US History Prequiz Answers

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Christopher Columbus, an explorer/seafarer employed by the Spanish Monarchy to establish a Western trade route to Asia, made landfall in the vicinity of Hispaniola on _______________, believing he had reached the East Indies, having underestimated the circumference of Planet Earth by a factor of three.

12 October 1492

Ponce de Leon discovered the land he named "La Florida" in the year______________,


The first enduring British colony was founded at Jamestown in the year:


Major combat during the Seven Years War generally ended in North America in ____________ (year) after _______________________ .

1760/the fall of Montreal to the British

Though the Declaration of Independence was approved by the Continental Congress on 4 July 1776, fighting that led directly to the American Revolution actually commenced on:

19 April 1775

The War of 1812 had several causes. Among the most proximate causes were:

A combination of the American desire to take over Canada, oppressive British maritime policies and impressment, and continued British trade with/support of American Indian Tribes hostile to the United States.

Which British colony in North America banned slavery during the early colonial era?

All British colonies permitted slavery or indentured servitude in some form during the Colonial era.

Thomas Jefferson was the author of the "Virginia Plan", which was the blueprint for the United States Constitution.


According to our text, historians estimate that in the British colonies between 1670 and 1715, ______________ American Indians were captured and sold into slavery as a result of war and conflict before authorities took steps to discourage the enslavement of American Indians.

Between 24,000-51,000

Though discovered by the Spanish, Florida was first settled by the British.


There were a large number of North American colonists opposed outright independence and many supported the British during the American Revolution. Among colonists, a large group often opposed to independence was _____________________.

Colonists serving as Royal government and military officials Anglican Clergy Merchants involved in the import\export of British goods

Women in the early American republic were urged to participate in the nation's life by:

Concentrate their efforts on maintaining a quality home as well as raising, teaching, and civic education of their children to ensure future generations would be good citizens.

Which of the following was NOT a form of government/political structure utilized in British North American colonies?


Despite being just 34 years old, Hernán Cortés was entrusted with the subjugation of the Aztec Empire of Mexico due to his previously successful conquest of the island of_________________ .


One of the primary areas of technological innovation that enabled the Spanish discovery and conquest of the Americas was:

Development of the astrolabe, which allowed for precise navigation, and the caravel, a rugged ship with a deep draft capable of making lengthy voyages

What type of taxes levied by the British Government did the colonists initially oppose?

Direct Taxes, such as the Stamp Act

Following the Spanish arrival in the "New World", the leading cause of death among native populations was:


Though the thirteen continental colonies were not the only British colonies in the Western Hemisphere, they were by far the most important to the Crown.


Upon Ratification of the United States Constitution, a "strict separation" between Church and State was established and the Federal Government and the States were forced to immediately cease support of any form of religious activity.


American Indian/Spanish relations in New Mexico were much better than relations between other European settlers and American Indians during the period 1675-1700.


As Commanding General of the Continental Army, George Washington attempted to fight large battles against British forces at the risk of his entire army in order to force a major defeat of British forces in a climatic battle.


Child labor was strictly regulated in early America and was completely abolished by the late 1840's.


Despite the pro-Independence propaganda of the era, the British Government never attempted to implement or enforce direct taxation of the North American colonies.


In order to conquer Mexico in 1519, Hernán Cortés was forced to rely on an overwhelming Spanish invasion force, numbering in the tens of thousands, due to the loyalty of subject peoples to the Aztec Empire.


John Adams, the second President of the United States, served two full terms (8 Years) as President.


Prior to the American Civil War, there was little demand for educated women, so very few schools taught girls at any level, and women generally illiterate.


Prior to the arrival of Christopher Columbus, the entire native population of North America consisted of isolated bands of hunter-gatherer clans, with a cumulative native population of less than 100,000.


The Embargo Act of 1807 was widely popular and ensured that the second term Jefferson Administration would be successful.


The French, Spanish and British settlers all had strong taboos against "miscegenation", so intermarriage between Europeans and native populations was rare


The Shawnee leader Tecumseh and his brother, Tenskwatawa the Prophet, were close allies of the American Government and were in the process of creating a trade alliance with the Americans when the War of 1812 erupted.


The Spanish were the first Europeans to reach North America.


