US History 2

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Because of "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness" the americans went through and battled and absolutely devastated the Indians during the Revolution. Most of these Indians were also pro-British as the foresaw an american victory would be devastating to their land in the future. This conflict foreshadowed that relations were anything but peaceful still between the Americans and Indians and that there were much more to come.

Analyze how the American Revolution foreshadowed the relationship between the United States and Native Americans

The Stamp Act could be blatantly seen as a revenue generating tax. The Stamp Act went against the English tradition that taxes were a "gift" of the people to the crown and the House of Commons delivered that gift The argument was that colonists had the liberty to use their property without forceful confiscation Grenville (PM) argued that colonists had virtual representation, even though they had no official representative

Analyze how traditional English law laid the groundwork for colonial responses to the Stamp Act.

Britain wanted to put down the rebellion and restore monarchy to the colonies. As Britain did not want to destroy the country, they were reluctant at points during the war. An advantage of this was still showing that they wanted Americans to be apart of the British Empire. A disadvantage was assuming that many Americans were still very loyal and would help the British. Another disadvantage would have to be the indecisiveness of the army

Analyze the British strategy during the American Revolution and the advantages and disadvantages of their position.

The population grew because of two things: 1) immigration: 1/4 of growth; people coming from lots of other countries than England. 2) natural increase: this contributed to 3/4 population growth -An expanding economy helped lead colonists life with a better standard of living, thus having more families settle down and raise kids.

Analyze the causes of population growth in British North America in the 18th century.

Represented a continuation of what we saw with the Albany Congress - an intercolonial assembly convened to address a pressing issue. This showed we could get together and fight a pressing issue, and it would work.

Analyze the connection between the Albany and Stamp Act Congresses.

While the DoI justified equality to the British and the right to revolt, this really only applied to the whites. Slavery was not mentioned or even touched in the DoI. It also took away Indian Sovereignty

Analyze the contradictions of the Declaration of Independence with respect to liberty and rights.

Hobbes: Argued that the natural state of human life is "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short." It is rife with self-interest, and the absence of rights and contracts prevented the social formation. John Locke: 1.Tabula Rasa or "blank slate" at birth 2.Inalienable Rights - Life, Liberty, and Property 3.Separation of Powers - Legislation and Execution

Analyze the differences between the philosophies of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke.

The Albany Congress was to call six Indian tribes, and 24 delegates from 7 colonies. This was to repair trade relations with these tribes and also ask for help with the French. Ben Franklin also suggested unrelated,The Albany Plan of Union was a plan to create a unified government for the Thirteen Colonies. The significance of all of this was this was the first talks of a unifying government of the colonies and one of the first big intercolonial assemblys

Analyze the historical significance of the Albany Congress and the Albany Plan of Union.

1) Paying the War Debt: Congress had little power to force its taxes and maybe land sales could help them 2) Making peace with Indians: While the Americans did not want an enemy with them, the memories from the recent war and more attempts to take land still damaged it 3) Dealing with Western Settlement: Americans did not know quite how they should proceed west because of Indians and unknown lands

Analyze the relationship between the three primary concerns facing the congress between 1777 and 1787.

People began to settle at promising areas just beyond successful farms and land. This chain continued, eventually going mainland until by mid-century, settlement had reached the Appalachian Mountains and even south into western Virginia and the Carolinas.

Analyze the settlement patterns of 18th century North America.

1) Upper South: (Chesapeake Region) This part of the south specialized in growing tobacco in which was very profitable. This is also where most of the population was 2) Lower South: Specialized in the production of rice and indigo (plant used for blue dye). In 1770, this part of the South only made up 15 percent of the Southern population.

Analyze the two sections of the Southern Colonies and the economies that drove each.

VP) Proposed a powerful 3-branch government, with representation in both houses of Congress tied to said states population. Also proposed enhanced congressional powers like right to tax and other things NJP) retained the confederation's single-house congress with one vote per state. Agreed also with VP on the enhanced congressional powers.

