. spurred prominent colonists to seek scientific explanations for natural events. e. led to a decades-long tradition of prosecuting women for witchcraft.

d. spurred prominent colonists to seek scientific explanations for natural events.

18. Which of the following groups tended to be Anti-Federalist during the ratification debates? a. wealthier citizens b. rural residents closely tied to the commercial marketplace c. merchants engaged in foreign commerce d. state politicians e. urban artisans, laborers, and sailors

d. state politicians

21. To Puritans, liberty meant a. that wives had equal authority with husbands in the family. b. that all people had a right to challenge religious or political authority. c. that all people must be free to practice their religious beliefs. d. that the "elect" (as opposed to the "damned") had a right to establish churches and govern society. e. "natural liberty," or acting without restraint.

d. that the "elect" (as opposed to the "damned") had a right to establish churches and govern society.

23. Which of the following messages do the excerpts from the "Petitions of Slaves to the Massachusetts Legislature" (1773-1777) suggest? a. that, if not granted freedom, slaves would immediately rebel and violently fight for their ability to form their own nation b. that the horrors of the Revolution led slaves to reject all the ideas that the new nation represented c. that owning slaves and professing the ideas of Christianity and the Revolution are contradictory d. that, because slaves were not citizens, they lacked any natural or unalienable rights in common with whites e. that the persistence of slavery was inexorably leading the new nation toward a civil war between North and South

d. that, because slaves were not citizens, they lacked any natural or unalienable rights in common with whites

7. What sparked the 1715 uprising by the Yamasee and Creek peoples against English colonists in Carolina? a. the colonists' refusal to trade with the Yamasee and Creek b. an alliance of the Yamasee and Creek with the Iroquois Confederacy c. high debts incurred by the Yamasee and Creek in trade with the English settlers d. the English colonists' plans to begin capturing Native Americans to sell as slaves e. a bloody rebellion by African slaves against their masters near Charles Town

d. the English colonists' plans to begin capturing Native Americans to sell as slaves

24. What served as an example of a borderlands area in colonial America? a. the Carolina coastline b. Natchez c. Plymouth d. the Great Lakes e. Chaco Canyon

d. the Great Lakes

12. Under the original Constitution, who did the people directly elect? a. the senators b. the president c. the vice president d. the House of Representatives e. the Supreme Court

d. the House of Representatives

5. English writers compared Native Americans to what other people, claiming that both peoples' refusal to respect English authority and convert to English Protestantism was barbaric? a. the Dutch b. the French c. the Irish d. the Spanish e. the Portuguese

d. the Spanish

4. What served as a sort of "school of political democracy" for the members of the "lower orders" in the colonies-turned-states? a. the Protestant churches b. the lower houses of the state legislatures c. the taverns d. the militia e. the first public schools

d. the militia

2. Britain intervened in the colonies in new ways in the 1760s a. because the colonial leaders asked it to. b. because the colonial economies were in chaos. c. because it sought to abolish slavery. d. to raise funds to pay for the debts incurred by the Seven Years' War. e. to redistribute wealth from the elite planter class to the working class.

d. to raise funds to pay for the debts incurred by the Seven Years' War.

14. What did James Madison propose allowing Congress to do, but was ultimately shot down? a. deal with foreign nations b. levy taxes c. regulate commerce d. veto state laws e. declare war

d. veto state laws

3. "Enumerated" goods a. made up the bulk of items imported into the colonies from abroad. b. were those the English colonies could not produce under the terms of the Navigation Acts. c. created a financial drain on the English government during the seventeenth century. d. were colonial products, such as tobacco and sugar, that first had to be sold in English ports. e. were specifically exempt from England's mercantilist regulations.

d. were colonial products, such as tobacco and sugar, that first had to be sold in English ports.

22. In early seventeenth-century Massachusetts, freeman status was granted to adult males who a. owned land, regardless of their church membership. b. had served their term as indentured servants. c. were freed slaves. d. were landowning church members. e. raised cash crops for the colony.

d. were landowning church members.