The Spanish were the only Europeans to attempt to settle Florida.


Upon their arrival in the United States, German immigrants tended to settle in large cities and arrive singly, either sending money home to families in Germany or paying passage for families later.


Virginia was the center of American printing and publishing during the colonial era.


During the later stages of the War of 1812, the Federalist Party was destroyed politically by:

Federalist delivery of the Hartford Convention demands at the same time news of Andrew Jackson's victory at New Orleans and the end of the war painted the Federalists as unpatriotic, and the Republican-dominated press was able to frame the Hartford Convention as a succession attempt by Federalist-dominated New England states.

George Washington's Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, was opposed by many factions. Hamilton's policies were contentious due to the fact that _________________.

Hamilton insisted on paying all debts at face value, despite the fact that they were usually sold at a deep discount, and were often held by speculators Hamilton insisted on assuming all outstanding State debt, without regard for the status of payments Hamilton's policies often favored the wealthy, to include the establishment of the Bank of the United States

The two most urbanized and cohesive native empires at the time of the Spanish conquest of the Americas were ____________________ and the _____________________.

Inca and Aztec

As a result of the War of 1812, James Madison's replacement, President James Monroe:

Increased the size of the US Navy and issued The Monroe Doctrine, essentially an ultimatum to the empires of Europe, which declared that the United States considered the entire Western hemisphere off-limits to new European colonization in order to support ongoing independence wars in Latin America.

There was widespread opposition to the so-called "Jay Treaty" negotiated by Secretary of State John Jay in 1794 because:

It favored the British Monarchy over the Democratic French and failed to address major issues such as "impressment" of American seamen into the British Royal Navy.

During the Administration of President Thomas Jefferson, which decision did the Supreme Court under Chief Justice John Marshal hand down which established the legal theory of "Judicial Review" of legislative actions of the Congress?

Marbury v. Madison

The first two operational commercial railroads were located in:

Maryland and South Carolina.

According to our authors, the "engine for colonization" in Spanish North America was _________________ .

Missions and missionaries

Though several States built canal systems in the first half of the 19th Century, the most extensive canal systems mentioned in the text were the states of ________________ and ________________.

Ohio/New York

The War of 1812 was ended by the Treaty of Ghent between the British Empire, the terms of which:

Outside of a few minor adjustments, essentially reestablished peace on the same objective terms between the British and Americans that had existed before the war.

Although Americans almost universally supported the French Revolution initially, the assumption of power by more radical French revolutionaries, combined with interference in US internal affairs by French diplomats and actions against US interests, ultimately led to:

Passage of the Alien Act The "Quasi-War" with France Passage of the Sedition Act

Which of the following countries did NOT attempt to establish a colonial presence in North America?


One major factor attracting immigrants to British North America was:

Religious liberty/toleration

During this period of United States history, slavery can be said to be __________________ .

Slavery was slowly being eliminated by emancipation policies in the northern states, was slowly being replaced in traditional tobacco-growing areas of the southern United States, while it was expanding rapidly in the Cotton-growing regions of the south.

A major multifaceted conflict that started over a pig in Virginia in 1675-1677 that encapsulated the issues of American Indian/Colonist warfare as well as the political struggle between appointed Royal authorities and local elected officials was ________________________________.

Susquehannock War

One major battle that convinced the French to join the North America colonies in their war against the British was:

The Battle of Saratoga

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government." is the preamble to ____________________.

The Declaration of Independence

The current areas around eastern New York were first explored and colonized by:

The Dutch

The war involving the British Empire, French Empire, Prussia and western German states and Spain from 1754 to 1763 was known in North America as_________________________.

The French and Indian War/ Seven Years War

A major religious movement of the mid-18th Century that impacted the religious practices of Colonial America and, according to our text, established a more informal, decentralized religious practice was subsequently known as ______________________________ .

The Great Awakening

The "Whiskey Rebellion" in western New York and Pennsylvania was caused by:

The Tax on distilled spirits, which was seen as taxation of the cash-poor western farmers in favor of eastern merchants, bankers and urban populations.

One economic impediment during the British Colonial era in North America was ________________________.

The shortage of Coinage and precious metals

The war in the Trans-Appalachian region of the so-called "Ohio Country" known as "Pontiac's War" (1761-1766) caused the British Colonial authorities to restrict settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains and served as a cause of opposition to British colonial policy in the post-1763 era.