Be able to identify the key proposals of the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan.

17th: NE towns parceled land to individual families Most practiced partible inheritance (inheritance was divided equally by sons). Land began to become subdivided more and more however. 18th: With land too small and needing money, both CT and MA started to sell land directly to individuals. Now money rather than membership to a church determined who could obtain land.

Compare and contrast 18th century New England land policy with 17th century land policy.

Despite an emphasis on reason, the Enlightenment was not an absence of religion The fundamental religious philosophy was Deism Rejected two mainstays of traditional religion: 1. They disagreed that everything important to know was already known 2. They rejected scriptural revelation and the paternalistic idea of God. Rather, God is a force that created the universe. Nature, not scripture, was proof of the divine Science provided the way to an understanding of God

Compare and contrast Deism with mainstream religion.

---Federalists Favored the Constitution Led by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay (among others) Emphasized the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and the need for a strong government for nation defense Believed in the protection of property rights Did not believe in the need for a bill of rights. Argued that state constitutions offered such rights --------------------Antifederalists Opposed the Constitution Led by Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, and Samuel Adams (among others) Wanted strong state governments and distrusted a strong federal government Wanted more popular participation Wanted a bill of rights

Compare and contrast Federalists and Antifederalists.

Sons of Liberty Were important for two reasons 1.Showed the limitations of royal power in the colonies 2.Began mobilizing non-elites against crown policies However, demonstrations were not always peaceful and often resulted in assault and destruction of property --------------------------------------------The Daughters of Liberty, in contrast to their male counterparts, exercised a more genteel and quiet patriotism - conformed with 18th century conceptions of gender Women became important actors in the practice of nonconsumption - the refusal to purchase imported British goods As a result of their actions, British imports fell 40% and forced British merchants and manufacturers to pressure Parliament to repeal the dutiesThe Daughters of Liberty, in contrast to their male counterparts, exercised a more genteel and quiet patriotism - conformed with 18th century conceptions of gender Women became important actors in the practice of nonconsumption - the refusal to purchase imported British goods As a result of their actions, British imports fell 40% and forced British merchants and manufacturers to pressure Parliament to repeal the duties

Compare and contrast the Sons of Liberty and the Daughters of Liberty.

While the americans were against the British and rebelled against them with no problem, in Shays Rebellion once it was directed towards other americans thats where they did not like it. It was essentially the same thing except no one wanted to be on the receiving end in NA.

Compare and contrast the rhetoric of American revolutionaries in the buildup to the American Revolution to Shay's Rebellion.

G: preached well-worn messages of sin and salvation to large audiences in England using his "spellbinding" J: reemphasized traditional Puritan doctrines of humanity's utter depravity and God's vengeful omnipotence. Theses sermons were very emotional to people.

Compare and contrast the teachings of Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield

1) The Economic Factor: they all had economic roots in agriculture in which they sold in markets 2) Decline in Importance of religion: most people focused on the affairs of the world now 3) British NA started to become more aware that they were British colonists: Even though there were 13 different colonies, they all answered to the monarchy.

Identify and analyze the three unifying factors of British North America during the 18th century.

William Pitt became the Prime Minister in which he gave more efforts to the war. This led into: Beginning with a blockade of the St. Lawrence River that cut off supplies and troops to the region, the British capture Fort Ticonderoga in New York in 1758, Quebec in 1759, and Montreal in 1760 British forces are led by James Wolfe (left) and Jeffery Amherst (right)

Identify how Great Britain was able to overcome initial setbacks to win the French and Indian war.

The Battle of Saratoga was a turning point in the war as it was the first great victory by the americans in the war. This victory also convinced France to finally throw its officicial support to the American side of the war

Identify how the Battle of Saratoga was a turning point in the war.