7. Americans were not represented in the House of Commons, and therefore felt they were being taxed without their consent. What rallying cry did this lead to? a. "Give me liberty, or give me death!" b. "We are freemen—not born slaves!" c. "All men are created equal." d. "We have it in our power to begin the world over again." e. "No taxation without representation!"

e. "No taxation without representation!"

11. After the American Revolution, who held the balance of power between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River? a. Iroquois b. Shawnee c. British d. French e. Americans

e. Americans

20. In the Declaration of Independence, what justification did Thomas Jefferson provide as the basis for breaking with Britain? a. "There is something absurd in supposing a Continent to be perpetually governed by an island." b. Great Britain had never actually played a role in the economy of the colonies, and their trade remained "completely separate." c. Since new British rules had forbidden the colonies from continuing the slave trade and slavery was "so central to colonial agriculture," the colonists had no choice. d. The "heritage of a freeborn Englishman" provided each colonist with the political right to seek democratic representation so long as they were British themselves. e. Because government derived from the "consent of the governed," the governed had the right to remove that consent.

e. Because government derived from the "consent of the governed," the governed had the right to remove that consent.

3. What was a commonality shared between the Asians who crossed the Bering Strait and the Europeans who crossed the Atlantic Ocean thousands of years later? a. Both groups were sent there by powerful monarchs. b. Both groups were driven by the desire to hunt large mammals. c. Both groups started as slaves and then gained their freedom during the journey. d. Both groups trekked during bitter ice ages. e. Both groups were searching for resources.

e. Both groups were searching for resources.

4. During the reign of ________, the English government turned its attention to North America by granting charters to Humphrey Gilbert and Walter Raleigh for the establishment of colonies there. a. Henry VIII b. Mary I c. James I d. James II e. Elizabeth I

e. Elizabeth I

16. How was freedom of the press viewed in the eighteenth century? a. Leaders saw it as a natural right. b. Governments praised it as helping democracy. c. After 1695 the British government required a license for printing. d. Newspapers did not feel it was necessary. e. Governments in both England and the colonies viewed it as dangerous.

e. Governments in both England and the colonies viewed it as dangerous.

19. In writing the Declaration of Independence, which of Locke's natural rights did Jefferson replace, and with what? a. He replaced "liberty" with "the pursuit of happiness." b. He replaced "property" with "liberty." c. He replaced "life" with "property." d. He replaced "the pursuit of happiness" with "liberty." e. He replaced "property" with "the pursuit of happiness."

e. He replaced "property" with "the pursuit of happiness."

1. What made Olaudah Equiano an atypical slave? a. He was fortunate enough to escape. b. He went directly from West Africa to Virginia. c. He survived the Middle Passage voyage. d. He led a rebellion. e. He was able to purchase his freedom.

e. He was able to purchase his freedom.

22. What is the significance of the Ninth Amendment? a. It established the freedom of the press, a key component of American liberty. b. It affirmed that powers not delegated to the national government or prohibited to the states continued to reside with the states. c. It established the requirement of religious tests for federal officeholders. d. It clarified the roles of the president and vice president. e. It declared that rights not specifically mentioned in the Constitution were "retained by the people."

e. It declared that rights not specifically mentioned in the Constitution were "retained by the people."

15. In regard to slavery, what did the Constitution do? a. It allowed slavery but also contained a potential method to end slavery. b. It fully defined who was a slave. c. It made slavery mandatory in the South. d. It ended the external slave trade immediately. e. It established a twenty-year limit on the buying and selling of slaves within the United States.

e. It established a twenty-year limit on the buying and selling of slaves within the United States.

11. Which statement is true about the Haitian Revolution? a. It failed to establish Haiti as an independent nation. b. Jeffersonians who had celebrated the French Revolution similarly celebrated the Haitian Revolution as a further step toward universal liberty. c. It encouraged many white Americans to travel to Haiti. d. It resulted in millions of Haitians fleeing to the United States. e. It reinforced white Americans' fears of possible insurrections by enslaved people in the United States.

e. It reinforced white Americans' fears of possible insurrections by enslaved people in the United States.

10. What was a key difference between indentured servants from England and slaves from Africa? a. Indentured servants never changed owners. b. After giving birth, indentured servant women had to give up the child to the owner. c. The indentured servants could freely choose their spouse. d. Three-quarters of indentured servants escaped and found permanent freedom. e. Most indentured servants voluntarily came to the colonies.

e. Most indentured servants voluntarily came to the colonies.

