U.S. History: Heritage of Freedom Test 9

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John J. Pershing

Appointed General by President Wilson to command American troops in France during WW I

James A. Garfield

Assassinated by Charles Guiteau


Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand intiated the start of WW I

A. Mitchell Palmer

Attorney General who fought Communist subversion


Austria Hungary belonged to the Powers during WW I


Belief that all economic, political, and social life must be controlled by the state

Eddie Rickenbacker

Best known American ace of WW I

Rutherford B. Hayes

Best remembered for his attempt to reform civil service

Wilhelm II

Bold leader of Germany during WW I


Boomers settled the in 1889


British Luxury liner that was torpedoed by a German submarine off the coast of Ireland in 1915

Grover Cleveland

First Democrat to be elected after the Civil War

Calvin Coolidge

First Vice President to attend Cabinet meetings on a regular basis


First commercial radio station to go on the air in the US

Richard E. Byrd

Flew over the North Pole

3rd Communist International

Formed in 1919 to promote worldwide Communist revolution

Billy Sunday

Former baseball player

Sigmund Freud

Formulated psychoanalysis

Oliver Hudson Kelly

Founded the Grange

Jane Addams

Founder of the Hull House


Frist radion station KDKA go on air

Hay Bunau Varilla Treaty

Granted US a 10 mile wide zone through Isthmus of Panama for the building of a canal


Great Britain belonged to the triple before WW I

George Washington Carver

Greatest contributors to American agriculture

19th Amendment

Guaranteed women the right to vote


Idea that everything can be explained in terms of matter

W. E. B. Du Bois

Influential Black American Harvard graduate helped found the NAACP

Model T

Introduced in 1908

George Westinghouse

Introduced the air brake in 1869

George Pullman

Invented the sleeping car

William Jennings Bryan

Lawyer who won the Scopes Monkey Trial

R.A. Torrey

Led Chicago Evangelization Society of Moody Bible Institute

Carl Shurz

The German immigrant and secretary of the interior who was a strong advocate of civil service reform

George Washington Goethals

United States army officer and engineer was appointed to take charge of building Panama Canal


WWI begins

J. Gresham Machen

Was a professor at Princeton who fought modernism

J. P. Morgan

Wealthy American financier

November 11, 1918

When the Germans signed and armistice with the Allies

Foraker Act

Which act did Puerto Rico became an unorganized territory

Warren G. Harding

Won the election of 1920


Wright brothers first flight

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Wrote The Great Gatsby

Adam Smith

Wrote Wealth of Nations

Francis Bellamy

Wrote the Pledge of Allegiance


Year Panama Canal opened for use

John Dewey

advocated progressive education

Grover Cleveland

Only president to serve two non-consecutive terms


Officially ended the Great War

Lyman Stewart

"God's Oilman"

Volstead Act

18th Amendment into effect

Sacco Vanzetti Case

Case came to national prominence as a result fo the Red Scare

George Dewey

Commander of the US Pacific fleet

Vladimir Lenin

Communist revolutionary came to power in Russia in 1917


Considers a person's environment responsible for his behavior

National War Labor Board

Created to settle labor disputes during WW I


Dawes Plan attempt to help through difficult economic times

Teller Amendment

Declared that the US had no intentions of ruling Cuba after she had gained independence from Spain

Herbert Hoover

Directed the Food Administration

Walter Reed

Doctor that eliminated yellow fever form Cuba

Monroe Doctrine

Doctrine did the Roosevelt Corollary expand

League of Nations

Established after WW I to maintain peace

Budget and Accounting Act

Established the General Accounting Office

Friedrich Nietzsche

Father of Atheistic Existentialism


Federal Reserve Act created a central banking system under the authority of this government

Hatch Act

Made funds available to establish agricultural experiment stations

Sheldon Jackson

Missionary to Alaska in the late 1800

Sam Jones

Moody of the South

William Randolph Hearst

Most notably known for yellow journalism


New Mexico and Arizona were admitted to the Union during this administration

Pendleton Act

Passed by Congress in 1883 classified certain federal jobs

Guglielmo Marconi

Patented the wireless telegraph


Philosophy that an idea or an action should be judged solely by its results

Willam Z. Foster

Planned and led the violent steelworkers strike of 1919

William Mckinley

President at the time of Spanish American War

Calvin Coolidge

President during most of the Roaring Twenties


Presidential administrations of Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson were in this nature

William Jennings Bryan

Prosecutor at the Scopes Monkey Trial

Underwood-Simmons Act

Provided for a direct tax on personal incomes

National Defense Act

Provided for an increase in the size of the regular army

17th Amendment

Provided for the direct election of senators by voters

Kellog Briand Pact

Renounced war as a means of settling international disputes

Warren G. Harding

Republican candidate who won the presidential election of 1920

William Mckinley

Republican president 1896

Selective Service Act

Required all men from age 21 through 30 to register with their local draft board

Theodore Roosevelt

Sent the Great White Fleet on its world tour in 1907


State was the Klondike gold rush of the 1890

Mann Elkins Act

Strengthened the Interstate Commerce Commission


Theodore Roosevelt negotiated Gentleman's Agreement to this country

Nikola Tesla

Thomas Edison's main competitor


Treaty of Brest Litovsk made peace between Germany

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