Due to there being a lot of individual states, they rarely all came together for something and if someone wanted them to only 4-5 would show up. Republicanism is basically a gov that works for the welfare of the people, putting civic duties over personal matters. Gradual emancipation tried to help free slaves by making a process for freeing them. The north put civic duties before profit here to try to balance that republican ideology

Identify the limits of political participation in during the early republic and how gradual emancipation tried to balance republican ideology.

Flour was the main export of the middle colonies, making 3/4 of it to be exact.

Identify the primary export of the Middle Colonies.

Farms did not yield any profits for these people so they only grew for themselves mostly, they mostly focused on other things. Exporting livestock, fish, and timber made up 2/3 of NE exports. NE mostly housed many imports with people consuming many products and with jobs like carpenters and tailors being needed to the consumers there also.

Identify the primary industries of the New England colonies.

In response to the Tea Party, the British Monarchy enacted the coercive acts. 1. Boston Port Act - Closed Boston Harbor until the destroyed tea was paid for 2. Massachusetts Government Act - Increased the power of the royal governor, made the government council and all law enforcement and judicial positions appointment-based, and banned all town meetings except for the annual election of town leaders (with governor's permission) 3. Impartial Administration of Justice Act - Any royal official accused of a crime would be tried in Britain 4. Amendment to the 1st Quartering Act (1765) - Military commanders allowed to house troops wherever necessary. General Thomas Gage was then appointed as Governor of Massachusetts (not part of the official act). This was the final tipping point for a lot of people as the British were actively punishing the colonists now.

Know the purpose of the Coercive Acts and how they fundamentally changed the political composition of the affected parties.

external taxes are taxes more oriented toward tariffs and export/import taxes levied against goods being shipping in (and out) of the nation. These taxes were limited in scope: they tended to take effect only in shipping towns, and only a select group of people, notably merchants, needed to pay them.

Know what external taxation is and be able to provide an example.

1) Germans made up the largest amount of migrants. By 1770, 85k Germans had arrived there where they were referred to as Pennsylvania Dutch. Most came over because of poor conditions in southern Germany 2) Scots-Irish were protestant immigrants from northern Ireland/Scotland/Northern England. Deteriorating economies brought them over to the middle colonies. -some of the people came over as redemptioners (kind of indentured servant as they would obtain money to leave for the trip in return for their own labor)

Know what groups immigrated to the Middle Colonies during the 18th century.

Internal taxes were the general taxes imposed on items and lands within a nation or colony. These are taxes on goods that most people need or use, and tended to affect most free people in the nation.

Know what internal taxation is and be able to provide an example.

The Enlightenment was an 18th century philosophical movement that emphasized the use of reason to reevaluate previously accepted doctrines and traditions. Enlightenment ideas encouraged examination of the world and independence of mind. The primary goal was really to question the status quo.

Know what the Enlightenment was and its primary goal.

James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay published a series of 85 papers in 1787-88 in New York newspapers to make their case. This was to persuade NY to go along with the Constitution.

Know what the Federalist Papers are and who wrote them.

Was a wave of revivals that began in MA and spread through the colonies in the 1730's and 1740's. The movement emphasized vital religious faith and personal choice. It was characterized by large, open-air meetings at which emotional sermons were given by itinerant preachers.

Know what the Great Awakening was, its goal, and basic message.

A Slave uprising in Stono, SC, in 1739 in which a group of slaves armed themselves, plundered six plantations. an killed more than twenty whites. Whites quickly stopped the rebellion. Afterwards the Sc legislature enacted a draconian slave code in 1740 to punish with the utmost severity enslaved "Negroes from the coast of Africa who are generally of a barbarous and savage disposition." This showed slaves could do very little to stop slavery at the time and could not defend themselves.

