US History Exam review

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Which of the following was not a common goal of all African American organizations in the 1920s?

Adapt to white culture

Drought and ____________ brought about the conditions that caused the Dust Bowl.

poor farming practices

Which of the following is not a reason why there was a leadership change in the Presidency of the United States at the beginning of the 1920s?

poor moral values

President Hoover hoped that public works would _____________________.

provide jobs to replace those lost due to businesses closing

Which of the following strikes in the 1890s did not end in violence?

pullman strike

Which of the following was not an artistic development that was focused on during the Harlem Renaissance?

radio programs

When prices of stocks are decreasing.

Bear market

The stock market took its steepest dive on October 29, 1929, the day now known as ________________.

Black Tuesday

President Hoover initially opposed ________, or the giving of money directly to needy families.


To which of the following groups of people did the Social Security Act not eventually apply?


During the Great Depression, Franklin Delano Roosevelt often times addressed the nation over the radio. These radio broadcasts were known as ____________.

Fireside Chats

The period of intense congressional activity during which fifteen major laws were passed after Franklin Delano Roosevelt took office was known as the _______________________.

First Hundred Days

Who won the 1932 presidential election?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Raised the taxes on goods coming into and leaving the country.


How did President Hoover respond to the veterans who marched in Washington, D.C. to demand their World War I bonuses?

He had the army remove them.

Which of the following northern states was the first to send an African American representative to Congress as a result of it's growing African American population in the 1920s?


President Hoover did not want the government to create too many new jobs because that would mean increased government ___________.


Which of the following most adequately describes the Agricultural Adjustment Act during the New Deal?

It paid farmers not to farm their land which caused the average to purchase less food and the farmers made no more money than they previously had.

Which of the following statements about labor unions in the late 1800s is accurate?

Labor union activities were frequently opposed by the government

What does the cartoon reveal about American during the Great Depression?

Many people saved their money so it would be there in hard times but lost it through no fault of their own.

Which of the following best describes industry during the 1920s?

Mass production increased as result of machines in the workplace.

Thousands of World War I veterans came to Washington in 1932 to protest. What were they known as?

the Bonus Army

Which of the following describes a movement of African Americans from 1917-1930 and properly describes where they moved?

the Great Migration; from the South to the North and other large cities

Which of the following African American movements emphasized African American culture during the 1920s?

the Harlem Renaissance

Which resulted in the loss of American jobs and export sales to foreign countries?

the Hawley-Smoot Tariff

Which of the following is the correct meaning of the political group "NAACP" that fought for civil rights before, during and after the 1920s?

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Which of the following movements resulted in immigration control by Congress in the 1920s?


Which of the following resulted from the hatred of Germans during World War I and the Red Scare?


Franklin Roosevelt ran for President of the United States by promising Americans a _____________.

New Deal

Prior to 1936, most African Americans had voted for the _______________ Party, but in 1936 they began to vote for the ________________ Party.

Republican, Democratic

Which of the following political parties regained the Presidency and kept it throughout all of the 1920s?


Which of the following cases is an example of nativism in the 1920s?

Sacco & Vanzetti case

Which of the following pitted evolution against creationism in the 1920s?

Scopes Trial

_______________ and ____________________ used to be the most common types of business organizations, but during the second half of the 1800s __________________ became the most common type of business organization

Sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations

Which of the following most accurately describes the economy of the United States during the 1920s?

The economy was very prosperous for most of the decade but then collapsed.

"During the war we necessarily turned to the government to solve every difficult economic problem...To a large degree we regimented our whole people temporarily into a socialistic state...When the war closed...we were challenged with a peacetime choice between the American system of rugged individualism and a European philosophy of diametrically opposed doctrines -- doctrines of paternalism [centralization] and state socialism." - Herbert Hoover, 1928 Based on the above quote, during times of war, who does Wilson believe should run the economy?

The government

What created the impression that Franklin Delano Roosevelt was trying to interfere with the Constitution's separation of powers and undermine the Court's independence?

the court packing plan

Which of the following most accurately describes young women in the 1920s?

They rebelled against traditional roles and began working and going to school.

Which person was not a president of the United States during the 1920s?

William Howard Taft

Which group of people did unions consist of?


In 1929 the top five percent of all American households earned thirty percent of the nation's income, which is an example of ___________.

an uneven distribution of income

Franklin Delano Roosevelt split his own party by suggesting the need to ____________________.

appoint additional Supreme Court Justices

Which of the following best describes a process through which an impartial third party helps workers and management reach an agreement?


Workers who tried to organize a union or strike were often fired and placed on a list of "troublemakers" called the _________.


When prices of stocks are increasing.

bull market

Workers who had few skills and little training.

common laborers

Which of the following was a root cause of the Great Depression?

uneven distribution of income

A steel company that owns the coal mines, limestone quarries and iron ore fields it depends on is an example of __________.

vertical integration

What type of business model did Andrew Carnegie use to build his business?

vertical integration

In the late 1920s and early 1930s, some banks suffered more losses than they could absorb and ________________.

were forced to close

Workers who had special skills and training.

craft workers

During the Great Depression, when a bank collapsed ___________________.

depositors lost their savings

Part of the New Deal's legacy was an expansion of _______________.

federal power over the economy.

John D. Rockefeller used what type of model to build his business?

horizontal integration

The people who lost their homes in the Great Depression sometimes lived ________________.

in Hoovervilles

After World War I and into the 1920s, many Americans thought the United States was successfully practicing _____________ due to the fact we had not signed the Treaty of Versailles and had not joined the League of Nations.


Who operated Standard Oil?

john d rockefeller

In the 1920s, the Federal Reserve contributed to weaknesses in the stock market by ________________.

keeping interest rates low.

This organization was made up of common laborers.

labor union

A _________ was a technique for breaking a union in which the company refused to allow workers onto their property.


Which of the following is not something that NAACP fought against in the 1920s?


What does one call it when a single company achieves control of an entire market?


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