22. Which argument in the petitions of slaves to the Massachusetts legislature employed the principles of the American Revolution? a. Slaves could be productive soldiers. b. Taxing the poor created an economic burden. c. British soldiers did not belong in the homes of Bostonians. d. One of the people killed during the Boston Massacre was of African heritage. e. Natural rights were universal.

e. Natural rights were universal.

1. What is true of the period historians call "the Age of Revolution"? a. Revolutions occurred only in the New World, while Europe remained largely unchanged. b. It was primarily characterized by the struggle to reinstate rightful monarchs. c. It began with the French Revolution and ended with the Mexican Revolution. d. It was characterized by a flowering of religious, intellectual, and racial tolerance. e. Revolutions began in British North America and spread to Europe, the Caribbean, and Latin America.

e. Revolutions began in British North America and spread to Europe, the Caribbean, and Latin America.

19. The first permanent European settlement in the Southwest, established in 1610, was a. Tucson. b. Albuquerque. c. El Paso. d. San Diego. e. Santa Fe.

e. Santa Fe.

5. How did the English conquest of New Netherland affect freedom in the colony? a. Women in New York were now able to conduct business in their own names, which greatly expanded the number of women traders by 1700. b. Black New Yorkers now had expanded access to many skilled jobs, and the number of runaway slaves from the South increased. c. The Duke of York and his appointees withdrew the immense grants of land that the Dutch had awarded to favorite wealthy families. d. The duke declared that the new elected assembly would include at least ten representatives chosen by the Iroquois Confederacy. e. The Charter of Liberties and Privileges established an elections process and reaffirmed traditional English rights such as trial by jury and security of property.

e. The Charter of Liberties and Privileges established an elections process and reaffirmed traditional English rights such as trial by jury and security of property.

23. What role did the Constitution play in the question of American citizenship? a. The Constitution officially granted citizenship to any white person born on American soil, formalizing the definition of citizenship that had long been held by the colonies. b. The Constitution did not include the word "citizen" whatsoever because the Declaration of Independence already had already granted citizenship to all property-owning males. c. The Constitution gave a detailed description of the role of the federal government, rather than the states, in defining and guaranteeing the rights of all American citizens. d. The Constitution specified that all white people over the age of eighteen were to be considered citizens and, as children, needed to prove their loyalty to the nation. e. The Constitution failed to define the word "citizen," reflecting the lack of a commonly agreed-upon understanding of the rights that went with citizenship.

e. The Constitution failed to define the word "citizen," reflecting the lack of a commonly agreed-upon understanding of the rights that went with citizenship.

21. Which of the following was a result of the War of 1812? a. Madison's Republican Party disappeared as a significant political group. b. Andrew Jackson was court-martialed for fighting the British after the war ended. c. Indians became increasingly powerful in the Old Northwest and the South. d. Americans felt ready to go to war again with Europe. e. The United States completed its conquest of the area east of the Mississippi River.

e. The United States completed its conquest of the area east of the Mississippi River.

25. During the French and Indian War, how did the Quakers uphold their principles? a. They asked for a holiday to honor William Penn. b. They declared war due to aggressive French incursions into Pennsylvania. c. They urged that all Native Americans be removed from Pennsylvania. d. They praised the middle ground because it brought wealth to Pennsylvanians. e. They refused to endorse the war and resigned their colonial assembly seats.

e. They refused to endorse the war and resigned their colonial assembly seats.

3. Many settlers came to America from England because they felt it could provide expanded opportunities. What was the primary reason aristocrats decided to immigrate? a. They wanted to earn money in the New World for a couple of years, and then move back to England. b. They wanted to start new lives as adventurers. c. They wanted to develop a more egalitarian society. d. They wanted to give their servants a better life. e. They wanted to re-create a vanished world of feudalism.

e. They wanted to re-create a vanished world of feudalism.