Know what the Stono Rebellion was and its impact on 18th century southern society

Indians were an equally important group in the French and Indian War. They were not mere pawns in imperial games. Since 1692, The Iroquois Confederacy had worked with New York fur merchants in a trade alliance called the Covenant Chain However, most Indians preferred the French and did not trust British intentions What resulted was a series of uneasy alliances and buy offs that eroded British-Indian relations in the mid-18th century

Understand Native American motivations in the French and Indian War.

some of the people came over as redemptioners (kind of indentured servant as they would obtain money to leave for the trip in return for their own labor). They would usually arrive in Philadelphia where they essentially sell themselves as servants. Others flat out had enough money and could go their with no hep at all

Understand how new immigrants reached the North American colonies and what caused their emigration.

Women maintained the farms and businesses when men went to war Many women began engaging in political discourse, a previously unthinkable act Organizations like the Ladies Association of Philadelphia actively fundraised for the war and prominent women openly defended their actions

Understand how the American Revolution reshaped the role of women in America.

Bicameral (Two-House) Legislature House of Representatives Directly elected by the people Elected to 2-year terms No limit to reelection The Senate 2 independently voting senators from each state Elected to 6-year terms by state legislatures No limit to reelection ----------------------------------------------------------------------------And among other things they curbed democracy by following majority rule. (im not too sure about the entirety of this answer but oh well)

Understand how the framers of the Constitution curbed democracy and segregated power in the government.

Ordinance of 1784 (Revised 1785) •3-5 eventual states •Townships 6 square miles •36 sections of 640 acres •Sold at public auction •Minimum purchase of 640 acres •Hard currency or certificates of Revolutionary War debt 3 Stage Process for Statehood NW Ordinance of 1787 1.Congress appoints officials to establish legal code an appoint judges 2.When male population of voting age who own 50 acres reaches 5,000, the territory can elect a legislature and send a nonvoting delegate to congress 3.When the population reaches 60,000, the territory could write a constitution and apply for admission to the Union. Both of these ordinances set what becoming a state would look like and the process for it.

Understand how the land ordinances of 1784, 1785, and 1787 set the stage for the expansion of the United States.

Republic: "A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives Democracy: "A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.

Understand the difference between democracy and republicanism.

Social contract, in political philosophy, an actual or hypothetical compact, or agreement, between the ruled and their rulers, defining the rights and duties of each.

Understand the fundamental argument of Social Contract Theory.

After the Stamp Act had gotten revoked, the Declaratory Act was put in place. This act stated, in no uncertain terms, that parliament had the right to tax the people. Parliament had the unassailable right to legislate the colonies no matter what. This meant that the colonies could not do much but follow the orders that were given and that they would not be listened to.

Understand the importance of the Declaratory Act and how it influenced future relationships between the crown and the American colonies.

400k slaves lived in the south as of 1770 and increased at a rate 3x faster than that of the whites. In 1770 slaves made u 40 percent of the southern population. And as stated in the previous question, most of them lived in the Chesapeake area: 9/10 southern whites and 8/10 slaves to be exact.

Understand the population ratios of the Southern Colonies in the 18th century.

M:Wesleyan theology, which is upheld by the Methodist Churches, focuses on sanctification and the effect of faith on the character of a Christian. C:the Protestant theological system of John Calvin and his successors, which develops Luther's doctrine of justification by faith alone and emphasizes the grace of God and the doctrine of predestination.

Understand the teachings of John Wesley and how Methodism compared to Calvinism.

About 1/5 of the population was loyalist during the war. These loyalists believed that social stability depended on a government anchored by monarchy/aristocracy. In loyalist eyes, patriot actions gave credibility to fears of a democratic tyranny

Understand why some chose to remain loyal to Great Britain and why they may have had negative impressions of pro-revolutionary groups.

The americans did not want to give too much power to the central government so they gave the states the power. There was no national president, only delegates selected by each other the 13 states

Understand why the Articles of Confederation were designed with an emphasis on individual states.

F: they had cultivated alliances with the Indians that lived there in which they exchanged manufactured goods for beaver furs which was prosperous. B: The British wanted to profit off this Ohio Territory not because of fur trade, but because they could sell the land to fuel American Expansion -This sparked 7 years war

Understand why the Ohio Territory was valuable to France and Great Britain.

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