"Shay's Rebellion" in western Massachusetts showed the structural weakness of both post-Revolutionary States governments as well as the Federal government under the Articles of Confederation in the aftermath of the Revolutionary War and was one of the incidents that led to the 1787 Constitutional Convention.


According to our text, Thomas Jefferson's victory over the Federalist incumbent John Adams is considered a victory for the concept of more direct control of the government, which was opposed by many Federalists.


According to out text, in New England, the early development of emerging textile industry was reliant on a combination of southern cotton and technology copied from British industry.


After the adoption of the United States Constitution, slaves and free blacks found their status changing due to the emergence of the contradictory impulses of the Enlightenment, local slave uprisings, as well as fears of a general slave revolt in the United States.


Alexander Hamilton, as Secretary of the Treasury, advocated successfully for the establishment of the "Bank of the United States" and reduced existing State Revolutionary War debt by over 90%.


As white/European populations expanded, and land requirements increased, longstanding alliances between whites and American Indians devolved into rivalry and open warfare.


During the first three quarters of the 18th century, political thought in British North America evolved away from the British model due to a multiplicity of factors, to include the "Great Awakening" religious revival, ideals of the Enlightenment, the writings of John Locke, and the greater dispersion of political power due to wider land ownership.


Following the Treaties of Paris and Hubertusburg in 1763, the British Parliament took a more active and direct role in colonial governance, including the implementation of direct taxes and duties, which was opposed by many North American colonists.


High School was widely established in the eastern United States in first few decades of the 19th Century as a pathway to either a college or university in the form of the "Latin" high school or a preparation for a more practical education in the form of the "English"-plan high school.


In British North America, Perpetual (generational/lifetime) negro Slavery was introduced in 1643 and expanded to cover both African slaves and their descendants, based primarily on the status of the mother, by the beginning of the 18th Century.


Prior to the 1760's, Transatlantic trade greatly enriched Britain, but it also created high standards of living for many North American colonists.


The Articles of Confederation, the original constitution for the United States, was ratified in 1781.


The British, French and Dutch all initially disapproved of Spanish methods of colonization and attempted to establish more humane relations with the American Indian populations.


The United States fought several conflicts against American Indians along the frontier (the present-day states of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois) between 1786 and 1815.


The coronation of King George III to the British throne and his installation of a "Tory" government over the "Whig" party eventually led to attempts by the Parliament to assert control over Colonial Governance and contributed to a schism between Colonial and Royal authorities as well as popular discontent in the North American colonies.


The first enduring Spanish settlements were located on Caribbean Islands prior to the Spanish conquest of the Aztec empire.


The largest killer within North American populations during the early years of European exploration and settlement, for both Native Americans and European settlers, was a combination of malnutrition and disease.


The term "Middle Passage" referred to the voyage of African slaves during their importation from Africa to the European colonies in the Americas.


Two thousand years ago, some of the largest culture groups in North America were the Puebloan groups, centered in the current-day Greater Southwest (the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico), the Mississippian groups located along the Great River and its tributaries, and the Mesoamerican groups of the areas now known as central Mexico and the Yucatán. Previous developments in agricultural technology enabled the explosive growth of the large early societies, such as that at Tenochtitlán in the Valley of Mexico, Cahokia along the Mississippi River, and in the desert oasis areas of the Greater Southwest


While both indentured servitude and slavery continued among colonial white and American Indian populations, by the 1700's African slavery had become the predominant form of forced labor in the central and southern colonies.


According to our text, after the Spanish arrival in Florida, Native populations:

Were decimated by warfare, disease, and enslavement

Educated women in the United States during this period were urged to participate in the nation's life by:

Work in mills and other manufacturing concerns that required manual dexterity and attention to detail as opposed to jobs requiring endurance and physical strength. Work in jobs such as farming, as school teachers, appointed government jobs, and small businesses such as seamstress, boarding houses and other entrepreneurial work. Improved domestic skills and focus on the home instead of outside remuneration.

One of the immediate benefits of the early 19th Century "transportation revolution" was the ability to move goods efficiently__________________________.

across the Appalachian Mountains.

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