17. Which of the following was a consequence of the Uprising of 1622? a. The Virginia Company sold half of its original land to the coastal Native Americans who had gradually gained supremacy. b. The Crown sent hundreds of convicts to settle in Virginia to punish them for their demonstrations in England. c. The Virginia Company banned the cultivation of tobacco because relations between white settlers and enslaved Africans were so fraught. d. The Crown reinstated John Smith as governor to reward him for his role in quelling the uprising and restoring trade. e. Virginia experienced a major shift in the power balance of the colony and, as a result, became the first royal colony.

e. Virginia experienced a major shift in the power balance of the colony and, as a result, became the first royal colony.

24. Anne Hutchinson's trial demonstrated that a. she was unable to speak in front of a large group of people. b. she had secretly converted to Catholicism. c. she had been influenced by Native American religion. d. women in Puritan communities were considered equal to their husbands. e. colony leaders and church elders considered her a threat to their authority.

e. colony leaders and church elders considered her a threat to their authority.

13. What primarily motivated the British to place a tax on tea by passing the Tea Act? a. a desire to reassert the British right to tax the colonies after having given up that right b. an overabundance of tea in British warehouses c. a desire to punish the colonists for the long-term boycott of British goods d. a need for revenue to fund the Revolutionary War, which had recently begun e. aiding the financially ailing East India Company, a giant trading monopoly

e. aiding the financially ailing East India Company, a giant trading monopoly

23. In regard to history, what was a borderland? a. a defined boundary between nations b. the area around the coastline c. an area exclusively designated as a no-trade zone d. an exclusively unsettled area e. an unclear geographical and cultural border

e. an unclear geographical and cultural border

18. The words "to have and to hold" appeared in both marriage vows and ________, which demonstrated how legal authority ________. a. indentured servant contracts; extended to all the hardest workers and caregivers b. freedom petitions; resulted in slaves commonly having the same property rights as poor whites c. abolition laws; was granted to slaves in the North through a rapid process d. the Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom; resided first and foremost with the church e. deeds transferring land ownership; still rested with the husband over the wife

e. deeds transferring land ownership; still rested with the husband over the wife

3. Following the Revolution, what word became forever linked with freedom? a. power b. leadership c. obedience d. peace e. equality

e. equality

20. The English Bill of Rights of 1689 a. led to the Glorious Revolution because it was so controversial. b. was revoked by James II in his first action upon taking power. c. gave the king far more power than Parliament in response to the Glorious Revolution. d. was the law that formally created the Dominion of New England. e. gave Parliament control over taxation and listed rights of individuals such as trial by jury.

e. gave Parliament control over taxation and listed rights of individuals such as trial by jury.

14. When Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, a. he had not owned any slaves for several years. b. he was inspired to set all his slaves free. c. he was one of just two founding fathers who had never owned slaves. d. he owned just one household slave. e. he owned more than 100 slaves.

e. he owned more than 100 slaves.

10. Violent social turmoil in rural areas during the 1760s a. was due entirely to Great Britain's Proclamation of 1763, which banned western settlement. b. ended when the British army drove Native Americans beyond the line of settlement. c. flourished because the British army had no interest in going beyond coastal cities. d. led to the creation of the Sons of Liberty. e. involved events in both northern and southern colonies.

e. involved events in both northern and southern colonies.

15. Which commodity drove the African slave trade in Brazil and the West Indies during the seventeenth century? a. tobacco b. indigo c. silver d. cotton e. sugar

e. sugar

14. Who was most directly harmed by the Boston Tea Party? a. the Massachusetts governor b. Boston artisans c. Boston merchants d. the British navy e. the East India Company

e. the East India Company

21. What right does Pontiac claim for Indians in his 1762 and 1763 speeches? a. the right to vote alongside British colonists b. the right to take scalps while waging war c. the right to buy and sell land freely for a large profit d. the right to purchase weapons from white men e. the right to occupy the land of their traditional territories

e. the right to occupy the land of their traditional territories

23. What right does Pontiac claim for Indians in his 1762 and 1763 speeches? a. the right to vote alongside British colonists b. the right to take scalps while waging war c. the right to buy and sell land freely for a large profit d. the right to purchase weapons from white men e. the right to occupy the land of their traditional territories

e. the right to occupy the land of their traditional territories

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